The Christian Messenger, Christmas issue, December 2022

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Emmanuel - God with us!

word humbled Himself to be born as a helpless child in a hapless woman's womb is a wonder.

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us (Matthew 1:23).

BEFORE Mary and Joseph, betrothed to each other, consummated their union it was found that Mary had a child of the Holy Spirit. Joseph, being a righteous man, wanted to put her away secretly Then an angel appeared in his dream and told him the truth about Mary’s conception. The angel told Joseph: ‘And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.’

Everything about Jesus - His birth, His life on the earth, His death and His resurrection - is a wonder

One of the wonders of His birth is this: While children come after their parents, Jesus existed before them. In fact, He was with the Father before the world began (John 17:5). He existed prior to Abraham’s birth (John 8:58-59). He is the Creator (Hebrews 1:2).

We cannot outgrow our parents in age. Jesus, although born as Mary’s son, is the Ancient of the Days (Daniel 7:22).

How the One who created everything with His

That the One who fills the universe with His presence and power subjected Himself to the restraints of time and space is a wonder

That the One who owns the cattle on a thousand hills would live as one who had nowhere to lay his head is a wonder

Isaiah 7:14 says: “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”

However, Matthew 1:23 says: “..they shall call his name Emmanuel.”

Who will call Him Emmanuel? All those who accept Him as their Lord and Savior will call Him Emmanuel.

Emmanuel means God with us.

The One who spread out the heavens is Emmanuel. He is with us (Isaiah 48:13).

The One who determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name is Emmanuel. He is with us (Psalm 147:4).

The One who catches the wise in their craftiness is Emmanuel. He is with us (Job 5:13).

The One who goes by the nameAlpha and Omega is Emmanuel. He is with us (Rev 21:6).

The Bible says He humbled Himself and became

3 The purpose of the news magazine is to report newsworthy religious events and activities within the local community, nationwide and around the world, to increase the awareness and activism of believers regarding the moral issues of today, to provide thought-provoking commentary, and to provide an effective advertising vehicle for Christian ministries and organizations, events and businesses that want to reach the Christian community - Editor Managing Editor: Robin Sam Editor & Publisher: Elsy Robin Vol. 19, No. 3 Evangelism Through Journalism th20 YEAR OF PUBLISHING TELEPHONE: SUBSCRIPTION RATES Office: 044-26541398 (9 am to 6 pm; Mon-Fri) Advertisements & Subscriptions: 0-72990 63345 / 72990 63347 Prayer Support: 0-7299100771 (9 am to 9 pm) Annual: Rs.240/- | 5 Years: Rs.1,200/Patron’s: Rs.10,000/THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER is supported only by subscriptions and advertisements. Please consider prayerfully supporting this media ministry through your subscriptions and advertisements. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER PUBLISHING GOOD NEWS SINCE 2002 Online Portal: | Email: Page 12 DECEMBER, 2022 COLOR PAGES BLACK & WHITE PAGES ADVERTISEMENT TARIFF Centre Spread :Rs.20,000/Centre Pages : Rs.8,000/Front cover :Rs.12,000/Back cover :Rs.10,000/Inside Front Cover :Rs.9,000/Inside Back Cover :Rs.8,000/Inside Pages :Rs.7,000/Full page :Rs.3,000/Half page :Rs.2,000/Quarter page :Rs.1,500/Mini Display :Rs. 800/(Effective from Jan 2019) E-mail id: or Ph: 044-26541398 / 0-7299063345 / 7299063347 ADDRESS FOR COMMUNICATION The Christian Messenger, 20/20, Bharathiar Street, Srinivasa Nagar, Padi, Chennai 600 050. Page Sponsorship: Rs. 3,000/-
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obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross (Philippians 2:8).

Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God, says Colossians 1:15. All things have been created through Him and for Him.

Will you call Him Emmanuel? That’s the question I want to place before you today. Is Jesus Emmanuel in your life? Is God with you through Jesus Christ?

Festivities don’t have any meaning without the Lord of the Hosts in whose Name you celebrate Christmas.

