The Beachside Resident November 2019: Art Issue

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4 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9

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Editor’s Note


HARK! Is that the sound of Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas is You” priming for the impending Holiday Season? Well don’t toss in your summer swim trunks just yet! The season of sun and fun has many more days left in it and we’re not going to give up without a fight. What’s going on? Well, a month of art, music and gratitude. From the Cocoa Beach Art Show down to EGAD’s art district and beyond, the talented folks of our towns are headed outdoors to showcase their incredible canvases. Check out page 11 for a listing of great, artsy festivals to visit. Speaking of art and gratitude, I’m grateful for the fine artists who shared their creative sparks with us. I wish I could’ve made space for everyone! Boozy taverns aren’t the only thing beachside has to boast about. What is it about the coastline that flushes creators out our way? Is it the briny air that fuels their imagination? I’ve learned not to ask an artist directly what gets their motors running… you’ll get a list six ways to Sunday. Instead, I look and point and smile and sometimes even dance. If you see something you like, express it. If you know an artist who’s making magic, flash them a fist pump. In the words of Lester Banks, “The first mistake of art is to assume that it’s serious.” Artists are expressing something. Gratitude for their art should be expressed in the same way, with whatever it sparks in side you, but go big because they’re susceptible to bouts of insecurity. They’ve found something that makes their soul sing, and they’re sharing it with you so yours will too.

Please enjoy this month’s issue. It’s super pretty in there. Wishing you green lights and great hair days.

By Ma rk L o n g enecke r

In the season of gratitude, I challenge you to express it. Family, friends, lovers, bartenders, care-takers, and your Veterans. Show them ALL the love. In fact, November 11th is Veteran’s Day. If I give you any challenge, let it be to find a Veteran and do something extraordinary for them. Whether they fought for our freedom or banged on a computer in Headquarters all day, they still served, and they did it for our country. They did it for you and me. Buy them a beer or a taco, or simply give them a hug, but make it really count. They’ll probably squirm, but damnit, you’re showing gratitude.

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Curator Spotlight Limburger Cheese Local Artist’s Guide Artside Resident of the Month Opinions Book Reviews Recipes Restaurant of the Month Military Surf Fest Beachside @ Your Service Pet of the Month Fishing Report Bartender of the Month Out & About Inquire of Fursey Local Amp Open for Business Local Scribe Get Fit Tips Get Out of Town Vitalism Horoscope/Puzzles Album Reviews News of the Weird Sudoku/Answers




The Standard Collective

C R E AT E – I N S P I R E - E VO LV E @standardcollective

The Standard Collective is a lifestyle boutique, music venue, art gallery and the Space Coast’s favorite art hub, nuzzled in the heart of Eau Gallie’s Art District. The venue hosts multiple music performances, pop-up events, comedy nights, art exhibits, and classes. The split floor plan tucks away the venue in the back and a beautiful and authentically badass boutique, with owner A. Soland and his partner Alana’s original designs, leatherwork, jewelry and their favorite selected boutique items. They also love their neighbors, the EGAD community, and supporting local creatives. Community over competition is true to The Standard Collective’s heart. You can’t help but feel at home in the studio/shop/venue, with the welcoming yet humble owners. Every community needs art. This brick and mortar provides just that while contributing to the art culture in our area. Their circle continues to grow. The hype isn’t perfectly quaffed on social media to lure anyone in. They are genuine and living in the moment. Everything is bigger and better when you step in through the doors, as their vibe isn’t found on a boosted post or a double tap on your phone. So, go in and see for yourself.

ON THE COVER Christopher Maslow is a visually driven, multidisciplinary artist and curator in the 321. You can visit his website at to purchase your very own print, or check out his work on multiple murals scattered throughout Melbourne (and vicinity). This street artist’s murals are creating an art culture buzz here on the Space Coast. You can stay tuned for an exhibit of his work in the upcoming year. Photo by @focusstephen

COMING UP NEXT... :::: HOLIDAY ISSUE :::: Tis the season! Regardless of religion or creed, December is a time for goodwill. It also happens to be a time for Surfing Santas! In the Holiday Issue, we’ll talk gifts, events, and about peace on the Space Coast.

WRITE FOR US The Beachside Resident is a media company for, about, and written by beachside residents. We’re looking for talented, passionate writers. Articles need to be topical, contain 500 words or less and include photos. We’ll reference your blog, business or social media pages in your article. If you prove you have what it takes, we’ll pay you. Grab your moment in the spotlight, feather your resume, and let your voice be heard. If you have an opinion, internet access, and the ability to tell a story...

Email us at or Call: 321 613 2158 8 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9


Craig Harriman EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Sharon Lacy MEDIA MANAGER Misti Blu Day McDermott GRAPHIC DESIGNER ‘Becca w/ the Good Hair

WEB DEVELOPER Danny Williams SALES ASSOCIATE Dane Strickland OFFICE MASCOTS Sasha, Molly, Shadow, Rocco and Hamilton

CONTRIBUTORS Beachside Radio Whitney Bailey Fursey O’Veebee Suzanne Elliott Mayor Ben Malik Misti Blu Day McDermott Blake McDermott Gary Roen Captain Greg Rapp Captain Alex Hughey Amanda Dreyer Steve Romano Omayra Lopez Mark Longenecker Derek Gores Conner O’Bryan Kelli Starkey Phil Coupet Peter Guerrier Stephen Oliveira Brevard Humane Society Aylahni Jene A D V E RT I S I N G & C O N T R I B U TO R NOVEMBER DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 12, 2019 S T R E ET D AT E : DECEMBER 1, 2019

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Being a longtime sufferer of IBS, it’s safe to say I’ve spent a good chunk of my life in bathrooms. As any fellow chronic mudbutter will agree, our bodies are not in a state of peace and tranquility while on our way to the bathroom. We aren’t moseying along without a care in the world. No, because at any given moment, more than likely the worst moment possible, the insides of our bodies start boxing and tap dancing with each other. Its as if Arnold Schwarzenegger punched you in the stomach and yelled “GET TO THE CRAPPAH! HARRL!” and it is now your sole purpose in life is to break down or bust through any door/wall that stands in your way of the closest bathroom. Now, that being said… I feel I speak for all of us when I say how incredibly frustrating and infuriating it is, amongst all chaos, pain, and confusion, only to notice a single solitary toilet paper square.

Are. You. Kidding. Me!? What in the F%#king F%#k!!! What happened? Did the prior toilet squatter also crap out part of their brain that feels common decency? Who the F%#K leaves ONE SQUARE!? Who is that for?! Where they excepting the next person to come in to be some ex-convict, who over the last 10 years grew accustomed to rationing on one square per wipe? (it’s a real thing; look it up.) Do you realize what you you’ve done!? Survival mode starts kicking in as the slow realization of a future awkward duck walk races through your mind. Arnold reappears, covered in mud, yelling, “OVER HERE! KILL ME! HAARLL, DO IT NOOW!!” Looking around desperately to find anything that has any sort of wipeablitly (real word, don’t look it up). Shower curtains, guest towels, regular towels, toothbrushes, small dogs, even the embroidered towels that weren’t supposed to be out, are all things that could some day come up missing all because you were too lazy to take to TWO SECONDS to replace a roll of toilet paper .

By Chris Maslow NOVEMBER 2019








Connor Bryan is a street poet. She sets up her typewriter and types custom on-the-spot poetry for customers (based on their prompts) in return for donations. The beauty of self-expression inspires her, along with a passion in helping people communicate, especially things they don’t know exactly how to say. To Connor, that’s exactly what poetry does. As her collection of hand-painted typewriter grow, Connor hopes to display them in a local gallery. FLEAGAD Market in EGAD is her favorite art hub. It is merchant-driven and vendor fees go directly back into the community, not into an organizer’s pocket. It truly is all about the community and sharing art, and the shoppers can feel that, too.



Kelli Starkey has launched her own business, Pawsitive Paints, where she works on custom prints from home, as well as murals for local businesses. Art has always been part of her life and she anticipates on always having art in her life. Her passion for pets and the outdoors are the foundation for her creative process. She is well known for her pet portraits, memorializing pets forever with a custom art piece. Inspiration comes from nature, everyday life, being a cool mom and wife. Kelli currently loves River Road Coffee for her local art hub, in Cocoa Village.

