Why you should pray the prayer of Jabez | The Christian Messenger, July 2021 issue

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The Jesus We Tend To Overlook: For Reflection

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n[gk; xU fpwp];jtdpd; epr;rakhd milahsk;


Why You Should Pray The Prayer of Jabez!


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Why you should pray the prayer of Jabez BY ROBIN SAM Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain.” And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested. (1 Chronicles 4:9-10). JABEZ is a relatively little known character to us modern-day Christians. But in his times and much later during the days of Ezra, he was still well known because the writer of 1 Chronicles begins the story of Jabez rather abruptly, without an elaborate genealogy or background. His parents are not named, although his mother is mentioned. The meaning of the name Jabez was ‘sorrow.’ His mother named him thus saying she bore him in pain. Three children are named in the Bible because of the pain they caused or the misfortune that struck their families before their birth. One of them is Jabez. The other two are mentioned in Genesis 35:18 and 1 Chronicles 7:20-23. Jacob’s wife Rachel named her last born as Benoni while she was dying. Benoni means ‘son of my sorrow.’ However, Jacob quickly renamed him as Benjamin (‘son of the right hand’).


Evangelism Through Journalism

Vol. 17, No. 12

After two of Ephraim’s sons were killed by Gathites, he had another son. He named him Beriah (meaning ‘noisy’) because tragedy had struck his family. Although Jabez lived with the rather unfortunate name for the rest of his life, he decided to do something about the nature of his life. So, he prayed. He prayed to the God of Israel. The prayer of Jabez is rather simple and direct. It would not get the approval of those who are used to big words and



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JULY, 2021

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COVER FEATURE lofty theology in prayer. The Pharisees of Jesus’ time would have frowned upon this prayer for sure. But Jabez knew what he wanted in his life and he decided to go to God and do something about it. That’s prayer. Prayer is a place where you humble yourself and seek help from above, from the Maker of the heavens and the earth. The Bible tells us that Jabez was more honorable than his brethren. It is not to say his siblings were unworthy fellows, just that Jabez was more honorable than them. If Jabez’s mother were alive when he was considered honorable, she would have been one happy soul. The son that caused her so much sorrow gladdened her heart by his conduct. What more can a parent ask for? In what way was Jabez honorable? 1. Perhaps in his learning. In 1 Chronicles 2:55, we read about a city called Jabez. Perhaps it was built by Jabez or someone from his family after him. The Bible says clans of the scribes lived at Jabez. Scribes were learned men. They memorized the Scriptures. They were consulted by both the royalty and the common folk to know the mind of the Lord because of their knowledge of the holy book. Jabez, who knew a lot about prayer and got what he asked for, must have surely been a diligent scholar of the Word himself. 2. Definitely by his piety. Jabez was a praying man. His mother had a miserable life. He had a miserable name. But, he knew the One who could change his life and destiny. He went to God and prayed. No wonder, he was considered more honorable than his brethren. ‘The way to be truly great is to be truly good and pray much,’ said someone once. Now, look closely at the prayer of Jabez. He prayed to the Living God, the God of Israel. The God of Israel is a covenant keeping God and a prayer answering God. He prayed like Jacob (Read Genesis 28:20-22). He prayed for 4 things: Blessing. An enlargement of his coast. God’s hand to be with him. And to be kept away from evil. Now, who doesn’t want blessings in his life? Jabez wanted to be blessed and he prayed and he got what he wanted. Several hundred years ago, God had promised Abraham that He would bless those who bless him and curse those who curse him (Gen. 12:3). He knew as the descendant of Abraham, he had a right to be blessed because of God’s grace that extends to a thousand generations (Deut. 7:9). Why should one pray for an enlargement of one’s coast? Jabez wanted to pour out of his life into the service of God. He wanted to be useful not just to those around him but also to those who were far THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2021

away. Jabez wanted to use his influence not just in his clan or town but to those who were miles away from him. The last command of the risen Lord to His disciples was this: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20). He prayed for God’s hand to be with him. While Moses was pronouncing blessings upon the tribe of Judah, he said this to say: “Hear, Lord, the voice of Judah, and bring him to his people; Let his hands be sufficient for him, and may You be a help against his enemies.” (Deut. 33:7). Moses prayed, ‘Let Judah’s hands be sufficient for him.’ That’s a good prayer, but Jabez knew a better prayer. He simply prayed for God’s hands to be with him, so the work of his hands will be blessed and his own hands will be sufficient for him. Jabez prayed to God to keep him from evil. In the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples one of the last points was this: ‘but deliver us from the evil one.’ (Matthew 6:13). Our Lord knew the evil one will play havoc in the life of believers in the last days. Hence, he implored us to pray this prayer: “So keep watch at all times, and pray that you may have the strength to escape all that is about to happen and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36). Keep me from evil is the summation of the promises mentioned in Psalm 91:3-16. God granted Jabez that which he requested. Isaiah 59:1 tells us: “Behold the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear.’ The God of Jabez is waiting to hear our prayers today.

