How to do an effective deliverance ministry? | The Christian Messenger, August 2022 issue | E-Mag

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How to do an effective deliverance ministry!


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How to do an effective deliverance ministry! BY JARED LASKEY

Give God thanks and praise, adoring and being grateful to Him. Rejoice and celebrate that your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life.

DELIVERANCE ministry must be grounded in love for God and love for the person needing freedom. God is love and Christians are to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love others (Matt. 22:37-39). It is out of love we minister to others, and may find ourselves needing to cast out evil spirits. If you are stepping into a time of deliverance, one of the best things you can do is minister deliverance with worship music taking place and several prayer warriors in the same space. We’d like to share these seven easy to remember steps we have learned over time that can help when doing deliverance ministry. In no way are we espousing that this should become a method, but instead these are what the Holy Spirit has highlighted to us over the years as we’ve done deliverance. These are what He gently reminds us of, as we flow with Him during deliverance whether in person or through phone or Zoom calls. We’re to always be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and how He wants to set people free and transform them. Repent: I would ask the person to pray, repenting of their sins and acknowledging what the Scripture


Evangelism Through Journalism

Vol. 18, No. 11

says aligning them with God’s Word and will. We would quote and pray Scripture and affirm its truth. Repentance is not just agreeing with God and the Scripture of sin, but choosing to walk away from it, and asking for the Holy Spirit’s help in no longer committing those sins (Matt. 3:2; Acts 3:19; 1 John 1:9). Rebuke: When the anointing of the Holy Spirit is upon me during deliverance, boldness is consuming. Rebuke the evil spirits in Jesus’ name. This may be sharp, but is only directed at the demons, not the person. The best option is to lead the person needing deliverance to rebuke the demonic entities (Matt. 17:18; Luke 4:41). Renounce: Have the person verbally renounce their sins and the evil spirits that may be clinging to, commanding them to leave in Jesus’ name and never return. Out of dignity, love and honor for the person we are ministering to, we shouldn’t tolerate demonic manifestations, because Jesus didn’t allow them. There may be some manifestation, but we should do



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AUGUST, 2022

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COVER FEATURE all we can to ensure we minister freedom to the individual and not give the enemy an opportunity to “show off.” You can be specific in renouncing sins or general at times as long as you’re listening to the Holy Spirit and keeping in step with Him. Renew: The person would entrust their faith in Christ, declaring that He is Lord of everything in their life, and ask for the fruit of the Spirit and to abide by Christlike character. If they didn’t have a relationship with Jesus, then in applying Romans 10:9-10, they would be saved. If they are Christians, this declaration is reaffirming their commitment and is a milestone in their life. Then pray Scripture over them that would be the opposite qualities or character traits of the demonic spirits cast out. If you cast out a spirit of fear, quote Bible verses on courage, strength and power. Or if you cast out a spirit of lust, we pray self-control and love into their lives. Refresh: Minister the baptism or an infilling of the Holy Spirit. Pray and worship, asking God to fill them up by giving them a personal prayer language. If they have been baptized with the Spirit, then ask for a fresh infilling. They may receive joy, or a deep peace with the Spirit, or an encounter with God such as a vision or become ‘drunk’ in the Spirit. This is what I call the “house concept” from Matthew

12:43-45. When we have emptied them of the demonic oppression, we then ensure they are filled with the Spirit so that the evil spirits do not return to their prior living space in the person’s life. Rejoice: Give Him thanks and praise, adoring and being grateful to Him. Rejoice and celebrate that your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life (Luke 10:20). Then spend time with Jesus every day, praying and worshipping Him, and praying in the incredible spiritual gift of tongues. Release: Testify and release your story of how Jesus has set you free. Focus on Him and His grace with love. Don’t mention the manifestation of the demonic if any took place. Instead, tell others the gospel of the kingdom to see the sick healed, the blind see, the deaf hear, demons cast out and dead raised in Jesus’ name (Matt. 4:23). Every situation is unique and one must be discerning and attentive to the incredible Holy Spirit, but I found these steps to be helpful to minister freedom. In following these seven ‘R’s’ of deliverance ministry, it has been amazing to see Jesus truly set the captives free. Jared and Rochelle Laskey co-founded Fireborn Ministries to teach believers how to live a daily Spirit-empowered life. You can learn more about their ministry at

