Dec 3

Page 1

Vol. 1 No.141

Monday Dec. 3 2012

‫יום ב’ פ’ וישב‬ ‫י”ט כסלו תשע”ג‬


4:29.....‫שקיעה‬ 5:29...............60 5:41...............72

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Fast Car Service 347.407.4800 Checkout Page 5

Inspiration: A Tzadik asks forgiveness

Page 3


718-435-1223 1317 36th street Brooklyn ny


New Breah Automotive Serving the community for over 30 years

Danny & Mordechai Rosenblum

Sugar and carbs, and your weight Page 4


Grilled Cheese Rolls

Page 8

Over your coffee

Page 10

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A Tzadik asks forgiveness Rav Shlomo Zalman Hakohen of Vilna zt”l once inadvertently embarrassed someone. He then felt extremely guilty and quickly searched all over for the man in order to ask him for forgiveness. However, he could not find the man. Day after day, Rav Shlomo Zalman searched, he searched in all the shuls, in the marketplace, and he combed the streets, all to no avail. It seemed like that the person who he embarrassed was just a visitor in Vilna at the time and had evidently returned to his town of residence. Rav Shlomo Zalman was heartbroken and could not forgive himself for hurting another Yid. Rav Shlomo Zalman’s father in law couldn’t bear to see his son in law suffering so and thus thought of plan and hired a Yungerman to act as if he was the visitor that Rav Shlomo Zalman had hurt in order to finally let his son in law have peace of mind. The next day, Rav Shlomo Zalman was hurrying through the streets when he bumped into this “visitor”. “Sholom Aleichem, Rav Shlomo Zalman” The visitor said. Rav Shlomo Zalman


questioned who he was and the visitor answered, “We met in Shul a few years back.” Rav Shlomo Zalman was delighted with whom he found but after a few minutes of talk he discerned that it was not the person whom he was looking for. Rav Shlomo Zalman once again became extremely distraught. This went on for a while until Rav Shlomo Zalman’s father in law decided to approach the Vilna Gaon zt”l. The Goan asked that Rav Shlomo Zalman be brought before him. Rav Shlomo Zalman arrived and the Gaon explained that when a person commits a wrong, the next step is to do all within his power to do Teshuvah. The Gaon expounded, “Rav Shlomo Zalman, you did everything possible, within all your capabilities to find this person and apologize to him. At present, you cannot do more than this and therefore, Hashem has put into that person’s heart a feeling to forgive you. Rest assured- you are now forgiven.” Upon hearing the Gaon’s clarifying words, a boulder dislodged itself from Rav Shlomo Zalman’s heart and he went home, happy and relieved.

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How Sugar and carb Calories Affect Your Weight

Your body will never waste a calorie. Each calorie is either burned for energy or stored for later use. Calories come in three forms, fat, protein and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are interesting. The basic building block of all carbohydrates, whether simple or complex, is a single sugar molecule called glucose. This means that all carbohydrates, from whole grains to table sugar, will eventually break down into a single glucose molecule. Glucose is the main energy source for all cells, including your heart, brain and muscles. But here’s where it gets interesting: Sugar, if it’s not burned immediately, can actually be stored in two forms. Glucose Stores as Glycogen or Fat Glycogen is one form in which the body stores excess glucose. Glycogen is a long chain of glucose molecules stored in mostly muscle tissue. But there’s a problem with storing sugar as glycogen. It requires water and the muscles have limited storage capacity. To get around this, the human body developed a pathway to convert glucose into fat. That’s right — sugar can become body fat. And eventually the increase in body fat will increase the number on your bathroom scale.

This means that leftover glucose will be converted into fat and an increase in weight is likely to follow. Sugar is an Issue for All of Us In case you’re thinking that excess sugar isn’t an issue for you, keep in mind that simple sugars can be found in many everyday products. Anything in a box or a can is definitely going to contain an ample amount of simple sugars. Energy drinks, smoothies, lowfat foods, cereals, breads, teas and sodas are literally loaded with corn syrup and table sugar. Again, all of this breaks down into the single sugar molecule called glucose. And if it’s not burned immediately, the body will eventually store it as glycogen or body fat. Remember, every single carb no matter what form will eventually break down into glucose, thus raising blood sugar levels. In return the body will have to convert some to fat and storage it in the fat cells. The Bottom line, you will have to watch the amount of sugar and carbs you consume, in order to keep your weight under control.

Burning sugar calories through exercise will make your body less likely to create body fat from excess sugar. But if we are honest, many of us don’t exercise enough.


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Grilled Cheese Rolls A different kind of “grilled cheese� way to start you day (Serves 2) Ingredients: 6 slices wheat bread 6 pieces American cheese 1 tbsp butter Directions: 1. Cut the crusts off the bread. 2. Flatten your crust less bread squares with a rolling pin and then top each slice of bread with one piece of cheese (do not be tempted to use more cheese; in this case, one is plenty). 3. Melt butter in a pan over medium heat. 4. Roll your cheese squares up and cook them in the melted butter over medium heat. Ensure that, at first, the seam-side is down in order to secure them. Cook for about five minutes until the cheese is melted. Roll them over occasionally while cooking to assure crisp results on both sides.