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The Jesus we tend to overlook TO be woke is to be socially aware. Another way to look at it is to say that it is a form of extreme kindness and compassion shown towards socially disadvantaged sections of the community. This brings to mind the verse at Ephesians 4.32: “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” This is an instruction to a community more prone to squabbling than to sharing. Does it need to be repeated today? Kindness is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit (see Galatians 5.22) and is referred to in numerous Bible references as a positive attribute. To be kind is to be considerate, gentle, tolerant, understanding, helpful. Kindness is tied up with charity, a kind of free love for others which along with faith and hope are the three things which remain at the end, according to the Book of Corinthians. The word “remain” suggests these are attributes that go on forever without end. Some regard the act of kindness as a weakness and prefer to show strength or tough love but there is no indication in the gospels that Jesus ever beat anyone to teach them a lesson or resorted to physical violence to prove a point! If we examine Jesus’s relationship with others, we

come to no other conclusion but that Jesus was kind, believing that through specific kindnesses society is improved in general. By helping others, he was able to reveal vital aspects of God, often overlooked by the more zealous devotee; for a reading of the Old Testament alone might leave us with an impression of God as angry, tyrannical, vengeful, forever seeking to punish anyone who disobeys him. Jesus reveals another side, the side that led to our genesis in the first place – ever-loving, filled with forgiveness, eternally kind. A lot of Jesus’ time was spent among people who in his day were regarded as outsiders. A Jew would not speak to a Gentile, sinners would be stoned, the sick and the leprous would be shunned. Jesus confronted all these taboos head-on. By socializing with Gentiles, to the horror of the orthodox establishment, he was able to preach to them on the prospect of their own salvation, which till then had been reserved for Jews only. By forgiving sinners he demonstrated the power of faith in forgiving all our sins. He healed the sick and the leprous. He flouted religious traditions by healing on the Sabbath, by not letting funerals get in the way of his mission, by providing an over-abundance of wine at a wedding,

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FOR REFLECTION exploitation, demanding free health and education for all. He would preach salvation to criminals and listen to the grievances of terrorists. He would minister to the mentally ill without hesitation and without judging. He would be as conscious of the life and health of a young mother as of the life of the unborn baby she carries, and he would understand that sometimes difficult choices are a part of life. But Jesus went further than this. When he was goaded by others, confronted with wickedness, attacked by his enemies, he did not resort to violence or become vengeful, but turned the other cheek. He showed us that the way to make progress in the world is not to engage violently with it but to try and be good Christians. Of course, living up to Jesus’ example is far from easy. But it’s not impossible. If it was easy, we would not need a Christ-figure as the symbol for our struggle. Being woke may be part of a new awakening of the conscience of Christ within us, but it is still only a partial awakening. A full awakening is only possible when we take the physical Christ wholly into our hearts and combine it with faith in a spiritual God. MILTON JOHANIDES The writer is the author of The Cypriot’s Treasure and other novels.

by preventing the stoning of an adulteress and prostitute, by criticizing the untouchable Pharisees. And the sick woman who flouted convention by touching him? Did he punish her for her presumption? No, he turned and healed her, wisely rewarding her faith. For Jesus, the most important principle of life is that it is better to give than to receive. With his skills and charisma, he could have accumulated more wealth than anyone else, garnered enough power to overthrow Rome, and wallowed in the adoration of millions. He ultimately achieved all three though not for himself, but for the Church he established. And the Church he established overthrew a thousandyear-old Empire within three centuries, establishing its divine successor in Constantinople as a Christian alternative to militancy and oppression. By constantly giving to those who were in need, Jesus managed to change the world and create a more caring society. It is only when his Church forgets this simple principle of kindness and compassion to all, not just the select, that it fails in its objectives. So, would we describe Jesus as woke today? Only up to a point. No doubt, given his nature, he would be seen marching alongside Black Lives Matter and giving aid to refugees and the homeless, standing firm against corporate greed and


