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The BLUNT Truth

The Current Buzz Vol 3 Issue 12

hey you kids, get off our peak! by: TCB Staff

As a patient, you may or may not be aware of what goes on in the MMJ industry, so, in a nutshell: there are a few people from other states who came into Oklahoma with the intention of making their fortunes bigger by getting their paws on our money. They encountered a block from OMMA that said if someone wants to be in the OK MMJ biz, they must be a resident for at least 2 years before OMMA will approve a business license. The benefit was so great that many big players in the MMJ world considered this worth the time spent and used their wait time to see what businesses were good to invest in, steal from, some lied to get an ‘in’, and others were just evil. That’s not to say that all people who came from elsewhere are awful, but there have been a few – and they tucked their devil tails into their suit pants to look like anyone else. What they did is just horrible. When we stop to think about their acts; corporate takeovers,

manipulation, theft and greed (among others), we get angry. Oklahomans take care of our own. We are not stupid people, but we live by ‘a man is only as good as his word’. When a deal is made on a handshake, we expect honor. That does not always happen elsewhere and now it has made its way onto our front porch. We’re not upset that folks have moved into Oklahoma to be a part of our medical marijuana program, but where we draw the line is when an outside company comes in, learns all they can, offers us buy-in, says they are good for their word, then doesn’t honor it when they have met their minimum state

residency requirements. Worse, they kick out the Okies that helped them get started. Confused? We have a story that will give you all you need to know to understand how some

Out of state interests

nefarious business owners are moving into our happy little state and taking the cannabis world from low key tie-dye wearing folks we know making deals on your word and a handshake into business suit wearing MBA’s locking doors, planning corporate takeovers with their attorneys on speed dial. For some, the marijuana industry has gone big business and they think Oklahomans are suckers for a thousand dollar suit with a smooth sales pitch and slimy smile. Corbin Wyatt at Peak Dispensary had this very thing happen to him on December 23 of 2019. He met some folks from Colorado, they befriended him, he let them in on his business practices and knowledge as well as access to the many locations of Peak across the state. He showed these guys from Colorado his world and offered unfettered access to it based on an honest word and a handshake. continued on page 5

PrOUdLY GrOWING aNd PrOCeSSING MedICINe FOr the NatIONS IN the rICh, red earth OF OKLahOMa




curators of cannabis

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The BLUNT Truth

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The BLUNT Truth

curators of cannabis

promote your

cannabis event for


The Current Buzz

endeavors to be the foremost news source for information on cannabis-related events in Oklahoma and surrounding states. We understand that advertising opportunities to us are extremely limited. That is why we want to offer you a

FREE listing on our website

For Details Visit We pay cash • for used grow lights & Growing equipment • for used extraction & processing equipment • for used display cases & dispensary supplies

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The Current Buzz Vol 3 Issue 12 The Current Buzz, LLC is a subsidiary of Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc. 11215-D N Garnett Rd Owasso, OK 74055 918.553.6642 • 918.260.7195

DISCLAIMER The Current Buzz is printed by Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc, PO Box 582, Skiatook, OK 74070. Contents copyright © 2020 by The Current Buzz, LLC. Editorial contributions are welcome, but once received become the property of Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc. Good pics are also welcome, but they must be exclusive. All pics submitted must include photographer’s name and contact information. Send photos to: Once submitted pictures become property of Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc and may be used or sold as we deem fit. Send editorials, comments, suggestions to: The Current Buzz is received with the knowledge that the information contained herein is from many diverse contributors; therefore, Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc and The Current Buzz, LLC assume no responsibility or warranty as to entirety and/or correctness of content. The Current Buzz is not affiliated with any group or organization and articles, photographs, and illustrations printed herein or on our website should not be deemed an endorsement by Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc or The Current Buzz, LLC of particular products, practices, or beliefs. The beliefs and attitudes written in articles and letters are the author’s and do not reflect the point of view of Ol’ Broke Biker, Inc or The Current Buzz, LLC and/or their employees or agents. All cannabis strain information is based on internet research. The Current Buzz does not guarantee the accuracy of information provided. The Current Buzz does not endorse or promote consumption, purchase and/or sale of cannabis strains and canna related products. The displayed strain data should be treated as an informative tool, and not as a medical recommendation or promotion of cannabis use. Please consult your medical professional to see if consuming medical cannabis is right for you and a proper treatment for your medical condition(s).

conversing cannabis continued from cover Because your word is your bond.

