Clutch 2014 Weddings

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the bride’s guide to have and to hold 2013 Complimentary



The Beginning of a

lifetime of beautiful


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contents 9 Real Moment: A First Look

30 Real Glimpse: On Being Unique



Venue Snapshot

The Great Outdoors

50 Real Moment: Post-Wedding Photos



Newlywed Checklist

Have Rings, Will Travel!

Room For The Groom

Love in LavendeR

one year later

Guys! We are letting you in

Learn about two local

Get a glimpse into 10 lessons

on a few things you can do

lavender farms and how you

learned during one woman’s

leading up to the wedding.

can be a part of your big day.

first year of marriage.



photo by Sam Stroud Photography at Sierra Vista, an outdoor wedding setting with a handcrafted barn in Bedford, VA


54 Real Glimpse: Utilizing Vendors


Photo by Sincerely: Liz; Photography

4 Dear Friends, What an exciting time of life! Planning a wedding is so fun, and it’s a great way to express yourself


on one of the most important days of your life. I am so proud of this issue. We decided to focus on reality and just use real weddings and stories from couples who have been there. I love the photos and stories they have shared with us. Also, as you know, you are


spending a lifetime together. So, we have plenty of advice for after the big day. I’ll celebrate 20 years of marriage this year, and I know that life is real… there are struggles for every couple, yet there are triumphs in overcoming them and really living a life together.


Welcome to the pages of our 2014 “real wedding” issue. I hope you enjoy!

44 3

Real Wedding

Ian & Annalisa a cross-cultural, DIY event Family heritage factors heavily into wedding planning for some couples. Such is the case with Annalisa and Ian, whose traditions and customs are peppered throughout their day. From their customs to their DIY aspects and the fact that they included their adorable dog, Bear, we caught up with Annalisa to talk about her beautifully crafted wedding.


C - How did your family traditions

reception space themselves after I gave

factor into your wedding day?

them the master plan. So, when I walked

A - The rich traditions of both of our

out with my husband for our first dance,

cultures are very important to us, and

that was the first time I saw everything

we knew it would be a huge part of

come together. It was such an incredible

our wedding. Ian and his mother wore

moment to be surrounded by our closest

traditional Scottish tartans to honor their

friends and family in such an intimate,

McCue heritage (we chose Nelson County,

beautiful setting, knowing that none

VA as our wedding site because that’s

of it would have been possible without

where his ancestors made their homestead

their help. It was an absolute labor of

in the 1700s). My godparents performed

love, and I felt so blessed that they did

a Filipino wedding tradition during the

it all just for us.

ceremony by presenting us with 13 coins to

C - What word of advice can you

symbolize prosperity, a veil to symbolize

give a bride?

protection, and a beaded cord (in the

A - Take a moment to stop and appreciate

shape of an infinity sign) to symbolize

what’s surrounding you. That’s the piece

our infinite union. The men also wore

of advice that my best friend gave me

traditional Filipino garments made out of

that someone gave to her at her wedding.

pineapple thread.

Everything happens so quickly on your

C - What is your favorite memory

wedding day, and if you don’t stop to look

from your wedding day?

around--even for just 10 seconds--it will

A - There were many, but the one that

all be one big blur.

resonates in my mind is walking into the reception space for the first time with my new husband. My sweet bridesmaids didn’t want me to lift a finger on my wedding day so they set up the entire 5

DIY Inspired Projects “While almost everything was a DIY project, it truly was a monumental effort by so many friends and family that brought our vision to life for our wedding day. I’m a designer and Ian is an engineer so it was a lot of fun for us both to have these DIY projects.” - Annalisa • Annalisa made her own bridal bouquet, bridesmaid lanterns and flower girl hair wreaths for her bevy of nieces. • Vintage china, vases, books and candlesticks were collected over time to use for place settings, centerpieces and decor. • Ian and his groomsmen built the dance floor and hung the globe lights. • The flower arrangements were made by Annalisa’s aunts.


Wondering about Ian’s ribbons? Ian has been in the Navy for 14 years (thank you for your service, Ian!), and several of his decorations have special significance. • Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medal for relief efforts in the 2010 Haiti earthquake • Joint Service Commendation\Medal for volunteer service in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba • Expeditionary Service Medal for support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003

VENDORS Bride’s Gown - designer Maggie Sottero Bride’s Shoes - Traffic Bride’s Wedding Band - The Irish Walk Cake - The Sweet Lobby Caterer - First Run Catering DJ - Barry Tosh Flower Girl Skirts - Princess Doodlebeans on Etsy Groomsmen Attire - Express Hair Stylist - Jim of This and That Hair Studio Invitations - Minted Makeup Artist - Stephanie Humphries Officiant - Rev. Lisa Noelle Abend Photographer - April B Photography Rentals (chairs/linens) - Lynchburg True Value Venue - Acorn Inn Bed & Breakfast, Nellysford


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Photos: Visions by Heather Photography

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Real Moment Cody and Olivia’s First Look Whether a groom first spies his bride as she walks down

C - When I turned around and saw her walking up

the aisle or if the couple has a pre-ceremony, private

to me, I just couldn’t believe that I was getting ready

moment alone, that first glimpse is sure to be seared into

to marry this beautiful woman. The anticipation

the couple’s mind forever. These touching photos of Cody

was killing me... then seeing her just let this wall of

and Olivia inspired us to ask them about their first look

emotion come over, and I “almost” lost it. I definitely

experience. O - Olivia C - Cody

teared up. I couldn’t stop staring at her throughout

Why did you decide to do a first look? O - We knew from the beginning we wanted to do a first look. I had been a guest at many weddings where they

the entire first look shoot! Words really can’t explain it, truly. Would you recommend a first look?

took hours of photos in between the ceremony and the

O - A lot of people were concerned we would regret our

reception. Photography was the MOST important part

first look and ruin the surprise when I walked down the

of our wedding day, so we didn’t want to feel stressed or

aisle, but this was NOT the case at all. Our ceremony

concerned about the time we were taking [for photos].

was so intimate (we only had 65 guests), so getting

Doing the first look allowed us to plan and take as long

rid of the jitters was incredible, and the pictures were

as we wanted! We also had an evening ceremony, so the

stunning! We had some amazing candid photos of the

lighting was perfect in the early afternoon before our

look on Cody’s face when he first saw me. Otherwise

ceremony started. Also, I knew I would be bawling during

those are very difficult for a photographer to catch

our ceremony, so having our portraits done beforehand

during the actual ceremony. I will always love the

meant I had fresh hair and makeup!

genuine emotion caught in that photo and the love in

What were your reactions?

his eyes for me!

O - I was nervous for him to see me, but sneaking up behind him was so fun. It was an extremely intimate moment during a very busy day where we could just check each other out. It hit us that this was the beginning of the rest of our life! We got to say a few things to each other before we took some more pictures, and it was so reassuring and romantic to sneak away from our family and wedding party to see each other all dolled up!