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3 things your pastor looks for in the church Recently, I heard a fellow say that Christian unity is all of us speaking the same thing, doing the same thing, believing the same way, and such. My main reaction to that is: baloney. The unity of Ephesians 4 is not the lifeless unity of a brick or a stone, but of a living body. Our bodies have hundreds of different parts, none of which resemble the others, each one doing its own work, all of them working together. The result is not sameness, but harmony. When a body functions as it was intended, the result is a beautiful unity. When we sing a hymn in unison, everyone sings the same notes. There’s a certain beauty about it, but it gets boring quickly. How much better for some to sing the melody, while others find harmony lines of bass, tenor, alto, and variations of each. We end up with a full-bodied chorus of voices, some coming in from left field, some booming up from the dugouts, some hovering above in the atmosphere, and others flowing in from the grandstands–all joining in to produce a magnificent blend. Even those who cannot find the right key or carry a tune fit right in. That is not uniformity–we’re all clones of each other! But unity, beautiful lovely harmonious unity. Think of the unity of a football team. Someone

BY JOE MCKEEVER WHEN our church was about to welcome a new pastor, I contacted him to ask what we could do for him. “Tell me the top three things you want from this church.” He had an immediate answer, as though he’d been expecting the call. “I would love to come to a unified, loving, praying church,” he said. As a retired pastor of six churches, I knew exactly how he felt. So, let’s look at those three gifts the new pastor would love to receive. A UNIFIED CHURCH — Ephesians 4:11-16. And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God…. The passage ends: …Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love. Anyone preaching on Christian unity should start with this passage which covers the subject as well as it can be done.

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plays quarterback while others play end, guard, center, tackle, running back, wide receiver, cornerback, etc. We have punters and kickers and head coaches and offensive coaches and quarterback coaches, trainers and gofers and cheerleaders and front office people. When everyone does his job well, you have unity, even though no two may be doing the same thing. That’s how God has set up His church: Everyone doing his job. We will have disagreements and we even welcome them, because no one person has all wisdom. Disagreements help leaders to hear all sides of issues and to think matters through. In His prayer to the Father before He went to the cross, Jesus twice prayed “that they all may be one (in order) that the world may believe in Me” (John 17:21,23). Don’t miss that. In order for our evangelism to be effective, the church must be in harmony. But when God’s people are fighting and divided, the first casualty is evangelism. No one gets saved in a fighting church. You can take that to the bank. A LOVING CHURCH– Ephesians 4:25-32. “Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor, for we are members of one another. Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity. He who steals must steal no longer…. Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth…. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption… Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” The word “love” is not found in that passage. And yet all those actions make up the very definition of love. In the Scriptures, we recall, love is almost never an emotion but always an action. Love is something we do. Love tells the truth, controls its anger, works instead of steals, speaks kindly, is kind, sweet-spirited, and forgiving. Turn that around and ask, “When love is missing, what do we find?” Answer: Lies, rage, stealing, harshness, ugliness, mean-spiritedness, and lack of forgiveness. All of these grieve the Holy Spirit and bring our effectiveness to a grinding halt. In his commentary on Ephesians, Dr. Kent Hughes tells of a rancorous church fight which drove both sides to lawsuits. The judge ordered them to get mediation from their denomination. A mediator came in and interviewed hundreds of people, looking for the root cause of this split. What he found stunned everyone. Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in

Weeks earlier, at a church dinner, one of the deacons had become upset when a child sitting next to him received a larger slice of ham. True story. When God’s people fight among themselves, the cause of Christ is slandered, the mission fields neglected, and God’s people diverted from service. The enemy rejoices, lost people are forgotten, and those needing ministry are just in the way. Love is the glue that bonds the church in unity. Colossians 2:2 reads: their hearts having been knit together in love. The same verb in Ephesians 4:16 means “joined together,” the way the ligaments and tendons hold the joints of the body together. There will be a lot of movement in the body of Christ, so the ties have to be strong. A PRAYING CHURCH— Ephesians 6:18-20. “With all prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, and pray on my behalf that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.” This passage follows the full layout of the armor Christians wear for the spiritual warfare they conduct in this world. After being adequately alerted and suitably armored, we are ready to pray. Verse 18 is complicated and we could spend the day trying to dissect it all. The wonderful John Bunyan called this all prayer, meaning that prayer is the first, the best, the most, and the greatest thing we will ever do in the Kingdom. Pray at all times in the Spirit. Spiritual warfare demands that the believer stay close to the Lord and abide in Him for strength and direction. For all the saints. Be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, Paul says. That instruction reminds us we’re not praying just for the members of our group or our congregation. You drive past a church, pray for its members. You read something about a congregation, pray for its people. You meet a pastor of another church or hear one on the radio, pray for him and his people. And pray for me. And what shall we pray for you, Paul? Bear in mind that most likely, he is in prison in Rome (he calls himself “a prisoner in chains”). So, he wants out, right? Wants better treatment? A good lawyer? Leniency from the judge? Decent food. Protection from some bully? Nope. None of those things. Pray that I’ll be able to preach the Word boldly with effectiveness. That’s all he wanted. 9


