the Angel's House 2015 News

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2015 NEWS Angel’s House provides a safe, nurturing home for teen girls in crisis. Some are removed from their homes and placed in DFCS custody because of abuse, neglect or risky behaviors. Some are transitioning between foster homes or are faced with other circumstances that require immediate assistance. The girls who come through our doors receive the shelter, structure, and care they need to maximize their potential for success. Our girls may stay for a night or several months, and thanks to your help we are able to secure their safety and well-being by providing a sense of family that lasts a lifetime.

Care provided since opening in June 2004 through August 31, 2015: Number of Children: 221 Days of Care: 27,198 Male: 38 Female: 182 Children from Coweta County 71% Average Days Stayed: 123 (Shortest: 1 Day ~ Longest: 1,240 Days)

A Proud Moment

- by Angela Vielhaber, Angel’s House Direct Care Staff Member

ne of our proudest moments of 2015 was watching our resident who lived at the Angel’s House the longest graduate from Newnan High School in May of 2015. While that moment of watching Mya walk across the stage with pride was a powerful and unforgettable one, even more impacting is the realization of the days and hours that led up to that day. We had the honor of walking alongside Mya from her freshman year until her senior year and the privilege of sharing in such growth while overcoming of obstacles in Mya’s life. When Mya came she had all but given up on herself and was behind in so many areas that she was headed in a downward spiral. Still, we were able to look beyond the walls of anger and frustration and see the beauty and potential that Mya could not see. Challenged to believe in herself and to trust in the hope and future God had planned, Mya began to emerge from the ashes of a broken and destroyed life. This growth was imperative as Mya had a lot of work to do her senior year that would have been impossible for her to grasp or tackle in the years prior. Mya worked hard her senior year studying the ACT and Compass Test until she achieved the necessary scores, applying to colleges, applying for scholarships, and finishing her senior year strong. There were days of uncertainty, anticipation, and celebration throughout the entire process, and there was a large support system standing behind her and cheering her forward. Mya began a new chapter on August 25th at Georgia Military College as a Civic Cadet, and while all of our eyes swelled with tears that day, even more so our hearts swelled with pride and gratitude at all that had been accomplished in the determined and hopeful five-foot warrior in front of us. Living at Angel’s House is like living with a family that you can connect with, they accept you for who you are. - Mya You are invited to join our Angel’s House Foundation Circle. To become a member of this special group, see pages 10-12 and contact LouAnne Connell at 770-301-0429 for information.

Director’s Letter

In This Issue:

Director’s letter 2 Our Staff/Board 2 What an amazing year it has been at Angel’s House! The story about our house renovation (see President’s Message 3 page 16) can never express the impact this transformation has had on the lives of the girls who Out and About 3 have had the pleasure to live in the rooms nor in the lives of the staff in this program! Over Happenings 4 200 children have called Angel’s House home during the past eleven years. Not only do we Connecting the Dots 6 appreciate and love the house renovation, we are extremely thankful for the renovations that Christmas Joy 7 2016 Run for Angels & Chicken Q 8 have been made to the lives of our teenage girls and their families! Working with teenage girls Foundation Circle Members 10 is often heartbreaking, challenging, overwhelming, and frustrating, but the rewards far outweigh Honors and Memorials 13 these challenges and are seen through reflections of growth, stability and change. Stories from the Staff 14 Needs & Wishes 15 Any accountant would remind you that numbers are important to measure the impact of a Our History 15 program, but numbers cannot measure the eternal significance of changed hearts, lives, and Home Makeover 16 families those numbers represent.

In a very practical manner, those children who come in the door with only the clothes on their back walk out of the door of Angel’s House with more clothes than can fit into a suitcase. Community support goes beyond description in the impact it makes on our girls. I am in continual awe of the support we receive on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis! - Becky Parish, Program Director

2015 Board of Directors Kelley Welden President Lori Drake Vice President LouAnne Connell Treasurer Jennifer Palmer Secretary Jill McKnight 2015 Run for Angels Co-Chair Debi Fuchs 2015 Run for Angels Co-Chair Marla Brandenburg Val Cranford Bambi Edge Lori Lovett Cindy Owens Ann Phillips Beth Quick Colleen Sprayberry Elizabeth Williams Kim Wise

Angel’s House Staff Becky Parish has been Program Coordinator for the last 8 years (26 years with Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries, Inc.). One of her greatest joys working with Angel’s House comes through seeing God working in the lives of the children and families we serve, especially in the most heart breaking situations. Kaye Todd, Administrative Assistant, has been with us for 5 years (7 with GBCH&FM). Kaye is continually amazed and blessed by the incredible and generous community support. Kaye enjoys her work and working closely with the board. Our Direct Care Staff are Erik and Angela Vielhaber, Sania Elshorbgy and Anna Wheeler. DCS are live-in “parents” for 7 days/24 hours per day on a weekly rotating basis. The Vs have been with Angel’s House since 2009, Sania since 2010, and Anna joined the team in 2014. The staff members are thankful for the opportunity to impact the life of each girl that comes through our door. Our desire is to live Christ -like in such a way that long-term change becomes a reality in each life. In chaotic times for the child, we strive to be their steady rock. Our prayer remains Matthew 25:40, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264


Everyone here at the Angel’s House really helped me identify who I am in Christ. They helped me to see that God has a plan and a purpose for my life. - Mya


President’s Message Angel’s House is not just a house, it’s a home… As with any house, it’s not a home until you fill it with people, love, laughter, and adventure. As your new Board President, I want to invite you to our Home. It’s filled with people, love, laughter, adventure, and yes, some troubles and hard times, too. Most of all, it is filled with beautiful angels that are able to live in a home that they didn’t have until they came to Angel’s House. It is because of you, a caring and supportive community that this house is able to exist – to be a home to these angels that are longing for a real home. Thank you! This year’s newsletter is our chance to showcase our Angels, our staff, and our community working together to change the lives of these girls. To give them love, guidance, and support. We have had a great year filled with MANY blessings! We look forward to sharing these experiences with you.