VENDORS Dress - Balear by Pronovias Hair & Makeup Jewelry

Photography Tuxedo

- Kathryn Olinger at Bliss Salon

- BHLDN - Sincerely, Liz: Photography

- Vera Wang at Men's Wearhouse

Venue - Glencliff Manor


Photos by S. Carter Studios

Room for the Groom

for the guy who wants to be in the know

You bought the ring and finally got up the nerve to pop the big question. Now you’re probably wondering, “What’s next?” You want to be involved in the planning process while being supportive of your bride, but how? If you are feeling lost in the world of wedding planning that is full of gowns, sparkly decorations and flowers, you’ve come to the right place.

them in on the formalwear for the big day. Let them know when and where to get fitted for their tuxes. Don’t make the mistake of assuming your groomsmen will know how to do this. Did you before you got engaged? Be sure to keep your fiancée in the loop…

Wedding planning is all about

fantasy football draft which should

picking your battles. The key is

be done carefully and thoughtfully.

having the finesse to know when to

Throughout the planning process,

express your opinion, when to help

make sure you communicate with

and when to silently nod and listen.

your groomsmen about their

More than two million American men

responsibilities so that your wedding

Don’t forget to make the

get married each year and have lived

day will go as smoothly as possible.

appointment to get the marriage

to share their survival tactics. Their

It’s cliché to pick out gifts for your

experiences can help you to be the

groomsmen, so make sure you get

best groom possible.

them something to show that you

Your future wife will wear her wedding

As the groom, it is your responsibility

appreciate them. These men will be

band for the rest of her life, so choose

to compile your side of the guest

with you throughout this process and

your bride’s wedding band carefully

list. Figure out who you would like

will help you look your best and stay

and ask for her input, if necessary.

to have surrounding you on your

composed on the day of the wedding.

If you want to get your bride a

wedding day.

Arrange the groomsmen’s attire and

wedding day gift, be sure it is a

Choosing your best man and

keep your guys updated. Send out the

memorable one. A thoughtful gift

groomsmen is like the ultimate

necessary information that will fill

is often better than an expensive


the more you share, the better! Tip: The night before the wedding make sure everybody has their suits pressed and ready to go.

license. I have heard of many couples who have forgotten to do this!

one! On the morning of the wedding,

send her a gift, flowers, or write a

work in a few surprises. Tip: If you are

sweet “I love you” note for her to read

planning on leaving the country, now

while she gets ready. The extra effort

would be a good time to find or apply

will start her day off right and bring

for your passport.

tears of joy to her eyes.

Wandering around a large

Who’s driving? Arrange for

department store picking out all

transportation to and from the

of the items for your new home

ceremony and away from the

may seem like a tedious task, but

reception. Think limousine or a

remember that it is an important

classic horse and buggy.

one. Give input while forming

It is customary for the groom to give

your wedding registry. You get the

a toast at some point during the

opportunity to choose items you like

festivities. This is a good opportunity

for your new home that someone

to express your love for your new

else will hopefully purchase for you;

bride, as well as thank your parents,

can’t beat that!

in-laws, and the guests for coming.

A creative and simple idea is to turn

Start brainstorming now.

running errands into dates. Take

Take the lead on the honeymoon

advantage of the food-tasting

planning. Couples today usually

sessions; it’s on rare occasions

decide together where to go for their

when you get the chance to

honeymoon, but tradition still makes

critique five-star food, so savor the

the groom responsible for most of the opportunity. On the day that your planning. Unlike wedding planning,

fiancée goes to the salon to try out

there’s no etiquette or formalities,

her wedding day makeup and hair,

which gives you the opportunity to


take her out on the town and do

Photo by Sincerely, Liz Photography

something extra special. It is okay to share your opinion. There are a mass amount of decisions that need to be made while planning a wedding, and your fiancée will definitely appreciate input. Pick a few things that interest you. Whether that is the food, music, or photos, make sure you offer to help. You don’t have to know the difference between lilies and daisies for the bridesmaid bouquets, but give your opinion. It will let her know she isn’t alone and that you care. Your mission during this process is to keep the peace and make sure your fiancée is happy. Be the go between and keep open communication with your side of the

“Throughout the planning process, make sure you don’t lose focus of each other.”

family, friends, groomsmen and your bride-to-be. Throughout the planning process, make sure you don’t lose focus of each other. Appreciate the excitement and interest from both sides of the family to be involved and help out, but don’t allow anyone else to take control aside from you and your fiancée. Your wedding

day is about the two of you coming together, so start at the beginning of the process rather than when you are hand in hand at the altar. It all starts and ends with you as a couple. And our final word of advice? Listen,

listen, listen! Be the support system she needs by listening to her ramble on about the many wedding ideas she has. Be supportive of her ideas and be patient with her. Help her stay focused. Communication is key. Keep tabs on how the planning is coming along and what needs to be done. A small gesture goes a long way. Surprise her with flowers, dinner or rent her favorite chick-flick to give her a break and remind her why wedding planning is worth the stress.

Acknowledging her hard work will go a long way. Let’s face it, the color of the linens and the choices of stemware aren’t exactly as important to you. However, make sure you curb the sarcasm. Seriously, even though it may seem Photo by Visions by Heather Photography

ridiculous, it is hard work. While you have it pretty easy, she has a new part-time job. So be thankful that she is handling most of the dirty work. On the other hand, if she is


doing the majority of the planning,

she is probably bordering on wedding overload; don’t let her get to this point. You want her to enjoy this once in a lifetime process. Do whatever you can to help your bride forget the present stresses and look ahead the prize of a beautiful wedding day and her happily ever after. Hopefully, this list will help you feel less anxious and more like the well informed, helpful guy you really are. Your fiancée will appreciate your support and assistance with the myriad of tasks that are necessary to pull off a successful wedding. As we all know, a wedding is about two people getting married, not just about the bride, right? Allow this once in a lifetime event to bring you closer as a couple. You got this!

Photo by Visions by Heather Photography Coffee and chocolate make life even more enjoyable for Michelle Wood, who loves the beach and is a Southern girl through and through.


Real Wedding

Freddie & Caitlin a colorful DIY event Imagine working on your doctorate knowing that you have $10,000 (and not a lot of free time!) to plan your wedding. What comes to mind? The help of family and friends and a lot of DIY ideas! That’s exactly what ensued with the planning of Freddie & Caitlin’s festive event.


C - How did you choose your bright

We spent hours and hours on those, but

cake. We were soaked!

color palette?

they were worth it!

C - Can you give a word of advice to

C - We started with a color palette of

My mother-in-law led an army of friends

another bride to be?

three colors. Then it was four, then five...

and family who made 150 Phillipino egg

C - Don’t sweat the small stuff, and

then what the heck, who needs a strict

rolls for our reception appetizers the day

use your creativity! It’s not the end of

color palette anyway?! All the colors were

before our wedding. Our caterer fried

the world if you can’t afford the $500

definitely an accident, but it ended up

them up right before the reception. They

aisle decor or if the storm of the century

bright and perfect.

didn’t last longer than 30 minutes! We

decides to make an entrance during your

C - How much of your wedding

bought the Madlibs from Etsy. My

reception. Go with the flow, stay true to

was DIY?

husband is from Iowa, so we had home

your personality, find a crafty friend and

made Iowa jam for favors.

you’ll have a better wedding than the one

boutonnieres were DIY. We bought the

C - What is one special moment

on your Pinterest board.

flowers by stem for the table arrangements

from your wedding day that you

C - What is one thing you have

and made them the morning of the

remember most?

learned since being married?

wedding. The donut sign was probably

C - Right after we finished all the

C - Don’t ever sit down on the toilet at

my favorite project because it surprisingly

importance of the first dances and the

night without checking to make sure that

turned out so well. The seating chart was

cake cutting, the sky opened up into a

the seat is down first.

made with the help of my friend, Heather,

torrential downpour. Nesselrod on the

a craft genius. The biggest project by far

New staff was so gracious in letting our

was the 300 hearts on a stick for the aisle.

wedding party retreat into the B&B for

C - Everything but the bouquets and


Caitlin’s Tips for a DIY Event • At some craft stores, they have merchandise that has been broken or damaged that you can get for cheap. For example, our seating chart was once a broken picture frame in the discount section at Michaels. I picked it up for $7, glued it back together and painted it. • Grab an army of help. Most people are happy to pitch in. • Book a gorgeous venue. It means less decorating that you have to do, and you can put your time and money towards bigger projects. • Decide on a project, do it, and move on. If you finally find a seating chart you like on Pinterest, then stop searching Pinterest for seating charts! • DIY doesn’t stop at decor. Do you have an aunt who can make stellar cakes? An egg roll making mother-in-law? I did! 16

Did you notice the adorable holders with pom poms that were thown at Caitlin and Freddie post-ceremony? Here are Caitlin’s instructions on making them. We found our large paper doilies at Michaels. Roll them up into a cone shape (easier said than done), and hot glue the seam. Embellish the outside if you like, and fill it with pom poms! We got our pom poms at Walmart. This was a last minute project. Our team of 4 finished these in about an hour the night before the wedding.

