The Current Buzz Cannabis Newspaper Vol 4 Issue 5

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The BLUNT Truth

The Current Buzz Vol 4 Issue 5

big changes to come for our veterans by: TCB Staff


Dear Veterans: Thank you for your brave service to our country. We want to do more than offer gratitude, we also to give you solid resources for pain, depression, anxiety, and PTSD. We want to help you. Let’s catch up on all the happenings later. What we REALLY want to discuss is our Veterans. Memorial Day seems like a good day to do this. And there is A LOT to cover. Refill your coffee and dig in:

First, as of now, you do NOT lose your benefits if you test positive for marijuana, but we do suggest you get your OMMA card because Oklahoma police can arrest you for possession if you are not a card carrier. Rules!

Third, MMJ has been the Boogeyman for far too long. There are many strains that help with the biggest problems Vets face and a Budtender who served can get you on your way to a better place. There are many out there. Read on. At The Current Buzz, we are concerned about the ongoing rates of depression and suicide. According to 2019 data, a Vet commits suicide every 83 minutes or 20 suicides per day. In 2012, more Vets died by their own hands than by those of the enemy, and the highest suicide rates came from Army Vets (52 percent). This is unacceptable.

Fourth, definitive research has found that microdosing of MMJ/ MJ and even psychoactive drugs (psychocybin mushrooms are the most common) can Second, the VA is changing their go a long way to healing the official stance on MMJ/MJ. Doctors mental state of our Veterans. at the VA can recommend cannabis to It addresses PTSD and Vets starting July 1, 2021, but as with depression with fewer side all Federal stuff, don’t take it as gospel effects. What is fascinating is until it happens. that using psychocybin does

not require long term use (a few psychcybin treatments go a long way). King’s College in London: “It could “relax” the parts of our brain that control these behaviors, thus allowing old patterns to change or fade. Patients who have received psychocybin have described coming down from the high with “new insights” and changed perspectives on their difficulties.” Mental health issues such as addiction, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are helped greatly with psychocybin (which is not addictive), but cannabis works well for mental health, pain from injuries, and can help break alcohol or drug addiction (opioids, heroin, cocaine, etc.) with minimal impact on the body. What causes PTSD? PTSD occurs when the amygdala overacts and blocks the brain’s ability to ‘kill off’ the memory of a traumatic event. The human continued on page 5

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The BLUNT Truth

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The BLUNT Truth

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The Current Buzz Vol 4 Issue 5 The Current Buzz, LLC is a subsidiary of Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc. 11215-D N Garnett Rd Owasso, OK 74055 918.553.6642 • 918.260.7195

DISCLAIMER The Current Buzz is printed by Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc, PO Box 582, Skiatook, OK 74070. Contents copyright © 2021 by The Current Buzz, LLC. Editorial contributions are welcome, but once received become the property of Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc. Good pics are also welcome, but they must be exclusive. All pics submitted must include photographer’s name and contact information. Send photos to: Once submitted pictures become property of Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc and may be used or sold as we deem fit. Send editorials, comments, suggestions to: The Current Buzz is received with the knowledge that the information contained herein is from many diverse contributors; therefore, Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc and The Current Buzz, LLC assume no responsibility or warranty as to entirety and/or correctness of content. The Current Buzz is not affiliated with any group or organization and articles, photographs, and illustrations printed herein or on our website should not be deemed an endorsement by Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc or The Current Buzz, LLC of particular products, practices, or beliefs. The beliefs and attitudes written in articles and letters are the author’s and do not reflect the point of view of Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc or The Current Buzz, LLC and/or their employees or agents. All cannabis strain information is based on internet research. The Current Buzz does not guarantee the accuracy of information provided. The Current Buzz does not endorse or promote consumption, purchase and/or sale of cannabis strains and canna related products. The displayed strain data should be treated as an informative tool, and not as a medical recommendation or promotion of cannabis use. Please consult your medical professional to see if consuming medical cannabis is right for you and a proper treatment for your medical condition(s).