- Kelley C. Welden Angel’s House Board President

From the day I walked into the Angel’s House until the day I walk out I will always call this place home. - Mya

Please Be An Angel!

Getting Out and About

Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries, Inc. is contracted by the Angel’s House board and oversees the day to day operations of the home. They provide our outstanding administrators and our loving house parents. The current annual budget to keep Angel’s House operational is over $391,000. The stipends received from the state work to offset these expenses, but we are extremely dependent on monetary and in-kind donations. It is a sad fact that most of the children come to Angel’s House with only the clothes on their backs.

This past summer we were excited to have Angel’s House highlighted in local publications. In case you missed it, we were in the June/July issue of Churchvine magazine. It told the history of Angel’s House and gave information about our yearly fundraiser - The Run for Angels and Chicken Q – February 6, 2016! We were also featured in the July 16, 2015 issue of Lifestyles Magazine. The article highlighted how Angel’s House began, the involvement of Alan and Denise Jackson, our ongoing needs and some beautiful photos of our newly redecorated house.

Monetary donations in any amount are always appreciated. Gift cards in any increment are greatly valued and enable the children to select their own clothing and toiletry items. Gift cards from bowling, movie theatres, pizza parlors, etc. enable the children to enjoy special outings. These gift cards may be sent to PO Box 657, Newnan GA 30264

The Angel’s House was once again highlighted in the November 1st, 2015 Thanksgiving issue of Lifestyles Magazine! If your organization or group would like to learn more about Angel’s House and how you can help, please let us know. We would love to come and speak to your group! Please contact Kelley Welden at

We are delighted to announce the Angel’s House new website! Same address! New look! t Like us on facebook! www.


Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264


Happenings Around Angel’s House THANK and YOU are two small words that cannot begin to express our gratitude for all that is done for Angel’s House. We cannot function without the continued love and support from our donors! We are overwhelmed and humbled on a daily basis by the generosity and love poured out upon us!!! Thank you to the following donors for your generous gifts!

Thank you for your ongoing support: Restaurants: Panera Bread, Stevie B’s Pizza, Texas Roadhouse and “Family” Discount at Golden Corral & Kentucky Fried Chicken O’Callaghan Heating & Air SOS – Standard Office Systems Dr. Robert Whipple IV & the Pediatric Associates of Newnan Staff My Kidz Dentist Special Thanks to Wheat Family Dental (Emergency Need) Summit YMCA ~ Georgia Heat D’imension 74 Salon in Peachtree City (haircuts, monogramed t-shirts, back-to-school clothes shopping) Ms. Arleshia Russell, Salon B3 in Fayetteville Binion Tire Company Unity Baptist Church Carol Duffy Schools: Newnan High, Smokey Road Middle, Winston Dowdell Academy, Coweta County School System Personnel Tutors: Samantha Allen, Karin Gordon, Elizabeth Lozano and Kelly Stephens Centre for Performing Arts – Don Nixon and Emily Wilkins Logos Ranch – the Peyton Family Murphey’s Florist Pollard Family Thanksgiving Dinner from Resurrection Lutheran Church

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264



Here are a few examples of the many ways our community has supported the children of Angel’s House. Thank you Bacho Family/Abby’s Angels Foundation for continually supplying Abby’s Closet. Gary & Ann Stallings - Birthday gifts and parties, guitar nights, pizza parties, a fun day of back-to-school clothes shopping and so much more than could ever be acknowledged. Birthday card and gift card from Angel’s House’s Trustees through Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries, Inc. - Rev. & Mrs. Larry Montgomery and Sue Lofton. An Anonymous Angel provides Angel’s House landscaping maintenance through Brett Sprayberry Lawn Company keeping our home looking beautiful. We are thankful for Good Friday Concert Tickets, RUSH concert Tickets - Mark Pritchett with RUSH Ministries, Pure Praise Anointed Dance Ministry and Phillips Baptist Youth Choir for the gift of music. Graham Photography - A day of Professional Photography Sessions for all of the girls and Senior Portraits for our Graduating Senior. The vegetable garden was another big hit this year! Thanks to Patricia Hood and her Seniors Group at the Coweta Co Extension, Gary Stallings (tilling), Arnall’s Grocery (fertilizer), Home Depot (plants) and Sania Elshorbgy and residents for weeding, picking and eating. Beta Sigma Phi - Valentine’s Day activity, Taco Dinner and Game night with a celebration of our graduate, and annual Christmas wreaths and cookie baking. Marci Leinonen, Paula & Hannah Church, and Susan Smith - Scrapbooking activity with equipment and lessons. Mrs. Mary Bridges - Sewing and quilting lessons.


Val Cranford and Bambi Edge - a special thank you to Angel’s House board members Val and Bambi for a day of shopping for a dress, shoes and accessories for our young lady who was attending the JROTC Military Ball. The trip made for a magical afternoon for a young Cinderella. Val also treated the girls to an end of summer pizza and pool party! Banks and Carol Glover - Mya, our graduate who went to GMC, was stunned to take with her a footlocker used by Banks during his military career and while at The Citadel. Every day we enjoy sitting at our dining room table that was refinished along with the chairs. Varying furniture pieces, luggage and miscellaneous items too numerous to mention are a regular addition of our lives at Angel’s House thanks to the Glovers. Robin Martin - An afternoon of back massages for all of the girls and staff! We love that our girls are treated, but it is also amazing when staff are treated to something special as well. Druid Hills Baptist Church - Always hosting our girls for a meal and an activity and allowing them to give back to those less fortunate than they through the food distribution ministry on a quarterly basis. Food seems to be a theme…. Cornerstone Bible Group hosted a Pizza Party with Goodie Bags that were enjoyed by all. Becky Sorenson donated a Carrabba’s meal; Elizatbeth Almon, a honey baked ham. Dr. Bhavin Mehta of Ankle and Foot Centers of Georgia called Angel’s House with a very special request! Dr. Bhavin Mehta’s daughter, Sophie Mehta, wanted to donate her piggy bank money to kids in need. Angel’s House became the privileged recipients of her gift! After careful thought, Sophie decided on movies and ice cream for the girls! This lead to two very fun evenings watching a movie and eating at Coldstone Creamery! The best part of the gift was meeting Sophie and her family!

