Da Vinci tt100 Business Innovation Awards Programme
CONTENTS Who are we?
What do we do?
How do we do it?
How your company can benefit from tt100 participation
Collaborative partnership boosts impact of tt100 in 2018
The TIPS Framework
Adjudicator Feedback
Winners Feedback
Roll of Honour
WHO ARE WE? The Da Vinci tt100 Business Innovation Awards
organisations to maintain and improve their competitive
Programme is South Africa’s foremost business Awards
advantage are depicted in the TIPS™ framework, which
programme. tt100 has been recognising innovation
is used to adjudicate entrant companies and is explained
and technological prowess in South African companies
below. In the past 27 years, this process had been refined
for more than 27 years. In going forward, it is focused
to the extent that organisations now use the metrics to
on identifying true managerial leaders who through
manage and lead their operations. It has resulted in the
innovation, tenacity and a belief in people, have been able
development of a new perspective on sustainability and the
to take their organisations to new levels of competitiveness.
identification of key drivers, which could facilitate global
The programme seeks to identify role models within the
management of innovation and technology domains who have demonstrated their excellence in co-creating new
Entrants of the tt100 programme include a wide spectrum
workplace realities.
of operations in diversified industries. They exemplify those who through passion, perseverance and a highly
Since its inception in 1991, tt100 has emerged from being
developed sense of innovation, have defied all odds, and
merely an award function, to one where the adjudication
have become recognised as significant players in the
process has moved towards gaining a quantitative and
global economy. These organisations are recognised as
qualitative assessment of what drives the role models
sustainable, high-performance operations.
who have qualified from the adjudication process. The key drivers which determine the potential for these
WHAT DO WE DO? tt100 uses a unique adjudication process to assess
tt100 is open to emerging, small, medium and large
what drives companies that demonstrate excellence in
enterprises that have been operational for more than
the management of innovation, people and technology
one year. Government agencies and parastatals are also
within a systemic context. This is based on The Da Vinci
welcome to participate.
Institute’s trademarked TIPS framework - referring to the management of Technology, Innovation, People and
“We do not focus on technology companies per se but
Systems Thinking.
on technology-oriented companies, meaning companies who have managed to successfully leverage technology,”
“Over 26 years, TIPS has been refined to the extent that
Anderson says. “tt100 is about recognising that anyone
organisations now use the metrics to manage and lead
can build and manage an innovation capability, whatever
their operations,” Professor Ben Anderson, CEO of The Da
sector you are in and however big or small you are.”
Vinci Institute and Director of the tt100 programme says. “It has resulted in the development of a new perspective on sustainability and the identification of key drivers that could facilitate global competitiveness.” The adjudicators and entrants come from a diversity of industries and sectors, including academia, auditing, mining, banking, energy, retail, telecommunications and technology.
HOW DO WE DO IT? The tt100 programme starts with a call for entries and
As these pledges are tax-deductible, tt100 will provide the
culminates in an awards ceremony held towards the end
necessary receipt.
of the year. In between, there are a number of key steps for participating companies and the adjudicators.
Once proof of payment has been received, entrants are given a link to the tt100 questionnaire (which would
Here is a brief overview of the process.
have captured information already submitted). Most entrants find completing the questionnaire a valuable
First, entrants log onto the tt100 website at www.tt100.
exercise as it takes them through the journey of how they
co.za, where they register their entry.
manage innovation, technology, people and systems in a sustainable way.
On receipt of the registration, an assessment is conducted. If accepted, companies are notified and required to make a
When the questionnaire is completed, tt100 arranges for
pledge in the form of a tax-deductible donation towards the
each entrant to participate in an adjudication process. This
establishment of the tt100 research fund:
usually happens during the second half of the year and is either a face-to-face session or, if this is not practical,
EMERGING ORGANISATIONS (turnover below R5 million): Â SMALL ORGANISATIONS (turnover between R5.1 million
In the final stage, the panel of adjudicators select R1 000
(between R35 million and R100 million):
LARGE ORGANISATIONS (turnover above R100 million):
qualifying, finalist and winning organisations, which are announced at the awards function presided over by the
and R35 million):
conducted via video-conference.