Washington State University found that THC and CBD reduced PTSD severity and symptoms by more than 50 percent: “Cannabis reduced the severity of intrusions, returning thoughts of a traumatic event, by about 62%; flashbacks by 51%, irritability by 67%, and anxiety by 57%.” You would need to continue microdosing MMJ, but it could be a treatment option for antidepressants, opioids, and alcohol. If your life has been taken over by PTSD, chronic

pain, or anxiety, let’s change your future for the better. 1138 1/2 E Charles Page Blvd Sand Springs, OK 74063

Veteran Resources: IAVA:, 202-544-7692 Veterans Crisis Line:, 800-273-8255, available 24/7 Veterans Admin PTSD information: Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA): The Barracks (support): (918)729-5365


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continued from cover endocannabinoid system is tampered with by PTSD and cannabis can ‘unblock’ the brain’s ability to stop PTSD flashbacks and anxiety. They call this the “Extinction Learning Process”.

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The BLUNT Truth

conversing cannabis


117 E ChErokEE St, Nowata, ok MoN-Sat: 11aM - 8pM / SuN: 2pM - 4:20pM

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The BLUNT Truth

cultivating cannabis

joe KNows: good roots = good fruit by: Joe Smith

Hello everyone. In this article we are going to talk about how a good root system results in good fruit, in this case good bud. These are very simple techniques, and I am sure some of you already use them, for those of you that don’t, read on for the best yield you have ever had. The most important thing you can do to get heavy, dense and dank bud is to have good soil. Once you have that you should plant correctly to have a large deep root system. Think of the roots as your girl’s circulatory system. If it’s not developed correctly, clogged up, or healthy, your girls can’t get the nutrition

they need. This leads to the never-ending game of “what’s wrong with my plant?” I am sure you have seen fakebook posts of pictures of someone’s girl with the caption “what’s wrong with her?”. You then read the responses and sometimes you get the same answer, but most of the time they are all over the place, with the common response, “give it cal-mag.”

1. If you start in solo cups as you do it right, you have a I do, wait until you see strong perfect drain hole. This also allows you to see the root root development before you transplant. I transplant once, development. When the from solo cup to grow bag. holes are covered with roots, With Auto Flower, you plant it’s showtime. the seed directly to the final grow container. Transplanting 3. To transplant, dig a hole at is stressful for your girls, so least twice as deep and do it as few times as you can. wide as the solo cup. I dig the hole four times the size of the solo cup. When removing 2. I burn a hole using a lighter in the bottom of my solo cups your girls from the cup, use a pair of scissors to cut about the size of a dime. It will take you a few times the cup down both sides and melting a solo cup to get it remove your plant. What? Cut the cup? Yes, Solo Cups are right. You only want to burn the bottom of the cup for a cheap, damaged roots lead to problems and diminished few seconds, remove the flame then blow on it to stop yields. Have your hole dug the melting process. When before you cut, and you can

Well let’s prevent that from occurring and focus on good production. When you plant your girls, this is how I do it (and I encourage you to do the same):


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cultivating cannabis

adjust the sides of the hole 5. When the plant is straight to once you see how big the root your satisfaction, gently water system is. the plant in. You do this with a watering can going around 4. Once the hole is the right the diameter of the hole you size, gently remove excess dug. This process creates dirt from the root system. good contact with the roots Gently take the plant with one and soil and eliminates any hand and lower it into the hole air pockets. Hold the plant until only two to three inches when you do this because of the stalk are exposed from they always shift to one side. the top of the hole. Then If the soil shrinks below remove leaves that would be ground level, you have below ground level. Holding transplanted correctly, all you the plant, use your other to do is top off the depression. back fill the hole. Do not pack Do not water again. the dirt, just fill the hole. Once you’re done, look at the plant When using this method your to make sure it is as straight girls develop roots out of the as possible. This helps to buried stalk. prevent your girls from stalk damage when they get full Good Roots = Good fruit of those heavy dense buds you are going to have. Happy Growing.

