2017 Angel's House News

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Angel’s House provides a safe, nurturing home for teen girls in crisis. Some are removed from their homes and placed in DFCS custody because of abuse, neglect or risky behaviors. Some are transitioning between foster homes or are faced with other circumstances that require immediate assistance. The girls who come through our doors receive the shelter, structure, and care they need to maximize their potential for success. Our girls may stay for a night or several months, and thanks to your help we are able to secure their safety and well-being by providing a sense of family that lasts a lifetime.

Care provided since opening in June 2004 through October 31, 2017: Number of Children: 253 Days of Care: 32,687 Male: 35 Female: 218 Children from Coweta County 62% (33 others counties in Georgia) Average Days Stayed: 129 (Shortest: 1 Day ~ Longest: 1,240 Days)

Angela’s Journey to SCAD

Working at Angel’s House, it is such a blessing to get to know the girls, recognize their talents and to assist the girls in developing and displaying these talents in ways that would not be possible if they were not at Angel’s House. Angela is one of our girls possessing an amazing artistic gift. We were left speechless on one of our very first nights with her. It was summer break and we were eating a meal graciously donated at Red Robin. We noticed Angela spent most of the meal staring at the statue of the bird in the Red Robin logo. Angela said she was studying it because she wanted to draw it. We finished the meal and were preparing to leave when Angela asked if she could try to draw the bird on the chalkboard in the restaurant lobby. We agreed, and we were stunned as she started drawing the logo from memory. In minutes, Angela was done with her drawing and it was exactly like the logo, down to the smallest detail. In the months that followed, Angela spent hours in her room drawing, sketching, and painting. As her talent became more evident, we began looking for ways to help her develop it further. We made sure that she could sign up for art classes at CEC, join the art club at school and have access to specialized art supplies. We also tracked down her art from previous schools. In January of 2017, we approached Angela about the SCAD Rising Star program to see if she would be interested in applying. Angela was beside herself with joy at the mention of SCAD and shared with staff that she had dreamed of attending since she was a little girl, but never in her wildest dreams believed that it could actually happen. To apply for the program, she would need to take the SAT, acquire a letter of recommendation, write a statement of purpose, compose a list of achievements, and submit a portfolio of at least ten art pieces from different mediums by April 1, 2017. After spending the next four months working on her portfolio and completing all the necessary requirements and submissions, on April 12th she learned that she had been accepted to the SCAD Angela's Journey continued on page 9 You are invited to join our Angel’s House Foundation Circle. To become a member of this special group, see pages 10-14 and contact Anne Smith, 678-953-1859 for information.

Director’s Letter

In This Issue:

Director’s Letter 2 We’ve all heard the saying “time flies” but I don’t really think about that until the annual writing for the President’s Message 2 newsletter. Many years it feels like I wrote the article yesterday, but depending on what’s happened around Our Staff 3 the house, it sometimes feels like a year or two has been skipped! Our History 3 No matter how quickly time seems to fly there has always been and will forever be consistent factors: Happenings 4 Christmas Blessings 6 time marches on, lives change, and I am not the one in charge! I am so very thankful that neither the What a Year - NJSL 8 good things nor the bad things are truly in my control but rather in the hands of God who sustains us and Golf & Theatre Camp 10 maintains us through it all! What a Fabulous 15th! 11 During our operation we have been continually blown away (and humbled) by the tremendous support of 2018 Run for Angels & Chicken Q 12 our community. Not just during the last 13 years that children have lived in this home, but for the all the Foundation Circle Members 14 years prior to opening when this home was only a glimmer of hope in the eyes of caring individuals! By the Honors and Memorials 17 time this newsletter reaches your hands, Angel’s House will have placed their 250th child! That’s 250 lives Needs & Wishes 18 that have been changed and shaped because of Angel’s House staff, other residents, and this community. I Honoring Ms. Becky! 19 continue to be in awe of the fabulous Board Members who work tirelessly on behalf of Angel’s House and Beautiful Hearts 20 the tremendous community support we receive!

2017 Board of Directors Kelley Welden President Lori Drake Vice President Anne Smith Treasurer

Angel’s House continues to provide services to meet each child’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. We provide care for children in state custody from all over the state of Georgia. Many of the children who come to Angel’s House come on an emergency basis and walk in with only the clothes on their back. Angel’s House will continue to strive to meet the needs of each girl who walks through our door while at the same time meeting the state regulations and guidelines. Angel’s House staff members are committed to continually providing care, love, support, and meeting needs for each child no matter the length of stay. Through God’s guidance and leadership, we will continue to meet the challenge of working with teenage girls with all their frustrations, heartbreak, and tears with love and a little laughter thrown in.

Kelley Bass Secretary Jill McKnight 2017-18 Run for Angels Co-Chair Lori Lovett 2017-18 Run for Angels Co-Chair Elizabeth Williams 2017-18 Run for Angels Co-Chair LouAnne Connell Debi Fuchs Carol Hamlin Cortney Lyle Lana Mobley Jennifer Palmer Beth Quick Kim Wise Advisory Board: Val Cranford Bambi Edge Cindy Owens Ann Phillips Colleen Sprayberry Honorary Directors: Denise Jackson Frances Smith

- Becky Parish, Angel’s House Program Director

President’s Message As I sit here watching the Weather Channel and their updates as Hurricane Irma marches across the southeast United States, it reminds me that life is full of storms. Some people have more storms to go through than others; some storms come in and out more quickly, and some linger longer. No matter who you are, you will have to endure storms during your life. For those children in the foster care system, they have endured more than their fair share of storms. Angel’s House strives to be a safe, nurturing home for these children where they can feel loved and find shelter from their “storms”. It takes a committed direct care staff and administrators, who are there daily with these girls helping them weather their storms and come out in a better place. It takes a dedicated Board of Directors willing to fundraise year after year to keep this house open, and to give these girls the love and stability they need to weather their storms. Most importantly, it takes a community willing to continue to give to this mission for almost 17 years. This past year has been an amazing one of love and support from our community and loyal supporters. We continue to be amazed by the outpouring of love for Angel’s House. From grants, donations, memorials, fundraisers, sponsorships, homemade desserts, run registrations, the list goes on – THANK YOU for your support! We are truly grateful for the many different ways that we are supported throughout the year. Thank you for showing these girls that even though they have storms to endure, they are not alone. They have a community that stands with them.

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264

- Kelley C. Welden, Angel’s House Board President




Angel’s House Staff

The History of Angel’s House

Becky Parish* celebrated 10 years as the Program Coordinator at Angel’s House and 28 years with Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries, Inc. (GBCH&FM) in 2017. To Ms. Becky, Angel’s House is a ministry much more than it is a job!

Like most charitable endeavors, Angel’s House has its roots in a group of concerned members of the community who saw a need and set about to help.