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264


Connecting the Dots Consider how our lives are built upon connections and experiences. There are people and places with whom we make “connections” in our daily lives – our family, neighbors, friends, church members, school teachers, co-workers... It is how we build our “network.” Angel’s House is no different and we have been very busy and very blessed.

We have made a great connection with the Abby’s Angels Foundation. It was created to forever honor precious Abby Bacho who was tragically killed at age nine in an automobile accident just before Christmas 2012. Part of the foundation’s mission is to provide school supplies to children in need through Abby’s Closet, a designated space at the school stocked with school supplies for each grade. The purpose is that the students who benefit from Abby’s Closet feel that they belong, never outcast or needy. Our Angels at Angel’s House have their very own Abby’s Closet! Since our Angels arrive most times with nothing but the clothes that they are wearing, they are in need of school supplies. This has been a wonderful blessing for us. The purpose of our organizations are very similar – making sure that our Angels feel that they belong. Thank you to Abby’s Angel’s Foundation for your support!

O u r Speedway Children’s friends at Gillyweed Charities is a new partner for in downtown Newnan have Angel’s House. The Atlanta chapter is sold white beaded bracelets this year located at the Atlanta Motor Speedway in through Chavez for Charity, with a Hampton, Georgia. Their mission is to care for portion of the proceeds going to Angel’s children in educational, financial, social and medical House. The bracelets are so cute, and are need in order to help them lead productive lives. great gifts, too. We love to shop locally Angel’s House Board members, Kelley Welden and Debi and help our local charities, too! Fuchs, along with Courtney Cole, recently volunteered Thank you, Gillyweed! at the annual Governor’s Luncheon held at the Atlanta Motor Speedway. We are excited about our continuing partnership with our We also friends at Speedway Children’s have a connection with Charities Atlanta. Bridging The Gap (BTG), a local T h e Newnan Kiwanis Club has been a long-time, loyal partner of Angel’s House. Kiwanis has supported our annual Run for Angels by being a title sponsor for several years and have given generously to Angel’s House since 2009. Thank you so much for your support! We look forward to continuing our partnership with Kiwanis and serving the children of Coweta County.

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264

community outreach program that is committed to fighting physical and spiritual hunger by providing wholesome food and valuable links to community resources. Recently they opened a new storehouse facility that has clothes, books, baby items, bedding, and more. Most of the items in the Storehouse are brand new! BTG invited our Angels to come and shop (for free) at their Storehouse for a few new outfits before the new school year started. BTG has also provided us with needed supplies (detergent, deodorant, etc.) from their warehouse. Thank you for sharing your resources with our Angels!



Joy all Around at Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will bring great JOY to all people. The Savior-yes, the Messiah, the Lord- has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! Luke 2:10-12

his verse was the theme of our thank you note for Christmas 2014 (donated by Minute Man Press), and no greater words could be used to describe the season! JOY showed on the faces of teenage girls (who never imagined they would be separated from their families at Christmas time) when they saw the abundance of love, care and support through the Christmas gifts they received and the outpouring of community support for each of them individually and as a group. We had seven girls on Christmas 2014, only one of whom had ever experienced an Angel’s House Christmas. It was truly overwhelming for them. “This is unreal” was the phrase heard over and over!

Thank you to the following groups and individuals whose generous donations made Christmas 2014 at Angel‘s House possible and joyous:


We had a beautiful live Christmas Tree donated by Debbie Phillips with Hi-5 Port-A-Potties which was received from Lovell Tree Farm, Senoia. Beautiful wreaths for the doors and yummy cookies baking were provided by Beta Sigma Phi-Lamba Chapter; cookie baking party with Women of Today and the Future; Snacks & gifts party with Georgia Intensity Fast-pitch Softball. Christmas started with attending the Living Christmas Tree at New Hope Baptist Church, Fayetteville, offering an evening of reflection and hearing the Greatest Story ever told!

Jeffrey and Judy Heard Rev. Frank M. Eldridge Metamorphosis Medical Group David & Paige Stripling Russell & Gayle Ardillo Bob Martin Chris & Susan Cykoski James V. Owen The Monday through Thursday Men’s Golf Group Jeff & Jennifer Barker Tony & Laura Bell Ret. Bg. & Mrs. Stephen and Ingrid Joyce Freeman & Laura Elliott Timothy & Sandra Morris Stephen & Susan Rountree Alan & Deb Phillips Steven & Christine Seaman Michelle Freeman Phil & Gina Watkiss SonLight Sisters at Concord Baptist, Dallas, GA Rev. & Mrs. Larry Montgomery Taylor & Lori Drake Marilu Barron

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264

Coweta-Fayette EMC Employees Susan Foley Wayne & Donna Douglas Robert & Retta Stokley Bill & Sue Lofton Jennifer Spears Senoia Optimist Club Gary & Ann Stallings Renee & Travis Brown My Kidz Dentist Staff Members Kiewit Infrastructure of Peachtree City Carol Crenshaw Community Group Georgia Tech Development Department Deb Coleman (Shay’s Soaps) Jenny Jones (Corner Arts Gallery) Hilton Terrace Baptist Church, Columbus Girl Scout Troup #536 Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Newnan Janet Britt Val Cranford Durdin Chiropractic Clinic Shane & Cortney Lyle


14th Annual 5K/10K Road Race & 1 Mile Fun Run 2016 Run For Angels! Saturday, February 6, 2016. The RUN FOR ANGELS is our largest fundraiser and has raised almost $405,000 since its inception in 2003. With both the 5K and 10K courses being certified as PEACHTREE ROAD RACE QUALIFIERS, the RUN FOR ANGELS is now a highly respected and well-attended event attracting hundreds of participants from all over the southeast each year! ORION RACING, will once again, professionally manage our 2016 race using the latest RFID disposable start and finish chip-timing technology to ensure the most accurate instant finish times possible! Awards results are calculated on gun time based on USATF Rule 245. These precise times will be displayed on a flat screened 5K/10K certified television at the finish line. This system will also allow us to prepare Peachtree Road Race Qualifiers for our awards ceremony quickly! Race times will also be emailed to USATF 10K A0400WC participants in the 5K and 10K races as well as posted on our website Gun Start & Chip-timed and facebook page.