VENDORS Cake - Bride’s Aunt Catering - Bull and Bones Dress - Aire Barcelona by Rosa Clara Florist - Northside Florists Makeup & Hair - Jennifer Metro Photography - Sincerely, Liz: Photography Venue - Nesselrod on the New


Love in Lavender

Photos by Jen Fariello

Here are some wonderful ideas to incorporate lavender into your event or lifestyle:

Lavender has been enjoyed for

Bonnie Swanson of Evergreen

centuries due to its relaxing and

Lavender Farm are passionate about

restorative properties. Able to calm

what they do. From learning how to

the soul and even flavor your food,

grow the plants (in our clay soil it

this flower was used in ancient

is not the easiest task) to managing

Greece, yet these plants are being

their product lines to best suit their

grown by farms right here in Central

clients’ needs, each one of these

Virginia. In varying hues, rows upon

women has their story.

throughout your home.

The reward of contributing to

Lavender sachets can be used as an

the preservation of a past art is

alternative to dryer sheets.

important to Kathy. “It’s wonderful

Try your own rub for chicken, pork or

to be able to operate a profitable

fish! Bonnie suggests making your own

farm, thereby preserving quickly-

Herbes de Provence, a blend of rosemary,

soothing products made from the

disappearing farmland, and sharing

basil, thyme, savory, parsley, marjoram,

fragrant flowers.

the beauty of the land with people

and lavender buds to season your meats.

and families who would otherwise

A light rub of lavender oil on your

have no access to it,” she offered.

temples can relieve stress.

rows of the short bushes adorn the hillsides of both Inglewood Lavender Farm in Nelson County and Evergreen Lavender Farm in Appomattox County. This duo of homesteads offers picturesque views along with

It’s no doubt that both Kathy Tillman of Inglewood Lavender Farm and 18

Toss lavender buds after the wedding ceremony. It’s environmentally friendly and smells great! Hang bunches of lavender or use a lavender spray to infuse the scent

Lavender Favor Ideas Inglewood Lavender Farm This farm has the most adorable on-site shop for perusing and purchasing.

For Bonnie the story is quite similar,

Bonnie enjoys the work itself. She

body products

and she enjoys the simplicity. She

stated, “I love to garden, almost to


reflected, “My family and I feel our

obsession, and many hours are spent

farm is a special place. It doesn’t have

on the guerrilla side of it - weeding,

elegance or grandeur - no plantation

mowing, mulching and digging. It

house, parterre gardens, gardeners or

does wear me out, and I wonder why

culinary buds

staff - it’s just us. Our place is homey

I do it. However, when people come

Evergreen Lavender Farm

and earthy, imperfect, and engages

to the farm and get inspired by what

Bonnie has researched, cultivated and

your senses.”

they see, it excites me. I’ve been a

tweaked her line of body products,

Why lavender, you may wonder?

teacher for over 20 years, and my most

For Kathy the answer is two

favorite classroom is in the garden. I

honey lavender painted notecards

which can be purchased on site or at the Lynchburg Community Market.

fold. “Lavender is a wonderfully

just love it!”

soaps, lotions, scrubs and other body

versatile plant that can heal many

The enthusiasm of these ladies is


ailments, while also beautiful and

contagious, and a visit to one (or

dried lavender bunches (for crafting or

aromatic. I love offering safe, natural

both!) of their farms will prove just

culinary use)

products made from our lavender as

that. So, in our own way, we are doing

lavender buds

an alternative to typical store bought

just that! Enjoy a glimpse into these

products,” she replied.

two lavender farms along with a few fun tips and recipes along the way.


Lavender can add a bit of refreshment to your taste buds. Sprinkle culinary buds on salads, salmon or even potatoes. Not to just be relegated to food, these plants also make for refreshing additions to beverages. Sparkling Lavender Lemonade Cocktail from Kathy Tillman, Inglewood Lavender Farm 4-6 oz Italian lemon soda 6 lavender leaves or 1 tsp dried lavender buds ½ cup vodka Muddle lavender leaves in the bottom of the glass. Add lemonade, vodka and ice. Garnish with a sprig of lavender, and enjoy! Basil Lavender Martini from Bonnie Swanson, Evergreen Lavender Farm In a Mason jar, muddle 7-10 basil leaves and a ¼ cup dried lavender buds, then add 1 T honey and 1 squeezed lemon. Add ice. Continue

Evergreen Lavender Farm

with 2/3 cup of gin and 1/3 cup • 7169 Old Evergreen Rd, Appomattox, VA • (434)352-9562

vermouth. Screw on the lid, shake

History: The farm house, barn and outbuildings were built in 1935, and the

together and then strain into

original owners raised chickens and ran a sawmill. Supposedly the house

a glass. Garnish with a slice of

was the first one with a bathroom... a claim to local fame for the place! The

lemon and a sprig of lavender.

Swansons purchased the farm in 1999, and they have renovated the buildings with the challenge of redoing the overgrown landscape. Bonnie started planting vegetable and flower fields, and after a trip to Oregon began to convert the flower fields into lavender. Evergreen is name of the town surrounding the farm, so they kept the local name in order to incorporate the community. This farm offers on site cuttings and several alcoves with seating, which are perfect for enjoying iced tea or reading a novel, yet Bonnie can often be found at the Lynchburg Community Market with her handmade products. Visit her sometime... she is so pleasant on an early Saturday morning! Guests: Of course lavender (or potentially the stately oaks and hickories on the property) adds to the “time capsule” feel of this sprawling farm. The barn has been renovated with salvaged materials to accommodate small weddings, parties, workshops and dinners. A patio overlooks the lavender fields, and the many flower gardens and small buildings throughout the property allow for perfect photo opportunities. An annual lavender festival in June opens the grounds to music, food, lavender workshops and art and craft vendors.


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Inglewood Lavender Farm • 4638 Variety Mills Road, Arrington, VA • (434)326-2939 History: This homestead was built in 1829 by attorney and judge, George Washington Cabell. He actually held court in the dining room in cold weather and on the lawn in warm weather. Patrick Henry Cabell, who was the first superintendent of Nelson County Schools, inherited the property, and it served as a school from the 1890s until WWI. The Cabell descendants owned the house until 1958. In 2010 Shannon and Kathy Tillman purchased the property. Kathy began to realize her dreams of owning a lavender farm... dreams that started when she saw a lovely spread about a Pennsylvania lavender farm in Martha Stewart Living. Her family also grasped her vision, and the Cabell property was the perfect place for them to cultivate their passion for the beauty of lavender. Guests: Inglewood offers an adorable shop with lavender products (think sachets, body products and the like!), which would make thoughtful favors for guests and attendants. Heading out to the farm with your bridal party or even suggesting that your guests take a stroll through the fields to cut lavender is a perfect wedding weekend activity. Not to just cater to adults, the farm also makes a wonderful spot for families to visit. With its endearing sheep, abundant fields and a pick-your-own option (the best option, right?) young and old alike would enjoy packing a picnic and spending an afternoon enjoying the views from the fields.

When Jennifer isn’t relaxing to the soothing scent of lavender, she is sure to be found running the trails or scouring a local antiques store.