Kaye Todd has been the Administrative Assistant at Angel’s House for seven years. Kaye has worked/ministered with GBCH&FM for nine years. Kaye is married to Michael and has one son, Joseph. The full-time Direct Care staff members are Angela and Erik Vielhaber, Anna Smith and Rebekah (Becka) Martin. The Vielhabers have been Direct Care Staff at Angel’s House for eight years and just completed 12 years with GBCH&FM. The Vs are the proud grandparents of Rhett Lee and parents to their two amazing daughters Alexandra (Austin) and Allison. Anna became a part of our team three and a half years ago. She just celebrated her first wedding anniversary. Becka joined the Angel’s House team in late November 2016. Becka is the middle daughter of missionaries. She grew up in Morocco & attended college in the USA. Becka loves tea and enjoys making different flavors for the girls. Angel’s House is blessed with these dedicated individuals who truly view this job as their ministry! The Direct Care staff are the members of the team who “live-in” for a seven day period, 24 hours per day, every other week. They function in the role of what most people know as “mom” and “dad” of the household. The girls who come to Angel’s House walk in the door as a name but walk out as a part of our extended family! It is our privilege and honor to walk this journey with each of the girls who become a part of our lives. We accept this responsibility, privilege and opportunity to pour love into the lives of the young ladies who are entrusted to our care. Through constant prayer and attention, we strive for each young lady to learn as much from us as we do them. Whether the stay is overnight or 1,240 days (our longest), each staff member is impacted by each girl who comes through our doors. It is our goal that every child who comes to Angel’s House knows that they are loved and cared for by a staff team, God, and a community that wants to make a positive difference in their lives. Our prayer for each child remains: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 *See page 19 for Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries, Inc. profile and VIP of the year articles featuring Becky Parish!

It began with monetary donations for presents at Christmastime and grew into an annual humanitarian fund for children in foster care. In October 2000, a crisis developed when the lack of an urgent foster care facility forced children and social workers to stay overnight at the county Department of Family and Children’s Services (DFCS) office. DFCS called on the neighborhood group for help. They quickly secured a room at the local men’s shelter, and this temporary solution convinced the group that a county emergency shelter was desperately needed. The newly formed Newnan-Coweta Children’s Shelter Board went to work raising the one million dollars needed to fund construction of a permanent home and start-up program. Home-grown country music legend Alan Jackson and his family took special interest in the shelter and helped to make the dream come true. He and his wife, Denise, were instrumental in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for the shelter by putting on a special concert, as well as donating their Corvette to be raffled. The Jacksons were offered the honor of naming the shelter. They chose the name Angel’s House as it is their prayer that each child seeking shelter in the facility will be surrounded by “heavenly and earthly angels”. Community support was also overwhelming, and on August 21, 2002, ground was broken for Angel’s House. Another milestone was reached when the house was dedicated in February, 2004. Georgia’s First Lady, Mary Perdue, gave the keynote address. She remarked that “this project is what I would like to see all over the state of Georgia.” She emphasized that the community response to a much needed shelter is “of far greater value than anything the state can provide.” Since opening later that year on June 21, this special home has been a safe haven for over 200 children. Angel’s House runs just like a home with the group leaders serving as house parents. It is heartwarming to visit, smell the meals being prepared, watch the girls interact, do their homework or spend time in the garden.

Read more about the Angel’s House at theangelshouse.org


Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264



Happenings Around Angel’s House We never want to take for granted the everyday, on-going, and life-changing happenings around Angel’s House that make our days and the year a time of blessings. Saying thank you cannot fully express our appreciation of your faithful support! Angel’s House cannot function without the continued love and support from our donors! THANK YOU!

On-going Support:

• O’Callaghan Heating & Air • SOS – Standard Office Systems • Dr. Robert Whipple IV & Pediatric Associates of Newnan • Dr. Walter Stewart • My Kidz Dentist • Summit YMCA • D’imension 74 Salon in Peachtree City • Ms. Arleshia Russell • Binion Tire Company • Unity Baptist Church • Midwest Food Bank • LifePoint Church • Shelly & Charlie Farmer • The Donald W. Nixon Centre for Performing Arts • Logos Ranch – The Payton Family • Pollard Family • Deals for Dollars

Restaurants: Panera Bread, Stevie B’s Pizza,

Sprayberry’s, Rednexican, and Texas Roadhouse with discounts at Golden Corral, and Kentucky Fried Chicken.


Newnan High School, Smokey Road Middle School, Winston Dowdell Academy and Coweta County School System Personnel


Samantha Allen, Karin Gordon, Elizabeth Lozano and Liberty New

Thanksgiving Dinner: from Resurrection Lutheran

Food Gifts:

Uncle Maddio’s, Small Cakes, Bill & Diane Hautt, Brennan & Angela Munson, Elaine Sharp, Jeff Lindsey Communities, Leah Boss, The Huskinson Family, Rev. Mimi Walker, Johnny Bunton, Andrea Augustine, Lisa Rand with Summit Church, Andrea Wilson-ECHS Band Boosters, Nate Cox, Danny Banks, Susan Bell, Erin E. Cook, Patsy Cataldo, Trinity Baptist Church, Holly Pempin, Steve Mader at Southtowne, Galley Gourmet, Liberty Tax Services, US Post Office.


• Merry Anderson, Senior HR Generalist Mannington Mills • Backstreet Arts • Beta Sigma Phi - Valentine Party, Bowling night with food • Bloom Closet • Abby & Randall Brown • Caroline Barron Montessori School ~ Adolescent Community • Church at Ponce & Highland • Contemporary Catering - Valentine Meal • Corner Arts Gallery - Painting • Cornerstone United Methodist Pre-School - Hand-made Valentines • Shelly & Charlie Farmer - Dinner donations on outings • Girl Scout Troop #16372 • Lee Middle School NJHS - Valentines • Dr. Deborah Levich • Becky Parish - Good Friday Concert Tickets and Parking Passes • SkyZone • Urban Jungle • Angela & Erik Vielhaber - Winter Jam tickets, Gwinnett Braves Game • Quynh & Sovi Wellons

School Gifts: Bacho Family/Abby’s Angels Foundation

and Erik & Angela Vielhaber


Ann & Gary Stallings, GBCH&FM Trustees Rev. & Mrs. Larry Montgomery and Sue Loftin

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264




Contemporary Catering of Newnan provided a delicious dinner including shrimp alfredo, salad, and strawberry cake to Angel’s House to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Thank you so much for the Wonderful meal!

Angel's House began Valentine celebrations with a party hosted by Beta Sigma Phi-Lambda Chapter. There was lots of fun, fellowship, wonderful cake and candies while making heart shaped pillows. Thank you Lady Bee's for another Fun Evening!

Our girls and Mr. V on a Prayer Walk around Angel's House beautiful, peaceful property.

