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The BLUNT Truth

The Current Buzz Vol 3 Issue 8

happy anniversary!!! we offer you the gift of knowledge By: TCB Staff

At The Current Buzz, our mission has been and will be unvarnished facts and truths. We are not selling candidates, political parties, or even dispensaries or strains of MMJ. Our only goal will always be to give you solid data and help you to make decisions based on that data. Your rights are being tampered with. Anyone been caught up in the pain management fiasco can attest to the horrible outcome where only the patients suffered in the end. The politicos suffered no ill consequences from the fallout, but many people across the country are sitting at home, locked out of a medical system that was expected to help them. Medical cannabis was a Godsend and came at a time when many were desperate for hope. Now there are people in Washington who want MMJ to be erased from legality once and for all.

If you have been paying attention, you know that MMJ is STILL a Schedule ONE NARCOTIC on the Federal register. It is considered as dangerous as heroin (no medical benefits, highly dangerous), and Federal courts will arrest and incarcerate as such; your sentence will be MUCH worse for marijuana than for cocaine or opioids. Bill Barr, the current Attorney General wants marijuana to go away. He wants that very much. He does not hide his disdain for it. He has gone to great lengths to reverse legalization in many states. He admits this freely. Joe Biden will most likely not legalize marijuana outright. Let’s be clear. We have information on why the federal government has been hanging up every time we call them out on legalization. Read on for more on this. continued on page 6

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The Current Buzz Vol 3 Issue 8 The Current Buzz, LLC is a subsidiary of Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc. 11215-D N Garnett Rd Owasso, OK 74055 918.553.6642 • 918.260.7195

DISCLAIMER The Current Buzz is printed by Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc, PO Box 582, Skiatook, OK 74070. Contents copyright © 2020 by The Current Buzz, LLC. Editorial contributions are welcome, but once received become the property of Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc. Good pics are also welcome, but they must be exclusive. All pics submitted must include photographer’s name and contact information. Send photos to: Once submitted pictures become property of Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc and may be used or sold as we deem fit. Send editorials, comments, suggestions to: The Current Buzz is received with the knowledge that the information contained herein is from many diverse contributors; therefore, Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc and The Current Buzz, LLC assume no responsibility or warranty as to entirety and/or correctness of content. The Current Buzz is not affiliated with any group or organization and articles, photographs, and illustrations printed herein or on our website should not be deemed an endorsement by Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc or The Current Buzz, LLC of particular products, practices, or beliefs. The beliefs and attitudes written in articles and letters are the author’s and do not reflect the point of view of Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc or The Current Buzz, LLC and/or their employees or agents. All cannabis strain information is based on internet research. The Current Buzz does not guarantee the accuracy of information provided. The Current Buzz does not endorse or promote consumption, purchase and/or sale of cannabis strains and canna related products. The displayed strain data should be treated as an informative tool, and not as a medical recommendation or promotion of cannabis use. Please consult your medical professional to see if consuming medical cannabis is right for you and a proper treatment for your medical condition(s).

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The BLUNT Truth

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Page 6 continued from cover... Governor Stitt supports Barr’s efforts. We covered this last month. For those of you who missed it, we have our past issues online at www. Governor Stitt shut down HB3228 and has not allowed any edits or revisions to bring it back for another vote by the Oklahoma House. HB3228 would have loosened many restrictions on how patients could get their medical marijuana, allowed people from out of state to obtain short-term licenses while getting cancer treatments. We have Cancer Treatment Center of America in Tulsa, and it would have offered up so many new opportunities for card holders.

The BLUNT Truth

But the Bill has been shut down in its entirety. What Stitt DID was keep 15 million in state tax dollars collected between March and May. He never complained about that, but he HAS requested that 1,000 dispensaries across the state be closed. We have mixed feelings (there are way too many dispensaries). Do we need so many dispensaries? Probably not, but is he quietly shutting the industry down as a whole while we are not paying enough attention? Oklahoma’s failure to legalize recreational marijuana was a mistake against us. What users saw as tax insanity lawmakers

saw as a win that Oklahomans did not want rec use in the state. They missed the point that what Okies did not want was the 30 percent tax.

conversing cannabis could be useful at your next doctor’s appointment.

PLEASE NOTE: We need you to READ. Then we need you to talk to your friends and family But where there’s frustration, about what is going on in the there is hope. We can always world. Then, one last thing, we file a petition for another ballot beg you to VOTE. Not just for to legalize recreational. You see, MMJ legislation, but vote for the last recreational bill was Senators, Congresspeople, proposed in such a way that the Presidents, even Dogcatchers. state made it seem unappealing It ALL MATTERS. We are not to users statewide. Even with telling you which candidates the 30 percent tax, having the to choose. I want them ALL right to recreational would have to lose their seats and have a been a boon - users could grow Battle Royale to the death to their own, people would not go decide who gets to stay, but the to prison and lose everything big Bossman says ‘NO’, I can’t for simple offenses and we make that my suggestion, but could fight for a referendum seeing McConnell and Schumer to lower the tax once we got battling in sparkle onesies would legal. Always read the fine print, sell itself. Think about it. amigos. Please VOTE! What have we learned since legalization? Cheap isn’t always a good thing, but neither is the most expensive. If you need to know more on how to grow on a budget, we have a gift on pages 12-13 to help you know more and keep your money while using less to get you further into your happy, painless place. We also have data on page 7 that

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conversing cannabis

The BLUNT Truth

Page 7

scary medical news you need to know now by Amy Addams I don’t even know how to approach this with y’all. Honestly, when I read the article that started me down this rabbit hole, I verified my data in many different places and I still can’t believe this is real, but it is.