Mark Longenecker’s first pieces of art were drawings of his dog when he was three years old. From there he was always the artistic one in class, continuing his education at Savanah College of Art and Design. There he majored in graphic design. With the idea he was only one t-shirt design away from becoming a millionaire, his eye for T-shirt designs landed him a job working for Jimmy Buffett, after college. That’s where he coined his signature style, “tropistyle”. In Key West he learned how to tattoo and has been tattooing steadily for 25 years. He owns Endless Summer Tattoo, in the heart of Downtown Cocoa Beach, for 16 years. Mark continues doing t-shirt art, poster design, and art for many well known bands in the music industry. Mark’s art is heavily influenced by the beach lifestyle and is very Cocoa Beach... some would say it’s the Cocoa Beachiest. To see more of Mark’s art, check out his Instagram @markLongenecker and his shop at @endlesssummertattoo or visit 10 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9

ARTSIDE NOW OPEN! Breakers Art Gallery Located at 1290 #101 Highway A1A in Beautiful Satellite Beach. Breaker’s Art Gallery is team of local artists with a coastal theme. All of their talented artists have their own unique style and application. Expect a wide range of price points well, making art accessible to anyone who wants it. From fine art, photography, sculptures, carvings and a gemologist jewelry artist, there is something for everyone. Breakers is a unique and enchanting gallery with a comfortable aesthetic vibe. Refreshments and gallery tours are always available. Now offering classes, drop in paint workshops, private paint parties for date night, Birthdays, bridal showers and more. Be sure to check out their great group of surf artists all gathered under one roof like a local art show under air.

November 8th, 8-10PM

Excuse My French, A One-Woman Shoe The Viera Studio for the Performing Arts Get your tickets to view the French Fatalist as she acts out her 23 works of art on stage.

November 10th, 12PM-4PM

Beginner’s Smithing Workshop The Standard Collective in Eau Gallie The unique workshop will teach you the basics of silversmithing jewelry. Drinks and snacks provided, hosted by Erika Steele Jewelry.

November 15th, 6pm

2019 Cocoa Beach Mural Project Trent Art Gallery Visit to get involved in turning Cocoa Beach into a global art destination with beautiful murals all over the city.

November 16th, 9AM

Art & Craft Show Indian Harbor Beach Rec - Gleason Park Come out and support local vendors with all types of media and works of art. Christmas is around the corner and you may be able to get your shopping done early this season, with one of kind gifts of art.

November 23-24

ArtWorks: Eau Gallie Art Festival Eau Gallie Arts District Melbourne has a huge Fine Art Festival in Eau Gallie this month. The family friendly event is community oriented, featuring artists creating their work as they exhibit.

November 30th, 10:30am

Auditions for The Sound of Music The Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse Are you a star? Try something new and audition for a part in the The Sound of Music. You never know, your inner thespian may be ready to come out.



12 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9

RESIDENT OF THE MONTH @derekgores Website:

Derek Gores

Derek Gores is the ‘IT Dude’ in the art community; creating art since the 70’s as he drew his own Star Wars characters. Out of art school, Gores designed t-shirts for the Grateful Dead and other musicians just before making the leap to pursue his own thing at the age of 37. Derek makes house calls for pop up art parties and events. Check out the photos in I Love Beachside (page 12) to see his collaboration with Club Esteem Rock the Casbah. What have you been up to, and where are you working? Where can people find you and your art? For the last year I’ve taken on some cool projects out of town. I’ve had commissions for Rinascente in Italy, exhibits in London, NYC, Martha’s Vineyard and Toronto. I’ve been doing more live art as well, as part of fashion shows and even trade shows. Future fun: I have an artist residency coming up in Beverly Hills at the Bel Air Hotel during Oscar Week. Travel is an incredible education, and I always pick up fresh ideas to try back in EGAD. This is home. Right now I have a secret messy studio on the fringe of West EGAD aka WEGAD. Soon I’ll have my own spot again in the district. For now though, I’ve been doing art home visits, art parties, and popup events like at the Dr. Cleven’s Sparkle Party in EGAD.

What’s your favorite medium? Collage has been the deepest for me. It lets me combine images with abstraction, and collaborating with the universe so the art can change even in the last minute. Second favorite is wet drawing, where I draw with charcoal and water. Those are usually figure studies and happen in a minute or two, a liberating opposite to the dense collage pieces. What’s the funkiest piece you’ve ever done? Funkiest... Lots of my stream-of-consciousness doodles get weird, and have lent themselves to becoming album covers for Oranga Tanga. Funky collages... I do have a request out there to do a Sasquatch collage. That would qualify as funky if I do it right. You clearly like inviting people to get involved in art themselves. Definitely. Art is for anyone and everyone. Everyone is an artist at age 10. It can get squeezed out by society and inner doubt, but I do love it when people come back to art. Dance, paint, improv, anything. I have two workshops coming up in December, one on collage and one on wet drawing, where people can jump in. More on those on my website.

How do you feel about the community and what you do to grow it. I do my part. It’s a collective force, one of those exponential things. Art is energy. Creativity wants to thrive in the world. Our role in EGAD is to let it out, stir it up. I think Art (meaning creativity in every form) has two important roles in the Space Coast community, with EGAD as the creative epicenter: First, Art for the individual is expression, and healing, and finding your own unique voice. Secondly, Art for the community is essential in expressing - and fueling - the soul and purpose and innovative spirit of an entire town. By the way, for those whose main metric is dollars, Art and Culture are the key to attracting and retaining the talent... the innovators and engineers needed by all the cool companies who set up shop on the Space Coast. It’s true. Companies out there can call me and we can talk much more about it.















321-403-4390 160 South Orlando Ave., Cocoa Beach, FL 32931


Must present this card. Offer expires 3/18/20 11/18/19




Brenda Quintero Lombardi: “Dali -Woman with a Head of Roses has always been my absolute favorite. I have such a connection with this piece. I want to be in that moment, to know what inspired it. I picture Spain 1935... not sure what was going on in his world or head for that matter!”

Joy McGregor:

“I would have to say that I would want to live in the Café Terrace at Night by Vincent Van Gough. I love how you can look at the painting and it’s almost like you can imagine where the streets go from the café. I would want to be there just to explore the city.”

Gretchen R. Jacobsen:

“The young woman at the window, by Dali! I could stare at the beach all day!”

Breakers Art Gallery:

Estate Caprese by Antonino Leto

“My heritage is Italian and I have always been an artist.To me, this painting speaks of a perfect life on the sea, in one of the most beautiful places on planet Earth (second to life on the Space Coast, specifically Satellite Beach). I desire to someday visit and do a deeper study of Italian Art History, because they truly are the legends of art.”

Blake McDermott:

“Dogs Playing Poker by Coolidge, be- David Artura: cause… well, wouldn’t you want to see “Edward Hopper, Nighthawks - I’ve always loved me some good conversation.” dogs playing poker!?” N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9

“Starry Night, by Vincent van Gogh, the ideal village in southern France.”

Do you have an opinion and want to tell the world about it? Follow us on social media and be on the lookout for random questions.They’re out there and we want to know what you have to say! @TheBeachsideResident


John Durland:



As One Delighted Poems by Mary Flynn 9781732838024, $10,99 “Delighted” is an amazing collection of poetry of many different forms, including free verse, rhyme and the very difficult Haiku. There are many unique perceptions on such tings as love, faith, religion, and things that affect us all in our daily lives. “Delighted” is a gem of irreplaceable writing mastery of the craft of poetry.

Granny Can’t Remember Me A Children’s Book About Alzheimer’s Susan McCormick illustrated by Timur Ceberdeev 9780998618708, $7.99 We often hear of Alzheimer’s, but rarely are we made aware of the effect on the family the disease poses. Recently the drama, The Young and the Restless, has done a wonderful arc to show how family members are affected by the downward progression of a loved one. “Granny Can’t Remember Me” does the same in a children’s book to expose the way a young boy watches how Alzheimer’s is changing his beloved grandmother. “Granny Can’t Remember Me” also has tips for all of us to learn how to treat a person dealing with Alzheimer’s. There is something for all ages in “Granny Can’t Remember Me” to face this terrible, degrading, affliction that continues to be a mystery of its causes and ways to medically slow it down.Stuart Woods, and “Skin Game” is one of the best suspenseful tales of Woods long list of titles. Fans of Woods will not be disappointed with “Skin Game.”