Minister of Science and Technology. R1 500 R2 000
HOW YOUR COMPANY CAN BENEFIT FROM tt100 PARTICIPATION tt100 participants receive customised feedback on how
In addition, each participant receives a 30-minute post-
they manage technology, innovation and people within a
awards feedback session with an adjudicator.
systemic context, enabling them to improve the way they operate their organisations.
Winners and finalists receive the additional benefit of becoming part of the tt100 community and being invited
A special benefit of the tt100 awards programme is the
to participate in tt100 events, including business forums
feedback participants receive from the adjudicators. This
held jointly with government and partners involved
takes the form of the verbal feedback received during each
in promoting business innovation, particularly the
adjudication session as well as an electronic dashboard
Department of Science and Technology.
that each entrant can download after the awards event. The electronic dashboard contains detailed, confidential comments from the adjudicators on where the company concerned is doing well and where it could consider making improvements.
COOPERATIVE PARTNERSHIP BOOSTS IMPACT OF tt100 A powerful cooperative partnership is set to boost
“The tt100 programme is an effective vehicle for
the impact of the tt100 Business Innovation Awards
achieving growth and innovation advancement in South
programme from 2017 onwards.
Africa and Africa at large,” says Prof Bennie Anderson, CEO of The Da Vinci Institute and a Director of the
The partners are The Da Vinci Institute, the Department
tt100 programme. “It further serves to raise awareness
of Science and Technology (DST), Blank Canvas
of the critical need for all organisations to embrace the
International and Innocentrix. For the period 2017
management of technology, innovation and people in
to 2019, they will work closely together to support,
a systemic and sustainable manner. This cooperative
showcase and recognise the role of leadership in the
partnership will advance that.”
management of innovation and technology as it relates to growth, differentiation and sustainable development.
The Da Vinci Institute is a School of Business Leadership
Blank Canvas International and its Sustainability Summit
contributing towards socio-economic development and
are synonymous with enabling resilient business practices
transformation. Each year, it hosts the tt100 Awards
and value chain performances. Blank Canvas runs the
programme to identify role models who have demonstrated
SMME Green Pitch competition and incubator, and hosts
excellence in co-creating new workplace realities.
the African Sustainable Development Association’s Centre of Excellence for South Africa and Africa.
The Department of Science and Technology (DST) serves
Innocentrix is an innovation business and technology service
to increase well-being and prosperity through science,
company that serves South Africa’s leading companies
technology and innovation. Its mission is to provide
and has a strong network of international partnerships.
leadership, an enabling environment and resources for
Innocentrix focuses on innovation and technology services,
science, technology and innovation in support of South
with the aim of taking ideas to commercialisation.
Africa’s development.
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: 2018 The sponsorship association with the tt100 programme
• Branding / Positioning on electronic invitations;
provides access to all official tt100 and listed events,
exclusive marketing opportunities, social media exposure
tt100 Business Innovation Awards Programme –Logo (prominent visibility) Front Cover & Back Cover;
and an association with The Da Vinci Institute and tt100
• Page in programme dedicated to sponsor’s messages;
business network.
• Branding on tt100 website and all other Online platforms (including URL link to organisations website
Sponsorship Benefits
for period of 12 months).
Marketing and PR: Mentioned and featured as Sponsor in all Marketing and
For more details on how to become a sponsor,
PR collateral for all events. Prominent visibility on all tt100
contact Sonya Landman 011 579 4445 or email her
and other social media platforms.
at sonya@davinci.ac.za
Correspondence: • Prominent Logo visibility on correspondence generated by the tt100 Team • Awards Ceremony:Branding / Positioning at the ceremony;
THE TIPS FRAMEWORK The Management of Technology (MOT)
The Management of Systems (MOS)
Here we argue that we are all technologists, every one of
Here we focus on the synthesis of all organisational
us who knows how to do something in a certain way and
activities and performances systemically, in an attempt
uses tools to do it, be they pencils or personal computers,
to solve unique problems. The re-design of a competitive
machine tools or video screens. Teachers, auto designers,
landscape may result in being hyper competitive. It also
builders of factories or financial plans, whether we use
assumes that one perceives reality as a combination of
language labs or lasers in whatever we do, we participate
known, knowable, complex and chaotic dimensions
in the management of technology of our age. In linking and integrating the domains (MOT, MOI, MOP
The Management of Innovation (MOI)
and MOS) with each other, Da Vinci argues that people
This is essentially about how an organisation firstly
should be able to demonstrate the following behaviours:
capitalises on the ideation process to develop an innovative product, service, process or system and as a result to commercialise and implement such innovation.
