2018 NEWS
Opening the Door On June 21, 2004, Angel’s House opened it's doors to provide a safe home for children who had no other place to go. We will celebrate 15 years of our doors being open on June 21, 2019! In those 15 years, we have served over 250 children, many who have been able to excel despite their circumstances. We are proud of our staff, and the ministry that they provide daily to our “Angels” that allows these girls to create their own story. It’s amazing what can happen once you open the door. Brittany E. One of the benefits of ministering to children since 2004 is getting to watch our residents from years past grow into successful young adults and celebrate great milestones in their education, careers, and families. We have been especially blessed to see Brittany complete high school, earn her Bachelor of Arts degree from Armstrong University and her Master of Science degree from Mercer University. Most recently she was accepted to Mercer University Medical School and began class in August 2018.
The Bell Sisters We are so proud of Angela and Alexis for graduating high school with honors and pursuing their dreams in higher education. With the support and encouragement of the Angel’s House Staff, in August 2018 Alexis started her freshman year as a Gate Scholar at Berry College in Rome, GA. and Angela started the Year Up program in Atlanta taking courses in information technology and preparing for an internship in IT support. You are invited to join our Angel’s House Foundation Circle. To become a member of this special group, contact Anne Smith at anne@higginsandsmith.com or 678-953-1859.
Our 2018 Newnan High School Color Guard "Angel" Our “Angel” is one of our most determined young ladies. She works hard, takes honors classes, makes straight A’s, and participates in FCA. On top of this challenging schedule she is meeting the rigorous demands of being a part of the Newnan High School Color Guard. Color Guard requires a lot from her as well as the Angel’s House staff in regards to time, transportation, scheduling, and expenses. Fortunately, we have great community and educational support that enables us to make sure that she has everything she needs. Witnessing the tremendous growth in her determination and self-confidence, makes it all worth it! In This Issue:
A Day In The Life President’s Message; VIPs Activities Outside Our Doors You Make It Happen Giving Highlights Christmas Blessings 2019 Run for Angels & Chicken Q Foundation Circle Members Honors and Memorials Needs & Wishes Why Do They Give
2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 17 19 20
Angel’s House provides a safe, nurturing home for teen girls in crisis. Some are removed from their homes and placed in DFCS custody because of abuse, neglect or risky behaviors. Some are transitioning between foster homes or are faced with other circumstances that require immediate assistance. The girls who come through our doors receive the shelter, structure, and care they need to maximize their potential for success. Our girls may stay for a night or several months, and thanks to your help we are able to secure their safety and well-being by providing a sense of family that lasts a lifetime.
Angel's House: A Day In the Life Angel’s House is just a building until you add the people to it! The Direct Care staff who “parent” the girls live on-site. The office staff team and our board members strive to make this house a home to the girls who join our family. Like all families we have our good days and our not so good days. A typical day in the life of the girls starts as they get up and get ready for school, have a quick breakfast while completing the morning routine and rushing out the door to catch the bus. After a full day of school, they ride the bus home, have a quick break and snack, then start study time or tutoring. We eat dinner as a family which includes a family devotion time. Then depending on the day, we may do laundry, have therapy, visit with a caseworker or CASA. During free time to watch TV, play Xbox or Wii, play board games, hang out with each other or just relax in our room. Then it’s snack time and bedtime, with the next day doing it all over again! Weekends are different: on Saturday we get to sleep in depending on the activity for the day (most of our activities are due to donations made by people in our community – THANK YOU!); on Sunday we attend church, go out to lunch, then have a relaxing day at home to catch up on sleep, homework, or just hang out. Occasionally, we also spend time monitoring, documenting, and sorting out typical teenage drama. When the girls are all settled in for the night, staff takes time to rest and regroup for the next day! - Becky Parish, Angel’s House Program Director
Angel’s House Staff We are blessed with a staff team with many years of experience at both Angel’s House and with Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries (GBCHFM).
2018 Board of Directors Kelley Welden, President Cortney Lyle, Vice President Anne Smith, Treasurer Kate Goodson, Secretary Lori Lovett 2018-19 Run for Angels Co-Chair Elizabeth Williams 2018-19 Run for Angels Co-Chair Danny Beck Barbara Chandler Edie Eldridge Carol Hamlin Lana Mobley Beth Quick Stephanie Searcy Tonya Whitlock Kim Wise Advisory Board: Marla Brandenburg LouAnne Connell Val Cranford Bambi Edge Debi Fuchs Jill McKnight Ann Phillips Colleen Sprayberry
Program Coordinator, Becky Parish (left) 11 years at Angels House/29 years at GBCHFM Administrative Assistant, Kaye Todd (right) 8 years at Angels House/10 years at GBCHFM Direct Care Staff, Erik and Angela Vielhaber 9 years at Angels House/13 years at GBCHFM. We are currently searching for two additional Direct Care Staff to join our team. Each member of this Angel’s House team knows this is ministry that God has called them to and continues to hold them through. Our staff theme verse:
Please Be An Angel! Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries, Inc. is contracted by the Angel’s House board and oversees the day to day operations of the home. They provide our outstanding administrators and our loving house parents. The current annual budget to keep Angel’s House operational is over $430,000. The stipends received from the state work to offset these expenses, but we are extremely dependent on monetary and in-kind donations. Monetary donations in any amount are appreciated. Gift cards enable the girls to select their own clothing and toiletry items. Gift cards from restaurants, movie theatres, etc. enable the children to enjoy special outings. Donations may be sent to PO Box 657, Newnan Georgia 30264.
Wh ate ver you do, work at it with a ll your h e art, as working for th e Lord, not for human masters - Colossians 3:23
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
President’s Message pening a door can make all the difference. As of June 21, 2019, the doors to Angel’s House will have been opened for 15 years! Because of our doors being opened, we have had the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of over 250 children. These doors would have never been opened if it weren’t for the outpouring of love and support from YOU. Many of you have visited us at Angel’s House, and know what we look like behind our front door. For those of you who have not had the chance to visit, I want to take a minute to try and describe this very special place. One of the first things you will notice over the front door is a large wooden angel. A visible reminder that each child seeking shelter in our facility is surrounded by “heavenly and earthly angels”. Once inside the front door, you enter a large and inviting great room. There are inspirational quotes, TVs, sofas with comfy pillows – a place to hang out and relax. Our dining room table sits in this room and our table was made especially for us. This special table seats up to 12 people – so everyone can sit down and enjoy their meals together. There are chore charts, bible verses, art work, and memorabilia from those who have supported us along the way adorning the walls. There are eight bedrooms that accommodate up to 10 girls, each uniquely designed and decorated by volunteers. There is a craft room, game room, and a place to study and work with our tutors. There is love, support, and guidance from an amazing staff that these girls come to know as family while they are with us at Angel’s House. There are numerous supporters who give of their time, talents, and gifts in order for us to continue to be able to keep our doors open. While our name is Angel’s House, it is very much a home. This newsletter is meant to highlight many of our “Angels” and their successes, as well as some of our supporters who stand with us along this journey. Great and small, all of us working together can make a difference in the lives of those in our community. While our “Angels” may have arrived to us with broken wings, many are able to leave through our front door much better equipped to spread their wings and fly. Thank you for helping us keep our doors open, but more importantly helping to equip these girls with the ability to fly on their own. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. - Revelations 3:20 - Kelley C. Welden, Angel’s House Board President
Congratulations to our VIPs! This was a fun picture taken on an educational outing this summer but it truly is one of those “a picture worth a thousand words” to Angel’s House! Mr. & Mrs. Vielhaber (The Vs), are the foundation and support for the girls who live at Angel’s House (the present, the past, and the future). The Vs have been with Angel’s House since December 2009 and with Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries, Inc. (GBCH&FM) since November 2005. That’s touching, impacting, and ministering to 147 girls for 26,068 Days of Care! GBCH&FM has an award for employees called Valuable Impact in Performance - The Vs were the quarterly winners for the Meansville Division for July-September 2018 but we know they’ve been VIPs for years!