Skulls! Blair Thortnburgh Scott Campbell 978153414006, $17.99

people we are for all of us to enjoy.

Most of us never think about our heads and what is beneath the skin but “Skulls” delves deep into what it is and has some great answers for all of us to think about. “You probably don’t think much about skulls, “begins the ideal excursion through our bodies highest point with some satisfying results. “Skulls!” has a lot to say about who we are and how we are made up to be the

Gary Roen is the author of Journey, Slotski’s World, The Forgotten Father, Look at Me World, and the co-author of Cats, Cats, and More Cats . He can be reached at or his pages on Facebook and LinkedIn. He is also a publishing consultant to authors and publishers in all genres. NOVEMBER 2019



By Misti Blu Day McDermott @mistibluday

Holiday Balls It’s that time of year again, where you need to bring a dish to all the parties. Between work, family, hobbies, friends, and trying to work off the excess cookies you are eating, there really is not enough time in the day to make an impressive dish. Graced upon these pages, I present to you: a recipe you can use to make a fast dish that will impress guests. It is festive and tasty… please enjoy some holiday balls.

Ingredients: Produce: • 1/2 cup of Chives or Scallions • 1 cup of dried Cranberries Condiments: • 3 tbsp Honey or maple syrup Baking & Spices: • 2 tsp Cinnamon • Pinch of Salt and Pepper Nuts & Seeds: • 1 1/2 cups Walnuts or Pecans (or Macadamia if you’re fancy) Dairy: • 16 oz Cream cheese (sub vegan cream cheese if you don’t do dairy) *Add goat cheese crumbles if you feel like getting crazy Directions: Beat the cream cheese, cinnamon, salt, pepper, honey (or maple) in a bowl until fluffy. Add half a cup of the nuts and mix. In a separate bowl, combine chives, cranberries, and remaining nuts. Scoop the cream mixture with an ice cream scoop or cookie scooper and roll it around in the mixture until fully coated. Place the balls on a parchment paper cookie sheet. Chill in the fridge until you are ready to serve. To serve, present your balls on a pretty plate and add crackers (gluten-free for those with sensitivities). People will go crazy for your balls and they will request them every year. If you are not a fan of the cranberries and cinnamon, swap it out for bleu cheese and buffalo sauce and you’ve got yourself some blue balls. Enjoy!

16 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9



By Sharon Lacy

It’s fine time to get out and enjoy the fruits of your labors. When the weekend comes and you’re looking for a tasty spot to spend your time and hard-earned dollars, the first thought that comes to mind is a casually delicious brunch. A brunch where mimosas flow like a busy river and the food is distinct and scrumptious.

What do you say to people who tell you your music is too loud?

Though you won’t find a shortage of cafés and breakfast nooks to crush a morning meal around town, the top-spot my taste buds cry for is easily Flavour Kitchen & Wine Bar. Listen, dinner is great, and Chef Jason Bunin never disappoints, but it’s brunch that screams a weekend treat. It’s an adult thing. Life is tough and things are hard, but a killer breakfast shouldn’t be. We popped in for a surprise visit to Flavour Kitchen and crowned Chef Jason King. He was delighted and as lively as ever. If you think an Eggs Benedict is rad, wait until you try the Breakfast Nachos. Or better yet, the Green Eggs and Ham… I personally recommend the Truffled Blue Cheese Fries, it’s like, a mouth-gasm (new word, don’t look it up.)

Pancakes, French toast or a nice T-bone steak with eggs… Pick your fare, what’s your breakfast?

In front of my eyes, and onlookers of the entire dining room (thanks to a picturesque portal that offers a birds-eye-view of the master Chef at work) he devilishly crafted plate after plate, while clucking along - entertaining anyone willing, and able, to listen. He’s a character, that guy. His passion flows through him and on to every plate he pushes through his window. He has a fantastic staff who ebbs and flows around his creations, creating a dance that would charm even the most discerning of diners. We asked Chef a few questions, to get a better perspective of the mad scientist behind the window, and boy did we get our answers. He’s got a New York attitude and a laugh that draws you in. His words were filled with verve and his eyes flashed with gusto as he playfully responded to us. Not joking, this is him, he makes no apologies and no excuses, and it’s why we love him. Tell us, in your own words, a little about yourself. I’m imperfect man trying to make perfect sh*t. I’m a ‘what do you want’ kinda guy. Let’s get to the point so we can get on with it. This is a restaurant, not a doctors office. What do you want to eat? I’ll make it for you, within reason, the way you want it.

Too bad, this is not a morgue. Not for nothin’, but when you go to your friend’s house, do you rearrange their refrigerator too?

Aww f*ck, a steak and eggs. I f*cking hate pancakes. I’ve never been a French toast guy either. **carries on singing to himself with the glee of a mad scientist** Besides the “F” word, what is your favorite word in terms of food. “Palatable orgasm.” What’s my favorite five letter word: yummy. Nine letter word: delicious.. M&M’s, too. I love M&M’s What’s your best weekend hangover fix?

Isn’t there a disco ball in here? What do we gotta do to get a disco ball light? Just turn the f*cking light on. Aren’t you related to Andrew Bunin of Sandbar Sports Grill? My brother and I came out of the same chute, but we’re two different motherf*ckers, and I came first. If you haven’t been to Flavour Kitchen & Wine Bar, go. Pick your dinner mate and just go. Flavour Kitchen is a local’s spot with all the pomp and circumstance you could want. If you want a meal that chill and easy, it’s that too. Most importantly, the food is fantastic and the brunch scene is right where it should be for an easy Sunday morning. Flavour Kitchen & Wine Bar is located at 15 N. Orlando Ave., Cocoa Beach | (321) 613-3573 |

Chinese food. (I ask, “Do you make it?”) Naw, f*ck that. I order it from the Chinese guy. We have an understanding. *asks question to himself* And if I was stuck on a desert island and sh*t… I’d want a blender, a shower and Cuisine Art so I can make sauce. Seeing as how you like to sing so much, can you whistle? Immediately puckers lips and belts out a tune: a full rendition of Guns N Roses’ “Patience”. Chef Jason says, “I can whistle the sh*t out of sh*t” How would you describe your cuisine? Sexy NOVEMBER 2019




LO C A L A RT I S T ’ S G U I D E C O N T.




Peterson Guerrier is best known for his work with the concept of duality. Whether through his painting or his photography, he has always expertly portrayed the juxtaposition between different extremes. In his paintings, Peterson’s layering technique along with his use of color brings his works to life. When different elements of the paintings emerge they create their own intriguing storyline left open to interpretation. Seeking a more individual painterly result, Peterson instills in his work a strong sense of energy and tension. He incorporates an idea of Einstein’s, “Every physical description revolves itself into several statements, each of which refers to the space-time coincidence of two events A and B.” In many of Peterson’s series, soft deposits of color saturate the surface and fuse into one another. His vivacious and instinctual approach captures recognizable imagery by transforming the layers of color, thus animating the multiplying shapes and energetic drips. Peterson’s work has been commissioned by various high-profile companies in hospitality and advertising. His work has been installed in Planet Hollywood, Las Vegas. Featured in Boutique Design magazine. He has shown in galleries across the country, including the Mennello Museum, City Art, Snap! Orlando, Grand Bohemian Gallery, X Contemporary Gallery, and Aqua Miami at Art Basel. Peterson currently lives and works in Orlando, Florida.



Stephen Oliveira is a Space Coast native who loves documenting the area. He skateboards, travels the country, has worked with Zumiez and Street League Skateboarding, and now has settled into Brevard to document his surroundings. Stephen is inspired by everything life has to offer. His favorite local art hub is Standard Collective in EGAD. “Without saying too much, I’m currently developing an online platform that will allow local business owners to really double down on the “local” aspect of their digital marketing efforts. I can’t wait to share more info on it! Aside from that, I’m looking forward to capturing the future phases of the development of Downtown Melbourne’s latest construction site, Hotel Melby, as I piece together some special releases of my work for the holidays.”