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The BLUNT Truth

Why are we telling you this?

One reason: because Initech is not the only company doing this But not in Colorado, because kind of thing. It appears there on December 23, Corbin faced are other companies coming a corporate takeover, AFTER into the Sooner State and he had provided large sums of taking over/stealing corporate money, advice and buy-in of information/taking off with Peak Dispensaries. The people insider data. No one should be who took over The Peak met the allowed to step all over us to residency deadline with OMMA turn our solid reputations into a and they made their play. They mad grab for free stuff, and no ousted Corbin, then locked one should be allowed to do a him out of his e-mail accounts, hostile corporate takeover only corporate documents and keys a few days after their temporary to his offices. He trusted this resident status has passed. group from Colorado and they repaid him with taking away his If you know of an Oklahoman business. owner of a dispensary, professional grow operation, Even worse is that this group, processor or anyone tied to Initech, initially honored Peak’s our MMJ industry who appears existing vendor accounts to be overly influenced by an and bills, but quickly decided out-of-state operator, legal firm, the rules for the old Peak no LLC, corporate influence or longer applied to their new who is handing over large sums business plan. They cut off of income to this out-of-state many companies’ contracts person/persons, we’d like to after making a payment or two, know about it. We promise to but did not say anything to keep your identity and sources these vendors, thereby using secret. Call Darrell Briggs at The Peak’s formerly stellar (918) 260-7195. reputation to acquire more goods and services, but they Let’s keep our money, MMJ, knew they weren’t going to pay and processing knowledge in these bills. They stole from Oklahoma hands. many Okie businesses. Initech (reminds us of the movie “Office Space”; “yeah, I’m gonna need you to go ahead and come in this weekend…”), and has gone into their corporate shell, referring vendors to their lawyers instead of owning up to their bills after being on the take for months with silence as their only form of payment.

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The BLUNT Truth

conversing cannabis

come on, let’s grow! by: TCB Staff

We covered some initial stuff about your winter grow in October, and if you are excited to get your own medicinal cannabis going, there’s no reason you can’t during the colder winter months. Heck, we heard tales there are some of our readers who grow outdoors in winter (they used a greenhouse, of course). Do not let your lack of experience deter you from giving it a try. There is a lot of helpful info out there to help you along. We suggested some good winter strains in October’s pub (visit to catch up), and this month, we’ll

give you the intro to starting your seeds or clones (baby plants someone else started).

buying seeds on the internet to save a few bucks. We disagree. First, it’s illegal to mail seeds across state lines. You probably BEFORE you begin, be sure won’t end up with DEA peeps you can devote some time, at your door, BUT they can be money and effort to your confiscated. If your seeds are medical marijuana grow. It is not bunk, garbage weed or male a good plan to plant seeds and plants that do not bud, they can leave them to whatever. Seeds ruin your crop (marijuana is a can set you back $10-$30 each sexually reproductive plant; you and clones can go for $25-$50 want female plants or you will each. Yeah, it is expensive. We have many, MANY seeds), you have a few key tips to get you could have issues. We think it on your self-medicating way… is best to buy your seeds (or clones) from a local seller; they’ll 1. Start with the knowledge that be more inclined to help you good genetics is not ONE of the and you’ll have some recourse if important things, it’s the ONLY things go wrong. Online buying thing. We heard tales of people is anyone’s guess.*

