The Astrological eMagazine August 2023

Page 11 August 2023 The AsTrologicAl emAgAzine 1 IN THIS ISSUE 02 Editor’’’’®s Note 04 Words of Wisdom 05 COVER STORY the hiddeN meaNiNgs of Zodiac sigNs Raman Suprajarama 08 MUNDANE ASTROLOGY rahu Ketu oN the PiscesVirgo axis - october 30, 2023 to may 18, 2025 Lalitha Donatella Riback 14 PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY sadesati saturN aNd dr. B. V. raman’s HoroscopE Prof. Dr. N.S. Murthy 17 TOOLS & TECHNIQUES your character iN your fiNgers N. Chandrashekar 20 PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY Nadi astrology case study: career from farm to scieNtist Dr. Nemani Venkata Raghunatha Rao 24 PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY Psychic self defeNce Kaushik V Prasad 27 VEDIC ASTROLOGY 101 Varahamihira & eVolutioN of astrology Dr. S. Archna Murthy 31 AUGUST 2023 this moNth for you 31 imPortaNt dates aNd festiVals 36 traNsit details of the suN aNd the mooN 37 PaNchaNga 38 ePhemeris 40


Dear Readers,

Greetings! Welcome Raman Jayanti August 2023 edition of The Astrological eMagazine.

Our beloved senior editor, Raman Suprajarama, imparts his profound knowledge by translating the third chapter of the sacred Brihat Parashara Hora. In this issue, he explores the fascinating science of zodiac signs and uncovers the concealed meanings associated with each one. Parashara teaches us that the key to easily expressing the results of a horoscope lies in skillfully dissecting its components into smaller fragments. Raman Suprajarama simplifies the meaning of the verses and reveals the significance of each zodiac sign.

As we fellow astrologers keep a watch on the major transits every year, a notable transit this year is that of Rahu Ketu on the Pisces-Virgo Axis. After their transit on the Aries-Libra axis, they will retrograde into the Pisces and Virgo axis, on October 30, 2023. The last time that Rahu was in Pisces, and Ketu in Virgo happened 18 years ago (2005-2006). Our revered contributor Lalitha Donatella Riback thoroughly explains the different possibilities that will take place during this rare occurrence with examples of some famous personalities having such a transit in their horoscope.

Sadesati is a 7.5 years transit of Saturn that instils fear in people’s mind. Is this true? Professor Dr. N. S. Murthy explores the effects of Sadesati Shani - astrological principles, remedies, examples, puranic references and an analysis of Dr. B.V. Raman’s horoscope in relation to Sadesati Shani.

Dr. Nemani Venkata Raghunatha Rao employs Nadi Astrology Principles in a two-part series to examine various life events of an individual who was born into an ordinary farming family but went on to achieve the esteemed position of Scientist “F” in a Government of India organization. The analysis delves into significant milestones such as education, marriage, first job, and even the birth of children.

The study of fingers encompasses their structure, shape, size, length, nails, skin patterns at the fingertips, and various other features. At times, fingers can reveal with certainty what the entire palm conceals, providing insights into a person’s hidden character and potential health conditions, among other things. Fingers hold great significance in the field of palmistry, and they are traditionally named after the planets that represent their respective qualities. N. Chandrashekar delves

into each finger, elucidating how it reflects specific characteristics and traits in an individual. If you have an interest in palmistry, this article serves as an excellent introductory guide.

In the monthly series titled “Vedic Astrology 101,” Archna Murthy continues to provide insights into the significant role played by Varahamihira. As astrologers, we greatly admire Varahamihira, the revered deity of astrology. However, it is equally important to understand who inspired Varahamihira and the valuable contributions made by his predecessors. In this article, Archna Murthy reveals lesser-known information about the prominent figures who significantly influenced the field of Jyotish Shastram before Varahamihira’s time. Join us on a historical journey of Vedic astrology, commencing from the 3rd century.

The term “psychic attack” refers to the phenomenon of energy being directed towards our subtle body, specifically our astral body. This energy projection can originate from lower astral entities like pretas or lower deities, who attempt to infiltrate the subtle bodies of humans for various purposes. One such purpose is when a person becomes the target of black magic hexing. Many astrologers frequently encounter clients who suspect they are under such hexes. This article aims to identify astrological combinations associated with these issues and provide potential remedial solutions. The author, Kaushik V Prasad, also addresses common myths and superstitions surrounding these problems. Additionally, the author presents powerful remedial measures to counteract the negative influences of any detrimental energies indicated in the horoscope.