What inspires me? My son and who he will grow up to become. My wife and her positive outlook toward the greater good of humanity inspires me. I’m inspired by those that do more than they say, and chase their dreams, regardless of society’s conformist restraints. Those that pursue their passions, despite opposition, and those that believe in something so greatly they are willing to dedicate themselves entirely without fear. I’m inspired by the underdogs who rise to the challenge, the most dedicated, the risk takers and the do or die creatives willing to put it all on the line (bc they truly believe, with all their hears, what they do has an important purpose in this world.) Where is my fav, local art hub? I am very proud of Tony Soland and his venue The Standard Collective in Downtown Eau Gallie. I believe that he and his partner Alana are the leading curators of creative culture here on the Space Coast, currently. Not only are they insanely talented creatives in their own rights, but they nourish and cultivate the expression of other artists within their brick and mortar local on a regular and constant basis. Much respect due to them and theirs! 18 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9


M I L I T A R Y Surf Festival 2nd Annual

A positive vibe experience for combat-wounded veterans through the healing power of the ocean Hosted by: Westgate Cocoa Beach Pier

Monday, Nov. 11th - Veterans’ Day Weekend


Veterans Day Ceremony at the

Veterans Memorial Center in Merritt Island


Surf Volunteers/ Veteran Surf

Session Check in at Westgate Cocoa Beach Pier


Veterans Surf Session

Free Surf Lessions for Veterans

For more infomation visit: NOVEMBER 2019


20 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9

BEACHSIDE @ YOUR SERVICE! Owning a home (or any property) takes a lot of upkeep. Here is a sampling of some of beachside’s best maintenance and service professionals that are at your service to keep your property in tip-top shape.

INSURANCE | Carl Coddington Insurance “Our family protecting yours” Charles Coddington Homeowners • Flood • Auto • General • Liability O: (321) 784-5705 •

CLEANING | East Coast Gleam Team Inc. Licensed • Insured • Bonded “We outSHINE the Best, MOP up the Rest” Residential • RealEstate • Construction • Commercial 321-480-5425 •

PLUMBING | Justin Shaw LLC Drain Cleaning 35 S. Atlantic Ave., Cocoa Beach 32931 321-412-5155

POOL | Sea Clear Pool Service “Keeping your pool clean so you don’t have to.” Weekly Cleaning and Maintenance Leak Detection • Green Pool Restoration 321-759-6824 •

COOLING | I.C. Air LLC Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Balancing Comfort and Cost Service • Repair • Replacement 10% Senior and Military Discount 321-890-7904

MOBILE BOAT REPAIR | Tom’s Mobile Marine Inc. In Business for 30 Years Marine Engines • Sales and Service 4880 Cangro St, Cocoa 32926 • 321-636-5758

WINDOW & DOORS | Fountain Window & Door Licensed & Insured Certified master installer of windows and doors. 73 West Bay Drive, Cocoa Beach, FL (321) 783-0126 •

CONTRACTOR | Alron Construction LLC State Certified General and Roofing Contractors New Roofs, Repairs, Maintenance, Residential, Commercial, Insurance Claims, Manufacturer Warranty, Free Inspections 321-639-0911 • 467 Forrest Ave, Suite 115 Cocoa CCC1328819 CGC1515789



PETS OF THE MONTH: By Misti Blu Day McDermott @mistibluday


“Design is thinking made visual ” - Saul Bass

Creative, Unique Design for your business and personal needs. Competitive pricing • Quick Turn-around • Excellent References

I am timid, but loyal. I get scared easily but I am loving. I am a transplant from Puerto Rico, so I have been on quite the rescue journey, and I am ready for a forever home. I am just a two year old and a beautiful petite hound that will make a loving companion to a home. Love, Carmela

My name is Tia and I am a cute kitten, available for a forever home. I am a little girl and I was born 07/22/2019. I am looking for a fur-mom or fur-dad. I am fluffy and I enjoy cuddles. I can’t wait to see my new home! I also have other kitten friends that are available for adoption. Love, Tia


22 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9


Top Ad Sales Representative The Beachside Resident is looking for a commissioned ad sales rep to follow up with existing accounts and solicit new ones. Communication skills, imagination and good work ethic are all it really takes. Call 321.613.2158 or email


CAPTAIN ALEX HUGHEY @capt.alex.hughey Nearshore fishing at its finest! October through November can be some of the best fishing around! Nearshore and inshore as well! I particularly get excited about the nearshore fishing because of the adversity with species that we get! Snook, tarpon, bull redfish, flounder, bluefish, jacks and much more, including the occasional cobia and tripletail. Look for bait around the Inlets and jetty’s as well as along the beach and your almost sure to find some good action! I prefer to match the hatch! Look for schools of mullet or pogies flipping or raising a disturbance on the surface, and fish your baits on sliding, sinking rigs in and around the outside of these bait pods with a 2-4 oz sinker - wait for the thump! Those in search of cobia and tripletail can find them on the buoys on the edge of the channel as well as floating grass and edges further offshore, for these scenarios a small finger mullet or handpicked shrimp simply can’t be beaten. The jetty’s will still be producing some good fishing as well until we start getting cooler weather. I wish everyone the best of luck, and encourage you to get out and do some fall fishing! Captain Alex Hughey -

All Water Adventures


CAPTAIN GREG RAPP @sealeveler @sealeveler

We should all be THANKFUL that fishing in November is BOUNTIFUL and count our BLESSINGS to live in this beautiful area with such great OPPORTUNITY! Now that I got all my Thanksgiving inspirational words out in one sentence let’s talk fishing. November truly does have almost unlimited fishing opportunity. Everything gets good from fishing the surf to 40 miles out. Pompano, black drum, flounder, Spanish mackerel, snook, red drum, triple tail and sharks will be the target for anglers fishing in boats along the beach or from the surf. The near shore fishery this month is incredible and I am sure Capt. Alex Huey will give more insight on this great fishery. The deep water 160 ft to 300 ft can definitely have its moments this month for those that love to target pelagic species. Hard Gulf Stream current edges can produce some quality fish but the key is to commit. You most likely won’t catch quantity but you can catch quality. When I say commit it means don’t be lazy. Your trolling spread needs to be set up to target everything. Start by running two big teasers in order to create a flashy and loud presence to attract fish that might be just outside of your immediate trolling zone. A decent size skirted ballyoo or skirted strip bait on the down rigger or planer for wahoo. Long bait needs to be decent size and wire rigged for wahoo, but a big mahi will also take it down. Outrigger baits and your short bait need to be small ballyhoo rigged naked with mono, perfect for black fin, sailfish & mahi. Take the time to do it right and reap the rewards.

The safest bet this month is to fish the main reef, a.k.a. Pelican Flats. If the surface water is clean then slow trolling will be on fire. Live pogies or frozen cigar minnows with small mylar skirts will be the best bet. Troll back and forth over the reef working your way North or South and once you start getting steady bites do not leave that area. King mackerel, cobia, blackfin tuna, sailfish and wahoo will all be in the mix. If the surface water is dirty then switch to bottom fishing. 50lb test sliding sinker rigs with cut bait of any type will produce great catches of mangrove, mutton, lane, and vermilion snapper. November is a fantastic month to be on the water. You might just decide to change it up this year & have a seafood inspired Thanksgiving dinner. Captain Greg Rapp -

All Water Adventures

All Water Adventures, located at Sunrise Marina behind Grills in Port Canaveral, offers the full spectrum of on-the-water activities. Each trip is run by full time guides of our family owned businesses. They have a love and passion for the area and what they do. If you want to get on the water for some fishing or just relaxing, then give them a shout. 321-222-7511 NOVEMBER 2019



Victoria Watson graciously gave us the tour of The Monkey Bar, located in the Paradise Plaza in Indialantic, Florida. This is the place to be if you are looking for a good time, great drinks, fun company, and good music, all while being served by the beautiful bartender Victoria. There are 15 TVs, games, pool tables, and great food available for the patrons. Victoria, a beachside native, has great experience behind the bar at Monkey Bar, as well as her yearly Bahamas bar gig. Her prior experience in the surf industry makes her beachy vibe really add to the experience. If you find yourself beachside and wanting to have a good time, pop in to see Victoria for a cold one.


WHAT MAKES YOU THE FAVORITE AMONGST YOUR PEERS? I feel like I can relate to the customers. My mother raised me on classic rock and the oldies. Also, I’m the funny, quirky one who’s always down to have fun.


A little over four years. I started because I was in the surf industry and I wanted something I could get creative with and travel around. I have this great gig now where I work in the Bahamas six months outta the year bartending on a private island. I’m able to hone in on the craft side of cocktails now.

WHERE ARE YOU FROM? Right here in Melbourne Beach, born and raised. I grew up surfing.





