2016 NEWS
www.theangelshouse.org Angel’s House provides a safe, nurturing home for teen girls in crisis. Some are removed from their homes and placed in DFCS custody because of abuse, neglect or risky behaviors. Some are transitioning between foster homes or are faced with other circumstances that require immediate assistance. The girls who come through our doors receive the shelter, structure, and care they need to maximize their potential for success. Our girls may stay for a night or several months, and thanks to your help we are able to secure their safety and well-being by providing a sense of family that lasts a lifetime.
Care provided since opening in June 2004 through August 5, 2016: Number of Children: 239 Days of Care: 30,488 Male: 38 Female: 201 Children from Coweta County 67% Average Days Stayed: 274 (Shortest: 1 Day ~ Longest: 1,240 Days)
Capacity for Love
- by Shontina Sanders
first met Esther while she was a resident at Angel’s House. She attended our church’s summer camp in June of 2014. Esther came to camp ready to worship and know God. Her spirit was as infectious as her smile. I got to know Esther as a youth leader through camp and subsequent conversations and letters. By the end of August that year, I sensed the Lord calling my husband, Nathan, and me to a greater level of obedience. We got to know and love Esther and were considering asking her to join our family. At that time we already had a little boy and girl of our own but had always been pretty open to the idea of adoption, yet never dreamed God would move the way He chose. Time was of the essence. Esther just turned 16 when we met her and the process was as cumbersome as promised. First thing first, we had to choose to foster-to-adopt. We jumped in the first training classes we could find and jumped through all of the hoops required. While we were in our first training, Esther was calling and confiding in me about her consideration to open her file again, making herself available to be adopted. Of course, I could breathe nothing of the idea that we were starting this process for her! After several failed placements and one adoption, her past called for her to give up and keep the door slammed shut. Her God was calling her to unlock that door and allow Him to fulfill His promises to her. The amazing staff at Angel’s House was aware of what was in the works and remained encouraging without letting on that anything was about to change. They prayed with and for us all through the entire process. ...Capacity for Love continued on page 19 You are invited to join our Angel’s House Foundation Circle. To become a member of this special group, see pages 10-14 and contact LouAnne Connell at 770-301-0429 for information.
Director’s Letter
In This Issue:
Director’s letter 2 President’s Message 2 It is with a sense of thankfulness, humbleness, and some level of disbelief that I process the fact Our Staff 3 that I will have been working with Angel’s House for 10 years in January 2017. June 2016 Our History 3 marked the 12th Anniversary of the first child placed at Angel’s House. Of the 239 who have lived with us during these years I have been a part of all but 40 of those placements. There have been Happenings 4 Christmas Joy 6 many changes in children, staff, and program guidelines from the state level but many things Needs & Wishes 7 remain the same: the care, love, support, and needs that are provided for each child whether their Our Community of Support 8 stay is overnight or a few years. Teenage girls remain the current “children” receiving services. Fabulous 15th Run for Angel’s! 10 The challenge of working with teenage girls is always rewarding with frustrations, heartbreak, 2017 Run for Angels & Chicken Q 12 tears, and laughter thrown in! Seeing growth and change through daily life and daily struggle is Foundation Circle Members 14 a part of the experience. Angel’s House continues to adjust its program to meet the needs of the Honors and Memorials 17 ever-changing services required by those on the state level contracting for services. By directive, Our Friends 20
children under the age of 12 are placed in a Group Home only by a special permission waiver which is granted by a Regional Director. Angel’s House provides support to children age 12 and older. Community support is extremely necessary and deeply appreciated in meeting the needs of the children. During our operation we have been continually blown away (and humbled) by the tremendous support of our community! Angel’s House continues to provide services to meet each child’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. We provide care for children in state custody from all over the state of Georgia. Many of the children who come to Angel’s House come on an emergency basis and walk in with only the clothes on their back. - Becky Parish, Angel’s House Program Director
2016 Board of Directors Kelley Welden President Lori Drake Vice President LouAnne Connell Treasurer Jennifer Palmer Secretary Jill McKnight 2017 Run for Angels Co-Chair Lori Lovett 2017 Run for Angels Co-Chair Elizabeth Williams 2017 Run for Angels Co-Chair Marla Brandenburg Val Cranford Bambi Edge Debi Fuchs Larisa McMichael Lana Mobley Ann Phillips Beth Quick Colleen Sprayberry Kim Wise
President’s Message “It only takes a spark to get a fire going…” These are the first words of one of my favorite church hymns that I sang growing up. Today, I believe that these words are so true of this community. Angel’s House started with a small group of friends and neighbors who wanted to do something different at Christmas rather than just give gifts to each other. What has grown out of the “spark” over 15 years ago, is a beautiful gift of love and support that we know today as Angel’s House. It is a place of love, security, safety, and structure. With the help of our amazing staff, it is also a place that changes lives for the better. “And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing…” Because of you and your support of Angel’s House, we have served more than 230 children and just over 30,000 days of care since our doors opened on June 21, 2004. What an amazing testimony to the “spark” that occurred all those years ago. This is real change, for real children, who are our future. “That’s how it is with God’s LOVE. Once you’ve experienced it. You spread His love to everyone, you want to pass it on.” In this newsletter, you will read stories of real Angels who have been touched by your care and support. These children are now able not only to help themselves, but also to help others. This is what it is all about – helping others in our community so that they can one day be able to pass it on. Thank you to all of you who give your time, talents, gifts, and monetary support to Angel’s House. We truly appreciate it and could not do it without you. We want you to know how much it means to the Angels that come through the doors of Angel’s House. - Kelley C. Welden, Angel’s House Board President
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Angel’s House Staff
The History of Angel’s House
Becky Parish will celebrate 10 years as the Program Coordinator at Angel’s House in January, 2017. Becky has been employed with Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries, Inc. for 27 years. Angel’s House is a ministry much more than it is a job! The children who come through the doors of Angel’s House start out as strangers but leave as a part of the family.
Like most charitable endeavors, Angel’s House has its roots in a group of concerned members of the community who saw a need and set about to help.
Kaye Todd celebrated 6 years as the Administrative Assistant at Angel’s House this past summer. Kaye has worked/ ministered with Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries, Inc. (GBCH&FM), for 8 years. Kaye enjoys the variety of job tasks and working with the Board. The tremendous amount of community support (especially at Christmas) is always a great blessing and very touching. The Direct Care staff are the members of the team who “live-in” for a 7 day period 24 hours per day every other week. They function in the role of what most people know as “mom” and “dad” of the household. Angel’s House is blessed with these dedicated individuals who truly view this job as their ministry! • E rik and Angela Vielhaber - The Vielhabers have been Direct Care Staff at Angel’s House since December 2009 and just celebrated their 11th Anniversary with GBCH&FM. The Vs became grandparents this summer to a handsome young man named Rhett. •A nna (Wheeler) Smith - Anna became a part of our team in June 2014. Anna wed Rhett Smith in a lovely Charleston, SC ceremony in Novemeber 2016. • Long-time Direct Care Staff member Sania Elshorbgy left full-time service at Angel’s House at the end of August. Sania has been with us since September 2010. We are thankful she will be available for occasional part-time work! While we will certainly miss Sania, we are excited for her as she moves into a new adventure. With the ever changing environment at Angel’s House there is one thing that remains true: we as a staff are reminded every day of the responsibility, privilege and opportunity that is ours to pour into the lives of the young ladies who are entrusted to our care. We consistently and prayerfully strive for each young lady to learn as much from us as we do her. It is our goal that every child who comes to Angel’s House knows that they are loved and cared for by a staff team, God, and a community that wants to make a positive difference in their lives due to their stay at Angel’s House. Our prayer for each child remains: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
It began with monetary donations for presents at Christmastime and grew into an annual humanitarian fund for children in foster care. In October 2000, a crisis developed when the lack of an urgent foster care facility forced children and social workers to stay overnight at the county Department of Family and Children’s Services (DFCS) office. DFCS called on the neighborhood group for help. They quickly secured a room at the local men’s shelter, and this temporary solution convinced the group that a county emergency shelter was desperately needed. The newly formed Newnan-Coweta Children’s Shelter Board went to work raising the one million dollars needed to fund construction of a permanent home and start-up program. Home-grown country music legend Alan Jackson and his family took special interest in the shelter and helped to make the dream come true. He and his wife, Denise, were instrumental in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for the shelter by putting on a special concert, as well as donating their Corvette to be raffled. The Jacksons were offered the honor of naming the shelter. They chose the name Angel’s House as it is their prayer that each child seeking shelter in the facility will be surrounded by “heavenly and earthly angels”. Community support was also overwhelming, and on August 21, 2002, ground was broken for Angel’s House. Another milestone was reached when the house was dedicated in February, 2004. Georgia’s First Lady, Mary Perdue, gave the keynote address. She remarked that “this project is what I would like to see all over the state of Georgia.” She emphasized that the community response to a much needed shelter is “of far greater value than anything the state can provide.” Since opening later that year on June 21, this special home has been a safe haven for over 200 children. Angel’s House runs just like a home with the group leaders serving as house parents. It is heartwarming to visit, smell the meals being prepared, watch the girls interact, do their homework or spend time in the garden.