July Baking Activity with Mrs. Quynh Wellons and her daughter, Sovi putting together and baking delicious individual berry pies.

Enjoying Newnan Utilities water fun on a hot summer day!

Thank you Alpha Delta Pi Sorority of Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville GA for the clothing donation. We appreciate your thoughtfulness! 5

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264



2016 Christmas Blessings! The word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth John 1:14. Our 2016 Christmas Thank You cards* expressed the true meaning of Christmas — that love dwells among us not just during the holiday season but throughout the year. The caption “Jesus is the Reason for the Season” serves as a reminder that the very best gift any of us will receive is Christ. Recently, two of our girls who celebrated Christmas at Angel’s House last year were trying to explain it to the others. One said “just know it is nothing like anything you have ever experienced before, not just the presents we got but the overall experience is nothing like you’ll ever know again in your life (unless you get to be here for more than one Christmas!)” While most of us have never spent the holidays apart from our entire family, that was the unfortunate reality for the eight girls in our care this Christmas. So, the Angels House staff and community become their family and work to deliver on the hope and promise of Christmas. Often only after all the presents have been opened do the girls have time to process the day. It can be a time of shock and reflection as they realize someone has loved me, cared about me, and supported me like I’ve never experienced before. That truly makes every second of organizing, planning and scrambling worthwhile! In the same conversation referenced above, the other girl said “You won’t believe how much our house reflects Christmas. We have a winter wonderland inside and out!” It is truly a group effort. So many people in our community contributed to this year’s Angel’s House Christmas celebration. Together, we achieved our goal of creating a place where Christ’s love dwelled from the first decoration to the final present and beyond… Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264

In October we began generating gift lists and soliciting support for Christmas at Angel’s House. As is tradition, our season kicked off the weekend after Thanksgiving, when we went to Smith’s Choose and Cut Christmas Tree Farm in Fayetteville to pick out our Christmas Tree. This experience is usually a first for all our girls. The very same day our house was fully decorated with assistance from Shelly and Charlie Farmer and children Landon & Abbey (and wow did those kiddos work hard!) After a day of decorating, the Farmers treated our group to dinner at Ted's Montana Grill. One of our favorite events this year was making beautiful door wreaths and cookies with Beta Sigma Phi-Lamba Chapter. Additional holiday festivities included attending the Living Christmas Tree at New Hope Baptist Church, The Nutcracker at Wadsworth Auditorium – Southern Arc Dance and the Annie Moses Band Concert at The Donald W. Nixon Centre for Performing and Visual Arts. Another beloved annual Christmas event is dinner and gifts with our long-time supporters Ann and Gary Stallings. We are thankful for how much they love us and support us throughout the year.

*Christmas thank you cards donated by Minute Man Press




Thank you to the following groups and individuals whose generous donations made Christmas 2016 at Angel‘s House possible and joyous:


Julia & Mike Barber Laura & Tony Bell Blalock Lakes Neighbors: Maria & Jed Axelrod, Susan & Chris Cykoski, Judy & Jeff Heard, Cortney & Shane Lyle, Lesley & Brian McCarthy, Metamorphosis Medical Group, Wight Mixon, Sandra & Tim Morris, Kenny Schmidt, Paige & Steve Stripling, Kelley & James Welden Cheryl Clancy Deb Coleman, Shay’s Soaps Concord Baptist Church Coweta Fayette Rotary Club Val & Cliff Cranford Carrie DeSantis, gift coordinator for Cancer Treatment Centers Department Staff Donna & Wayne Douglas Lori & Taylor Drake Durden Chiropractic Clinic GA Tech Development Center Golden Corral Carol & Fred Hamlin Hilton Terrace Baptist Church, Columbus Melinda & Lewis Jackson Kiewit Infrastructure Co. Barbara & Michael Lachey Dora Lawson – WMS LifePoint Church LifePoint Church Sue & Bill Loftin Michelle & John Long Rev. & Mrs. Larry Montgomery Gail & Robert Nelson New Bethel Congregational Methodist Church James V. Owen Julie & William Pearson Piedmont Internal Medicine, Thomas Crossroads Becky & Dennis Roach, O'Callaghan's Heating & Air Paula & Alex Rodrigues, Town Square Jewelers Senoia Optimist Club Christine & Steven Seaman Kayden and Jarrett Shoemaker Sprayberry's Strathmore Floors The Ugarte Studio Gina & Phil Watkiss Lynn Wilson

Love thy Neighbor Each Christmas, the residents of Blalock Lakes get together to meet new neighbors, connect and celebrate the year. “We desired to build a sense of community within our new neighborhood and looked for ways we could serve locally,” said hosts Cortney and Shane Lyle. In the spirit the season and feeling called to love thy neighbor, the group decided to get involved with Angel’s House, its neighbor just down the road. They invited Kelley Welden, a Blalock member and President of the Angel’s House Board of Directors, to come and share about the organization, its purpose and needs. The mission of providing a safe, nurturing environment for children in crisis clearly struck a chord with the group. Since then, in addition to financial support, they have donated clothing and household items and become active participants in the annual Run for Angel’s and Chicken Q fundraiser held in February. Resident Lesley McCarthy took the call to love and serve your neighbor to heart and volunteered in the kitchen during this year’s Chicken Q preparing the food. “Being among a group of people giving of themselves and their time in the interest of others is powerful.“ Recently, another neighbor, Deborah Levich, went to visit the house and remarked, “I was so impressed by the girls I met. The atmosphere at the house was clearly one of love and support, not crisis. It says a lot about quality of care and support the girls receive from the Angel’s House staff.” Angel’s House is proud to be a part of this community and thankful for our neighbors at Blalock for their support!

2016 Christmas Morning Surprise at Angel's House for our girls, thanks to a very generous community!

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264



What a Year It Was, Is, and Continues To Be! In September of 2016, the women of the Newnan Junior Service League (NJSL) voted that Angel’s House would be the recipient of our annual grant. And truly, from that moment on, we hit the ground running and the race was on - literally and figuratively. For those who aren’t familiar with how the process works, the NJSL reconvenes for business in August. In September, we hear from deserving community non-profits who applied for our annual grant. We ask a handful of those groups to come present and then vote on who will be our annual grant recipient. We spend the rest of our year, August through May, fundraising for our grant recipient and other League programs. We heard about the need for a van at Angel’s House to transport the young women. Impressed by all of the good work being done our members voted to support these young women. We kicked off the year with our popular Annual Clay Shoot at Blalock Lakes. Then the NJSL took on the task of growing the Newnan Luminaria event from one neighborhood to a city-wide affair. We were very successful in this inaugural program, in large part due to the outpouring of support from our friends at Angel’s House, who plugged our event every chance they had. Our members ran in the legendary Run for Angels & Chicken Q, baked desserts and helped serve. When it came time for our run, the ShamRock Run, just a month later, the forces behind Angel’s House were once again behind us. One of the young women who lived at Angel’s House designed our t-shirt that quickly became an all-time favorite. We were proud to write her recommendation letter to SCAD. Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264


(l to r) Angel's House board member Lori Drake, 2016 NJSL President Magen Gamble, Lauren Jones Smith (NJSL), Angel's House Director Becky Parrish, and Angel's House board president Kelley Welden at check presentation.

