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Share this LINK with your friend to book a Club tour now!
British Association of Singapore www.britishassociation.org.sg Tel: 6716 9773
British High Commission www.ukinsingapore.fco.gov.uk Tel: 6424 4200
British Chamber of Commerce (Singapore) info@britcham.org.sg www.britcham.org.sg Tel: 6222 3552
The British Council contact@britishcouncil.org.sg www.britishcouncil.org.sg Tel: 6473 1111
Visit Britain singapore@visitbritain.org www.visitbritain.com/sg Tel: 800 852 3 549 (Toll-free)
Singapore St. Andrew’s Society Paul Burnett communications.ssas@gmail.com www.standrewssociety.org.sg Tel: 9154 0521
St. David’s Society of Singapore James Harvey stdavids.singapore@gmail.com www.stdavidssingapore.org/ Tel: 8668 0449
St. Patrick’s Society of Singapore stpatssingapore@outlook.com https://www.stpatssingapore.org/
Royal Society of St. George Singapore Paul Adamberry rssg.sg@gmail.com www.saintgeorgessociety.com
73 Bukit Tinggi Road Singapore 289761 Tel: 6410 1100 • Fax: 6468 6161 enquiries@britishclub.org.sg www.britishclub.org.sg
Operating Hours: 8am to 11pm (Daily)
To be the leading international Club in Singapore, exceeding the expectations of our Members and their families.
magazine is printed on eco-friendly paper
Please note that club events may be photographed/recorded and these photographs/footage may be used for marketing purposes. Your presence indicates your consent to being photographed/filmed.
Dear Members,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas break and very happy New Year!
I would like to start by paying tribute to my predecessor, Steve Walker. Steve has served the Club faithfully and honourably through the most turbulent time that our generation can remember. So on behalf of all our members, I would like to formally thank him.
To the members who participated in the 38th Annual General Meeting held on 10 December, thank you for attending. It was nice to see new and old members turning up to make a difference at the Club despite the pandemic. If any member has the desire to
participate in the running of your Club, please get in contact with me or any member of the Main Committee.
On that note, I would like to formally welcome Kenny Cowgill to the Main Committee, Kenny has previously served as a member of the Sports Committee.
Now, with all of the above being said, I am humbled and honoured for the opportunity to take up the role of President of the British Club and would like to thank all the other elected members of the Main Committee for the opportunity they have given me. I would also like to thank the members of the SubCommittees for their voluntary contributions to the success of the Club.
As was said at the AGM, the staff are the Jewel in our Crown and I would like to pay tribute to them for all their hard work over the past year. Together, we were able to embrace change through challenging periods to move our Club forward.
As I write this update, the Prime Minster, Lee Hsien Loong has announced that Singapore will enter Phase 3 on 28 December, which will then enable up to 8 members to sit together in our restaurants. Finally, I believe we are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. As the COVID-19 situation continues to improve in Singapore, we have
plans on restoring life to the Club with special events and activities planned for you. Till then, be sure to stay connected with us virtually through our stay at home activities and events such as quiz nights or kids’ crafts.
I am also pleased to see the tennis courts and swimming pools are being fully utilized after we exited the Circuit Breaker. With the emphasis on healthy lifestyle this year, I encourage all of you to pick up an activity this month to keep our mental health on the right track. You may check out the sports section on the various fitness classes available. Alternatively, you can keep your mind healthy by taking up hobbies such as crafting or reading.
Lastly, as we head into 2021, I hope that the light that we are beginning to see at the end of the tunnel becomes brighter and that life can return to as near normal as it was before COVID-19. On behalf of the Main Committee and Staff, I wish you a happy, safe and healthy year ahead!
On behalf of the management team and all our staff, I would like to wish you and your family a very Happy New Year.
Amidst the pandemic, we still managed to successfully hold the Club’s 38th Annual General Meeting on 10 December 2020 and I am pleased to welcome back our Members of the Main Committee, together with an additional member, Kenny Cowgill, as well as welcome our newly elected President, Mr. Stephen Fulton. I look forward to working with the new Committee and I believe that we can make this year a better year for the Club.
As we enter the New Year on a positive note, we are getting ready for another festive season in Singapore – Lunar New Year! 2021 will be the year of the Ox. Fully immerse yourself in the festivities by stocking up on Lunar New Year Cookies and Bak Kwa from the Windsor Shop, and tossing to good luck at Verandah Café and Windsor Arms with our Yu Sheng! Read more about the Yu Sheng’s significance in the magazine.
February will be an exciting month for us at the Club as we look forward to live pancake stations on Shrove Tuesday, and a romantic 5-course Valentine’s dinner at Mountbatten Bar & Grill. Be sure to check out the Dining Section in this issue and keep yourself updated on our dining promotions.
Lastly, we are thankful for your support and I am confident that together, we can make this year another successful one!
With proper measures and safe distancing in place, The Club managed to hold its 38th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday, 10 December 2020, at the Elizabeth Suite. Principal members were seated in the Suite while their spouses were led to the Treetops Terrace where they could watch the AGM through a livestream.