The Management of People (MOP) This is about the understanding of the human bridge in implementing organisational processes and how the organisational human factor is leveraged, showing how and where people make the real difference in sustaining organisational growth and competence.
T Tools/Metrics to Achieve Differentiation Workplace Integration
Performance and Value Returns
S Organisation System
I Ideation - to Create Value
P Human Interface
ENGAGEMENT Performance Output
upskills (by acquisition or development) the appropriate
Integrating the dynamics of the management of technology
human capabilities to match and ideally exceed the
and the management of innovation such that as the
technological needs at any one time.
organisation develops, improves and adapts its technology needs, appropriate amounts of innovation are applied to
Being engaged
generate real market value and profitability.
management of innovation by way of evaluating the
Being aligned
commitment and motivation of people at the workplace.
Integrating the management of technology and the
It is measured in terms of the total incentive cost within
management of people by ensuring that the organisation
the organisation.
ADJUDICATOR FEEDBACK “Winning organisations consider speed to market, they
“I love working with entrepreneurs and believe we should
respond to change and have an ability to cope with new
do everything we can to help more entrepreneurs grow
world flexibility. Agile, aligned and engaged organisations
and thrive… People need to know and sense that you care
create the future and demonstrate that intentional,
about what they are doing, and that means sharing what
repeatable innovation success is not only possible, but that
you think they do well and where they could improve. It’s
it is a leadership responsibility that leads to relevance and
not always easy to give feedback but if I don’t, then who will?
growth. The tt100 Business Innovation awards programme
It could help someone.”
rewards and recognises those organisations and their
Mmbodi Rambau-Nesengani, Senior Development Impact
leaders that excel at this.”
Specialist at the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)
Henra Mayer: CEO Innocentrix and Head of Faculty: Innovation at The Da Vinci Institute “Driving technology is the basis for businesses to innovate in the global landscape. This awards programme drives South African businesses to get better, gives them a platform to profile themselves in the market, and encourages them to look at how they can use technology and innovate to make the best of their business.” Marlize Schwar of Absa Corporate and Investment Bank
SSG Consulting
The Department of Science & Technology Ministers
Grant Smith, General Manager of projects at SSG Consulting
Award for Overall Excellence - Large Enterprise, went
said, “What sets us apart as a technology company is the
to electronics company, PFK Electronics. PFK Electronics
way we approach innovation; we are a young group of
was established in 1985 and specialises in innovative
people and we play hard and work hard.”
automotive solutions for manufacturers, the aftermarket, major fleet and freight companies, and the public
“For SSG Consulting, as well as our software product,
transport sector.
Key360, we are moving towards a more global expansion. Winning an award like this one will definitely impact our
PFK Electronics offers tailored solutions which are
company. It is legitimacy to a lot of our hard-working people
produced in-house under two brands, namely Autowatch
behind the scenes,” said Smith.
and PFK Shurlok. Finance executive, Craig Hilary said, "The drive for what we do sets us apart. We focus on innovation, team work and on making sure that we love what we do. We make sure that we always satisfy our customers' needs." Speaking about their plans for the future, Craig said: "PFK electronics is on a global drive, we are going into an excess of 23 countries as we grow our market share and penetrate new markets.”
AWARDS The tt100 award for excellence in the Management of Technology The tt100 adjudication probes deeply into the processes
have a healthy mix of Emerging, Pacing, Key, and Base
that an organisation deploys in the Management of
Technologies. Fundamental to the effective Management
Technology. Of key interest are the processes that
of Technology are the tools deployed to maintain and
are deployed to develop, implement and monitor the
enhance the competitive advantage. tt100 winners
focus on improvement of quality and productivity, higher
attention to the technology life cycle ensuring that they
flexibility, cost leadership and new market exploitation.
