Faith, South Dakota 57626 605-967-2200
Gary Vance, Faith, SD 605-967-2162
Scott Vance 605-739-5501 Cell: 484-7127 Glen King • 605-390-3264
Max Louglin 605-244-5990 Cell: 645-2583
Market Report – Monday, October 17th, 2016
A big sale here for Livestock Week, Monday, October 17, 2016. Market was steady to lower than our sale last week. A great offering of high quality calves sold to a nice crowd of buyers. Thank you for your business.
K & R Carmichael........... 118 1st x baldy steers........ 577.....$132.00 ....................................... 154 1st x baldy steers........ 479.....$145.75 ....................................... 161 1st x baldy heifers....... 518.....$145.00 ....................................... 69 1st x baldy steers......... 418.....$137.00 J & K Carmichael............ 142 blk & bldy steers.......... 534.....$137.25 ....................................... 53 blk & bldy steers........... 421.....$148.50 ....................................... 96 1st x baldy heifers........ 519.....$146.00 ....................................... 46 blk & bldy heifers.......... 414.....$136.00 Brian Carmichael............ 62 1st x baldy steers......... 525.....$134.50 ....................................... 27 1st x baldy steers......... 432.....$155.00 ....................................... 32 1st x baldy heifers........ 472.....$133.00 Doug Beer...................... 63 1st x baldy steers......... 522.....$133.00 ....................................... 30 1st x baldy heifers........ 575.....$125.00 Mike Maher..................... 113 blk & bldy steers.......... 525.....$134.50 ....................................... 49 blk & bldy steers........... 539.....$133.50 ....................................... 83 blk & bldy steers........... 465.....$146.50 ....................................... 109 1st x baldy heifers....... 506.....$127.00 Cobb Cattle Co............... 117 angus steers................ 495.....$139.50 ....................................... 120 angus steers................ 573.....$128.00 Darwin Hauser................ 141 blk & bldy steers.......... 536.....$130.75 John Heidler................... 109 blk & bldy steers.......... 554.....$129.25 ....................................... 55 blk & bldy steers........... 555.....$130.25 ....................................... 43 blk & bldy steers........... 447.....$143.50 John Kari......................... 93 angus steers................. 648.....$133.50 ....................................... 141 angus steers................ 580.....$129.25 ....................................... 115 angus heifers............... 527.....$121.25
J & I Day......................... 92 angus steers................. 561.....$133.50 ....................................... 118 angus steers................ 484.....$144.25 ....................................... 109 angus heifers............... 501.....$123.00 D & T Young................... 93 angus steers................. 573.....$131.50 ....................................... 61 angus heifers................ 516.....$121.00 J & MA Palmer............... 72 angus steers................. 539.....$133.00 ....................................... 72 angus heifers................ 512.....$119.25 Grueb Ranch.................. 111 angus steers................ 552.....$133.50 ....................................... 40 angus steers................. 454.....$150.00 ....................................... 66 angus heifers................ 515.....$119.00 Les Lensegrav................ 101 angus steers................ 532.....$134.25 Chuck Kerstein............... 120 angus steers................ 514.....$140.00 ....................................... 70 angus steers................. 421.....$150.00 ....................................... 75 angus heifers................ 460.....$126.75 K & B Groves.................. 83 angus steers................. 567.....$130.00 C & G Fordyce................ 66 angus steers................. 568.....$133.00 Galen Humble................ 97 blk & bldy steers........... 546.....$130.50 ....................................... 55 angus heifers................ 495.....$123.00 ....................................... 54 1st x baldy heifers....... 539.....$117.00 R & J Vig......................... 86 blk & bldy steers........... 507.....$137.00 ....................................... 35 blk & bldy steers........... 414.....$144.00 Jim Collins...................... 64 angus steers................. 639.....$123.50 John Brennan................. 95 angus steers................. 612.....$128.50 ....................................... 90 angus steers................. 533.....$130.50 Kermit Kahl..................... 51 blk & bldy steers........... 547.....$129.50 ....................................... 55 blk & bldy heifers.......... 520.......$116.7
Market Report – Monday, October 19th, 2016
A great finish to Livestock Week on Wednesday, October 19, 2016, with a steady market for the day. It did not help that the futures board was $3 lower. A nice crowd of buyers in attendance, representing 4 states. A big THANK YOU to our crew for A job well done! Thank you for your business.
R & D Rosenow.............. ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... Beer Ranch..................... ....................................... ....................................... Bob Collins...................... ....................................... ....................................... Tracy Collins................... Kopren & Sons............... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... Mraz Ranch....................
