Lemmon Livestock Market Report - 10.17.16

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2016: Steers: Huffman/Hetzel.................Lemmon SD..........8 Blk\Bwf-Strs......................314......171.00 ND Consignor...................................................28 Blk-Strs...........................388......156.00 Matt Lopez.........................Keldron SD............27 Blk-Strs...........................459......153.00 Bernie/Dawne Donner.....Morristown SD......20 Blk\Bwf-Strs...................414......151.50 Jay Evenson.....................Lemmon SD..........36 Blk-Strs...........................458......148.00 Bernie/Dawne Donner.....Morristown SD......110 Blk\Bwf-Strs.................485......147.50 Huffman/Hetzel.................Lemmon SD..........42 Blk\Bwf-Strs...................469......147.00 Doug/Darrin/Dustin Ham..Lemmon SD.........12 Blk-Strs...........................429......140.00 ND Consignor...................................................89 Blk\Bwf-Strs...................537......135.00 Nathan Vanlishout............Mott ND..................13 Blk\Bwf-Strs...................522......134.00 Pat Nehl.............................Watauga SD.........106 Blk-Strs.........................525......133.00 Tyrell Neidhardt.................Richardton ND......20 Char\Red-Strs...............544......131.00 Doug/Darrin/Dustin Ham.Lemmon SD.........53 Blk-Strs...........................542......131.00 Huffman/Hetzel.................Lemmon SD..........94 Blk\Bwf-Strs...................649......130.00 Darryl Helland...................Lemmon SD..........23 Blk\Bwf-Strs...................558......130.00 Huffman/Hetzel.................Lemmon SD..........109 Blk\Bwf-Strs.................562......129.00 Matt Lopez.........................Keldron SD............103 Blk-Strs.........................571......128.00 Jay Evenson.....................Lemmon SD..........96 Blk-Strs...........................568......128.00 Matt Lopez.........................Keldron SD............16 Blk-Strs...........................548......128.00 Terry Tachenko................Grassy Butte ND..46 Hfrd-Strs.........................548......126.75 J Lutz/N Nehl.....................Lemmon SD..........32 Blk\Red-Strs...................560......126.50 Huffman/Hetzel.................Keldron SD............54 Blk-Strs...........................590......125.75 Doug/Darrin/Dustin Ham.Lemmon SD.........64 Blk-Strs...........................611......124.50 Nathan Vanlishout............Mott ND..................35 Blk\Bwf-Strs...................634......123.50 Julie Schock......................Elgin ND.................35 Blk\Bwf-Strs...................594......123.00 Thom & Barnes................Lemon SD.............46 Blk\Bwf-Strs...................633......122.50