Walk in the door of Angel's House and the girls are welcomed into a large and inviting great room with inspirational quotes, TVs, sofas with comfy pillows – a place to hang out and relax.
Care provided at Angel's House since opening in June 2004 through October 31, 2018: Number of Children: Days of Care: Male: Female: Children from Coweta County (33 others counties in Georgia) Average Days Stayed:
257 34,396 33 224 63% 135
(Current Average: 353 ~ Longest: 1,240 Days)
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Outside Our Door Angel’s House has been blessed with an amazing donor that understands the benefit our “Angels” gain by going outside the doors of Angel’s House and being able to experience activities that many of our children do not think twice about doing. The support we have in our community is incredible, and we are only able to provide these experiences because of YOUR generosity. Evelyn R. Jones “I grew-up in a secure home and as I grow older, I understand how important those years were to me. Angel’s House has become the secure home for girls who are in great need. They are surrounded by a loving and caring staff in a stable environment. It gives me great pleasure to be a small of part of this loving home.” Over the past several years, Evelyn has not only sponsored our Run for Angels, she has specifically invested in our Angels by establishing an education fund to be used for field trips, activities and experiences which support their learning.
Evelyn R. Jones (left) hosted a Chicken Q luncheon for friends on the day of our Annual Run for Angels & Chicken Q February 3, 2018. Thank you for your Angel Heart and generosity.
Summer 2018
We always try and make summer special for our Angels. Prior to coming to Angel’s House, our girls typically have not had the opportunity to participate in many educational field trips due to financial constraints, unreliable transportation, and regularly changing schools. Thanks to the educational fund established by Evelyn R. Jones, the girls had an amazing summer filled with enriching outings and activities. We were able to give the girls many first time experiences and capitalize on some great teachable moments through trips to the circus, Warm Springs Fish Hatchery, Ruby Falls, Rock City, Lookout Mountain, Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary, educational films, Veterans Memorial Park, college tours, Gwinnett Braves, Bartow History Museum, Tellus Science Museum, Coweta Library Summer Reading Program and end of summer party, Georgia National Cemetery, and Browns Mill Battlefield. Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Camp Southern Ground Many of us have fond childhood memories of summer camp. Thanks to the generous gift of scholarships from Camp Southern Ground, each of our girls participated in a week-long overnight summer camp this summer. This was a first-time experience for all of our girls and they all came back beaming with pride and excitement. The girls participated in a week packed with fun and educational activities such as Archery, Arts and Crafts, Gardening, Cooking, Ropes Course, Water Games, Team Building Activities, a Dance Party, and most importantly they learned that LOVE is the remedy.
Nixon Centre for Performing and Visual Arts Musical Theatre Camp After a great experience last summer, the Donald W. Nixon Centre for Performing and Visual Arts once again generously donated scholarships for our rising 6th-9th grade residents to participate in their week-long musical theater camp. Each of the girls auditioned for a part in the performance and had to memorize lines, musical numbers, and dance routines for a final performance which was open to the public. The girls worked hard, were stretched mentally and socially, and were so proud to be able to perform in front of an audience and the Angel’s House staff team. It was a great night watching each girl scan the crowd until they found us and flash a big smile. In fact, one of the girls broke character so she could smile and wave. They were proud of themselves and we were proud of them.
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Happenings Around Angel’s House The girls, staff, and Board would like to thank each of you for your continued support and dedication that makes Angel’s House not just survive but thrive! We never take for granted the everyday, on-going, and life-changing happenings around Angel’s House. Just the saying the words “Thank You” fails to fully communicate how grateful we are! Angel’s House cannot function without the continued love and support from our donors, sponsors and supporters! THANK YOU! RESTAURANTS:
Panera Bread, Sprayberry’s The Mad Mexican, Texas Roadhouse and Huddle House Discounts at Golden Corral, and Kentucky Fried Chicken
from Resurrection Lutheran Church
Jennifer Sesmas Sania Elshorbgy Marie Powell, A Mitchell Powell Library Humanitarian Services of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Headboards for girls’ beds
SERVICES: O’Callaghan Heating & Air SOS – Standard Office Systems Dr. Robert Whipple IV & Pediatric Associates of Newnan Dr. Walter Stewart My Kidz Dentist Summit YMCA Binion Tire Company Great Clips Arleshia Russell Unity Baptist Church Midwest Food Bank Carl McKnight & Crew
MISC. DONATIONS: LifePoint Church - Cartersville Erik & Angela Vielhaber Charlie & Shelly Farmer Lisa DiGiovanni Beta Sigma Phi–Laureate Roe
VALENTINES: Cornerstone United Methodist Pre-School - Hand-made Valentines Children’s Department Central Baptist Church - Dr. Ravina Kadam Newnan Presbyterian Church Pam Marett Jefferson
EASTER: Girl Scout Troop #11320 Kenny & Jennifer Schmidt Bill & Sue Loftin
BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES: Bacho Family/Abby’s Angels Foundation
CLOTHING: Bloom Closet, Janice Simonian, Community Brickworks, Brenda Dozier, Alexandra Adams, Liberty New, Doris Leaks, Rob & Molly Duram, Amber Crawford
David & Elaine Thompson Newnan Junior Service League Sheila Scott - Hygiene for Humanity Home2Suites by Hilton BIRTHDAYS: Cher Matthew Gary & Ann Stallings Sky Ferguson & UWG Classes GBCH&FM Trustees: Rev. & Mrs. Larry Bigfoot Cycles Montgomery and Sue Lofton Ginny Gibson SCHOOLS: Oakgrove Baptist Church Newnan High School Bridging the Gap Smokey Road Middle School Klaudia Valdez Winston Dowdell Academy Carolyn Alexander Coweta County School System Personnel Kathryn Rosser TUTORS: C Saye Samantha Allen, Karin Gordon Smith Brown Group - Crossroads Church Elizabeth Lozano, Liberty New Lindsay Bowets