gbj;jjpy; gpbj;jJ

n[gk; xU fpwp];jtdpd; epr;rakhd milahsk; ,t;TyfpYs;s Njt gps;isfs; vy;yhUk; xU tp\aj;jpy; xd;WNghy; ,Ug;ghh;fs;. mjhtJ> mth;fs; midtUk; n[gpg;ghh;fs;. Gjpjhfg; gpwe;j Foe;ij capUld; ,Ug;gjw;fhd Kjy; milahsk; mJ %r;R tpl Ntz;Lk;. Foe;ijfspd; jd;ik mOtJ. mJNghy fpwp];jtdpd; jd;ik n[gpg;gJ. fpwp];jtd; ,uf;fKk;> fpUigAk; jdf;Fj; Njit vd;gij mwpfpwhd;. jdJ ntWikiaAk;> gytPdj;ijAk; czu;fpwhd;. vdNt jhd; n[gpf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;W ce;jg;gLfpwhd;. Ntjhfkj;jpy; cs;s Njt kf;fs; xUtiuAk; $l n[gpf;fhjtuhf ehk; fhz;gjpy;iy. jq;fs; gpjhit njhOJnfhs;tJ NjtDila kf;fspd; Fzhjprak;. kl;Lky;y> mth;fs; fpwp];Jtpd; ehkj;ijj; njhOJnfhs;Sfpwth;fs;. Mdhy; mf;fpukf;fhuh; fh;j;jiuj; njhOJnfhs;tjpy;iy (rq;fPjk; 14:4). Ntjk; vOjg;gl;l fhyj;jpy; ,Ue;J ,d;Wtiu tho;e;j rpwe;j Njt kdpjh;fs; gy fhupaq;fspy; NtWgl;lth;fshf fhzg;gl;l NghjpYk; mtu;fs; midtUk; n[gpf;fpwth;fshf fhzg;gl;lhh;fs;. xU kdpjd; NghypahfTk; n[gk; nra;ayhk;. xUtd; n[gpf;fpwhd; vd;gjpdhNyNa mtidf; fpwp];jtd; vd;W nrhy;yptpl KbahJ. mtd; xU kha;khyf;fhudhf $l ,Uf;fyhk;. Mdhy; xUtd; n[gpf;fhjtdhf ,Ue;jhy; epr;rakhf mtd; cz;ik fpwp];jtd; my;y vd;W cWjpahff; $wp tplyhk;. mtd; n[gpf;ftpy;iy vd;why; mtd; jd; ghtj;ij czutpy;iy. Njtid Nerpf;ftpy;iy. fpwp];Jtpy; mtDf;F ed;wpNah tpRthrNkh

,y;iy. ghpRj;jkhf tho Ntz;ba Vf;fk; mtdplk; ,y;iy. vdNt mtd; fpwp];jtd; ,y;iy vd;gJ njspT. mtd; fpwp];jtj;ijg; gw;wp vt;tsT NgrpdhYk; mtd; n[gpf; f hjtdhdhy; > fpwp]; j td; my; y . mJNghy ,jaG+h;tkhf xU kdpjd; njhlh;e;J jdp n[gk; nra;gtdhf fhzg;gl;lhy;> mtdJ tho;tpy; J}a Mtpahdth; nray;gl;bUf;fpwhh; vd;gjw;F mJ xU rpwe;j milahskhFk;. xU kdpjd; gpurq;fpj;jy;> Gj;jfq;fis vOJjy; Nghd;w gy fhupaq;fis jtwhd Nehf;fj;NjhL nra;ayhk;. Mdhy; cz;ikAs;s fpwp];jtdha; ,y;yhjtd; jdpikapy; Njtdplk; jdJ ,Ujaj;ij Cw;w Nghfkhl;lhd;. jk];FtpNy rTy; n[gpj;Jf; nfhz;bUf;fpwhd; vd;gJ mtd; fpwp];jtd; Mfptpl;lhd; vd;gjw;F mddpahtplk; Mz;lth; $wpa milahsk;. gyh; nkJthf tpRthrj;jpw;Fs; tuf;$Lk;. mth;fs; gy czh;j;Jjy;fs;> tpUg;gq;fs;> czu;Tfs;> jPh;khdq;fs;> ek;gpf;iffs;> gaq;fs; ,tw;wpD}lhf tUfpwhh;fs;. Mdhy; nehWq;Fz;l ,Ujaj;NjhL $ba xU n[gk; ,tw;iwnay;yhk; tpl rpwe;jJ. ,t;topfspy; tUk; egu; $l cz;ik tpRthrj;ij mile;jJk; nra;Ak; Kjy; nray; Njtdplk; NgRtNjahFk;. %r;R tplhky; ehk; vg;gb cyf tho;f;ifia tho KbahNjh mNj Nghy n[gk; nra;ahky; fpwp];jt tho;f;ifia tho KbahJ. (ed;wp: n[.rp.iuy; vOjpa Gj;jfj;jpypUe;J vLf;fg;gl;lJ.)