Starting Wed. Oct. 5 thru Thurs. Nov. 10: We will be selling Calves on Wednesdays and Mkt Cows, Hfretts & Bulls on Thursdays. OCT. 19 WED: SPECIAL ALL BREEDS CALF SALE - Yrlgs @11:00, Calves @ 12:00 *S. Berquist- 130 Blk Calves, FS *J. Bickle- 200 Blk Calves, FS\ *R. Barnes- 15 Blk Calves, AN *C. Christman- 40 Blk\Bwf Calves, FS *B./J. Ehlers- 120 Blk & Char Calves, FS *J. Evenson- 45 Blk Hfr Calves, FS *L. Faris- 45 Blk Hfr Calves, FS *J. Gion- 43 Blk\Bwf Calves, FS/AN/Weaned *D. Hauck- 135 Blk Calves, FS *P. Hetle- 67 Blk/Bwf & Char Calves, FS *R. Holdahl- 80 Blk\Bwf Calves, FS *C. Huber- 19 Blk Calves, SS *M. Huber- 42 Blk Calves, FS *J. Kerzmann- 90 Blk Calves *JK Kinsey- 25 Blk\Bwf Calves, FS *B. Laufer- 220 Blk & Char Calves, FS *P. Laufer- 25 Blk Str Calves, FS *J. LeFebre- 90 Blk & Red Calves, FS *D. Malcolm- 25 Blk Str Calves, FS *M. Munyan- 35 Blk Calves, FS *P. O’Donnell- 31 Blk Calves, FS *R. Opp- 60 Blk Calves, FS *D./C. Nelson- 130 Blk Calves, FS *Oliver Ranch- 175 Blk/Red/Char Calves, FS *M/D Olson- 81 Blk & Char Calves, FS *S. Penfield- 50 Blk Calves, FS *J. Sauter- 40 Mixed Calves, AN *D. Schatz- 65 Blk Calves, FS *J. Schoenfelder- 70 Blk Str Calves, FS *R. Singer- 40 Blk Calves, FS *L. Sprenger- 130 Blk/Bwf Calves, FS *D. Striegel- 40 Blk\Bwf Calves, FS *H. VanLishout- 180 Blk Str Calves, FS *L. Waddell- 38 Mixed Calves, FS OCT. 20 THURS: SPECIAL WEIGH-UP COW, HEIFERETTE & BULL SALE- 10:00 OCT. 26 WED: SPECIAL ALL BREEDS CALF SALE - Yrlgs @11:00, Calves @ 12:00 *E. Burrer- 120 Blk & Char Calves, FS *C. Crawford- 200 Blk Calves, FS *B. Dreiske- 70 Blk Str Calves, FS *B. Ellingson- 100 Blk Calves, FS *S./V. Fogerty- 100 Blk & Red Str Calves, FS *S./A. Giannonatti- 190 Blk Calves, FS *C. Guthmiller- 14 Bwf Calves, FS *Homelvig/Stearns- 100 Blk\Bwf Calves, FS *J. Honeyman- 150 Blk Calves, FS *G. Jahner- 100 Blk Calves, FS *D. Kessel- 60 Blk\Bwf Calves, FS *D. Kling- 120 Blk, Char, Red Calves, FS *K./C. Kling- 220 Char & Red Calves, FS/Weaned *W. Kling- 170 Charx & Red Calves, FS *S. Kolb- 25 Blk & Red Calves, FS *Larkin Ranch- 140 Red Calves, SS *N. Miles- 230 Blk Str Calves, FS *Miller/Faris- 40 Blk Str Calves, FS *R. Mitchell- 250 Blk Calves, FS *J. Oderman- 100 Blk & Red Calves, FS *B. Peterson- 200 Blk Calves, FS *K. Peterson- 130 Blk\Bwf Calves, FS *J./A. Ridl- 60 Blk Calves, FS *D./I. Swenson- 70 Blk Calves, SS *A. Wanner- 20 Red & Blk Calves, FS *B. Wyrick- 50 Blk Calves, FS/AN *J/P. Zorc- 430 Blk & Char Calves, FS OCT. 27 THURS: SPECIAL WEIGH-UP COW, HEIFERETTE & BULL SALE- 10:00 NOV. 2 WED: SPECIAL ALL BREEDS CALF SALE - Yrlgs @11:00, Calves @ 12:00 *100 Blk Str Calves, FS *160 Blk Calves, FS *35 Blk\Bwf Calves, FS *40 Blk Calves, FS *100 Blk Calves, FS *37 Blk Calves, FS *350 Blk Calves, FS *350 Blk Calves, FS *70 Blk & Red Hfr Calves, FS *100 Blk Calves, FS *150 Blk & Red Calves, FS *240 Blk Calves, FS *300 Blk Calves, FS *50 Blk Calves, FS *140 Blk Calves, FS/AN *165 Blk Calves, FS NOV. 3 THURS: SPECIAL WEIGH-UP COW, HEIFERETTE & BULL SALE- 10:00 NOV. 9 WED: SPECIAL ALL BREEDS CALF SALE NOV. 10 THURS: SPECIAL WEIGH-UP COW, HEIFERETTE & BULL SALE NOV. 16 WED: REGULAR SALE W/SPECIAL ALL BREEDS CALF SALE NOV. 23 WED: NO SALE DUE TO THE THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY NOV. 26 SAT: ANNUAL THANKSGIVING SPECIAL BRED HEIFER & STOCK COW SALE