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
FOOD GIFTS: Small Cakes, Chrissy Chapman, Sania Elshorbgy, Erin Cook, Unity Baptist Youth, LDS Church family, Mary Gholson, Emily and Marina Walker, Brenda Welden, Buddy Drake, Keller Williams Realty - Costco Shopping Trip Cheryl Morgan, Bill & Diane Hautt
ACTIVITIES: Deanna Campbell - Arts, Crafts & pizza Corner Arts Gallery - Painting The Donald W. Nixon Centre for Performing and Visual Arts Performance tickets & Summer Camp for High School Musical, Jr. Erik & Angela Vielhaber - Winter Jam tickets, Gwinnett Braves Game, Back to School Shoes, Meals, Old Navy outfit, Nails Charlie & Shelly Farmer - Numerous dinner donations and outings Becky Parish - Good Friday Concert Tickets and Parking Passes Women of Wisdom Group - Pizza Party & Talk-time Gwinnett Stripers - Box Seats for game
You Make It Happen! ACTIVITIES CONTINUED: Barnes & Noble - Boxes of Books
Unity Baptist Church - Big Daddy Weave & Bandon Heath Concert Tickets
Quynh & Sovi Wellons - Baking and Games Andretti Indoor Karting and Games (Samantha LaMagna) - Arcade Games, Go Jerry, Karen and Trenton Allen Karts, Lazar Tag, Ropes Course, Tickets, & Pizza Cookout Dinner and Games Dwight Swanson - Circus Tickets Brenda Harris - Tour of Bartow History Museum with goodie bags & souvenirs
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Camp Southern Ground Becka Martin coordinator Young Adult Sunday School Class at Providence Baptist Church - Gift cards Logos Ranch - The Payton Family: Western Family Fun Day with activities
Giving Highlights Panasonic’s Charities Committee
Angel’s House was selected as a recipient of Panasonic’s Charities Committee gift. Committee members presented the check to Angel’s House Board members Kelley Welden & Cortney Lyle during a ceremony at Panasonic in Peachtree City, GA. It was an honor to be selected for this generous gift. Thank you, Panasonic Charities!
Kiwanis Club of Newnan
Each year the Kiwanis Club of Newnan brings the Fair to Coweta County. The proceeds from the fair go back into the community through their Grant program. We are grateful to be a recipient and thankful for their many years of support. Above: Grant recipeints. Left: Kelley and her daughter gratefully thank the Kiwanis Club of Newnan at the check presentation event.
Mr. Personality Newnan's Mr. Personality presents a $500 check from the proceeds of his 2018 calendar sales to Kelley Welden, Angel's House Board President. Thank you for your support of all things Newnan! Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Yamaha Good Friday Golf Tournament at White Oak benefitting Angel's House This is the second year that Yamaha has supported Angel’s House through their Good Friday Golf Tournament. Thank you to everyone on the Event Team for organizing a wonderfully fun event. Thank you to the Hole Sponsors, and to Yamaha for matching the donations raised at the tournament.
Resurrection Lutheran Church Mother Daughter Tea A lovely English tea/luncheon was held on May 5th at the Resurrection Lutheran Church. Angel's House Board member Colleen Sprayberry was in attendance to give an overview of Angel's House and to express how the community is such a tremendous part of the success of Angel's House. The ladies of the church presented Colleen with a most generous check to help Angel's House with needed supplies.
Angel's House board members Elizabeth Williams and Kelley Welden along with Angel's House administrative assistant Kaye Todd were delighted to attend the tournament and honored to accept a check from Yamaha. Elizabeth and Kelley show off the Yamaha sport vehicle awarded to anyone who made a hole in one on the 9th hole.
100 Women Who Care Founded October 2017, 100 Women Who Care of Coweta County is a group of 100 local women with the mission of donating $40,000 per year to local non-profits. The group chooses a new local non-profit every quarter to receive $10,000. Angel’s House was chosen in Spring 2018. Thank you for your generous donation! 9
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
2017 Christmas Blessings! We saw His star and have come to worship Him This verse from Matthew 2:2 was the theme of our 2017 Christmas season and Christmas thank you cards (donated by Minute Man Press). In the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping, gift-wrapping, and last minute preparation, we sometimes get overwhelmed and forget the true meaning of Christmas… to see and worship Him. It thrilled our hearts to overhear the conversation of a sometimes cynical teenager telling a new resident “just wait til Christmas! Our house is like nothing you’ve ever seen before and our presents are nothing like you’ve ever received before. We hear all about Jesus and how He came and how much He loves us no matter what. Plus, we get to do so many fun things to celebrate His day.” She got Christmas right -- we see, we worship, and we share with others. When the girls see that someone loves them enough to buy a present or donate an activity for them, it makes all the crazy preparations worthwhile!
Christmas starts in October and the last thank you note is mailed in January so it truly is a holiday season! All those days are not possible without the love and support from our community (and staff) and their desire to give each girl in our home a Christmas in which she can see His star and come worship Him. Just like every family, Angel’s House has some wonderful Christmas traditions. It starts with making Christmas lists, sharing them with our sponsors, and receiving and wrapping them downstairs in Santa’s workshop. Thanksgiving weekend after a time of celebration and thankfulness. We make a trip to Smith’s Choose and Cut Christmas Tree Farm in Fayetteville to pick out our Christmas Tree, which is usually a first for all our girls. By the end of the weekend, our home is filled with Christmas spirit including the tree, the Nativity, a Christmas village, stockings, and more snowmen and reindeers than any house should ever have! The decorating is followed by our annual attendance at the New Hope Tree in Fayetteville which offers an evening of reflection and hearing the Greatest Story ever told! Another beloved annual Christmas event is our evening with our long-time supporters Gary and Ann Stallings. Their gift of dinner and presents, along with all their support throughout the year are such a blessing!