2016 co-chairs Jill McKnight & Debi Fuchs

February 6, 2016

Registration is open & Q tickets are on sale at 2016 Angels Run T-shirt You spoke and we listened! The best thing about participating

in the Run for Angels is knowing that you are making a financial contribution to this worthy cause. The second best thing is getting THE T-SHIRT! Our long sleeve t-shirts are the envy of everyone who does not have one. A few years ago we heard our runners saying they wished we offered color t-shirts instead of our traditional white tees. We listened! In 2014 and 2015, our run shirts were indeed bright colors! Our runners were thrilled with the change. After accepting more suggestions from our runners, this year we will be introducing a new style of long sleeve shirt AND a new color. You won’t want to miss out on this, so be sure to register to run early to insure you will have your 2016 Run for Angels t-shirt.

School Team Spirit Show your team spirit and compete against other schools! Elementary, Middle & High schools with the most participation will win an Academy Sports gift card in addition to holding the trophy! Look for registration forms in your school office and/or with your track coach and athletic director the first week of January. To register additional family members, please visit or For any questions about school participation, please email es Herald

Newnan Tim

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264


2015 School Winners - Newnan High School (top) and Arnco Sargent Elementary School.


& Chicken Q

Volunteers! We need you!

The 2016 Angel’s House Chicken Q will, once again, be held in conjunction with our Run For Angel’s on Saturday, February 6, 2016, in the First United Methodist Church Parish Hall in Newnan. Since 2002, we have been serving the famous Huckleberry’s chicken plates, and have raised approximately $84,046 for Angel’s House! Working together with several local churches and the community; we sell the Chicken Q tickets, staff the drive-thru, fix the plates, serve the guests and, best of all, have some of the most delicious homemade desserts included in our Chicken Q plates! New this year, Chicken Q tickets are available for purchase online at our website Runners may also purchase a Chicken Q ticket online when they register for the race at Tickets, as always, will be on sale through representatives at our downtown churches. To meet the demands of our customers, our drive-thru pick-up line will now open at 10:00am for those who would like “to go” plates. Of course, you are welcome to eat in the Parish Hall beginning at 10:00am until 1:30pm. For more information about the Chicken Q, to volunteer to make desserts, or to serve on the day of the event, please contact Lori Drake at If you need Chicken Q tickets or local business delivery of Chicken Q plates, please contact Jennifer Palmer at

We strive to continue to improve our race each year. Many committed volunteers are already preparing for our 2016 race. We are so grateful for all of the “angels” who support our run by being participants, volunteering time, offering services, in-kind & monetary donations! So, BE AN ANGEL, and mark your calendar! Contact Val Cranford to volunteer at

$9 Chicken Q Plates Drive-thru or Eat-in at First United Methodist Church after the Race at 10:00am. Tickets on sale NOW at or at when you register to run!

2016 Run for Angels Sponsorships Please see the enclosed sponsorship opportunity sheet with our 2016 enhanced sponsorship levels and benefits. 100% of your tax-deductible donation will go directly to Angel’s House as the run itself is fully sustained by participants’ entry fees. We look forward to hearing from you about sponsorship interest or to answer any questions you may have. Thank you to our 2015 sponsors shown above!! 9

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264


The Wind Beneath Thei r Wings We cannot say thank you enough for the generosity of these dedicated gracious donors. Angel’s House Foundation Circle Members

Halo of Love ($1,000 and above)

Anonymous Ms. Doree Armstrong Atlanta Vascular Specialists Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Avent bqdesign Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Brandenburg Buffalo Rock/Pepsi Central Baptist Church Chick-Fil-A, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Connell Dr. and Mrs. Garry Craddock, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Cranford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Drake Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Edge, IV Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Elliott Estate of Mr. C. L. Cheatham First Liberty Building and Loan First United Methodist Church Georgia Bone & Joint, LLC Grannie Fannie’s

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guerra Mrs. Malcolm E. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. William Hubbard Huckleberry’s Dr. and Mrs. Howard Hurley Kiwanis Club of Newnan Mrs. Catherine Latimore Legacy Christian Church Mr. and Mrs. J. Long Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Malone Mr. and Mrs. Ellis A. Mansour Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McEntire Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. McKnight Mr. and Mrs. Dan McManus Mike Fitzpatrick Ford, Lincoln Mercury, Inc Newnan Salvage Co., Inc. NuLink Orkin Pest Control Mr. and Mrs. Emory Palmer

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Phillips Piedmont Healthcare PrintSource Mr. and Mrs. Scott Quick Ms. Linda Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Smith Southern Vein Care Southtowne Speedway Children’s Charities Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sprayberry Ms. Kelly Stephens The Fuchs Family Thomas H. Lanier Family Foundation United Bank Mr. and Mrs. Adam Van Horn Mr. and Mrs. James Welden Dr. and Mrs. Eric Wellons Wells Fargo Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Clay Williams Mr. and Mrs. Winn Wise

Halo of Hope ($200 to $999.99) Arnall Grocery Company Arthur Murphey Florist Bartlett & Barnett, CPAs, P.C. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Bass Mr. and Mrs. J. Bass BB&T Mr. and Mrs. Jack Binion Bowers & Burns Real Estate Company Seniors Mens Golf Association Carl Smith & Sons Building Materials, Inc Charter Bank Childrens Clinic Mr. and Mrs. Ken W. Coggin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coggin Coweta Animal Hospital Coweta County Water & Sewerage Authority Coweta-Fayette EMC Coweta-Fayette EMC Employees CPM Advanced Surgical Specialists Cranford Interiors Cranford Orthodontics Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cranford Mr. and Mrs. Turner Cunningham Elliott Chiropractic Clinic