Q A Q A Q A 24


Prince, for sure. Because everything would be so extravagant and the music would be great! RIP Prince.

Keeping a clean bar. Minimalism is everything. Clapping, snapping or waving to get my attention. I’ll make “nice eye contact” and we’ll connect when I’m able to.

WHO’S YOUR FAVORITE TYPE OF BAR PATRON? Definitely the regulars.You can get to know them, talk back and forth and learn their life. I like making connections.







Pedialyte! LOTS of Pedialyte, and whatever your comfort food is.

I think it’s the worst when I hear guys say “Hey, come here often?”

DO YOU PLAY GOOD BARTENDER OR BAD BARTENDER? ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING. I play good bartender. *smiles coyly*, but I will play devils advocate and encourage a reluctant shot.

It wasn’t here, but this one time… I was at a bar with some of my friends, these two girls were doing body shots on the bar and announced if the guys take off their shirts they’d do body shots off them. EVERY MAN IN THE BAR took their shirts off and the girls dranketh from all the bellybuttons.

DO YOU EVER MAKE “CONNECTIONS” FOR TWO PATRONS WHO DON’T KNOW THEY NEED EACH OTHER YET? I’ve not have the pleasure of being matchmaker yet. But I’m down to send a drink down the other way.

WHAT’S YOUR COCKTAIL OF CHOICE? I love a good craft beer and a nice glass of wine, but If I had to pick a cocktail, it would be a good Old Fashioned.

Do you know of a great bartender, or barista, and would like to nominate them for Bartender/Barista of the Month? Email and tell us all about them.

OUT & ABOUT BADFISH “A Tribute to Sublime and Coastal Breed.” NOVEMBER 9, 2019 | Starts at 6 pm Cocoa Riverfront Park. Concert starts at 6 PM. Badfish make their mark on the audience by playing with the spirit of Sublime. They perform not as Sublime would have, or did, but as Badfish does. No Refund Rain or Shine Event. “SAVE MONEY! Pre box tickets are less expensive than paying at the door and when you buy them directly from your local band ( it is less expensive than buying them anywhere else, we pass the savings down to our fans because we f*cking love you.” -Coastal Breed

Paws & Pints at the Port NOVEMBER 9, 2019 | 12-5 pm

The fun is “on tap” with Brevard Humane Society’s 90’s themed Paws & Pints at the Port Beer Festival, Cocoa, FL, September 24, 2019– The grounds outside Exploration Tower will transform into a dog-lovers beer garden on Saturday, November 9th, from noon to 5pm, for the fifth annual Paws & Pints at the Port Beer Festival! Presented by the Brevard Humane Society and Carroll Distributing and co-hosted by the City of Cape Canaveral. Guests will enjoy a multitude of beers, delectable bites from local food trucks, play 90’s inspired lawn games, listen to 90’s throwback songs, and interact with local vendors all while raising life-saving funds for the homeless animals of the Brevard Humane Society. Tickets for this dog-friendly event are just $30 which includes unlimited tastings from area breweries. VIP tickets are also available for $40, entitling attendees to additional perks such as one premium game ticket (for you or your dog), a commemorative glass, a swag bag, and access to the VIP Tent with exclusive tastings and shaded seating. Large crowds are anticipated so only well-behaved and well-mannered dogs on leashes with county tags are encouraged to attend. To learn more about this event or to purchase tickets for Paws & Pints at the Port, located at 670 Dave Nisbet Circle, please call 321.636.3343 ext. 218 or purchase tickets online at: www.

Inaugural Masquerade Ball NOVEMBER 16, 2019 | 6-10 pm

Inaugural Masquerade Ball to benefit Get On Track, 6-10 p.m., Saturday, November 16, 2019, Cocoa Beach Country Club, 5000 Tom Warriner Blvd., Cocoa Beach, FL 32931. Join us in a night to remember, support the fundraising efforts of Cocoa Beach High School in replacing their old, busted track. A fun & fancy evening featuring a masquerade theme, live music from the Vince Reed Band, dancing, games, auction (live and silent), snapshot-inspired station style dining, cocktails, keepsakes, raffles and community support. Event is open to all adults 21+. Cost: $75 per ticket, $550 per table (8 to a table).

Locals Feeding Locals NOVEMBER 24, 2019

“Locals Feeding Locals” Help us achieve our goals of bringing Thanksgiving to 250 local families. Prepare to enjoy a huge party designed to raise money and donations to make this all possible!! A little turkey told us SEED will be playing and there may be a few more great local musicians popping by too! You never know who might show up when it comes to getting involved with a cause as great as this. For ks 7th Annual an those would like to get a head start on collections, please visit the following drop locations th ve for your donations for non-perishables ONLY): Hunkerdown Hideaway (7 S. Atlantic), RE/ Turkey Drive & Gi giving by MAX Solutions (1 S. Orlando Ave) and Whiskey Row Suntree (7777 N. Wickham). Item FUNdraiser requested for donations include: CANNED GREEN BEANS CANNED CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP FRENCH FRIED ONIONS CRANBERRY SAUCE GRAVY PACKETS MINI MARSHMALLOWS TURKEY PANS


live music raffles food good times drink specials

We THANK YOU SO MUCH for your continued generosity and support! We hope to make this year our best year yet! O V EAT M B R 2019 25 HAVE AN EVENT TO ADD TO THE BEACHSIDE RESIDENT? EMAILNUS

INQUIRE OF FURSEY Dear Furse, I can’t stop dreaming about you. You dole out such great advice, I’m sure you’re the man of my dreams. I’m a little married, but that shouldn’t be a problem and get in the way of our romance. How can we make our bodies become one? Desperately Seeking Fursey Cocoa, Florida Dear DFF, I’ve always wanted to do that. Sort of Jeff Goldb lum Brundlefly style. Let me try it with you and my cat first, to see how it turns out. Telepo rtation is under-rated. Dear OVB, en. I’m a pretty young girl g they are God’s gift to wom I can’t stand it when men thin ched by guys who seem convinced my sole purpose in roa me my name, they can’t and I’m constantly being app en they do even bother to ask Wh m. the with p life is to slee this? remember it? What’s up with ski som Bo Ample The Villages Dear Sweetness, r name again? You sound hot. What was you





East Coast Gleam Team LLC 321-480-5425

26 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9

Dear Furs-man, I’m sure you’ve been asked this many times, but I think readers would like to know your feelings about sex on the beach. Do tell… Sandy Draws Melbourne Dear Sandpaper Sally, Having sex on the beach is for people who don’t have a yacht. Me, I prefer smashing it out whilst watching a cotton-candy sunset over the starboard side of my schooner. I just like to make sure the barkeep has plenty of OJ and grenadine on hand. Dear Fursey, names for me and I want him to stop using My boyfriend has some really annoying pet using “Sugar Britches.” Please help. than r bette thing them — or at least find some Tired of it, Sadie from up north Cocoa Beach Hey Yooz, , “my names such as “pustulating sausage man” Begin to refer to him in 3rd person with hint. the get will he ve belie I cap”. room little herpetic whitlow”, and “fungating mush

Honorable Mr. O’Veebee We all know our position on love and sex, but I’m wondering who you support for the coming elections. There are so many issues that need addressing out there: abortion, weed legalization, health care and education, to name a few. Can you give us your position? Elizabeth, Brevard County My Fellow Americans, Let me say first and foremost, that I am a big supporter of the women’s moveme nt and 100% behind all women’s movements. Particularly the movement of their behinds. As for positions, I have many, but will only share them in private. You know what they say about politics and religion. Just remember I speak softly and carry a big stick.


Through the Roots (2019 Fall Tour) @visualartsbyomayra @photographybyomayra & @omirieart

Through the Roots launched their fall tour, promoting their latest album, “Arrival.” Joining them, is Pacific Dub, Promoting their latest single, “Hold Me Down.” This lineup brings some of the best of West Coast Reggae to the East Coast. We got to catch their Florida run as they passed through Orlando, for an unforgettable Sunday Funday, opened up by hometown reggae band, The Strongbacks. For a Sunday show, the small downtown venue was pretty packed with reggae fans who traveled within Orlando’s 100 mile radius. The overall sound was excellent. This is a lineup that was worth the trip for not just reggae fans but anyone who enjoys independent music and supports the local scene.