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The BLUNT Truth

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conversing cannabis

The BLUNT Truth

are you goin’ in too hot? terpene boiling points - a Primer by TCB Staff Why do you want to try lighting cannabis with hemp (besides the obvious)? It’s easy to use hemp lighters. Spark-up the end of the rope with your lighter and slow roast your bud for maximum Entourage Effect. It’s becoming a popular method with those The easiest way to control your heat is simple, all you need is some hemp rope/ who get excited about cannabis taste and string and beeswax. Just melt the wax, dip maximization of terpene effects. Hemp the rope, and wrap it around your lighter lighters are better for the environment and (the wax will help the rope hold the lighter’s for you. Blue lighter flame runs way too hot for terpenes and butane gas is dangerous shape). You can find lighter cases with to your lungs, but the big difference is that hemp holders online at www.hemplights. We found terpene boiling point info online, com or you can do it yourself after watching you won’t be overheating your cannabis in books, on flyers, dang near everywhere. Youtube. Thicker hemp gives a lower temp and ruining the delicate balance of THC, and larger flame and according to our CBD and terpenes. You’ll use less and It seemed confusing at first, but we found research, even Walmart sells hemp rope. enjoy your experience more. suggestions that make lighting up super easy to do (and can cut down on coughing). The average diameter is 1.0 millimeters. What about matches? We wondered about Most terpene boiling points cluster that too. What we learned about matches was scary (do NOT Google ‘Dangers from using matches to smoke’). There are chemicals (red phosphorus, potassium chlorate, glue, and even ground glass!) in matches, which goes into your lungs. If you Everyone knows of a flower smoker who heats their apparatus with something that looks like they are preparing to weld I-beams instead of a pre-roll – and everyone wants one after using it. Then we got the good ol’ BIC users (“Did you take my lighter? Anyone see it? Everyone, empty out your pockets. My lighter’s missing.”). Trusty and cheap flame source that’s been around for years, but even the BIC lighter might be too much for the delicate terpene.

around 300-360 degrees F (just like for cannabinoids). You don’t need more fire, a “hemp lighter” will do the job nicely, and you can make one yourself.


Boiling Point Aroma (deg. F)



anti-anxiety, antidepressant


lemon, lime, peppermint

Super Lemon Haze, Durban Poison


calming, relaxing


lavender, mint

Sour Kush, Special Kush

Caryophyllene/ Beta Caryophyllene

chronic pain aid, sedative, analgesic


pepper, cloves, spicy

Sour Diesel, Gelato, Blueberry Muffin

Myrcene antioxidant, insomnia 332 herbal, musky

Trainwreck, Grandaddy Purple, White Widow


antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal


mint, basil

OG Kush, Sour Diesel


asthma, inflammatory, cognitive


pine, rosemary

Jack Herer, OG Kush, Royal Jack


anti-inflammatory, analgesic


hops, basil

Skywalker OG, GSC, Headband


antibiotic, sedative, anti-bacterial


floral, pine

Dutch Treat, Snow Cap

conversing cannabis

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The BLUNT Truth

as high as 3500 degrees – 10 times the recommended heat for your bud. Lighters like Zippo (naphthalene lighters) burn at 4500 degrees and matches burn at around 600. Hemp wicks burn at about 1100 Enough rambling, let’s get down to brass tacks. Terpene boiling points line-up closely degrees, but there are other factors that lower this number considerably. to optimum cannabinoid boiling points to get maximum effect. Using a hemp lighter will maximize the chemicals in your flower Warning: technical terms ahead to give you a better return, thereby helping Why do terpenes exist? your health, minimizing the risk, and The answer is relatively simple. Terpenes keeping money in your pocket. help a plant resist bad bug infestations and attract pollinators. About 30 percent of the Four of the top six terpenes; Pinene, plants worldwide secrete the oils that give Limonene, Terpinolene, and Myrcene; terpenes their scent and all cannabis strains reach their boiling points at around 340have terpenes residing in their trichomes. 350 degrees. Caryophyllene boils at 266 Think of trichomes like aromatherapy (using degrees and Ocimene boils at 122. Delta9 scents to help improve moods), or it’s like THC boils at around 349 degrees, Delta8 smelling something good and having a THC at 312, CBD at 335, and CBN at pleasant memory from it, like smelling a 365, so the best temperature is about perfume or baking cookies. 340 degrees. The average BIC can burn are concerned about your health, maybe avoid matches to light anything you will be smoking unless you must.