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Real Wedding

Hubert & Kelly an outdoor event filled with tradition When a proposal starts with a citywide scavenger hunt (including friends coming from far and wide to surprise the bride-to-be at each clue point!) and ends with a party, you know that the wedding will be equally as exciting. That is the story of Kelly and Hubert, who have a love for family and a heart for others. Here are Kelly’s words about their wedding day.


C - How did your heritage play a role

share with one another and with our closest

groom’s family. All in all, it’s a tradition

in your wedding day?

friends and family why we were entering

that allows the new couple to connect

K - When we planned our wedding, we

into marriage and our hopes and dreams

with and benefit from the wisdom of

wanted to include the traditions of both of

for the future.

the older generations and to go into

our families and how we were raised. We

C - What is the purpose of the

marriage with the blessings of your closest

created an altar containing the photos

Tea Ceremony?

family members.

of our ancestors who have passed away.

K - The bride and groom share a cup of

C - What is the one moment that you

We included the basic “catholic” wedding

tea with the bride’s family. Typically, a

loved most about your wedding day?

components as the structure of the

sage piece of advice is shared with the

K - Our vows. We kept them a secret,

wedding. We also included a Buddhist ring

bride and groom (an example from our

and it was actually kind of amazing how

blessing. More than anything, we wanted

wedding was from my grandmother who

similar they turned out being! Another

to share our own vows with one another.

suggested we never go to bed angry at

would be the last dance of the night,

This was the most meaningful part of the

one another and that we work together as

which was to Ed Sheeran’s “Kiss Me.” Even

wedding ceremony as it really allowed us to

a team). Then the same is done with the

though it was not our first dance, it makes 25

me cry every time I hear it now as I think of our very last dance of the most amazing day of my life. C - What is one piece of advice you can give to a bride? K - I’m not sure that this is possible for anyone, but relax. It really isn’t a huge deal if things get messed up. You would much rather be happy-go-lucky and having a great time than stressing out about everything. C - We adore the fact that you both have a heart for others. Tell us more! K - My husband and I are both in our last year of residency training. I am interested in children with severe brain injuries. Hubert will be doing a medical mission

Kelly and Hubert were very

in Haiti to set up an ophthalmology

intentional with bringing

practice for the underserved. Who knows

significance into their elements, and

what the future has in hold for us, but we

here are a few of their fun ideas!

both went into medicine knowing that it

1. Kelly wanted to redesign her

is in service to other people and those

grandmother’s 1953 wedding

people most in need.

gown, which had also been worn by her mother. When a number of seamstresses couldn’t match the fabric, she decided to have clutch bags out of the dress instead. 2. Hubert designed Kelly’s ring, which was based on the design from a church in Naples they had visited together. The church has Aramaic writing on it, and the ring has their initials in that same language. 3. Kelly wore her grandmother’s pearl necklace and her sister’s bracelet... both pieces had been worn by those ladies on their own wedding days!


VENDORS Bridesmaid Dresses - Alfred Sung Cake - Albemarle Baking Company Catering - Beggar’s Banquet DJ - DJ Dennis Payne Flowers - Couture Design (bride’s bouquet, corsages, boutonnieres), Amore Events (decor flowers) Gown - Casablanca Hair/Makeup - Bristles Lighting/Decor - MS Events Photographer - Jeffrey C Gleason Photography Suit (groom) - Mevana Rehearsal Dinner - Lemongrass Venue - Ash Lawn-Highland Wedding Planner - Amore Events



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How did you blend your own unique style into your wedding day? B - I just know what I like. I see things in my head

Real Glimpse

Gabe & Brittany

Creating a Unique and Trendsetting Event

and go with it. I wanted clean, classic, simple and romantic. I wanted people to notice the details, but not only see the details. I wanted wood rounds and pale flowers, old medicine bottles and rustic colors. I wanted a fall wedding with nothing to do with fall… and Amy {my florist} heard my cry! The result was breathtaking. I knew people were expecting different; I wanted to make sure I gave them just that! I felt that my wedding could be nothing short of

Many couples choose to keep up with what is en vogue, but coming up with your own ideas (and taking the suggestions of your wedding vendors!) can really create a one-of-a-kind look that sets trends instead of follows them. Brittany was thoughtful in staying true to herself while planning an event full of unique aspects.

fabulous if I stayed true to me, classic cuts and a pretty color palette. I wanted the {bridesmaids} dress to look GREAT on every girl. I chose a timeless dress {for myself} with so much elegance... I felt like Jackie Kennedy in it. I like breaking the norm. I think my short hair with my classy dress really gave that extra shock factor.

Also, due to the fact that Gabe has an unpredictable

What is one thing you have learned since

schedule (he is an Army Staff Sergeant in the Special

being married?

Operation Forces... thank you for serving, Gabe!), they decided to get married on a whim in May of

B - Our time together really means a lot to us, it

2012. Brittany says, “No rings, no special clothes or

holds value. Being able to have a conversation face

traditions, just us.” The couple saw a break in Gabe’s

to face brings on a whole new meaning when you are

schedule, and were able to celebrate with family and


friends in November of 2013.

Do you have any advice for a bride to be?

How did being married before your wedding celebration impact the day itself?


B - Make decisions for yourself. I kept saying, “I don’t care what people think,” and I didn’t mean that in a

B - Our actual wedding day was so relaxed and just

hurtful way. I just wanted our wedding day to reflect

fun. We both had a blast! We felt as if the “married”

us as a couple... in every aspect. People are so ready to

factor wasn’t such a huge deal... we just all partied

give their ideas for YOUR wedding. Make sure you put

together and enjoyed the moment.

your foot down!

VENDORS Bridesmaid Dresses - J Crew Earrings, Shoes - TJ Maxx Florals & Table Decor - The Arrangement Company Gown - Church Street Bridal Handkerchief - Etsy by Coquina Homer Makeup - Carly Rae Lawrenson Nails - Amy Nails Photography - Mykkah Photography Venue - West Manor Estate


Venue Snapshot Avoca Museum, Altavista (434)369-1076 description: 1901 historic Victorian mansion with spacious grounds and charming indoor and outdoor options # of outdoor guests: 500 # of indoor guests: 100

City View by the James,

Craddock Terry Hotel &


Event Center, Lynchburg



description: spectacular high-rise

description: lovely boutique hotel with

ballroom with mile long views

an event center, ballroom, 2 restaurants

overlooking historic downtown

and brewery


# outdoor guests: 100 ceremony/200

# indoor guests: 200 seated/300



# indoor guests: 150

Holiday Inn Downtown Lynchburg (434) 528-2500 description: spacious downtown hotel with a variety of event spaces # indoor guests: 500 seated/900 cocktail

Evergreen Lavender Farm, Appomattox

Farmbasket, Lynchburg



description: intimate, rustic, relaxing

description: outdoor, natural,

lavender farm with barns and 5 acres

creekside setting for a smaller,

of grounds

stylishly casual event

# outdoor guests: semi-unlimited

# outdoor guests:Â 150

# indoor guests: 50


Central Virginia has a plethora of unique venues. From sprawling farms to grand ballrooms, there are choices out there to suit any bride’s needs, no matter what her style. Take a peek at our quick guide to some of the area’s finest and most unique venues.