The culmination of our magazine includes the customary monthly offerings, which entail prognostications tailored to your respective Moon sign, a comprehensive Ephemeris, and a meticulously curated Calendar for the upcoming month of August. As always, we warmly welcome your constructive thoughts and valuable feedback, and encourage you to communicate with us at info@ astrologicalmagazine. com. Your opinions and suggestions are invaluable to us as we strive towards delivering the highest quality astrological content possible. August 2023 The AsTrologicAl emAgAzine 2
Editorial Board The Astrological eMagazine

Knowledge gives salvation. Ignorance causes worldliness. The ignorant crave for worldly pleasures, which are like mirages. But the really wise will never have the least thought of them. August 2023 The AsTrologicAl emAgAzine 4
Avadhoota Datta Peethadhipati Jagadguru Parama Pujya Sri Sri Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji



Raman Suprajarama

atha raashisvaroopaadhyaayah’ .. 4..

And now the chapter describing the form and attributes of various Zodiac signs.

॥ २ ॥

yadavyaktaatmako vishnuh’ kaalarupo janaardanah’ . tasyaangaani nibodha tvam kramaanmeshaadiraashyah’ .. 2..

ahoraatrasya poorvaantyalopaad horaa’vashishyate . tasya vijnyaanamaatrena jaatakarmaphalam vadet .. 1..

By truncating the beginning and ending of the term “Ahoratra,” the word “Hora” is derived. Through a meticulous examination of the scientific facets associated with this concept, one can effortlessly articulate the outcomes depicted within the horoscope.


The term “Aho” signifies the daytime, while “Ratra” or “Ratri” represents the nighttime. When these two components are combined, the term “Ahoratra” encompasses the entirety of a day, including both day and night. Within this complete day, smaller segments are referred to as “Hora.” The term “Hora” is derived by removing the initial portion of “Aho” and the final portion of “Ratra,” resulting in the combination of the remaining elements, “Ho” and “Ra,” forming the word “Hora.”

Parashara strategically introduces this concept at the outset for a reason. The significance of this derivation lies in the fact that “Hora” represents a specific unit of time within the broader framework of a day. It provides a means for a more focused scrutiny of time, thereby enabling astrologers and practitioners to meticulously analyze and interpret the influences exerted by planetary positions, zodiac signs, transits, and other astrological factors. Parashara teaches us that the key to articulating the outcomes of a horoscope with ease lies in the adept dissection of its components into smaller fragments. It is through this process of deconstructing the horoscope into smaller puzzle pieces and comprehending the significance of each combination that one can effortlessly express the implications held within the horoscope. By slicing and dicing the elements into smaller parts and diligently deciphering their meanings, one gains the ability to articulate the outcomes of the horoscope with clarity and accuracy.

The unmanifested soul, known as Vishnu, takes on the name Janaardhana when it manifests as time. I shall impart knowledge regarding the distinct limbs or faculties of Janardana that become linked with the various Zodiac signs, commencing with Mesha (Aries) and progressing in a systematic and sequential manner.


Parashara imparts the knowledge that Vishnu, the Paramatmamsa, manifests as Janaardhana within the realm of time. But what does this truly signify? The term “Janaardhana” originates from two words - “Jana,” meaning mankind, and “Ardhana,” meaning worship. Thus, Janaardhana denotes that which mankind worships. However, is it the conventional deities like Rama, Krishna, Jesus, or Allah whom mankind worships? No. Ultimately, humanity worships the one who can liberate them from the clutches of death. But who possesses the power to grant liberation from death? Only the immortal, the “Chiranjeevi,” holds that ability.

Scriptures mention nine such immortal beings known as Chiranjeevis: Vyasa, Jambavan, Hanuman, Parashurama, Vibhishana, Ashwatthama, Mahabali, Kripa, and Markandeya. Does this mean that mankind should worship any one of these beings? Parashara takes a pragmatic approach. He recognizes the fact that many individuals have not encountered these Chiranjeevis, rendering them unattainable as gods of worship. So, who then should be worshipped?