Here’s Your Lineup: Headline: Through the Roots Opening: Pacific Dub The Strongbacks

The Strongbacks

Omayra is a Central Florida based freelance photographer and concept artist. Her creative outlets are portrait and concert photography and surreal abstract painting. For more on her travels and the rad artists she’s met along the way visit:

Pacific Dub

Through the Roots


Virtuous Steam, Cocoa Beach By Sharon Lacy


Yoni, hoohah, punany, vajayjay, pea bug, taco, missy, muff, muffin, cookie, coffer, lady bits, snapper, clam, vertical smile, love pita, mount pleasant and fun pouch... the list goes on and on, and only gets more crude from there. With so many fun nicknames, one would think there would be more frank and open conversations about women’s health, particularly regarding “down there.” Well, there’s not; therefore, for the sake of polite conversation, anyone who cannot stomach the thought of delving further into the topic, please flip to page 34 and fire up your neurons decoding the Sudoku puzzles. Nestled in a small, nondescript space, Virtuous Steam leaves plenty to the imagination as to what goes on inside. Alas, such is the start of a sprouting enterprise: modest beginnings. I was grateful to meet the owner, Aylahni Jene, who generously opened her doors to my associate Misti Blu Day McDermott and myself, for a tour and deeper discovery into the practice of vaginal steaming. Vaginal steaming, known also as V-steaming or Yoni Steaming, is a non-invasive, holistic method used for centuries in relieving a variety of gynecological ailments women experience. This method is with the use of botanical blends and warm steam wafting towards a woman’s feminine command center. The warmth of the steam is reported to soften and open the pores of the vaginal and vulvar skin, thus allowing the herbs to be absorbed into the skin and uterus, imparting medicinal affects and relieving blockages therein. Owner, as well as administer of our appointment, Aylahni, suggested less an interview and more of a firsthand experience into the mystical world of lady-parts cleansing. I was intrigued by the concept, albeit a tiny bit skeptical as to whether my love pita could withstand the rigors of a steaming. With the gentle guidance of the lovely Mrs. Aylahni, I submitted myself to the opportunity and went all in, snapper first. After completing the perfunctory task of answering a few personal questions prior to my appointment, my special botanical blend of herbs was concocted

and I was proffered a stylish gown. The gown was large enough in diameter to cover me, my steaming stool, and much of my toes. With my dignity intact, I gingerly placed my demurely sheathed derrière on to the yoni thrown and was delivered warm sensations of soothing steam to places, I am blushing to suggest I was surprisingly pleased to receive. The aromatic blend of herbs wafted and permeated as prescribed, all while I sat in the cool and dimly-lit space (adjacent to my equally as blushing partner in crime, Mrs. Blu Day McDermott) discussing the merits and history of this time honored tradition. For more science and perspective on the subject matter, I would encourage you to continue on to page 31 “Vitalism” for Misti’s take on her experience and knowledgeable insight. I’m simply here to report my review of this new business in our small community. As for my involvement in the adventure, after 30 minutes of comfortable, vaporous conversation, the appointment was complete. In the name of journalism, I steamed my honeypot, and it was pretty awesome. I am pleased to report that my lady bits are still intact and have warmed to the idea of a gentle, botanical infusion. I’m not sure if the medical boards of the world believe in the “science” of it all, but it can’t (and didn’t) hurt. *** Just before the November issue went to print we learned this sweet spot wasn’t getting the traffic it needed to thrive. Aylahni and her Virtuous Steam business has taken to mobile commerce. She can be reached by email at Instagram: @vsteamllc or Facebook: Virtuous Steam LLC *** NOVEMBER 2019


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The Town That Saved an Art Show

By Steve Romano

In early 2014, Cocoa Beach not only lost its fantastic Air Show but also lost its Downtown Art Show after they decided to move to the Port. Mayor Dave Netterstrom called for volunteers to meet at the Country Club and figure out some kind of an event to do over the Thanksgiving weekend. We, a small band of brothers and sisters, decided the best course of action would simply be to have OUR own Art Show. Why not? It had been ongoing for 50 + years and we knew we had the Turkey Trot as a partner. The City was behind us, including Police and Fire (who, by the way, rock the show with their chili). So we formed a Board of Directors and drew up By Laws. It was not easy… there were arguments, we had people quit, we were a dysfunctional family BUT the group stuck together. We were lucky because we had Cindy Kelley, who was a previous director with the old show, and she knows her stuff! We needed money and were lucky to get Connors Wealth Management, The Margaret Heins, Keystone Engineering, Carl Coddington

Insurance, however that year most of the money came from the TOWN! Yeah, we had generous donations from Emma Hosmer, Jim Dale, Tom McGuire and a few others, but the beautiful thing happened when I posted on my facebook page, WAKE UP COCOA BEACH, telling the people come Thanksgiving weekend the turkeys would be trotting, the firemen were going to be making chili, the kettle korn was going to popping, the bands were going to playing, the children would have a place to do crafts and the Artists were going to be great, but we needed help! I asked the town to drop off money or checks to my office. I didn’t care if it was $5, $10, $20 or more - just bring it. I cannot begin to tell you how moved I was over the many weekends that followed. People would stop and tell me how thankful they were the show was going on. People would just hand me cash, lots of it. I handed Bill Ross so many wadded up $5, $10 and $20’s. The rest of the team did a wonderful job: Byron Evetts, Tim & Courtney Tumulty, Patti Drake and Julia George. On the morning of the show the MVP showed up, Mother Nature, who graced us with the most beautiful weather. I was getting ready to take the stage to welcome everyone and introduce the great local band “Aqua Nuts” when Tim Tumulty stopped me and said, “Look at this place!” Artists lined the streets, handfuls of food trucks wafted their delicious aromas, plus there was a beautiful stage. He looked at me and said he could not believe what we had accomplished - then things got emotional. I told him to get it together and took the stage. The first thing I noticed to the west was how beautiful the ocean was, and then when I looked down the street at all the Artists and the people I started to tear up. So, instead of some long winded speech I just blurted out, “WELCOME TO THE COCOA BEACH ART SHOW and let’s enjoy Aqua Nuts!” What a great weekend it was…it was and IS the people’s show. NOVEMBER 2019


GET FIT TIPS with FITsuzanne

By Suzanne S. Elliott, M.A., Ed. @Suzanne Elliott

“The Art of Stillness” A work of art comes out of a state of deep stillness.” ~Eckhart Tolle

sit for long periods of time in front of our stations.

The Art of Being Still and paying attention to the quiet and calmness of your breath is Yoga. The quieter you become the more you can hear. Meet yourself in stillness and listen. Quite the mind and hear your soul to bring out your inner peace.

Time for a little Yin and feel the Zen! Yin Yoga is a very simple practice. Most Yin postures or shapes are named after nature, a natural way to create calmness.

Briana Bernal, local Realtor, HOTY Teacher and USA Yoga Champion in an artistic expression of Dragonfly Pose (a Yin Yoga shape to release the hips, spine and back of legs), photo by local Cocoa Village business owner and HOTY Student, Stan Pengelly. The art of stillness through yoga can be experienced easily in a YIN YOGA class. Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind.. Yin Yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga as exercise, incorporating principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with asanas (postures) that are held for 3 to 5 minutes. This practice is designed to help you sit longer, and more comfortably, in meditation by stretching connective tissue around the joints (mainly the knees, pelvis, sacrum, and spine). A passive practice, Yin Yoga involves variations of seated and supine poses accessing deeper layers of fascia. Yin Yoga has become one of the most popular classes I teach. This is a great class for the athletic to the infirm persons to improve mobility and destress. Yin Yoga helps us with the chaos of our lives, calling us to be here and there. We are pulled in many directions and required to stand or

30 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9

Benefits of a regular Yin yoga practice: • Calms and balances the mind and body • Reduces stress and anxiety • Increases circulation • Improves flexibility • Releases fascia and improves joint mobility • Balances the internal organs and improves the flow of chi or prana Stillness brings peace, peace brings calmness, calmness reduces stress. Less stress, happier healthier heart and YOU! Suzanne Elliott, MA, Ed is a Master Yoga Teacher, Health Minister and Life Coach. She and her husband, Joe, live in Cape Canaveral, involved in their city, sponsor Keep Brevard Beautiful Beach Yoga, Walks and Clean-ups, and together, own H.O.T. YOGA on the Island.