The tt100 award for excellence in the Management of Innovation Measuring the innovative capacity of the organisation
innovation process gives a good indication of the methods
embraces a spectrum of quantitative and qualitative
used to monitor it. Innovation is linked to knowledge
metrics. The adjudication process interrogates the
management and how the organisation manages the
innovative capacity in three areas: Product, Process and
dissemination of information. Winning organisations
Organisation. An important indicator is the percentage
are concerned with integration, and they leverage their
of revenue generated from products that are less than 3
effectiveness through strategic alliances, joint ventures,
years old. Furthermore, the Return on Investment from the
outsourcing, and partnerships.
AWARDS THE tt100 award for excellence in Systemic Thinking In a growing world of complexity, managing an organisation
discounting. The culture that pervades the organisation is
using a Systems approach is no longer a luxury, but an
one of constructive engagement and recognition that every
essential element if an organisation wishes to be in the race.
person in the organisation, irrespective of their position, has
Emphasis is placed on testing the validity of the strategic
an important contribution to make. It is evident that these
intent, and applying basic Systems Thinking principles.
organisations are better prepared to solve problems in a
These organisations spend quality time upfront, debating
more elegant way and find that they have fewer fallouts due
the merits of new processes, products, and systems before
to reactive decision-making.
making an investment, changing the product mix, or
The tt100 award for excellence in the Management of People Winning organisations recognise the critical role people
mentoring and coaching, issues relating to staff retention,
play in enhancing their competitive advantage. The
training and development and, most importantly, how
adjudication process probes a number of variables in
staff are incentivised and encouraged to become part
an attempt to gain insight into how organisations are
of the innovation process. They do not pay lip service to
able to maximise the effectiveness of their employees,
their staff – they are measured in terms of staff turnover,
whilst creating a harmonious working environment.
growth in the number of employees, and the percentage of
tt100 organisations are appraised on their value system
revenue spent on training and development.
and organisational climate, with the emphasis placed on
AWARDS The tt100 award for Sustainability For this award, the organisation and its management
to manage its impact on the environment. The package
are evaluated on the overall contribution within their
includes evidence of the organisation’s ability to contribute
chosen marketplace, and to the South African society as
to organisational ecology.
a whole. The essence of this award is the value that the
organisation contributes to both its internal and external
These companies demonstrate a holistic approach to
communities. Such an organisation demonstrates not
managing their operations, and are a role model that all
only a unique ability to manage the TIPS™ elements
companies, in both the private and public sectors, should
within its own operations, but also demonstrates its ability
strive to emulate.
tt100 award for the best Innovation Concept The Da Vinci tt100 business innovation awards programme
product (good or service), or process, a new marketing
looks at recognizing innovation efforts by leading local
method, or a new organizational method in business
organizations. Entries refer to specific innovation (product,
practices, workplace organization or external relations.
process, service and/or system related innovation) which
The minimum requirement for an innovation is that the
have been in the market for at least one year.
product, process, marketing method or organizational method must be new (or significantly improved) to
We define innovation as stated by the Oslo Manual –
the firm�.
“the implementation of a new or significantly improved
AWARDS The Department of Science and Technology The Minister award for Overall Excellence – Medium and Large Enterprises The ultimate accolade for any organisation is to be conferred
organisation displays an important attribute in the form
these awards. This organisation does not only deliver
of a ‘fractal quality’. As such, irrespective of where you
superior financial results, but displays all round excellence.
engage with the organisation, the same professionalism
From the development of their strategy, to the way they
and commitment to their stakeholders will pervade.