2. You do not need to buy an elaborate setup for your grow, grow boxes work well; a complete setup for beginners can be had for around $300 and only needs a 4x4 floor space. We also found that there are only a few box manufacturers, so no need to look for one particular brand. A grow box looks like a big black fabric box with reflective lining and usually comes with a containment unit, lighting, trimming scissors, timers, humidity and temperature monitors, and an air filter. They have larger units as well - if you know you’ll be doing this for years to come, buy a bigger one. You will need lights no matter what. Please don’t count on winter sunlight for your plants’ needs. It is just not enough. Invest in a good lighting system and 3 to 5 gallon plastic buckets are good sizes for your plants.** 3. Learn all you can about your plants’ life cycle, lighting requirements and nutrient needs. Cannabis needs about eight weeks to produce, but it’s chemical, nutrient and water needs vary a lot in this time; for example, MMJ needs lots of nitrogen while a baby, but needs none as it buds (your MMJ will taste like metal). Learning these little tidbits of info can be priceless to your success. Calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen, and trace minerals can make or break your grow. We found sage advice on www.growlightinfo. com.

conversing cannabis 4. Don’t get cheap on chemicals and nutrients. There are multiple schools of thought on this, but the base nutrients are a better investment that pre-mixed chemicals. We suggest that you don’t buy cheap nutrients or treatments that offer ridiculous promises. 5. We suggest you grow in soil or soil-less grow medium if you’re new to this. Later on, we’ll cover hydroponics (plants are grown in water that has been infused with nutrient additives), but for your first time, go with a grow medium (coco shells are good but have no nutrients) or soil specific for marijuana growth. Your local grow supplier can help you with this.*** 6. Water! Gah, are you KIDDING ME?? Nope, we’re

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The BLUNT Truth

not even smirking. Water quality is a big deal. Using tap water is a recipe for disaster and the chlorine and fluoride added to tap water is just blech. Maybe start with distilled water, use filtered water, and later, move to a reverse osmosis system.

pH down solutions. The best graphic for growing we found came from www.growlightinfo. com.

7. BIG DEAL: Ask questions. Local grow suppliers should know what you need to start. Take notes if you must. Get second opinions, baby your plants, make sure they get up and go to bed the same time every day (12 hours day and 12 hours night are a great start), and make sure you talk to them. A LOT. 8. Some extra items you may want to have: nutrient solution, pH strips (they are easy to use and can be found at stores that sell aquariums), pH up and

* As tempting as it is to buy a bag of seeds and weed out the male plants later, it’s better to buy a few good seeds and get all female plants. It costs more up front, but it’s quite risky. ** A word on plant pots: we’ve had a few growers tell us they prefer fabric pots. Honestly, we don’t know much about them and we couldn’t find a lot of data that said what makes fabric pots best but Vivosun makes a good fabric pot. We’ve used the plastic buckets from Lowe’s and Home Depot (about $4 each) and never had any issues (drill holes in the bottom for drainage). Ask your supplier what they recommend and why. *** Do not use Miracle Gro soil or soil from your back yard. Marijuana absorbs metals and bad stuff from soil like a sponge. You could end up with toxic MMJ if you use the wrong soil or one that has chemicals in it. Buy the good stuff.


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The BLUNT Truth

curing cannabis

joe knows: how to water cure your medicine by: Joe Smith to make hash later on it can be a good idea to trim your bud even further since this will result in better quality hashish. 2. Place your trimmed buds in a jar or bowl with water. The size of your jar will depend on how much bud you want to cure.

Water curing will minimize the time it will take to get rid of undesired substances such as salts, chlorophyll, or insecticides. Those substances can make for a harsh, unpleasant smoke of even the best weed.

substances distribute 3. Water curing works best at themselves evenly throughout water that is room the whole solution, and temperature. Use distilled exchange via a semi-permeable water or well water. See that membrane - in this case the you keep the water leaf surface), the substances temperature in this range. you do NOT want to smoke are dissolved. This includes 4. You bud will want to float not just substances external to upwards, so you need to the plant itself, but also from gently weigh them down within the leaves – the things and keep them submerged. that will make you cough when you smoke. The THC does NOT dissolve in the water. The result: a much stronger, purer weed.