Read more about the Angel’s House at theangelshouse.org
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Happenings Around Angel’s House The continual support to Angel’s House by this community of supporters continues to humble us and inspire us to reach out to others. We can never fully express our appreciation and thankfulness. Angel’s House cannot function without the continued love and support from our donors! THANK YOU!
On-going Support:
• Binion Tire Company • The Donald W. Nixon Centre for Performing & Visual Arts • Deals 4 Dollars (50% off for girls & staff) • D’imension 74 Salon in Peachtree City • My Kidz Dentist • Banks & Carol Glover – Furniture refinishing, trunk refurbishing, and anything we ask! • Logos Ranch – The Peyton Family • O’Callaghan Heating & Air • The Pollard Family • Ms. Arleshia Russell - Hair Stylist • Summit YMCA • SOS – Standard Office Systems • Dr. Walter Stewart • Unity Baptist Church • Dr. Robert Whipple IV & Pediatric Associates of Newnan
Food Gifts:
Uncle Maddio’s, Sprayberry’s BBQ, Kia Bailey, Erika Brown - CCSS, Phil & Gina Watkiss, Resurrection Lutheran Church, Carol Hamlin & FUMC, Small Cakes, The Pollard Family, Alena Lamb-CWH, Nancy Ransom, Mike Emeott - FBC Newnan, Sandra @ Publix, Cassie Blackmon, Kathy Wilson, Bill & Diane Hautt, Williamson Brothers BBQCanton, Thanksgiving Dinner from Resurrection Lutheran
• Rachel Davis & Michael Anderson - Zoo Tickets • Beta Sigma Phi - Valentine Party, Bowling night with food • Laura Conner - Elite Dance Force Recital • Corner Arts Gallery - Painting • Charlie & Shelly Farmer - Numerous dinner donations on
group outings, private cabana at Six Flags • Rotary Club of Senoia - Easter Baskets • Elise Farnham, Coweta County Cattlemen’s Association -
Rodeo Tickets
Newnan High School, Smokey Road Middle School, Winston Dowdell Academy and Coweta County School System Personnel
• Georgia Tech - Hosted our girls at the 2016 home football
opener against Mercer • David & Theresa Huggins - Season Six Flags Tickets • Lee Middle School NJHS - Valentines • Samantha LaMadna - Andretti Indoor Karting and Games • Janie Lore - College Bound Resources • Becky Parish - Good Friday Concert Tickets and Parking Passes • Serenbe Stables • Sisters for Society - Spa day at Angel’s House • Erik & Angela Vielhaber - Winter Jam tickets, Gwinnett
Samantha Allen, Karin Gordon, and Elizabeth Lozano
School Gifts:
Bacho Family/Abby’s Angels Foundation, BB&T, and Rotary Club of Senoia.
Braves Game, Flags for group
Rev. & Mrs. Larry Montgomery and Sue Lofton.
• Dr. Robert & Claudia Whipple - Atlanta Braves Game • Nice Nails - Andy and Mimi Pham - manicures/pedicures
Gary & Ann Stallings, GBCH&FM
Special Projects:
•C hristopher Ethridege completed an amazing Eagle Scout Project by building dressing rooms in the Donation Center. He then donated his extra money from the project to the activity fund.
•A nna Lombardi Photography included Angel’s house in her shoe drive this year! Thank you for your support of our girls!
• Angel’s House’s garden was completed by Clyde & JoAnn Johnson with Coweta Event Services Senior Group, Arnall Grocery & Patricia Hood (plants), and Sania Elshorbgy. Produce was enjoyed by all!
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
2016 Georgia Tech Football
Beta Sigma Phi - Valentine Party
Angel’s House Garden and crops
Broadway Boys at The Donald W. Nixon Centre for Performing & Visual Arts
Rotary Club of Senoia - Easter Baskets
Abby’s Angels Foundation - Abby’s Closet
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Joy all Around at For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace Isaiah 9:6
Our thank you note for Christmas 2015 (donated by Minute Man Press) was “For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” Isaiah 9:6 This verse serves as a description of our Christmas season 2015! Who Jesus is, why He was born, and the overwhelming reminder of love He gave was a reflection of the love and support for each girl in our care by this community! Seeing the good shock on the faces of teenage girls when they realize a pile of presents is “just for me – really” speaks volumes! For most of the girls in our care they have never been away from their families at Christmas time. After the shock and the excitement, it usually sinks in: someone loved me, cared about me, and supported me like I’ve never experienced before. That makes all the chaos of the season worth every second of scrambling, rearranging, and adjusting involved in making Christmas for up to 10 girls a success! From the moment the first decoration is put up to the moment the decorations are put away, there is a sense in the house and among the group that they are loved. This past Christmas we had 8 girls who experienced Christmas at Angel’s House for the first time. The phrase listed above “just for me-really” was heard multiple times.
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
The beginning of the Christmas season starts in October when the girls start gift lists, but the real kick-off begins with beautiful wreath making for individual doors along with a yummy cookie baking time with Beta Sigma Phi-Lamba Chapter. The scent of Christmas remains throughout the season with our beautiful live Christmas Tree donated by Debbie Phillips with Hi-5 Port-A-Potties which was received from Smith’s Choose and Cut Christmas Tree Farm, Fayetteville. The picking out and cutting of the tree is usually a first for all our girls. The sense of family at this event is capped off with writing our name on the stump left in the ground. Christmas continues with attending the Living Christmas Tree at New Hope Baptist Church, Fayetteville offering an evening of reflection and hearing the Greatest Story ever told! A night out at The Nixon Centre for the Arts and at Wadsworth Auditorium – Southern Arc Dance. A part of the fun at Christmas is a snack & gift party with Georgia Intensity Fast-pitch Softball and a cooking baking party with Women of Today and the Future.