5. Remove from the pan and your grilled cheese rolls are now ready to enjoy!


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‫כולל חצות‬

‫די סגולה מיט די "כח התורה"‬


‫איין ישועה ברענגט די צווייטע!‬ ‫דער פאלגענדער מעסעדזש האבן‬ ‫מיר ערהאלטן מיט עטליכע טעג‬ ‫צוריק‪:‬‬ ‫א גוט יאר אייך‪ ,‬כ'האב געזעהן מיט‬ ‫עטליכע וואכן צוריק אז איר האט‬ ‫פובליצירט די ישועה וואס מיר האבן‬ ‫געהאט דורך "כולל חצות" – אז איך‬ ‫האב געליטן פון א געזונט‪-‬צושטאנד‬ ‫און מיר האבן געמאכט אן אפוינטמענט‬ ‫ביי א גרויסן דאקטאר – און מיט די‬ ‫הילף פון די לומדי הכולל שליט"א איז‬ ‫עס גענצליך אויסגעהיילט געווארן‬ ‫ב"ה‪ ,‬און מיר האבן זיך איינגעשפארט‬ ‫דעם זעלבן סכום וואס עס האט זיך‬ ‫געזאלט אפקאסטן די דאקטאר‪-‬‬ ‫געלט!‬ ‫אלס הכרת הטוב שפיר איך פאר‬ ‫וויכטיג צוצולייגן‪ ,‬אז די מעשה האט‬ ‫זיך נישט דארט געענדיגט‪ .‬מיט‬ ‫עטליכע טעג שפעטער האב איך‬ ‫באמערקט אז מיין ישועה איז געווען‬ ‫א טאפלטע‪.‬‬ ‫שוין לאנגע יארן וואס איך פלעג‬ ‫האבן א אויסשלאג אויף מיינע‬ ‫הענט‪ ,‬מיר זענען שוין געווען באזוכן‬ ‫ביי פילצאליגע דאקטוירים און מיר‬ ‫האבן שוין אויספרובירט אלע סארטן‬ ‫שמירן און עצות‪ ,‬נאטורליכע און‬ ‫מעדיצינישע‪ ,‬אבער אן ערפאלג‪ .‬אזוי‬ ‫ווייט אז איך האב זיך שוין צוגעוואוינט‬

‫דערצו‪ ,‬און כ'האב אויפגעגעבן אויף‬ ‫רפואות‪.‬‬ ‫יעצט – נאכדעם וואס איך בין ב"ה‬ ‫געהיילט געווארן פון מיין געזונט‪-‬‬ ‫צושטאנד דורך די הילף פון "כולל‬ ‫חצות" – האב איך עטליכע טעג‬ ‫דערנאך באטראכט מיינע הענט‪ ,‬און‬ ‫‪ ...‬דער אויסשלאג איז מער נישטא!‬ ‫ס'איז געגאנגען אזוי ווי ס'איז געקומען‪,‬‬ ‫נישט איבערלאזנדיג נאך זיך קיין שום‬ ‫זכר!‬

‫דורך די סגולה פון לערנען‬ ‫ביי חצות וועלן אלע‬ ‫מחלות נעלם ווערן!‬

‫ווערט א שותף מיט‬ ‫די לומדי הכולל וואו‬ ‫אידן זעען כסדר‬ ‫ישועות‬

‫די קטורת‬ ‫סגולה‪:‬‬

‫איינציגסטע‬ ‫סגולה וואס ווערט‬ ‫דערמאנט אין די‬ ‫תורה הקדושה‬

‫לימוד‬ ‫משניות‬ ‫וש"ס‪:‬‬

‫לויט אייער פארלאנג‬ ‫לע"נ עלטערן\‬ ‫משפחה‪-‬מיטגלידער\‬ ‫א‪.‬ד‪.‬ג‪.‬‬

‫וואך נאכט‬ ‫שמירה‪:‬‬

‫לימוד התורה פארן‬ ‫קינד'ס שמירה דורך די‬ ‫לומדי הכולל שליט"א‬

‫)תשובת בית הלל‪ ,‬קאלמייע – ספר המידות(‬

‫"כולל חצות" אין מאנסי בקרוב!‬ ‫א העכסט‪-‬פאזיטיווער באריכט ווערט געמאלדן פון אפיס‬ ‫פון "כולל חצות"‪ ,‬אז אויפן פארלאנג פון א ריזן ציבור תושבי‬ ‫מאנסי יע"א‪ ,‬ווערט אין די טעג אוועקגעשטעלט די יסודות‬ ‫צום עפענונג פונעם נייעם "כולל חצות – מאנסי יע"א"‪ ,‬און‬ ‫דאס וועט בעז"ה פארברייטערן די הייליגע סגולות והשפעות‬ ‫קיין מאנסי יע"א‪.‬‬ ‫"כולל חצות" מעלדט‪ :‬חשוב'ע אינגעלייט! אויב ווילט איר‬ ‫זיך אנשליסן אלס לומדי כולל חצות אין מאנסי‪ ,‬רופט אריין‬ ‫אין אפיס אויף ‪ ,1855-242-8967 #103‬מיר וועלן אייך האלטן‬ ‫אינפארמירט מיט די ווייטערדיגע אנטוויקלונגען‪ .‬הרחיבו‬ ‫מקום אהליך!‬

‫‪1855-CHATZOS 2 4 2 - 8 9 6 7‬‬ ‫‪9‬‬

‫חצות‬ ‫שותפות‪:‬‬


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Napoleon Bonaparte was always trying to give his troops an edge in battle. Apparently he though that his men spoke too loudly at times (not a great idea when you don’t want to give up your location), so he set about to find a way to fix that. Night writing, a tactile military code of communication, was developed by Charles Barbier in the early 1800’s in response to Napoleon’s demand for a way of silent communication among his men. It proved to be too difficult for his men to master, however, and was rejected by the military. In 1821, Barbier took his idea to the National Institute for the Blind in Paris, where he met with none other than Louis Braille. Braille discovered a couple of defects in Barbier’s method, made some changes, and developed the form of Braille visually impaired people still use today.

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Protein is in each of the trillions of cells in the human body. There could be no life without protein. The only other substance more plentiful in the body is water. Approximately 1820% of the body is protein by weight.

Napoleon Helped to Invent Braille (a writing system used by the blind)!

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