Torrington Livestock Market Report - 10.17.16

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Torrington Livestock Markets PO Box 1097 • Torrington, WY 82240 307.532.3333 Fax: 307.532.2040

Lex Madden: 307-532-1580 Shawn Madden: 307-532-1575 Michael Schmitt: 307-532-1776


RED ANGUS/HEREFORD SECTION Andrew Kortes & Sons 190 Hereford/Angus-x Strs & Hfrs, 385-430#, Branding Shots: Vira Shield 6, Vision 7, No Implants Bill & Mary Owens 130 Red Angus Strs & Hfrs, 800-850#, Red Angus Source Tagged, Home Raised, Full Vac. Program, Coming off grass, Hfrs: Some PTO @ ranch bal ran as Open Hfrs, All Natural William & Bonnie Shammel 100 Hereford/Red Angus-x (few F1 Red Angus, few Full Red Angus) Strs & Hfrs, 550-600#, Shots @ Birth: 20/20 Vision 7-way, Branding & Pre-cond. Shots: Bovi-Shield Gold 5, 20/20 Vision 7-way, No Implants, Been on Apple Cider Vinegar all Summer, Home Raised Dale Oliver/Justin & Tycie Lichty 80 Red Angus Strs, 450-550#, Branding Shots: 7-way, 5-way Longhorn Calves Russell Cundall 60 Red Angus (70%) / Blk (30%) Strs & Hfrs, 580#, Featuring the McIntosh Ranch/Ellen Pre-cond. Shots on 9/22: Bovi-Shield Gold 5, Ultra Choice 7, Poured w/Ivermectin Fox Longhorn Calves Sumner & Shirley Shockley 40 Red Angus Strs & Hfrs, 550#, Age & Source thru Red Angus, Mcintosh Ranch/Ellen Fox 125 LongPre-cond. On 9/6: 7-way, Cattlemaster Gold, All Natural horn Strs & Hfrs, 475#, Home Raised, Seth Holdbrook 31Red Angus Strs & Hfrs, 450-550#, Branding & Pre-cond. Shots, All Natural All Natural, Branding Shots FEEDERS Johnson Livestock 5 Blk Correnties-x Peter H Wright Clark 50 Blk Hfrs, 900#, PTO @ ranch, Home Raised, Complete Vac. Program Strs & Hfrs, 475-500#, Pre-cond. Shots: C Lazy J Ranch 37 Brahma Angus-x (Blk) Strs, 850#, Coming off grass Pyramid 5+Presponse, Vision 7, Good 25 Blk Angus -x few Rd Hfrs, 850#, Spayed, Come off grass Horns, Cake Broke CALVES Rocky Top Ranch/Pennington/Hall 250 Blk/Bwf Strs & Hfrs, 450-550#, Branding Shots: Vision 7 w/Spur, Vira Shield 6, Multimin, Strs are Knife Cut, Pre-cond. Shots on Aug. 22: Vista Once SQ, Vision 7w/Spur, Multimin, Poured w/Vermectin Gray Ranch 185 Mx Strs, 575-625#, Branding Shots: Vision 7, Pre-cond. Shots: Vista Once SQ, Vira Shield 6 w/Somnus 85 Char-x Hfrs, 575-625#, Branding Shots: Vision 7, Pre-cond. Shots: Vista Once SQ, Vira Shield 6 w/Somnus Schlautmann Ranch LLC 165 Fancy Blk Angus Strs & Hfrs, 500-575#, Branding Shots: Ultrabac 7 w/Somubac, Home Raised Twin Buttes 105 Blk/Bwf few Rd Strs & Hfrs, 450-475#, Branding Shots, Strs are Implanted w/Ralgro, Knife Cut, Hfrs are All Natural Shirley Sanders 95 Red/Bwf Strs & Hfrs, 450-550#, Branding Shots: 7-way Phil Kahler 72 Mx Strs & Hfrs, 500-550#, Branding Shots: Bovi-Shield Gold, 7-way, Long range Shot, Strs are Knife Cut Dan Robinette 50 Mx Hfrs, 500-525#, Branding Shots, All Natural

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21ST, 2016 - All Classes MONDAY, OCTOBER 24TH, 2016 - Calf Special