Thank you to the following groups and individuals whose generous donations made Christmas 2015 at Angel‘s House possible and joyous: Phil & Gina Watkiss Patricia Hood, Coweta Event Services Taylor & Lori Drake Steven & Christine Seaman Michelle Long Steve & Rebecca Frey Concord Baptist Church New Bethel Congregational Methodist Church Carrie Koepke, gift coordinator for Cancer Treatment Centers Department Staff Robert & Gail Nelson Liberty Christian Church Christian Women’s Fellowship Erica Shamrock Blalock Estates Group (Wilsons, McCartys, Stiplings, Heards, Lyles, Smiths) Nancy Martin First Methodist Church, Christians Seeking Christ Group Senoia Optimist Club Tony & Laura Bell GA Tech Development Center Kiewit James & Kelley Bass KCMA Corporation Heritage School FCA Strathmore Floors Brian & Laura Thomas Rev. & Mrs. Larry Montgomery Ashleigh Long, Franklin & Rosemary Deb Coleman, Shay’s Soaps John & Brenda Frazier Amee Davison Wyndham Peachtree Gary & Ann Stallings Showers of Blessings Street Ministry Sue & Bill Lofton Southside Church 8th Grade Girls William & Julie Pearson LifePoint Church, Cartersville Brenda Harris Erin Tatum ValuTeachers David & Debra Camp Dr. Robert & Claudia Whipple Dr. Cliff & Val Cranford Mark Knox, Knox Furniture Company
Needs & Wishes
Please consider a donation from the following list from basic needs to holiday suprises for the girls: Send gift card donations to: PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264 All other donations call: 770.251.7050. - Activities tickets/gift cards: • Callaway Gardens (Fantasy in Lights, Butterfly Exhibit, day at the beach) • Christian Concerts that occur throughout the year • Art classes (Michael’s, In the Art of It, Bumble Beads) • Skating • Restaurants • Georgia Aquarium • World of Coke • Museums • Fernbank • Stone Mountain • Fox Theatre Events (ie: Nutcracker) • Dance classes • Manicures/pedicures • Bowling • Movies • Local Activities & Entertainment • Dining (fast food) - Gift cards to purchase girls’ clothes, household items, etc: • Wal-Mart • Target • Ollie’s • Ross • Rue 21 • Plato’s Closet • Grocery Stores • Gas cards - Disaster Preparedness Kits – Call the house for details - Household Supplies: Energy Efficient Light Bulbs (60 &100), new vacuum cleaners, Bleach Small electric bagel slicer, 3 white full-length mirrors, twin size washer/dryer safe mattress pads, HE Laundry detergent, Kitchen towels, dish detergent, Pine-Sol, bleach (liquid and wipes); furniture polish, Windex, paper products (paper towels, napkins, paper plates, toilet tissue, etc); Zip Lock bags (sandwich, quart, one gallon and two gallon sizes for storage), Kitchen towels, 13 gal trash bags, 30 gal Force Flex bags, - Non-perisible food items: canned vegetables, meats, and fruits, pastas, cereal, oatmeal, grits, sugar, snack, crackers, soups, pasta sauces, etc. - Hygiene items: shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, Feminine hygiene products, razors; shower gels; body sprays; African-American Hair Care Products, Q-tips etc - OTC meds and first aid supplies: Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Aleve, Midol, Benadryl, Mucinex, Cough Drops, Alcohol, Peroxide, Neosporin, Hydrocortisone Cream, Band-Aids, etc.
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Our Community of Support There are many in our community who chose, for different reasons, to support Angel’s House and the girls who live there. We want to showcase some of our community partners, and let them know how thankful we are for them, their giving spirit, and the difference that they are making in the lives of the girls at Angel’s House. Strathmore – Cabinets, Design, Floors, Paint
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Angel’s House provides a critical safety net for some of the most vulnerable members of our community. These girls arrive without resources and without a family to support them. We work very hard to create an atmosphere in our company where everyone feels valued and they know we are concerned for their families. It has been great to see the relationships and support our team offers each other – with the Christmas Holidays approaching last year – our employees decided as a group that they wanted to support a family or group that was struggling. We presented Angel’s House as an option, and when they saw the needs of these girls and the environment for success that is provided – they immediately chose to help. Everyone was able to provide something that was appropriate for them and we celebrated as a group their generosity. It was a great blessing to our entire team. - Shane Lyle, President of Strathmore Cabinets, Design, Floors, Paint
At Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), I learned about Angel’s House through our women’s volunteer group, and I was given the opportunity to coordinate the events. Initially, I was concerned about collecting enough donations but I learned I wasn’t alone; everyone at CTCA contributed or volunteered their time to make each event a success. With every year, I’ve learned to be more organized, patient and grateful. As Kaye and Becky shared their Angel’s House success stories, I realized that I’m supportive of Angel’s House because we can all help make a difference in the lives of others no matter how big or small.
Rotary Club of Senoia The Rotary Club of Senoia has many areas in which we serve our community, but one of the main focuses of our club has always been our community’s youth. Our decision to partner with Angel’s House was perfect, we get to touch the lives of children who need us the most and hopefully bring a smile, a sense of comfort and peace and show them that there are many who love and support them through their journey of becoming our next generation of hope. By partnering with Angel’s House we can expose this next generation to the service of others where one day we hope that we may have touched their life in a small way and they will think of Rotary and maybe serve others by becoming a Rotarian. - Scott Gumerson, President of the Rotary Club of Senoia
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) Since its inception, Angel’s House has been blessed with the support of churches from a variety of denominations. One of the original donors to Angel’s House was Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) Newnan Ward. Prior to the completion of Angel’s House, LDS donated a large number of wooden furniture pieces that are still in use throughout the house today. LDS has also made a generous product donations to Angel’s House in the way of food items and household supplies.
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
- Carrie Koepke, MBA, Education Coordinator/Learning Management System Specialist, Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Abby’s Angels Foundation The way our relationship has developed, we believe, is all under God and Abby’s direction. Just by chance a couple of months after creating Abby’s Angels Foundation and making Abby’s bracelets Kaye Todd, Assistant Director at Angel’s House, had bought a couple and I think maybe given a couple as gifts. She contacted us to have a specific bracelet made and a conversation began. I was always familiar with Angel’s House having lived here in Newnan since 2005 and ran in the race in 2008. However, I didn’t know the real work of the staff and process of Angel’s House or that the population there were teenage girls. After learning this information, a pull to help the girls with school supplies began tugging at me. This is how Abby works. Abby’s Angels Foundation’s mission had been defined knowing this was the work that would best reflect Abby and what was important to her. Abby’s closets were starting to take shape. It was a bittersweet realization that our paths had crossed and that through Abby and the support of our community, Abby’s Angels Foundation could help these young girls with something they would need, school supplies. It is a gift for us to work with Angel’s House. We hope that this relationship is just the beginning and that through the work of Abby’s foundation and many others, the girls of Angels House will feel the support and love of our community. - Natalie Bacho - Abby’s mother, and President of Abby’s Angels Foundation
SouthTowne Motors – Community Partners Steve Mader and his team at SouthTowne Motors are wonderful community partners! They assisted Angel’s House in finding a replacement vehicle for our SUV that was 14 years old and had over 215,000 miles. Relying on the future Newnan Junior Service League grant that the house will be receiving to help replenish our “coffers”, and with the assistance of SouthTowne, we purchased a new van! We use this vehicle not only for transporting the girls from Angel’s House, but also in picking up many donations and running errands during the week such as grocery shopping for a house full of teenage girls. Thank you, SouthTowne, for all you do for us and our girls! We truly do appreciate it! Adrian Silva with Southtowne Motors assists Angel’s House Kaye Todd in looking for a new vehicle.
Thank You, Newnan Junior Service League! We are so excited to be partnering with the Newnan Junior Service League this year as their 2016-2017 Grant Recipient. Please help us by showing your support to the League and their upcoming events. The Newnan Junior Service League is proud to announce that Angel’s House is the 2016-2017 NJSL Grant Recipient. The league membership voted to designate Angel’s House the 2016-2017 Grant Recipient because NJSL is an organization of women committed to making Newnan a better community for all that live here. We are consistently moved by the stories that come from Angel’s House and are appreciative of the safe environment you provide for young women in need. It is an honor and privilege for NJSL to raise funds this year to be pooled with other assets for the purchase of a vehicle for Angel’s House residents. We hope the entire community will come together and support NJSL fundraising efforts to benefit Angel’s House by signing up for the ShamRock Run in March 2017 and purchasing tickets for the Big Event in 2017. Please follow us on Facebook and visit our website www.njslserves.org.
- Lauren Smith, NJSL Grant Committee Chairperson
Members of Angel’s House Board of Directors and the Junior League accepting delivery of the our new van at Angel’s House!
Charity Golf Tournament Benefits Angel’s House! 2016 Recipients of the Charles W. Cobb, Sr. Memorial Tournament
Angel’s House was honored to be chosen as the sole recipient of all proceeds from the 2016 Charles W. Cobb, Sr. Memorial Tournament at Eagle’s Landing Country Club. This year’s tournament was held on September 30 and raised over $46,875! There were perfect conditions for the ninety-two players from Georgia and Alabama who enjoyed breakfast, golf and a lunch after they played. The annual tournament was started by Wes Cobb, CFO of Jerry L. Johnson & Associates, five years ago to memorialize his father, Charles W. Cobb, Sr., who loved golf and philanthropy. Although he lives in Henry County, Wes was aware of Angel’s House through Emory “Hugh” Palmer, former President of the company and his son, Will Palmer, who is the current President of the construction firm. As a resident of Coweta County with a daughter-in-law, Jennifer Palmer, on the Angel’s House Board of Directors, Hugh was familiar with the services Angel’s House provides. “I knew that the tournament would raise enough money to significantly help the girls at Angel’s House,” he said. We are very grateful for the generosity of Wes Cobb and the entire Cobb family as well as Jerry L. Johnson & Associates. Not only was the tournament a wonderful fundraiser, but it helped expand our reputation as a deserving charity throughout the greater Atlanta area and beyond.