Boiling Point (deg. F)

THC (Delta 8)

Neuroprotective, low psychoactive


THC (Delta 9)




relaxing, non-psychoactive



analgesic, stress relief



anxiety, analgesic


CBN sedating, appetite improve 365 THC-A

inflammation, epilepsy



blood sugar, anti-convulsion, anxiety


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Because a picture (or a table) is worth 1,000 words, we gathered up some data and made a primer to help you on your way to a better flower smoking experience. (See chart at bottom of both pages) This is not all the effects, or all of the terpenes out there, but these are the most prevalent, with myrcene being the big one with about 43 percent of your cannabis having this one. What do each of the terpenes do? Finding the strain(s) that will best help you starts with finding what their dominant terpenes are. At first, you may want to pick your budtender’s brain, but over time, you can figure out the best ones with just a sniff.

• Relaxing: Myrcene, d-limonene, Linalool, Terpinolene • Energizing: Terpinolene • Mood-Boosting: Myrcene • Creativity-inspiring: Pinene • Alcohol Withdrawal: Caryophyllene • Anti-inflammatory: Caryophyllene, Pinene, Humulene • Anxiety-Reducing: Pinene, Limonene, Borneol • Pain Relieving: Humulene • Antibacterial: Ocimene, Bisabolol, Eucalyptol, Trans-nerolidol, Geraniol • Neuroprotective: Geraniol, Delta 3 Carene, Eucalyptol • Insect Repelling: Camphene, Borneol, Valencene


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The BLUNT Truth

cannabis care

could medical cannabis be the next best method to treat alcohoism? by Amy Addams health insurance, many more are finding their insurance does not cover as many things as it used to, which makes in-patient alcohol treatment impossible to access. Many U.S. addiction treatment centers claim that marijuana is a ‘gateway drug’ or has ‘addiction potential’, yet they offer no evidence to back these claims. They also did not address mortality from alcoholism versus cannabis (such as liver failure, alcohol Please NEVER mix cannabis You might be cranky for a day or poisoning, or car accidents). and alcohol. It is dangerous. two, but the crippling withdrawal We found the data on MJ/MMJ If you are using both together, of true addiction does not addiction to be anecdotal. Many we beg you to separate the two happen. claims were that cannabis going forward. It is not a good MIGHT impact bone density, idea to drink and use cannabis If you’ve seen the after-effects memory, cognitive skills, or it together. If you are regularly of binge drinking, lived with an drinking too much, cannabis alcoholic, been a heavy drinker, COULD contribute to mental health conditions such as can give you hope for a future or even had to clean up after depression, but despite the beyond the bottle. Addiction to someone who regularly drinks scientific proof that marijuana cannabis is mental, not physical. too much, you know how awful is NOT a gateway drug, the alcohol can be. Those who National Institute on Drug Abuse recommend cold turkey have There is growing evidence that still holds strong on that, stating cannabis is a great way to deal never been through the agony with so many health concerns, of withdrawal. If you really want that cannabis could lead to heroin abuse. This has been both physical and psychological, to help an alcoholic, you will yet each year the U.S. falls open your mind to all treatment refuted by multiple long-term studies elsewhere (it is much farther behind in research on options. more likely that a cigarette how to best use it. If you are smoker will abuse harder drugs ready to quit your drinking habit, The costs than a marijuana user), yet bad cannabis could be a cure. Addiction studies rarely address data continues as fact. Are you replacing one in-patient treatment costs. How do you know if you have addiction for another? Our The cost of a private, 30-day, a drinking problem? search found claims of MJ/MMJ in-patient treatment program being ‘potentially addictive’, but without health insurance can • You are often hungover, but U.S. studies were the only ones start at $20,000 and many you go back for more hair of to make this claim. International people can’t afford to leave their the dog. results showed that MJ/MMJ jobs for 30 days. Almost 25% of offers no physical withdrawal. Americans are still living without • You drink far more than you