In May, we were able to present Angel's House and team a check for $18,500, which was more than they requested. We also gifted the young women of Angel’s House manicure gift cards, a night of bowling and dinner out on the town. It’s no secret that I cried while presenting these. We worked so hard. We had such a beautiful partnership with Angel’s House and I was terribly proud to have served as President over these efforts in our 90th year of service. Thank you to our friends at Angel's House for being and outstanding partner to the NJSL and providing such a critical resource to our community. - Magen Gamble 2016 NJSL President

NJSL Executive Board and Casino Night Chairs with our presenting sponsor, CS Toggery — (l to r) Kathryn Mullins Rosser, Kristin Rowe Bass, Jill Spearman Abraham, Laura Sandlin Horton, Kimberly Rowe Pinkerton, Andrea Stipe Meadows, Cameron Ann Dougherty, Lauren Jones Smith and seated are Shay and Ian Goldenberg of CS Toggery at Newnan Historical Train Depot.



...continued from cover

Angela’s Journey to SCAD Rising Star Program! We were ecstatic to share this moment with her! She was excited and surprised, repeating over and over, “I did, I really did?” The next step was to raise the money for the program as it was not free. Although Angela had received a scholarship from SCAD, it only covered a fraction of the cost. Without knowing how or from where the money was going to come, we told Angela that God had not brought her this far for no reason and that she was going to go to SCAD. We told her that we all believed in her and that we were sure that our supporters of Angel’s House would want to assist. Wanting to help, Angela asked if she could write a letter that could be shared with the community. This was no easy task for Angela as she would much rather draw than write! Nonetheless, Angela poured her heart into a letter in which she shared the challenges she had faced and how her art had given her an outlet and an escape from terrible circumstances. She personalized her letter with a uniquely designed logo (see her logo at the beginning of this article on page one). After the letter was shared with her teachers, providers and our community all the funds needed for Angela to attend SCAD were raised before June 1st! Angela was completely overwhelmed and surprised with the outpouring of support that she had received from our

The girls recently had an opportunity to tour Roosevelt's Little White House State Historic Site in Warm Springs, GA. Your support makes these educational trips possible and are priceless experiences for the girls at Angel's House! 9

We were given an opportunity to see a dream realized from the talent of one girl and the love of one amazing community. gracious donors! It was a great day for all of us as we could be a part of seeing one of our girl’s dreams come true! Angela attended SCAD over the summer and she loved it as she learned so much about painting and many techniques that would help her as an artist. At the end of the program there was an exhibition of the student’s art. I wish that each of you that helped her in this endeavor could have witnessed Angela standing in front of her exhibition, smiling from ear to ear! This is a moment that we will never forget and one that speaks to the heart of the ministry of Angel’s House. For every girl who comes to Angel’s House, we are given a small window of opportunity to offer truth, love, hope, and wisdom into their lives. Some girls will come and go before we can see the seeds we have planted come to fruition. In this instance, however, we were given an opportunity to see a dream realized from the talent of one girl and the love of one amazing community.

Sharing a meal out together is always a treat. Thank you Rednexican in downtown Newnan for your support and generosity! Delicious and fun every time!

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264



Good Friday Golf Tournament What started as a small group of engineers looking for an activity for their day off at Yamaha, has grown over the last seven year into a golf tournament of almost 100 golfers. Given the success of the tournament, the group began thinking about giving the proceeds to a local charity. This year, Michael Obermeyer contacted Angel’s House about the tournament, and informed us that we had been chosen as the local charity of choice for their Good Friday Golf Tournament. “We continue to be amazed by the support and gracious gifts from our local businesses and community,” stated Angel’s House Board President, Kelley Welden.

Michael had first been introduced to Angel’s House at a benefit in May 2008, and had a family member who volunteered at Angel’s House. “I was impressed with Angel’s House, what they stand for and support. I already knew I wanted to give to a local charity, and Angel’s House is an amazing entity in Coweta County.” We shared a beautiful day at the Arbor Springs golf course at the Good Friday Golf Tournament, and we look forward to the coming year’s events!

Angel's House Board members Kelley Welden and Ann Phillips represent Angel's House at the Good Friday Gold Tournament. (above) Yamaha presents Angel's House with a check from their successful tournament! (l to r) Wes McKay; Michael Obermeyer; Kaye Todd, Angel's House; Lori Drake, Angel's House Board Vice President; Kelley Welden, Angel's House Board President; Jeremy Dalrymple and Charlie Burnham.

The Don Nixon Theater for Performing Arts continues to be incredibly supportive of Angel’s House. We have standing invitations (per the late Mr. Nixon several years ago) to any performances we feel are appropriate as time and schedules allow.

Henderson and Cathe Nixon. Our Angels learned a great deal from this experience, as well as gaining a feeling of satisfaction and personal accomplishment from their individual achievements.

This past summer, three of our Middle Schoolers were given the opportunity to attend a week-long Theater day camp. The performance was open to the public on Friday evening after a week of rehearsals. Each participant was given a DVD of the performance, as well. This was actually the most fun: watching the girls watch themselves - they laughed & giggled throughout! This would not have been possible without the generosity of The Patrons of The Centre, Brittney Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264




It Was a Fabulous 15th Run for Angels! The 2017 Angels Run was a huge success and gave us cause to celebrate two significant milestones. First, we celebrated our 15 year run anniversary! Who would have guessed 15 years ago that we would still be going strong! Second, we surpassed our goal of 1000 registered runners! Every year for the past 15 years we have continued to grow, and we are confident that this trend will continue. We are so blessed to have such phenomenal support from our community and from around the state. The children in our community came out in large numbers to support Angel’s House. Each year the number of school children who run our race continues to grow, with our largest number ever showing up to support us in 2017. The top two schools (Northside Elementary and The Carolyn Barron Montessori School) with the most registered runners both won gift cards to Academy Sports. Thank you to all of our schools who promote our run, and the parents who bring their children to participate. We love seeing all the families running together, taking pictures and enjoying the event.

Our many student volunteers who manned the Run for Angel's route.

Specially designed and produced "commemorative" 15th Anniversary Run medals were given to the top three finishers in each age category. They were a big hit with all the runners – both young and old! Everybody loves winning a medal for a job well done. Dragonfly Running, a premiere running store located in downtown Newnan and one of our generous sponsors, also gave the overall male and female winners of our 5K and 10K a free pair of running shoes. They also gave the overall Masters Male and Female winners a $25 store gift certificate. Our popular Run for Angels T-shirts that each runner receives plays a tremendous role in getting repeat runners year after year. This past year we brought back a “vintage” logo in celebration of our 15th year. The response to the style, design and color of the T-shirt was overwhelming. You can imagine the amount of work that goes in to planning such an event. We owe a big shout-out to the many volunteers who give of their time and efforts to make sure that race day is a great experience for all who participate. We couldn’t possibly put this run on without them!