Parashara concludes that there is one immortal entity that every single human being has encountered, and that is time. Thus, the only immortal entity that humans can truly worship is time itself. Time holds the potential to aid humanity in transcending the boundaries of mortality and overcoming death. Therefore, humans revere time as the ultimate force that can potentially liberate them from the cycle of life and death. August 2023 The AsTrologicAl emAgAzine 5
अथ राशिस्वरूपाध्ा्ः ॥ ४ ॥
अहोरात्रस् प्वावान्त्लोपाद होराऽ्वशिष्ते । तस् श्वज्ानमात्रेण जातकमवाफल ्वदेत ॥ १ ॥
शनबोध ्त्व
्दव्क्ा्तमको श्वषणः कालरुपो जनादवानः । तस्ाङगाशन


RaHU KETU ON THE PIScES-VIRgO axISOcTObER 30, 2023 TO MaY 18, 2025

Lalitha Donatella Riback

Lalitha Donatella Riback holds a B.A. in Vedic arts and science from the Academy of Vedic Art and Science, and certifications as a yoga teacher, Reiki master, and Ayurveda consultant, and an advanced certification in DNA Astrology from AstroVed. Lalitha has been a professional Vedic astrologer for 11 years.

After living in India for five years, she wrote a book on Vedic astrology and spiritual transformation, Bliss Lab: How the Ancient Yogis Acquired Supernormal Powers and How You Can Too, #1 in Amazon New Releases in Eastern Astrology and #2 in Astrology. Lalitha is the founder of Shreem Lab, where she’s a life coach and Vedic astrologer helping people achieve more success and spiritual growth based on their horoscopes. You can contact her at info@shreemlab com

According to the Vishnu Purana, at the time of the Samudra Kantam, when the Devas (the divine beings) and Asuras (the demonic beings) were churning the milky ocean of total potentiality, the amrit or the nectar of immortality emerged from the ocean.

At that point the Devas decided to allow only the Gods to share the amrit and become immortal.

But a demon called Swarbhanu disguised himself as a Deva, took possession of the nectar, drank it, and became immortal.

Seeing the demon’s transformation as a threat to the well-being of the human race, the Sun and the Moon alerted Lord Vishnu. He promptly threw his discus and cut the demon into two pieces, both of which became two distinct immortal beings—the head Rahu, and the body Ketu.

And while Rahu and Ketu’s immortal status granted them celestial qualities among the Navagraha (the nine Vedic planets) their innate demonic characteristics could still cause confusion, diseases, hardships, bad choices, immense desires, and neglect of one’s duties. Hence, a deep split and fragmentation occurred in the human consciousness, as Rahu and Ketu became the invisible ascending and descending lunar nodes on the ecliptic. It’s at these mathematical points that the eclipses of the Sun and the Moon occur.

The light of the two luminaries, Sun and Moon, favors life, sustenance, intelligence, divinity, and pure

consciousness. So even a temporary loss of light during the eclipses can potentially open portals for dark forces and negativity.

The great ancient rishis warned us about the subtle and physical consequences of the eclipses on crops, rain, countries, rulers, and people’s lives.

So while the planets and celestial forces influence our consciousness and make life possible on Earth, the grahanas or eclipses caused by Rahu and Ketu lead to massive changes in both the collective consciousness and world affairs.

The north lunar node Rahu and the south lunar node Ketu are always 180 degrees apart, and move counterclockwise into new signs every 18 months. After their transit on the Aries-Libra axis, they will retrograde into the Pisces and Virgo axis, on October 30, 2023.

The last time that Rahu was in Pisces, and Ketu in Virgo happened 18 years ago (2005-2006).