interact with their internal and external environment, the
The Department of Science and Technology Director General award for Overall Excellence – Emerging and Small Enterprises
Altech Netstar
Allied Electronics Corporation Limited
Brucol Global Development (Pty) Ltd
Cura Risk Management Software (Pty) Ltd
FetchThem GlobalTrack
Intense Technologies
I Am Emerge
Smoke Customer Care Solutions
Nelito Systems Ltd
X/procure Software SA (Pty) Ltd
Passion4Performance (Pty) Ltd
African Oxygen
Passion4Performance International (Pty) Ltd PFK Electronics (Pty) Ltd
Space Advisory Company
African Oxygen
SSG Consulting
Allied Electronics Corporation Limited
Altech Multimedia
X/Procure Software SA (Pty) Ltd
Altron TMT Holdings
Vuleka from I Am Emerge
Campus Labs
Pundutso Musha (PDC) from Tabula Rasa Investments (Pty) Ltd
De Beers Technologies
Gecko Imager from Space Advisory Company
Rural Credit Facilities to the Unbanked from Nelito Systems Ltd
Accsys (Pty) Ltd Allied Electronics Corporation Limited
Globaltrack Itemate Solutions (Pty) Ltd
HearX Group (Pty) Ltd
Accsys (Pty) Ltd
ID Control Solutions iPulse Systems LucidView
Magnet Electrical Supplies
Cornastone Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd
Merlynn Intelligence Systems
Kirkonsult (Pty) Ltd
Olive Expert Services
PFK Electronics
PFK Electronics
SVA Innovate Pty (Ltd)
Photovoltaic Technology Intellectual Property
Systemic Logic Innovation Agency (Pty) Ltd
QK Meats
Technetium (Pty) Ltd
X/procure Software SA (Pty) Ltd
Verirad WHC
PFK Electronics (Pty) Ltd
Altech Limited
Realm Computers (Pty) Ltd
Altech UEC South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Smoke Custopmer Care Solutions (Pty) Ltd
De Beers DebTech
Global Supply Chain Services (Pty) Ltd
Innovation Agency
Accsys Pty Ltd
Technetium (Pty) Ltd. Tutuka
iPulse Systems (Pty) Ltd
Van Reenen Steel (Pty) Ltd
Verirad (Pty) Ltd
MLS Test Systems (Pty) Ltd
X/procure Software SA (Pty) Ltd
NTP Radioisotopes SOC Ltd PFK Electronics Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Accsys (Pty) Ltd
Prezence Digital
Allied Technologies Limited
Rowe Construction CC / Rowe Group of Companies
Altech Multimedia (Pty) Ltd
SDK Africa
Altech Netstar Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Smoke Customer Care Solutions
Bell Equipment Company SA (Pty) Ltd
Van Reenen Steel (Pty) Ltd
Dakot Milling Media (Pty) Ltd
X/procure Software SA (Pty) Ltd
DebTech Ergoform CC Hazleton Pumps SA (Pty) Ltd
Integr8 Group
Altech Multimedia (Pty) Ltd
iPulse Systems (Pty) Ltd
Bell Equipment Limited
i-Slices Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd
Bettalights Pty Ltd
CERadvance Engineering Ceramics (PTY) LTD.
Agility Global Health Solutions [Africa]
iWeathar LucidView
Computers 4 Kids CC
MechCAL (Pty) Ltd
Dakot Milling Media (Pty) Ltd
P3 Engineering South Africa (Pty) Ltd
PetroSA (Pty) Ltd
PFK Electronics (Pty) Ltd
EDH (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd
saidWOT (Pty) Ltd
FNB- A division of FirstRand Bank Limited
Spark ATM Systems (Pty) Ltd
Forge Business On-line (pty) ltd
Technetium (Pty) Ltd
Fraxion (Pty) Ltd
Thirty by Thirty Marketing Technology CC
TMT Services and Supplies (Pty) Ltd
Global Supply Chain Services (pty) ltd
Util Labs (Pty) Ltd
Veripath (Pty) Ltd
X/procure Software SA (Pty) Ltd
LucidView (Pty) Ltd MechCaL PTY Ltd Metrix Software Solutions (Pty) Ltd Mintek