Loch Haven Lake Club,

Locust Thicket, Lynchburg




description: versatile 1790 historic

description: rustic, casual setting

property with an Irish teahouse,

with chateau and large shelter

Scottish tavern and outdoor


landscaped areas

# outdoor guests: varies

# outdoor guests: 300

# indoor guests: 180

# indoor guests: 50 seated

Sorella Farms, Evington (434)907-3598 description: enchanting 1800s barn and farmhouse surrounded by acres of beautiful grounds including a pond # outdoor guests: unlimited # indoor guests: 200

The Trivium Estate, Forest

Terrace View by the James, Lynchburg



description: beautiful historic 11 acre estate with various indoor and outdoor

description: pretty outdoor terrace

options including a ballroom

with vast views of Lynchburg accompanied by an indoor ballroom

# outdoor guests: 150+


# indoor guests: 150 seated/200 cocktail

# guests: 220 seated/300 total

Winridge Manor, Madison Heights (434)386-2669 description: quaint manor home with gorgeous grounds in an all-inclusive venue # outdoor guests: 150

Photos provided by participating venues


Real Wedding

Seth & Jessi an at home wedding event Having a wedding at your house is a big commitment, yet it offers a unique backdrop for a ceremony and reception. Seth and Jessi had their celebration at Jessi’s house, and the results are stunning! It’s no wonder, as Jessi is a wedding planner herself and made her childhood vision of the perfect wedding come to life.


C - How did you arrive at the decision

C - What advice can you give

the tent is delivered and flowers are set-up.

to have your wedding at your house?

to a bride who is considering doing

Trust me. The day goes by so incredibly

J - We decided to have our wedding

the same?

fast, so remember to take time to enjoy

at home because my parents were also

J - Since it is at your home or the home

it. I mean hey, it’s your wedding day

married there under the same exact tree!

of your parents, the clean-up is on you as

and you’re marrying your best friend.

We wanted a southern, country outdoor

well. Putting a stage and/or tents in can

Don’t forget that! It also helps to have a

wedding, and their home is situated on 300

potentially damage the grounds, and you

fabulous photographer to capture every

acres of beautiful land.

have to think about things such as efficient

single detail.

C - What are benefits of having a

electrical outlets for bands and DJs as

C - How did you arrive at your bright

wedding at home?

well as lighting and adequate restroom

and happy color scheme?

facilities. Also, if it is outdoors, you have to

J - This is actually a funny story. I asked

be aware of weather and potentially have a

Seth to pick the colors since he would be

back-up plan.

wearing whatever color as a tie for him and

wanted and also leave when I wanted. I

C - What are some tips that you can

his groomsman. He jokingly said, “I’d like

got to do so much of the work myself, and

offer a future bride?

something to make my baby blues pop,”

that really makes you appreciate the day

J - Take deep breaths, and let people help

and that was it! He picked the aquamarine

that much more!

you! There are people that will make sure

color, and I tied my yellow into the flowers!

J - It is a private venue, so there is no rental fee. Also, there are no preferred vendors or cut-off time. I could be there when I


Having a wedding at home may seem like a daunting task, yet think of all of the little projects that you finally have an excuse to complete around your house and property! Here are some of the things Jessi’s parents did in order to get ready. - repainted the exterior - landscaped both the front and back yards - installed new gravel - refinished the driveway - roped off fields for parking - planted bushes, flowers and trees that would bloom in time for the August wedding -researched when to cut the grass so it would be the perfect height


VENDORS Band - Trademark Band Bridesmaid Dresses - Caryn’s Bridal Cake - Montana Plains Bakery Catering - Deb & Dale Davis Dress - Anjolique Bridal Flowers - Pharsalia Groomsmen Attire - Joseph A Bank Hair - Creative Images Hair & Makeup Artistry Photography - Visions by Heather


Photo by S. Carter Studios

petal flower company



As a bride, what did you do to stay on budget?

Before you buy anything, set the

Prioritize! Think about what happens

If you’re open to it, having your

amount you want to pay. Keep

during and after the wedding, I know

wedding date on a weekday nearly

everything in a binder to stay

I barely ate the food and had one bite

cuts the price for venues in half.

organized. No matter what don’t go

of cake. Instead I cherish our wedding

For me, the photographers and

over the budget you set. — Lauren

pictures and am glad I used a good

videographers were the priority and

amount of my budget towards great

so worth the extra money! — Katie

I put together a spreadsheet at the

photographers. — Bianca We saved a lot of money by only

beginning of our planning process to compare all the costs. My fiancé and I

We thought that we would go and

having a best man and maid of honor

were responsible for payment, so we

get multiple quotes then make the

and not doing a full bridal party. My

prioritized together. We had a figure

decision together on whether or

husband’s best man wore a suit and

in mind, and by breaking the costs

not we wanted to spend that much

tie, and my maid of honor wore a

out in this way, we were able to select

money. I think this choice was

dress of her choice. It saved money

a venue and the vendors that were

better for us because it allowed us to

and headaches in trying to schedule

most appropriate for our budget.

communicate and listen to each other

get togethers to shop for outfits

— Sonya


and having to find something that

— Melissa

worked for everyone. — Lyndsey



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The Great Outdoors Planning a Celebration Under the Sky So you want to have an outdoor wedding; you are not alone.

Photo by K.D. Burke Photography

Temple Ansell enjoys organizing events as well as spending time with family and friends. She serves as the planner for Loch Haven Lake Club in Roanoke.

It is estimated that 35% of weddings are outdoor occasions. However, celebrating your special day under the veil of nature takes some serious planning and attention to detail.

Here are some ideas to consider that will ensure a beautiful outdoor celebration. View the location during the

Consider the location.

snow are only fun in theory. Spring,

same season that you plan to

Do you have family or friends who are

summer, and fall make beautiful

have your wedding.

physically challenged? Do you have

outdoor wedding backdrops, but be

Typically, weddings are planned

older guests who need special care in

sure to take into consideration the

anywhere from six months to two

maneuvering outdoor terrain? Pick

weather and temperature during each

years in advance. When booking an

an outdoor space that will be best,

season. Spring can be a season that

outdoor location, try to look at it

not only for you, but also for your

sees more rain, summer temperatures

during the same season you will be

guests. The safety of your guests is an

can soar, and fall can produce some

having your wedding. Why? Because

important part of making your day a

cool days. When choosing a date,

it is important to view the flowers

special one.

research the typical weather and

and the foliage during the time in

Consider the season:

temperature patterns of that day.

which you will be celebrating your

Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter?

Carefully choose the time

nuptials. If this is not an option, ask

Let us first address outdoor winter

of day: morning, afternoon,

the venue what is in bloom at that

weddings. Choose this if you plan to

or evening.

time of year or ask to see any photos

go further south for a destination

Depending on what time you hold

of the property during that season.

wedding. Outdoor weddings in

your event, know when and where 41

If you are not planning to get married

and your guests.

under a tent or shelter and no indoor

different times of the day since this

Have an alternate plan in case

space is available, call the venue and/

is important for good photographs.

of bad weather.

or a rental company to see if a tent is

Encourage your photographer to

There is always a bit of uncertainty

available for use, if needed. Venues

come and look at the space to help

in having an outdoor wedding, so

and rental companies usually need

determine the correct time and

be sure to have a “Plan B� in place.

a lead time of one to four weeks,

location for optimal photos. Also,

Choosing a venue that has an outdoor

so do not procrastinate in making

the time of day is important because

space/shelter/tent and an indoor

a decision about a tent. If rain is

of the temperature. In the summer,

facility is an excellent compromise.

definitely in the forecast, embrace it

morning or evening hours are cooler

If you utilize a venue that has both an

and purchase stylish umbrellas and

and will be more pleasant for all

outdoor and indoor space, rent both

ponchos to offer to the guests.

involved. However, cooler mornings

and then you can easily move your

Do not allow bad weather to ruin

and evening temperatures in the fall

ceremony/reception indoors.

your special day.