Club President, Mr. Stephen Walker, kicked off the meeting with his opening address, providing an overview of the Club’s highlights and lowlights during the year, and taking the opportunity to thank the committee, management team, staff and members for keeping the Club going during the difficult times. The Honorary Treasurer, Jan Young, then went through the Club’s accounts in detail, followed by General Manager, Andrew Christon, who provided insights on the Club’s current direction and upcoming developments.
There were 10 candidates who contested for seats on the Main Committee and the meeting was adjourned at 9.30pm. Congratulations to the elected Main Committee for 2020/21.
Arnaud & Nisha Bouchet
David & Davinia Brotherton
Jirat Boomuang
Christopher James Bush & Jane Hoy
Joydeep & Radhika Chakraborty
Sean Patrick Cuddihy & Florica-Ionela Anghel
Mark Gerard Clay & Finna Huang
Wayne & Dimin Crossley
Saul & Georgia Daniel
Domenico De Franceschi & Ana Duek
James & Laura Day
Nicolas Gisbert & Sylviane Carot
Sophie & Lee Harle
Oliver Jian Wei Hopkins & Ann Seleznova
Michael & Lucy Hunter
Jack Stephen Hemsley & Katya Zavialova
Ho Han Ming & Iris Chen
Sander Bas Holman & Frederique M Van Der Linde
Ivan Xiao Tingjie & Kee Chen Choo Brennie
Kunalan & Mamatha
Paraj Kakkar & Priya Balasubramaniam
Ritchie Kwok Ching Chi
Kamalanathan & Meenal Karthik
Joseph Khoo & Goh Yee Sin
Naresh & Savitha Kumar
Pierrick & Yasmina Levesque
John Michael Lo Jenn Hur & Chong Chyi Yiing
Dean Low Yan Wah & Szetu Lai Cheng
Alasdair Peter Lee & Maya Purushothaman
Jason Norman Lee & Heather Hoong
Steve & Kate Longhurst
Francis Lim Choan Mia & Jiang Xiaojuan Marilyn
Anant Diwakar Mokashi & Anuprita Mokashi
Hannah Kate Middleton & John James Collison
Arun & Yekaterina Makhija
Marilyn Ng
Anthony Ong
Karl & Nattanicha Pope
Abdel & Mai Ratnani
Vimal & Ritika Rai
Ezazur & F Rubayet Trisha Rahman
John Rogers & Laura Rogers
Harish Sivasubramanian
Ankur & Aalya Sahni
David & Edwina Sullivan
Rhys Spencer & Rosanna Trigg
Sun Yoke Kuan & Lucas Lu
Tan Joo Thye & Chin Yien Kuan
Tio Guat Kuan & Lee Meng Tat
Farhan & Afshan Talib
Andrew Tow Chew Choy
Artawat John Cordova Udompholkul & Kay Kunjara
Jonathan & Ana Wollerman
Caleb Wong Pak Leong & Aw Yong Ting Adeline
Anthony Richard Wise
Steffen Wolf & Silke Fritz-Wolf
Yeo Seng Chong & Lim Mee Hwa
Krishna Erlangga Zulkarnain & Patria Ramadha Putri
By Kim Forrester
The year 2020 was incredibly difficult for many people, for many reasons. For expats and eager travellers, the stress of the past year was likely exacerbated by the fact that travel is largely off-limits for the foreseeable future. Let’s face it: easy and exciting travel is one of the benefits of living on this Little Red Dot and, without the ability to scoot off for a quick getaway, many British Club members may be yearning for a sense of adventure, expansion and change.
Thankfully, there are ways we can each mitigate any sense of boredom or resistance that comes from being island-bound:
1. Ignite your sense of curiosity and wonder in your home location.
Humans are incredibly adaptable, and this trait can often work against us when it comes to fulfilling our need for adventure, curiosity and awe. We can easily become blasé about even the most wondrous sights and experiences here, in Singapore. However, with a little effort, it is possible to rekindle a sense of awe and excitement in your own backyard. Seek out culturally diverse neighbourhoods, eateries and events; visit unfamiliar corners of the city; search for natural or cultural wonders on the island; revisit places you haven’t seen in a while. The trick is to view Singapore with fresh eyes and
reinvigorate a sense of wonder at the sights, sounds, smells and people that share your home space. For added emphasis, why not become a virtual ‘travel guide’ seeking out adventures on the Little Red Dot? Share your experiences on social media and allow others to experience the wonders and secrets of this island through your fresh perspective.
2. Travel for ‘well’ instead of ‘wow’.
As invigorating as it can feel to venture into your discomfort zone, it’s incredibly beneficial for your wellbeing to also seek out destinations and activities that promote calm, nourishment and relaxation. With world travel on hold, now is the perfect time to swap ‘travel for wow’ for ‘travel for well’.
It’s hard to overstate the incredible effect that nature has on our emotional health and overall wellbeing. Scientists have discovered that being in natural spaces improves a multitude of physical and cognitive processes, including lowering stress hormones, and slowing our heart rate. So, why not seek out the more remote areas of Singapore that are teeming with nature, such as MacRitchie, Sungei Buloh and Pulau Ubin.
Additionally, it’s okay to allow yourself to slow down in this uncertain time. Our modern world is based on the
concept of constant doing and action. However, the truth is there is a desperate need for us to do “nothing” on occasion. Therefore, try finding domestic locations that offer (or even force) you to slow the heck down like a reflexology session in Chinatown, a day trip to Sentosa’s beaches, or a relaxing family picnic in Gardens by the Bay.
