Pit to Palace: 7 takeaways from Joseph's life | The Christian Messenger, September 2021 | E-Magazine

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7 Takeaways from Joseph's Life BY ROBIN SAM MANY believers assume that in times of trouble and in difficult situations God is not with them. But that’s wrong. That’s a lie Satan wants you to believe. Because he knows if you cling on to God and His promises during difficult times, God will deliver you out of the mess and turn your mess into a powerful message. The Bible says in Psalm 46:1, ‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.’ Joseph, the son of Jacob who was renamed by God as Israel, is a powerful character in the Bible. You can read about him in the book of Genesis chapter 37 to 50. He was the most beloved of Jacob’s sons. He was also hated by his brothers because of their father’s fondness for him. Joseph’s life was not all rosy He was sold as a slave; he worked as a slave in a foreign land, he was accused of something he didn’t do and thrown into prison. But through all the trials and temptations he faced, he showed integrity, honesty, solid work ethics and an unwavering faith in God. He was faithful to God even when God seemed distant. There are 7 things we can learn from the life of Joseph. No.1: God’s plans and purposes are far greater



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Vol. 18, No. 2

than our own. Jeremiah 29:11 says, ‘For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.’ When his brothers tried to limit Joseph’s influence on their lives, God had a better plan of keeping them alive in a famine through Joseph. No.2: God blesses those who persevere to follow Him. James 1:12 says, ‘Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.’ No. 3: Suffering in the lives of God’s people is not always bad. God can use the most painful time of our life for His glory. In prison, Joseph did not curse his

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COVER FEATURE situation. He interpreted the dreams of his prison mates and prophesied to them. No. 4: There is value in self control living in the do-whatever-you-want culture. He not only resisted the overtures of Potiphar’s wife, he fled the place to save his integrity and character. No. 5: God honours patience in times of trouble. Isaiah 40:31 says, ‘Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.’ No. 6: Strive for honesty and strong work ethics.

They are more than rewarding. Proverbs 20:29 says ‘Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before unknown men.’ This promise came true in Joseph’s life. No. 7: Lastly, fear of the Lord and faithfulness to His Word will take us far ahead than our own efforts will take us. 2 Chronicles 16:9 says: ‘For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.’ It is my prayer that God will make us righteous, holy and diligent enough to inherit His blessings.

Died: Thomas McKenzie, Defender and Definer of Anglicanism Thomas McKenzie, a popular Nashville priest and author of The Anglican Way, died on Aug 23 alongside his 22-year-old c h i l d C h a r l i e McKenzie. They were driving from their home in Tennessee to St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where the younger McKenzie was set to start their senior year. The car collided with a tractor trailer near Burns, Tennessee, about 20 minutes west of Nashville, a little before 10 a.m. It was the first day of Thomas McKenzie’s sabbatical. He planned to take his eldest to college, then take his wife to England to celebrate his 50th birthday, and then travel to France to trek the Camino, a medieval pilgrimage trail. He was going to walk from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in the Pyrenees mountains to the tomb of St. James the Great on the coast of Spain before rejoining his church on All Saints’ Sunday. “I’m excited about my upcoming travels,” McKenzie wrote on Twitter the day before his death, “but I know I’ll miss my community. I feel sadness and some anxiety as I prepare for this morning’s Eucharists.” As news of his death spread, Anglicans and a broad swath of evangelicals expressed shock and sadness. Several people recounted how McKenzie had generously reached out to them when they were interested in Anglicanism and offered to guide them in the process. McKenzie spent his adult life promoting Anglicanism—as the pastor of a church, as an opponent of liberal Episcopal theology, and finally as someone who articulated the essence of Anglicanism in a way that was attractive to many evangelicals. “There are people who call themselves ‘Anglican’ who simply aren’t Anglican by any respectable definition of that word,” he wrote in his 2014 book, The Anglican Way. “They remind THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2021

me of that famous line from the movie The Princess Bride—they keep using the word Anglican, but it doesn’t mean what they think it means.” According to McKenzie, Anglicanism in America went from a sleepy and mostly selfsatisfied community drifting towards liberalism in the mid-20th century to a vibrant, growing, orthodox, and evangelical movement at the start of the 21st. New people were drawn to the tradition for many different reasons, he said, ranging from liturgy to community to the place of emotions in the worship service. What they ultimately found, though, was a stable spiritual footing. “The Anglican way of faith is, at best, a way of balance,” he said. “We’re only radical about one thing: the redeeming love of God in Christ.”

