Vol. 1 No.142
Tuesday Dec. 4 2012
יום ג’ פ’ וישב כ’ כסלו תשע”ג
4:29.....שקיעה 5:29...............60 5:41...............72
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Inspiration: Attaining our Homeland
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New Breah Automotive Serving the community for over 30 years
Danny & Mordechai Rosenblum
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Good Morning Sunshine Bars
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Over your coffee
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Attaining our Homeland The Bohousher Rebbe, Rav Yitzchok Friedman zatzal was helping a Yishuv in Eretz Yisroel get back on its feet after it had fallen on difficult times. A group of secular Zionists heard about the fact that the Rebbe was offering his assistance to the Yishuv and approached the Rebbe asking if perhaps the Rebbe could join their group. They explained that the Jewish people very much need their own land; a place where they can feel safe and secure. “Why did you chose Eretz Yisroel as your homeland? Perhaps you could settle in any other country” The Rebbe asked them. The Zionist group was shaken to hear the Bohousher Rebbe asking this question and promptly answered,
“Rebbe, Eretz Yisroel is our land; it belongs to us!” “Well…” The Rebbe continued. “If so, show me your documents proving that the land is yours?” The Zionists looked at each sheepishly. “We do not have such a document, Rebbe.” “I am in possession of the document, come and I will show you,” the Rebbe said emphatically. He pulled out a Chumash and pronounced, “This is our document. Here it says that Hashem gave Eretz Yisroel to us, heilige yidden. However, a deal was made, only if we keep the Torah and Mitzvos then do we have a right to claim Eretz Yisroel.” He turned to the Zionists, “you say Eretz Yisroel is yours, let me teach you about Torah and Mitzvos, if not you cannot claim it!
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Ridges in Your Nails Point to Larger Health Problems
Ridges in your nails are more than just a cosmetic problem; they can also be signs of disease. Nail ridges are actually like frontline indicators for disease development and progression. According to Dr. Rhett Drugge, editorin-chief of The Electronic Textbook of Dermatology, low thyroid and B12 deficiency are two big reasons for unsightly nail ridges. Low Thyroid Leads to Ugly Nails Thyroid hormone is like your metabolic throttle. Without it, your metabolism comes to a screeching halt. Low thyroid can affect everything from your head to your toes … literally. Horizontal lines and brittle nails may indicate that you need a thyroid workup. Low thyroid also makes tearing nails very easy, which isn’t uncommon at all for thyroid patients. Think you need your thyroid checked? See your doctor for laboratory testing. We suggest testing for TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and the two forms of thyroid hormone – T4 and T3. Make sure your doctor checks the following: total T4, free T4, and free T3. Some good, thyroid supporting nutrients include: tyrosine, iodine, magnesium, and trace minerals such as copper and manganese. If your thyroid is low you might have to take thyroid hormone to correct it.
necessarily guarantee that you won’t be B12 deficient. Some elderly people, for example, eat large amounts of meat but are still B12 deficient because they don’t have enough intrinsic factor — a protein that’s necessary for B12 absorption. Also, many older Americans are prescribed proton-pump inhibitors (anti acid meds), like omeprazole (Prilosec), for heartburn and reflux disease, which inhibit B12 absorption. So, if you’re taking a proton-pump-inhibitor, definitely consult with your doctor about supplementing with vitamin B12. If you decide to supplement with B12, we suggest using methylcobalamin, which is the active form of the vitamin. The best way to take methylcobalamin is sublingually (under the tongue), and the average dose is usually between 1 and 5 mg a day. The Do’s and Don’ts of Nail Care We’ve gone over the common causes and steps for addressing unsightly nail ridges, but what else can you do to help promote strong and healthy nails? Here are 4 simple, yet powerful, tips to keep in mind: Don’t share your nail file Wear the right shoe size Don’t go barefoot Hydrate your cuticles with oils, like oil of oregano
Warning Signs of a B12 Deficiency Ridges in your nails can also be warning signs of a vitamin B12 problem. Diet, age, and drugs are all common culprits behind a B12 deficiency. Though red meat is the best source of B12, a diet that includes meat doesn’t
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Good Morning Sunshine Bars A delectable treat to put a smile on your face! (Yields approximately 2 dozen) Ingredients: 6 cups Rice Chex cereal (another crispy cereal could be used but Rice Chex are ideal) 1 ¼ cups roasted, salted peanuts, roughly chopped 1 cup dark brown sugar 1 cup light corn syrup 1 cup creamy peanut butter 1 ½ tsp salt 1 tbsp pure vanilla extract 6 oz dark chocolate - melted (the exact quantity may not be needed as the idea is to have just a drizzle of chocolate in each bite, not a coating) Directions: 1. Lightly grease a 9×13-inch pan and line it with parchment paper or aluminum foil (with a little butter, or any choice–nonstick cooking spray). Lightly grease the liner as well. 2. In a large bowl, toss together the cereal and the peanuts. 3. In a medium, heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat, melt together the brown sugar and corn syrup, stirring often. Bring the mixture to a boil and let bubble for a further full minute (do not boil longer than this, lest your bars turn out hard instead of chewy). 4. Remove the pan from the heat. Stir in the peanut butter until smooth, stir in the salt and vanilla extract. Pour the caramel mixture over the cereal, and using a large spoon or spatula, toss well to completely coat the cereal (TIP: lightly spraying your spoon or spatula with a little cooking spray helps this task enormously). 5. Turn the mixture out into the prepared pan and press into an even layer. 6. Let set at room temperature for about an hour. You can speed things up by placing the pan in the fridge for 15 to 20 minutes. 7. Drizzle the melted chocolate over the bars and refrigerate long enough to set the chocolate - about 10 minutes. Remove the slab from the pan and cut into 2 dozen bars (or make them smaller, if you so desire). Store in an airtight container at room temperature.