So, is Emmanuel in you? If He is, then your inner man will be renewed every day by the power of the Holy Spirit.

If Emmanuel is in you, then you are no longer the person who trembles at challenges and difficulties because you know the Lord Himself will go before you.

If Emmanuel is in your home, then there will be singing and dancing and rejoicing in your dwelling place always.

If Emmanuel is in your workplace, then you will no longer use wrong or false scales to measure things or people. Your judgment would be right because you will have the spirit of discernment in you.

If Emmanuel is in your ministry, then you no

Is He in your home, at your workplace, in your business, at your school, college and ministry? If not, your efforts are futile. Be sure to invite Jesus Christ into your heart, mind and body because there’s no Christmas for you without Christ in you.

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hundreds of poor

The Christmas ministries usually involve distributing woolen clothes to the people in the winter, and providing succor to those who are hapless and helpless.

Pray for the mission field workers and their families and our office staff. Pray their needs are met this Christmas.

Pray for this ministry. And, if God lays a burden in your heart donate liberally and cheerfully to the cause. Your brother.

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& God’s
900 sq.ft. space available on Ground Floor, 2nd Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai near Thirumangalam Metro Rail station for rent. Ideal for boutiques, beauty parlors, cafetaria, shops & offices. this Christmas!
Every year, during Christmas time we reach and oppressed people and help them in whatever way possible in the where we have mission fields. Help us do these love ministries during this Christmas time as well.
4 states of India We need your support to meet these needs during this month.
longer will worry about recognition, fame or positions.

No. of Christians in England falls below 50%

THE number of people living in England and Wales identifying as Christian has fallen below half the population for the first time, while those identifying as Muslim or Hindu have registered a small rise, according to the latest census figures released recently. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) released its analysis of the 2021 census data to show that just over 46 percent said they were Christian, down from 59.3 percent in the last census conducted in 2011. Those identifying as having ‘no religion’ was the second most common response to the census survey, increasing to 37.2 percent from 25.2 percent in 2011, while those identifying as Muslim or Hindu registered an increase. “For the first time in a census of England and Wales, less than half of the population (46.2 percent, 27.5 million people) described themselves as ‘Christian’, a 13.1 percentage point decrease from 59.3 percent (33.3 million) in 2011; despite this decrease, ‘Christian’ remained the most common response to the religion question,” the Office for National Statistics release said. “There were increases in the number of people who described themselves as ‘Muslim’ (3.9 million, 6.5 percent in 2021, up from 2.7 million, 4.9 percent in 2011) and ‘Hindu’ (1.0 million, 1.7 percent in

2021, up from 818,000, 1.5 percent in 2011),” the ONS said. Those identifying as Sikh also registered a small increase, up from 0.8 percent (423,000) in 2011 to 0.9 percent (524,000) in 2021. People identifying as Jewish remained about the same at 0.5 percent of the population. In its analysis of national identity, Indians remain the third most common nonUK identity among residents in England and Wales after Polish and Romanian. Punjabi, which was the second most common language in 2011 has dropped to third place, followed by Urdu at fourth.

Situation Vacant

Applications are invited from committed Christian candidates for the post of Administrator for a 100 bedded Mission hospital in Maharashtra. The candidate should have a Post Graduate degree in Management and 5 to 10 years of experience in a middle/senior Management level position, preferably in a healthcare facility. The applicant should be below the age of 50 years. However, relaxation of age can be considered subject to experience and qualification. Family accommodation will be provided on the campus.

The Administrator will be responsible for overseeing the Finance, Human Resources, Maintenance, Public Relations, Information and Technology and Material Management and also Project functions.

It is preferable that the candidate should have thorough knowledge of Income Tax, GST, FCRA and other regulations and legislation that affects Institutions including governance functions. The candidate will be required to establish administrative systems and procedures as required. The applicant should be a self-motivated person having good interpersonal skills.

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1st of December 2022.