While seasoned travellers yearn for adventure, many local businesses are struggling without the much-needed tourist dollar. By choosing to become an eager local adventurer, we can lift our own spirits and support our local business owners – the perfect win-win situation.
Kim Forrester is an award-winning author, holistic well-being educator, and consultant. She blends science with spiritual philosophy to inspire fullness of living, and has been a member of the British Club since 2015. www.kimforrester.net Looking for some drops of goodness in these uncertain times? Check out the Eudaemonia podcast on your favourite podcast app for inspiring conversations about the traits and practices that can help you flourish in life.
Member in the Spotlight is a section in the Magazine where members can introduce themselves, share their hobbies and their favourite activity in the Club! This month, we have Phil Dunglinson who is the Founder of a social enterprise, Donate for Change. Read more about him in the interview below.
With so many different social clubs available in Singapore, what drew you to The British Club? What made you join?
No one aspect alone but a combination of great facilities, great food, great atmosphere and great service. With work and family life so hectic, having a family friendly sanctuary to retreat to whenever we want is a wonderful option for us. Also, being British, the club gives us plenty of connections back to the U.K. throughout the year.
Tell us about your family and yourself.
My wife Soheyla and I have one son, Alex, who has now finished his education in Asia and he’s studying at drama school in London; acting has been his passion since he was about 10. Apart from being a great mum and wife, Soheyla is a qualified Pilates instructor and teacher trainer and that’s her passion. My career in telecoms has allowed us to travel extensively; we left the UK in 1997 and after stints in Ghana and India we have spent almost two decades in Asia – Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Papua New Guinea. When I am not working I enjoy cycling, walking and I’m an avid Liverpool FC fan.
What is your favourite thing to do at the Club?
We have enjoyed many great evenings being entertained by the comedians at the Comedy Night events over the years.
Share with us about Donate Change, a new social enterprise that you recently launched.
Donate for Change (https:// donateforchange.sg) is a new app based platform that allows adults in Singapore to regularly give microdonations (between S$1 and S$5) to their favourite registered charities. We already have 36 charities using the platform and more are signing up each week. Donate for Change takes the ‘old school’ experience of putting your loose change into a charity collecting tin when you see a volunteer in the street and bringing it into the digital age. I am co-founder and very proud of what we have achieved, especially in light of the devastating impact of the pandemic on the charity sector this year.
how do they go about doing so?
Donate for Change is a free app, for both Apple iOS and Android smartphones, which is available in the Singapore app stores and can be downloaded by simply scanning the QR code. Anyone living in Singapore over the age of 18 can join. Once the app is downloaded, simply configure your account and you can be donating to your favourite Singapore good causes in a few minutes. Fellow members, please sign up.
What will be the one dish you would recommend to your guests if they came to the Club with you?
Fish and chips, washed down with a pint of beer
Finally, share something interesting about yourself.
Very proud that I summited Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania 2 years ago. It’s an epic adventure which I highly recommend; it helps put life in perspective.
Braised Ossobuco, Gremolata, Crushed Potatoes
Braised Ossobuco, Gremolata, Crushed
Sizzling Chicken Steak
Marinated Chicken Thigh, Sautéed Capsicums, Onions and Drizzled with Authentic Chimichurri Sauce or Garlic-Pepper Gravy served with Steamed Jasmine Rice and Fried Egg
King Prawns, Abalone slices and Pork Ribs Noodle Soup
Kadhai Gosh
(Lamb cooked with Onions, Green Peppers & Kadhai Spices)
Served with Briyani Rice, Naan Bread, Raita and Roasted Papad
Kadhai Aloo Chole (V)
(Chickpeas and Potatoes cooked with Onions, Tomatoes, Green Peppers & Kadhai Spices)
Served with Briyani Rice, Tandoori Roti and Roasted Papad
Sausage Roll
Cumberland Sausage, House-made Mustard, Pickles
(V) Vegetarian
Thai Beef Noodles Soup
Beef Broth, Thai Rice Stick Noodles, Thai Basil, Bean Sprouts, Baby Kailan, Red Onions, and Drizzled with Scallions, Fried Shallots, Coriander and Mint Leaves served with Bird’s Eye Chillies and Calamansi
Kadhai Gosh
(Lamb cooked with Onions, Green Peppers & Kadhai Spices) Served with Briyani Rice, Naan Bread, Raita and Roasted Papad
Kadhai Aloo Chole (V)
(Chickpeas and Potatoes cooked with Onions, Tomatoes, Green Peppers & Kadhai Spices)
Served with Briyani Rice, Tandoori Roti and Roasted Papad
9am to 5pm
Members’ Rate:
$58++ per person
Non-Members’ Rate:
$78++ per person
2 coffee breaks and lunch included
9am to 1pm / 1pm to 5pm
Members’ Rate:
$48++ per person
Non-Members’ Rate: $68++ per person
1 coffee break and lunch included
Package includes:
• Use of venue • Complimentary parking • Wi-Fi connection • Use of basic AV system
• Overhead projector & LCD screen • A flipchart set • Writing materials and mints
• Seminar Lunch • Free flow of coffee and tea
Prices are for a guaranteed maximum of 8 persons. All materials and/or services not stated herein are subject to additional charges.