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כולל חצות
די סגולה מיט די "כח התורה"
איין ישועה ברענגט די צווייטע! דער פאלגענדער מעסעדזש האבן מיר ערהאלטן מיט עטליכע טעג צוריק: א גוט יאר אייך ,כ'האב געזעהן מיט עטליכע וואכן צוריק אז איר האט פובליצירט די ישועה וואס מיר האבן געהאט דורך "כולל חצות" – אז איך האב געליטן פון א געזונט-צושטאנד און מיר האבן געמאכט אן אפוינטמענט ביי א גרויסן דאקטאר – און מיט די הילף פון די לומדי הכולל שליט"א איז עס גענצליך אויסגעהיילט געווארן ב"ה ,און מיר האבן זיך איינגעשפארט דעם זעלבן סכום וואס עס האט זיך געזאלט אפקאסטן די דאקטאר- געלט! אלס הכרת הטוב שפיר איך פאר וויכטיג צוצולייגן ,אז די מעשה האט זיך נישט דארט געענדיגט .מיט עטליכע טעג שפעטער האב איך באמערקט אז מיין ישועה איז געווען א טאפלטע. שוין לאנגע יארן וואס איך פלעג האבן א אויסשלאג אויף מיינע הענט ,מיר זענען שוין געווען באזוכן ביי פילצאליגע דאקטוירים און מיר האבן שוין אויספרובירט אלע סארטן שמירן און עצות ,נאטורליכע און מעדיצינישע ,אבער אן ערפאלג .אזוי ווייט אז איך האב זיך שוין צוגעוואוינט
דערצו ,און כ'האב אויפגעגעבן אויף רפואות. יעצט – נאכדעם וואס איך בין ב"ה געהיילט געווארן פון מיין געזונט- צושטאנד דורך די הילף פון "כולל חצות" – האב איך עטליכע טעג דערנאך באטראכט מיינע הענט ,און ...דער אויסשלאג איז מער נישטא! ס'איז געגאנגען אזוי ווי ס'איז געקומען, נישט איבערלאזנדיג נאך זיך קיין שום זכר!
דורך די סגולה פון לערנען ביי חצות וועלן אלע מחלות נעלם ווערן!
ווערט א שותף מיט די לומדי הכולל וואו אידן זעען כסדר ישועות
די קטורת סגולה:
איינציגסטע סגולה וואס ווערט דערמאנט אין די תורה הקדושה
לימוד משניות וש"ס:
לויט אייער פארלאנג לע"נ עלטערן\ משפחה-מיטגלידער\ א.ד.ג.
וואך נאכט שמירה:
לימוד התורה פארן קינד'ס שמירה דורך די לומדי הכולל שליט"א
)תשובת בית הלל ,קאלמייע – ספר המידות(
"כולל חצות" אין מאנסי בקרוב! א העכסט-פאזיטיווער באריכט ווערט געמאלדן פון אפיס פון "כולל חצות" ,אז אויפן פארלאנג פון א ריזן ציבור תושבי מאנסי יע"א ,ווערט אין די טעג אוועקגעשטעלט די יסודות צום עפענונג פונעם נייעם "כולל חצות – מאנסי יע"א" ,און דאס וועט בעז"ה פארברייטערן די הייליגע סגולות והשפעות קיין מאנסי יע"א. "כולל חצות" מעלדט :חשוב'ע אינגעלייט! אויב ווילט איר זיך אנשליסן אלס לומדי כולל חצות אין מאנסי ,רופט אריין אין אפיס אויף ,1855-242-8967 #103מיר וועלן אייך האלטן אינפארמירט מיט די ווייטערדיגע אנטוויקלונגען .הרחיבו מקום אהליך!
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חצות שותפות:
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Over Your Coffee They say... Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely. Did you know...? Because Venus rotates very slowly on its axis (taking 243 days to make a complete rotation), a day on Venus is longer than its year.
Dolphins sometime have trouble adapting to new ways of life. For instance, dolphins mainly rely on raw fish diets that they hunt for themselves. When in captivity, they are fed pieces of fish from humans, which can shock the dolphins and send them spiraling into suicide. Dolphins die from smashing their heads on the walls, but it is not always intentional! Many times, the dolphins will get excited and not understand the boundaries of the tanks they are in, so much so that they accidentally continually crash into them!
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Venus is often called Earth’s twin because it is the closest planet in size to Earth. Scientists estimate the diameter of Venus at about 7,520 miles, making it approximately 400 miles smaller in diameter than Earth.
Captive Dolphins commit suicide! One of the major causes of death among captive dolphins is suicide. They kill themselves in many different ways from just refusing to eat all the way to the extreme of smashing their heads against walls!
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