Bill Keith 400 Blk/Bwf Strs & Hfrs, 280-350#, Branding & Pre-cond Shots, Strs are Knife Cut, Jun/July Calves, All Natural William Sturgeon 260 Blk Strs & Hfrs, 400-480#, May/June Calves, High Altitude, Branding Shots: Ultra Choice 7, Vista 5, All Natural Clark Ranch 200 Blk few Char-x Strs & Hfrs, 450-575#, Branding Shots: Vision 7, Safe Guard, Pre-cond. Shots: Vision 7, Vista Once Quinn Creek Ranch 195 Blk few Rd Strs & Hfrs, 475-500#, Branding Shots: Ultra Bac 8-way, Strs are Knife Cut, All Natural Tam & Paula Staman 190 Mostly Blk few Bwf Strs & Hfrs, 475-575#, Branding Shots: Pyramid 5+Presponse, Vision 7, Precond. Shots: Pyramid 5+Presponse, Vision 7 w/Somnus, Poured w/Ivermectin, No Implants, Strs are Knife Cut, No Replacements kept Sidwell Herefords 155 Bwf, Rwf, Hereford Strs & Hfrs, 525-550#, Branding Shots: Cattlemaster Gold, Vision 7-way w/Spur, Pre-cond. Shots: Cattlemaster Gold, Vision 7-way w/Spur, Back Pour w/Ivomec, All Natural, Heifers are Replacement Quality Mark & Connie Kersting 150 Blk/Bwf Strs & Hfrs (3 hd of Char-x), 500-600#, Branding Shots: Ultra Choice 7, Inforce 3, One Shot BVD, Dectomax Injectable Wormer, Pre-cond. Shots: Vision 7 Somnus w/Spur, Pyramid 5+Presponse SQ, Dectomax Pouron, No Implants, All Natural Corky Fosher 130 Blk/Bwf/Rd/Rwf Hfrs & Strs, 550-600#, Branding Shots: Vista Once SQ,7-way, Pre-cond. Shots: Vista Once SQ, Poured w/Ivermec, Implanted w/Synovex C, No Replacements kept Twin Buttes 105 F1 Cross few Rd Strs & Hfrs, 450-475#, Branding Shots, Strs are Implanted, Knife cut, Hfrs are All Natural Mike Stephens 80 Mostly Blk few Bwf Strs & Hfrs, 550-650#, Branding Shots: 7-way, Strs are Knife Cut, No Implants, All Natural Russell & Karen Wedemeyer 105 F-1 Cross/Hereford Strs & Herefords, 500-560#, Pre-cond. Shots: Vista Once SQ, Vision 7, Poured Indian Creek Ranch/ JC Forgey 75 Blk Hfrs, 550#, Fancy, Home Raised, Pre-cond. Shots: Vista Once SQ, Vision 7 Mike Wollert 70 Blk Strs & Hfrs, 550#, Branding Shots: Express 5, 7-way, Pre-cond. Shots on Oct. 6: Express 5, 7-way w/ Somnus, Poured Ken Johnston 70 Mx Strs & Hfrs, 400-500#, Branding Shots: Ultra Choice 7, Inforce 3, One Shot BVD, Dectomax Injectable Wormer, Pre-cond. Shots: Vision 7 Somnus w/Spur, Pyramid 5+Presponse SQ, Dectomax Pour On, No Implants, All Natural Hornbuckle Ranch 60 Blk Hfrs, 420-450#, Weaned 30+ days, Branding & Pre-cond. Shots: Vista Once SQ, 7-way w/Somnus, Poured Hornbuckle Ranch 60 Blk Hfrs, 420-450#, Branding Shots: Vista Once SQ, 7-way w/Somnus, All Natural, March-June Calves Staman/Junke/Schuppan 60 Mostly Blk few Bwf Strs & Hfrs, 475-575#, Branding Shots: Pyramid 5+Presponse, Vision 7, Precond. Shots: Pyramid 5+Presponse, Vision 7 w/Somnus, Poured w/Ivermectin, No Implants, Strs are Knife Cut, No Replacements kept. Ron Ball 50 Char-x Strs & Hfrs, 500-525#, Branding Shots Marlin Wiedman 50 Blk Strs & Hfrs, 575#, Spring & Fall Shots: Pyramid 5, 7-way, Poured w/Ivomec, Strs are Knife Cut, All Natural Allen Reinking 40 Blk Strs & Hfrs, 475-600#, Branding Shots: 7-way, Pre-cond. Shots on Sept. 22: Vira Shield 6 w/Somnus, Poured w/Ivermectin, Strs are Knife Cut Roy Schmidl 35 Sim-Angus-x Strs & Hfrs, 500-550#, Branding and Pre-cond. Shots, All Natural Troy Allen 25 Blk Strs & Hfrs, 550-600#, Pre-cond. Shots Matt Howe/X Bar Spear 20 Blk/Rd Strs & Hfrs, 500#, Pre-cond. Shots P L Ranch 19 Blk/Rd Strs & Hfrs, 500#, Branding & Pre-cond. Shots RESULTS FOR OCT 10, 2016 -FEEDER SPECIAL - 3843 HEAD