Photos by SS. Carter Studios

may prove to be less enjoyable for you

where the shadows fall at the

Photos by Sincerely, Liz Photography

the sun rises and sets. Also, research


Photos by Elizabeth Doan

Allow our 1901 Queen Anne mansion, beautiful grounds, and award–winning gardens to give a historical ambiance to your wedding. Our service and prices make Avoca the best venue choice in Central Virginia. 1514 Main St. Altavista, VA 24517




scarterstudios wedding, engagement & photo booth photography


Gabe & Erika winning the wedding of their dreams On the wedding day an essential sense of community comes from loved ones traveling to celebrate and also from the vendors that carry out the vision behind the scenes. Such is the case with the wedding of Gabe and Erika. They are full of spirit (and greatly loved by their families!), and several of our area vendors rallied around this couple to generously give them their dream wedding.


C - Can you tell us a little bit about your experience with the I Dream of a Wedding contest? E - I have such great memories of meeting with all of the vendors. Most of them were super accommodating and helpful with the process, and the day of the wedding was simply perfect. It was better than anything I could have ever dreamed of. G - We honestly entered the whole thing with the “why not?” mindset. We asked God for this wedding and that it would be a testament to our families about God’s provision. We prayed that God would use it to further confirm our already convinced minds that we were meant to be together. It was all so surreal. C - How did the closeness of your families factor into your wedding day? E - We wanted to try to find a way to make them feel a part of the whole day. One idea that I had run across was the giving of a rose to our moms. I think we did a pretty good job of keeping everyone involved. C - Tell us about your use of vibrant colors for your winter wedding. E - I honestly just fell in love with the colors. I didn’t think of the season, and when Amanda {wedding planner} let us run with the color selection, I never looked back. C - You had a coffee ceremony... tell us about it! E - We honestly wanted to do something completely different. I can still picture Amanda’s face when I told her we were going to mix coffee blends.. I think Gabe was the one that brought up the idea to give our guests the ability to taste this blend that we made during the ceremony. It was actually really good. Who knew that Hazelnut and Christmas in a Cup blend would be so delicious? C - What was your favorite part about your wedding day? E - There was something about the 45

morning of. I remember I woke up and everything was still quiet. I wasn’t feeling groggy or anything. The day was finally here and there wasn’t anything stressful about it. Also, the moments right before when I was with my dad getting ready to walk down the aisle. There was such a peace about my dad. He just stood with me. He asked me if I was ready, and from that moment everything is a blur. G - The peace that came along with not having to plan another thing. It was kind of like my experiences with roller coasters. On the way up to the big drop I get anxious, but once we drop, it’s all fun and games. The wedding planning was complete and it was time to enjoy the ride. C - What one word of advice can you give to a bride? E - I have 2 things. Don’t forget the little details. The most stressful moment was the little details that had not been hammered down right before the wedding. Also, don’t forget to do your laundry. C - What is one thing that you have learned SINCE your wedding day? E - Marriage is the best thing you will ever do. Marriage is also the hardest thing you will ever do. I have learned that I can be unbelievably selfish, and that it’s completely ok to not have everything figured out. Specifically things pertaining to the future (like where ‘home’ will be, where you are going for the holidays, how to answer family when they ask about children). There is a lot of give and take, but one thing is certain. It’s a covenant before God that was not meant to be broken. G - There is absolutely no room for selfishness. Any bumps we’ve had have been due to one of us overemphasizing the words “me” and “my.” Marriage is a completely selfless institution that involves a deep love that is no stranger to sacrifice. Now, that’s not to say that I have fully learned this. In fact, I am terrible at this. It’s just a matter of treating the diagnoses a day at a time. 46


I ( Jennifer) have to admit that Gabe and Erika’s wedding was one of the highlights of my 2013! To see all of the vendors in action and also to see how loved this couple is by their friends and family made for a truly amazing day. Thank you so much to everyone who entered our I Dream of a Wedding contest, and it wouldn’t be possible without the many vendors who graciously donated of their time, talents and finances to make it happen.

VENDORS Sponsor/Co-Founder – Jennifer Prince of Hill City Bride & clutch Co-Founder/Photography Coordinator – Allegra of Allegra’s Studio Wedding Planning – Amanda Gray of Ashley Baber Weddings Bridal Party Flowers - Perfect Arrangement Cake - La Bella Torta Catering - Cater This Hair and Makeup - Bodyworks Day Spa & Salon Invitations - Farmbasket Lighting - Castle Event Lighting Music - Music, Music and More Music Reception Decor - Love Is in the Air Reception Photo Booth - The Virginia Photo Booth Company Reception Venue - Tresca on 8th Wedding Gown, Groom’s Tuxedo and Bridesmaid’s Dress - Celebration Wedding Venue - West Manor Videography - Lynchburg Live

PHOTOGRAPHY TEAM Bridal Portraits - Sincerely, Liz: Photography Engagement Portraits - Adam Barnes Fine Art Photography Wedding Photography - Crystal George Studios Reception Photography - Visions by Heather Photography Behind the Scenes Coverage - KD Burke Photography

KICKOFF PARTY Catering - Repast Catering Photography - KD Burke Photography Venue - Terrace View by the James


Check out to keep up with our future weddings.

Little Strummer Girl


Real Moment Gary & Brittney Taking Photos After the Wedding Day Your wedding day is one that you spend months (ok, admit it girls... your whole life!) planning. You and your husband are looking better than ever, but sometimes there isn’t enough time to capture your true, relaxed selves on the day of your betrothal. Take a cue from Gary and Brittney’s story, and schedule a session after you are married! Why did you choose to do a Trash the Dress session? B - As far as bridal portraits, I’m from New Jersey and generally up north, bridal portraits are somewhat unusual. I also didn’t want to take any pictures in my dress before the wedding day. I had seen some gorgeous Trash the Dress photos, and I thought it would be perfect for Gary and me! How was your session different from your wedding day photos? B - Gary was wearing completely different attire for our session... more casual, yet very dapper. I also wanted the opportunity to debut my natural hair instead of a more traditional/straightened hairstyle like the wedding and engagement photos. Natural hair with color added was very much an expression of my personality—funky and fun. What made you choose a theme for your session? B - My husband loves being creative. He had researched some themes while we were engaged and was very much attracted to the 20’s/Harlem look. We also thought it would be great to be able to highlight a culturally significant time period. What is one piece of planning advice? B - Make sure you have someone trustworthy and reliable helping and taking care of the things that are the most important to you and your wedding. There will be things that do not go as planned, but if the things that are the most important to you are identified and handled—you’ll be very pleased with your wedding day! What is one thing that you have learned since getting married? B - In all the hustle and bustle of wedding planning, DON’T forget to plan for your marriage. It will be worth it on the other side of “I do.” Ask the hard questions and deal with the tough marital details now. It doesn’t all fall in perfect order just because you have a beautiful, “made for TV” wedding. With the help of our pastor, Gary and I were intentional about this, and it has truly paid off! 50

VENDORS Gown - Church Street Bridal Hair/Jewelry - Bride with the help of Samantha Brown Makeup - Murna Gado Photographer - Crystal George Studios



As a vendor, what advice can you offer a bride for staying on budget?

First, have a budget. Second, use

business and if you’d like to do better

It is very important to let your

popular wedding budget percentages

simply ask or shop around. We won’t

vendors know what your budget is.

to determine if you will be able to

be hurt. —Katie, A Little Party

Chances are they can do something

actually afford what you want vs.

within your budget. Be realistic

what you need. Play with your total

Hire a wedding planner!

and let them know what the most

budget, and make sure it is realistic.