2017 Angel's House Board of Directors Are you registered to Run for Angel's in 2018!?

House parents, The V's, with our girls at the 2017 Run and Chicken Q!

Check out all the photos from the 2017 Run for Angels in the photo albums on our Angel's House A few excited students from Northside Elementary and CBMS! facebook page. - winners of the schools with the most participation.


Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264



February 3, 2018 16th Annual 5K/10K Road Race & 1 Mile Fun Run 2018 Run For Angels! Saturday, February 3, 2018 The RUN FOR ANGELS is our primary fundraiser and has raised $582,364 since its inception in 2003. With both the 5K and 10K courses being certified as PEACHTREE ROAD RACE QUALIFIERS, the RUN FOR ANGELS is now a highly respected and well-attended event bringing over 1,000 participants to downtown Newnan, GA from all over the southeast each year! ORION RACING will once again professionally manage our 2018 race using the latest RFID disposable start and finish chip-timing technology to ensure the most accurate instant finish times possible! Awards results are calculated on gun time based on USATF Rule 245. These precise times will be displayed on a flat screen television at the finish line. This system will also allow us to prepare for our awards ceremony quickly! Race times will also be emailed to participants in the 5K and 10K races and be posted on our Angel’s House website and Facebook page as well. For the race route map see our website.

Registration is open at theangelshouse.org 2018 Angels Run T-shirt:

Over 1,000 runners and walkers registered for the 2017 Angels Run. We continue to grow, each year. Our 2018 goal is 1,200! The t-shirt is always a HUGE part of the run, and we will continue to use the very popular long sleeve wicking style we chose the last two years in an exciting new color. All participants who pre-register before the cut-off date of January 23 are guaranteed a shirt. You won’t want to miss out on this one! Please remember that all proceeds from the run go to support Angel’s House. Even if you don’t want to participate in the 2018 run, you can always register to support Angel’s House AND get your fabulous t-shirt (and you can tell all of your friends that you DID run)!

2018 Awards:

Based on gun start according to USATF Rule 245. In addition to our awards and medals, our Overall Male and Female winners in the 5K and 10K will win a new pair of running shoes from Dragonfly Running. Our Overall Masters Male and Female 5K and 10K winners will receive a $25 Gift Certificate from Dragonfly Running. Newly designed 2018 Medals will be given to each of our 1st, 2nd & 3rd place finishers in the following age groups: 10 & under; 11-14; 15-19; 20-24; 25-29; 30-34; 35-39; 40-44; 45-49; 50-54; 55-59; 60-64; 65-69; 70-74, 75 & over.

School Team Spirit: Every school is encouraged to form

a spirit team consisting of anyone related to your school...students, teachers, coaches, parents and siblings! The top 2 overall schools with the most participation will win an Academy Sports gift card! In addition the Elementary, Middle & High school with the most participation will hold the winner’s trophy for the year. Look for registration forms in your school office and/or with your track coach or athletic director the first week of January. Students and additional family members can also register at theangelshouse.org or on active.com. You must fill in your school name when registering to receive credit for your school. For questions about school participation, please email Elizabeth Williams at emcentire@gmail.com.

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264



New this year - Run photos will be taken by True Speed Photo and will allow runners to download high quality images! Photos will be searchable by name and bib number free of charge! Post and view additional photos on Angel's House Facebook page. #runforangels2018



& Chicken Q

Volunteers! We need you!

The 2018 Angel’s House Chicken Q will, once again, be held in conjunction with our Run For Angels on Saturday, February 3, 2018, in the First United Methodist Church Parish Hall in Newnan. Since 2002, we have been serving the famous Huckleberry’s chicken plates, and have raised approximately $93,678 for Angel’s House! Working together with several local churches and the community; we sell the Chicken Q tickets, staff the drive-thru, fix the plates, serve the guests and, best of all, have some of the most delicious homemade desserts included in our Chicken Q plates! $10 Chicken Q tickets are available for purchase on our website, theangelshouse.org, or through representatives at our downtown churches. Runners may also purchase a Chicken Q ticket online when they register for the race at active.com. To meet the demands of our customers, our drive-thru pick-up line opens at 10:00am for those who would like “to go” plates. Of course, you are welcome to pick up your plate(s) or eat in the Parish Hall beginning at 10:00am until 1:30pm. For more information about the Chicken Q, to volunteer to make desserts, or to serve on the day of the event, please contact Lori Drake at tldrake@numail.org. If you need Chicken Q tickets or local business delivery of Chicken Q plates, please contact Jennifer Palmer at jenhpalmer@yahoo.com.

We strive to continue to improve our race each year. Many committed volunteers are already preparing for our 2018 race. We are so grateful for all of the “angels” who support our run by being participants, volunteering time, offering services, in-kind and monetary donations! So, BE AN ANGEL, and mark your calendar! To volunteer contact Debi Fuchs at dbfuchs@hotmail.com

$10 Chicken Q Plates Drive-thru or Eat-in at First United Methodist Church after the Race at 10:00am. Tickets on sale NOW at theangelshouse.org or at Active.com when you register to run!

2018 Run for Angels Sponsorships Please see the enclosed sponsorship opportunity sheet with our 2018 enhanced sponsorship levels and benefits. 100% of your tax-deductible donation will go directly to Angel’s House as the run itself is fully sustained by participants’ entry fees.

Thank you to our 2017 sponsors shown below!


Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264



The Wind Beneath Thei r Wings We cannot say thank you enough for the generosity of these dedicated gracious donors. Angel’s House Foundation Circle Members

Halo of Love ($1,000 and above)

Anonymous Mr. Archie Adams American Family Insurance Atlanta Vascular Specialists Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Avent Dr. and Mrs. George Ballantyne Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bass bqdesign Buffalo Rock/Pepsi Mr. Tom and Dr. Nancy Carson Central Baptist Church Central Baptist Church - Ruth Drake Ladies Bible Study Ms. Barbara Chandler Chick-Fil-A, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Connell Coweta-Fayette EMC Dr. and Mrs. Garry Craddock, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Cranford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George Dieckmann Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Drake Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Edge, IV Mr. Tom Ferguson First Liberty Building and Loan First United Methodist Church Mrs. Debi Fuchs Georgia Bone & Joint, LLC Mrs. Joseph Guerra