did to get the same effect. • Attempts to cut back on your drinking have failed. • You find it hard to think about anything other than when you’ll have your next drink. • You refuse to stop drinking even though it is affecting your relationships and your health. • Others have mentioned your drinking and have expressed concern that you drink too much. Strains that can help you with alcohol withdrawal Generally, you’ll want to ask your budtender for CBD-rich (5% or more) strains with lower THC percentages (under 15% is advised). You do not need high THC content to address withdrawal. As to whether you should choose a Sativa, Indica or Hybrid, tell your budtender that you are using MJ to curb your alcohol problem, give them your list of symptoms, and see what they recommend. Should you find yourself too afraid to ask, or if you are unwilling to share your personal story, we found strains that may help you: 1. Ringo’s Gift: named after MJ advocate Lawrence Ringo, this strain is a high CBD, sativadominant hybrid that has also been used by people with anxiety.

cannabis care

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The BLUNT Truth

2. ACDC: a low THC Hybrid that is great for the newbie or anyone who doesn’t want to be sleepy, or couch locked. ACDC can offer focus and energy to get you on the road to recovery. 3. Super Sour Widow: another CBD-rich strain (11%) that helps with stress reduction, depression and addiction. 4. Pennywise: an Indica-dom with a 1:1 CBD-THC ratio that is potent but will uplift your mood and help with physical withdrawal. 5. Stephen Hawking: like Pennywise with a 1:1 CBDTHC, but with 5% of each, this strain aids with tension while not knocking you out. This strain is

great for beginners too – little chance of anxiety from using too much. And it’s not just cannabis that can help you. Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous should be part of your recovery. There are AA meetings in just about every town and they are free to attend. You do not need to stand up and give a speech (unless you want to), and they offer plenty of people who can and will support you, including sponsors. You can do this.

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Page 12

The BLUNT Truth

cannabis culture

THE SHAKEDOWN - may Marijuana policies are changing by the millisecond!

to increase the penalties and punishments for this. Now you know.

cannabis is truly safe. Black market cannabis is often grown with toxic chemicals used to get the product to market quickly.

Ready to get away?