Help Us Fill Our “Angels” 2018 Christmas Wishlists Interested in being a part of Christmas at Angel’s House? Please let us know. We need your help to continue to make Christmas a blessing for our Angels. Please contact Mrs. Kaye Todd at ktodd@gbchfm.org or call 770-251-7050. Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Through the generous donations of the following individuals and groups, Angel’s House had a Christmas to come, see and worship Him: Carrie DeSantis, Cancer Treatment Centers Department Staff Mike & Nicole Woodard Jennifer Lackey, Crossroads Women’s Bible Study Group Phil & Gina Watkiss Deb Coleman, Shay’s Soaps Peggy Aldridge, Corner Arts Gallery Amanda Cochran & Heather Nestlenutt Kiewit Infrastructure Co. J Burnett Bobby & Claire Whipple Robert & Gail Nelson James V. Owen Blalock Lakes Group - Deborah Levich & Carlton Roberts, James & Kimberly Sewell, Christopher & Aimee Partin, Timothy & Sandra Morris, Rev. Frank M. Eldridge, Shane & Cortney Lyle, Brian & Lesley McCarthy, Jeffrey & Judy Heard, David & Betsy Selleck, Wight Mixon, Alice Belcher, James & Kelley Welden Sonlight Sisters, Concord Baptist Church Dave & Linda Shelby John Davis Youth Group - Kevin Lewis, New Season Pentecostal Church Southern Arc Dance Mary Nichols Lollis John & Michelle Long Rev. & Mrs. Larry Montgomery Liberty Christian Church, Christian Women’s Fellowship Mrs. Jessica Kilgallen Patty Collett - Blue Alpha Gear Justin & Eryn Halford Mrs. Kit Basma Bill & Sue Lofton Joshua Sunday School Class - First Baptist Newnan Olive Garden New Bethel Congregational Methodist Church LifePoint Church Chad Smith - The Mad Mexican (formerly Rednexican) Don & Ann Phillips Durden Chiropractic Clinic Lisa Caramondea, Southside Church Georgia Tech Development Center Billing Department GA Bone & Joint Senoia Optimist Club Tony & Laura Bell Charlie and Stacey Grant Bubba Smoot, Fortiline Waterworks Steven & Christine Seaman William & Julie Pearson Erik & Angela Vielhaber Ebone’ Bostick Allison Vielhaber 11
Our Angels enjoy a very special evening with Gary and Ann Stallings including a beautiful Christmas dinner.
Clothes shopping with the Stallings. Read more about the Stallings on page 20!
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
February 2, 2019 17th Annual 5K/10K Road Race & 1 Mile Fun Run 2019 Run For Angels! Saturday, February 2, 2019
Run Registration is open at: theangelshouse.org 2019 Angels Run T-shirt:
The t-shirt is always an exciting part of the run, and we will continue to use the popular long sleeve wicking style in a new color and design. All participants who register before the January 22, 2019 are guaranteed a shirt. You won’t want to miss out on this one! Please remember that all proceeds from the run go to support Angel’s House. Even if you don’t want to or can’t participate in the 2019 run, you can always register to support Angel’s House AND get your fabulous t-shirt (and you can tell all of your friends that you DID run)!
Photos! Run photos will be taken
by True Speed Photo and will allow runners to download high-quality images! Photos will be searchable by name and bib number free of charge! Post and view additional photos on the Angel's House Facebook page. #runforangels2019
The RUN FOR ANGELS is our largest fundraiser and has raised over $690,000 since its inception in 2003. With both the 5K and 10K courses being certified as AJC PEACHTREE ROAD RACE QUALIFIERS, the RUN FOR ANGELS is a highly respected and well-attended event bringing over 1,000 participants to downtown Newnan, GA from all over the southeast each year! ORION RACING will once again professionally manage our 2019 race using the latest RFID disposable start and finish chip-timing technology to ensure the most accurate instant finish times possible! This system will also allow us to prepare for our awards ceremony quickly! Race times will also be emailed to participants in the 5K and 10K races and posted on our Angel’s House website. For the race route map see our website, theangelshouse.org.
2019 Awards: Based on gun start according to USATF Rule 245,
• Overall Male and Female winners in the 5K and 10K will win a new pair of running shoes from Dragonfly Running in addition to our awards and medals. • Overall Masters Male and Female 5K and 10K winners will receive a gift certificate from Dragonfly Running in addition to our awards and medals. • Newly designed 2019 Medals will be given to each of our 1st, 2nd & 3rd place finishers in the following age groups: 10 & under; 11-14; 15-19; 20-24; 25-29; 30-34; 35-39; 40-44; 45-49; 50-54; 55-59; 60-64; 65-69; 70-74, 75 & over.
Run co-chair Lori Lovett with 2018 winners medal. Look for a new 2019 design!
School Team Spirit: Every school is encouraged to form a spirit team consisting of anyone related to your school...students, teachers, coaches, parents, and siblings! • The top two overall schools with the most participation will win a gift card! • The Elementary, Middle & High school with the most participation will hold the winner's trophy for the year. Look for registration forms in your school office and/or with your track coach or athletic director the first week of January. Students and additional family members can also register at theangelshouse.org or on active.com. You must fill in your school name when registering to receive credit for your school. For questions about school participation, please email Elizabeth Williams at emcentire@gmail.com.
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
& Chicken Q
Volunteers! We need you!
The 2019 Angel’s House Chicken Q will, once again, be held in conjunction with our Run For Angels on Saturday, February 2, 2019, in the First United Methodist Church Parish Hall in Newnan. Since 2002, we have been serving the famous Huckleberry’s chicken plates, and have raised approximately $98,410 for Angel’s House! Working together with our wonderful community volunteers; we sell the Chicken Q tickets, staff the drive-thru, fix the plates, serve our guests and, best of all, have some of the most delicious homemade desserts included in our Chicken Q plates! $10 Chicken Q tickets are available for purchase online at our website at theangelshouse.org. Runners may also purchase a Chicken Q ticket online when they register for the race at active.com. Our drive-thru and walk-in pick-up line will open at 10:00am for those who would like “to go” plates. Of course, you are welcome to eat in the Church Parish Hall 10:00am until 1:30pm. For more information about the Chicken Q, to volunteer to make desserts, or to serve on the day of the event, please contact Kate Goodson at nkategoodson@gmail.com. If you need Chicken Q tickets, please contact Stephanie Searcy at ohsearcy@numail.org.
We strive to continue to improve our race each year. Many committed volunteers are already preparing for our 2019 race. We are so grateful for all of the “angels” who support our run by being participants, volunteering time, offering services, in-kind and monetary donations! BE AN ANGEL, and mark your calendar! Contact Edie Eldridge to volunteer ewinslow2@gmail.org.
$10 Chicken Q Plates Drive-thru or Eat-in at First United Methodist Church after the Race at 10:00am. Tickets on sale NOW at theangelshouse.org or at Active.com when you register to run!
2019 Run for Angels Sponsorships Our sponsorship chairs Kelley Welden at kwelden@bellsouth.net and Cortney Lyle at clyle@strathmorefloors.com,would love to hear from you about being a 2019 sponsor! 100% of your tax-deductible donation will go directly to Angel’s House as the run itself is fully sustained by participants’ entry fees. Check out the enclosed sponsorship opportunities sheet enclosed with our sponsorship levels and benefits.
Thank you to our 2018 sponsors shown below!