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6 things Joe Biden’s blunder in Afghanistan teaches us BY PHIL COOKE THE documentation of US President Joe Biden’s decisions surrounding the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan are now legion. But aside from the tragic results those decisions have created, it’s worth looking at what leaders could learn from this debacle. In coming years, we’ll have a chance to see much deeper into this situation and how much it tarnishes his legacy, but for now, here’s a handful of immediate reflections that leaders should consider: 1) Incompetent leaders can rise to remarkable heights. In 1972, 29-year old Joe Biden ran for Senate against Republican Senator Caleb Boggs. I was a senior in high school that year, so that’s a long time. And yet, Robert Gates, who worked with him and served as defense secretary for the Obama administration, has been quoted as saying that Biden has “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Many of the changes he’s proposed so far in his presidency have made many ask why he hasn’t already accomplished these things over the last 40 years while in office. Never be caught off guard by poor leadership. In politics, business or the nonprofit sector, never think every high level leader deserves to be there or is capable of being effective. 2) Fantasy isn’t a leadership strategy. It’s well documented that Biden’s goal was to “bring the troops home” in time for the 20th anniversary of 9/11. That would have been a great victory and scored a lot of political points. But no matter how strong the fantasy, leaders must deal in reality. Ignoring better advice about a more thoughtful and realistic exit strategy, he chose the fantasy instead. It doesn't matter if a leader’s fantasy is a new product launch, advertising campaign, fundraising strategy or anything else – reality is a brutal wake-up call. 3) Leaders take the hits. In spite of the overwhelming evidence, President Biden still hasn’t admitted he was wrong. It’s been a dark comedy watching members of his team like Secretary of State Anthony Blinken squirm during interviews trying to defend and support the president. But when a leader won’t admit a mistake, his entire team suffers trying to maintain the illusion. In far too many cases that only leads to disunity, frustration, and eventual splits in the team. 4) In a crisis, leaders must face the public. When the tragedy in Afghanistan began unfolding, Biden hunkered down at Camp David and it wasn’t until international criticism from our allies became overwhelming did he emerge from his vacation. But Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in

even then he refused to answer reporters’ questions, and immediately returned to his vacation (another big blunder). Only later did he respond to preapproved questions. But during times of crisis, leaders must be available, candid, and open. For people to believe you’re in charge, you have to show up. Honesty and authenticity may be painful in the short term, but that builds trust far better than hiding. 5) Good leaders listen to advice. After the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion, John F. Kennedy created the Executive Committee of the National Security Council whose express purpose was to openly debate issues surrounding national security. Kennedy realized the need to listen to all sides of an argument. President Lyndon B. Johnson actually designated an advisor to be his official in-house skeptic. The best business leaders are willing to listen to opposing ideas. Group-think is a massive mistake for leaders, and if you’re surrounded by yesmen and women, you’re headed in the wrong direction. 6) Finally, never forget that leaders who try to leave a legacy rarely do. A “legacy” isn’t something that’s manufactured, designed, or created. Numerous leaders have become obsessed with their legacy, but legacies are based on how others perceive you and your life’s work. So if you’d like to leave one, stop thinking about it and just get back to work. I’m sure more lessons will unfold as time goes on, but the important lesson is that during moments of crisis, there is always something for leaders to learn. As you see other lessons unfolding, write them up in the comments section below. Let’s keep this conversation alive…. You can sponsor a page of this magazine by donating Rs.3,000/- Please send cheque/DD in favor Messenger Communications. 5



‘1,200 Christians evacuated from Afghanistan’ CONSERVATIVE radio host Glenn Beck says 1,200 Christians have been rescued from Afghanistan in a donor-funded evacuation. A fundraiser launched by the Blaze founder has raised over $28m towards the mission. Speaking on the Blaze, he said some of that included a loan he had signed for personally, and a “significant” donation given by journalist and TV host Bill O’Reilly. In an Instagram update, Beck said a third plane full of evacuees had taken off on August 24. “Now 1200 Christians evacuated and flown to safety. It has been a good day!” he wrote. The evacuations are being coordinated by the Nazarene Fund, a US non-profit that helps persecuted Christians and other minorities. While the mission has been launched primarily to evacuate Christians, the Nazarene Fund said other religious minorities, American citizens and “vulnerable” people were among the people on the flights. Nazarene Fund CEO Tim Ballard said in a

Facebook update that the planes have taken the evacuees to an undisclosed “safe” country. Last night he said that the non-profit had “many more planes” lined up to transport at-risk Afghans and US citizens out of the country. “We’re sending them as fast as we can, including some other kind of more asymmetrical strategies to pull other people out who didn’t make it to the airport,” he said, adding, “We are doing all we can.” In an earlier update, he said Christians found with a Bible app on their mobile phones or identified as such on their ID card will be “summarily executed”.