Thanks to the process of osmosis (which is basically the process by which soluble

1. Start with trimming your bud and remove stems and fan leaves. If you want

Say what? It works and works well for making the smoothest smoke you have ever had. There is a downside to it, the medicine loses its smell, but the tradeoff is very, very smooth.

If you cure in a bowl or similar container, you can cover it with a cutting board from the kitchen. 5. Change out the water with fresh water every day. The entire water curing process can take anywhere from 3-7 days, you will need to change the water daily during this time. 6. When you are done with water curing your bud, after 3-7 days, hang and dry your bud like normal. Take a 1/2-pint jar and fill to the top with your medicine, do not pack it in, just fill. Then follow steps 1 to 7.

curators of cannabis

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The BLUNT Truth

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Ask for them at your favorite dispensary. Carbon Dioxide ENRICHMENT • The air today has a natural CO2 concentration level of 350~400ppm. Plants have ability to consume up to 1500 ppm of CO2. • Supplementing CO2 can increase yield and growth by 20% or more. • When using high powered lights, CO2 supplementation increases plants ability to photosynthesize. • Adding CO2 can make plants more resistant to heat and light stress. • CO2 burners emit other gases during combustion that can be detrimental to plant health. A steady supply of CO2 gas is the most effective method for carbon dioxide supplementation.

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Carbon Dioxide EXTRACTION • CO2 is known as a “tunable solvent” making it extremely versatile for creating a multitude of end products by controlling temperature and pressure. • Carbon Dioxide is cleaner, more efficient and less expensive than other chemical solvents. • Minimal extraction times and higher yields. • Non-beverage grade CO2 can contain high levels of sulfur, benzene, acetaldehyde, ammonia and other impurities that effect product quality. • A steady supply of beverage grade CO2 gas is the most effective method for carbon dioxide supplementation. • ZERO residual solvent content as CO2 evaporates away.

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The BLUNT Truth

cannabis care

a small yet potent gamechanger cannabinoid

by: Amiea Eleban

When I first heard of Delta8 THC, I wondered about its usefulness in the weed world. How could this chemical that occurs naturally in small amounts be a big deal? What Delta8 (AKA Δ8THC, Δ8, D8, D8 THC, and D8THC) is can be a bit confusing, but what it does is fairly straightforward.

It exists naturally and can also be produced by converting CBD or Delta 9 THC via a chemical reaction typically using heat, catalysts, altered pH environments, and/or solvents. Delta 9 THC

WARNING: Techno-speak – If you are curious, here’s the tech data on D8: “Delta 8 THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is a naturally occurring cannabinoid in cannabis (hemp and marijuana). It’s an isomer of both cannabidiol (“CBD”) and Delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol (“D9THC”), sharing a chemical

Back to business –

formula of C21H30O2 and a molar mass of 314.464 g/mol.


Delta 8 THC

“Why should I care about this stuff?”

Delta9 THC is a compound in MJ/MMJ that gives you a good head buzz. For some users, Delta9 also has plenty of negatives such as paranoia, Delta 8 THC is an extremely sleep problems, mental viscous oil (an oil that moves addiction, anxiety, and couch more like water than motor oil) lock. Delta8 is much less likely and exists in an “activated” to provide these negative effects and it can help those who are state similar to Delta 9 THC, meaning it does not need to helped by MMJ to deal with be decarboxylated to feel its these issues. Users of D8 have effects. Delta 8 THC is an claimed that it allows them to extremely important cannabinoid be more functional as it lowers specifically due to its ability the mental high from MMJ/MJ, to serve as a more functional acting more like a heavy-duty CBD, some users claim that substitute for Delta 9 THC.” ( it has been life changing. The studies have shown D8 to be

cannabis care better overall than CBD and D9 combined while running few risks of abuse or mental addiction/compulsion.

The BLUNT Truth

There are labs looking into D8 conversions with solvents, they are also looking to remove the solvents from the final product.