Some World Events in 2005 - 2006

1. The Katrina Hurricane flooded and destroyed 80% of the city of New Orleans, in which almost two thousand died, millions of people across two states of the USA lost electricity and phones, and highways became inoperable. Later, New Orleans lost half its population as people permanently fled the city. August 2023 The AsTrologicAl emAgAzine 8





Prof. Dr. N.S. Murthy

Prof. N.S. Murthy with doctorates in Vasthu, Medical Astrology and Alternative Medicine, has received innumerable awards such as Vaasthu Brahmarishi, Jyotisha Jyanacharya, Jyotisha Maha Mohapadhyaya, Man of the Year 2009, Vaasthu Diggaja, Great Astrologer of Asia 2008, Jyotisha Vidya Vachaspathi, Man of the Year 2007, Jyotisha Shastra Bruhaspathi, Vaasthu Jnana Vishwakarma, Jyotisha Padmashree, Vaasthu Gnana Brahma, Jyotisha Visharada, Vaasthu Shilpa Praveena, Jyotisha Guru, Vaasthu Nidhi, Jyotisha Kalamani, Vaasthu Alankara, Jyotisha Samrat. He is the Secretary of Astro Science & Heritage Research Council, South Zone, Karnataka.


Sadesati Shani is a period of 7.5 years of Transit Shani period. Shani stays in one Rasi for 2.5 years. When Shani transits 12th from Chandra (Janma Rasi) in a horoscope then, it denotes the start of Sadesati period. This is the first leg of Sadesati Shani for 2.5 years. When Shani transits on Chandra i.e. Janma Rasi then, this is the second leg of Sadesati Shani for 2.5 years. When Shani transits 2nd from Chandra (Janma Rasi) then this is the last leg of Sadesati Shani for 2.5 years. [Another school of thought indicates that the Shani Kaata should also be considered from Janma Lagna, Surya Lagna and Chandra Lagna.]

Sadesati Shani is also called Elnaatu Shani or Shani Kaata. People fear the 7.5 years of transit Shani period. This period occurs once in 30 years of an individual’s life. First Cycle of Sadesati Shani occurs in 30 Years of the Native. The Second Cycle occurs in 60 Years of the Native. The Third Cycle occurs in 90 Years of the Native. In case, the native was born with Shani Kaata, then the Second Cycle for this individual will be in 30 Years and Third Cycle will be in 60 Years.

The First Cycle of Sadesati Shani indicates sorrow, difficulties obstacles and unhappiness in life. The Second Cycle gives good and favourable result. The Third Cycle indicates the end of the native’s life. Hence, usually a person goes through 3 cycles of Sadesati Shani in one’s life. But, in case the native has Dheerga Ayushya Yoga then even after third cycle, the native will survive. Such an example of Deergha Ayushya Yoga and other such benefic yogas, an unusual case of 4 cycles of Sadesati Shani is seen in none other than our beloved Dr. B.V Raman’s horoscope which is provided at the end of this article.

In this article, we will understand the Sadesati Shani effects through stories from Puranas, Astrology dictums and remedies, examples and the analysis of Dr. B.V Raman’s horoscope with respect to Sadesati Shani

Unlucky Fourteen and their Stories:

Do you know how many great people suffered the bad effect of Sadesati ? They are the unlucky fourteen.

1. Shani’s Father Surya 8. King Sathya Harischandra

2. King Vikramaditya 9. King Devendra

3. Shani’s Guru 10. Chandra Graha

4. Lord Shiva 11. Maharishi Vasista

5. Lankadipathy Ravana 12. Rishi Parashara

6. Lord Krishna 13. Pandava Vanavasa

7. King Nala 14. Down fall of Kauravas

Here are their experiences during the Sadesati period in their life -

1. Shani’s father, Surya : As soon as Shani was born, his gaze fell on his father and caused a skin disease called Vitiligo. His next gaze fell on his charioteer who fell and broke his thigh and the seven horses lost their sight. After Shani’s aspect was removed, Surya’s skin cleared, his charioteer’s bone healed, and his horses regained sight.

2. King Vikramaditya: The king lost his kingdom, was falsely accused of the theft of pearl necklace, lost his hands and legs and worked as a slave in an oil presser.

3. Shani’s bad effect on his Guru: His Guru was carrying two watermelons on his shoulder which turned out to be the heads of a King and the Minister’s Son. August 2023 The AsTrologicAl emAgAzine 14


N. Chandrashekar, Ph.D., D. Litt., is into Astro-Palmistry and Gems for the last 50+ years and has presented and published about 125 articles from “Spirituality” to “Sexuality” pertaining to Astro-Gemmology by working with 52 publications around the globe. He is widely appreciated for his contributions of more than 50,000 counselling sessions globally. His work is recognized by 33 educational bodies across the globe. He was a special invitee for the Discourse on Hindu Palmistry at England during 1985. He has conducted popular international shows on “Hands of Celebrities” at star centers and locations. He was presented with “Astrological Lifetime Achievement Award” by International Astrology Federation, INC - USA in 2021.