What scared me most is that the data gathered from doctors who oppose marijuana as a medically viable drug skews how doctors see a patient’s marijuana use. It can, and will, lead to physicians feeling compelled to call employers It appears that our Health and to alert them that employees Human Services Department, are using marijuana during who is the group that also off hours. It will also lead to puts out the Journal of the supporting Bill Barr’s initiative American Medical Association to de-legalize marijuana every month, has also put through showing proof that it out a mandate to physicians is ‘addictive’ even though the nationwide that they should data is skewed to favor Barr’s ask patients if they are using theory that marijuana is bad for marijuana. That is not the America. Acting on CUD violates issue, but, if your doctor asks HIPAA rights, and many patients you how much you use and will not have open and honest your answer gives your doctor conversations with their doctors an uncomfortable feeling, out of fear of what doctors may you could be labeled with do. “Cannabis Use Disorder” or CUD. What alarmed me were More scary information is that the loose definitions of CUD law enforcement can request and how easily anyone could your medical records without be labeled as an addict without subpoena or formal court their knowledge or any further documents. How that factors discussion with their doctor. in to “Cannabis Use Disorder” CUD definition is vague, broad is different from any other drug in scope and could be used to issues. Why marijuana users define anyone using marijuana are singled out in this way in any capacity for any reason makes no sense to us. at any time. It is unclear if CUD is defining the withdrawal CUD all began with a 2016 from opioids, antidepressants, study conducted by the National alcohol, or another drug or if it Institute on Alcohol Abuse and is really defining an addiction to Addiction (NIAAA) and was marijuana. It seems that CUD published in the American can be a ‘problem’ with as few Journal of Psychiatry in March. as 2% or as many as 9% of It has been published in the Americans according to the Journal of the American Medical definition. Association (JAMA) in June and House and Human Services

have put a lot of effort into ensuring physicians get on board with this. Cannabis Use Disorder is listed on the DSM-IV with the following symptoms:

1. “Cannabis is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended.”

8. “Recurrent cannabis use 2. There is a persistent desire or in situations in which it is unsuccessful efforts to cut down physically hazardous.” or control cannabis use.” 9. “Cannabis use is continued 3. “A great deal of time is spent despite knowledge of having a in activities necessary to obtain persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that cannabis, use cannabis, or is likely to have been caused or recover from its effects.” exacerbated by cannabis.” 4. “Craving, or a strong desire or 10. Tolerance (needing more urge to use cannabis.” over time or feeling decreased effects from the same amount). 5. “Recurrent cannabis use resulting in a failure to fulfill We are not even going to bother major role obligations at work, to respond to these symptoms. school, or home.” They are ridiculous ideas that describe a cocaine addict more 6. “Continued cannabis use than a marijuana user. If you despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal have been using marijuana for a long time, you’ll be irritable problems caused or when you stop. Ever quit exacerbated by the effects of coffee? I will cut you if you mess cannabis.” with my Keurig. Let’s outlaw 7. “Important social, Starbucks. occupational, or recreational activities are given up or Move on. reduced because of cannabis use.”

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The BLUNT Truth

conversing culture

stop with the myths! higher thc won’t make you higher by TCB Staff and the other half 16-24 percent THC. The study found that high THC group was not nearly as compromised as expected, despite having so much THC in their blood, nor were they as mentally or physically compromised as expected, some even less so than the group who partook of the lower THC cannabis. What really got researchers was the idea that if this same study was conducted with alcohol, the results would have been predictable with alcohol concentrations, but not You’ve probably heard so with THC. So, THC is not the about the entourage The study examined 121 regular wildcard, it is only a piece of the effect by now. And puzzle. But that leaves us with users of canna concentrates, terpene profiles more questions than answers. and cannabinoids. giving half 70-90 percent THC

We’ve all done it. Bought the top shelf MMJ with that monster THC percentage thinking it was the best in the dispensary, only to get home and find it to be so-so. You sit there, waiting for it to ‘kick in’, maybe you did something wrong… What if we told you that you were wasting your money on top shelf MMJ?

There is so much more to your smoking success than a high THC number. Colorado University Boulder did a big study to find out what made for a successful buzz. What they found was surprising. It’s not big THC, it’s big scent. Yep, follow your nose and the smellier stuff is likely to give the greatest return (we covered this in June, then found this study after). The terpenes that give MMJ its smell will give you an indicator as to whether you will like it as a potential potentate.

cannabis culture

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The BLUNT Truth

How can you decide what MMJ works for you? Sorry to say, there is no triedand-true plan for everyone, BUT there is a quick way to find out what terpene group your body responds to best. The best method is to keep a record of what marijuana strains you enjoyed most. Find out the terpene profiles for those strains and you will most likely see a pattern develop almost immediately. You will be able to gauge what terpenes work best for you from here. If you have problems, take your list to your dispensary and have your budtender get to work. You will want to ask your budtender what strains are available that are heavy with

your desired terpenes or learn all you can about what your favorite strains smell like. It takes a little effort, but in no time, you can pick out your terpene profile with just a few sniffs. Like a perfumer, you will be able to sniff out a winner from a mile away. Next visit to your local dispensary, don’t migrate to the top shelf, take a minute and try the terpene thing first. You’ll keep money in your pocket and get more for your marijuana. You’ll thank us later and be a entourage expert in no time.