Afghanistan Christians describe situation as ‘hell’

close people around me to get to know Christ, but sadly in the past two to three days, my family and I have received death threats,” they said “In this emergency situation, I have no other way but to escape from the country. Please be our voice, please help us to be heard so that we can flee from this hell as soon as possible.”

CHRISTIAN satellite TV channel SAT-7 has described harrowing messages from viewers in Afghanistan fearing for their lives under the Taliban. One Afghan who came to Christ two years ago told the channel the situation was “hell” and they are looking for a way out of the country. “For quite a while I was inviting my relatives and THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2021


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Another message from a father said, “I came to Christ a year ago. The Kabul situation is dreadful. Please help us! The lives of my eight-year-old daughter and my own are both in danger.” One 16-year-old girl said, “People are terrified. Everyone is afraid and scared of the Taliban... I’m crying out to God right now; someone please help us.” Although SAT-7 is not on the ground in Afghanistan, its SAT-7 PARS channel broadcasts Christian programmes into the country in Dari, one of two official languages there, and Farsi, which is understood by most Afghans. In addition to social media platforms, SAT-7 also runs a counselling phone line which has been receiving calls from viewers in Afghanistan left fearful by the Taliban takeover. “We are receiving prayer requests from our Afghan viewers,” says Panayiotis Keenan, Executive Director of SAT-7 PARS. “They are afraid, facing a dangerous and

uncertain future, and they feel abandoned. We continue to stand by them and support them through our programmes and Audience Relations teams.” Reza Jafari, Creativity Manager of SAT-7 PARS, said, “The situation in Afghanistan escalated shockingly fast since Aug 20. “We are heartbroken at the plight of the Afghan people and exploring the best ways we can support them in both the immediate and long-term future.” Keenan is asking people around the world to join in praying for the people of Afghanistan. “Pray for all those impacted by the violence and those seeking a means of escaping the country,” he said. “Please pray that the rights of Afghanistan’s women, children, and men will not be ignored and will be upheld. Pray against violence and oppression. Pray for Christians and ethnic minorities who fear being singled out and targeted. “Pray for hope, mercy, justice, and healing in Afghanistan.”

Churches in UK ready to welcome Afghan refugees UK churches are ready to welcome Afghan refugees and help them settle into life in a new country after fleeing Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. The Welcome Churches network is asking people to donate towards its Emergency Afghan Fund that will provide help to Afghan families being evacuated to the UK. Dr Krish Kandiah, who is working with the fund, said, “Churches around the UK are responding with the love of Christ to the needs of the Afghan refugees. “Families have had to flee a war zone with only what they could carry and they are in need of our love and support as they enter the UK and become neighbours in our communities.” He has identified three ways that UK churches can help. “Firstly pray, secondly join the Welcome Churches network so your church can be trained and prepared to help practically, and thirdly give so we can quickly get practical help to the people that need it,” he said. The Diocese of Chelmsford has said it is standing ready to serve and support Afghan refugees across its parishes. It has some experience in this already, having resettled 250 refugees since 2015, including families fleeing the Syrian conflict, and Afghan interpreters and their families escaping the Taliban. With the Taliban taking control of Afghanistan in Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in

recent days, the diocese says its resettlement programme will now be “widened and reshaped to work alongside partners in providing the care, love and support to which the gospel calls us.” The Bishop of Chelmsford, Guli FrancisDehqani, and the Diocese’s Refugee Coordinator, the Rev Canon Gareth Jones, are asking people to pray for Afghanistan and all those working to support the people affected by the Taliban takeover. “As pictures of the catastrophic impact of the crisis in Afghanistan fill our TV screens, the human cost in lives devastated seems too much to comprehend, and many of us are left wondering what we can do to help in the face of such a great tragedy,” they said. 7