ek;ik mioj;j fh;j;jUf;F ehk; cz;ikAs;sth;fshf ,Uf;fNtz;Lk; 1. NjtDf;F cz;ikahf ,Ue;j kdpjh;fs;. Mjpahfkk; 6:9 2 ,uh[hf;fs; 12:15 2 ehshfkk; 34:12> 14 kj;NjA 1:19 nfhNyhnrah; 1:2> 7

fyhj;jpah; 3:9 2 ,uh[hf;fs; 22:7 neNfkpah 7:2 ePjpnkhopfs; 11:13 nfhNyhnrah; 4:7> 9

2. Njtdhy; miof;fg;gl;l kdpjh;fs;. 1 rhKNty; 3:4 Nuhkh; 1:1 Vrhah 45:4 Vrhah 42:6 Vrhah 49:1 Vrhah 48:12> 15 kj;NjA 10:1 Vrhah 51:2 Y}f;fh 9:1 khw;F 1:20

vz;zhfkk; 12:7 2 ,uh[hf;fs; 20:3 neNfkpah 13:13 1 nfhhpe;jpah; 4:17 1 NgJU 5:12

vgpnuah; 3:2> 5 2 ehshf. 3:12>15>18>20 jhdpNay; 6:4 vNgrpah; 6:21 ePjpnkhopfs; 20:6

mg;Ngh];jyh; 13:2 nfhhpe;jpah; 1:1 Vrhah 43:1 Vrhah 54:5-6 khw;F 6:7

fyhj;jpah; 1:15 Vrhah 62:2> 4> 6 Y}f;fh 6:13-15

3. Njtd; ek;ik miof;Fk;nghOJ ehk; fPo;g;gbahjth;fshf ,Uf;ff; $lhJ. mg;Ngh];jyh; 26:19 Vrhah 66:4 THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2021

ePjpnkhopfs; 1:24 vNukpah 7:13

Vrhah 65:12 vNukpah 35:17 10

Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in

Partner with Messenger Missions Remember the poor! (Galatians 2:10) Beginning March 2020, we have been reaching out to people in distress in the aftermath of Covid-19 and subsequent lockdowns with relief kits in the form of grocery bags containing, rice and other essential items. We are continuing to assist poor and needy families with cash relief also in several areas to alleviate suffering due to job losses and other reasons. If you would like to reach out to them too, join hands with us.

What’s in a Grocery Bag? A grocery bag consists of 15 items including 5 to 10 kilos of rice and other essentials such as cooking oil, tea powder, spices, pulses, sugar, salt, tooth paste, a bath soap and a detergent soap. A grocery bag costs Rs.1,000. If you are led by God to help the less privileged people in the society, please feel free to partner with Messenger Missions. You can pay by G Pay or directly to our bank account. See account details below. Please call us or email us with the details of your sacrificial contributions.

Phone: 0-72990633345 / 7299063347. Email: missions@christianmessenger.in

9884063345 Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in


A/C Name : Messenger Missions A/C No : 913020055473409 Account Type: Current Bank Name : Axis Bank Branch : Mogappair, Chennai. Branch : 345 IFS code : UTIB0000345 Swift code : AXISINBB016 JULY 2021 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER

RNI No. TNBIL/2004/15307

Posted: 2nd to 8th of every month | Date of Publication: 25


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: 9884063345

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Scan this area with the QR code app in your smartphone and watch our videos Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 142, L&T Road, Burma Colony, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. Editor: Elsy Robin


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