If you are within a 2-km radius, you can order our famous Indian food and authentic Italian pizzas via Deliveroo
Please take note that orders via Deliveroo will not be taken as part of the minimum spending under your Membership. Payment via credit card. Terms and conditions apply.
Visit www.deliveroo.com.sg or download the Deliveroo mobile app for more information.
Enjoy an extensive choice of alcoholic beverages, quality cheeses, cured meats and a wide variety of sweets, crisps and biscuits.
1. View our product list* and send your order to retail@britishclub.org.sg
2. Confirm your orders
3. Have your items delivered to you
In just three steps, enjoy your favourite snacks and wine without leaving the house.
*Click HERE for product list
Note that delivery charges will apply for orders of $50 and above. Delivery is free for orders $150 and above. Delivery is limited to one destination per order.
Photos are for illustration purpose only.
Verandah Café now delivers its full menu via Lalamove
Click HERE for more information.
Monday to Friday 3pm to 5:30pm
Our British Afternoon Tea is available from Monday to Friday at the Windsor Arms.
$24.50+ per person
Reservations required. Please book 24 hours in advance as all items are freshly baked and prepared.
Monday to Friday 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Enjoy 20% off food orders placed before 6:30pm.
Every Tuesday
Calling all ladies!
Enjoy a complimentary dessert with every main course ordered.
Not applicable on Public Holidays or in conjunction with other food promotions, daily specials as well as Gold and VIP cards.
Glen Grant 10 Years Single Malt Scotch (ABV 40%)
$88+ per bottle or $168+ for 2 bottles (U.P $168+ per bottle)
Tasting Notes: With a bright, golden colour and a bouquet of sweet pear and vanilla, this award-winning single malt dances on the palate with soft and lively notes of orchard fruits, and features a finish that is satisfying, long and complex.
Best Single Malt, 10 Years & Under (2018)
Glen Grant 12 Years Single Malt Scotch (ABV 40%)
$98+ per bottle or $188+ for 2 bottles (U.P $188+ per bottle)
Tasting Notes: With a bright, golden colour and pleasant aromas of orchard fruit, almond and citrus, this exceptional whisky delights the palate with exquisite and delicate notes of apple pie crust and caramel, and finishes with lingering fruit and subtle hints of spice.
Glen Grant 18 Years Single Malt Scotch (ABV 43%)
$268+ per bottle or $518+ for 2 bottles (U.P $468+ per bottle)
Tasting Notes: A radiant golden colour and seductive floral and oaky aroma. Deeply layered and complex, this rich and vibrant whisky delivers beautifully intricate flavours of malted caramel, vanilla and raisins, and lingers with a long, sweet and pleasantly spicy finish..
Scotch Whisky of the Year (2018) Singlet Malt of the Year, Multiple Casks (2018)
Best Single Malt, Aged 16 to 21 Years (2018)
Terra Andina Lifestyle Chardonnay, Central Valley, Chile
Tasting Notes: This wine is lively, balanced and showing a large pallet of aromas. Generous notes of pear, peaches and honey, layering over a bright citrusy quality.
Terra Andina Lifestyle Cabernet Sauvignon, Central Valley, Chile
Tasting Notes: Scandalously delicious. Once confused for another variety, this ‘lost grape of Bordeaux’ has been rediscovered and adapted as Chile’s signature grape. Notes of plums, berries, cedar and spice.
Patriarche Sauvignon Blanc, Bourgogne, France
Tasting Notes: Fresh, aromatic and easy to drink. Nice intensity, good length.
Anivin de France - Silver
Patriarche Pinot Noir, Bourgogne, France
Tasting Notes: Superb fruit and roundness in this wine.
Wine Enthusiast – Best Buy
Sensi Collezione Pinot Grigio IGT, Veneto, Italy
You may view the full catalogue HERE Enjoy free delivery with a minimum purchase of $150.
Tasting Notes: Bright yellow with lightly golden tones. It has an intense nose of ripe yellow tropical fruits and honey. On the palate, it is fresh with good fruit and acidity with a smooth ripe finish.
Sensi Collezione Chianti DOCG, Tuscany, Italy
Tasting Notes: Ruby red in colour, it has a fruity nose with notes of vanilla and violets. On the palate, it is dry, balanced with velvety softness.
Alaskan King Crab with Avocado Mousse, Ocietra Caviar, Crispy Ginger and Oyster Leaf
Sunday, 14 February • 7pm onwards
$208+ per couple
Price includes a 5-course set dinner and a bottle of Piper Heidsieck Brut N.V. (375ml)
Celebrate love as the year’s most romantic occasion beckons. Romance your sweetheart with an intimate 5-course dinner for two.