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Who’s behind today’s transgender movement? what really went on in a pagan temple, you understand why God commanded Israel to stay far away from those practices the Lord described as “abominations” (see Lev. 18:22). God set up His moral barriers to lovingly protect His people, not to show hate. But it’s not popular today to talk about moral barriers. We’re supposed to nod and go along with any “progressive” agenda. If you muster the courage to question it, you risk being labeled a hatemonger. Recently a video resurfaced of a sermon from Mark Robinson, now the lieutenant governor of North Carolina. The Black politician, who is a conservative Christian, made some bold comments about the transgender movement during his message at the Upper Room Church of God in Christ in Raleigh, North Carolina, in August 2021. Robinson said: “You can go to the doctor and get cut up, you can go down to the dress shop and get made up, you can go down there and get drugged up, but at the end of the day, you are just a drugged-up, dressed-up, made-up, cut-up man or woman.” Robinson continued in his sermon, “You ain’t changed what God put in you—that DNA. You can’t transcend God’s creation. I don’t care how hard you try.” Members of the predominantly Black church in Raleigh can be heard shouting amens in response. I say amen as well. To question the concept of gender is to challenge God’s fixed order of creation. To question whether God made us in His image, male and female, is to arrogantly rail against God’s authority. And to groom innocent kids to embrace perversion should be called what it is—child abuse. May God deliver our country from this demonic conspiracy.

BY J. LEE GRADY AMERICA’S culture war heated up after Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, signed the Parental Rights Law, which prohibits the teaching of gender identity or sexual orientation to kids from kindergarten to third grade. The bill had broad support from parents, who believe teachers have no business talking to grade schoolers about sex. But some Disney employees staged a walkout to protest the bill, claiming it promotes hate. The furor reached a boiling point when videos were leaked to the media of Disney executives discussing plans to promote the LGBTQ-plus agenda in children’s programming. One of those executives, Karey Burke, president of General Entertainment Content, vowed during a conference call that 50% of Disney characters will be either LGBTQ or racial minorities by the end of this year. Latoya Raveneau, executive producer of Disney Television Animation, said on the Zoom call that she assumed Disney would keep LGBTQ-plus themes or characters out of children’s content, but she was pleasantly surprised they didn’t. Raveneau admitted to having a “not-at-all secret gay agenda.” It wasn’t long ago that educators followed the science that there are only two genders, male and female. Most of us are sad when we hear that Hollywood actors encourage their young children to “choose” their gender, providing puberty-blocking drugs or surgery to “change” gender. Parents are understandably riled that teachers, school administrators and companies like Disney are seeking to indoctrinate kids. I recently preached at a men’s event at River Church in Mobile, Alabama, and my primary text was from Deuteronomy 23:1 (NASB 1995), which strictly prohibits gender bending. It says: “No one who is emasculated or has his male organ cut off shall enter the assembly of the Lord.” You have probably never heard that verse included in a church service. But I told those men we can’t afford to be prudish about these issues. Too much is at stake, especially when young children are at risk. The Deuteronomy passage proves the transgender movement is not new. Ancient pagan cultures promoted transsexual behavior as part of their idol worship. Jezebel, the high priestess of Baal, convinced her prophets to be sexually neutered in order to serve as her eunuchs. Ancient Baal worship included orgies, ritual prostitution (both gay and straight), transsexual behavior and child sacrifice. When you read about Website: Email:

Bible teacher and missionary Joy Dawson dies at 96 BIBLE teacher, missionary and author Joy Dawson, a respected leader in the Youth With A Mission community, died on July 21 morning at 96 of natural causes. Dawson’s Bible teaching ministry and missionary journeys with YWAM took her to 55 nations on six continents worldwide. She also taught extensively on television, radio and is the author of several books. Her penetrating teachings are based on the character and the ways of God. Dawson gave her life to missions and ministry since 1970. For the past 50-plus years, she has been traveling and teaching, imparting revelation in the character and nature of God as well as intercession and a lifestyle of pursuing Jesus. 5