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Fauver Food Outlet Friends of Lynn R. Smith, Inc. Glover & Davis, P. A. Mr. and Mrs. John Goodrum Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamlin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hancock Ms. Fay Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Heard Mr. Gerald Hersh Hi-5 Port-A-Potties Ms. Joyce L. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Toby Jeffreys Joy Brown Barnes, Realtor Kam, Ebersbach & Lewis, P.C. KCMA Corporation Mr. William Keir Kemp’s Dalton West Flooring Kiwanis Club of Coweta County c/oNelda Boren Knox Furniture Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lachey Mr. and Mrs. Rick LaGuardia Lee-King, Lee-Goodrum, Lee-Goodrum Eastside Pharmacies Lichty Brothers Homes


Mrs. Pam C. Lichty Lighthouse Committee of NewnanNewnan Utilities Employees Lindsey’s Inc. Realtors Ms. Heather Lloyd Mr. Shane Lyle Matrix Insurance Agency, Inc Dr. and Mrs. Andrew McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Drew McLeod Metamorphosis Medical Group Dr. and Mrs. Tom Moynahan Mr. Jack Murphey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson Newnan Breast Center Newnan Dentistry Newnan Presbyterian Church The Hubbard Endowment Fund Nissan Of Newnan Mr. and Mrs. Steven Parcha Patrick H. Yancey, III DMD Pediatric Associates of Newnan, PC Mr. and Mrs. Alan Phillips Pots & Plans, Inc. PTSA - Lee Middle School Randa The Realtor


Halo of Hope continued... Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ray, Young Boozer Family foundation Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson Ms. Deborah Rogers Ronny D. Jones Enterprises, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Seaman Skin Cancer Specialists, PC Mr. Donald Sprayberry SYNERGY Fitness and Personal Training

Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Tarkenton Tiernan & Patrylo, Inc. Total Weight Loss Centers Inc. Toyota of Newnan True Natural Gas ValuTeachers, Inc./ Paula Smith Vital Care Ambulance Service Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walker Welden Financial Services

Dr. and Mrs. Bobby Whipple III White Oak Golden K Kiwanis White Oak Monday, Thursday Men’s Group Ms. Minerva Winslow Mr. B. A. Witt Women Of Newnan GA Presbyterian Church Yancey Wire & Cable, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Yancey, III Mr. and Mrs. Gary Yeager

Halo of Faith ($1 to $199.99) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ardillo Mr. and Mrs. Tripp Avett Mr. and Mrs. Jed Axelrod Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ayers Mr. and Mrs. Bill Banks Mr. and Mrs. Mike Barber Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Barker Dr. and Mrs. Phillip H. Beegle Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bell Benevity Community Impact Fund Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Betts Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Boren Ms. Caroline Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowen Mr. John Brecker Ms. Barbara Brown Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Burns Mr. and Mrs. David Camp Mr. and Mrs. Sam Candler Mr. Darrin Cater Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cheever Ms. Amanda Clark Ms. Jane Clark Cokes Chapel UMC Dr. Malcolm H. Cole Mr. Richard Compton Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conklin Mr. John Conort Coweta County Sheriff’s Office- Project S.A.F.E. Ms. Emily Craft Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Craven Mr. and Mrs. James Crider Mr. Brad and Dr. Kay Crosby Mrs. William H. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cykoski Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Daniell Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dean Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dennis Judge and Mrs. Homer Drake, Jr. Mr. James Droskinis Ms. Ella Dyer East Coweta High School Indian Princess Benefit Pageant Mr. Arthur B. Edge, III Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eldridge Roz & Peter Elliot Mr. Robert Enders

Mr. Robert Farr Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Todd Garber Ms. Kathleen Gooding Mr. and Mrs. Lou Graner Ms. Karen Green Mrs. Gene Hamby Ms. Frances Harris Ms. Deloris Hartley Mr. Loyd Hays Ms. Sara Headley Hillcrest Chapel Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. David Ingram Ms. Sandra Israel Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson Ms. Jenny Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Preston Johnson Julie Marie Chavez Corp Ms. Sandra Karakos Ken’s Bargain Outlet Ms. Joy Knight Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kovach Large & Gilbert, P.C. Judge and Mrs. William F. Lee, Jr. Ms. Arlene Liebl Mr. and Mrs. John Lines Mr. and Mrs. Bill Loftin Mr. and Mrs. Greg Lollis Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lyles Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin MacNabb Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin Ms. Linda McEachern Mr. Andrew McFarland Ms. Phyllis McLamb Mr. and Mrs. John Mendicino Mr. and Mrs. David Merriwether Dr. and Mrs. Joe Morris Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Morris Mr. and Mrs. Nick Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Jason Nestlehutt Mr. and Mrs. Bill Oliver Mr. James Owen Mr. and Mrs. Murray Parks Mr. and Mrs. Pick Parks Mr. Edwin Parrott Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pass

Jerre Pearson Pleasant Hill Baptist Church Mr. Edwin Pledger Polly Crowley Adult Study Group Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pope Mr. Michael Poulson Mrs. Allan Rainwater Dana Reed Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers Mr. Stephen Rountree Ms. Sue Royal Ms. Tiffany Schoenhoff Ms. Charlotte Schulz Mr. and Mrs. Brad Sears Mr. John Secor Ms. Grace Sewell Silicon Valley Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Hamp Smith Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Sprayberry Mr. and Mrs. Haydon Stanley Mr. and Mrs. William Stemberger Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stripling Mr. and Mrs. Rick Tamplin Ten East Washington Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson Mr. Porter Thompson Mr. Russell Tomlinson Ms. Bonita Tracey Dr. and Mrs. Steven Umberger Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Vereen Mr. and Mrs. Phil Vincent VIRTUOSITY7X, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Paul Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Tim Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wicker Mr. and Mrs. Clark Williams. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Windham Mary Beth and Mark Woods Mrs. Frederic Worthen Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wright Ms. Pamela Wulz Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Yancey, Jr. Sheriff and Mrs. Mike Yeager Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hamilton Zachry Mr. and Mrs. John Zerillo

With the continued support from the many individuals and businesses that have graced us with their generous donations, we are able to keep Angel’s House open. You have helped to protect the most vulnerable among us - our abused and neglected children. 11