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Carbon Dioxide ENRICHMENT • The air today has a natural CO2 concentration level of 350~400ppm. Plants have ability to consume up to 1500 ppm of CO2. • Supplementing CO2 can increase yield and growth by 20% or more. • When using high powered lights, CO2 supplementation increases plants ability to photosynthesize. • Adding CO2 can make plants more resistant to heat and light stress. • CO2 burners emit other gases during combustion that can be detrimental to plant health. A steady supply of CO2 gas is the most effective method for carbon dioxide supplementation.

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The BLUNT Truth

conversing cannabis

strokin’ out? the facts on cannabis and stroke risk by Amiea Eleban (and a chigger bite) can do to you.

Not too long ago, a study was published in the American Association for the American Advancement of Science claiming that frequent cannabis use by 20-somethings had an increased risk of stroke, but something about the study felt off, so we back-burnered it just

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The whole study failed to tell what was needed, but isn’t that the point? We don’t read the stories, we read the headlines, a paragraph or two and in our mad-dash lives, we get on with stuff. Don’t matter, because they left out the dirty parts, like the real dangers were compounded by the add-ons like cigarettes, because of its use of one word: booze and other drugs and risky behaviors like oil vaping. POTENTIAL. Their claim of Yep, dem kids was out runnin’ a “potential link” rather than a amok, having a really good direct link made us scratch our heads for only a minute because time, not just hanging out in the use of ‘potential’ leaves a lot Mom’s basement, smoking a doob while writing a term paper. of room for interpretation (and But the writers left ALL those we had a chigger bite). Just parts out of course, leaving goes to show what one word their audience to believe that a 20-something could smoke some weed and drop over from a stroke at any moment. Imagine June Cleaver’s heart rate over reading the headline after learning nothing new! Suffice to say, our Spidey senses were tingling something fierce. This seems to be a regular thing these days. Are we advocates of 20-somethings getting ripped on weed? No, but a lot of kids will try it. It is not a gateway drug (well, maybe to Domino’s Pizza), it has been proven repeatedly that marijuana does not lead to worse things…at least on its own. Add in other stuff and we make no promises. Cigarettes are a bigger gateway drug than weed, with plenty of solid

medical evidence proving that fact. Moving on… BUT WAIT – IF you have preexisting conditions (including the undiagnosed variety), using marijuana can increase your blood pressure for up to THREE HOURS, especially for new users. As users’ systems become more familiar with it, their bodies will not always have this issue. If you have concerns, we will STRONGLY recommend you discuss them with your doctor before you begin a marijuana regimen. Here’s the happy part: We are here to tell you that you can take any database of material and mislead people to suit your story. We actually went to the database and found that there is no big red line connecting cannabis and stroke risk. If there is a risk of stroke for cannabis use, there is a risk for reading fairy tales, taking naps, bubble baths, and reading this here magazine. You are risking a stroke right now reading this magazine, but no more risk than when you partake of marijuana, medical or otherwise. The end. So, the takeaway? Read the whole story, take everything with a grain of salt, maybe a dash of garlic powder too, and learn a little more about a topic before you buy a story byline. There’s a lot of misinformation out there. We want you to have the FACTS.

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The BLUNT Truth

cultivating cannabis

grow, grow, grow your own; it’s easier than it seems by TCB Staff

We are very aware of the fact that we rarely cover much in the way of grow your own medicine. There’s a reason why; everyone seems to have a tried-and-true system already in our great state. OK is more than OK where grow your own is concerned. We’ll kick your Canna-ass. BUT, for those of you who do not grow, that seems rather rude, no matter how true it is. We felt like we were kinda leaving beginners to flounder along to either pay at the dispensary or figure everything

out for yourselves. We decided to stop being jerks and offer some sort of guide for the beginners to the MMJ GIY market and help us all on the way to starting something for our personal stash. If nothing else, you can use your first grow as a learning experience. Let’s start small. What we found at first glance: you can’t learn enough BEFORE you begin. Having said that, you also should not listen to everything you hear. We mean that. If you have some basic tomato plant skills, you can grow your

own cannabis. If you can grow organic tomatoes, you are king of the world. Seriously! If something sounds weird, it probably is, but it may be perfectly logical. For instance, we learned about a lighting technique where you provide lighting for your plants in a 6 hours on, 2 hours off rotation rather than the typical 18 hours on and six hours off many growers set their timers to. Why? It’s a bit gentler to an indoor grow using those HD lights. Do we KNOW that it’s foolproof? No, we don’t.

