Creating - Better India
NATIONAL EVENTS INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE To Commemorate the International Day of Peace, National Level Webinar on World Scout Programme was organised by the National Headquarters from 19 – 21 September, 2021. On 19th September, 2021 Resource Speaker Mr. Syed Castillo, Director, Educational Method, WSB/Asia Pacific Support Centre has shared the views on the Topic entitled “earthtribe” with the youths. On 20th September, 2021 Resource Speaker Mrs. Cynthia Marquez, Senior Manager, Educational initiatives and Messenger of Peace, World Scout Bureau, Global Support Centre has explained the youth how to post/upload their story in SDG HUB On 21st September, 2021 Mr. S. Prassanna Shrivastava, Director Organizational Development and Messenger of Peace, World Scout Bureau/Asia Pacific Support Centre has shared the views on the Theme of IDP 2021 and encouraged the youths of the Country about the Messenger of Peace. The grand celebration of International Day of Peace was held on 21st Sept, 2021 at 04.00 P.M. in which Mr. Ahmad Alhandawi, Secretary General WOSM greeted the members of BSG and motivated the Youth of the Country with his video recorded speech. Shri P.G. R Sindhia, Secretary General, President in Council, Shri K.P. Mishra, Vice President, BSG, Shri J.C. Mohanty, International Commissioner (S), Shri Madhusudan Avala, Dy. International Commissioner (S) and Mrs. Amelia Swer, International Commissioner (G) of the Bharat Scouts and Guides blessed the youth and appreciated the initiative of NHQ on Peace activities. Shri Raj Kumar Kaushik, Director BSG in his closing remarks expressed his gratitude to World Scout Bureau for supporting BSG in organising World Scout Programme Webinar for the benefit of Scouts/Guides. Total 2885 candidates registered for the Webinar. The webinar was on ZOOM and was live streamed on BSG Youtube Channel. The webinar was organised under the leadership of Shri Amar B. Chettri, Jt. Director of Scouts (Prog. & Trg.), Bharat Scouts and Guides with the support of Mr. Analendra Sarma, Assistant Director, BSG, N.E. Region and Mr. Bablu Goswami, I/c Assistant Director, Eastern Region of BSG respectively.