JONAH: MAN OF GOD, OR ACID REFLUX? Then God spoke to Jonah again. “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and preach to it the message that I give you” (Jonah 3:2). And this time, Jonah did just that. He traveled to Nineveh and put the fear of God in its people— literally. Jonah told the people of Nineveh that God was planning to overthrow them in forty days for their wickedness. The people believed Jonah and repented. Even the king got scared and cried out to God for mercy, telling his people to stop their evil and violence. And God saw their reactions, and he offered his mercy, sparing the city of the destruction he had planned. Jonah clearly was a gifted preacher, convincing a huge wicked city to repent. But his success didn’t make him happy at all. Truth be told, Jonah wasn’t particularly fond of the Ninevites. In fact, he hated them. The people of Nineveh were Assyrians, rivals of the Jewish people who had treated them brutally in the past. Jonah would have been happier if the Ninevites had ignored his warning and continued their wicked ways because he wanted to watch God eradicate them from the face of the earth. Seeing that Jonah needed a bit of attitude adjustment, God decided to teach him another lesson. Jonah had left Nineveh after he finished preaching and was now sitting outside of the city so he would have a front-row seat if God changed his mind and decided to destroy Nineveh after all. Jonah built himself a little hut, and the Lord offered up some comfort for Jonah, providing a lush green vine that grew up over the hut, completely protecting him from the blazing sun. Jonah was extremely grateful for the vine. But the next day God sent a worm to eat away at the vine, leaving Jonah to sizzle in the hot sun like a french fry. He got so overheated, he fainted. When Jonah regained consciousness, he was so angry that he prayed to God to just let him die. Of course, God was at the ready for this teaching moment. He told Jonah something like: “You have a lot of nerve carrying on like the ultimate drama

BY SPENCER C. DEMETROS EVERY now and then, we all need to find a nice, quiet place where we can reflect on what we’ve been doing with our lives, where our lives are taking us, and what God wants from us. And if we don’t take the initiative to find that space on our own, sometimes the Good Lord will find it for us. Just like he did for the prophet Jonah. Unfortunately for Jonah, that nice, quiet place was somewhere between the esophagus and large intestine of a hungry fish. Our story begins when God commands Jonah to travel to Nineveh, a big city that had fallen into widespread sin and corruption. God wanted Jonah to tell the Ninevites that he was furious with their wicked behavior and was planning to turn their urban cesspool into the next Sodom and Gomorrah unless they shaped up and fast. However, traveling to Nineveh to bear bad news to these degenerates wasn’t high on Jonah’s bucket list, so he bought a one-way ticket for a boat ride to Tarshish, which was in the complete opposite direction of Nineveh. You have to wonder, did Jonah seriously think God wouldn’t notice? On the way to Tarshish, Jonah’s boat sailed into a fierce storm. To keep the boat afloat, the crew threw cargo overboard, but the seas kept raging, and the future looked bleak. The storm was so bad that the sailors began to suspect someone on board must have done something to really annoy God. After a thorough investigation, Jonah admitted he had angered God by refusing his assignment and sailing away to Tarshish. Jonah said to them, “Take me up, and throw me into the sea. Then the sea will be calm for you; for I know that because of me this great storm is on you” (Jonah 1:12). The sailors didn’t feel right about pitching Jonah overboard, so they tried their hardest to row to shore. But when the storm grew even more fierce, they abandoned their hero routine and tossed Jonah overboard like a bucket of smelly chum. They did, however, beg God to forgive them for what they were doing. Soon, the seas calmed and the mariners were safe, although still pretty freaked out by the whole experience. But God had sent a giant fish just for this moment, and it gobbled up Jonah, giving him a distractionfree haven. Sitting inside the creature’s belly, Jonah prayed for forgiveness for having defied God and also thanked the Lord for saving him from the raging seas. After three days and three nights, God “spoke to the fish, and it vomited out Jonah on the dry land” (Jonah 2:10). THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w AUGUST 2022