Back to the basics. Location Indoor grows seem to be the way to go these days, especially in these times of deer, squirrels, neighbors with sticky fingers, bugs, curious kids with access to rolling papers and matches… Which leads one to look for indoor space for housing the plants, locations where there is natural light (or plugs for lighting) and plastic housing to contain smell and humidity. Your spouse may be cranky about a

cultivating cannabis grow in living areas and if your space is at a premium in these ‘Covidian’ times of working, schooling from home, making all your meals at home and never doing anything outside.

your grow supplier poured into a porous fabric, tied-off and suspended in a five-gallon bucket full of clean water. It helps if you have an air stone to help it brew.

Consider places like a spare bedroom or bathroom, home office, a kitchen window, the top of the refrigerator, open shelving or even in an open space away from humanity, such as the garage or a building on your property where humans fear to tread. Take a walk around and look for space away from kids, dogs, cats and your spouse’s line of sight. Then ask permission. AFTER you set it up (forgiveness, not permission!).

Some things to know about the greatness of worm tea:

Pots, Medium, Other Stuff If your dollars need to make sinsemilla, using old landscaper’s pots, planter pots with saucers, or even old pots from outside will work fine, not a big deal, BUT your grow medium is a HUGE deal. DO NOT get skimpy on soil. We are going to suggest you make the investment in a trip to a grow supplier and see what they say. Pick brains. Learn all you can. Spend the money on a good marijuana grow medium. This is not the time for plain old potting soil. You can help supe up your soil with something called worm tea (don’t drink it), which is grow add-in for your soil. It takes a little work but can really help you help your plants. It requires one cup of worm castings from

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The BLUNT Truth

1. It can be made stronger or weaker depending on your soil or plant needs. 2. It is completely organic. 3. It has a lot of macro and micro nutrients as well as metals that soils have lost over time like organic carbon, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, sulphur, zinc and iron. It can also provide bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungus that your plants will need to stay healthy. Bone Meal

There’s more?!? If we have you freaking out over your little grow, don’t get excited just yet! The beginning is a steep learning curve but think of all that cash in your wallet later this year. You do need to know about bone meal. If you are not hiding

the bodies of your enemies in your back yard, we suggest you grab a bag at a local garden store. Bone meal raises soil pH, gives plants calcium, darker leaves and prevents blossomend rot. If your soil is too acidic, bone meal is cheap fix. You don’t want to get crazy with it, however. Optimal pH is between 7-7.5. If you can find a grower with a pH test strip kit (if you are using your own soil), ask to ‘borrow’ 2 strips, one to test your soil as-is, then after adding the appropriate amount of bone meal. (Hint: I had test strips from a fish tank that tested pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, phosphates and nutrient load that cost me about $6. If you water your soil with your choice of water source, you know what your soil’s issues are. Is it perfect? No, but it’s pretty close for a beginner with limited funds who is deciding if they are any good at this growing thing.) If you are a paranoid person who fears chemistry, many grow suppliers will help you with your science and test your soil, as will farm supply stores. Call around and ask questions. Tell farm supply stores you are growing tomatoes. Humidity Here’s another issue indoor growers have to deal with: HUMIDITY. UGH. Along with lighting, heating, cooling and chemicals, humidity is a key component to a good grow. If

you are closing off your plants from the rest of the room, they will be subject to humidity just like in any greenhouse and removing too much at the wrong time is not a good thing for your plants. Mold and pests love a moisture-rich grow room, so keeping your humidity in check is important. But it isn’t that hard to do. This is what we learned: it’s not a good thing to decide to crank up the air conditioning as a way to control the humidity in your grow, nor should you only run a dehumidifier at night. Plants transpire almost 99 percent of the water they receive. It’s a cycle of watering then dehumidifying. The MATH: If you have 10 plants that get half a gallon of water each = 5 gallons water. If you water every other day, that’s 2.5 gallons/day. Dehumidifiers use pints as a measure. There are eight pints in a gallon, so 99% of 2.5 gallons of water is 20 pints of water. You don’t want a Saharan desert in your grow room, so you may want to see how much humidity your A/C unit removes continued on page 15

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The BLUNT Truth

cannabis culture


it’s good for what ails ya I learned from Michelle at Great American Strains that Trainwreck is a hybrid-heavy sativa dominant. Guess Amy was correct in her article last month about indica/sativa/hybrid being a crock of crap because I wasn’t feeling very energetic. Actually, I didn’t feel like getting out my recliner...well, maybe I wuz energetic enuf to go over there and git hittin’ on them two boxes of Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pies I brought back in my saddle bags.

My niece’s buddy, Hector, is a disabled American Veteran. He served our great nation over there in one of those sandbox countries where they wear towels on their heads instead of one of these red “Make America Great Again” caps like I have. Now he and my niece have a very special kinship because one day while they were talking on the phone his platoon went out on patrol without him. During the mission, their vehicle hit an IED, killing everyone aboard. Needless to say, Hector has been on an emotional roller coaster ever since.

I say all of that to say this: Hector told me on more than one occasion the only relief he got from the tormenting demons in his head was when he smoked a strain of cannabis called “Trainwreck”. I thought he wuz shittin’ me when he told me there was a pot called Trainwreck. Now here I go findin’ it at my brother’s dispensary Great American Strains. Based on Hector’s praise of the plant, I had to git me some of it. Yep, they were selling 3.5 grams for 25 bucks. I told Michelle (she’s a budtender there) to gimme some of that.