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
The Wind Beneath Our Wings We cannot say thank you enough for the generosity of these dedicated gracious donors. Angel’s House Foundation Circle Members
Halo of Love ($1,000 and above)
American Family Insurance Anonymous Atlanta Vascular Specialists Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Avent Dr. and Mrs. George Ballantyne Mr. Danny Beck Branch Family Charitable Fund Brent Scarbrough & Company Dr. Nancy Carson and Mr. Tom Carson Mr. Bernard Cates Central Baptist Church Ms. Barbara Chandler Chick-Fil-A, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eldridge Coweta Community Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Garry Craddock Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Edge, IV Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Elliott Encompass Health Corporation FKA HealthSouth Evelyn R Jones Foundation Mr. Tom Ferguson First United Methodist Church Georgia Bone & Joint Mr. and Mrs. Scott Goodson Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamlin Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hammond Mrs. Malcolm E Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hautt Mr. Steven Hicks Higgins & Smith CPAs Kam, Ebersbach & Lewis, P.C. Lichty Brothers Homes Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Shane Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Scott Magyar Mr. and Mrs. Ellis A. Mansour Sally McEntire, Realtor Northshore at Lake Redwine Ms. Lana Mobley Mike Fitzpatrick Ford, Lincoln Mercury, Inc Newnan Kiwanis Club Newnan Salvage Co., Inc. Newnan Times-Herald Newnan-Coweta Jaycees O'Callaghan Heating & Air Conditioning Orkin Pest Control OrthoAtlanta Mr. and Mrs. Greg Owens Panasonic Automotive Systems Company Piedmont Healthcare Piedmont Paving Inc
Progressive Heating & Air Conditioning Mr. and Mrs. Scott Quick Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ramsey Randa The Realtor Ronny D. Jones Enterprises, Inc. The Honorable Mitch Seabaugh Mr. and Mrs. Owen Searcy Southern Crescent Women's Healthcare Southtowne Southwire Company State Farm Insurance - Frank Farmer Swope Family Fund Taco Bell The Jennifer and Thomas Bell Family Foundation The Sherwin Williams Company Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith Thomas H. Lanier Family Foundation United Bank ValuTeachers, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Woody Waters Mr. and Mrs. James Welden Mr. and Mrs. Deon Whitlock Mr. and Mrs. Clay Williams Mr. and Mrs. Winn Wise Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation
Halo of Hope ($200 to $999.99) 75 Jackson, LLC Advanced Automation Advanced Composites Inc Air Specialists Allstate Insurance Company - Dianne Parker American Torch Tip Company Arthur Murphey Florist Bank Of America Employee Giving Campaign Bartlett & Barnett, CPAs, P.C. Mrs. Jane Bass Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bass BB&T Beck Facility Services Ms. Alice Belcher Mr. and Mrs. Tim Benjamin
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Binion Tire Co. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Binion Bowers & Burns Real Estate Company Mr. and Mrs. Danny Branch Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Brandenburg Avonne Bray Certainty Home Loans, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Ned Chambless Charter Bank Christopher Brothers Land Surveying Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coggin Coweta Animal Hospital Coweta County Water & Sewerage Authority Coweta-Fayette EMC CPM Advanced Surgical Specialists
Crain Oil Company Inc. Cranford Orthodontics Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cranford Dr. Kay Crosby and Mr. Brad Crosby D Phillips LLC Mr. and Mrs. David Davidson Dog Barn, LLC The Honorable Frank M. Eldridge Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Fauver Friends of Lynn R. Smith, Inc. Mrs. Debi Fuchs Mr. and Mrs. Hunt Fulwiler Glover & Davis, P. A. Mr. and Mrs. John Goodrum H. Boyd Pettit III, PC
Halo of Hope continued... Mrs. Joan C Hamby Ms. Fay Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Head Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Heard Henry Cole Construction Mr. Gerald Hersh Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Hice Jack Peek's Sales Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Jackson Joy Brown Barnes, Realtor Mr. William Keir Kemp's Dalton West Flooring Key Promotions Kiwanis Club of Coweta County Knox Furniture Kroger Community Partners Rewards L&W Supply Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lachey Lee-King, Lee-Goodrum, Lee-Goodrum Eastside Pharmacy Let Them Eat Toffee! Ms. Deborah Levich Lighthouse Committee of Newnan, Inc. Newnan Utilities Lindsey's Inc. Realtors
Marcus S. and Roseanne Malone Mr. John S Martin III Mr. and Mrs. Carl C McKnight Ms. Phyllis McLamb Mr. and Mrs. David Merriwether Mr. and Mrs. Ted Millar Dr. and Mrs. Tom Moynahan Mr. Personality Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson Newnan Pest Control NFUMC Henry Kitchens Sunday School Class Nissan Of Newnan Mr. and Mrs. H E Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Emory H. Palmer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Parcha Mr. and Mrs. Pick Parks Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Don Phillips Pickleball Tournament Providence Baptist Church Regional Radiology Resource MFG Resurrection Lutheran Church Mr. William Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Steven Seaman
Mr. David C Shelby Southern Crescent Equine Services Southside Church Mr. Donald Sprayberry Stahle Cybernetic Technology Mr. and Mrs. William Starnes The Tarkenton Family The Heritage School, Inc. Mr. George Thomas Tiernan & Patrylo, Inc. True Natural Gas Uniglobe Travel Partners Unity Baptist Church Veritiv Corp Welden Financial White Oak Golden K Kiwanis White Oak Men's Mon/Thurs Golf Group Ms. Esther White Ms. Minerva Winslow Mr. and Mrs. James Womack Mr. and Mrs. Mark Woods Mrs. Nancy S Worthen Yancey Dental Yancey Wire & Cable, Inc.
Halo of Faith ($1 to $199.99) Mr. Archie Adams Agape S.S. Class First Methodist Church AmazonSmile Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Billy Arnall Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Auriemma Ms. Jackie Avery Bank Of America United Way Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bell Mrs. Susan Bell Dr. and Mrs. Richard Berta Mr. Gregory Bickhart Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Bolton Ms. Binka Bone Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Boren Ms. Leah Boss Ms. Barbara G Brown Mrs. Pat Burns Mr. and Mrs. David Camp Mr. Jeff Camp Ms. Amanda Clark Ms. Jane Clark Dr. and Mrs. Chip Cole Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conklin Mr. and Mrs. John Conort Coweta County Sheriff's Office Project S.A.F.E. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Craven
Mrs. Frances C Crowley Mr. John Davis Mr. William Day Mr. and Mrs. Bill Decker Mr. and Mrs. Stephen DeFayette Ms. Sharon Dix Mrs. Alvin Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Peter Durham Mr. Arthur B Edge III Mr. and Mrs. John Fanning
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Farmer Farmers Insurance - Craig Cheever Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fletcher Ms. Jacqueline Gledhill Ms. Frances Goodson Mr. and Mrs. Lou Graner Robert & Jo Ann Hagan Mr. Justin Halford Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hannon Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hensley Mr. Curtis Houk Mr. Fred Hurley Interstate Electrical Supply Inc Mr. and Mrs. Thomas James Jacobus Mr. Richard C Jones Mr. and Mrs. Steve Joyce Kimble's Food By Design
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kozma Mr. and Mrs. John Blake Lambert Jr. Ms. Elaine Lauth The Honorable William Lee and Mrs. Susan Lee Liberty Christian Church - Christian Men's Fellowship Liberty Christian Church - Christian Women's Fellowship Ms. Arlene Liebl Mr. and Mrs. John Lockard Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lyles Mr. and Mrs. Brian McCarthy Ms. Barbara McMullen Mr. and Mrs. Wight Mixon Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moor Jr. Mrs. Dura Moore Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Morris Dr. and Mrs. Donald Mullen New Bethel Congregational Methodist Church Mr. James V Owen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Partin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pass Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pope Providencia Rodriguez Dana J Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roe Russell High School Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sayeg Ms. Ruth Powell Seitz Mr. and Mrs. David Selleck Mr. and Mrs. James Sewell Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Gary Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Sprayberry Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stripling The Landridge Group Dr. and Mrs. Boyce Thomas Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson Mr. Porter Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson Mrs. Kaye Todd Tomco Construction, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Umbach Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walker Ms. Lynn Warren Mr. and Mrs. Paul Watkins Jr.