Allied Technologies Limited (Altech)
Advanced Technologies & Engieering Co (Pty) Ltd - ATE
Advanced Technologies & Engieering Co (Pty) Ltd - ATE
Allied Technologies Limited
Control Instruments Shurlock
Bell Equipment Company South Africa (Pty) Ltd
incuBeta Intelligent Marketing (Pty) Ltd
Calibrated Diamond Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd ELB Engineering Services (Pty) Ltd
Accsys (Pty) Ltd
InnovirInstitute Trust Khanya Project
Hazelton Pumps (SA) (Pty) Ltd
Multotec Process Equipment (Pty) Ltd
Integr8 Group
Netstar (Pty) Ltd
I-Slices (Pty) Ltd
Allied Technologies Limited (Altech)
MechCaL Composite Fans (Pty) Ltd
Anglo Technical Division, a member of The Anglo
NioCAD (Pty) Ltd
American plc Group
NTP Radioisotopes (Pty) Ltd
Bell Equipment Co SA (Pty) Ltd
Blue Catlyst Investment (Pty) Ltd
PetroSA (Pty) Ltd
BreatheTex Corporation (Pty) Ltd
PFK Electronics (Pty) Ltd
Spark ATM Systems (Pty) Ltd
EDH SA (Pty) Ltd
Spark ATM Systems (Pty) Ltd
Nimue Skin Tehcnology
Veripath (Pty) Ltd Wondermed (Pty) Ltd
Iskhus Power (Pty) Ltd
Prism Holdings (Pty) Ltd SALT (Pty) Ltd
South African Post Office Breadbin Interactive Technologies
The Archimedes Foundation
CUPL - Rapid Liquid Dispensing
Timbali Technology Incubator
Flexi Manufacturing
Truck Engineering Services (Pty) Ltd
Resource Ballast Technologies Accsys (Pty) Ltd Advanced Technologies & Engieering Co (Pty) Ltd - ATE
Altech Ltd Altech Netstar (PTY) LTD Altis Biologics (Pty) Ltd DebTech Hot Platinum (Pty) Ltd I-Slices Innovations PFK ELECTRONICS (PTY) LTD Water Angel Operations (Pty) Ltd
BMW South Africa
Baylabs (Pty) Ltd
Sasol Limited
Cueincident (formerly BAC Surveillance Technology)
DigiCore Holdings
Flextronics South Africa
Allied Technologies Limited (Altech)
Bell Equipment Co SA (Pty) Limited Debtech (a division of De Beers Consolidated Mines)
Floppy Sprinkler (Pty) Limited
South African Medical Research Council
Omnipack Plastic Factory
Andrew Satcom Africa (Pty) Ltd
Paterson & Cooke Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd
NTP (a division of NECSA)
Prism Holdings South African Medical Research Council
AECI Aroma and Fine Chemicals
Sasol Limited
Agrilink (Pty) Ltd
Shurlock Internationl (Pty) Limited
Allied Technologies Ltd (Altech)
Spectrum Visual Networks
Andrew Satcom Africa (Pty) Ltd
Sulzer Pumps - Sulzer (South Africa) Limited
Artec Product Design
TruTeq Wireless (Pty) Ltd
Azisa (Pty) Ltd
UEC Technologies (Pty) Ltd
Batco Becker Automotive BMW South Africa
Afrox Self-Rescue Division (SRD)
Breathetex Corporation (Pty) Ltd
Allied Technologies Limited (Altech)
Clifford Engineering (Pty) Ltd
Amarel Laboratories
DaimlerChrysler South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Baisch Engineering (Pty) Limited
Datavoice (Pty) Ltd
Bell Equipment Co SA (Pty) Ltd
BMW South Africa
Aerospace Monitoring and Systems (Pty) Limited
DeWetshof Estate DNA Sherwood (Pty) Ltd
Computer Storage Service Africa (Pty) Limited
Eskom Research, Development and Demonstration
De Beers Consildated Mines - TSS Technology
Faurecia Exhaust Systems SA (Pty) Ltd
Eskom Enterprises - TSI Division
Forrest Solutions (Pty) Ltd
e.com institute (Pty) Ltd
Hannafrica.com (Pty) Ltd
Floppy Sprinkler (Pty) Limited
Hulett Aluminium
Intermap (Pty) Limited
Imptech International (Pty) Ltd
KAB Instruments (Pty) Ltd
Kaymac Rotomoulders
Laser Measurement (Pty) Ltd