Franklin Graham rebukes claims Jesus had trans body

FRANKLIN Graham rebuked the notion that Jesus Christ has a “trans body” after a research student at the University of Cambridge made that assertion during a sermon, offending many churchgoers in the process. In a recent Facebook post Graham reacted to the outrage that ensued after Joshua Heath, a junior research fellow at Cambridge, delivered a sermon at the school’s Trinity College on Nov 20, likening Jesus’ side wound and blood flowing to the groin in Jean Malouel’s 1400 work Pietà to looking like a vagina. John 19:34 says that when Jesus was crucified and died on the cross before His Resurrection, Roman soldiers broke the legs of the two men who were crucified alongside Him, but seeing that Jesus was already dead, one of the Roman soldiers decided not to break Jesus’legs but instead pierced His side with a spear, “and at once there came out blood and water.” According to The Telegraph, Heath displayed three paintings at a Sunday sermon, including the depiction of Jesus’crucifixion.

Heath contended that the wound, also depicted in the 14th century Prayer Book of Bonne of Luxembourg, “takes on a decidedly vaginal appearance.” The Telegraph also reported that Heath discussed “non-erotic depictions of Christ’s penis in historical art,” which the research fellow maintained “urge a welcoming rather than hostile response toward the raised voices of trans people.”

Christians fall into 2 camps when talking about ‘end times’

A US pastor says when it comes to studying the End Times, many Christians fall into one of two camps: either they obsess over Revelation and try to predict when the rapture might happen or they avoid studying the topic altogether Pastor Daniel Lumpee of the Loft Church ministry at The Woodlands Methodist Church in The Woodlands, Texas, preached a sermon last month in which he said it’s OK for Christians to have questions about the End Times. However, he added, Christians shouldn’t waste their time trying to figure out when the rapture will take place, because this can lead Christians to neglect the call to action that Jesus placed on their lives, like giving to the poor and helping those in need. “What Jesus is saying is: in your pursuit of orthodoxy, in your pursuit of theological purism, make sure that you don’t neglect the poor. Make sure that you don’t get so obsessed with the End Times or any theology that someone leads you astray from the straight and narrow of loving people,” Lumpee said. Jesus instructed His followers not to get caught up in trying to figure out when the rapture will happen because this can serve as a distraction.

Understanding the gifts of the Holy Spirit

The gifts are given to edify people & glorify Christ

They aren’t to be used for otion or personal glory Corinthians 14:12

The gifts can be used to minister people

They can work through us to touch vers, non believers, atheists, agnostics etc. So, don’t limit the power God.

of the Holy Spirit

You can ask for the gift today, if haven’t received it yet. 1 Corinthians 12:7, 11

2. The gifts are a manifestation of the Spirit

If you have the gifts, remember God is revealing Himself through you. Corinthians 12:7

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5. The gifts are given to the church until Christ returns

The gifts won’t be needed after Jesus takes up the church. 1 Corinthians 1:5-7

There are nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. They are: 1. Word of wisdom 2. Word of knowledge 3. Gift of faith 4. Gift of healing 5. Working of miracles 6. Prophecy 7. Distinguishing between spirits 8. Speaking in tongues 9. Interpreting tongues
The editor, staff and prayer warriors of team wish all our readers, subscribers and supporters Merry Christmas & Happy New Year The Christian Messenger & Messenger Missions Merry Christmas & Happy New Year


What time you wake up determines how much of the day you got to spend on the most important things in your life. What is the first thing you should do in the morning once you wake up? PRAY! Seek the face of God. Thank Him for everything that He has done. Praise Him for what He is going to do for you that day. Seek Him for the relationship you enjoy with Jesus Christ. Next, spend some time reading the Bible. Early risers have a great advantage over others. They have no interruptions when they pray and read the Scriptures. After prayer and reading the Bible, grab your coffee and go over the tasks for the day Work out a bit, if you want.

Grab this day by its horns. So, what are the advantages of waking up early?

1. No interruption. No kids. No yelling.

2. You get extra 2 hours a day. That’s 60 hours a month. Or 30 more days a year.

3. Wake up early. That’s the secret of success for most people.

4.You are less likely to procrastinate.

5. It’s a good discipline. You have time to work


6.You are more likely to get work done.

7.You have a mental edge over others.

8. You are more likely to be satisfied at the end of the day

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fpwp];jt tho;tpy; cau cjTk; gbfs;

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2. ,NaRit Vw;Wf;nfhs;Sjy;: cq;fSf;F xU kPl;gh; Njit> me;j kPl;ghpd; ngah; ,NaR fpwp];J> mtiu Vw;Wf;nfhs;Sq;fs;. ~~mtUila ehkj;jpd; Nky; tpRthrk; cs;sth;fsha; mtiu Vw;Wf; nfhz;lth;fs; vj;jid Ngh;fNsh> mj;jid Ngh;fSk; NjtDila gps;isfshFk;gb> mth;fSf;F mjpfhuq; nfhLj;jhh; (Nahthd; 1:12).

3. kWgbAk; gpwj;jy;: fh;j;jh; cq;fSf;fhfr; nra;jJ ,JNt. kWgbAk; gpwj;jy; vd;gJ Mtpf;Fs; Gjpjhfg; gpwf;Fk; mDgtk; MFk;. ghpRj;j Mtpahdtuhy; cq;fs; Mtpf;Fhpa tho;tpy; nra;ag;gLk; Xh; mw;Gjk; MFk;. ~~mth;fs; ,uj;jj;jpdhyhtJ> khk;r rpj;jj;jpdhyhtJ> GU\Dila rpj;jj;jpdhyhtJ gpwthky;> NjtdhNy gpwe;jth;fs;| (Nahthd; 1:13).

4. kfpo;r;rpia mwptpj;jy;: cq;fs; rhl;rpia ,NaRtpd; ehkj;jpd; kfpikf;fhf kf;fSf;F mwptpAq;fs;. ~~fh;j;juhfpa ,NaRit eP cd; thapdhNy mwpf;ifapl;L> Njtd; mtiu khpj;NjhhpypUe;J vOg;gpdhnud;W cd; ,Ujaj;jpNy tpRthrpj;jhy; ,ul;rpf;fg;gLtha;. ePjpAz;lhf

Wanted a suitable RC, Tamil groom for a Canada PR holding Nadar girl, B.Tech., working in TCS Canada, 32 years, ht. 156 cm. Caste no bar. Mobile | WhatsApp 75388 02230

,Ujaj;jpNy tpRthrpf;fg;gLk;. ,ul;rpg;Gz;lhf thapdhNy mwpf;ifgz;zg;gLk;|| (Nuhkh; 10:9> 10).

5. ePhpy; %o;fp Qhd];ehdk; vLj;jy;: cs;shd ,Ujaj;jpy; cz;lhd khw;wj;ij ntspggilahf mwptpfFk milahsNk Qhd];ehdk;. ~~tpRthrKs;stdhfp Qhd];ehdk; ngw;wtd; ,ul;rpf;fg;gLthd;> tpRthrpahjtNdh Mf;fpidf;Fs;shfj; jPh;f;fg;gLthd;|| (khw;F 16:16).

6. Ntjhfkk; thrpj;jy;: cq;fs; tpRthrj;jpw;F Mjhukhf tpsq;FtJ fh;j;jUila NtjNk. ~~cq;fSf;F epj;jpa [Ptd; cz;nld;W ePq;fs; mwpaTk;> NjtFkhuDila ehkj;jpd; Nky; ePq;fs; tpRthrkhapUf;fTk;> NjtFkhuDila ehkj;jpd; Nky; tpRthrkhapUf;fpw cq;fSf;F ,itfis vOjpapUf;fpNwd;.|| (1 Nahthd; 5:13)

7. n[gj;jpy; NjtNdhL If;fpakhjy;: n[gk; NjtNdhL ciuahLjy; MFk;. n[gj;jpy; NjtNdhL If;fpak; nfhz;L neUq;fp tho;tjhy; tho;f;if epiyngWfpd;wJ. (vNg. 6:18> ahf;. 4:2).

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