Double-Boiled Consommé with Hokkaido Scallop, Coral Trout, Shi-Meiji Mushroom and Sea Lettuce
Scottish Langoustine & Loch Duart Salmon Agnolotti with Salmon Roe, Spring Onion Veloute and Sea Herbs
British Dingley Dell Beef 3 Textures
Crispy Oxtail & Potato Cake, Grilled Rib- Eye, Braised Beef Cheek, Wild Mushrooms, Shallot and Red Wine Sauce
I’voire Raspberry Dome with Mixed Berry Compote and English Sauce
Cheese Platter
Freshly Brewed illy Coffee or Selection of Taylors of Harrogate Tea
Tuesday, 16 February
$9.90+ per order
Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Day in the United Kingdom, is the last day before the season of Lent. It is tradition for Christians to eat pancakes on this day, as food such as butter and eggs are refrained from during Lent. Join us at Windsor Arms as we honour this tradition with our delicious pancakes.
Special ‘Live’ Pancake Station with choice of toppings:
Blueberries & Mascarpone
Strawberries & Sweet Cream
Banana & Milk Chocolate
Orange & Dark Chocolate
All pancakes are served maple syrup and vanilla ice-cream.
27 Jan to 26 Feb
Prosperity Steamboat
$68 (2 to 3 pax)
Meats Plate
Pork Belly (100gm) / Sliced Beef (80gm) / Sliced Chicken Breast (100gm) / Sliced Lamb (80gm)
Seafood Plate
Sliced Fish Fillet (100gm) / Tiger Prawns (12 pcs) / Squid (100gm)/ Half Shelled Tasmania Mussels (3 pcs)
Tang Ho / Chinese Long Cabbage / Lettuce / Shiitake Mushrooms / Enoki Mushrooms / Corn / Black Fungus
Mixed Platter
Bean Curd Sticks / Tofu / Fish Balls / Puffed Pork Skin / Hock Chew Fish Balls / Chinese Dumplings / Mock Crab Sticks / Yellow Noodle / Kway Teow / Rice Noodle / Egg
Chicken Chili Sauce / Belachan Chili / Light Soya / Red Cut Chili / Sesame Dip With Minced Garlic
$98 (3 to 5 pax)
Meats Plate
Pork Belly (150gm) / Sliced Beef (150gm) / Sliced Chicken Breast (200gm) / Sliced Lamb (150gm)
Seafood Plate
Sliced Fish Fillet (150gm) / Tiger Prawns (24 pcs) / Squid (150gm) / Half Shelled Tasmania Mussels (6 pcs)
Tang Ho / Chinese Long Cabbage / Lettuce / Shiitake Mushrooms / Enoki Mushrooms / Corn / Black Fungus
Mixed Platter
Bean Curd Sticks / Tofu / Fish Balls / Puffed Pork Skin / Hock Chew Fish Balls / Chinese Dumplings / Mock Crab Sticks / Yellow Noodle / Kway Teow / Rice Noodle / Egg
Chicken Chili Sauce / Belachan Chili / Light Soya / Red Cut Chili / Sesame Dip With Minced Garlic
Yu Sheng, or Prosperity Toss, also known as Lo Hei is customarily eaten during Lunar New Year celebrations for prosperity and good luck. Each ingredient constituting the Yu Sheng is symbolic of their respective meaning(s). We have interpreted the significance of each ingredient for you:
Raw Fish
27 Jan to 26 Feb
Symbolises abundance and excess throughout the year
Pomelo or Lime Symbolises growing luck and auspicious value
Pepper Symbolises the hope of attracting more money and valuables
Oil Symbolises money to flow in from all directions
Peanuts Symbolises a household filled with gold and silver
Sesame Seeds Symbolises a flourishing business
Crackers Symbolises a whole floor filled with gold
Small : $29.80+ per order (serves 1 to 2)
Medium : $39.80+ per order (serves 3 to 5)
Take-away is available at the Windsor Shop
Chinese New Year is approaching! It is Chinese tradition to have alcoholic beverages alongside a bunch of good food at the dining table. People drink for happiness, good relationship and to toast to the forthcoming year. While drinking in day means bidding goodbye to the year, drinking at night means keeping the good faith of the year. People also send wines and spirits as gift in this period of time. Shop our selection below!
Miwa Yuzu Sake (500ml)
$35 per bottle
Made from Japan’s high quality yuzu only. This yuzu sake gives a refreshing finish and is a must-try for citrus lovers.
Takara Sochikubai Gold Leaf
Tokubetsu Junmai (720ml)
$45 per bottle
This sake contains shimmering gold flakes and it is perfect for any celebration, or even as a gift.
Gekkeikan Yamada Nishiki Tokubetsu Junmai (720ml)
$45 per bottle
A polishing rate of 70%. Rich and subtle, this sake has a floral aroma, well-rounded flavour and a refreshing aftertaste. Best served with food rich in umami flavour such as seafood, beef steak, mushrooms, miso and soy sauce.
You may view the full catalogue HERE Enjoy free delivery with a minimum purchase of $150.
Glenfiddich 12 Years Single Malt Scotch, Speyside – 70cl (ABV 40%)
$98+ per bottle
Golden in colour. On the nose, distinctively fresh and fruity with a hint of pear. Characteristic sweet, fruity notes and develops into butterscotch, cream, malt and subtle oak flavours. A long smooth and mellow finish.