We are too, and Sparks Everywhere we look, the America Campgrounds is landscape of how our leaders Tracking the tracing with hosting Okcannapalooza June view the cannabis industry METRC? FYI: METRC is expected to net 3-6. Texas Hippie Coalition, rarely seems to align with their the state $12 million dollars in its The Native Howl, and Casper promises, reality, or medical We have a new tracking first year and was implemented McWade are only a few of experts’ recommendations, nor system in Oklahoma. METRC April 30. the bands hanging out with do they seem to care if these is an accountability system that you during this little getaway. changes benefit the little guy. anyone who handles MMJ for But, WAIT, there’s LOTS more! Anyone making wedding plans? We do our best to feed your profit will have to get on board Check with organizer Jennifer brain all it needs to flourish in with to continue their business. A law firm in Tulsa is suing and hire her for your wedding an Oklahoma gone wild west From seed to sale, every OMMA and the Oklahoma so you can check off your to-do with weed, but there is SO much component of cannabis will Department of Health over this list and chill. Pack up the gear, happening, we’ll get to it. be tracked, helping Oklahoma new system. The law firm claims some chips, and let Sparks take find the black-market stuff and that this new system will impact care of the rest. Dispensary, bar, Let’s start with the good ‘weed-out’ the people who don’t over 10,000 canna businesses restaurant, and general store follow the complex rules that the and it creates a monopoly. are all on-site; what else could Oklahoma House is passing state is retrofitting to undo their we ask for? More info at www. a bill for dispensaries and initial approach. It also helps to Laws allowing teachers to carry sparksamericacampgrounds. independent contractors to offer track bad batches. guns, de-masking in schools, com, purchase tickets at www. delivery services to patients. and voting suppression are Over 21 only, Patients must live within METRC requires RFID tracking only the beginning of what the please. 10 miles of the dispensary tags for all commercially grown Oklahoma legislature quietly and it will require a $2,500 marijuana; 45 cents per plant introduced. The MMJ tax is Muskogee policies on public transporter’s license. If you want and 25 cents per package, slated to be shared with ALL partaking to be an MMJ deliverer, follow along with expenses that schools, including online charter HB1960 at www.oklegislature. come with training, system schools (schools funded by The Muskogee City Council gov. implementation, and testing. To tuition). passed a bill that will allow help with the tracking, OMMA OMMA cardholders to smoke Now you know HB2272 aims to cut back will need to hire more staff to their rolls on three Muskogee the number of MMJ-centric check for compliance, train properties during public events Oklahoma has passed a new dispensary staff on how to use businesses by September 1. and festivals (provided they law that can get you in trouble If anyone has a dispensary METRC, and for batch tracing. are mostly educational canna (even if you didn’t know); license but hasn’t made it events), and smokers must do selling your medical cannabis This law, and its fees, takes official, they have 18 months to so in a tent, not in the open. to someone, even another money from legit canna get moving, AND dispensaries patient at the price you paid, is businesses, makes your MMJ not making at least $5,000 There are requirements for a no-no. For the record, if you more expensive and could send a month could be closed to permits, security, and all sell medical marijuana that you many patients underground Oklahoma’s new rules on attendees must be over 18, bought at a dispensary, even where MMJ could be more minimum sales. The bill will go but Muskogee could be the ‘it’ if you sell it for the same price affordable. The black market inactive in 2023, after METRC place for canna-events. The you paid to another OMMA could explode if they can beat is fully instituted. More at www. three venues allowing enclosed cardholder, you are breaking dispensary prices. Conversely, usage are: Hatbox Field, the law. Oklahoma is looking the system ensures that your Honor Heights Amphitheater,

cannabis care

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The BLUNT Truth

and Honor Heights Pavilion and Event Lawn. Visit www. or call (918) 682-6602 for more. Beyond our borders… Lots to tell you. Hang on, we’re goin’ in fast: 1. SO MANY states are legalizing: New Mexico, New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Florida, North Dakota, and Montana all went medical. Mississippi, Maryland, Connecticut, Delaware, Minnesota, and New Jersey have it on the books for legalization, and Rhode Island has legalized for pets while Texas is planning decriminalization (61% of TX

residents prefer marijuana over prescriptions). 2. A man sentenced to 90-years imprisonment for marijuana in Florida was recently released after serving 31 years. 3. Nationwide, we reached $370 million in cannabis sales for the first three weeks of April. The lead-up to 420 is thought to be the reason. 4. Joe Biden fired five people in his new administration for marijuana use. What is unclear: were they legal in their state of residence, what were their jobs, and why hasn’t ol’ Joe decriminalized or legalized, despite his first 100 days being over? Even John Boehner, former Senate Majority Leader, has stated that he would be open to

trying marijuana. 5. Despite being low on dispensaries (32 so far), Arkansas still sold 40,000 pounds of MMJ since they legalized medical use in 2016. We won’t tell you what an ounce costs there (hint: it’s three to four times as much as Oklahoma). AR netted $30 million in taxes. 6. States where ALL marijuana use is illegal? Alabama, Idaho, Kansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Wyoming. 7. Colorado is auctioning off weed vanity plates to raise funds for people with disabilities. 8. A California cop got popped for posing as a narcotics agent then seizing 1,000 pounds of weed and

$650,000 in cash from a downtown Los Angeles warehouse. He and six other cops got sentences from 4-14 years. 9. Mexico is looking to legalize, but every day, they have some politician complaining about something. The U.S. will probably beat them to legalization. 10. Canada’s new U.S. export may be cannabis. Lots of seizures coming from the Great White North in recent history. Who woulda guessed?