— Vicki, Simplicity

important things are to you. When

Third, keep in mind... at the end of

you ask for the moon you will likely

the day, it should be about marrying

I would suggest they have a realistic

be sticker shocked! — Linda, Love Is

the love of your life. — Phil, Official

budget. I have so many brides who

in the Air


want champagne taste on a beer budget. They may have seen it on

Know where your priorities are,

Be prepared to find out how much a

Pintrest, but that doesn’t mean it was

and put the bulk of the money

wedding costs.Be honest with your

cheap. — Heidi, The Trivium Estate

toward them. For instance, if flowers

vendors, let them know what you like

aren’t important to you, spend less

and a price point you’d like to stay

Think about the number of people

there and more on something you

within... after that just be prepared.

in your wedding party. You will want

consider more important. I spent

And kindly do not, or do not have a

to honor each with flowers, but the

less on flowers and used some DIY

fiance or family member, attack the

more wedding party members the

decor so that I could have money for

vendor for their cost. This is their

less money you have for centerpieces


and such.

— April, April B Photography

— Bette, Perfect Arrangement


Photo by S. Carter Studios



Real Glimpse Brandon & Brittany Utilizing Vendors to the Fullest

M - Brittany met with Linda and collaborated on ideas. Linda took our thoughts and incorporated them by sending many emails with pictures attached so that we could actually visualize the recommended elements to carry out the vintage theme. Linda also has quite an inventory of beautiful items that could be displayed.

When we found out how involved a single vendor was in the planning and implementation of Brandon and Brittany’s wedding, we just knew we had to showcase it...

C - What are some tips that you have for working with your vendors?

not only for its beauty but also for the sheer magnitude of

B - After the initial introduction in person,

things that they contributed. From the cake and catering

communicating all of your expectations is very

to decor and flowers, you may not think that one company

important. A follow up visit to your vendors

can do so much, but as this wedding shows, they can! Both

approximately a month prior to the wedding day is

Melody (the mother of the bride) and Brittany weighed in

also essential just to recap the flow of the day and help

on how this process went.

any last minute updates or add-ons. Staying organized

How did you arrive at your color palette? B - My favorite color is pink, so I wanted to have a variation of pink colors in my wedding, which lent to the antique theme. My goal was to choose elements of elegance and sophistication with southern charm since I was marrying a “southern man” from Georgia. What details helped to foster the vintage feel of your wedding?

and having frequent communication whether through email or phone is key to any successful wedding planning. What is a moment that stands out to you about the wedding day? B - The defining special moment was walking out with my husband through the line of family and guests waving the sparklers in the air and being whisked away in the decorated “just married” car.

B - Some of the vintage elements included the location of the wedding ceremony and the reception. Being able to create the theme in a large “warehouse” space that already had some of the characteristics of wooden floors, high ceilings, white columns and center staircase made for a “southern” traditional style. Tell us a bit about your vendor experience. B - Love Is in the Air helped create the vision through listening to what type of theme, colors and style we wanted to implement. Linda {co-owner of Love Is in the Air} is an amazing wedding expert. She provided ideas and a reassurance that left me completely comfortable.

VENDORS Dress - Balear by Pronovias Cake, Flowers, Decor, Catering, Favors - Love Is in the Air DJ - Official Entertainment Photography - KD Burke Photography Venue - Tresca on 8th


One Year Later:

10 lessons from the first year of marriage It seems like I was just in your shoes. I wasn’t quite used to the feeling of the ring on my finger. I was searching for the perfect dress and I just couldn’t determine the best first dance song. I knew the wedding wasn’t as big a deal as the actual marriage but as I was planning my big day the focus of the wedding felt all-consuming. And now here I sit one year (and some change) after the big day and yes, it’s been the best year of my life. Hands down. But it didn’t come without several lessons that I didn’t know ahead of time. Here’s a few that my husband and I culled together that I’d like to share with you: 1. They say “the first year is the

to you. My husband doesn’t get my

hardest”, but don’t be alarmed if


your first year does not feel all

in-the-house thing. Be as gracious to

that rough or challenging. While

your spouse as you want him or her to

it’s possible no one has told you this,

be to you. And try to take your cups

the first year of marriage is not very

to the kitchen.

difficult for everyone. You may be among the lot that does not find it to be a hard adjustment. You may have gotten married at a stage of life where adapting to a partner is not as difficult or maybe you got some excellent premarital counseling that prepared you for the transition. Don’t get bummed out by people who say “the first year is the hardest.” It may not be for you.

3. You may need to adapt your social life to focus more on your partner. That’s ok. There are ebbs and flows to this thing. Be intentional about staying connected to your close friends but know that the first year of marriage is a time to really invest in your spouse and adjust to the wonderful changes that come with marriage. People don’t expect you to act like everything is as it was before

2. You’ll find out some habits

you got married. You’re a newlywed

that you have that you think are

so enjoy it!

totally normal are not. Embrace both of your quirks while also being considerate. You may find some of your partner’s habits that are odd


4. It’s also ok to prioritize your passion, time with friends and solitude. You don’t want to forsake

Photo by Sincerely, Liz: Photography

all relationships and interests just to

6. Building a routine together

be available to watch TV with your

is important. You may have days

spouse every night. Losing site of

where one or both of you will be

your needs can lead to resenting your

working or studying at any given

partner. The key is balance. Order

waking moment. The early years

your priorities. Different aspects of

of marriage can be incredibly busy

your life require a different amount

as you work on building a career

of attention. Be aware of these things

or completing an education.

and make appropriate time for them.

Try to eat dinner together and

5. Love languages are an important discovery. Stay attuned to your spouse’s needs. They may be (and probably are) different than your own. If you haven’t yet, I suggest you

go to bed at the same time. The only way to have quality time is to make time to be together. So determine ways that you can develop a routine together.

pick up Gary Chapman’s book The

7. There will be times when

Five Love Languages. It will help you

you prefer to avoid bringing

discover how to communicate your

up a grievance to your

love to your spouse in the way he or

spouse because you want

she receives it.

to be unselfish or giving, but ultimately that may be dishonest. It’s easy in the early days to avoid conflict by not mentioning something that frustrates you. It is better to go ahead and be honest about it than to hold it in and have a potential blow up later that seemingly came out of nowhere. 8. Being married will reveal ugly things like selfishness, but it also reveals the most beautiful things like kindness, selflessness, forgiveness and love. Marriage is like


Photo by Visions by Heather Photography

...having a spouse to serve and love gives you the opportunity to exhibit kindness and forgiveness ...

having a giant magnifying mirror in

of growing closer to my husband

need. Fulfillment in life doesn’t come

front of you that you can’t escape.

from our first date on I felt pangs of

from a spouse alone.

It illuminates the flaws but can also

fear that he would get to know me

bring out the best in you. Having a

at some point and not like what he

spouse to serve and love gives you

learned. But every step of the way

the opportunity to exhibit kindness

he accepted and loved me for who

and forgiveness. Marriage provides

I am at my deepest core. It’s such a

the opportunity to grow into a more

reminder that God loves us in spite of

unselfish person than you ever

our flaws.

predicted you would become. It’s an incredible experience to share life with someone who knows you through and through.

it’s hard to imagine what life will be like on the “regular days” postwedding. But in the not too distant future your wedding day will only be a memory. Take time now to prepare for marriage and give it the

“complete you.” Waiting around

focus it deserves. The wedding day is

for someone to “complete you” is

incredible but the “regular days” can

pressure on a partner that isn’t

be incredible too.

realistic or necessary. My spouse

values you, even with your faults, is

definitely complements me, but I

a magnificent way to see God’s grace

don’t expect him to meet my every


deep into wedding planning that

10. Don’t expect marriage to

9. Being with someone who cares and

in one’s life. Throughout the process

At the moment you may be so far

Hilary Sutton loves red velvet cake, Broadway, and her husband Juan Carlos Lagares (but not necessarily in that order). Connect with her on Twitter @HilarySutton.