Kelp Products
Netstar (Pty) Limited
KPL Die Cashting (Pty) Ltd
Laser Measurement (Pty) Ltd
Megkon Ltd
Paterson & Cooke Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd
MX Group of Companies
Prism Holdings
Net1 Applied Technology Holdings Ltd
R&B Project Design & Engineering cc Sparkle Glass Manufacturers Uri Vehicle Manufacturing (Pty) Limited
1ST Industrial
Parsec Holdings (Pty) Ltd
1ST Telecom
RGR Technologies (Pty) Ltd
Altron Group
Sasol Solvents
Artec Product Design
Shurlock International
Sir Dicks The Uniform Company
Crabtree Electrical Accessories
Solutions-Tech (Pty) Ltd t/a Solutions
Digital Process Measurement (Pty) Ltd
Spunchem Africa (Pty) Ltd
Electronic Sys Laboratory University Stellenbosch
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering (Pty) Ltd Ukhozi Mining (Pty) Ltd
Nimag Ltd Group of Companies
Ulster Carpet Mills (Pty) Ltd
Eskom: TSI and Technology Group Grintek Energy Technologies Harwill Medical Impregnation Web Technology Group (Pty) Ltd
Altech Ltd
Jewellary Technologies
Artec Product Design
Baisch Engineering (Pty) Limited
Quintron cc
Bell Equipment Co SA (Pty) Ltd
Softline Ltd
Steinhobel Design (Pty) Ltd
Data Voice
The Altron Group
Electric Genetics
UEC Technologies
Future World
1ST Energy (Pty) Ltd
Hatch Africa (Pty) Ltd
1ST Industrial
Image Recognition Technologies
Advanced Technologies and Engineering Co (Pty)
Isis Information Systems
Alcatel Altech Telecoms (Pty) Ltd
MS Hunt Consulting
Altech Ltd
Nuclear Technology Products
BillCad Holdings
S C Technologies SAPEKOE SAPPI
Eskom Technology Group
Boart Longyear BSW Data (Pty) Ltd C.A.T.
SRK Consulting
CSIR Food Science and Technology
UEC Technologies (Pty) Ltd
CSIR Materials Handling and Technology Datafusion Denel (Pty) Ltd Denel Naschem Denel Swartklip Products Detonator Technologies Drytech
Enviro Options (Pty) Ltd AECI Limited
Harwill Medical
Bell Equipment Co SA (Pty) Ltd
Impregnation Web Technology Group (Pty)
D Le Roux & Associates
Isis Information Systems
EMS Engineering Management Services
Laser Optronic Technologies
GEC Alstom Large Machines
Enertek Eskom
Optical Fibre (a division of ATC)
Haggie Rand
Rand Water
LIW (a division of Denel)
RSD (a division of Dorbyl Ltd)
Pratley Polymers (Pty) Ltd
Sasol Limited
Sasol Limited
Siemens Ltd (Energy & Automation)
Siemens Ltd
Siemens Ltd (Power Generation) Afrox
Steffen Robertson & Kirsten Cons. Engineers
Eagle Systems Group
Steinhobel Design (Pty) Ltd
H Rohloff (Pty) Ltd
UEC Commercial
LIW (a division of Denel)
U-Lite Holdings (Pty) Ltd University of Stellenbosch
Smith Capital Equipment
Vac Air Technology (Pty) Ltd
NCP Plessey TRI Technology Research & Investigations Trinity Developments
1ST Energy (Pty) Ltd C G Smith Chemical
CBI Circuit Breakers Industries
Bateman Materials Handling Boart Longyear
CSIR Mintek
Brent Chemical Technologies
PSSG Pilkington Shatterprufe Glass
CSIR Mattek
QED Quality Electronic Developments
Datafusion Systems Denel Swartklip Products DPI Plastics (Pty) Ltd Electronic Cost Systems GEC Alsthom Electrical Machines Instrotech National Instrumentation Services Plessey Corporation Reumech OMC Sasol Limited Steffen Robertson & Kirsten Cons. Engineers UEC Commercial
For more information on the Da Vinci tt100 Business Innovation Awards Programme, call Sonya Landman 011 579 4445 or email her at sonya@davinci.ac.za