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the 40 mg maximum dose in 10 was processed, 95% went mg intervals. How you dose is to 98%. This was not proven up to you: the same rules apply scientifically, but it’s good to here as elsewhere. Smoking, know you aren’t limited to a vaping, edibles – users claim D8 short time to use it. (Editor’s note: we disagree What does D8 DO exactly? is about 75 percent as effective that MJ/MMJ is ‘addicting’. as D9, but there is no science - If you are a heavy MMJ/MJ For most long-term users, it is Anecdotal evidence from users behind this claim, just anecdotal. user, your tolerance for D8 more a compulsion to use, not claim that D8 is like mixing the Experts we researched all say will not necessarily be higher. a physical need. Most of the best of CBD and Delta9. D8 that using D8 one-for-one as It takes longer for D8 to addictive behaviors are mental, is a mood booster, relaxant, you did D9 is a start, but work provide relief than D9 THC. not physical as with street drugs provides a better sex drive, up to it. Because of this, you can be and pharmaceuticals.) relieves nausea, relieves pain, misled to believe you haven’t and it is energizing while not used enough and develop a The effects of D8 last a good Under the Farm Bill Act of making people feel wasted. tolerance for D8 faster when length of time. If you ingest it, 2018, D8 has essentially been Some scientists and users you become impatient. Give your effects will be five to 12 legalized in hemp at the federal believe it is more medicinal than hours on average and bigger it some time to work. When level, allowing D8-heavy hemp Delta9. doses last longer. Vaping D8 D8 kicks in, it can provide to pass testing for THC levels. does not last as long; more potent relief. Delta9 is still held at the 0.3% Side effects are the same like three to five hours. What THC. as any other cannabinoid: - Anecdotal evidence claims that really excited us about D8 is drowsiness, dry mouth, D8 works well for pain relief, the soft ramp-up of good mood red eyes, and headaches inflammation, appetite, nausea that many users were not even But there is a downside. D8 is are common ones. If you aware that it was happening. D8 relief, anxiety, depression and not naturally present in large overconsume, you can develop also phases out more gradually, some forms of PTSD. quantities in hemp or cannabis. paranoia and anxiety just like giving you a softer landing. Luckily, D8 can be converted with Delta9, but it takes longer If you can’t find D8 in your local from CBGA and synthesized to get you there. dispensary, it can be shipped More things to know: naturally. Do not confuse this from out of state legally, with a synthetic drug. It is a Dosing is important for D8. If - D8 will show up on a drug test but we suggest you derivative from using heat, you are new to CBD/THC, start just as D9 THC will. ask your local time, or light to allow the CBGA small; 10 mg is about the right dispensary to stock to convert to D8 naturally. When amount to begin. Age, body - D8 has an incredible shelf it rather than risk we decarb cannabis, we convert size and previous use have life; oil tested after four getting bad product CBGA to Delta9, and few little bearing on your dose. Start months returned a higher on the internet. would argue this is dangerous. small and work your way up to D8THC level than when it

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The BLUNT Truth

let’s bow our heads and take a toke for

We covered this weed-lovers’ holiday last year, and since the suckage of 2020 is almost over, we all have reason to celebrate the ending of the year of the spikey ball that all news outlets have access to. It’s also a good time to be grateful we made it through 2020 with our health intact and celebrate having the capacity to visit those loved ones who drive us crazy but whom we love anyway.

be asking where the special brownies are.

Never heard of Danksgiving? Simply put, it’s a celebration of cannabis and food, often held the day before Thanksgiving or the Sunday after, but you can celebrate the Big D anytime really (inviting good friends to enjoy a Cannafeast often results in many folks crashing at your place, FYI). If you are a foodie and you partake, then you should have a few special That doesn’t mean we can’t partake before walking into Aunt recipes for days like these and if you’ve planned well, it could be Gertrude’s ‘Casa de Setenta Gatos’. If anything, we should a 2-day event to send 2020 out on a happy note. Some folks like be celebrating those card carriers in the family who will to get the family thing out of the