Carbon Dioxide ENRICHMENT • The air today has a natural CO2 concentration level of 350~400ppm. Plants have ability to consume up to 1500 ppm of CO2. • Supplementing CO2 can increase yield and growth by 20% or more. • When using high powered lights, CO2 supplementation increases plants ability to photosynthesize. • Adding CO2 can make plants more resistant to heat and light stress. • CO2 burners emit other gases during combustion that can be detrimental to plant health. A steady supply of CO2 gas is the most effective method for carbon dioxide supplementation.

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Page 14

The BLUNT Truth

cannabis commerce

the business of Cannabis: PRINT – DIGITAL – VIDEO SUCCEEDING SYNERGYSTICALLY David Huff was essentially The Today Show, the Doctor raised learning photography. Phil show, ESPN, HGTV, NFL, His family owned a photography America’s Most Wanted, Crime business in Tulsa, and David began working for his father at an early age. By the time he was 19 years old David had created his own lighting style, and became renowned in the local community for his contributions to publications such as Tulsa People and Urban Tulsa. He was happy. He thought he had found his life’s work. However, things were about to change. After David discovered film and video his life changed forever. Using the lighting techniques, he perfected in still photography, and his love for working with people, David’s video career exploded! This was during a time when video production was expensive and there wasn’t a lot of opportunity in Tulsa, so David had to seek employment on the national level. David’s talent was recognized early on by network television, and soon he was working for ABC, CBS, NBC, Good Morning America,

Watch Daily, and The Weather Channel.

Noted for his capacity to evoke relaxed and comfortable answers during interviews, David is a delightful addition to The Current Buzz team. PreCovid 19, The Current Buzz was working on a Roku project with David and Brent Wheeler at Big Wheel Digital Media. Brent was the compelling force behind the Oklahoma Biker Television series from 2011-13. Once Covid hit, the Roku project fell through with Brent, and we were able to persuade David to join The Current Buzz. The Current Buzz now offers print, digital and video packages to our advertising clients, as well as providing engaging content for our readers and viewers, in professionally prepared and aesthetically pleasing designs. We are eager to embrace the cannabis industry and all it has to offer. If you are a cannabis business with a story, or an event worth covering, please let us know so we may share it with our readers and viewers. Send an email to: publisher@

cannabis curators

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The BLUNT Truth

Once you try us we got you!

mon - thu: 10am - 10pm fri - sat: 10am - 12am sun: 10am - 8pm


10301 E 51st St Ste F, Tulsa, OK 74146

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cannabis Culture

The BLUNT Truth

w w w . g r e a t a m e r i c a n s t r a i n s . c o m science says... by: Amy Addams


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l a c i med uana j mari nsary dispe 50+ strains of medical cannabis to choose From • LARGEST Indoor Car Show in the country! 14 selected strains: • Over 1,000 Exotic Customs & Hot Rods! Gold” $10,000 Cash Award! • “Go For the $5 per Gram • 1/8 for $15 • Outdoor “Cool Car Corral”! • Traditional 1/4 for $30 • 1/2 for $55 Hot Rods, Kustoms, Gassers! • Pin-up & Beard Contest ounces for $100 • Valve Cover Races! Presented by no Hidden costs OZARK Car Events 7 days a week • Art, Ink, & all prices include sales tax 10am - 8pm Rock’n Roll Music! & omma fees







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