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamlin Mrs. Malcolm E. Harvey HealthSouth Mrs. William Hubbard Huckleberry’s Mrs. Evelyn Jones Kiwanis Club of Newnan Legacy Christian Church Lewis Fire Protection, Inc. LouAnne Connell, CPA Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Shane Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Scott Magyar Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Malone Mr. and Mrs. Ellis A. Mansour Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McEntire McKenney’s Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McKnight Mike Fitzpatrick Ford, Lincoln Mercury, Inc Ms. Lana Mobley Newnan Junior Service League Newnan Salvage Co., Inc. Newnan Utilities NuLink O’Callaghan’s Heating & Air Conditioning Orkin Pest Control Orr Protecton Systems Inc. OrthoAtlanta

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Owens The Honorable and Mrs. Emory Palmer Patrons Of The Centre Inc. Piedmont Healthcare PrintSource Mr. and Mrs. Scott Quick Mrs. Sam Ray Young Boozer Family Foundation Hon. and Mrs. Mitch Seabaugh Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith Southtowne Southwire Company Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Steve Swope The Charter Foundation Inc The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints The Hugh Palmer Family with Jerry L. Johnson & Associates Thomas H. Lanier Family Foundation United Bank ValuTeachers, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James Welden White Oak A R Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Clay Williams Mr. and Mrs. Winn Wise Wishbone Fried Chicken Yamaha Corporation

Halo of Hope ($200 to $999.99) 75 Jackson, LLC Academy Sports Advanced Automation Inc Alfa Insurance - Kari Crisp and Daniel Cochran AMCON Industrial Arthur Murphey Florist B & S Electric Supply Company Inc. Ms. K. Neal and Lila F. Barrett Bartlett & Barnett, CPAs, P.C. Mrs. Donald Bass BB&T

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Benjamin Ms. Andrea Bennett Binion Tire Company Jack and Jackie Binion Bowers & Burns Real Estate Company Mr. Nathan Brain Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Brandenburg Cancer Treatment Centers Of America Mr. and Mrs. Sam Candler Carl Smith & Sons Building Materials, Inc Casey Corporate Transportation


Mr. and Mrs. Ned Chambless CharterBank Chuck Johnson, CPA PC Mrs. Glenda Collier Coweta Animal Hospital Coweta County Water & Sewerage Authority Crain Oil Company Cranford Orthodontics D Phillips LLC Mr. Jeremy Dalrymple Mr. and Mrs. David Davidson



Halo of Hope continued... Dr. Philip G. Swords, D.M.D Dragonfly Running Company, LLC Drs. Pat Yancey III and Patrick Yancey IV DMD Einstein Bros Bagels The Honorable Frank M. Eldridge Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Fair Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Fauver Fidelity Bank Mr. and Mrs. Bob Flowers Friends of Lynn R. Smith, Inc. Glover & Davis, P. A. Mr. and Mrs. Banks Glover Mr. and Mrs. John Goodrum Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hammond Ms. Fay Hardy Mrs. Joe Harless Mrs. Beverly Head Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Heard Mr. Gerald Hersh Hi-5 Port-A-Potties Mrs. Linda Hubbard Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Jackson Joy Brown Barnes, Realtor Mr. William Keir Kemp’s Dalton West Flooring Kiwanis Club of Coweta County Knox Furniture

Kroger Community Partners Rewards Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lachey Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Lee Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Lee Lighthouse Committee of Newnan Newnan Utilities Employees Lindsey’s Inc. Realtors Matrix Insurance Agency, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Brian McCarthy Ms. Phyllis McLamb Mr. and Mrs. David Merriwether Metamorphosis Medical Group Mr. and Mrs. Ted Millar Rev. & Mrs. Larry Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. Tom Moynahan Dr. and Mrs. Donald Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson Nissan Of Newnan Mr. and Mrs. Steven Parcha Mr. and Mrs. Pick Parks Mr. and Mrs. Mike Payne Piedmont Heart Institute Physicians Plastex Industries Inc Publix Super Markets, Inc. Ms. Linda Ramsey Randa The Realtor Mr. and Mrs. Steven Seaman

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sharp Skin Cancer Specialists PC Southern Crescent Women’s Healthcare Mr. Donald Sprayberry Stevie B’s Pizza Stillwood Farms Texas Roadhouse The Cellar The Dog Barn The Donald W. Nixon Centre for Performing & Visual Arts The Heritage School, Inc. The Sewer - Septic Golf Group The Tomato House Toyota of Newnan True Natural Gas Uncle Maddio’s Pizza Unity Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Vereen Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walker Welden Financial Services White Oak Golden K Kiwanis White Oak Monday, Thursday Men’s Group Ms. Esther White Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wicker Ms. Minerva Winslow Yancey Wire & Cable, Inc.

Halo of Faith ($1 to $199.99) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jed Axelrod Mr. and Mrs. Mike Barber Mrs. Anne Bell Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bell Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Bell Ms. Binka Bone Mr. Robert Boston Ms. Barbara Brown Mrs. Patsy Cataldo Mrs. Shirley Church Ms. Amanda Clark Ms. Jane Clark Dr. and Mrs. Chip Cole Ms. Judith Conkiln Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conklin Ms. Rosa Connally Mr. John Conort Coweta County Sheriff’s Office Project S.A.F.E. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Craven Mr. and Mrs. Michael Credidio Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Crews

Mrs. William H. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cykoski Mr. and Mrs. Stephen DeFayette Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Distel The Honorable Homer Drake, Jr. Jimmy and June Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Peter Durham Mr. Arthur B. Edge, III Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fletcher Ms. Kathleen Gooding Mr. and Mrs. Lou Graner Mrs. Gene Hamby Ms. Colleen Hayes Ms. Ann Headstream Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hensley Mrs. and Mr. Ramon Hice Mrs. Laura Horton Ms. Susan Hyde and Thomas Beahan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas James Jacobus Ms. Ian Jones Ms. Ingrid Joyce Ms. Marian Kennedy

Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkpatrick Kroger Judge and Mrs. William F. Lee, Jr. Liberty Christian Church Christian Men’s Fellowship Liberty Christian Church Christian Women’s Fellowship Ms. Arlene Liebl Mr. and Mrs. John Lines Ginny and Dale Lyles Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mallehan Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Miller Ms. Wight Mixon Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moor Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Morris Ms. Marion W. Murphy Mr. David Noble Mr. James Owen Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pass Mrs. Tara Pitts Dana Reed Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Reynolds

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roe Mrs. Kathryn Rosser Mrs. Sue Royal Mrs. Bob Sandlin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sayeg Mr. Kenny Schmidt Kayden Shoemaker Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Sprayberry Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sprayberry Ms. Ashley Stamper Mr. and Mrs. William Starnes Mr. and Mrs. Adam Steele Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stripling Mr. Porter Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Watkins Mrs. Toni White Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wood Mary Beth and Mark Woods Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wright Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Yancey, Jr.