cannabis cuisine

dankgiving by TCB Staff

way, then let the chill begin the Saturday through Sunday after Thanksgiving. How you celebrate is up to you, but virgin versions of your menu should be part of your plan – especially if you are also serving alcoholic beverages. We suggest you leave booze off your Danksgiving table if you are going all out with Dankladen dishes and offer up a kids’ table with plenty of activities (a sober adult to supervise is also imperative). Please also be sure to label everything ahead of time, keeping your special stuff where little hands can never reach it. Given Covid-19’s wrath,

we also suggest you keep your gathering small, we encourage outdoor dining and face masks as well as provide plenty of hand sanitizer, clean towels and places to sit distant from each other. Having provided disclosures, Danksgiving is all about the chill vibe of good friends, good food and kicking back to watch sports, movies (Cheech & Chong anyone?), play games like Jenga, Trivial Pursuit or just play card games while you relax and hang out. If you are planning to host a Danksgiving event, be sure to

cannabis cuisine plan well in advance of your special day(s):

The BLUNT Truth

THC can be served and you can serve two kinds of brownies for dessert, infuse your garlic butter for bread, or make a special salad dressing infused with THC along with the usual flavors.

1. Do not take on all the cooking yourself. Host a “pot” luck and ask that everyone bring a cannabis-infused dish (not just brownies). For noncooking guests, ask that 6. Plan for a sleepover. Have they bring paper plates, plenty of space for a crash drinks, cannabis for smoking, pad along with fresh towels, or store-made food items that coffee, and breakfast items will save you money and time. for the next morning. You do not want your Danksgiving 2. If you do plan to do the bulk guests driving home of the “baking”, be sure to inebriated. pass the hat for the MMJ you purchased. We are not in high 7. Be prepared to do this again school anymore and you can’t next year. If you are a good support other peoples’ good host, they’ll be back in 2021. times. 8. Have CBD and black 3. Have options for those who peppercorns on hand for do not wish to partake and those who partake of too plan for things to do to keep much THC. If someone gets everyone entertained, a little paranoid, either of especially kids (it always these options will stall a happens that someone’s ‘Green-out’ in no time. Have babysitter cancels last the guest either smoke minute). the CBD or use a tincture or just take a smell of the black 4. Just like with Thanksgiving, peppercorns. do some cooking and baking a day or two ahead of the big Ready to make your base event. Things that can be ingredient? Cannabutter. Yup, easily reheated, like desserts, it’s the bee’s knees when side dishes and snacks infusing cannabis into your should be made first. recipes; you don’t want to put raw MMJ into your pumpkin pie 5. Don’t go crazy with the mix. Making cannabutter is a cannabis. Not every dish delicate process but it isn’t hard has to be laced with it. to do. If you have a slow cooker, You can choose to make you can get creative with your just a few dishes infused recipe and even make cannabis with a higher THC content oil. and keep everything else simple. A casserole dish like lasagna or a pot pie without

Slow Cooker Cannabis Oil Before you throw a bunch of stuff in the Crockpot, we learned that WHICH oil you use can make a big diff in how your final product turns out. Olive or coconut oils have higher fat content and will absorb more cannabinoids (THC/CBD) making your finished product more potent. You also may want to make your oil a few days ahead of your Danksgiving event to allow the oil to steep like a tea.

Page 13 Cannabis Butter Recipe – Water Extraction INGREDIENTS - 1 pound of unsalted butter - 1 to 2 ounces of dried cannabis If using buds and trim, a 1:1 ratio of cannabis to butter works well. With leaf, you’ll need more like 1.5 to 2 ounces of cannabis per pound of butter. Equipment - 2 large pots - Strainer and cheesecloth