On the day I bought it, my ol’ back was really bothering me from kickin’ on my old hardtail scoot, so I headed back to the trailer park ‘bout as fast as that old shovel would haul my skinny ass. Once I got there, I pushed my little ol’ dawg Piper aside and pulled out the OCB rollin’ papers. Quickly twisting a fatty, I put it to my lips and stuck my Zippo lighter to the end, inhaling deeply. After the third puff, my back pain began to ease up a little. About two thirds of the way thru, I noticed my mouth was drier’n a snake fart in the dust (yeah, coral snakes do fart).

Hector said this stuff is great for PTSD! By damn I am not so sure he is right, but Trainwreck is good for what ails ya, ‘cuz my mind was working overtime. I think I solved all of the world’s problems while on that shit. I went down a lot of rabbit holes thinkin’ about “What if…..” This Trainwreck came from a grower in Talala called Releaf Med Pharms, the same guy who grew the OG Kush in last month’s article. Kyle, I don’t know what you’re doing, but you need to keep it up. Trust your ol’ uncle on this one. Hey y’all, ‘til next time - wear your mask and carry your gun. Be safe out there!

cultivating cannabis continued from page 13 and play with your dehumidifier accordingly. Your plants want a bit of humidity in the air, depending on where they are in their grow cycle. We found a lovely chart from that will help you determine the humidity levels for each growing stage: Seedlings Humidity Level: Growth Week 1 60% Growth Week 2 60% Flowering Week 1 55% Flowering Week 2 50% Flowering Week 3 50% Flowering Week 4 50% Flowering Week 5 50% Flowering Week 6 45% Flowering Week 7 45% Flowering Week 8 40% Flowering Week 9 40% Avoid Simple Pitfalls Sometimes the simplest things are the ones that trip us up the fastest. Happens to the best of us. Did you know that most murderers are NOT caught because the tattooed chick in the FBI profile office solved it

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The BLUNT Truth

out the seeds are $100 for 10 measly seeds (I know, right?) or $40 for a cloned plant. That’s where planning comes in. You want to be prepared for these costs. Know what things will cost, have a plan for pests, diseases or fungus problems. They happen. It would be horrible to have a simple fix take your crop down because you couldn’t afford the $15 bottle of fixer.

The internet is a good resource; there are pictures of healthy plants, diseases, pests, and there are people who will answer your questions. Check out blogs for grow advice too. You should always crossreference every answer you are given just to make sure it’s sound advice.

Lastly, record what you do. Pictures are worth 1,000 words. Cross reference the pictures with your notes. Don’t expect perfection the first season. Plant a few seeds, take notes, learn Start with quality. Decide what all you can, make friends at the your game plan is, what is grow supply (we hear cookies needed, then see what you have are popular), and learn from on hand. If you can improvise other growers. with grow pots you painted to not be eyesores so you can dispensary invest in better seeds or clones, Medical Cannabis that will work. Shop around for supplies to get the best prices. Cannabis Oils See what you will need and Edibles when. Vaporizers Natural Hemp Don’t get seed cheap. Folks buy all these awesome pieces of equipment, expensive soil, lighting systems, then find

Websites to get you on your way:

with a hair, a matchbook and a half a fingerprint? Nope, most murders are solved because the culprit ran his (or her) mouth in a bar after a few drinks, someone overheard the story and saw a payday. We tell you this because marijuana plants are not tomatoes. It’s profitable for the guy down the street to steal your plants AFTER you did all that work. Do not announce to 50 of your closest friends that you are starting a grow. Even if your plants will be right in your kitchen window for all to see -deny, deny, deny.

Now is the perfect time to give this a try.

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Page 16

The BLUNT Truth

cannabis Care

are we getting what we need from our dispensaries?

by Amy Addams

Okies seemed so mariknowledgeable when we first went legal. I thought I was really lagging, so I read everything I could find. Then I learned that the data was old. And we had a whole new crop of crap to learn. But did we learn it? Did we want to? Hell, I dunno. My role is to help you get this stuff in your head with as little effort as possible. Then I want you to feel better. Maybe get well. Many of us are running our MMJ knowledge on outdated software, but budtenders are content to leave us in our ignorance of new products, strains, methods of intake, terpenes and effects. To be fair, budtenders are maxed out right now. It changes so fast, no one can keep up without a lot of reading and knowing where to go to get it. What makes this even tougher is that the new strains being developed are changing faster than the BTs can keep up with it. They have to take care of us

in a Covid world, be on top of medical science, the changing landscape of the health industry and know the evolution of Sativa/Indica to terpenes and what it all means. Then they MUST wear a mask 40 hours a week AND be nice. BLECH!

you. Similarly, if you know a budtender that can help patients with specific ailments or specializes in anxiety, PTSD or other disorders that specialized medical cannabis strains can treat, we are interested in passing this information along to our readers. We want to funnel the right help to patients. And if word-of-mouth helps our readers, we want to hear about it. E-mail us at publisher@ and tell us what or who you know. We do not have to use your name to give kudos. Do you need CRP?