Dustin Kilts Lazy Y Cattle Marian Johnson Melvin Thayer Sande Grebe Hat Creek L/S Marian Johnson John Boldon Buz Oliver Troy Oliver Buz Oliver Justin Smith Dennis Brooks Robert Lemaster Klondike Ranch Marian Johnson Sande Grebe Justin Smith Marian Johnson 88 Land & L/S Nathan Lane Sande Grebe Gary Lamb Lazy Y Cattle Lee Otto Dennis Btrooks Troy Oliver T Chair Livestock

26 Blk Str Cf 374 11 Blk Str Cf - Precon 355 34 Blk Str Cf - Precon 458 17 Blk Str Cf 445 26 Blk Str Cf - Precon 542 17 Blk Str Cf - Precon 506 103 Blk Str Cf - Precon 544 30 Blk Str Cf - Precon 564 19 Blk Str Cf 567 17 Blk Str Cf - Precon 678 53 Blk Str Cf 705 20 Blk/Red Str Cf - Precon 447 29 Blk/Red Str Cf 394 18 Blk/Red Str Cf - Precon 585 56 Blk/Red Str Cf - Precon 604 7 Blk Hfr Cf - Precon 374 14 Blk Hfr Cf - Precon 422 37 Blk Hfr Cf - Precon 438 35 Blk Hfr Cf - Precon 451 44 Blk Hfr Cf 454 24 Blk Hfr Cf - Precon 501 30 Blk Hfr Cf - Precon 490 11 Blk Hfr Cf - Precon 517 32 Blk Hfr Cf - Precon 462 18 Blk Hfr Cf - Precon 505 25 Blk Hfr Cf 470 15 Blk Hfr Cf - Precon 631 36 Red Hfr Cf 405


169.00 167.00 153.00 147.00 138.50 136.50 136.00 133.75 127.50 124.25 123.00 153.00 150.00 132.00 129.00 135.00 134.00 133.50 131.00 127.00 125.00 124.00 124.00 123.50 122.00 116.00 114.00 129.50


Stan Swanson Clemens Inc Clemens Inc Lola Mae Brown C & C Cattle Virgil Jackson Diamond N L/S Grass Creek Robin Taylor Robin Taylor Dustin Kilts P Diamond Diamond N L/S Aspen Gulch Berger Ranches Charles Berry Virgil Jackson Joss, LLP Larry Wilson Frank Shepperson Snowy Range L/S Larry Wilson Snowy Range L/S Twin Buttes Ranch Ronald Shoults Larry Wilson Nicholas Gorr Glen Yetter Justin Briggs Heart Bar Ranch Ronald Shoults Circle B Cattle Broken Box Ranch Larry Wilson McNamee Cattle Broken Box Ranch Broken Box Ranch Circle B Cattle Heart Bar Ranch

16 Blk Strs 855 76 Blk Strs 849 109 Blk Strs 916 15 Blk Strs 830 40 Blk/Red Strs 662 38 Blk/Red Strs 1032 17 Mx Strs 750 27 Mx Strs 896 60 Blk Hfrs 734 52 Blk Hfrs 680 33 Blk Hfrs 690 27 Blk Hfrs 782 20 Blk Hfrs 828 86 Blk Hfrs 909 27 Blk Hfrs 943 17 Blk Hfrs 1099 32 Blk/Red Hfrs 931 39 Herf Hfrs 845 5 Blk Str Cf 255 18 Blk Str Cf - Precon 339 59 Blk Str Cf - Precon 371 14 Blk Str Cf 410 37 Blk Str Cf - Precon 467 58 Blk Str Cf 479 48 Blk Str Cf 531 45 Blk Str Cf 532 21 Blk Str Cf 658 11 Blk Str Cf 676 28 Blk/Red Str Cf - Precon 436 74 Blk/Red Str Cf 469 11 Mx Str Cf 609 115 Mx Str Cf 629 48 Blk Hfr Cf - Precon 598 35 Blk Hfr Cf 504 31 Blk Hfr Cf 564 90 Bwf Hfr Cf - Precon 584 46 Bwf Hfr Cf - Precon 645 91 Char Hfr Cf 615 77 Blk Hfr Cf 447

130.00 126.75 125.50 125.00 123.00 111.25 124.00 117.00 127.50 126.50 126.00 123.00 121.00 114.75 108.25 93.50 110.00 114.00 175.00 174.00 164.00 157.00 147.00 145.50 138.50 136.50 120.75 119.50 149.50 148.00 123.50 121.50 117.75 116.50 114.50 125.50 115.00 111.50 127.00

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