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
WOW! How amazing it is to think that our 15th annual Run For Angels will be held on February 4th! It seems like just yesterday that Board member, Jennifer Candler, began the planning for our first race to be held at the farm of Millie and Andy Gosch. As Jennifer explained, “Being a mother, I was compelled to start the race as a way to help support the need for a children’s shelter in our community. I had 3 goals in mind when I began the planning: to help provide financial support for Angel’s House; to create a community event that involved families; and to raise awareness of the need for foster care. Organizing was a matter of identifying people who shared these goals and were willing to work behind the scenes to make it happen. That included an energetic group of volunteers and generous local benefactors. Having a common cause is what got us started and has kept the race going over the last 15 years.” We had a small group of enthusiastic runners show up on that cold, blustery day in 2002. The forecasters had predicted heavy thunderstorms so the 10K part of the race had to be cancelled. All in all, we considered it a great success and decided that the Run For Angels would be our major fundraiser each year for Angel’s House. “Andy and I were so honored to host the first Run For Angels at our farm. Although the weather posed a great threat, runners showed up and the race was run with much success for a very worthy cause,” remarked Millie Gosch. Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
After the third Run For Angels, an Alan Jackson concert held in the Newnan High School stadium, the raffle of Alan Jackson’s corvette, and countless other fundraising efforts over a three year period....the $1 million needed to build the shelter had finally been raised. The doors of Angel’s House were opened in the summer of 2004, and the shelter has since been “home” to 239 children. Before the fourth run, Jennifer Candler remembers picking up donated bananas from Kroger and the teenage boy helping her load her car asked her what she was going to do with all of the bananas. She told him they were for the Run For Angels the next day. He replied, “I live at Angel’s House, and it is a great place!” That was all she needed to hear. “He confirmed for me the need for Angel’s House and the impact it was having on children in Coweta County,” Jennifer said. Several others have served as chairperson for the race through the years, and all worked diligently to improve and grow the event each year. Each put their own mark on the race whether by adding sponsors, starting the Chicken Q, establishing new awards, changing the logo, enhancing the t-shirt, creating signage and banners, converting to chip-timing, having the course certified, etc. We have come a long way, baby! Lisa Shaak shared what she gleaned from her years as race organizer “I just really look back on those years as the chairperson with such joy. I felt connected to a great organization, as well as
2017 Run For Angels Sponsorships A Special Shout Out to Our Sponsors! to a great group of volunteers. It was wonderful to be able to give back to my community in a way that directly benefited the children of Coweta County. What I received in return was so invaluable. I bonded over a common cause and built friendships that will last a lifetime.” It takes many months of planning and 100+ volunteers to organize and execute our race each year. The years have flown by, and our race continues to grow each and every year! The Run For Angels is now a Peachtree Road Race qualifier drawing runners from all over the Southeast and beyond. All funds raised from the event go directly to Angel’s House. What a blessing for all of the children who have entered... and for all of the children who will enter the doors of Angel’s House in the future. As a past organizer myself, I continue to be amazed by our generous sponsors, our dedicated volunteers, and all of the runners who continue to support this important fundraiser year after year. Many thanks to all for sharing your loving hearts and your compassion. Thank you for sharing in the responsibility of providing a safe home for our suffering children. As this years’ race co-chair Jill McKnight stated, “The Run For Angels can give you chills on the morning of the run...not from the cold weather, but rather from the sense of pride and gratitude of our overwhelmingly gracious and supportive community!” The Run For Angels & Chicken Q has become a wonderful family and community event. We invite you to join us as a sponsor, a volunteer, a runner, or a sideline cheerleader as we celebrate our 15th Anniversary on February 4th! We will be looking for you at the start line! - Bambi Edge
Like most homes, Angel’s House runs on a tight budget. Although state funding covers part of our basic operational expenses, we depend on the Run for Angels & Chicken-Q, our Board’s sole fundraising event, to make up the difference. Participants’ entry fees and Chicken Q ticket proceeds cover the costs of hosting the event each year but it is from our sponsorships that we make our money. As a sponsor, 100% of your tax-deductible donation goes directly to Angel’s House. You get the benefit of free run registrations, t-shirts and Chicken Q tickets. You also get exposure on our website, banner, and posters advertising our event which is well-promoted and well- participated, attracting over 1000 runners, walkers, eaters and community volunteers. Most importantly, you get the satisfaction of knowing that your hard earned money has gone for the truly worthy cause of helping children that just want a safe place to lay their heads at night. We have been extremely blessed with wonderful, supportive sponsors many of which continue to support us year after year. The number of sponsors for the Run and Q have grown from nine for our first run in 2002 to 79 for last year’s run! We would like to thank our many gracious supporters who have sponsored our Run and Q over the past 14 years. If you as a business, church, or family are interested or would February 4, 2017 Corporate Sponsorship Levels and Benefits like to know more about our sponsorship levels, please see the enclosed sponsor level information sheet or contact one of our Sponsorship Committee members. Presenting Sponsor $10,000 Minimum
Gold Sponsor $2,500 Minimum
• Credited as the Presenting sponsor with prominent top logo placement on all promotional materials, including registration forms, race t-shirts, posters, race banner, and in race day slide show
• Sponsor name and logo on all promotional materials, including registration forms, race t-shirts, posters, race banner, and in race day slide show
• Your company promoted and linked on Angel’s House website, Facebook page and blog post • Promoted as the Presenting sponsor in all public relations releases to media outlets
• Presenting sponsor may present media or promotional materials on Friday during packet pick up and race day
• Presenting sponsor will receive 20 complimentary race entries, official race t-shirts and Chicken-Q dinners
Diamond Sponsor $7,000 Minimum
• Sponsor name and logo on all promotional materials, including registration forms, race t-shirts, posters, race banner, and in race day slide show
• Your company promoted and linked on Angel’s House website, facebook page and blog post • Promoted as Diamond sponsor in all public relations releases to media outlets
• Diamond sponsors may present media or promotional materials on Friday during packet pick up and race day
LouAnne Connell 770-301-0429 Lana Mobley 404-518-1205 Ann Phillips 678-571-1106
• Diamond sponsor will receive 15 complimentary race entries, official race t-shirts and Chicken-Q dinners
Platinum Sponsor $5,000 Minimum • Sponsor name and logo on all promotional materials, including registration forms, race t-shirts, posters, race banner, and in race day slide show • Your company promoted and linked on Angel’s House website, Facebook page and blog post • Promoted as Platinum sponsor in all public relations releases to media outlets • Platinum sponsors may present media or promotional materials on Friday during packet pick up and race day • Platinum sponsors will receive 10 complimentary race entries, official race t-shirts and Chicken-Q dinners
• Your company promoted and linked on Angel’s House website, facebook page and blog post
• Gold sponsors may present media or promotional materials on Friday during packet pick up and race day • Gold sponsors will receive 5 complimentary race entries, official race t-shirts and Chicken-Q dinners
Pearl Sponsor $1,000 Minimum
• Sponsor name and logo on all promotional materials, including registration forms, race t-shirts, posters, race banner, and in race day slide show • Your company named on Angel’s House website, facebook page and blog post
• Pearl sponsors will receive 3 complimentary race entries, official race t-shirts and Chicken-Q dinners
Silver Sponsor $650 Minimum
• Sponsor name on all promotional materials, including race t-shirts, posters, race banner, and in race day slide show • Your company named on Angel’s House website, facebook page and blog post
• Silver sponsors will receive 2 complimentary race entries, official race t-shirts and Chicken-Q dinners
Bronze Sponsor $300 Minimum • Sponsor name on all promotional materials, including race t-shirts, posters, race banner, and in race day slide show • Your company named on Angel’s House website, facebook page and blog post • Bronze sponsors will receive 1 complimentary race entry, official race t-shirt and Chicken-Q dinner
2017 Run for Angels Sponsorship Pledge Form I pledge to sponsor at the following level ______________________ in the amount of $ _______________________ Contact Name*__________________________________ Company Name*___________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________ Email ______________________________________________ _____ I have pledged to be a 2017 Angel Run sponsor but do not wish to receive my complimentary race entry(s), official race t-shirt(s) or Chicken-Q dinner ticket(s). • Email your high resolution company logo in jpg, eps or pdf format to beth@bqdesign.com
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
• Return this pledge form and your check payable to Run for Angels to: LouAnne Connell, 63 Lundy Street, Newnan, GA 30263, 770-301-0429
* Please state name exactly as it should appear on promotional materials Thank you!