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reception ballroom

overnight accommodations

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newlywed you can checklist 5dothings to start off right Like most things in life, how you begin your marriage is important. In the first few years of marriage you will start trends and habits which can make married life healthier and more fun, or more of a struggle in the future. So be sure to get off on the right foot with these suggestions.

1. Say “I love you” all the time. That may sound obvious, but you might be surprised how easily you forget to say it when your lives get busy. Try to give each other a hug, a kiss, and a sincere “I love you” (what we call a “hugkissily”) at least four times a day: when you wake up, when you leave each other for the day, when you come back together, and before you go to sleep. Those are transitional moments, and what you do in those few minutes will set the tone for the Photo by S. Carter Studios


next period of time. So make them

out and come back to it later. Just

back in later years and reminisce,

count. (And remember, four is only a

don’t sweep it under the rug – it will

which in turn will


just get lumpy, and someone will

help strengthen your marriage

2. Be intentional about romance.Healthy marriages do

eventually trip and get hurt.

during the inevitable tough times to come.

NOT come naturally. They take some

4. Be smart about money. Rule #1: talk about it!

effort. The good news? It’s fun! Daily

In most couples, one is more of a

special for a lot of reasons.

one-on-one time, weekly date nights,

“spender” and the other is a “saver.”

Start immediately building a

one full day or weekend a month spent

Find a happy medium. Make a budget,

strong foundation that will

together, and an annual vacation

and stick to it. Start a savings plan,

serve you well for a lifetime. To

for just the two of you (not visiting

even if it’s only $25 a month. The

make sure you’re headed in the

family), will go a long way toward

discipline is more important at this

right direction, get a good solid

keeping the “wow!” in the vow. One

point than the amount (you can raise

premarital program, such as the

important note: when you’re in those

that later). Look for ways to be thrifty

one that Hilary and her husband

relationship-building moments, turn

(Goodwill, coupons, sales). Follow the

enjoyed from The Marriage

off the technology! Concentrate on

old Amish saying, “use it up, wear it

Alliance of Central Virginia

each other, not the TV, tablet or cell

out, make it do, or do without.” Above

( or


all, get out of debt, and stay out! For

3. Don’t avoid conflict.

help, go to

It will help you chart a course for

You probably can’t anyway. Conflict

5. Build memories.

smooth sailing!

is a normal part of any relationship.

Take pictures. Keep a journal. Collect

It’s how you handle it that makes

things in a scrapbook. Start your

the difference. Learn to “fight fair.”

own rituals and traditions, along

Moderate your tone of voice, listen

with incorporating some from each

without judging or interrupting, and

of your families. This is a time of

repeat back to the other what you

“firsts” ( such as our first Christmas,

heard them say in your own words.

first anniversary, first home), so enjoy

Avoid put-downs, negative remarks

them, and record them. Do this not

and stonewalling. If you are too angry

only for posterity (so your kids can

to talk in a normal voice, take a time

laugh at them) but for you to look

Your first year of marriage is

Larry Compter is the Executive Director of the Marriage Alliance of Central Virginia. He and his wife, Barbara, love to travel and live in Goode with their two dogs.


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Photo by: Ben Kucinski

Have Rings, Will Travel! a look at the honeymoon

Greg & Lisa a destination wedding in St. Lucia

Charlie & Katelynn a honeymoon in Jamaica

Jacob & Amy a honeymoon to come in Jamaica Photos provided by the Couples

Weddings are wonderful... a couple in love celebrates with their closest friends and family in a grand way! But after the festivities are over, the bride and groom always look forward to being whisked away to a relaxing, fun time together. Recently, we talked to three couples who chose to utilize the services of Travelbugs in Lynchburg. Considering a destination wedding?

Their agent was knowledgeable and

That is exactly what this couple did!

able to provide practical tips and

Lisa stated, "We wanted a destination


wedding with just the two of us

Since they have come home from their

somewhere beautiful, and it was a

"weddingmoon", they have learned

bonus to have everything included

quite a bit about working together as

in one package. It was less stress

a couple. "We are now on this journey

and we saved money."

together, and we have each other to

Lisa felt especially at ease using a

count on... no matter what is thrown

travel agent, who played a vital role in

at us individually, we are a team,"

helping them select their destination.

Lisa offered. What great insight!

When considering their post–wedding

planning! Katelynn also offered, "What

trip, ease was on their minds.

I didn't realize is that a travel agent

"The last thing that you want to

is of no extra cost to the traveler...

do after a wedding is think about

they work for you and make sure that

spending more money. When we got

your needs are meet, which is another

there everything was paid for, so we

great feature!"

just got to relax and enjoy ourselves,"

Their honeymoon destination was

Katelynn reminisced.

so perfect that Katelynn stated,

Utilizing a travel agent helped them to

"I think that we both learned

stay on track with their budget.

after our honeymoon that we LOVE

They were even offered an "option B"

to travel and would love to have

in case there was a hurricane the

an island lifestyle!" That sounds

week of their honeymoon. Now that's

absolutely perfect.

This couple chose an all–inclusive

but I don't ever want to take another

honeymoon package.

big trip in my lifetime without a travel

They have something to look

agent! All Jacob and I had to do was

forward to... their wedding and their

tell her what we wanted, and she made

honeymoon. "When we get there, we

it happen."

won't have to spend another penny

Even throughout their engagement,

on any part of our trip! All food,

many lessons have been learned. "Since

activities, air and land transportation,

being engaged, Jacob and I continue

and even spa packages can be booked

to learn what it means to compromise.

and paid for before we are even

Planning for the future has been a big

married," informed Amy.

part of our engagement as we look

They chose a travel agent by accident

forward to starting our life together,"

when Amy happened to just stop in

Amy explained.

their office one day. She assured, "I have never used a travel agency, 63

Photo by Allegra’s Studio

the bride’s guide to have and to hold Publisher/Editor Jennifer L Prince Creative Director Sabrena Deal Design Assistants Grace Bodie Stephanie Budd Katlyn Sheppard Contributing Writers Temple Ansell Lawrence Compter Jennifer L Prince Hilary Sutton Michelle Wood

Vendors Avoca Museum Aztec Rental b. Jane


Java Marketing



Little Strummer Girl


Loch Haven Lake

Bank of the James


Locust Thicket

cover photo: Allegra’s Studio cover arrangement: Perfect Arrangement

Bodyworks Day Spa & Salon

clutch, the bride’s guide to have and to hold is an

Bowen Jewelry Company


53 52

Love Is in the Air




Lynchburg Snapshot Studio


annual publication To contact us for advertising, comments or questions: please email

Central Virginia Orthodontics City View by the James


Lynchburg True Value

front inside cover


Marriage Alliance of Central Virginia

or call 434-851-2224 Copyright 2014 by 7 Hills Publishing. Contents within are for informational purposes only and may not be copied in any way in whole or part without written consent from clutch. All views expressed are that of the authors and not necessarily that of clutch. Advertisers are not inevitably

Craddock Terry Hotel & Event Center back inside cover

Music, Music & More Music Perfect Arrangement

bloom by Doyle’s

be reliable at the time of printing. Our pictorial material

Petal Flower Company Evergreen Lavender Farm

Sierra Vista Farmbasket

held responsible for infringements arising out of such usage. As much as is humanly possible, wholehearted attempts have been made for our publication to be as


21 Sorella Farms

Gilded Thimble


43 The Trivium Estate

Gladiola Girls

Travelbugs Hill City Bride


62 62

back cover S Carter Studios

Holiday Inn Downtown Lynchburg


59 Visions by Heather Photography

accurate as possible, and we hope that those who read it realize the purpose of our publication is to bring about



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Inglewood Lavender Farm


40 Winridge Manor


thought and creativity to its readership.







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