You’ll need: - 2 cups oil DIRECTIONS - 1-1.5 ounces of dried cannabis 1. Fill a large pot about 1/3 with - Slow cooker water (using about 5 or 6 - Large bowl cups of water). Add cannabis. - Fine mesh strainer 2. Over low-med heat, simmer for about an hour, stirring DIRECTIONS occasionally. 1. Pour oil into the Crock-Pot. 3. Add butter and stir gently. 2. Add cannabis and stir to Reduce heat to lowest cover herb with oil completely. setting. 3. Heat on low setting for 3 4. Allow mixture to return to hours. simmer, stirring occasionally. 4. Allow to cool 8-9 hours. 5. Simmer for at least 1 hour, 5. Repeat heating and cooling preferably 2. process up to two more times 6. Remove from heat and cool for increased potency. completely (takes a good 8-9 6. Pour the oil/herb mixture hours to cool). through the strainer and into 7. Repeat the heating and your bowl/pot. cooling process up to 7. Use a large spoon to press two more times for a more and recover more oil out of potent butter. Allow mixture the herb. to completely cool before 8. Discard herb material. 2nd and 3rd heating. After 9. Store finished oil in tightthird heating, you will strain sealing containers. while mixture is still hot (if you Refrigerate. allow it to cool again, you may not recover as much butter as it starts to solidify around the plant material). To strain/ separate the herb from the

Page 14 butter/water mixture, you’ll need another pot just as large as the first, a strainer and some cheesecloth. 8. Place the strainer over the empty second pot and a piece of cheesecloth over the strainer. 9. While the herb/water/butter mixture is still hot from the 3rd heating, carefully pour it through the strainer and into the second pot. 10. When cool enough to handle, lift and gather the edges of the cheesecloth up around the herb, twisting tightly to squeeze out butter/ water. Pour a cup of boiling water over the herb bag to recover as much butter as possible. A large spoon also works great for pressing every last drop out of the herb bundle. 11. Cover the butter/water mixture and let cool. Then refrigerate at least 24 hours. The butter will separate from the water and harden, creating a disc of green cannabis butter. 12. Cut out large chunks of the butter and remove from water. Use a strainer to capture small bits of butter remaining in the water. Dry the butter on towels. The bottom surface of the butter (that was in contact with the water) may appear darker and squishy in texture. Scrape this off if desired. 13. Place the chunks of butter in a pan and slowly melt at low heat, stirring occasionally. You can let about 60% of it melt, then remove from heat and stir until all the butter is

The BLUNT Truth

melted. Careful not to large sauté pan over medium overheat as you can cause heat. Add garlic and the butter to separate or burn. mushrooms and cook for 2-3 14. Pour the liquid butter into minutes, stirring occasionally. containers to store (16-ounce 4. Sprinkle in the flour and stir glass containers with tight— careful not to let the flour sealing lids are best). burn — for about 1-2 minutes. 15. Enjoy! Try your canna-butter 5. Add salt and pepper. in any of your favorite recipes 6. Whisk in the milk and soy or spread on toast. sauce and scrape bits off the bottom of the pan to Green Bean Casserole incorporate. Bring to a (8 servings) simmer and continue to whisk and cook until the sauce - 2 pounds of green beans, thickens (about 5 minutes). trimmed and halved 7. Mix the sauce with the - 6 tablespoons of Cannabis prepared green beans Butter (recipe preceding this and scoop mixture into a one) casserole dish. - 1 pound mushrooms (your 8. Bake in the oven until bubbly choice of variety — button or — about 15 minutes. shiitake work well) 9. Remove from oven and top - 2 garlic cloves, minced with fried onions (directions - 4 tablespoons flour below). Serve. - 1/2 teaspoon salt - Pepper to taste For the Fried Onion Topping - 2 1/2 cups milk 1. While the casserole is baking, - 1 tablespoon soy sauce put flour in a re-sealable Equipment - Large sauté pan - Large pot - Slotted spoon - Large casserole dish DIRECTIONS For the casserole 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook beans until tender, about 6 minutes. Drain the beans and rinse with cold water to stop the cooking. Pat dry. (This step can be done a day in advance. Just refrigerate the beans until ready to use) 3. Melt Cannabis Butter in a

cannabis cuisine plastic bag. 2. Add onion slices to bag and shake until evenly coated with flour. 3. Melt the canna-butter for the topping in a large sauté pan over medium heat. 4. Shake excess flour from onion pieces before adding them to the pan. 5. Cook for 1-2 minutes per side until golden brown (they cook quickly, so keep an eye on them). Don’t crowd the onions in the pan. Depending on the size of your pan, you may need to do this step in batches. 6. Using a slotted spoon, place cooked onions on a paper towel lined plate and season with salt. Set aside for topping casserole. (The onions can be prepared up to 2 days in advance and stored in an air-tight container lined with paper towels at room temperature).