GET OUT OF TOWN By Misti Blu Day McDermott @mistibluday

Florida is full of adventure, and not just the touristy stuff that make your eyes roll, but the cool things that the locals try to keep secret. I have always heard the saying, “if you are bored, you’re boring.” It’s so true though. Really, if you are bored then get up and go on an adventure! This quirky state has so much to do. Tune in each month as I take you through my mini staycation journeys. Life is full of stress and hard work, so balance it out with some fun. This month, I encourage you to check out the Salvador Dali museum in St. Petersburg, Florida. The museum is full of original art from the Spanish Surrealist. You can throw on some headphones provided by the museum and wander around with your own tour at your pace. There is even a bistro that offers delicious meals and drinks. Thursday evenings offer reduced admission prices. Outside of the museum you will find an amazing large bronze Dali mustache and other fun surprises. Dali was born in 1904 and died in 1989. He was incredibly imaginative and beyond his time. Surrealism started in 1917, an art style that represents illogical scenes and strange dream-like visuals. Though Dali did not start out as a Surrealist, he was famous for it. At the Dali Museum, you can see is early work and the transition of his style into the later years. There is also an exhibit Honorable Mention: for other featured artists. “I don’t do drugs. I am drugs.” –Salvador Dali

Bob Ross was buried near the happiest place on Earth, next to Disney. His grave sits in happy little treats while trinkets and paint brushes decorate his grave site. The site is located in Woodlawn Memorial Park at section O, Lot 537.

*For more information and events, visit

“We have no limits to our world. We are only limited by our imagination.” –Bob Ross



Virtuous Steam By Misti Blu Day McDermott @mistibluday

The art of bathing, rituals, and herbal steaming has been around for centuries in many cultures. As society drowns in the ever-emerging technological world, sometimes it is nice to take a few steps back to admire history and nature. In Turkey, bathing is a semi-religious way to purify the body. In Finland, a popular way to bath is sans water and in a sweat bath (sauna). Finland, the sauna’s homeland, has 3 million saunas. Japanese bathing culture is inspired by their natural hot springs and treated as a meditative ritual. Their homes usually have toilets separate from their bathing rooms. Russians have a banya, a hot steam bath produced by pouring water over a massive heater. They keep cool with hats dipped in cold water. In Haiti, leaves and herbs are incorporated in ritual bathing. Their postpartum steam bath has become a popular practice in America. Korea practices the ancient treatment of vaginal steaming in spas. Virtuous Steam in Cocoa Beach, now a mobile business offering home service, offers V-steam sessions. Yoni, in Hindu, represents the vulva or a symbol of divine procreative energy. Yoni steaming, or V-steaming, is an alternative health treatment for women. This holistic approach takes place by sitting over steaming water with herbs for cooling, disinfecting, regulating, cleansing, and healing. So, while this may seem like a new thing, V-steaming has been

practiced for centuries. Motherwort helps with cramps and relaxation, Chamomile is soothing, Rosemary increases circulation, Calendula helps with pain and inflammation, Oregano is an antiseptic herb, and Basil is anti-bacterial and cleansing. Heat helps to relax and dilate vessels, also promoting circulation. It also helps to break up any buildup, supporting opening and release. Whether you are looking for an alternative treatment, relief for cramps, generalized pelvic detox or cleanse, to increase circulation, or possibly help with fertility issues, V-steaming may be something to try. Women are often quiet about the health of their yoni, but it truly deserves more than basic care. Talk about it, try it, and take care of that thing. It will thank you later. NOVEMBER 2019






Great Ar sts Through Time 2




Oct 23 - Nov 21

You’re much like a painting in an art gallery, Scorpio. You have been seen, complimented, and yet never committed to and taken home. You might say that the people you’ve met simply don’t understand your colors, but maybe it’s time to realize that you’re asking too much for the quality of the portrait. Selling yourself short is one thing, but you’re asking a lot for what you are willing to offer.

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21 Things feeling a little grey and lifeless lately, Sag? It’s time to pull out your crayon box, you know, the fancy one with a built in sharpener and TRY. Your life is what you make it, create something… anything, that might make a change. The worst it can do is suck. Your mom will still be proud, like always, and you can trash it and start over.

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20 For the sake of it all Taurus, bring your inner ninja out and FIGHT. Martial Arts is all about the work and discipline that you yourself put in. You’ve been waiting too long for success to happen; it’s time to be your own Sensei. Even if you’re starting at the first level, the black belt will be much more worth it if you do the work on your own.

Gemini May 21 - Jun 20 Some poet, somewhere, some time ago said, “Sticks and stones may break bones, but words can kill you slowly.” It’s time to put your sharpened sword to rest this month Gemini, and use your words for good. Try spreading love letters instead of words of war. There is enough negativity around us, and you have the gift to change people’s mood, mind, and perspective simply by saying so.

Capricorn Dec 22- Jan 19 Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 20 Boy do you have a lot of crap on your hands this month, huh Capricorn? You have really put the “art” in fart and crop dusted everyone in your path. The best advice I can give you is to own up. You’re going to need help from those stuck in your stench, and they’ll be much more willing if you’re honest about it.

Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18 It’s time to get a little wild, Aquarius. Explore areas of your life you’ve been neglecting lately. Dip your toes into the pools of possibilities. Wear that short dress or buy the fancy cologne that draws people in. Give that daring look from across the room, and do things your parents wouldn’t be proud of; because after all, Kamasutra is a form of art.

Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20 Performing arts has been your speciality for quite some time, Pisces. You have awed so many on the stages you’ve acted on, and the applause and cheers have been what keeps you going. But now that the season of spotlight is over, you’re starting to forget who you truly are. Life is just one big performance, with less musical numbers, and you can be whoever you choose to be.

Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19 It’s been difficult to take you seriously lately, Aries. The amount of talking you’ve done about your work has far succeeded the production. It’s time to stop “waiting for inspiration” and start using aspiration to get things done. Your loved ones believe in you, now it’s time to make them (and yourself) proud.

You’ve started yet another “masterpiece” recently. Paying attention to the finest details, making every curve just right, every face just so. Your semi-obsession with perfection on this one aspect of your work is beginning to take a toll on everything else. You can’t ignore it forever. Soon enough, the clay will dry, your sculpture will be finished, and all those things you’ve refused to apply yourself to will still be there, needing to be finished.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22 People are starting to lose sight of the little things in life, focusing far too much on getting somewhere, and forgetting to look at where are have already gotten to. You have a lot to offer the dreary world around you, Leo. Use your innate skills in being listened to, to remind people of the natural beauty surrounding them. For without art, the earth is just... “Eh”.

Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22 A painter may paint on a canvas, but the musician in you is looking to paint the silence in your life, Virgo. It may seem easier to live with no confrontation, but you’ve been using the rest symbol for far too long, and it’s starting to take a toll on the beat of your heart. Take the time to sing your song; let the music be what your feelings sound like.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22 Dance isn’t the only revolution you have available to you this month, Libra. You have a chance for a new beginning, an opportunity to change your attitude and your life in a big way. However, your need to always be with others is causing you to settle for less. Don’t.

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ACROSS 1 French artist especially identiffied with the subject of dance and regarded as the founder of Impressionism 2 Renowned for his masterly treatment and use of light in his work 4 Spanish Surrealist who’s best know for his striking and bizarre images and equally outlandish appearance 5 I scream, you scream we all scream for “The Scream” 7 Austrian painter who kept it raw and sexy through Expressionism

8 Dutch master who created portraits illustrating the innermost thoughts of his subjects, including himself 9 He didn’t create Pop-Art, but he took the style out of the art world and brought it into the world of fashion and celebrity 13 Italian sculptor, painter, architext and poet, his artisic expression was so riveting, the Pope commissioned him to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

14 Viennese Symbolist painter who gave us a kiss to last the ages 16 Spanish born ar  st and co-founder of Cubism (broken pieces rearranged into abstract form) 17 Inventor of poin  llism, a radical painting technique where small daubs of color applied to the canvas in dots and dashes turns into images 18 Mexican artist and feminist icon who created surrealistic self-portraits

6 French Romantic artist and leader of the French Romantic school 8 America’s most loved illustrator who summed up as the painter of the American Dream 10 Crazy as a loon, cut off his ear and gave us the starry night 11 French artist and lead painter in the development of Impressionalism style; famed for his sensual nudes

and charming scenes of pretty women 12 Impressionists who captured the changeable effects of light on landscape through prismatic shards of color, delivered as rapidly painted strokes 15 18th century French painter emphasized color and movement, structuring his compositions so they almost resembled theater scenes