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264


Angel’s House Giving Circle Members

InKind Donations Abby’s Angels Foundation Ms. Sharon Acres Agape S.S. Class First Methodist Church Ms. Elizabeth Almon Ms. Doree Armstrong Arnall Grocery Company Arthur Murphey Florist Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ayers Ms. Mary Bajalcaliev Ms. Marilu Barron Mr. and Mrs. J. Bass Beta Sigma Phi Binion Tire Company Blalock Estates Mr. and Mrs. Bob Boston Mr. and Mrs. David Boyd bqdesign Ms. Mary Bridges Bridging The Gap Ms. Janet Britt Mr. and Mrs. Travis Brown Ms. Wanda Buchanan Buffalo Rock/ Pepsi Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Burns Ms. Pam Burrus Cancer Treatment Centers Of America Casey Corporate Transportation Centre For The Performing & Visual Arts Paula Church Mrs. Courtney Cole Common Thread Community Group Concord Baptist Church Corner Arts Gallery Cornerstone Bible Group Coweta County 4-H Horse & Pony Club Coweta County Fair Grounds Coweta County Water & Sewerage Authority Coweta-Fayette EMC Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cox Dr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Cranford, Jr. Mr. Brad and Dr. Kay Crosby

Ms. Taylor Dawson Deals For Dollars Mr. and Mrs. Bill Decker Rev Charles Dickey D’Imension 74 Salon Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Drake Durden Chiropractic Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Edge, IV Ms. Grace Elshorbgy First United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Robby Flanagan Ms. Susan Foley Mr. and Mrs. Steve Frey Georgia Intensity Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gardner Georgia Institute Of Technology Ms. Cindy Gibby GillyWeed Girl Scout Troop #15019 Girl Scout Troop #536 Glover & Davis, P. A. Ms. Angie Goff Golden Corral Ms. Karin Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gosch Graham Photography Ms. Kristie Graham Grannie Fannie’s Ms. Alana Greenlee Mr. Vince Guzik Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hautt Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Hawkins HH Gregg Hi-5 Port-A-Potties Ms. Alysia Hickman Hilton Terrace Baptist Church Ms. Carol Hogan Home Depot Huckleberry’s Ms. Sharon James John R. Meek, DMD Mr. and Mrs. Preston Johnson

Mrs. Denise Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston Mr. Ronald Jones Mr. and Mrs. Ronny Jones Mr. Steve Jones Ms. Linda Kelley Kentucky Fried Chicken Kiewit Infrastructure Knox Furniture Ms. Kathy Laster Mrs. Catherine Latimore Ms. Marci Leinonen Life Point Church Mr. and Mrs. Bill Loftin Mr. and Mrs. Greg Lollis Mr. Michael Long Ms. Patricia Lunsford Mr. Shane Lyle Dr. George MacNabb Mr. and Mrs. Theo Mann Mr. and Mrs. Randall McKoon Ms. Sophie Mehta MinuteMan Press Ms. Shireen Momin Rev. & Mrs. Larry Montgomery Dr. and Mrs. Tom Moynahan Mt. Carmel Methodist Church Murphey’s Florist My Kids Dentist Newnan High School NuLink Oaklawn Baptist- Awanas Optimist Club Of Senoia Mr. and Mrs. Greg Owens Mr. Charles Patterson Platinum Hair Ms. Pat Pollard PrintSource PTSA - Lee Middle School Pure Praise Anointed Dance Resurrection Lutheran Church Mr. and Mrs. Trey Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Andy Rice

Mrs. Kathryn Rosser Mr. Stephen Rountree Rush Ministries, Inc. Ms. Arleshia Russell Mr. and Mrs. Steven Seaman Senior Group Of Coweta County Serendipity Ms. Tara Shanko Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sharp Shay’s Soaps Mr. and Mrs. Chad Smith Ms. Erin Smith Ms. Susan Smith Ms. Ashley Snodgrass Ms. Becky Sorenson Ms. Jennifer Spears Speedway Children’s Charities Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Haydon Stanley Ms. Kelly Stephens Stevie B’s Pizza Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stokely Ms. Katie Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jason Terrell Texas Roadhouse The Bloom Closet Dr. and Mrs. Brian Thomas Ms. Merry Todd Trinity Christian Track & Field Team U.S. Post Office Mr. and Mrs. Dan Umbach Maddio’s Pizza Vital Care Ambulance Service Mr. and Mrs. Vukovich Mr. and Mrs. Phil Watkiss Welden Financial Services Mrs. Brenda Welden Mr. and Mrs. James Welden Wells Fargo - Main Ms. Andrea Williams Mr. and Mrs. Winn Wise Women Of Today & The Future Ms. Elaine Yarbrough

As we attempt to list all who have contributed to Angel’s House in the past year, we risk the inadvertent omission of someone from our list. If we have neglected to include your name, please accept our apology and contact LouAnne Connell at 770-301-0429. Each and every donation is appreciated.

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264



Honors and Memorials In memory of Mrs. Irene Brown Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowen Mr. and Mrs. James Crider Mrs. William H. Crowley Dr. and Mrs. Steven Umberger Sheriff and Mrs. Mike Yeager In memory of Mrs. Jean A. Cassard Mr. and Mrs. Pick Parks In memory of Amanda Carol Cooper Ms. Amanda Clark In memory of Mr. William Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Randy Connell Dr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Yancey, III In honor of Mrs. Polly Crowley Polly Crowley Adult Study Group In memory of Mrs. Sharon Ecklund Mr. and Mrs. Steven Parcha In memory of Mrs. Harriette Potts Edge Mr. Arthur B. Edge, III In honor of Mrs. Arthur B. Edge, IV Mr. and Mrs. J. Long Mr. Porter Thompson In memory of Ross Elliott Ms. Jane Clark In memory of Mr. Lee Ellis Dr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Yancey, III In memory of Mr. Richard Fuchs Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Conklin In memory of Mr. James C. Hardy Ms. Fay Hardy In memory of Mrs. Jo Anne Hays Mr. Loyd Hays

In memory of Mrs. Barbara Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Winn Wise In memory of Dr. Howard Hurley Dr. and Mrs. Howard Hurley In honor of the Ruth Jackson Family Grannie Fannie’s In honor of Mrs. Betty Jean Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Hamp Smith In memory of Mr. Terry Lunsford Mr. and Mrs. Randy Connell Mrs. William H. Crowley In memory of Mrs. Margaret Mann Dr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Yancey, III In memory of Ms. Lena Dean Moore Mr. John Brecker In memory of Joe P. Norman Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson

Little Ways to Give back! Amazon Smile AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Angel’s House every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at AmazonSmile, you will find the exact same prices, selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to us. You use the same account on and AmazonSmile. Your shopping cart, Wish List, registry, and other account settings are also the same. On your first visit to AmazonSmile before you begin shopping, you need to select Newnan-Coweta Angel’s House, Inc. as your charitable organization. We will receive .5% from every eligible purchase you make. Go to or scan the QR code below to sign up.