Give your fears to the Father ARE you struggling with fear today? Is it the pandemic, a job, food, something else? Are you seeing the size of your worries and not the size of your Savior? I think I can point you in a direction that might help you right-size your fear. I’d like to start with a long look at Jesus. A long look at his face. It's the expression of Jesus that puzzles us. We've never before seen his face like this. Jesus smiling, yes. Jesus weeping, absolutely. Jesus stern, even that. But Jesus anguished? Cheeks streaked with tears? Face flooded in sweat? Rivulets of blood dripping from his chin? You remember the night. Jesus left the city and went to the Mount of Olives, as he often did, and his followers went with him. When he reached the place, he said to them, “Pray for strength against temptation.” Then Jesus went about a stone's throw away from them. He kneeled down and prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take away this cup of suffering. But do what you want, not what I want.” Then an angel from heaven appeared to him to strengthen him. Being full of pain, Jesus prayed even harder. His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. (Luke 22:39–44) What do we do with this image of Jesus? Simple. We turn to it when we look the same. We read it when we feel the same; we read it when we feel afraid. For isn't it likely that fear was one of the emotions Jesus felt? One might even argue that fear was the primary emotion. He saw something in the future so fierce, so foreboding that he begged for a change of plans. “Father, if you are willing, take away this cup of suffering” (Luke 22:42). What causes you to pray the same prayer? Facing a pandemic? Leaving your house? Being in a crowd? Walking into a hospital? Boarding an airplane? Speaking publicly? Starting a new job? Taking a spouse? Driving on a highway? The source of your fear may seem small to others. But it freezes your feet, makes your heart pound, and brings blood to your face. That's what happened to Jesus. He was so afraid that he bled. Doctors describe this condition as hematidrosis. Severe anxiety causes the release of chemicals that break down the capillaries in the sweat glands. When this occurs, sweat comes out tinged with blood. Jesus was more than anxious; he was afraid. Fear is worry’s big brother. If worry is a burlap bag, fear is a trunk of concrete. It wouldn’t budge. How remarkable that Jesus felt such fear. But how kind that he told us about it. We tend to do the opposite. Gloss over our fears. Cover them up. Keep our sweaty palms in our THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2021

pockets, our nausea and dry mouths a secret. Not so with Jesus. We see no mask of strength. But we do hear a request for strength. “Father, if you are willing, take away this cup of suffering.” The first one to hear his fear is his Father. He could have gone to his mother. He could have confided in his disciples. He could have assembled a prayer meeting. All would have been appropriate, but none were his priority. He went first to his Father. Oh, how we tend to go everywhere else. First to the bar, to the counselor, to the self-help book, or to the friend next door. Not Jesus. The first one to hear his fear was his Father in heaven. How did Jesus endure the terror of the crucifixion? He went first to the Father with his fears. Do the same with yours. Don’t avoid life's Gardens of Gethsemane. Enter them. Just don't enter them alone. And while there, be honest. Pounding the ground is permitted. Tears are allowed. And if you sweat blood, you won't be the first. Do what Jesus did; open your heart. And be specific. Jesus was. “Take this cup,” he prayed. Give God the date of the event. Provide the number of the flight. Tell him about the doctor’s appointment. Share the details of the job transfer. He has plenty of time. He also has plenty of compassion. He doesn’t think your fears are foolish or silly. He won’t tell you to “buck up” or “get tough.” He’s been where you are. He knows how you feel. And he knows what you need. That’s why we punctuate our prayers as Jesus did. “If you are willing . . .” Was God willing? Yes and no. He didn't take away the cross, but he took the fear. God didn't still the storm, but he calmed the sailor. Who is to say he won't do the same for you? Philippians 4:6 reminds us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Don’t measure the size of the mountain; talk to the One who can move it. Max Lucado 8

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Njt nra;jp rj;ijAk;> ntg;gj;ijAk; je;J mitfis vy;yhk; jhq;fpf;nfhs;s ek; rhPuj;jpw;Fg; ngyDk; mspf;fpw Njtd; jk; rpU\;bapd; %ykhfg; NgRfpwhh;. Mifahy; Nghf;Fr;nrhy;y ahUf;FNk ,lkpy;iy.

4. ghpRj;j Mtpahdth; %ykhfg; NgRthh; Nahthd; 14:26-MtJ trdj;jpy;> ~vd; ehkj;jpdhNy gpjh mDg;gg;Nghfpw ghpRj;j Mtpahfpa Njw;wuthsNd vy;yhtw;iwAk; cq;fSf;Fg; Nghjpj;J> ehd; cq;fSf;Fr; nrhd; d vy; y htw; i wAk; cq; f Sf; F epidg;G+l;Lthh;>| vd;W ,NaR nrhy;ypapUf;fpwhh;. Njtd; jk;Kila ghpRj;j Mtpapd; %ykhf vg;gbg;NgRthh; vd;gij ,d;ndhU nra;jpapy; ehd; tpsf;FfpNwd;.