DOWN 1 Italian Renaissance artist whose areas of interest included invention, anatomy, drawing, engineering, painting, astronomy, sculpture, architecture, science, mathematics, music, literature, geology, botany, paleontology and cartography 3 Most influential French artist of the 20th century, particularly focusing on the female figure

Answers on Page 34



Look inna me eye Ras Fursey-Eye da First make-a me bumbaclaat when he hear dis mi bredren, yuh know? Mi cyaan tell yuh ou much dis music make mi feel gud fi mi badi. Hunni fi move precepts a gwaan! Nice reggae is coming from the boys down at One Drop with this insta-classic release Far From You. Good horns and drums, nice lyrics, and even a little ska beat getting thrown down on How Many Times that had me skanking all the way around my house inna dance hall stylee! They are currently on tour in the area and are heading back out west, so if you are lucky enough to see them here I wish I was you! This San Diego band released their first CD in 2007 and have been killing it ever since. They consist of James Alger (lead vocals and rhythm guitar), Phill Woodring (drums), Jehua Evans (bass guitar), Benji Guzman ( keys), Maya Ratsey (lead guitar) and Bruce Zimmerman (saxophone). The Last Start Dub Mix ends the CD repeating the mantra that “As long as the Sun will rise above me, I take orders from no one but His Majesty”, true Ras Style. A good attitude to have on the road too, as James says “all kinds of things can happen, van mechanical problems, equipment failure, staying healthy, weather etc. We have had some close calls but over all have been pretty luck here”. Even if cold ground was your bed last night, and rock was your pillow too, you will enjoy this release from start to finish, so go get it! Vinyl version coming soon! Buh-Buh!


Reviews by Fursey O'veebee.


Shimmer Delight is a very interesting and variable CD that displays numerous musical styles. In my opinion, this release would appeal to a wide variety of musical tastes. New Wave, Blues, Rock, even a few eerie grooves make this CD at the top of my list right now. Sixteen original tracks just keep rocking from start to finish. S.O.S. starts out with a nice old-school guitar riff but melds into a smoother modern-esque rocker that jams from beginning to end.The vocals get dark on Temporary with some deep lyrics like “be wary where you walk, a shallow grave is something you never would thought, pull you down dark deep and take what you have” as they remind you that pain is just temporary. Today’s a Good Day is a more upbeat sounding jam, even though the lyrics tell a much different story. That’s one thing I really love about this release, all sorts of angles going down. Great guitar work from the guys backed up with solid percussion to keep you pumping your fist and ready to drop in on that vert ramp and flow right into a lay-back rollout with shades of the legendary Big John Saunders. This trio is comprised of 70s Skateboard Legend Tony Wood (guitar, guitar synthesizer, vocals), Tom McCaffrey ( vocals, bass, synthesizer, guitar), and Preston “Presto” Richardson (drums, percussion, drum recording engineer). According to their own account, “This kaleidoscope collaboration was guided by wire, driven by kilobytes and created in passion.” A nice booklet is included with the CD that includes pictures and the full lyrics to every song. With a sixth CD forthcoming, this group should be at the top of your playlist. I really liked this CD. DISTANT-TOWERS.COM

Unk-Al and the Amazingly Mediocre

If Unk-Al was any more funky he would need soap. This jank is straight fire from start to finish. From the opening cut he let’s you know how he keeps it so clean, “take the windex and I wipe it down”. I wish I had something to compare this to but this guy’s style is so unique it bears no comparison. Thumping bass reminiscent of Primus and Flea, my man rolls in like Superfly with the opening cut Chrome, then switches gears into the “boom chicka chicky chow” in That Fishing Song. Take It To The Hole gets that p-funk flowing again flexin’ on layin’ it down in the meatholder. The White Flash goes deep into the supernatural realm with some script-flippin’ intergalactic foolyishness that will have you feeling like Timothy Leary slam dancing with Charles Manson. Fritz’s Chicken Wing Recipe has that slow funky thump going as he puts his culinary skills to music and sings about wings, beer, and breasts in a truly remarkable ballad worthy of both Grammy and Pulitzer honors. This epic release finished up with $2 DaWg, a morbidly interesting funky jam about his canine companion that features more great guitar work in an excellent release that kept me bopping my head through the whole delicious masterpiece.



The mention of Punk Rock in last month’s edition got me thinking that it was time for another legendary Punk Vinyl. One of my favorite LPs of all-time, Damaged by Black Flag, remains a must-have for any true fan of the genre. I remember getting this one not long after it came out, and it was a gamechanger. Great all-around slam dancing, skateboarding, and party music this release was used for an infinity of pre-surf pump-meup sessions in the car right before paddling out. I can clearly remember me and Tony Scahboni, Pritch, Pottsy, and 424-JESS raging in the car to this on many a night of teenage debauchery. Starting out with the heavyhitting anthems Rise Above and Spray Paint, they turn to one of the original punk party songs Six Pack which still elicits pumping fists to those in the know. Six-Pack, another punk party jam brings back memories of yesteryear as me and the boys would turn any party into a pit with the playing of this song, regardless of your grandma Hazel’s 400 year-old China. So many epic jams on here by legends, Henry Rollins, Dez Cadena, Greg Ginn, Chuck Dukowski, and ROBO. Released on the legendary SST label with Unicorn Records, this is one that I always know will never let me down.


Local Musicians: Are you are musician? Do you know a rad local artist who should be featured? Submit your music for review to . NOVEMBER 2019


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For any true Cocoa Beacher who’s savvy in the history of our little world of art, comparing this one to our own Mike Moffett should be fun. Duchamp presented his art piece in a NY exhibition by simply taking a widely used article of life and turning it in a new direction: to be seen as a new appliance. Now, would I personally use an upside down urinal to drink from? Maybe not. But, it was the act of creating art from things merely found, instead of created, that changed the world of art for many fountains to come.

Caneque is a contemporary street performer from Barcelona. She performs a show that has been seen around the world at various shows and venues. Camila dresses as a flamenco dancer and carries with her 27 red carnations. The show begins with the beautifully dressed artist suffering a spontaneous ‘death’ and ends with her lying on the floor she’s performing on (for hours at a time). Would you be able to tell the difference between this work of art and your regular run of the mill visitor leaving the bars at the end of Minutemen?


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SOLUTIONS - L Level Hard Level Hard Level Medium TBR1911 SUDOKU SOLUTIONS - Level Mediu TBR1911 SUDOKU

Dexter Morgan’s father, I mean... Dr. Von Hagens, a German anatomist, has taken his studies to an entirely new level with his odd art. Using 10/24/2019 a technique he invented himself called plastination, he injects a liquid plastic solution into the 8 Great bodies of a dead volunteer. The solution hardens, preserving the cadavers which he then turns to sculptures. In 2002, he performed an autopsy live on British TV and has most recently used a new body slicing technique to create wafer-thin cross sections of bodies.

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Great Artists Through Time - Crossword Puzzle

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I want to start this one off by apologizing to my mother, Cheryl, for that unending process of cleaning out every closet, hutch and drawer that I thought was necessary for making life easier. This Tokyo artist became famous for displaying nearly 11,000 knick knacks his mother had accumulated over the last 50 years. If I would’ve known we could have auctioned off your trash, I mean treasure, as art, we would’ve been rich and fought a lot less in May. (No, this is not me giving you permission to start over).

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By Mark Longenecker

Oftentimes while waiting in baggage claim after a flight, you’re greeted with pictures, signs, and paintings displaying all the wonderful and exciting fun things to do in the city you’re ready to explore. Though Tanguma’s painting, displayed in Denver’s International Airport, does catch your eye with it’s bright and beautiful colors, the image of burning trees, captured birds and children mourning dead or dying animals is even harder to look away from.


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“THE WORLD’S SMALLEST SCULPTURES” - WILLARD WIGAN Don’t become defensive too soon if this sculptor from England claims to be playing you the world’s tiniest violin, he just may be telling the truth. Wigan has become famous for sculpting works so small that they have been mounted to the head of a pin or in the eye of a needle. He has made many different pieces including the Obama family, Disney characters and even The Last Supper, but most famously is known for a replica of Michelangelo’s David, carved from a single grain of sand.

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