15th Annual 5K/10K Road Race & 1 Mile Fun Run 2017 Run For Angels! Saturday, February 4, 2017
February 4, 2017 5K/10K certified Peachtree Road Race Qualifiers
The RUN FOR ANGELS is our largest fundraiser and has raised $469,000 since its inception in 2003. With both the 5K and 10K courses being certified as PEACHTREE ROAD RACE QUALIFIERS, the RUN FOR ANGELS is now a highly respected and well-attended event attracting hundreds of participants to downtown Newnan, GA from all over the southeast each year! ORION RACING will once again professionally manage our 2017 race using the latest RFID disposable start and finish chip-timing technology to ensure the most accurate instant finish times possible! Awards results are calculated on gun time based on USATF Rule 245. These precise times will be displayed on a flat screen television at the finish line. This system will also allow us to prepare for our awards ceremony quickly! Race times will also be emailed to participants in the 5K and 10K races and posted on our Angel’s House website and Facebook page as well. For the race route map see our website.
Gun Start & Chip-timed
2017 Angels Run T-shirt:
972 runners and walkers registered for the 2016 Angels Run. We continue to grow, each year. Our 2017 goal is to meet or exceed 1000 registrations! Let’s DO THIS!! The t-shirt is always a HUGE part of the run, and we had very positive feed-back for the new long sleeve wicking style we chose this past year. The EXCITING news for the 2017 shirt is that we are bringing
School Team Spirit Every school is encouraged to form a spirit team consisting of anyone related to your school...students, teachers, coaches, parents and siblings! The top 2 overall schools with the most participation will win an Academy Sports gift card! The Elementary, Middle & High school with the most participation will hold the winners trophy for the year. Look for registration forms in your school office and/or with your track coach or athletic director the first week of January. Students and additional family members can also register at theangelshouse.org or on active.com. You must fill in your school when registering for school to receive credit. For questions about school participation, please email Elizabeth Williams at emcentire@gmail.com.
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Registration is open at theangelshouse.org back a retro logo design and new color in honor of this being our FIFTEENTH Angels Run. All participants who register before the cut-off date are guaranteed a shirt. You won’t want to miss out on this one! Please remember that all proceeds from the run go to support Angel’s House. Even if you don’t want to participate in the 2017 run, you can always register to support Angel’s House AND get your fabulous t-shirt (and you can tell all of your friends that you DID run)!!!
2017 Awards In addition to our awards and medals, this year our Overall Male and Female for 5K and Overall Male and Female for 10K will win a new pair of running shoes from Dragonfly Running Company. Our Masters Male and Female winners for both 5K and 10K will recieve $25 Dragonfly Running Company gift certificates.
2016 School Team Spirit Winners!
Newnan High School
Lee Middle School Northside Elementary School
& Chicken Q
Volunteers! We need you!
The 2017 Angel’s House Chicken Q will, once again, be held in conjunction with our Run For Angels on Saturday, February 4, 2017, in the First United Methodist Church Parish Hall in Newnan. Since 2002, we have been serving the famous Huckleberry’s chicken plates, and have raised approximately $89,000 for Angel’s House! Working together with several local churches and the community; we sell the Chicken Q tickets, staff the drive-thru, fix the plates, serve the guests and, best of all, have some of the most delicious homemade desserts included in our Chicken Q plates! $10 Chicken Q tickets are available for purchase online at our website at theangelshouse.org. Runners may also purchase a Chicken Q ticket online when they register for the race at active. com. You can purchase tickets through representatives at our downtown churches. To meet the demands of our customers, our drive-thru pick-up line will now open at 10:00am for those who would like “to go” plates. Of course, you are welcome to pick up your plate(s) or eat in the Parish Hall beginning at 10:00am until 1:30pm. For more information about the Chicken Q, to volunteer to make desserts, or to serve on the day of the event, please contact Lori Drake at tldrake@numail.org. If you need Chicken Q tickets or local business delivery of Chicken Q plates, please contact Jennifer Palmer at jenhpalmer@yahoo.com.
We strive to continue to improve our race each year. Many committed volunteers are already preparing for our 2017 race. We are so grateful for all of the “angels” who support our run by being participants, volunteering time, offering services, in-kind and monetary donations! So, BE AN ANGEL, and mark your calendar! To volunteer contact Debi Fuchs at dbfuchs@hotmail.com or Val Cranford at vpc@numail.org
$10 Chicken Q Plates Drive-thru or Eat-in at First United Methodist Church after the Race at 10:00am. Tickets on sale NOW at theangelshouse.org or at Active.com when you register to run!
2017 Run for Angels Sponsorships Please see the enclosed sponsorship opportunity sheet with our 2017 enhanced sponsorship levels and benefits. 100% of your tax-deductible donation will go directly to Angel’s House as the run itself is fully sustained by participants’ entry fees. Thank you to our 2016 sponsors shown below!!
Newnan-Coweta Angel’s House, Inc.
The Swope Family Fund Arnall Grocery Company Bartlett & Barnett, CPAs, P.C. Binion Tire Company Bowers & Burns Real Estate Company Carl E. Smith & Sons Building Materials Casey Corporate Transportation Charter Bank
Chick-fil-A, Inc. Children’s Clinic - Malcolm Cole Jr, MD Coweta Animal Hospital Coweta Water & Sewerage Authority Crain Oil Company Cranford Interiors Cranford Orthodontics
D Phillips LLC Dr. Pat Yancey, III DMD & Dr. Patrick Yancey IV, DMD Dragonfly Running Company, LLC Elliott Chiropractic Clinic Kam, Ebersbach & Lewis, P.C. Kiwanis Club of Coweta County
Knox Furniture & Panoply Friends of Lynn R. Smith, Inc. Matrix Insurance Agency, Inc. Nissan Of Newnan Pots & Plans, Inc. Publix Super Markets, Inc. Southern Vein Care
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Stemberger & Cummins, P.C. The Brandenburg Bunch The Fuchs Family The Heritage School The Lovett Family The Lyle Family The McKnight Family
The Winn Wise Family Tiernan & Patrylo, Inc. Tom & Kathy Moynahan Tom & Nancy Carson True Natural Gas Unity Baptist Church Welden Financial Services
The Wind Beneath Thei r Wings We cannot say thank you enough for the generosity of these dedicated gracious donors. Angel’s House Foundation Circle Members
Halo of Love ($1,000 and above)
Alabama|Controls Allison Smith Company LLC Atlanta Vascular Specialists Atlas Roofing Company Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Avent Bailey & Owens General Contractors, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bass Batchelor and Kimball, Inc. BIC Switchgear Services, Inc. bqdesign Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Brandenburg Buffalo Rock/Pepsi Can’t Never Could Mr. Tom and Dr. Nancy Carson Central Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coggin LouAnne Connell, CPA Mr. and Mrs. Randy Connell Dr. and Mrs. Garry Craddock, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Cranford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Drake Eckardt Electric Co. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Edge, IV First Liberty Building and Loan First United Methodist Church The Fuchs Family George F. Richardson, Inc. Georgia Bone & Joint, LLC Grannie Fannie’s
Mr. Joseph Guerra & Ms. Amy Guerra H & H Insurance Services, Inc. Mrs. Malcolm E. Harvey Headrick Insulation, Inc. hhgregg Mrs. William Hubbard Huckleberry’s Inglett & Stubbs LLC IronPlanet Joe Powell and Associates, Inc. Mrs. Evelyn Jones Kemp’s Dalton West Flooring Kiwanis Club of Newnan Knight Interiors, Inc. Legacy Christian Church Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Scott Magyar Mr. and Mrs. Ellis A. Mansour Maxair Mechanical Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. McKnight Ms. Larisa McMichael Mike Fitzpatrick Ford, Lincoln Mercury, Inc Ms. Lana Mobley Neighborhood Of Featherston Heights Newnan Utilities NuLink Operation Round Up - Coweta-Fayette EMC Orkin Pest Control Mr. and Mrs. Emory Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Phillips PrintSource Mr. and Mrs. Scott Quick Randa The Realtor Reeve Electric Company, Inc. Ronny D. Jones Enterprises, Inc. Shook & Fletcher Mechanical Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Smith Southtowne Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sprayberry Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Steve Swope The Hugh Palmer Family with Jerry L. Johnson & Associates Thermal Recovery Systems, Inc. Thomas H. Lanier Family Foundation Tip Top Roofers Service Corporation United Bank United Distributors, Inc. ValuTeachers, Inc. W. B. Wallis & Company Mrs. William C. Waters, III Mr. and Mrs. Woody Waters Mr. and Mrs. James Welden Dr. and Mrs. Eric Wellons Wells Fargo Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Clay Williams Mr. and Mrs. Winn Wise
Halo of Hope ($200 to $999.99) Advanced Wood Products, Inc. Apex Painting & Decorating Inc Arnall Grocery Company Arthur Murphey Florist Dr. and Mrs. George Ballantyne Bartlett & Barnett, CPAs, P.C. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Bass BB&T Binion Tire Company Mr. and Mrs. Jack Binion Blue Moon A Denim Boutique, LLC Ms. Binka Bone Bowers & Burns Real Estate Company Mr. and Mrs. Sam Candler Carl Smith & Sons Building Materials, Inc