Mrs. Claire Whipple Mr. and Mrs. Clark Williams Jr. Ms. Jo Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wright Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Yancey Jr.
With the continued support from the many individuals and businesses that have graced us with their generous donations, we are able to keep Angel’s House open. You have helped to protect the most vulnerable among us - our abused and neglected children. 15
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Angel’s House Giving Circle Members
InKind Donations A. Mitchell Powell Library Abby's Angels Foundation Mrs. Alexandra Adams Agape S.S. Class First Methodist Church Ms. Peggy Aldridge Mrs. Carolyn Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Allen Andretti Indoor Carting & Games Anonymous Arthur Murphey Florist Mrs. Kit Basma Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bass BB&T Beck Facility Services Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bell Mrs. Susan Bell Beta Sigma Phi Beta Sigma Phi, Laureate Rho Chapter Bigfoot Cycles Binion Tire Co. Blue Alpha Gear Ms. Binka Bone Ms. Leah Boss Ebone Bostick bqdesign Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Brandenburg Bridging The Gap Buffalo Rock/ Pepsi J Burnett Mrs. Pat Burns Camp Southern Ground Mr. and Mrs. David Camp Ms. Deanna Campbell Cancer Treatment Centers of America Central Baptist Church Central Baptist Church Children's Dept. Ms. Chrissie Chapman Chick-Fil-A, Inc. Mrs. Lindsey Cline Community Brickworks Concord Baptist Church Sonlight Sisters Ms. Erin E Cook Corner Arts Gallery Cornerstone Methodist PreSchool Coweta County Water & Sewerage Authority Coweta-Fayette EMC Amber Crawford Dr. Kay Crosby and Mr. Brad Crosby Crossroads Church Smith Brown Group Crossroads Church Women's Bible Study Mr. and Mrs. Bill Decker
Lisa DiGiovanni Dragonfly Running Company, LLC Durden Chiropractic Mr. and Mrs. Peter Durham Mr. and Mrs. Rob Durham Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Edge, IV Ms. Sania Elshorbgy Family Patterns Matter Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Fauver Miss Sky Ferguson First Baptist Church Joshua Sunday School Class First United Methodist Church Mr. Dave Fitzgerald Fortiline Waterworks Ms. Jill Frataccia Mrs. Debi Fuchs Ms. Tavie George Georgia Bone & Joint Georgia Institute Of Technology Ms. Mary Gholson Ms. Ginny Gibson Girl Scout Troop 11320 Glover & Davis, P. A. Golden Corral Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Grant Great Clips Gwinnett Stripers Baseball Mr. Justin Halford Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamlin Ms. Brenda Harris Mrs. Malcolm E Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hautt Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Head Hi-5 Port-A-Potties Home 2 Suites by Hilton Huckleberry's Huddle House Hygiene for Humanity InComm Marketing Mr. and Mrs. David Ingram Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Jackson Jefferson Parkway Elementary K-Kids Mr. Steve Jones Mr. and Mrs. Steve Joyce Mrs. Ravina Kadam Keller Williams Realty Kemp's Dalton West Flooring Kiewit Infrastructure Mrs. Jessica Kilgallen Knox Furniture
L&W Supply Mrs. Doris Leaks Ms. Deborah Levich Liberty Christian Church Christian Men's Fellowsh Life Point Church LifePoint Church, WMS Mr. and Mrs. Bill Loftin Logos Ranch Mr. and Mrs. Greg Lollis Ms. Michelle Long The Lovett Family Lowe's Mr. and Mrs. Shane Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Scott Magyar Ms. Cher Matthew Mr. and Mrs. Carl C McKnight Mike Fitzpatrick Ford, Lincoln Mercury, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Ted Millar Minute Man Press The Reverend Larry Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. Tom Moynahan Mrs. Erin Nash Ms. Heather Nestlehutt New Bethel Congregational Methodist Church New Season Pentacostal Church Newnan Presbyterian Church Newnan Junior Service League Newnan-Coweta Jaycees Ms. Nicole Nice NuLink Oakgrove Baptist Church O'Callaghan Heating & Air Conditioning Olive Garden - Ashley Park Optimist Club Of Senoia Mr. James V Owen Mr. and Mrs. Greg Owens Mr. and Mrs. Steven Parcha Mr. and Mrs. William Pearson Mrs. Holly Pempin Mr. and Mrs. Don Phillips Piedmont Healthcare Ms. Marie Powell PrintSource Providence Baptist Church Ms. Whitney Reddish Resurrection Lutheran Church Ronny D. Jones Enterprises, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Chad Rosser Mrs. Arleshia Russell Ms. Esther Sanders
Ms. Shontina Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Nazzir Santana C Saye Mr. Kenny Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Steven Seaman Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sharp Shay's Soaps Mr. David C Shelby Smallcakes Cupcakery Smith's Choose & Cut Tree Farm Southern-Arc Dance Southside Church Southtowne Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sprayberry Sprayberry's Barbecue Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stallings Mr. and Mrs. William Starnes State Farm Insurance - Nathan Brain Stevie B's Pizza Dr. Walter Stewart Mr. Dwight Swanson The Tarkenton Family Texas Roadhouse The Donald W. Nixon Centre for Performing & Visual Arts The Heritage School, Inc. The Mad-Mexican The Walker Family Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson Truett's Chick-fil-A Mr. and Mrs. Dan Umbach Uncle Maddio's Pizza Unity Baptist Church Unity Baptist Church/Youth Group University Of West Georgia Ms. Klaudia Valdez ValuTeachers, Inc Ms. Allison Vielhaber Erik and Angela Vielhaber Mr. and Mrs. Phil Watkiss Welden Financial Services Mr. and Mrs. Gary Welden Mr. and Mrs. James Welden Dr. and Mrs. Eric Wellons Mr. Buddy West Mrs. Claire Whipple The Winn Wise Family Women Of Wisdom Mr. and Mrs. Mike Woodard Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wright Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation Yancey Dental
As we attempt to list all who have contributed to Angel’s House in the past year, we risk the inadvertent omission of someone from our list. If we have neglected to include your name, please accept our apology and contact Anne Smith at 678-953-1859. Each and every donation is appreciated.