What do most consumers do for data? We go to our friends of course. You know, the friend who grew badass weed in high school but whose culinary skills consisted of Hot Pockets, Mountain Dew and Oreos? Yeah, not sound medical science (or healthy diets). But if you are intimidated by your budtender or doctor, what’s left? There are doctors who see that we need more than cards. Maybe Oklahoma will turn the corner and docs will offer advice to patients who are feeling left in the cold by budtenders. If you are a medical cannabis physician who wants to help patients beyond approving a card, we want to hear from

No, not CPR. CRP, or Child Resistant Packaging is a buzzword right now in so many dispensaries and legal circles, and with the coronavirus raging on all over the U.S., it’s a very good thing.

What is not happening right now is consistency. In the United Kingdom, there is a minimum package labelling requirement: THC/CBD content and ratio, strain name, terpene content, how the patient is to take it, how much the patient should take per day, instructions for use, along with an expiration date and plenty of warnings, and last but not least, a “Keep out of Reach of Children” warning. The U.K. has different label laws for CBD and THC products and products are not allowed to look like colorful candies that kids will want to eat. In the U.S., we are catching up with child resistant packaging, but labelling is not as consistent in quality, colors, design or look. In one area the federal government could be of use is child-resistant packaging, but this where dispensaries have taken on the job themselves. If your dispensary is not stepping up to the plate, saving old prescription bottles can be handy, as can the hard-to-open zipper bags from previous MMJ buys. Be sure to label your MMJ with strain, when you bought it, any data you can think of that will help you know what it is for future use and remember to keep it well away from little hands. NEVER store it near food or in areas where kids might access it. Locking your MMJ away like a prescription is ALWAYS recommended.

cannabis Culture

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The BLUNT Truth

the new starting forward on the cannabinoids team: cannabigerol by TCB Staff industry is Epidiolex, used to treat epilepsy in kids.

Cannabigerol sounds like a huge dude with shoulders that force him to turn sideways to walk into a room, but it is not one of the big guys, it’s more like the little dude you underestimated: five-three, with scrawny arms and pencil legs but he can whip you in the blink of an eye. He can also puff up into the superhero you were hoping for, turning into the big dude while still doing kung fu karate moves with lightningquickness.

most canna strains CBG is only a trace cannabinoid, but some new hemp strains have been enhanced to make more.

Cannabigerol, or CBG is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, but it is key to cannabis’ biochemistry. It’s a precursor, or a stem cell, for the plant geeks. The inactive form of CBG, CBGA is broken down as the plant grows, forming THC and CBD during the six to eight-week flower stage. For

Wait, if CBG is the Holy Grail for so many health issues, why aren’t we planting thousands of acres of CBG-filled hemp crops? We aren’t entirely sure either, but there are a few answers.

So why do we care? We’re getting to that. CBG ROCKS! It does stuff for you that you wish Harley Quinn would do (she’s pretty but psycho). Like Captain America, CBG has only good intentions, despite its sad history of being puny. Please excuse the DC/Marvel comic crossreference here.

1. It is STILL a Schedule 1 and the only FDA-approved drug related to the marijuana

2. There is also the issue that CBD faces: the fake market. But we feel confident that if we could get the feds to buy in to how much good could be found in CBG, CBD and other cannabinoids, massive changes could come to our healthcare. 3. Much more testing needs to be done to see what CBG can do but federal legality limits this. We are certain it

has more superpowers beyond what is known at this time.

If you’ve had CBG success, we want to know about it. Let us know on Facebook, our website (www.thecurrentbuzz. net), or e-mail us at publisher@ We want to hear whatever you are willing to share. You do not need to share any personal details about yourself. Let’s stay healthy.

What CBG does: 1. It is a powerful antioxidant 2. CBG is a neuroprotectant and could be a treatment for diseases like Huntington’s and other brain degeneration diseases. 3. Antibacterial/antifungal, especially for staph infections and MRSA. 4. Appetite stimulant 5. Treats gastrointestinal disorders 6. Reduces inflammation 7. Shows hope for fighting cancer by slowing tumor growth. 8. Lowers intraocular pressure (great for glaucoma sufferers). 9. CBG will not make you high or alter your state of mind. It may actually counter THC’s effects. 10. Decreases depression and anxiety by boosting anandamide levels. Anandamide is an endocannabinoid that controls dopamine, regulates sleep, appetite and mood. Hope is that CBG could replace many PTSD drugs and anti-depressants without the insane number of side effects.

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The BLUNT Truth

cannabis care

is using medical marijuana messin’ with your morals? there’s a fix for that by Ameia Eleban warmed-up to are birth control, sex outside of marriage, drinking alcohol, having babies outside of marriage, divorce, animal testing and gambling if this helps you to get the picture that we are a much more liberal country than some media outlets would lead you to think (if anyone is curious, the most divisive issues in America are: the death penalty, animal fur, doctor-assisted suicide and abortion. Americans are still NOT accepting polygamy, suicide, and human cloning). A lot of folks have told us that they are ‘pot-curious’ but their history of watching “Reefer Madness” have led to older folks having misconceptions that it’s dangerous. As dangerous as heroin or LSD. All the bad data out there has many older Americans believing that marijuana could lead to some sort of permanent psychosis, blindness or (gasp!) negative perceptions from others. Fortunately for most of us, fact is replacing fallacy, but some

folks are stuck in the rut of believing old stereotypes from the 1940’s. There are new polls that show most Americans consider cannabis morally acceptable, a LOT of them, if the GALLUP Poll is accurate. As many as 70 % of Americans are okay with pot, with 83% being liberal and 51% being conservatives; it is more acceptable than gay rights, abortion and wearing fur, if the latest poll is to be believed. Other things Americans have Mon-Fri 10a-6p Sat 12p-6p