With the continued support from the many individuals and businesses that have graced us with their generous donations, we are able to keep Angel’s House open. You have helped to protect the most vulnerable among us - our abused and neglected children. 15

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264



Angel’s House Giving Circle Members

InKind Donations Abby’s Angels Foundation Academy Sports Mrs. Alexandra Adams Alabama|Controls Alpha Delta Pi Georgia College & State University Ms. Alena Andrews Arnall Grocery Company Mrs. Andrea Augustine Backstreet Arts Mr. Danny Banks Mr. and Mrs. Randall Barron Mrs. Paige Beckwith Ms. Susan Bell Beta Sigma Phi Binion Tire Company Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bledsoe Ms. Leah Boss bqdesign Mr. Nathan Brain Buffalo Rock/ Pepsi Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Bunton Cancer Treatment Centers Of America Carolyn Barron Montessori Adolescent Community Mrs. Patsy Cataldo Church At Ponce & Highlands Mrs. Courtney Cole Concord Baptist Church Contemporary Catering Ms. Erin Cook Cornerstone Methodist PreSchool Coweta County Water & Sewerage Authority Dr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Cranford, Jr. Church Dempsey Ms. Lisa DiGiovanni D’Imension 74 Salon

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Douglas Dragonfly Running Company, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Drake Durden Chiropractic ECHS Band Boosters Ms. Sania Elshorbgy Mrs. Louise Epps Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Farmer First United Methodist Church Flowers Bailey Street Bakery Forward Church Inc Ms. Danielle Fuchs Ms. Erin Fuchs Galley Gourmet Georgia Tech Girl Scout Troop #16372 Mr. and Mrs. Banks Glover Golden Corral Mrs. Maria Haas Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamlin Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hautt Hi-5 Port-A-Potties Hilton Terrace Baptist Church Holly Grove AME Church Huckleberry’s Mr. and Mrs. Huskison Mr. and Mrs. David Ingram Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Jackson Mr. David Jeck Jeff Lindsey Communities Ms. Cynthia Jenkins Ms. Shannon Johnson Ms. Ingrid Joyce Mrs. Ravina Kadam Kiewit Infrastructure Kinks, Curls, & Coils Salon Ms. Deborah Levich Lewis Fire Protection, Inc.

Liberty Tax Service LifePoint Church, Lawson- WMS Ms. Florence Linch Mr. and Mrs. Bill Loftin Ms. Michelle Long LouAnne Connell, CPA Lowe’s Mr. Benjie MacNabb Mr. and Mrs. Steve Maddocks Mannington Mills Mrs. Suzanne Martin Midwest Food Bank Ms. Sharon Mitchell Rev. & Mrs. Larry Montgomery Mrs. Ericka Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Brennan Munson NC Home Services New Bethel Congregational Methodist Church Newnan Junior Service League Ms. Nicole Nice NuLink O’Callaghan’s Heating & Air Conditioning Onelife Fitness Sports Gym Optimist Club Of Senoia Panera Bread Company Ms. Becky Parish Ms. Jenni Parnell Mr. and Mrs. William Pearson Mrs. Holly Pempin Piedmont Internal Medicine Thomas Crossroads Mrs. Tara Pitts PrintSource Publix Super Markets, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Queener Rednexican

Rotary Club of Senoia Ms. Arleshia Russell Ms. Shontina Sanders Mr. Kenny Schmidt Serenbe Stables Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sharp Shay’s Soaps Ms. Janice Simonian Sky Zone Newnan Smallcakes Cupcakery Smith’s Choose & Cut Tree Farm Smokey Road Middle School Southtowne Sprayberry’s Barbecue Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stallings Mrs. Amy Stanley Mr. Daniel Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Adam Steele Stevie B’s Pizza Strathmore Floors Summit Church Texas Roadhouse The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints The Donald W. Nixon Centre for Performing & Visual Arts Town Square Jewelers Uncle Maddio’s Pizza Unity Baptist Church Urban Jungle Ms. Allison Vielhaber The Vielhaber/DiGiovanni Family Wadsworth Auditorium Mr. and Mrs. Phil Watkiss Dr. and Mrs. Eric Wellons and Family Mrs. Toni White Yamaha Corporation

As we attempt to list all who have contributed to Angel’s House in the past year, we risk the inadvertent omission of someone from our list. If we have neglected to include your name, please accept our apology and contact Anne Smith at 678-953-1859. Each and every donation is appreciated.

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264




Honors and Memorials In memory of Jay Bennett Ms. Andrea Bennett In memory of Mr. Tony Collier The Tony and Glenda Collier Family In memory of Lucky Cothran Mr. Archie Adams In memory of Anna Criswell Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Crews Mrs. Laura Horton Mrs. Bob Sandlin

In memory of Mr. Richard Fuchs Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conklin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sayeg In memory of Mr. Gene Hamby Mrs. Gene Hamby In memory of Mr. James C. Hardy Ms. Fay Hardy In honor of the John and Lori Harris, Walker, Connor, and Lylah Grace Ms. Rosa Connally

In memory of Richard and Betty Orlowski Ms. Judith Conkiln In memory of Don Nixon Don and Ann Phillips In memory of Ms. Frances Parks Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moor In honor of Mrs. Ann Phillips Mr. Tom Ferguson In memory of Betty Rice Don and Ann Phillips

In memory of Geraldine Cunningham Mr. Thomas Headlee

In memory of Sister Bridget Ann Henderson BVM Ms. Binka Bone

In memory of Ms. Susan Sams Ms. Kathleen Gooding

In memory of Mrs. Vickie Davis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Distel

In memory of Mrs. Ruth Musick Jackson Mrs. William H. Crowley Jimmy and June Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Banks Glover Ms. Ann Headstream Ms. Susan Hyde and Thomas Beahan Don and Ann Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wood

In memory of Hunter Scarbrough Chuck and Beverly Head

In memory of Mrs. Harriette Potts Edge Mr. Arthur B. Edge, III In honor of Mrs. Arthur B. Edge, IV Mr. Porter Thompson In memory of Ross Elliott Ms. Jane Clark Mr. and Mrs. Stephen DeFayette In memory of Mr. Johnny Estep Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Yancey, Jr. In memory of Cornelia Farmer Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Crews Mrs. Laura Horton Mrs. Bob Sandlin In honor of Miss Lucie Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Bob Flowers

In memory of Monica Lovett Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Crews Mrs. Laura Horton Don and Ann Phillips Mrs. Bob Sandlin In honor of Shane Lyle’s 50th Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Brian McCarthy In honor of Dott Maldonado Mr. and Mrs. Steven Parcha In honor of Mrs. Patsy Mullen Dr. and Mrs. George Ballantyne

In honor of Mrs. Earlene Scott Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Distel In memory of Patricia Smith Don and Ann Phillips In honor of Mrs. Colleen Sprayberry Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hensley In memory of Mrs. Frances (Boots) Sprayberry Mr. Donald Sprayberry In honor of Isaac and Parks Tornfelt Mr. and Mrs. Pick Parks In memory of Wayne Wilkins Don and Ann Phillips In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Olen Witcher Mr. and Mrs. John Lines In memory of Mrs. Martha Latimer Young Mrs. William H. Crowley