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Honors and Memorials In Memory of Louvenia Adams Mr. Archie Adams In Honor of Ms. Jane B. Bass Randa The Realtor In Memory of Martha Bennett Mrs. Joan C Hamby In Honor of Kanjana and Paul Berends Randa The Realtor In Memory of Dr. Matt Burns Mrs. Pat Burns In Honor of the Castleberry Famiy Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Cheevers Family Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Davis Family Randa The Realtor In Honor of John Davis Ms. Sharon Dix In Honor of the Daviston Family Randa The Realtor In Memory of Mr. Alvin Dudley Mrs. Alvin Dudley In Memory of Bobby Duffey Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson Mrs. Dura Moore In Memory of Hariette Edge Mr. Arthur B Edge III In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Edge, IV H. Boyd Pettit III, PC In Honor of Mrs. Arthur B. Edge, IV Mr. Porter Thompson In Memory of Ross Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Stephen DeFayette Ms. Jane Clark In Memory of Mr. Richard Fuchs Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conklin In Honor of the Gay Family Randa The Realtor In Honor of Ashley Gay Randa The Realtor In Honor of Donna Glisson Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Gonzales Family Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Gordy Family Randa The Realtor In Memory of Mr. James C. Hardy Ms. Fay Hardy In Honor of Jamie and Tommy Harris Randa The Realtor In Honor of Pat and Richard Harris Randa The Realtor 17
In Memory of Sister Bridget Ann Henderson BVM Ms. Binka Bone In Honor of Hilary Hice Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Hice In Honor of the Holloway Family Randa The Realtor In Honor of Kirk Holt Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Howard Family of Peru, KS John Blake and Kitty Lambert In Honor of the Howard Family of Bristol, VA John Blake and Kitty Lambert In Memory of Charlotte Ann Hagan Hurley Lindsey's Inc. Realtors Russell High School Memorial Fund Mr. Fred Hurley Robert & Jo Ann Hagan Avonne Bray Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hannon In Memory of LaVerne Turner Jeffords Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moor Jr. In Honor of the Katz Family Randa The Realtor In Honor of James and Theresa Kealhofer Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Markel Family Randa The Realtor In Honor of Laura and John Meredith Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Mitchell Family Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Morans Randa The Realtor In Honor of Mrs. Patsy Mullen Dr. and Mrs. George Ballantyne In Honor of the Nance Family Randa The Realtor In Honor of Ms. Dee Nixon Randa The Realtor In Memory of Dorsey Norris Mrs. Joan C Hamby In Honor of the O'Rourke Family Randa The Realtor In Memory of Joe Page Ms. Elaine Lauth In Honor of JoJo and John Palmer Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Patterson Family Randa The Realtor In Honor of Ann and Don Phillips Mr. Tom Ferguson In Honor of the Pimpos Family Randa The Realtor
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
In Memory of Dr. and Mrs. Jack H. Powell, Sr Ms. Ruth Powell Seitz In Memory of Jennie Pulliam Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Yancey Jr. In Memory of Don and Betty Rice Mr. and Mrs. Don Phillips In Memory of Perry and Mary Rice Mr. and Mrs. Don Phillips In Memory of Peggy Sue Rogers Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson Mrs. Dura Moore In Honor of the Sapp Family Randa The Realtor In Memory of Hunter Scarborough Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Head In Honor of Heather and Nick Shinn Randa The Realtor In Honor of Darlene Skaggs Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Stanley Family Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Stubblefields Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Suhr Family John Blake and Kitty Lambert In Honor of the Tellers Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Thomasson Family Randa The Realtor In Honor of Amelia and Will Urbanski Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Vensel Family Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Walker Family Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Washington Family Randa The Realtor In Memory of Sarah Ann Waters Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Yancey Jr. In Honor of Kelley Welden Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sharp In Honor of Pat and Wayne Whidden Randa The Realtor In Honor of the Williams Family Randa The Realtor In Memory of Louise Williams Mr. and Mrs. Pick Parks In Honor of Linda and Keith Winn Randa The Realtor In Honor of Jeane and Pat Yancey Mr. and Mrs. Billy Arnall In Honor of the Zachry Family Randa The Realtor
The History of Angel’s House Like most charitable endeavors, Angel’s House has its roots in a group of concerned members of the community who saw a need and set about to help. It began with monetary donations for presents at Christmastime and grew into an annual humanitarian fund for children in foster care. In October 2000, a crisis developed when the lack of an urgent foster care facility forced children and social workers to stay overnight at the county Department of Family and Children’s Services (DFCS) office. DFCS called on the neighborhood group for help. They quickly secured a room at the local men’s shelter, and this temporary solution convinced the group that a county emergency shelter was desperately needed. The newly formed Newnan-Coweta Children’s Shelter Board went to work raising the one million dollars needed to fund construction of a permanent home and start-up program. Homegrown country music legend Alan Jackson and his family took special interest in the shelter and helped to make the dream come true. He and his wife, Denise, were instrumental in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for the shelter by putting on a special concert, as well as donating their Corvette to be raffled. The Jacksons were offered the honor of naming the shelter. They chose the name Angel’s House as it is their prayer that each child seeking shelter in the facility will be surrounded by “heavenly and earthly angels”. Community support was also overwhelming, and on August 21, 2002, ground was broken for Angel’s House. Another milestone was reached when the house was dedicated in February, 2004. Georgia’s First Lady, Mary Perdue, gave the keynote address. She remarked that “this project is what I would like to see all over the state of Georgia.” She emphasized that the community response to a muchneeded shelter is “of far greater value than anything the state can provide.” Since opening later that year on June 21, this special home has been a safe haven for over 250 children. Today, Angel’s House runs just like a home with the group leaders serving as house parents. It is heartwarming to visit, smell the meals being prepared, watch the girls interact, do their homework or spend time in the garden. We are excited that in 2019 we celebrate our doors being open to children in our community for fifteen years!
Read more about the Angel’s House at
A Great Honor If you would like to make a donation in honor of or in memory of a loved one, please be sure to attach a note including his/her name and address along with your check or gift card so those being honored may be notified. Upon request, we offer printed cards so that you may personally notify your honoree. Call Kaye Todd at Angel’s House, 770-251-7050, if you would like some of these cards. Our address is P.O. Box 657, Newnan, GA 30264. You will find a contribution form and self-addressed envelope enclosed with this newsletter.
Little Ways to Give back! AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Angel’s House every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at AmazonSmile, you will find the exact same prices, selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to us. You use the same account on Amazon.com and AmazonSmile. Your shopping cart, Wish List, registry, and other account settings are also the same. On your first visit to AmazonSmile before you begin shopping, you need to select Newnan-Coweta Angel’s House, Inc. as your charitable organization. We will receive .5% from every eligible purchase you make. Go to www.smile.amazon.com or scan the QR code below to sign up.
Kroger An Easy way to donate to Angel’s House when you shop at Kroger: • Go to the community tab (top left) at: www.Kroger.com/ communityrewards • Search
for Newnan-Coweta Children’s Shelter, Inc./Angel’s and follow the instructions!