205 Ash Nowata, OK

black and white as you might think, but why the federal government is so heavy-handed with incarceration needs further examination)

Which brings us back to 2020 and the big question: if 70 % of Americans support legalization, why is marijuana still a Schedule 1? We will be looking into that over the next few months leading up to the elections. We do not want to sway your vote, only give you the ‘Walter Cronkite’ take on how the candidates view To show how far we have come, marijuana, how they have voted on it (or NOT voted on it) and the same survey found that 66% of Americans supported what they promise to do with your vote should you put them legalization of marijuana in in office. 2018, but in 1969 only 12% thought we should go legal. In So, what should you do if you 1970, the Federal government feel marijuana goes against classified marijuana as a any moral standards you Schedule 1 Drug in response have? We are not going to tell to this mindset, placing it in you how to think or feel about a category as dangerous as that. What we will tell you is to heroin (having no medical benefit and being exceptionally talk to a reputable budtender, dangerous). Marijuana is still your doctor, your friends, your a Schedule 1 drug to this day clergyperson, then look inside and offenders arraigned in yourself and make a call based Federal Court are incarcerated on what you think is best for with stronger sentences using you. As long as you are doing the model that marijuana things that are legal, you are not is more dangerous than overdoing things and you are cocaine, methamphetamine using marijuana in a reasonable or crack (despite Americans manner, there’s no reason it will crossing over 50% support infringe on your values. for legalization of marijuana in 2013. We have information God gave us marijuana for a as to why the Federal courts reason, right? are not legalizing. It’s not as

curators of cannabis

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The BLUNT Truth

Coming Soon

AmericA’s Best extrActs

iiiiiii Honestly!

Ask for them at your favorite dispensary.

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Call today to sChedule your appointment:

(918) 876-4205

Page 20

conversing cannabis

The BLUNT Truth

so why won’t the feds legalize? by Amy Addams By now, we have discussed this topic to death. Feels like we’ve read every article, white paper, reached out to senators, congress, local and DC officials, only to get non-answers and circular arguments.

do big damage to the the pharmaceutical industry. That’s the big hurdle. It’s not that your health is a major concern, but many senators, congress members get campaign contributions, donations to vote a particular way, usually against giving cannabis the nod. It’s fine for states to love it, but if the feds fell in love, it would be akin to giving weed the green light to cure things like that pesky cancer, epilepsy, PTSD and multiple chronic pain conditions.

So why is weed an issue at the federal level? Two democrat and three republican presidents had a shot, so both sides of the aisle can shut up about how it’s someone else’s fault, and while we’ve had multiple promises made, none have been kept. They honestly are not interested Then there’s the ‘other’ money. in making any changes to the Researchers have spent years ‘weed code’. mixing chemicals to save lives and here comes a PLANT In 1970, cannabis was placed that wipes out a disease. into Schedule 1 status in the list HOW. DARE. YOU. What will of drugs and how dangerous we do with all those custom they are. It is listed as the embroidered lab coats? Doctors worst kind of drug, along with will be stumbling around on golf heroin. If you bring marijuana courses on Tuesdays, using over the U.S. border, you will the wrong clubs, pharmacists get the book thrown at you will be trying to give away by our federal gummint. It will antidepressants to happy hurt too. Lots of jail time, lots people everywhere, Walgreens of money for your family to get will be shut down nationwide… the charges dropped (probably where will women go for their won’t happen). It’s damn hard to eyeliners? ‘import’ marijuana, less hassle to import cocaine or stolen opioids. Third money: States are raking But ¾ of the states have gone in LOTS of tax dollars right weed legal, at least at the now. Just look at Oklahoma’s medical level, which flies in the MMJ income. Despite many face of our federal rulebook. politicians’ spite for the leafy green, they love that paper There are theories as to why kind…so much so, they’ve kept we can’t get federal buy-in on their mouths shut about their going weed-legal, but it primarily distaste for marijuana. comes down to money. If the federales allowed us all to get If marijuana went legal at the on the same page, it would fed level: companies would

pay heavy taxes, like up to 70 percent in some states to include the federal tax. The feds would make only a pittance, lots of federal jobs would be lost and, believe it or don’t, the federal gummint actually stands to LOSE money, as much as FIVE BILLION DOLLARS in one DECADE. We would shut down so many federal jobs: DEA, FDA, CDC, ATF, USDA, DOJ, ICE to name only a few agencies that

would set free personnel to allow you to spark up. Losing THOUSANDS of federal jobs would further hurt the economy. So, it’s a good thing at the state level and a crappy thing at the federal. So far. Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Well, more like a snowflake on an iceberg. We could tell you so much more, but it’s really boring stuff.