In the realms of Palmistry, the fingers are very important for various reasons. The development of fingers during various phases of growth and evolution of humankind is a study in itself and fingers are of more importance as the index of human species in existence is an indisputable fact. Palmistry has both protagonists and antagonists alike. But, palmists over the past centuries have been saying that the shape of the fingers and the hands give an insight into the heredity, character, disposition or temperament of the individual. So, palmists say “fingers expose your character” - and Hastha-Samudrika-Shastra says “Character is Destiny”. Western philosophy says “World loves talent, but pays for character”. So, both oriental and occidental philosophies emphasize the importance of character in their own ways and that character is revealed by Fingers.

The study of Fingers involves its structure, shape, size, length, nails, skin patterns in the tips of fingers and many more features. Sometimes, fingers can really tell what the whole palm hides with certainty about the hidden character and the hidden diseases of the person and more. Fingers are the most important assets of palmistry Traditionally, fingers are named after the planets representing their nature. We consider each finger separately.

The first finger is the finger of Jupiter or index finger.

The second finger is the finger of Saturn or middle finger.

The third finger is the finger of Apollo/Sun or the ring finger.

The fourth finger is the finger of Mercury or the little finger.

The Finger of Jupiter: This finger represents the conscious “I” - the ego - Seat of egotism and ambitions of the person, here Jupiter or Brihaspathi is known as guru representing pride, dignity, ambition, commanding nature or authoritative gesture of a person. People with long Jupiter finger are intelligent with sense of reality, have enough talent and energy to support their ambitions which leads to realization of their ambitions to a large extent, because they know very clearly their ambitions without the support of required energy and talent is daydreaming.

People with short Jupiter finger (shorter than the Apollo finger) are sensitive and they are very emotional whose feelings dominate their lives than their thoughts. They have a weakness for self-praise and flattery. Any deformity of Jupiter finger is an indication of poor digestion along with breathing problems.

The Finger of Saturn: This finger represents a person’s philosophy of his life, it is the balancing wheel which puts self-centeredness in relation to the world around and in relation to universe. Here Saturn or Shani representing loneliness, maturity of thoughts, deep thinking, looking for insights, in the things around, failed love affairs leading to mild disturbances, interest in decoding the formulas of occult sciences for better understanding.

The person with long Saturn finger has poor and weak legs but is mentally balanced person.

Deformed Saturn finger represents depression, withdrawn from worldly activity or society.

Short Saturn fingers create confusion, inner conflicts, indecisiveness and call themselves unlucky but not others. August 2023 The AsTrologicAl emAgAzine 17




Dr. S. Archna Murthy is an Astrology Consultant with a PhD (Astrology), M.A (Astrology), M.A Bridge (Astrology in Sanskrit), M.B.A (Singapore), Kovida (Sanskrit) & 18 years of Corporate Experience. She also spreads awareness about Astrology through her YouTube channel ‘Jyotish Shastrm (AstroScience) - Our Legacy’ (57 videos).

Who inspired Varahamihira?

Welcome to this monthly series where you will learn the fundamentals of Astrology in a structured manner. In the previous month’s issue of The Astrological eMagazine (July 2023), Varahamihira’s contribution and the evolution of Vedic Astrology over centuries was covered. We saw that Varahamihira compiled the works of his predecessors. Who were his predecessors and what was their contribution?

In this article, we will focus on key personalities whose contribution to Jyotish Shastram was in the period before Varahamihira. In the history of Vedic Astrology, we make a clear distinction i.e., Pre Varahamihira and Post Varahamihira period.


Why is Varahamihira important? His period is a milestone in Vedic Astrology. He extracted the summary of the previous Astrologers and invented new methodology in Astrology. He specifically mentions a few key personalities who inspired his works. As ardent learners & followers of Jyotish Shastram, we should at least recognize & acknowledge their valuable contribution.

So, in this article, let’s look at Varahamihira’s predecessors & see their work.

But we know that their contribution was significant as it is noted in Varahamihira’s works.