Scotch Whisky Masters – Master Award (2017)
International Spirits Challenge – Gold (2016)
Glenfiddich 15 Years Single Malt Scotch, Speyside – 70cl (ABV 40%)
$148+ per bottle
Golden with a red hue. An intriguingly complex aroma. Sweet heather honey and vanilla fudge combined with rick dark fruits. Silky smooth, revealing layers of sherry oak, marzipan, cinnamon and ginger. Full-bodied and bursting with flavour.
International Wine & Spirit Competition – Gold (2018 & 2017)
Glenfiddich 18 Years Single Malt Scotch, Speyside – 70cl (ABV 40%)
$198+ per bottle
Dark gold in colour. A remarkably rich aroma with ripe orchard fruit, baked apple and robust oak. Richly delivers luxurious dried fruit, candy peel and dates. Overlaid with elegant oak notes. The finish is warm, rewarding and distinguished.
International Wine & Spirit Competition – Gold (2019)
Scotch Whisky Masters – Gold (2019)
(January & February)
(January & February)
(January & February)
You may view the full catalogue HERE
Enjoy free delivery with a minimum purchase of $150.
Look out for our popular Lunar New Year cookies at the Windsor Shop!
Chinese New Year will never be the same without Bak Kwa! These glistening squares mottled with blackened char marks are sweet, savoury, umami, meaty and gratifying in a way a cookie never will be. It’s manna from the CNY snack heavens – but only when you encounter a piece worthy of the (exceeding high) calories. We know the pain of excitedly biting into a slice only to find it depressingly dry and disappointing. Thus, we believe in bringing you the best hand-made, charcoal grilled bak kwa that will satisfy your craving. Early Bird Prices (order on and before 17 Jan)
CNY Prices (orders received after 17 Jan)
Name: Membership No.:
Contact No: Collection Date & Time:
Member’s Signature:
• Your membership account will be debited once order is made. No return policy as this is a food product.
• All orders are pre-ordered and a minimum of 5 days of advance notice is required prior to your pick-up date.
• All collection must be done on the requested pick-up date to ensure ‘freshness’ of product.
• Prices stated are inclusive of 7% GST Forms can be submitted to the Windsor Shop or email to retail@britishclub.org.sg For assistance, please call 6467 4311 ext. 180. Please place your orders at least five working days prior pick-up date.
Signature Bak Kwa 1kg / $52.00
600gm / $31.20
500gm / $26.00
300gm / $15.60
Chilli Bak Kwa 1kg / $54.00
600gm / $32.40
500gm / $27.00
300gm / $16.20
Gold Coin Bak Kwa 1kg / $56.00
600gm / $33.60
500gm / $28.00
300gm / $16.80
Organic Chicken Bak Kwa 1kg / $68.00
600gm / $40.80
500gm / $34.00
300gm / $20.40
Signature Bak Kwa 1kg / $56.00
600gm / $33.60
500gm / $28.00
300gm / $16.80
Bak Kwa 1kg / $58.00
600gm / $34.80
500gm / $29.00
300gm / $17.40
/ $18.00
/ $21.60
* All prices include prevailing government taxes unless otherwise stated ** The Club reserves the rights to change any of the above items of the same value For Official Use Only:
Form Collected by:
Name: Membership No.:
Contact No: Collection Date & Time:
Member’s Signature:
Please note that all orders must be received latest by Friday, 5 February 2021 Forms can be submitted to the Windsor Shop or email to retail@britishclub.org.sg For assistance, please call 6467 4311 ext. 180. Please place your orders at least three working days prior pick-up date.
1 Crispy Roast Chicken with Spiced Salt
(approx. 2 to 2.2kg)
2 Sesame Roast Chicken with Hoisin Sauce
(approx. 1.5 to 1.7kg)
3 Braised Rose Wine infused Superior Soya Sauce Chicken
(approx. 1.5 to 1.7kg)
4 Poached Chicken in Superior Stock
(approx. 2 to 2.2kg)
5 Charcoal Roast Duck
(approx. 1.9 to 2.2kg)
6 Charcoal Roast Pork Belly
(min. 2kg)
7 Charcoal Roast Suckling Piglet
(approx. 4 to 5kg)
* All prices include prevailing government taxes unless otherwise stated ** The Club reserves the rights to change any of the above items of the same value For Official Use Only:
Form Collected by:
$18+ (inclusive of postage)
Each kit comes with a full set of materials and a step-by-step guide
Get your kids involved with Chinese New Year decorations with our Foam Clay Canvas Kit! Kids can colour and have fun without leaving any residue or mess while cultivating their motor skills and patience. It is a lightweight clay with beady texture which makes it easy to sculpt and air-dry. Kids will adore rolling, squeezing, twirling and moulding it into various 3D shape!
Choose from 3 unique designs: Mandarin Oranges, Spring Flower, Lion Dance.
$20+ (inclusive of postage)
Each kit comes with a full set of materials and a step-by-step guide
Let your kids personalize their own tote bag! This recyclable, non-woven bag is great for sleepovers or extra-curricular activities like piano and art classes. When it comes to decorating canvas tote bags it’s always nice to add a custom touch. The kit comes with everything ready, only creativity is needed!
Choose from 4 exquisite designs: Unicorn, Dino, Owl and Lion.