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Charter Bank Chick-Fil-A, Inc. Children’s Clinic - Malcolm Cole Jr, MD Mr. J. Clay Cole Cornerstone Masonry Group LLC Coweta Animal Hospital Coweta County Sheriff’s Office- Project S.A.F.E. Coweta County Water & Sewerage Authority Coweta-Fayette EMC Crain Oil Company Cranford Interiors Cranford Orthodontics Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cranford Mr. and Mrs. Turner Cunningham D Phillips LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Davey Davidson Dragonfly Running Company, LLC Elliott Chiropractic Clinic Mr. and Mrs. John Fanning Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Fauver Mr. and Mrs. Bob Flowers Friends of Lynn R. Smith, Inc. Glendalough Manor Associates LLC Glover & Davis, P. A. Mr. and Mrs. John Goodrum Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Green Mrs. Joe Harless Mrs. Beverly Head Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Heard Mr. Gerald Hersh
Halo of Hope continued... Hi-5 Port-A-Potties Ms. Sandra Israel Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Jackson JMC Homes & General Contracting, LLC Joy Brown Barnes, Realtor Kam, Ebersbach & Lewis, P.C. KCMA Corporation Mr. William Keir Kiwanis Club of Coweta County Knox Furniture Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kozma Kroger Community Partners Rewards Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lachey Ms. Deborah Levich Lighthouse Committee of Newnan Newnan Utilities Employees Mr. and Mrs. Shane Lyle Ginny and Dale Lyles Matrix Insurance Agency, Inc Dr. and Mrs. Andrew McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Ted Millar
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Moynahan Ms. Marion W. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson Nissan Of Newnan Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Olivent Mr. and Mrs. Emory H. Palmer Paradiso Painting Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Parcha Mr. and Mrs. Pick Parks Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Peters Piedmont Healthcare Pots & Plans, Inc. Publix Super Markets, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ray, Young Boozer Family foundation Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Steven Seaman Ms. Ruth Seitz Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sharp Mr. Hamp Smith Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Smith
Southern Crescent Women’s Healthcare Southern Vein Care Mr. Donald Sprayberry Stemberger & Cummins, P.C. Evelyn Jones Sullivan T.S. Williams & Associates, Inc. The Heritage School, Inc. The Sewer - Septic Golf Group Tiernan & Patrylo, Inc. Toyota of Newnan True Natural Gas Unity Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walker Welden Financial Services White Oak Golden K Kiwanis Mr. and Mrs. Clark Williams Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williford Ms. Minerva Winslow Dr. Patrick H. Yancey, III DMD Dr. Patrick H. Yancey, IV DMD
Halo of Faith ($1 to $199.99) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Guy Arnall Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton C. Arnall, Jr. Ms. Jackie Avery Ms. Suzanne Baerwalde Mr. Warren Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Bill Banks Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willis Barron Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bell Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Betts Mr. and Mrs. Duke Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Will Blackburn Blalock Lakes Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Boren Mr. and Mrs. Bob Boston Mr. Robert Boston Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Bowie Ms. Ann Brown Ms. Barbara Brown Mr. Patirck Brown Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown Friends Of Oxford College Dr. and Mrs. Matt Burns Hon. And Mrs. Jack Camp Ms. Nancy Carley Mr. Raymond Cavender Christian Womens Fellowship/ Liberty Christian Church Ms. Amanda Clark Ms. Brenda Clark Ms. Jane Clark Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conklin
Ms. Rosa Connally Mr. John Conort Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Craven Mrs. William H. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Davis Ms. Tammy Davis Ms. Jennifer DeFayette Dion Agency LLC JCPenney Donor Mr. James Droskinis Ms. Ella Dyer East Coweta High School Indian Princess Benefit Pageant Mr. Arthur B. Edge, III Mr. Steve Evans Miss Cameran Fanning Mr. and Mrs. Philip Freeburg Mr. and Mrs. Steve Frey Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilroy Mr. and Mrs. Chip Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Lou Graner Mrs. Gene Hamby Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hautt Henry Kitchens Sunday School Class Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hensley Mrs. and Mr. Ramon Hice Mr. and Mrs. David Ingram Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson Ms. Jenny Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Don Jones Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Josey Ms. Ingrid Joyce
Julie Marie Chavez Corp Kroger Judge and Mrs. William F. Lee, Jr. Ms. Arlene Liebl Lindsey’s Inc. Realtors Mr. and Mrs. John Lines Mrs. Janie Lore Mr. and Mrs. Jon Macke Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mallehan Dr. and Mrs. Charles Mann Mrs. Frances Mann Dr. Bob B. Mann, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin Mr. and Mrs. Brian McCarthy Ms. Phyllis McLamb Mr. and Mrs. David Merriwether Ms. Karen Miller Mr. David Murray/King’s Watch Repair New Bethel Congregational Methodist Church Newnan Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. H Nolan Mr. and Mrs. J. O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Greg Oothoudt Mr. James Owen Mrs. J. W. Parks, Jr. Mr. Edwin Parrott Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pass Mrs. Rosemary Payton Mr. Forest Peele Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pope Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Powers
Mrs. Allan Rainwater Ms. Jenny Rasch Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Reynolds Ms. Sue Royal Ms. Laurie Schaeffer and Mr. Seth Stern Mrs. Earlene Scott SENDSS Team Mr. Emmett Sewell Ms. Sandy Sipe Ms. Esther Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Sprayberry Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stripling Sunday School Account Mrs. Barbara Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson Miss Chrissy Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Claude Leon Vickers Mr. and Mrs. Phil Vincent Ms. Phyllis Walker Ms. Dana Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walls Mr. and Mrs. Paul Watkins Mr. and Mrs. James Weaver/AJFC Mr. and Mrs. John White Mr. and Mrs. Tim Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wicker Mary Beth and Mark Woods Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wright Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Yancey, Jr. Ms. Deirdre Yarbrough
With the continued support from the many individuals and businesses that have graced us with their generous donations, we are able to keep Angel’s House open. You have helped to protect the most vulnerable among us - our abused and neglected children. 15
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Angel’s House Giving Circle Members
InKind Donations Abby’s Angels Foundation Academy Sports Ana Lombardi Photography Andretti Indoor Carting & Games Anonymous Ms. Kia Bailey Bishop D. Baker Mr. and Mrs. J. Bass BB&T Beta Sigma Phi Binion Tire Company Ms. Cassie Blackmon Blue Moon A Denim Boutique, LLC bqdesign Bridging The Gap Buffalo Rock/ Pepsi Ms. Nicole Butler Mr. and Mrs. David Camp Cancer Treatment Centers Of America Mrs. Patsy Cataldo Ms. Melanie Cawood Centre For The Performing & Visual Arts Community Welcome House Concord Baptist Church LouAnne Connell, CPA Ms. Katie Cook Corner Arts Gallery Coweta County Cattlemen’s Association Coweta County Fair Grounds Coweta County School System Coweta County Sheriff’s Department Coweta County Water & Sewerage Authority Coweta Event Services Coweta-Fayette Rotary Club Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cranford Dr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Cranford, Jr. Mr. Stan Daniel Ms. Amee Davison Deals 4 Dollars D’Imension 74 Salon Dr. Walter Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Durham Elite Dance Force LLC Mrs. Jeannie Elliott Ms. Grace Elshorbgy Mr. Christoher Ethridge Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Farmer First Baptist Church First United Methodist Church-Christians Seeking Christ Sunday School Class First United Methodist Church Franklin & Rosemary Mr. and Mrs. John Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Steve Frey GA Tech Athletic Association Ga. Intensity Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gardner Ms. Marilee Gardner Georgia Tech GillyWeed Girl Scout Troop #536 Glover & Davis, P. A. Mr. and Mrs. Banks Glover Golden Corral Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gordon Mr. Paul Haney Ms. Brenda Harris Mrs. Beverly Head Heritage Fellowship Christian Athletes hhgregg Hi-5 Port-A-Potties Ms. Mary Hobson Mr. and Mrs. David Huggins Mrs. Jennifer Hungerford Ms. Betsy Imes Ms. Sharon James Mrs. Jennifer Johnson Kemp’s Dalton West Flooring Kiewit Infrastructure Knox Furniture Lee Middle School NJHS Ms. Megan Lee Legacy Christian Church Lewis Fire Protection, Inc.