For people who haven’t heard of Varahamihira, he is considered the Father of Modern Jyotish Shastram. Hence, whoever inspired his work also become equally significant.

These 8 important people have contributed more towards the Predictive aspect of Vedic Astrology which is also called Phalitha Jyotisham. They have given us principles on how to predict your life through horoscope.

Here, we learn about 8 people - Chanakya, Badarayana, Devaswamy, Sidhasena, Jeevasarma, Satyacharya, Manitha & Sphujidhvaja who inspired Varahamihira. Unfortunately, most of their works aren’t available now.


300 BCE

6th Century 1st CE

We start with Vishnu Gupta. He is from the 3rd Century BCE. He is widely known as Chanakya or Kautalya from Pataliputra i.e., modern day Patna. He actually needs no introduction as we all know him as the clever Prime Minister & Mentor or Guru for Chandragupta Maurya.

Why was he called Chanakya?

Vishnu Gupta was the son of Rishi Chanak hence, the name Chanakya. Kautalya was his pen name. He used August 2023 The AsTrologicAl emAgAzine 27
6th Century
Arithmetic /Siddhantha Predictive/Phala
Vishnu Gupta (Chanakya)
Hora Samhitha Varahamihira


The Sun enters Leo on 16th. Mercury in Leo becomes retrograde on 25th. Mars enters Virgo on 16th. Jupiter in Aries. Venus in retrograde Leo and enters retrograde Cancer on 9th. Saturn in retrograde Aquarius. Rahu and Ketu remain in Aries and Libra respectively.

Mars from 16th, Venus and Saturn are favourable.

Professionals should not be impatient in awaiting results for their efforts. Substantial efforts will be essential to achieve your goals. It might be a good idea to stay focused on your objectives and avoid distractions to the extent possible. You will be able to get some results but may not be to the expectation of your peers and seniors. Sustained efforts will be essential. Constant upgradation of your skills can help you in the long run. Business activities are likely to keep you occupied and you will have to be patient as results might not be immediate. Financial prudence will be essential, and it is best to avoid any unwanted expenses. Health will be normal. Take precautions to avoid any infections. There can be some domestic trouble on account of relatives. It is best to keep a low profile and avoid any confrontation with them. It is important that you keep a check on your temperament as it can add to your troubles. Youngsters will have to pay extra attention to their schedule and plan their timelines well in advance. A strict vigil on time management will be essential.

Aswini: There can be some professional setback if you are not watchful. Be cautious on possible financial losses and it is important that you do not speculate. Domestic matters will be tolerably good.

Bharani: There will be substantial progress for professionals if you can stay vigilant and be persistent in your efforts. Support from associates will be forthcoming. Domestic matters are likely to cause some hardship.

Krittika 1: Professionals should be careful not to act in haste. There can be delays and obstacles that should be handled with tact. Domestic matters are likely to take away your time.

Sun till 16th, Mercury, Venus and Ketu are favourable. Professionals will be able to see progress in achieving their goals and scale new heights with some sincere efforts. There might be a need to rework your schedule and be agile to accommodate new challenges. You might have to take the help of seniors and specialists on certain important matters. Avoid the tendency to be carried away by false promises and use a holistic approach to resolve issues. A new assignment is likely to keep you busy and might require learning new techniques. Business professionals should not lose focus of their goals as diversions can be galore. Financial gains are possible if you can keep a check on unwanted expenses. Health can be troublesome if you are not careful. Those of you with co-morbidities should take extra precautions. Despite some minor domestic trouble, you will be able to make some progress. There can be a tendency to overreact to situations that should be kept under check. Your aggressive stance on specific matters might need a revisit. Youngsters can do well and meet their goals if they can stay away from the tendency to deviate from the prescribed norms.

Krittika 2,3,4: There can be matters at the workplace that will require your undivided attention. Disputes and controversies are best avoided. Financial matters will require special attention.

Rohini: There can be progress on the domestic front. There can be a busy time at the workplace. Try to rework your priorities and be vigilant about meeting your timelines.

Mrigasira 1,2: There can be substantial efforts required to see progress on the professional front. Keep a watch on unwanted expenses. Domestic matters are likely to cause some hardship. August 2023 The AsTrologicAl emAgAzine 31
201 D, Sarathy Apartments, No. 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560003. Web :; Email :

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