$18+ (inclusive of postage)
Each kit comes with a full set of materials and a step-by-step guide
We are always on the lookout for entertaining crafts for kids to do and coasters fit perfectly in every home! Let your little ones create their very own unique coasters and watch as their imaginations run wild. The final masterpiece would make a great decorative piece at home or a precious gift for a loved one.
Each set comes with 4 assorted coaster designs.
$18+ (inclusive of postage)
Each kit comes with a full set of materials and a step-by-step guide
Our popular Batik Painting kit is back with new designs to add to your collection. Always wanted to try your hand at Batik Painting? Bring the Batik design to life by simply blending the colours with your own creativity. Frame up your finished craft and hang them proudly on your walls!
Choose from 7 exquisite designs: Peranakan Houses, Butterfly, Peacock, Fishbowl, Bird, Seahorse and Ladybug.
Steven Hodge
Nic Merrow Smith golf@britishclub.org.sg
Andrew Vine/Omair Azam squash@britishclub.org.sg
Matthew Rawbone tennis@britishclub.org.sg
Roger Kelly cricket@britishclub.org.sg
Rebecca Turley/David Green swimming@britishclub.org.sg
Paul Hackett/Kenny Cowgill/Paddy Flynn football@britishclub.org.sg
Adam Slater taekwondo@britishclub.org.sg
Simon Goodman rugby@britishclub.org.sg
Aqua Aerobics
Wednesday & Friday 10am to 11am
Per session:
$22+ (Member)
$27+ (Guest)
Aqua Zumba
Tuesday 9am to 10am
Per session:
$30+ (Member)
$35+ (Guest)
9:45am to 10:45am
Per session:
$30+ (Member)
$35+ (Guest)
Boot Camp
Monday 7pm to 8pm
Per session:
$30+ (Member)
$35+ (Guest)
Muay Thai Kickboxing
7:30pm to 8:45pm
$50+ per session
$160+ per month
Friday 8:45am to 9:45am
Per session:
$25+ (Member)
$30+ (Guest)
Trampoline Fitness
Tuesday 9am to 10am
Per session:
$30+ (Member)
$40+ (Guest)
Monday & Wednesday 9:30am to 11am Thursday 7pm to 8:30pm
Saturday 10:35am to 12:05pm
Per session:
$22+ (Member)
$27+ (Guest)
Thursday 9am to 10am
Per session:
$30+ (Member)
$35+ (Guest)
Approach any of our friendly Personal Trainers who will help you identify your goals and achieve them.
1 session* • 5 sessions* • 10 sessions* $90+ $425+ $800+
Group Training $50+ per person* (Minimum of 2 persons)
Junior Induction 5 sessions* for $400+ (Children aged 12 to 15 years old)
Members are advised to book one week in advance to secure a slot for each class. Fee is exclusive of 7% GST. Charges will be imposed for no-show.
All guests to be accompanied by a Member.
To register, scan the QR code or kindly visit https://www.britishclub. org.sg/service/sportsfitness/
For any enquiries, please call the Pro Shop at 6410 1173 or email sports@britishclub.org.sg
Kindly call 6410 1151/173 or email sports@britishclub.org.sg for more information. * 1 hour per session
By Robin Thuillier, Communications Director
“We’d like you to join the Committee as Head of Writing,” said Matt, the Tennis Convener. After extensive negotiation over a few beers at Scores during the celebration of Steph’s return, we agreed on the title ‘Communications Director’ as it better reflects the verbal, visual and written skills needed to undertake this important role.
In the first of a highly visual and digitally-optimised approach, it seemed appropriate to reflect on 2020 and look forward with optimism to 2021 with the hope of playing football again.
Last year, the section’s athletes took the opportunity to diversify their regular Saturday afternoon training sessions into cycling, tennis and the culinary aspects of Club life to keep themselves holistically fit and virile, whilst also taking time to reflect on past performances as this selection of images highlights:
Back in the UK, the Exiles organized a ‘North vs South’ reunion game which proved to be memorable for the amount of media attention that it garnered.
Whilst most of the coverage unfortunately, focused on the additional burden potentially being placed on surrounding hospitals rather than the standard of play, it is true that the game took place on a particularly slow news day!
Great picture of the camaraderie that exists within past players are in the world, kindly provided by one of
the St John’s Ambulance personnel in attendance and remarkably taken on a reconditioned BlackBerry 9900 Bold!
As we hope to resume football practice in 2021, we aim to tour and continue spreading the BCFC spirit throughout Southeast Asia.
During the BCFC tour, we go through competitive games, thoughtful team selection, local cultural events, relaxation time to discuss next moves and watching the sunrise. Definitely an event not to be missed!
If you would like to join in all the fun & games that the football section gets up to, please contact football@britishclub.org.sg or speak to the Sports office https://www.britishclub.org.sg/service/sports-football/
Disclaimer: The football section is an equal opportunities section. An ability to pass or keep possession of the ball, take a proper throw-in or score at least once in a seasonafter claiming to be a natural finisher are all notably irrelevant.
Ladies’ squash are proving to be a big hit at the British Club!
By Jessica Omoteso and Omair Azam
Since the end of lockdown, the ladies’ squash section at BC have seen record numbers playing on a regular basis each weekend. Originally organising one session a week on a Thursday night, we now play twice a week including Saturday afternoons between 1pm and 3pm.