cannabis culture

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cannabis Culture

science says... by: Amy Addams

Raise your hand if you are sick of election stuff, Covid 19 fear, and hearing about the economy. Yep, us too. So, we got interesting science snippets happening all over the place that are sure to smarten you up at your next family gathering. Poland’s pot plans Poland’s Institute of Natural Fibers & Medicinal Plants has started research into hemp’s value as more than a pot plant without buds in order to help farmers gain financial ground, but they are also looking to expand their place on the world market by examining how MJ can be used to help their economy. Their research and development plan is pretty spectacular. WHY ARE WE NOT DOING THIS? Moving on…. Bonn U says “Bye bye Benadryl” Another European university is looking at MJ for some scientific gain; the University of Bonn in

Germany has been studying THC’s effects on inflammation, specifically, how THC can reduce allergic inflammation. Other cannabinoids have been shown to have a big impact on skin rashes such as eczema and atopic dermatitis. The science is proven and sound: MJ cannabinoids work with our cannabinoid receptors to stop an allergic reaction, working like white blood cells do to help us to heal from an infection. CBD can reduce antibodies by blocking histamines the body puts out when we have an allergic reaction. But WAIT, there’s MORE! These findings have prompted histamine studies that show CBD can help with other diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), brain cancer, and dementia. CBD is also a great antiinflammatory, having 30 times the power of aspirin. CBD lotion can hinder those hives people

get with exposure to allergycausing plants and ingested CBD can control watery, itchy eyes, sneezing and allergic swelling of lymph nodes and sore throat. Whoa. Drop dat drink! On a down note, a recent lab study on CBD levels in drink products showed that less than half of the CBD drinks have the amount of CBD they promise. As a matter of fact, 22 CBD drinks were tested and only FOUR had the amounts of CBD they advertised on the label. From 22 drinks sampled, 12 tested for less CBD than promised and two had NO CBD AT ALL. 14 products contained CBD that was either above or below the amount advertised by more than 10%. That leaves the remaining four drinks containing the amount of CBD they promised (or 18% if you were curious).

Of the drinks tested, Wyld’s Blood Orange, Savage CBD Revive Shot and Dram Beauty Bubbles all got an ‘A’ – they were all within 10% of their advertised CBD amounts. Oki’s Cucumber Mint Water (advertised 20 mg CBD, had 6.3 mg), Refresh CBD Water, Sunday Scaries YOLO, and Sweet Reason Sparkling Water were among the drinks that got an ‘F’. Blue Label Naturals and Sativa CBD Water advertise 5 mg and 25 mg of CBD respectively, but they had NONE! Huhwha??

That’s not to say universities are permitting pot for any ol’ reason, but many colleges in legal states have gone lax in their issues with students using MEDICAL cannabis, provided they have a prescription.

Underfunding U.S. Universities for using?

Let’s be clear - most schools do not allow smokable marijuana in any form, including Maine’s public schools, but Maine has been receiving funds to the tune of $1.1 million per year for social services for students with mental health issues. This year (after legalizing), Maine’s federal financial supply was cut off due to allowing cannabis on college campuses.

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The federal gubmint is acting crazy again, going so far as to withdraw mental health grants to colleges that permit students to use medical marijuana.

It’s also likely to happen at K-12 public schools; research shows that one in six kids could forego dangerous mental health meds in favor of cannabis. In Maine, one in 4 kids have been diagnosed with at least one mental health issue that MMJ could address better such as ADD/ADHD and Epilepsy.

What’s concerning is that the CBD/cannabis beverage market is expected to net $1.82 BILLION by the end of 2020. You can bet your next stimulus check that we’ll be keeping an eye on this y’all.

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The BLUNT Truth

cannabis Culture


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cultivating cannabis

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cannabis culture

The BLUNT Truth

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