81 char x steers................. 722.....$124.00 90 char x steers................. 732.....$123.00 82 char x steers................. 614.....$125.25 81 char x heifers................ 672.....$114.00 62 char x heifers................ 684.....$112.00 70 char x steers................. 720.....$124.50 96 char x steers................. 644.....$125.50 87 char x heifers................ 674.....$113.75 85 char x steers................. 667.....$123.75 32 blk x steer..................... 627.....$122.50 69 char x heifers................ 658.....$112.00 79 red angus steers.......... 587.....$122.50 92 char x steers................. 657.....$120.25 36 char x steers................. 558.....$126.75 94 char x heifers................ 619.....$114.50 43 char x heifers................ 510.....$121.00 81 char x steers................. 585.....$125.25
....................................... 51 blk x steers................... 567.....$125.00 ....................................... 88 char x heifers................ 538.....$117.00 Reder Ranch.................. 94 char x steers................. 595.....$126.75 ....................................... 53 char x steers................. 521.....$133.00 ....................................... 105 char x steers................ 554.....$130.00 ....................................... 98 char x heifers................ 584.....$116.75 ....................................... 63 char x heifers................ 517.....$119.50 Double Cross Bar........... 89 char x steers................. 639.....$125.25 ....................................... 53 char x steers................. 569.....$127.00 ....................................... 90 char x heifers................ 611.....$115.00 ....................................... 53 char x heifers................ 623.....$113.25 ....................................... 43 char x heifers................ 538.....$118.00 Ben Bachman................. 45 char x steers................. 653.....$123.75 ....................................... 47 char x heifers................ 622.....$112.50 Jr & B Olson................... 91 char x steers................. 652.....$124.00 ....................................... 91 char x heifers................ 621.....$115.50
Monday, October 24 - Special All Breed’s Calf Sale
Sale Time 10:00 am Expecting 5500-6000 Calves (Feeders Only)
Tuesday,October 25 - Weigh-Up Cow & Sheep Sale Monday Wednesday, October 31 -Special Calf Sale
Sale Time 10:00 am Yearlings 11:00 am Calves Expecting 4500-5000 Calves Consignments: Jerde.................................................................200 blk & bldy calves Parker......................................................375 angus & char x calves Weichman...............................................................250 angus calves Stradinger...................... 400 red & red baldy calves (mostly steers) Kolb.........................................................................175 angus calves R & D Nash......................................200 angus calves (every heifer) Seim.................................................................200 1st x baldy steers Goddard............................................................ 150 blk & bldy steers Goddard..................................................................150 angus steers Clark........................................................................150 angus steers McKinstry........................................................... 50 red angus steers Paul.........................................................................200 angus steers Mathews............................................................ 80 blk & bldy calves Bartell......................................................................150 angus steers Wolff........................................................................100 angus steers Olson.......................................................................140 angus steers Loughlin............................................................ 60 red angus calves Lundberg....................................................... 150 red & char x steers Anderson................................................................. 90 angus steers Anderson.......................................................... 250 blk & bldy steers Beckman........................................................... 350 blk & bldy steers Lensegrav................................................................ 75 angus steers Lorius.................................................................. 50 red & blk calves Johnson..............................................350 red & black angus calves J Anderson.............................................................. 40 angus calves Gochenour........................................................200 blk & bldy calves Flying H...................................................................300 angus calves More Calves expected by sale time.
Tuesday, November 1 - Weigh-Up Cow & Sheep Sale Monday, November 7 - Special Calf Sale Tuesday, November 8 - Weigh-Up Cow & Sheep Sale Friday, November 11 - Special Stock Cow & Bred Heifer Sale Monday, November 14 - Special Calf Sale Weigh-ups start at 9am
Monday, November 21 - Special Bred Cow & Heifer Sale Friday, November 25 - Wilken Ranch 2-Yr-Old Angus Bull Sale At 1:00 Pm Monday, November 28 - Special Bred Cow, Calf & Sheep Sale Monday, December 5 - Special Bred Cow, Weaned Calf & Sheep Sale Monday, December 12 - Special Weaned Calf & Yearling Sale Monday, December 19 - Last Sale Of 2015 Faith Livestock along with LMA Auctions have teamed up to offer a Catalog Internet Site for livestock sales. Check out the site at click on Catalogs. All sales broadcast live at, click on Live Auction Faith Livestock continues to offer the lowest commission rates, putting more money in your pocket. We are in constant contact with buyers in five different states. We continue to strive to achieve the highest market for our customers. If you have cattle or sheep to sell, we would like to visit with you. Contact info.: Office 605-967-2200 • •
Sales can be viewed live, go to Click on Live Auction. For more information please call: FLC 605-967-2200 - Gary 605-967-2162 Scott 605-739-5501 - Cell 484-7127 We appreciate your business. Give us a call if you have livestock to sell. We would be glad to visit with you. Check us out on the web site: e-mail: