8 golden tips to solve marriage problems. May 2021 issue of The Christian Messenger. E-magazine.

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8 Golden Tips to Solve Marriage Problems 1

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Evangelism Through Journalism

Vol. 17, No. 11



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MAY, 2021

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8 Golden Tips to Solve Marriage Problems relationship may benefit in the long term, but it may also strengthen the negative thought about your relationship. You will realize unconsciously that you now also need therapy to keep your relationship alive. If you have to make a choice between divorce or relationship therapy, it is, of course, a simple choice. You can try therapy as a last resort. 8 golden tips to solve marital problems How do you get out of this negative spiral? You should also let your partner think along with you. You need two people for a good marriage. One unfortunate partner already causes marital problems for both partners. Apply the tips below to immediately implement improvements within the marriage. Tip # 1: Stop blaming and start building There are many reproaches within a disturbed marriage. Partners who want to work on their relationship must stop this. It is good to express what you dislike, but do not do this in an angry (negative) mood. It is better to wait until a moment when there is no mutual friction. State what you are upset about in a non-reproachful manner. Stop blaming is the first step to break a negative spiral within your relationship. There is still a long way to go, but the first step has been taken. Tip # 2: Search for the origin of the problems There are probably more causes for your marital problems, but try to find out what the basis of the problem is. When and why did it arise? Marital problems are often the sum of multiple complications, but there may be one real problem. This can be the annoyance about the lax attitude of one of the two, but it can also be caused by bad sex, for example. If you succeed in discovering the probable origin of the problems, it will also become easier to do something about it. Tip # 3: Also be open to your own mistakes and negative attitude Identifying the problems with the partner will probably not cost you much effort. The next step is to face your own downsides and do something with it. The degree of culpability for the problems within the relationship may differ, but both actively contribute to the problems. Put on paper where you drop stitches. Ask your partner in a substantive conversation about what you are doing wrong. Do you know your downsides? Then do something with it. Tip # 4: Lots of conversations A lot of conversations will have to be conducted to make progress alone. Take the time for this. Do not expect a few conversations to be enough to get back

FEWER and fewer people manage a marriage. A third of marriages will not survive. Divorce is very impactful on your life and on the lives of your loved ones. You have to put everything in order to save your marriage. At least, as long as you still believe in marriage. But the marital problems can also simply not be solved. We are happy to help you save your marriage. In this article, we explain 8 golden tips that can help you breathe new life into your relationship. You have been very happy with each other. With difficulty and attention, you can revive old times, but you have to do something about it. Do you have marital problems or a normal male / female relationship? In a healthy relationship, there are always differences of opinion and arguments. You are equal partners, each with its own opinion. It is impossible to always be on one line about everything. In a relationship where there are never issues, there is probably negative resignation, for example: “I will not go into it anymore, because it makes no sense”. There is a marital problem if it feels like that for one of the two partners. As soon as the situation within the marriage makes you unhappy, measures must be taken. Try everything to save the marriage You enter into a marriage for life. With marriage problems, you have to do everything in your power to save the marriage, unless you no longer want to stay in the marriage. Before you start drawing conclusions, you must be sure of your case. A divorce has a major emotional and financial impact. Not only for yourself, but also for people in your life and of course especially for the family. As long as it is still worthwhile for you, you must ensure changes within your relationship. A relationship is further deteriorated by a negative spiral. Married couples with marital problems end up in a vicious circle. Because of the problems, even bigger problems arise. That is why something must be done about the situation. Eventually, the marital problems become so great that you will no longer be able to get them under control again. The problem is often that wedding issues are not appreciated. This is also logical because the line between a period that the marriage runs a bit stiffer and real marital problems is vague. You can only solve problems after they have been recognized. Is relationship therapy the solution? You only go into relationship therapy if you are unable to solve the problems yourself. Relationship therapy does not work well for everyone. Your Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in



COVER FEATURE together. It is best to schedule in-depth conversations daily or at least several times a week. Also, discuss the progress you have already made. Use events from that day to analyze what may have gone wrong and how you can prevent this in the future. Tip # 5: Identify each other’s strongest points Growing goodwill together can do no harm. You probably often criticize each other. You should not expect compliments in a disrupted marriage. Try to write down your partner’s strengths. Make it a list and discuss it with each other. It is nice to hear what your partner appreciates about you. It is mainly about the strengths of the character. Tip # 6: Go back to the beginning It is good to feel again what you have felt for each other in the past. Take both of them back to basics to see that you have also had good times. This may be pictures of better times, but another nice way is to go on vacation for two to the destination where your honeymoon went. Even recalling memories can be very effective. The point is that you don’t just think negatively about your marriage. The joint goal must be to become happy again together. For this, it is necessary to realize what it is like to have fun again within a relationship. Tip # 7: Do things together Partners who live next to each other can take steps


by doing more together. For example, do odd jobs at the house or do a course together. Something in common must be built up again. A “we” feeling must be created again. This gives a connection. You must get more deals than just two people living under the same roof. Tip # 8: Give each other more room There may also be relationship problems because you are too much on each other’s lips. In that case, you should not do things together but rather look for relaxation yourself. Always doing something together can actually be oppressive and stifling. Indicate to your partner that you want to do more yourself. Giving each other space is different from avoiding each other. In that case, other measures must be taken to make the relationship healthy again. The tips will only work with the full cooperation of both partners. If your partner does not want to cooperate in improving the relationship, he/she underestimates the problem, or your partner has already given up the relationship. A healthy relationship ensures a happy life. A bad relationship causes stress, accidents and a lot of drama. Get the relationship where your partner is 100% committed to you, without friction or annoying tensions. MICHEL LANCE


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Show Jesus, not poor ‘Christian versions’ JESUS didn’t make “Christian” furniture, He made “good” furniture. I’m constantly encouraging Christians to stop making such a clear boundary between the secular and sacred in all areas of life. For instance, when it comes to careers, too many Christians view themselves and their work as “Christian filmmaking,” “Christian writing,” “Christian leadership,” “Christian education,” etc. Certainly there are times when we’re producing a project or product specifically for the Christian market. But even then, when we think of our career in “Christian” terms, the idea that it’s for a limited market or audience can leave us open to doing less than excellent work. How many times have we heard lines like: “It’s a Christian movie, so it doesn’t have to compete with Hollywood.” “It’s a church play, so it doesn’t need to be Broadway quality.” “It’s a Christian company so we’re not making products for everybody.” While there are exceptions to everything, it’s important to remember that at his family’s carpenter shop, I have a feeling Jesus didn’t make Christian furniture, he made good furniture. He made furniture

for all customers, and built it with the best quality. That should be our attitude as well. As Christians we are “image bearers” of Jesus. So whether we work in the secular world, a church, or deal specifically with Christian or ministry projects – it’s not about making a “Christian” version of anything, it’s about reflecting Him in everything we do. And reflecting Jesus demands the best effort of all. PHIL COOKE

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PRAYER POINTS 4. PRAY for Messenger Missions field workers in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Odisha and Tamil Nadu. Pray for the needs of their families to be met. Pray for the children’s future. May all their family members enjoy good health. May all family members of the missionaries be saved and empowered by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Pray for their parents, siblings and their dear ones in the mission fields. MESSENGER MISSIONS TEAM

1. PRAY for the Coronavirus threat to be contained in India. Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala are some of the most affected states. Pray for government authorities to deal with the pandemic situation wisely. Another nationwide lock down will most certainly break the economic situation of the country, resulting in job losses, reduced earning capacity and lay severe stress on lower and middle income groups of the country. 2. PRAY for governments that serve the people to be elected to power in Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Kerala, Assam and Pondicherry. May all groups that divide people on the lines of caste and religion be defeated all over the nation. Pray for stable, secular and corruption free governments to come to power in all states of the country. 3. PRAY against the spirits of superstition, black magic and gender discrimination that are prevalent in the country. Pray that people are not only educated but also illuminated by the Word of God. Pray for people groups that are not met by the Gospel. Pray for mission workers, Bible translators, missions organizations and church bodies that are working to bring the Kingdom of God into the world.


Gjpa ntspaPL 1948-Mk; Mz;L> 38-MtJ tajpy; Copak; nra;a ,e;jpah te; j vy; r p vk; . gpypg; r d; mk; i kahh; > jd; D ila 40 Mz;Lfhyg; gzpapy; xNunahUKiw kl;LNk jhafk; nrd;whh;. me;j mstpw;F ,e;jpahit Nerpj;j ,e;j mw;Gjg; ngz;kzpapd; mofhd tho;f;ifiag; glk; gpbf;Fk; Gj;jfk;. Nkhhpah ntspaPL. NkYk; tpguq;fSf;F: jghy; ngl;b 7193> 31/33> jz;zPh;j;njhl;b rhiy> vk;.vk;.b.V FbapUg;G> nrd;id 106.


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Why pray when God already knows what I need?

Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in

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God, your situation may not change or it may get worse. Also, not talking to God through prayer puts you in a dangerous and vulnerable place for the enemy to attack you severely. In addition, not praying takes you further away from God. At this point you should definitely talk to God and be honest about how you feel. Tell Him why you struggle to pray. Lastly, get help from someone who knows how to pray effectively. TIFFANY GODFREY

Stream 1: Under Senate of Serampore College (University) 1. Bachelor of Divinity (B.D) 5 years (H.S.S.L.C. or equivalent) 2. Bachelor of Divinity (B.D) 4 years (B.A or equivalent) 3. Bachelor of Divinity (B.D) 2 years (B.Th. with second Division)

Inviting applications for the following campus based programmes for the Academic Year 2021-2022

Affiliated to Senate of Serampore College (University) Accredited by Asia Theological Association (ATA)

IF you’re one of the persons who is sincere about wanting to get your prayers answered when it comes to your marriage, then pay careful attention to this article. We will explain why you should pray when God already knows what you need. The Big Takeaway Here Is: Pray even though God already knows what you want! Yes, it is true that God knows the prayers, requests, and dreams of your heart. But here is the key you must understand: Praying expresses your dependence on God. What’s most important about this explanation? Understand that no matter what, God is your ultimate source, so when you pray to God you do a lot of things: ? Establish a connection with God ? Express your humility as you approach Him ? Show Him that you cannot solve your own problems or get prayers answered without Hi ? Express your total dependence on Him ? Send a message to the enemy that you are proactive about your relationship with God and you remind him that he is defeated. Every married woman (and man) needs to understand this is key because if you don’t pray to


ek;ik mioj;j fh;j;jUf;F ehk; cz;ikAs;sth;fshf ,Uf;fNtz;Lk; 1. mtUld; neUf;fkhd If;fpak; nfhs;s fh;j;jh; ek;ik mioj;jpUf;fpwhh;. Nahthd; 15:1-16 Mjpahfkk; 5:22> 24 Y}f;fh 10:38-42 Mjpahfkk; 22:1-18

mg;Ngh];jyh; 10:9-16 ntspg;gLj;jy; 2:17 1 nfhhpe;jpah; 1:9 rq;fPjk; 42:12

khw;F 6:7-13 kj;NjA 10:16-20 ntspg;gLj;jy; 3:14-22 khw;F 3:14-15

Nahthd; 4:23-24 Y}f;fh 22:35-36 Vrhah 50:4

2. mtUf;F cz;ikAs;sth;fshf ,Uf;Fk;gb fh;j;jh; ek;ik mioj;jpUf;fpwhh;. 1 nfhhpe;jpah; 4:2 1 jPNkhj;NjA 1:12 jPNkhj;NjA 1:9 1 njrNyhdpf; 2:12 ntspg;gLj;jy; 2:10 3 Nahthd; 3> 5 vNgrpah; 4:1> 4 Y}f;fh 16:10-13 1 njrNyhdpf; 5:16-23 1 NgJU 2:9 1 nfhhpe;jpah; 1:2 kj;NjA 16:24-26 1 njrNyhdpf; 4:18 2 njrNyhdpf; 1:11 kj;NjA 23:1-39 kj;NjA 21:12-17> 33-46 Y}f;fh 19:11-27 1 NgJU 4:10 kj;NjA 10:32-42 2 jPNkhj;NjA 2:2> 4 1 NgJU 1:15 3. mtUila Nehf;fj;ij epiwNtw;Wk;gb fh;j;jh; ek;ik mioj;jpUf;fpwhh;. vNgrpah; 1:15-23 2 NgJU 2:10 gpypg;gpah; 3:12-14 vgpnuah; 3:1 1 nfhhpe;jpah; 7:17>20>24 1 nfhhpe;jpah; 15:9-10 kj;NjA 22:14 1 NgJU 5:10 fyhj;jpah; 5:13 nfhNyhnrah; 3:15 1 NgJU 3:9 1 NgJU 2:21 2 NgJU 1:3 Nuhkh; 11:2-9 1 jPNkhj;NjA 6:12 4. mtUila ,uz;lhk; tUiff;fhf Maj;jkhf;Fk;gb fh;j;jh; ek;ik miof;fpwhh;. kj;NjA 24:1-51 kj;NjA 25:1-46 Y}f;fh 12:35-48 kj;NjA 7:21-23 Y}f;fh 17:20-37 ntspg;gLj;jy; 22:11-22 vNgrpah; 5:25-27 2 jPNkhj;NjA 4:18



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Partner with Messenger Missions Remember the poor! (Galatians 2:10) Beginning March 2020, we have been reaching out to people in distress in the aftermath of Covid-19 and subsequent lockdowns with relief kits in the form of grocery bags containing, rice and other essential items. We are continuing to assist poor and needy families in several neighborhoods to alleviate suffering due to job losses and other reasons. If you would like to reach out to them too, join hands with us.

Grocery Bags: A grocery bag consists of 15 items including 5 kilos of rice and other essentials such as cooking oil, tea powder, spices, pulses, sugar, salt, tooth paste, a bath soap and a detergent soap. A grocery bag costs Rs.1,000. If you are led by God to help the less privileged people in the society, please feel free to partner with Messenger Missions. Please use the account details given below to send your donations and offerings. You can call us or email us with the details of the project you are sponsoring with your sacrificial contributions.

Phone: 0-72990633345 / 7299063347. Email: missions@christianmessenger.in

Support our VBS ministries

WE are introducing Lord Jesus Christ and His love to over 1,000 children this year through the Vacation Bible School ministries in May and June. As usual, VBS will be held in June in Punjab and Himachal Pradesh. In MP, Odisha and Chhattisgarh, VBS will be conducted by end of April or in May. I urge you to prayerfully support the VBS ministries. Pray that God will remove every obstacle that prevents children from getting close to Him. Pray also that the teachers’ VBS training will go on as scheduled and every child who comes to the A/C Name : Messenger Missions VBS gatherings will accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. A/C No : 913020055473409 Each child’s expense per day will be Rs.50/- Going by that estimate, Account Type: Current the VBS ministries across all our fields in India will require a Bank Name : Axis Bank considerable amount for the three-day meetings. It’s my hope and Branch : Mogappair, Chennai. desire that this expense will be met by your prayers and generous Branch : 345 contributions. May God bless those who support this ministry a IFS code : UTIB0000345 hundredfold! Your brother in Christ, Robin Sam You can send your donations by NEFT / IMPS / RTGS or MO. Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in


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Scan this area with the QR code app in your smartphone and watch our videos Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 142, L&T Road, Burma Colony, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. Editor: Elsy Robin


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