Giving Back App Give to Angel’s House using the Giving Back App. it’s simple and easy! Just download GivingBack from the App store on your phone.
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Please consider a donation from the following list from basic needs to holiday surprises for the girls: Send gift card donations to: P.O. Box 657 Newnan GA 30264 All other donations call: 770-251-7050 Gift Cards to/for:
Non-perishable Food Items:
- Grocery Stores - Publix, Kroger, Food Lion - Clothing Stores - Plato's Closet, Rue 21, Ross, TJ Max, Old Navy, etc - Gas - Household items - Walmart, Target, Ollies - Dining - Specialty - Starbucks, Apple Store, Amazon
- canned vegetables - meats - fruits - pastas, pasta sauces - cereal, oatmeal - grits - granulated sugar - McCormick Spices, Everyday Essentials Variety Pack - snack crackers - soups - Ranch Dressing - Lipton/McCormick Soup/Slow Cooker & Dip Mixes - Hidden Valley Fiesta Dip Mix
Household: - Shout Stain Remover Refill - Clorox Clean-up Wipes - Lysol Multi-Surface Cleaner and Disinfectant Spray - Dryer Sheets - HE Laundry detergent - Scotch-Brite Heavy Duty Dish Wand Sponge Kitchen Sink Cleaning Brush - Dish detergent - Microfiber Hand Dusters/Cleaning Cloth - Germ-X Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer Refill - 3 oz. Bathroom Cups - Dishwasher Detergent Pods - Pine-Sol - Bleach (liquid and wipes) - Furniture polish - Paper products (paper towels, napkins, paper plates) - Zip Lock bags (sandwich, Quart, one gallon and two gallon size for storage) - New Bagless Vacuum Cleaners - Microfiber Hand Dusters/Cleaning Cloth - Rubber Toilet Plungers / Toilet Brush with Holder (8) - Crock-Pot 6-Quart Slow Cooker, Brushed Stainless Steel - Slow Cooker Liners - Towels & washclothes - Fabric Shower Curtain Liner (water repellent, mildew resistant, washable) - LED Light Bulbs - KitchenAid Can Opener, Red - Microfiber Twin Sheet Sets (10) - DVDs (Hunger Game Collection, Herbie Love Bug/Herbie Goes Bananas/ Herbie Goes To Monte Carlo/Herbie Rides Again, Night at the Museum 3-Movie Collection, ET, Jurassic World: 5-Movie Collection, Ultimate Avengers Movie Collection Ultimate Avengers / Ultimate Avengers 2 / Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow, Father Of The Bride/Father Of The Bride 2)
OTC Meds and First Aid Supplies: - Advil, Motrin, Tylenol, Midol - Benadryl, Mucinex, cough drops - alcohol, peroxide, Neosporin, hydrocortisone cream - Anti-biotic ointment - Melatonin - Allergy/sinus - band-aids - Halls Cough Drops Hygiene Items: - shampoo/conditioner - deodorant - razors - shower gels - body sprays - Feminine products - Carmex - Non-Acetone Nail Polish Remover for Artificial and Natural Nails Tickets, Gift Cards or opportunities, such as: - Callaway Gardens (Fantasy in Lights, Butterfly Exhibit, Day at the Beach) - Christian Concerts - Art & Theatre classes - Skating - Bowling - Restaurants - Zoo - Fernbank - Stone Mountain - Aquarium - Museums - Movies - Theatre - Manis/Pedis
- Sylvania SDVD1030-B 10-Inch Portable DVD Player - Apple iPod Nano 16GB Slate (7th Generation)
When one of our girls leaves Angel’s House, we like to pack their clothing and personal items in a suitcase which they can carry with them as they move forward. We are always in need of new or gently used suitcases or duffle bags and welcome your donations! 19
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Community Love That Comes Thru Our Door There are many in our community that support Angel’s House throughout the year. Whether supporting us through our Run for Angel’s & Chicken Q, working directly with our “Angels”, or giving donations of gift cards, Christmas gifts, food, clothing, etc. The real question is: Why do they do it?
Gary and Ann Stallings
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
“We first got to know the Angels through our church” Gary and Ann Stallings told us. “Over the years, we’ve learned more about the Angel’s House ministry and developed cherished friendships with the house parents and the girls. We just try to be ‘family’ to the girls throughout the year. One of the most fun things we do with the girls is to celebrate their birthdays! The girls give us a list of things they’d like for their birthday so shopping is made easier! They also get to choose their cake and recently, they’ve tested our cake decorating skills! Then, we choose a night to celebrate with cake, ice cream and presents! We have a tradition that the birthday girl has to share words of wisdom, and they always surprise us with things we need to hear! Having others celebrate the day you were born is a special feeling you never forget and we are blessed to share that with these girls! Although we have seen so many girls come and go over the years, each one is unique and special in their own way. Even as we try to show love and support to each one, they probably don’t even realize the many blessings we receive from them as well!”
“The members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints here in Newnan have supported Angel's House from its inception in the nineties, when there was an initial need for furniture for the bedrooms and other areas in the home. A request was sent to LDS Humanitarian Services in Salt Lake City via our local ecclesiastical leaders and was quickly approved. Shortly thereafter an entire semi-truck full of beds, chairs, tables, desks and associated materials arrived… and are still in use today. Last year there was an additional request for headboards, a bookcase and other items to supplement the beds. These were delivered over the summer. We endorse the great humanitarian service Angel's House provides to the less fortunate young women who are given assistance at a critical juncture in their lives and look forward to assisting in the future.” In addition, members David and Sarah Ingram remarked, “whenever I come to visit Angel's House, I am always amazed how organized and clean everything is. The way our community supports you is always an inspiration and makes me proud of our community. I'm sure so much of this has to do with the staffs' ability to inspire us to be a part of Angel's House.”
The Quynh and Eric Wellons Family Upon relocating to Newnan in 2006, the Quynh and Eric Wellons began looking for ways to get involved in their new community. Because of their background and experience, they specifically sought out opportunities to serve disadvantaged women and children and found Angel’s House during an internet search! The mission to care for young girls removed from difficult situations and help them succeed in life struck a chord. Avid runners, the family along with Eric’s company, Atlanta Vascular Specialists, became active participants and ultimately presenting sponsors of our annual Run for Angels and Chicken Q. We wanted to be more hands-on and get to know the girls in the house. Two years ago, Quynh toured Angel’s House and was “blown away by how beautiful it was and by the dedicated staff. It seems more like a family home than a group home. It was touching.” As a result, during summer break, Quynh and her daughter, Sovi, began going to the house regularly to prepare and enjoy a home-made dessert and game night with the residents. Quynh shared, “it has been good for us - we have fun together and we leave feeling like we benefit so much every time we visit. We have seen growth in the girls, they are happy and the house parents clearly care for them far beyond the job. They are modeling what a family looks like and teaching them life skills.” Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264