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a life separate from God. The book of Jonah also provides a second lesson, although lots of people miss this one: God does not respond well when we wish harm or misfortune on other people—even our enemies. Jesus taught us that you must “love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you, that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 5:44–45). As with the Ninevites, God loves every person that he created and, although he punishes those who do evil, he gives everyone an opportunity to repent and come home to him. At one time or another, most of us fall into that dark place where we let our anger and resentment toward someone get the best of us. But when we conclude that other people are worthy of God’s punishment, we need to remind ourselves that we have only a tiny glimpse of their life and motives. Only God fully knows what is inside the hearts and minds of people who have hurt us. So, it’s not for us to judge who should receive God’s blessings and who deserves punishment. Our job is to remain obedient to the Lord and to love everyone, as he has commanded. If our enemies repent and receive God’s blessing, we should rejoice and be glad. Excerpted from ‘The Bible: Enter Here’ written by Spencer C. Demetros

queen over the death of a silly plant. Especially when you wanted me to kill 120,000 Ninevites—actual human beings that were created by none other than yours truly—just because you have a bone to pick with them. You need to put in perspective, my friend, how you value human life. Or else you might find yourself in the belly of another fish. And, next time, you won’t be so lucky to get puked out of its mouth. On the next go-around, you might just find yourself shooting out the other end as oceanic fertilizer.” Presumably, Jonah got the point. This story teaches us two important lessons. First, when God calls, you need to answer. That call could be to do something as simple as sharing your faith with a friend or volunteering for a church project or helping someone in need. Or the call could be to do something more demanding, like missionary work or entering the seminary. God does have a specific plan for each of us, and we will only experience true joy and meaning in our lives if we answer God’s call. Of course, we have the right to decline. We also have the option to close the door on God altogether and pretend that he doesn’t even exist. But you must realize that God holds us accountable for our actions—and also for our inaction. When we try to hide from the Lord and refuse his calling for our lives, we probably won’t be swallowed up by a giant fish. But there will be consequences. At the very least, we’ll feel the emptiness that comes from living

Forgive, for your own sake! 3. It’s not forgetting and ceasing to feel pain. 4. It’s not a one-time event. Forgive again. 5. It does not mean trusting again. Forgiveness is free, but trust must be earned. 6. It does not mean reconciliation. It takes two people to reconcile fully. 7. It’s not an option. It’s a command from God. 8. It’s not just for us. God has gifted us His forgiveness, but He wants us to release it unto others. 9. It’s not a feeling. It is a choice, regardless of how you feel. 10. It does not change the past. We forgive because we have been forgiven (Eph. 4:32). When you decide to take the step to forgive, go before God in prayer, repent, thank Him for His forgiveness, confess with your own words that you forgive those who have hurt you and ask for healing and freedom in Jesus’ name. The writer leads the HungryGen movement and pastors a multi-cultural church with a clear-cut, focused vision to see the salvation of souls, healing, deliverance and the raising of young leaders.

BY VLADIMIR SAVCHUK HAVE you ever been so hurt that you decided not to forgive, no matter what? Holding onto grudges may feel like you’re in control, but in reality, you are being controlled. Unforgiveness can be a hindrance to our prayers, to receiving full deliverance and healing, and may even open doors to demons. Why You Need to Forgive: 1. God expects us to forgive. 2. As believers, we must remember that God commands us to forgive (Matt. 6:14-15). 3. The people who have hurt you need it. 4. You can be a bridge for people to experience God’s love and forgiveness when you choose to forgive. 5. It benefits you. This small decision leads to experiencing God's peace, joy and freedom in unimaginable ways. 10 Things That Forgiveness is Not 1. It doesn’t mean taking the blame for someone else’s wrong or minimizing their wrong. 2. It’s not waiting for an apology. Website: Email:




The Missionary and the Magician shout, “You have said well, Simon.” With that, Peter becomes irritated, and snaps back, “Cursed are your words against my Lord Jesus Christ! Do you presume to know more than the Hebrew prophets of old? For it was an ancient prophet who once said, ‘He had no beauty or comeliness – he was alone and rejected by his own kind.’And it was another prophet who said, ‘In the last days, a child shall be born of the Holy Ghost – his mother never knew a man, and no one claims that he is his father.’And another has said, ‘Behold, a virgin shall conceive in the womb. Neither did we hear her voice, and neither did a midwife come in.’ And another prophet has said, ‘Born not from the womb of a woman, but he came down from a heavenly place. Behold, I saw one like the Son of man coming upon a cloud.’ “What more can I say? Everything in the sacred Scriptures points to the coming of the Messiah – Jesus of Nazareth! O, men of Rome, if you knew the Scriptures of the prophets, I could teach you more about the sacred mysteries – about how the kingdom of God is made manifest to those on earth – and how eternal life in heaven can be obtained. All these things will become known to you in the near future. But now I turn to you Simon – do one of those tricks that you have done before, and by which you have deceived many people. Do it again, and by calling on the name of Jesus Christ, I will show it to be nothing but deception.” Excerpted from The Missionary and the Magician by Edward N Brown. The book is a work of fiction and is dubbed as the little-known true story of the life of Saint Peter – after the death and resurrection of Jesus – and his extraordinary battles with the heretical sorcerer Simon Magus – THE MAN WHO COULD FLY!