Life Point Church LifePoint Church, Lawson- WMS Mr. and Mrs. Bill Loftin Logos Ranch Mr. and Mrs. Greg Lollis Ms. Michelle Long Mrs. Janie Lore Ms. Kathleen Luck Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Martin Ms. Leslie McCillian Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. McKnight Minute Man Press Ms. Sharon Mitchell Rev. & Mrs. Larry Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. Tom Moynahan New Bethel Congregational Methodist Church Newnan Presbyterian Church Newnan Junior Service League Nice Nails Northgate High School Key Club NuLink O’Callaghan Heating & Air Conditioning Optimist Club Of Senoia Ms. Diane Parker Mr. and Mrs. William Pearson Pediatric Associates of Newnan, PC Mrs. Holly Pempin Piedmont Internal Medicine Thomas Crossroads Ms. Pat Pollard PrintSource Publix Super Market - Newnan Publix Super Markets, Inc. - Atlanta Mr. and Mrs. Stan Queener Mrs. Nancy Ransom RDJE, Inc. Red Robin Resurrection Lutheran Church Ms. Marianne Richardson Mrs. Lauren Robinson Ronny D. Jones Enterprises, Inc.
Ms. Arleshia Russell Ruth Drake Bible Study Group Mr. and Mrs. Steven Seaman Senior Group Of Coweta County Serenbe Stables Ms. Erica Shamrock Shay’s Soaps Showers Of Blessings Sisters For Society Smallcakes Cupcakery Smith’s Choose & Cut Tree Farm SOS Copiers Southern - Arc Dance Southside Church - 8th Grade Girls Mrs. Tiffany Spires Sprayberry’s Barbecue Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stallings Stevi B’s Pizza Strathmore Floors Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sumner Ms. Erin Tatum Texas Roadhouse Dr. and Mrs. Brian Thomas True Gospel Deliverance Church Maddio’s Pizza ValuTeachers, Inc. The Vielhaber/DiGiovanni Family Mr. and Mrs. Phil Watkiss Ms. Kimberly Weatherly Ms. Jeri Weathers Mr. and Mrs. James Welden Wells Fargo - Main Newnan Branch Dr. and Mrs. Bobby Whipple III Mr. and Mrs. Clay Williams Williamson Brothers BBQ Mrs. Kathy Wilson Mr. Kevin Wimberly Mr. and Mrs. Winn Wise Women Of Today & The Future Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wright Wyndham Peachtree Zoo Atlanta
As we attempt to list all who have contributed to Angel’s House in the past year, we risk the inadvertent omission of someone from our list. If we have neglected to include your name, please accept our apology and contact LouAnne Connell at 770-301-0429. Each and every donation is appreciated.
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Honors and Memorials In memory of Mrs. Irene Brown Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowen Mr. and Mrs. James Crider Mrs. William H. Crowley Dr. and Mrs. Steven Umberger Sheriff and Mrs. Mike Yeager In honor of The Travis Adams Family Randa Reese In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Ros Atkinson LouAnne Connell, CPA Don and Ann Phillips In memory of Mr. James H. Beard III Mr. and Mrs. Guy Arnall In memory of Mr. Carl Blore Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Craven In memory of Mrs. Lin Brown Ms. Nancy Carley Ms. Brenda Clark Ms. Marion W. Murphy Mr. Forest Peele Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Powers Ms. Sue Royal Ms. Esther Smith In honor of Mrs. Sissie Carter Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Smith In memory of Mrs. Jean A. Cassard Mr. and Mrs. Pick Parks In memory of Mr. Cecil B. Chiles Ms. Marion W. Murphy In memory of Amanda Carol Cooper Ms. Amanda Clark In memory of Mr. Jerry Conner Don and Ann Phillips In memory of Mrs. Vickie Davis Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Bowie Hon. And Mrs. Jack Camp Mr. Raymond Cavender Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jon Macke Mr. and Mrs. J. O’Connell Ms. Sandy Sipe Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Smith
In memory of Ross Elliott Ms. Jane Clark Ms. Jennifer DeFayette In honor of the Fagan Girls Randa Reese In honor of Miss Lucie Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Bob Flowers In honor of Debi and Emma Fuchs Randa Reese In memory of Mr. Richard Fuchs Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conklin In honor of Jennifer Gray Randa Reese In memory of Patti Gross Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Craven In memory of Colin Harris Ms. Marion W. Murphy In memory of Sister Bridget Ann Henderson BVM Ms. Binka Bone In honor of Hilary Hice Mrs. and Mr. Ramon Hice In memory of Joey Horne Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Betts In honor of Houston Homes Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Smith In memory of Mr. Bill Hubbard Mrs. William Hubbard In honor of the Ruth Jackson Family Grannie Fannie’s In honor of Mrs. Denise Jackson Can’t Never Could In memory of Mrs. Bonnie Jarrard and her daughter Julie Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Edge, IV Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Green Ms. Minerva Winslow In memory of Mrs. Betty Jean Johnston Mrs. Earlene Scott In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston Ms. Deirdre Yarbrough
In honor of the Dieckman Family Randa Reese
In memory of Mrs. Pat Jones Don and Ann Phillips
In memory of Mrs. Harriette Potts Edge Mr. Arthur B. Edge, III
In honor of the Michael Joyce Family Randa Reese
In memory of Mrs. Joyce Edwards Don and Ann Phillips
In memory of Mr. Byron Keene Friends Of Oxford College - Joy Budensiek Mr. and Mrs. Tim Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Winn Wise
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
In memory of Ann Knight Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Yancey, Jr. In honor of the Koran Family Randa Reese In honor of the Brian Lewis Family Randa Reese In honor of the Luebke Family Randa Reese In honor of the George MacNabb Family Randa Reese In honor of Brooke Martin Randa Reese In honor of the Martin Family Randa Reese In honor of David Matthews Randa Reese In honor of Julie McKinney Randa Reese In honor of Mrs. Patsy Mullen Dr. and Mrs. George Ballantyne In honor of the Nance Family Randa Reese In memory of Mr. Hugh Norris Mrs. Gene Hamby In honor of the Paul Family Randa Reese In memory of Jack Hanson Powell Ms. Ruth Seitz In memory of Mrs. Margaret Peniston Powell Ms. Ruth Seitz In memory of Rev. Allan Rainwater Mrs. Allan Rainwater In honor of Shelly Read Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Smith In honor of Randa Reese Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Smith In honor of The Reid Family Randa Reese In memory of Mrs. Betty Rice Don and Ann Phillips In memory of Florence & Goodman Robertson Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson In memory of Mrs. Doris Rogers Ms. Phyllis Walker Honors and Memorials continues on page 14.