In memory of Mrs. Rochelle Norred Dr. Malcolm H. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Randy Connell Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Yancey, Jr. In memory of Rev. Allan Rainwater Mrs. Allan Rainwater In memory of Mrs. Betty Rice First United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Mike Barber In memory of Mr. Bob Sandlin Mr. and Mrs. Randy Connell In memory of Landon Sprayberry Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Sprayberry

Giving Back App Give to Angel’s House using the Giving Back App... it’s simple and easy! Just download GivingBack from the App store on your phone. Scan the QR code below for more information.

In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Olen Witcher Mr. and Mrs. John Lines

A Great Honor If you would like to make a donation in honor of or in memory of a loved one, please be sure to attach a note including his/her name and address along with your check or gift card so those being honored may be notified. Upon request, we offer printed cards so that you may personally notify your honoree. Call Kaye Todd at 770-251-7050, if you would like some of these cards. Our address is P.O. Box 657, Newnan, GA 30264. You will find a contribution form and self-addressed envelope enclosed with this newsletter.


Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264

Kroger An Easy way to donate to Angel’s House if you shop at Kroger - Go to the community tab (top left) at: - Search for Newnan-Coweta Children’s Shelter, Inc./Angel’s and follow the instructions!


Fire Pit, Drainage and Blessings! Saturday I awoke to a crisp, cool October morning. I walked out to the table for my morning devotional, and I noticed a group of individuals working on our fire pit. I knew Mr. Ronny Jones would be here to do some drainage work on “Lake Angels,” as the flooded yard has earned its nickname. But to my surprise, not only was it Mr. Jones and his workers but their wives and children, as well. I walked outside and grabbed a quick picture of what was left of our fire-pit, mounds of gravel and dirt. I spoke to everyone and thanked them for coming and told them how blessed we were to have them at Angel’s House helping to support our ministry. I later asked Mr. Jones if it was a family work day, and he quickly responded, “No sir, these fine folks have all volunteered their Saturday morning to help out” and he proceeded to say, “I am blessed to have a great group of kind, caring, and giving folks that work WITH me” and he stressed WITH me, not for me. I stood in amazement, overwhelmed with the Love of God. You see, this had been an extremely emotional, physically daunting and spiritually draining week at Angel’s House, as many weeks here are, and what Mr. Jones shared was right on time, exactly the reassurance and get up and go I needed. It allowed me to bask in God’s love, not just for me, but also HIS ministry and these girls HE has entrusted us with. And WOW the fire pit looks like it had never been touched, and our drainage issues have been solved! Thank You Mr. Jones from the bottom of my heart and the hearts of all who serve and call this their home. Thank You. - b y Erik R. Vielhaber, Angel’s House Direct Care Staff Member

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Food Bank After a long drive to Tucker in the pouring rain, we arrived at the LDS SE Headquarters. As we pulled in, we were looking for a small suite, then we saw LDS Counseling center, LDS Bishop center, LDS Offices, and then LDS Bishops Storehouse. It turned out, the entire building complex was OWNED by the LDS and their missionaries. Upon entering it looked like a small, very organized grocery store. We were greeted by a retired missionary; he and his wife had been missionaries for the last 20+ years and they both now volunteer and manage the storehouse. We spoke briefly about our ministry and how blessed we are, and he was very interested in our ministry. And the tour began…. We walked to the back of the grocery store and we saw the prep area where he explained that 80% of what was on the shelves and in the warehouse were homemade and homegrown goods. All that is homegrown is 100% volunteered labor by the LDS missionaries. And the tour went on… We next entered a room where they store and sell “life boxes.” These boxes are filled with different items and have a shelf life of 30+ years. Missionaries are encouraged to purchase these boxes so they too are prepared. Then we entered the warehouse where there are HUGE shelves of food, waters, cleaning supplies, tools, freezers (the size of a small house) and disaster relief supplies as far as the eye can see. There were about 100 people working in the warehouse and office, and only two of them were paid employees. The others were missionaries of LDS. As the tour closed we entered a loading dock area similar to one you would see behind a grocery store, and in the parking lot were refrigerated trucks, regular box trucks, a flour shop (where

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264


the grain is turned into flour, noodles, etc..) and three large grain silos (that hold hundreds of tons of grain). They had t-shirts and disaster relief supplies ready to dispatch whenever needed. All supplies, tents, tarps, tools and generators are left behind with the ones who are in need. That is just mind blowing. The gentleman told us that in his 5+ years he has never been told NO when it comes to budget needs. 95% of the LDS funds used to run the storehouses and build churches come directly from their church members who FAST the first Saturday of every month until Sunday at lunch and donate whatever money they would have spent on meals to the LDS fund. That is truly amazing. They don’t break ground on any buildings or projects until those buildings & projects are completely paid for. ZERO debt. We left LDS with close to $2,500 or more in meats, foods, and supplies. Our car was full from top to bottom, front to back. Our pantry freezer is now full of only meats, WOW. And they have generously invited us to do this every year from now on! As Blessed and humbled as we were by their commitment to help the ones in need, they were as or even more amazed at the ministry God has set up at Angel’s House. They LOVE the fact that the State comes to us and brings us children and we can share Christ with them. Thank You LDS for your kind donation and partnership moving forward.