We host over 10 ladies with a broad range of squash abilities, from beginners to advanced levels. Some ladies also join the men’s socials when looking for more challenging games. Jessica Omoteso manages the section as the primary coordinator, and is keen to hear from any ladies at the Club who are interested in joining the socials for fun or set games.
For those interested in joining, feel free to reach out to us via the squash section email - squash@britishclub.org.sg
By Kristy Carter
Due to the craziness of Covid-19, our greatly anticipated Annual British Club Open Tennis Tournament which is normally held in April/May had to be postponed this year. Luckily, we were able to reschedule to the end of October and registrations were at an all-time high, with over 70 members participating, all vying for a spot on the Club’s coveted awards board.
The tournament kicked off to a flying start on 29 October, and it was clear from the beginning that tennis fans at the British Club were going to be in for some cracking matches. The standard was incredibly high this year, with all of our previous champions reentering to defend their titles, as well as some new players to the club who were absolute standouts.
The Ladies Singles Final was always going to be one of the most talked about matches. Last year’s Champion, Tamryn Brown, blazed her way through the competition with her
powerhouse serve and killer forehand, to meet new entrant Johanna Stanley in the final. Spectators were treated to a thrilling three set match, where both Tammy and Johanna battled it out on court, especially in the final third set which ended up going to tiebreak. Johanna Stanley managed to get in front early in the tiebreak and took the match 2-6, 6-0, 7-6. Congratulations to Johanna who is our 2020 Ladies Singles Champion.
Moving to the Men’s Singles competition, we had a record number of 21 members enter to compete for the Single’s title, and it was an incredibly tough competition. This year, we had not one Thomas, but two Thomas’ to be weary of, with both defending champion Charlie and his very talented son Jude entering the Men’s singles competition. Charlie; however, was successful in his campaign to the finals to meet one of the Club’s teenage superstars, Aaron Ventura. Unfortunately, the match has
been rescheduled due to inclement weather and is due to be played on 12 December.
Ladies Doubles this year was a great success, and there were certainly some stand out matches with very strong pairings. There were two trophies up for grabs: The Championship and The Plate. Both finals were fantastic to watch, in particular the match between last year’s champions Tamryn Brown and Clytie Morgan vs Johanna Stanley and Mari Goodman. It was an incredible display of tennis and an epic battle lasting over two and a half hours. Tammy and Clytie managed to hold on to their titles as Ladies Doubles Champions. The Plate winners were Hailey Naidoo and Louise Martin, who beat Liza Rowan and Nicki Simpkins.
The competition between the Men’s doubles this year were phenomenal. Seventeen Men’s pairings entered the tournament and like the Ladies competition, there were the Championship and the Plate titles for the taking. The Championship final came down to our fearless convener,
Matt Rawbone, and doubles expert, Alan Brown, who claimed victory over 2017 (and 2015/2013/2010) champs Charlie Thomas and Jonathan Wright in yet another fantastic three set match. Plate finalists Charlie Motion and Sean Henderson had their work cut out for them when they met David Brown and Jude Thomas, and although they put up a great fight, it was David and Jude who were successful on the day.
On to the ‘section favourite’ Mixed Doubles competition, and the guessing game of whether Fatherdaughter duo David and Tamryn Brown can hold on to their title for the 6th year running? This year, they will face tough opponents Johanna Stanley and Alan Brown which has been rescheduled for Saturday, 12 December 2020. On the Plate side of the Mixed Doubles, Melanie and Charlie Motion defeated Hailey Naidoo and David Cooper.
Although there were some challenges (mainly the bad weather), the 2020 Tournament was a great success, and I’m sure there are many inspired competitors who have already started training for the next one in 2021. Big thank you to both Matt Rawbone for all the hours put into making it all happen, and Paul Cheong and team for all the work at the Club’s end!
Official Carrier
Club Partner
If you would like to partner The British Club at our upcoming events, please email sponsorship@britishclub.org.sg
Membership Base
54% British expatriates, 24% Singaporeans and 22% expatriates from a wide range of countries in Europe, North America, Australasia and Asia Pacific with 50 nationalities.
Professionals, Senior Business Managers and Executives who hold senior key positions in the business community.
CIRCULATION : 2,500 copies READERSHIP : 10,000
FREQUENCY : Monthly except for the June/July, August/September and November/December combined issues.
Magazine Submission Deadlines
Mar 2021 – Advertisement Bookings : 25 Jan 2021 • Artwork Submission : 8 Feb 2021
Apr 2021 – Advertisement Bookings : 25 Feb 2021 • Artwork Submission : 11 Mar 2021
MCI (P) 013/05/2016
Designed & Published by The British Club.
Printed by Sonic Printing (S) Pte Ltd
All events, dates and times are correct at the time of print. We welcome articles, letters, comments or any other contribution from Members. However, the Club reserves the right to edit all materials submitted. Opinions and views expressed by the contributors and writers need not necessarily represent those of the Club.
The magazine accepts no responsibility for the quality of goods or services advertised.
For advertisement bookings and editorial enquiries/feedback, please contact Marketing Tel: 6410 1100
Email: marketing@britishclub.org.sg
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