Honors and Memorials continued...
Little Ways to Give back!
In honor of Lauren and Garrett Schneider Randa Herring
In memory of Mrs. Frances (Boots) Sprayberry Mr. Donald Sprayberry
In honor or Ginger Smith Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Smith
In memory of Mr. Robert Lee Steed Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Edge, IV
In memory of Mrs. Patricia Johnston Smith Ms. Laurie Schaeffer and Mr. Seth Stern Ms. Jackie Avery Mr. and Mrs. Jack Binion Ms. Rosa Connally Mrs. William H. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Philip Freeburg Mr. and Mrs. John Goodrum SENDSS Team - Josephine Innaci Mr. and Mrs. Don Jones Mrs. Evelyn Jones Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mallehan Mrs. Frances Mann Dr. Bob B. Mann, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Millar Ms. Marion W. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Palmer Mrs. J. W. Parks, Jr. Mrs. Rosemary Payton Ms. Sue Royal Mrs. Earlene Scott Mr. Emmett Sewell Mr. Hamp Smith Mrs. Barbara Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Yancey, Jr.
In honor of Amanda and Phillip Sykes Randa Herring
In honor of Mrs. Colleen Sprayberry Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hensley
In memory of Jim Tysinger Randa Herring In honor of Loretta Tysinger Randa Herring In memory of Rev. Jerry Walker Ms. Marion W. Murphy In memory of Mr. Bill Walraven Mrs. Malcolm E. Harvey In honor of the Pat and Wayne Whidden Randa Herring In memory of Mr. Wendell Whitlock Don and Ann Phillips Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Yancey, Jr. In honor of the Wicker Family Randa Herring
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In honor or Mrs. Elizabeth Williams Mrs. William C. Waters, III In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Olen Witcher Mr. and Mrs. John Lines In honor of Mrs. Ellen Wood Ms. Jenny Rasch In memory of Mrs. Martha Latimer Young Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Edge, IV
A Great Honor If you would like to make a donation in honor of or in memory of a loved one, please be sure to attach a note including his/her name and address along with your check or gift card so those being honored may be notified. Upon request, we offer printed cards so that you may personally notify your honoree.
Giving Back App Give to Angel’s House using the Giving Back App... it’s simple and easy! Just download GivingBack from the App store on your phone. Scan the QR code below for more information.
Call Kaye Todd at 770-251-7050, if you would like some of these cards. Our address is P.O. Box 657, Newnan, GA 30264. You will find a contribution form and self-addressed envelope enclosed with this newsletter.
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
Amazon Smile
An Easy way to donate to Angel’s House if you shop at Kroger - Go to the community tab (top left) at: www.Kroger.com/communityrewards - Search for Newnan-Coweta Children’s Shelter, Inc./Angel’s and follow the instructions!
Capacity for Love continued from cover... Through Esther’s brokenness, she could see a glimmer of hope. I kept telling her, “You never know what God is doing. He is always working on your behalf. You never know what He is doing that you cannot see”. Our conversations and trainings continued. Soon, we were able speak with Esther about being open to a new family. By October we were in court opening her file and we began counseling and visits. By December, she was a part of our family living in our home. The children loved her and were almost too young to remember life without her. To this day, her younger siblings pray for her at the dinner table even if she is not there.
Esther can confidently sing about having a ‘good Father’ as she is experiencing His goodness first hand.
We thank God for the people that have loved, accepted and mentored us all through this process. That group of people was led by our Angel’s House staff. The intense love and influence they have for Esther ushered in the opportunity for us to be united as a family. At Angel’s House, we know she was given the love, safety and guidance she needed to accept what has happened in the past and grow as a young lady who has a capacity for love again. The ministry of Angel’s House gave Esther hope and courage. After her
experience, it was a brave thing to do to open her heart to another family. We owe so much of the lady that she is to Angel’s House. Through ups and downs, she keeps her eyes on Jesus; she serves others faithfully and is exploring who she is called to be and what she is called to do. She doesn’t settle for less and is aware of her influences.
Please Be An Angel!
Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries, Inc. is contracted by the Angel’s House board and oversees the day to day operations of the home. They provide our outstanding administrators and our loving house parents. The current annual budget to keep Angel’s House operational is over $391,000. The stipends received from the state work to offset these expenses, but we are extremely dependent on monetary and in-kind donations. It is a sad fact that most of the children come to Angel’s House with only the clothes on their backs.
As a new college student, Esther is well on her way to independence. She loves music, serving small children and reading books. Her smile as she helps lead worship on Sundays is inspiring. She can confidently sing about having a ‘good Father’ as she is experiencing His goodness first hand. On April 29, 2015 she became Esther Faith Sanders. Join us as we pray and proclaim Luke 1:45 over her, “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her.”
Monetary donations in any amount are always appreciated. Gift cards in any increment are greatly valued and enable the children to select their own clothing and toiletry items. Gift cards from restaurants, bowling, movie theatres, etc. enable the children to enjoy special outings. Gift cards may be sent to PO Box 657, Newnan GA 30264. 19
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
In Memory of Our Friend
Byron Keene
“Being at church felt so comfortable - so right - to Byron. Not just on Sunday mornings serving as head usher, but also on other occasions such as helping out with the Angel’s House Chicken Q. With a big heart for helping others and wanting to make a positive difference, along with his genuine love for the Lord and the fellowship with others, Byron always looked forward to Chicken Q time. He believed in serving the Lord by serving others, and the Angel’s House Fundraiser was a great opportunity for Byron to do just that.” - Daphne Keene, wife of Byron Keene Angel’s House would like to give our sincerest “Thank you” to Byron’s family for his many years of volunteer service to the Angel’s House. Whether it was working the drive-thru, delivering chicken plates, or standing back in the kitchen plating piping hot chicken, Byron was there. He would always volunteer first, rather than waiting to be asked to help, and he’d say, “Put me where ever you need me on whatever shift”. It is people like Byron that help to make our annual Run for Angel’s and Chicken Q such a success. Thank you to Byron and his family for years of service and support. We will miss you, Byron, but your spot on the Chicken Q line will not be forgotten!
- by Alena Andrews Angel’s House ultimately changed my life for the better. At a young age, I had become troubled with family abuse at home. When put into foster care, Angel’s House had become my safe haven. The selfless staff and uplifting environment empowered me more than anything else and therefore, I was able to grow. I connected with God and gained an everlasting faith in not only Him but also in myself. I will never forget how Angel’s House guided me into the direction of healing and success. They provided structure and care that I had never been exposed to. At first, I didn’t understand it and I fought it because I was troubled. Not long after my arrival, my mindset and perspective changed. I learned what it was like to be proud of who I was and excited for what the future had to offer. Today, I am working towards a medical degree and I am at the top of my class. Although I do not live there anymore, the motivation and happiness I gained from Angel’s House and my connection with God never ceases. They taught me to be the best I can be and to always strive for more. My outlook is forever hopeful and for that, I am forever thankful.
Music to Our Ears
everal years ago, Don Nixon called Angel’s House to extend an open invitation to the girls and to the staff for any performances they would like to attend at The Nixon Centre for the Arts. That was music to our ears....literally! We have taken him up on his kind offer on many occasions over the last few years. We just make a call, and the tickets are waiting for us at Will Call! The girls have really enjoyed all of the performances they have attended, but seeing Broadway Boys ~ and the
Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264
backstage “meet and greet” with the cast afterwards ~ has become their all-time favorite! We so appreciate Don Nixon’s most generous invitations, which have provided opportunities that have exposed our girls to the arts. Attending performances at The Nixon Centre has increased their knowledge and appreciation for different forms of artistic expression. We all miss Don and are so grateful for the difference he made in our community and for the difference he made in the lives of the children of Angel’s House.
We are so thrilled that Don’s wife, Cathe Nixon, is now the Director of The Nixon Centre for the Arts. Cathe stated, “The Nixon Centre for the Arts is honored to join in sharing the arts with Angel’s House. Realizing the importance of the arts in each life, it is our privilege to say welcome and to be our guest as Coweta County provides excellence. It is our hope that The Nixon Centre is accessible, approachable and beneficial to our community. That is what this incredible artistic space is about.... sharing and learning together. Welcome!”