A Great Honor If you would like to make a donation in honor of or in memory of a loved one, please be sure to attach a note including his/her name and address along with your check or gift card so those being honored may be notified. Upon request, we offer printed cards so that you may personally notify your honoree. Call Kaye Todd at Angel’s House, 770-251-7050, if you would like some of these cards. Our address is P.O. Box 657, Newnan, GA 30264. You will find a contribution form and self-addressed envelope enclosed with this newsletter. 17

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264



2017 Customer Voting Winner! Needs & Wishes Please consider a donation from the following list from basic needs to holiday surprises for the girls: Send gift card donations to: PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264 All other donations call: 770-251-7050 - Activities tickets/gift cards: • Callaway Gardens (Fantasy in Lights, Butterfly Exhibit, day at the beach) • Christian Concerts that occur throughout the year • Art classes (Michael’s, In the Art of It, Bumble Beads, Backstreet Arts) • Skating • Restaurants • Georgia Aquarium • World of Coke • Museums • Fernbank • Stone Mountain • Fox Theatre Events • Dance classes • Manicures/pedicures • Bowling • Movies • Local Activities & Entertainment • Dining (fast food)

Thank you Charter Bank and Charter Bank Customers for choosing Angel’s House as a 2017 Customer Voting Winner, funded by The Charter Foundation! We are honored and grateful!

- Gift cards to purchase girls’ clothes, household items, etc: • Wal-Mart • Target • Ollie’s • Ross • Rue 21 • Plato’s Closet • Grocery Stores • Gas cards

Please Be An Angel!

- Disaster Preparedness Kits – Call the house for details

Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries, Inc. is contracted by the Angel’s House board and oversees the day to day operations of the home. They provide our outstanding administrators and our loving house parents. The current annual budget to keep Angel’s House operational is over $430,000. The stipends received from the state work to offset these expenses, but we are extremely dependent on monetary and in-kind donations. It is a sad fact that most of the children come to Angel’s House with only the clothes on their backs.

- Household Supplies: Energy Efficient Light Bulbs (60 &100), new vacuum cleaners, twin size washer/dryer safe mattress pads, HE Laundry detergent, Kitchen towels, dish detergent, Pine-Sol, bleach (liquid and wipes); furniture polish, window cleaner, paper products (paper towels, napkins, paper plates, toilet tissue, etc); sandwich, quart, one gallon and two gallon sizes storage bags),13 gal trash bags, 30 gal Force Flex bags, - Non-perisible food items: canned vegetables, meats, and fruits, pastas, cereal, oatmeal, grits, sugar, snacks, crackers, soups, pasta sauces, etc. - Hygiene items: shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, feminine hygiene products, razors; shower gels; body sprays; African-American hair care Products, Q-tips etc

Monetary donations in any amount are always appreciated. Gift cards in any increment are greatly valued and enable the children to select their own clothing and toiletry items. Gift cards from restaurants, bowling, movie theatres, etc. enable the children to enjoy special outings. Gift cards may be sent to PO Box 657, Newnan GA 30264.

- OTC meds and first aid supplies: Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Aleve, Midol, Benadryl, Mucinex, Cough Drops, Alcohol, Peroxide, Neosporin, Hydrocortisone Cream, Band-Aids, etc.

Little Ways to Give back! AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Angel’s House every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at AmazonSmile, you will find the exact same prices, selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to us. You use the same account on Amazon.com and AmazonSmile. Your shopping cart, Wish List, registry, and other account settings are also the same. On your first visit to AmazonSmile before you begin shopping,you need to select Newnan-Coweta Angel’s House, Inc. as your charitable organization. We will receive .5% from every eligible purchase you make. Go to www.smile.amazon.com or scan the QR code to sign up.

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264


Kroger An Easy way to donate to Angel’s House if you shop at Kroger: • Go to the community tab (top left) at: www.Kroger.com/communityrewards • Search

for Newnan-Coweta Children’s Shelter, Inc./Angel’s and follow the instructions!

Paypal PayPal is an easy online payment service that allows our wonderful community of individuals and businesses to make secure donations and transfer funds electronically. Go to www.theangelshouse.org and click the donate button or scan this QR code to make a donation to Angel's House!



"This is where God wants me to be" Angel’s House is blessed with wonderful staff members from Georgia Baptist Children’s Home and Family Ministries. We could not do it without them. Because of their dedication, love and support, they are able to make a difference in the lives of our young girls every day at Angel's House. The Angel’s House Board of Directors would like to thank our staff, but in particular, Ms. Becky, for her years of service, and care to the “angels” at Angel’s House. She was honored in 2016 and 2017 in the GBCH&FM publication Messenger. We know you join us in thanking her!


Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264

- The Messenger Spring 2017 Edition



Kayden's Gift!

For four year old Kayden to want to give to other children that he has never met is very special especially at such a young age. His gift to Angel’s House is a true blessing that comes straight from his heart. Angel’s House is honored that Kayden chose us as the recipient of his gift. His Christmas gift to us is what giving to others is all about - giving from your heart. Thank you, Kayden, for having such a wonderful and kind heart.

Brittany’s Path

When I was placed in foster care as a high school student, Angel’s House was there for me. Scared and alone, I was warmly welcomed by the staff who quickly helped me gain control over my life again, and aided me along an enriched path to a successful future. In the one year and three months that I was a resident here, the leaders at Angel’s House helped me in building a stronger relationship with God and with the church. Although they were already so busy making the house of sometimes up to ten girls run smoothly, they always took time to listen to each young lady, and respond to their requests. For example, the staff were accommodating in me getting a part-time job to save money for college, and even used their community connections to earn me a paid internship at a veterinary clinic. They encouraged me in participating in cross-country as an extra-curricular sport. They arranged for me to be able to have more privileges when I turned eighteen. They really go out of their way to make sure each girl at Angel’s House feels special, does well in school, and has fun. Through donations, we were able to enjoy going out to eat, attending Braves games in Atlanta, going shopping for school clothes, and having a home where we could feel safe and comfortable. Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264


Being able to escape my toxic home life and find sanctuary at Angel’s House when I was an adolescent is without a doubt the cornerstone of my success as an adult. I cannot imagine a life in which Angel’s House and its wonderful staff were not a part of it. Each member of the team contributed so much time guiding me, praying with me, and helping me through the hardest moments of my life. I love each member so much and thank them from the bottom of my heart. Now, I am a college graduate with a Bachelors in Science in Cell/Molecular Biology and am continuing on the path to be a medical doctor. I cannot say where I would be today without Angel’s House, but I do know they contribute to a part that makes me whole.


A portion of the letter Brittany wrote to Angel's House staff.


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