BY EDWARD N BROWN AFTER a long silence, Peter is motioned to speak up first: “Citizens of Rome,” he begins, “you are here to judge between the two of us – who speaks the truth of God and who speaks the lies of the devil? So, I tell you here and now, that I have believed, and still do believe, in the living and true God – and I promise to give you proofs of His glory, which are known to me, and also to many among you. “For you see that this man standing here has been rebuked more than once. He knows that I drove him out of Judaea because of the deceits and transgressions that he inflicted upon an honorable and simple woman named Eubula – offences using artful tricks and sorcery. Being driven out from Judaea, he has now come here – thinking that since you know nothing about his sordid past, he can be free of preconceived notions among you. And now, he stands face-to-face with me here. “So, tell us now, Simon, did you not fall at my feet in Samaria, when you witnessed the healings that were done by our hands? Did you not say, ‘Please accept some money from me – as much as I have – just teach me how to do such mighty works by simply laying hands on men.’? “And when we heard you say this, did we not rebuke you, saying, ‘Do you think that you can bribe us into teaching you the mysteries of God? Do you think that we desire to possess money? Do you think that faith in God can be bought with money? Have you no fear of God? “So, I tell you now that my name is Peter, because the Lord Christ wished to call me ‘prepared for all things’. And I trust in the living God with all of my heart – by whom I shall expose you as a fraud and put down your sorceries. “People of Rome, ask him now to do in front of all of you, what he previously has done in front of just a few people in private rooms. Therefore, in light of what I have said about him, do you still believe in him?” But Simon speaks up proudly, “The Lord Christ you speak of – I presume you mean Jesus of Nazareth, the son of a carpenter, and a carpenter himself – whose birth is recorded in Judaea. Now hear this, Peter: The Romans have understanding – they are not fools.” And then he turns to the crowd and says, “Honorable men and women of Rome: can a god be born of a mortal woman? Can he be crucified on a cross? Jesus was seen to pray, and call to his master. But he who has a master cannot be a god.” And when he had said this, many in the crowd THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w AUGUST 2022

Oh, that my ways were directed to keep Your statutes! Then I would not be ashamed, when I look into all Your commandments. I will praise You with uprightness of heart, when I learn Your righteous judgments. Psalm 119:5-8.


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What my Covid survey taught me about the Church BY GENEVIEVE WILSON REGARDLESS of your stance of Covid, we can all admit that the global Church has taken a hit. A few months ago, I created a survey on the state of the Church through Covid. I wanted to see how you thought the Church did through Covid. I am going to expound on the data a bit from what I see, but I would encourage you to look at the data and ask: How did the Church do? (Is the Church growing? Are the people who come to the Church growing?) What is the Church ? (Is attending church necessary? How often should we participate?) What does the Bible say about practising the ‘one anothers?’ (Did we ourselves practice them?) Did I care for my fellow believer during this time? Ever-changing mark Covid rules were hard and ever changing and 88% of respondents broke them in some shape or form. This varied from those who only broke a few rules to some people not following any of the Covid protocol. This resulted in 43% of respondents attending church illegally. These believers counted the cost and decided that gathering was worth the risk of fines, or even jail time. Interesting facts about the state of the Church Over 25% of churchgoers left their church for a variety of reasons, including: 1) some people moved 2) as churches moved more online 3) some people found churches that were open 4) others turned to the Internet and found solid biblical teaching. Covid helped to expose some of the weak churches It is interesting that of the churches that grew exponentially during this time, 93% of them followed little to no Covid rules, while the ones that largely shrank or closed (85%) took a very strong Covid stance and followed most, if not all, the rules. Areas of great concern Over 25% of people were not reached out to personally by someone in leadership. This is an atrocity. Leaders can't lead if they don’t have a grasp on what is going on in the lives of their congregation. I think of when my hubby was preaching to his phone (beginning of Covid) and couldn’t see how people were receiving the message. He couldn’t look at the family who just lost their baby and offer them comforting words, or challenge people who were struggling in their faith. One respondent shared, “We were lost sheep, just looking for a shepherd.” Another told me they were with the church for 40 years and did not get one call or card during Covid from their leadership. Website: Email:

Leaders need to know what is going on with their flock. They need a pulse on their people. They are biblically responsible for their congregation and will stand before God and be held accountable (Hebrews 13:17). If you are in a leadership position and not reaching out to your people, you are failing as a leader. Leaders need to be present in the lives of their congregation. We are a family. We, the churchgoers, also need to be looking around and taking notice of who is not there on Sunday or are at Bible study. Checking in on them, offering prayer, encouragement or a meal are simple and practical ways to demonstrate love and care for another. This has been a very isolating time. So how about this week you call someone who wasn’t at church and see if they need anything, or better yet call someone who hasn’t been in church since Covid started and invite them to come home? Because of this isolation and people not being in each other’s life, 33% of people don’t feel very connected to their church. Some of the most heartbreaking results were the private messages people sent - their stories of loneliness, fear, depression, conflict. I have deleted them from the survey as they are very personal but remember that these are people not just stats. What I gathered from this data First, we need to sit under strong Bible teaching that will equip us to handle the next trial in our life, whether that is a personal crisis or a global one. We need solid theology for when the valleys come - and they are going to come. Only 54% of respondents felt that their church has equipped them to stand firm when trials come. Another thing that really stuck out to me is the immunocompromised. To be honest I had not thought much about my brothers and sisters who live lives that are restricted by disease. This is more than just a Covid issue. These are real people who are homebound for some reason and the Church needs to remember them and help them. 9


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Fwpg; g hf> M]; j pNuypahtpy; trpf; F k; ,uz;liu Nfhb Ngh;fspy; me;j ehl;by; gpwe;Njhh; KjyplKk;> ,q;fpyhe;jpy; gpwe;Njhh; ,uz;lhkplKk; tfpf;Fk; epiyapy;> rPdhit gpd;Df;Fj;js;sp ,e;jpah %d;whtJ ,lj;ij gpbj;Js;sJ. nfhNuhdh ngUe;njhw;wpdhy; M];jpNuypahtpy; ntspehl;L FbNawpfspd; tUifapy; Rzf;fk; Vw;gl;bUe;jhYk;> 2016 Kjy; 2021-Mk; Mz;L tiuapyhd fhyf;fl;lj;jpy; 10 yl;rj;Jf;Fk; Nkw;gl;Nlhh; mq;F Gjpjhf FbNawpAs;sdh;. mjpy;> fpl;ljl;l ,uz;liu yl;rk; Ngh; ,e;jpahit Nrh;e;jth;fs;. NkYk;> M];jpNuypahtpy; G+h;tf;Fbfspd; kf;fs; njhif 3.2 rjtPjkhf (8>12>728 Ngh;) cs;sJ. M];jpNuypa G+h;tFb kf;fs; 167 nkhopfis NgRtjhfTk; me;j ehl;L muR ntspapl;Ls;s kf;fs; njhif fzf;nfLg;G jutpd; %yk; njhpate;Js;sJ.


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The missionary heart Care more than some people think is wise Risk more than some people think is safe Dream more than some people think is practical Expect more than some people think is possible I was called not to comfort or success but to obedience There is no joy outside of knowing Jesus and serving Him.

Many Christians love evangelism as long as someone else is doing it. Chuck Swindoll Missions aren’t just for superstars. A missionary is just like you, ordinary folks through whom God does the extraordinary.

We talk of the Second Coming; half the world has never heard of the first.

Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.

The Great Commission is not an option to be considered, but a command to be obeyed.

Missions is not primarily an activity of the church but an attribute of God.

The work of the church is not survival. She exists to fulfill the Great Commission.

Support a mission field.

The Great Commission is the great adventure of Christianity.

Messenger Missions 9884063345

Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 142, L&T Road, Burma Colony, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. Editor: Elsy Robin


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