5. kw; w NgRthh; Njtd;


tpRthrpfs; Neuq;fspy;

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%ykhfNth> xU gpurq;fpahh; %ykhfNth> Vd; ek;Kila fzth;> kidtp> jfg;gd;> jha;> gps;isfs;> rNfhjuh;fs; %ykhff;$lg; NgRthh;. Mdhy;> kdpjh;fs; %ykhf Njtd; NgRk; fhhpaq;fs; xUehSk; mtUila thh;j;ijf;F tpNuhjkhf ,Uf;fhJ. kdpjh;fs; %ykhf Njtd; NgrpapUf;fpwhh; vd;W ePq;fs; epidj;jhy;> NgrpdJ Njtd; jhd; vd; g ijj; jk; K ila thh; j ; i japdhy; cWjpg;gLj;jf; NfSq;fs;. rq;fPjk; 29-I vLj;J thrpj;Jg; ghUq;fs;. fh;j;jUila rj;jj;jpd; ty;yikiaf; Fwpj;J mjpy; jhtPJ tpthpf;fpwhd;. mth; ,bkpd;dy;fs; %ykhfTk;> mf;fpdpapdhYk; NgRthh;. mNj Neuj;jpy; mkh;e;j nky;ypa rj;jj;jpd; %ykhfTk; NgRthh;. mth; vg;gbg; NgrpdhYk;> ~,d;W mtUila rj;jj;ijf; Nfl;lhy; cq;fs; ,Ujaq;fisf; fbdg; g Lj; j hjpUq; f s; | (vgpnuah; 3:16). NjtDila rj;jj;jpw;F nrtpnfhLq;fs;. mth; cq;fis cah;j;Jthh;. ,J Nerhpd; rj;jk;.

Afghan members of our Christian family treasure the global body of Christ. our prayers during this time of upheaval and * PRAY FOR SAFE PASSAGE. Pray that God violence. Here are some specific ways you can pray will provide safe passage to those who feel led by for them: God to leave Afghanistan and provide for their immediate needs in their new location. * PRAY FOR GOD’S PROTECTION. The * PRAY THAT MUSLIMS WILL MEET situation on the ground is fluid right now. Pray for CHRIST. The Taliban claim to be “true Muslims,” God's protection over His people. strictly adhering to Sharia (Islamic law). As * PRAY FOR WISDOM. Ask God to bless our Muslims in Afghanistan see this cruel face of Islam, brothers and sisters with discernment as they decide pray that they will be drawn to Jesus Christ, the whether to stay or go and even with whom they shepherd Savior who doesn’t oppress but instead should talk. chose to lay down His life for His sheep. * PRAY FOR FELLOWSHIP. Believers in * PRAY FOR CHRISTIANS TRYING TO HELP. Afghanistan often must keep their faith a secret — For decades, VOM has provided help and even from family members. Pray that God will help encouragement to Christians in Afghanistan. Pray each Afghan believer to connect and fellowship with for the wisdom of front-line workers, and pray that at least one other believer in person, by phone or God will open new pathways for them to continue through some other technology. Pray that God will their work under Taliban control. The Voice of the remind them that they are not alone, but are part of Martyrs THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2021


Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in

Partner with Messenger Missions Remember the poor! (Galatians 2:10) Beginning March 2020, we have been reaching out to people in distress in the aftermath of Covid-19 and subsequent lockdowns with relief kits in the form of grocery bags containing, rice and other essential items. We are continuing to assist poor and needy families with cash relief also in several areas to alleviate suffering due to job losses and other reasons. If you would like to reach out to them too, join hands with us.

What’s in a Grocery Bag? A grocery bag consists of 15 items including 5 to 10 kilos of rice and other essentials such as cooking oil, tea powder, spices, pulses, sugar, salt, tooth paste, a bath soap and a detergent soap. A grocery bag costs Rs.1,000. If you are led by God to help the less privileged people in the society, please feel free to partner with Messenger Missions. You can pay by G Pay or directly to our bank account. See account details below. Please call us or email us with the details of your sacrificial contributions.

Phone: 0-72990633345 / 7299063347. Email: missions@christianmessenger.in

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Scan this area with the QR code app in your smartphone and watch our videos Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 142, L&T Road, Burma Colony, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. Editor: Elsy Robin


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