- b y Erik R. Vielhaber, Angel’s House Direct Care Staff Member


Needs & Wishes

The History of Angel’s House

Please consider a donation from the following list from basic needs to holiday suprises for the girls: Send gift card donations to: PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264 All other donations call: 770.251.7050.

Like most charitable endeavors, Angel’s House has its roots in a group of concerned members of the community who saw a need and set about to help.

- Service projects: • Prune/cutback undergrowth around fence line • Repair broken fence boards • New American & Christian flags

- Activities tickets/gift cards: • Callaway Gardens (Fantasy in Lights, Butterfly Exhibit, day at the beach) • Christian Concerts that occur throughout the year • Art classes • Skating • Restaurants • Georgia Aquarium • World of Coke • Museums • Fernbank • Stone Mountain • Fox Theatre Events (ie: Nutcracker) • Dance classes • Mani/Pedis • Bowling • Movies • Local Activities - Gift cards to purchase girls’ clothes, household items, etc: • Wal-Mart • Target • Ollie’s • Ross • Rue 21 • Plato’s Closet • Grocery Stores • Gas cards - Disaster Preparedness Kits – Call the house for details - Household Supplies: HE Laundry detergent; dish detergent, Pine-Sol, bleach (liquid and wipes); furniture polish, paper products (paper towels, napkins, paper plates, toilet tissue, etc); Zip Lock bags (sandwich, quart, one gallon and two gallon sizes for storage) - Non-perisible food items: canned vegetables, meats, and fruits, pastas, cereal, oatmeal, grits, sugar, snack, crackers, soups, pasta sauces, etc. - Hygiene items: shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, razors; shower gels; body sprays; etc - OTC meds and first aid supplies: Advil, Motrin, Tylenol, Midol, antibiotic ointment; melatonin; allergy/sinus; Band-Aids; etc. Special Request:

NIV Teen Study Bibles and Devotionals. Each girl is given one when they come to Angel’s House and it is theirs to keep. Purchase at Ollie’s or give Ollie’s gift card so we can purchase this special gift for each girl that comes thru our doors. 15

It began with monetary donations for presents at Christmastime and grew into an annual humanitarian fund for children in foster care. In October 2000, a crisis developed when the lack of an urgent foster care facility forced children and social workers to stay overnight at the county Department of Family and Children’s Services (DFCS) office. DFCS called on the neighborhood group for help. They quickly secured a room at the local men’s shelter, and this temporary solution convinced the group that a county emergency shelter was desperately needed. The newly formed Newnan-Coweta Children’s Shelter Board went to work raising the one million dollars needed to fund construction of a permanent home and start-up program. Home-grown country music legend Alan Jackson and his family took special interest in the shelter and helped to make the dream come true. He and his wife, Denise, were instrumental in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for the shelter by putting on a special concert, as well as donating their Corvette to be raffled. The Jacksons were offered the honor of naming the shelter. They chose the name Angel’s House as it is their prayer that each child seeking shelter in the facility will be surrounded by “heavenly and earthly angels”. Community support was also overwhelming, and on August 21, 2002, ground was broken for Angel’s House. Another milestone was reached when the house was dedicated in February, 2004. Georgia’s First Lady, Mary Perdue, gave the keynote address. She remarked that “this project is what I would like to see all over the state of Georgia.” She emphasized that the community response to a much needed shelter is “of far greater value than anything the state can provide.” Since opening later that year on June 21, this special home has been a safe haven for over 200 children. Angel’s House runs just like a home with the group leaders serving as house parents. It is heartwarming to visit, smell the meals being prepared, watch the girls interact, do their homework or spend time in the garden. Read more about the Angel’s House at

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264


Adopt-a-Room Ultimate Angel’s House Makeover fter its decade long service to our 240 children in need of a safe place to live, Angel’s House had seen significant wear and tear and was in great need of some tender loving care. For the first two months of 2015, individuals, families, Sunday School classes, church groups, Bible Study groups, neighborhood groups, bridge clubs, book clubs and a fitness group joined together and took part in our “Adopt-a-Room Ultimate Home Makeover” project. Each group “adopted” a room and was given a wishlist of needs for their room. While the girls were away during winter break, all of the rooms received a fresh coat of paint. The volunteer groups then came in and totally refurbished their assigned rooms. Each bedroom was supplied with new bedding, window treatments, mirrors, lamps, chairs and artwork. The bathrooms were equipped with new towels, bath mats, shower curtains, window treatments and other necessities for teenaged girls. Our kitchen now has new refrigerators, small appliances, dinnerware, cookware, cutlery and a coffee maker. Our Craft Room has a new storage cabinet housing many new items the girls can use for sewing, painting and creating! Our staff offices have been updated with new window treatments, lamps and shelving. Our living area now has new sofas, chairs, rugs, televisions and a coffee table. The walls are decorated with beautifully framed photographs and word art including many inspiring and encouraging messages. Our front porch has new rocking chairs, fans and planters….and our front walkway looks beautiful with all of the new plantings.

Sip and See

The girls were just thrilled when they returned home to see the “reveal!” They were squealing, crying and running from room to room to see all the improvements. They were excited about everything.. even their new hair dryers! We are so grateful for the 100+ volunteers who came forward in a most generous way to supply Angel’s House with all that was needed.

A Sip and See was held at Angel’s House to honor all of the wonderful volunteers who worked tirelessly on our home makeover and to give those in the community an opportunity to see the recent renovations. The Sip and See event in April coincided with Child Abuse Prevention Month, and its observance was made official for the state of Georgia the day before the Sip and See by Governor Deal. First Lady of Georgia, Sandra Deal, came to see the newly completed upgrades at Angel’s House, and she remarked that she had visited many group homes across the state, finding none as nice as Angel’s House. Mrs. Deal was an educator and has a special place in her heart for children. “We want every child to have a future and to be successful, so that we can interrupt this damaging cycle. Our goal, as always, is to make sure the children are safe and eventually restore them to a situation they can handle,” Deal said. The renovation and the Sip and See event mark a new chapter in the remarkable story of Angel’s House.

Our home is happy, and our hearts are full!

Angel’s House PO Box 657 Newnan GA 30264



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