What do the presidential candidates think about legalization? Donald Trump said he would legalize marijuana in 2016. He never did. He most likely will not if he gets a second term. Here’s why: Bill Barr HATES the marijuana industry and wants to shut it all down. DJT will side with BB. Do not expect anything to change in the next four years if Trump gets reelected. What we hear is that more people will enjoy a stay at the Federal Hilton over their roles as importers with stronger laws being placed on the books. Joe Biden is not likely to legalize marijuana either, it’s more likely that he will ignore it as a Schedule 1. If it was dropped to a Schedule 2 or 3, it would help universities that want to study cannabis effects on the human body to obtain funding to do so but cost the feds money. It may be that Biden places blinders on and addresses the mountain of other problems to pretend legalization is not an issue. Given we are in the throes of a pandemic, I’m prepared to live widdit. Bernie Sanders wanted to legalize marijuana in its entirety. But he loved that ‘Socialism’ word and people freaked out. (not judging, but if you work for a government, including being a teacher, you are a socialist. Jussayin. Ask Wikipedia, or JP. It’s a moot point, but we wanted you to know what was in Sander’s skull anyway.)

celebrating cannabis

buzz events august 2020 There are outdoor events, music events, art, butterflies, food, and even a little education. There are outdoor music events happening around our area and even some that allow you to stay home. Respect social distancing and the rules and wear a mask. Stay safe so we can all stay well. Thru September 30 Butterfly House at the Papilion Honor Heights Park 1513 N. 48th St., Muskogee (918) 684-6302 Wednesdays (Ongoing) Food Truck Wednesdays at Guthrie Green 11:30am - 1:30pm Aug 5, 12, 19, 26 111 Reconciliation Way, Tulsa (918) 574-2421 August 1 2 Hip Chicks Roadshow Claremore Expo Center Claremore (612) 888-3002 August 14-15 Tallgrass Music Festival 2967 W. 133rd St N., Skiatook (918) 261-3443

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The BLUNT Truth

September 4-6 Blues Ball Town Center, Medicine Park September 4-6 Dusk ‘til Dawn Blues Festival OK Blues Hall of Fame Rentiesville (918) 855-0978 September 4-10 OKM Music Festival 415 S. Dewey Ave, Bartlesville (918) 336-9900 September 19 Patchwork Pup 5th Annual Party (See ad on Page 23)

Do you own a Canna Biz? Have you been looking EVERYWHERE for just the right tees, tanks, patches and promo stuff to sell your biz? Have we got the place for you! Best of all, they are local, honest and ready to get to work to make your promo materials without that weird eye roll or any of that attitude of “We don’t do that here” stuff. They do that here. And they stand by their products. Better still, you can walk in, sit down and discuss what you want with a person who speaks English, listens to your needs and will talk to you on that telephone thing whenever you have questions or need to re-order. Imagine that! We also got to tell you that they have leather goods for miles, so if you like leather, get ready to get excited, because they got that too. They can coffee you up, talk face to face and make sure you are ALWAYS happy with your order. There ain’t NOTHING they can’t do with a sewing machine or screen printer so prepare to be amazed. Are you wondering who we’re talking about? It’s Patchwork Pup and they are right here in Oklahoma. Located at 19855 E. Brookview Drive in Claremore, check out some of their past successes at or call (918) 978-7578 and ask away. Best of all, go visit them in person, they’re open Mon-Sat, 8 a.m.- 8 p.m.

September 28-29 CannaCon Cox Convention Center, OKC

August 15 Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Dispensary Training Seminar Hampton Inn & Suites Oklahoma City-Bricktown August 15-18 Oklahoma Cannabis Expo Cox Convention Center, OKC


2334 SE Washington Blvd, Ste H Bartlesville, OK

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The BLUNT Truth


curators of cannabis

Cindy 99 - Cindy XX Apollo II - -Apollo XX Durban Thai x C99 G13 Genius Queen of Soul Killer Queen - Killer Queen XX Rosetta Stone - Rosetta Stone XX World Famous Marijuana Strains featured in High Times Magazine among the Top 10 Most Favored Varities of All Time

Patch work PuP, inc is having a party custom Embroidery, Patches, Bikers Leather, & More!

5th annuaL cELEBration saturDay, september 19th gatEs oPEn 8aM

car, truck, BikE show enter online at before september 14 for $15 • Day of show $20

door PrizEs in storE sPEciaLs BouncE housEs & gaMEs for kids haMBurgErs & hot dogs for Lunch BriskEt for dinnEr two LivE Bands! 8aM - 8PM or LatEr

free beer • free fooD • free soft Drinks • prizes

Located between Claremore and Pryor, just off Hwy 20 • 3.5 miles East of Will Rogers Downs & Casino Turn North on 4230 Road, first Left is Brookview Drive, we are at the end on the Right Follow the party signs!!! Shop will be Open at 8am for Business and Sewing Free items are available while supplies last (we hope to have more than enough)

for more information CaLL 918.978.7578

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i i





al c i d a me n a u j mari nsary dispe 30+ strains of medical cannabis to choose From selected strains $100 per ounce selected strains 1/8 for $25 wedding cake strain 1 gram prerolls $1 (limit 5) selected extracts 4 grams for $100 vast selection of edibles & topicals 7 days competitive pricing on vape carts

a week 10am - 8pm







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