Heifers: ND Consignor...................................................27 Blk\Bwf-Hfrs...................384......140.00 Bernie/Dawne Donner.....Morristown SD......35 Blk\Bwf-Hfrs...................386......139.00 Doug/Darrin/Dustin Ham.Lemmon SD.........13 Blk-Hfrs...........................410......130.00 Huffman/Hetzel.................Lemmon SD..........40 Blk\Bwf-Hfrs...................435......128.00 Bernie/Dawne Donner Morristown SD.......129 Blk\Bwf-Hfrs.................466......126.00 Matt Lopez.........................Keldron SD............48 Blk-Hfrs...........................465......126.00 Jess Schultz......................New England ND.12 Char-Hfrs........................457......126.00 Thomas/Mary Brewer......Camp Crook SD...6 Red-Hfrs...........................428......125.00 ND Consignor...................................................59 Blk\Bwf-Hfrs...................499......121.00 Mike/Arlene Maliscki........Ralph SD...............35 Blk\Bwf-Hfrs...................476......121.00 Doug/Darrin/Dustin Ham.Lemmon SD.........52 Blk-Hfrs...........................496......120.50 Jeremy/John Kane...........Keldron SD............27 Blk-Hfrs...........................491......118.75 J Lutz/N. Nehl....................Lemmon SD..........24 Blk-Hfrs...........................503......118.50 Darryl Helland...................Lemmon SD..........24 Blk\Bwf-Hfrs...................516......117.75 Matt Lopez.........................Keldron SD............55 Blk-Hfrs...........................547......117.25 Huffman/Hetzel.................Lemmon SD..........99 Blk\Bwf-Hfrs...................555......117.00 Doug/Darrin/Dustin Ham.Lemmon SD.........77 Blk-Hfrs...........................549......117.00 Huffman/Hetzel.................Lemmon SD..........100 Blk\Bwf-Hfrs.................549......117.00 Tom/Mary Brewer............Camp Crook SD...18 Red-Hfrs.........................524......117.00 Bill/Nadine Meuler............Mott ND..................64 Blk\Bwf-Hfrs...................540......116.00 ND Consignor...................................................20 Blk\Bwf-Hfrs...................588......115.25 NOTICE- As of Aug. 1, 2015, The ND Beef Check Off Commission has passed Nathan Vanlishout............Mott ND..................37 Blk\Bwf-Hfrs...................568......115.00 a bill to change the beef check off from $1.00/hd to $2.00/hd. All livestock Jess Schulz.......................New England ND.22 Char-Hfrs........................565......115.00 auctions are required to collect the $2/hd fee from all ND cattle producers to Wolff Cattle Co..................Spearfish SD.........37 Blk\Bwf-Hfrs...................596......114.00 send to the ND Beef Commission. If you have any questions, please contact Hermann Ranch...............Lemmon SD..........31 Hfrd-Hfr-Yrlgs.................952......113.00 the ND Beef Commission at 701-328-5120 or 1-877-321-BEEF. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2016: Market Cows: Heiferettes Sold For 92.00 To 104.00 Cowettes Sold For 74.00 To 81.00 Market Cows Sold For 60.00 To 72.00 Low Yeilding Cows Sold For 51.00 To 59.00 Steven Spriggs.................Baker MT...............1 Blk-Cow............................1290......81.00 Nate Skjoldal.....................Shadehill SD.........5 Blk-Cows..........................1223......77.50 Donald Mackay.................Willard MT.............2 Red-Cows........................1105......76.00 Destry/Amy Northrop.......Medora ND............6 Blk\Bwf-Cows..................964........76.00 Jarrett Hadley....................Baker MT...............1 Blk-Cow............................1245......75.00 Jarrett Hadley....................Baker MT...............6 Blk-Cows..........................1229......74.00 Miles/Nevada Miller..........Raleigh ND............1 Blk-Cow............................1590......73.00 Boyd Abelseth...................Prairie City SD.......1 Blk-Cow............................1410......72.00 Gary Frisvold.....................Lemmon SD..........1 Blk-Cow............................1530......70.00 Sid Milliken.........................Keldron SD............2 Blk-Cows..........................1308......70.00 Boyd Abelseth...................Prairie City SD.......1 Blk-Cow............................1490......69.00 Destry/Amy Northrop.......Medora SD............5 Blk-Cows..........................1207......69.00 Harley Hansen..................Mcintosh SD..........1 Red-Cow..........................1725......67.00 Nick Nehl...........................Watauga SD.........4 Blk-Cows..........................1313......67.00 Allen Howey......................Bison SD................1 Red-Cow..........................1625......66.50 John Hadley......................Marmarth ND........2 Blk-Cows..........................1600......66.50 Market Bulls: Tim/Tom Sprenger ..........Elgin ND.................1 Blk-Bull..............................1700......86.00 Kim Miller...........................Morristown SD......1 Blk-Bull..............................2025......83.00 Doug Zacher.....................Elgin ND.................1 Blk-Bull..............................2190......82.50 Dennis Zacher..................Elgin ND.................1 Blk-Bull..............................1985......82.50 Dale Meier.........................Mott ND..................1 Char-Bull...........................2200......82.00

CANADIAN BORN CATTLE: If you plan to sell cattle that originated in Canada, you must inform the auction market in advance, and all of the necessary documents must be in order and must accompany the animal(s) when they are unloaded. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE COULD RESULT IN RECEIVING NO VALUE FOR YOUR ANIMAL(S).

CATTLE RECEIVING STATION: C & D Yards, Baker, MT - Clint Ehret - (406) 778-3282 or (406) 772-5522 You can reach us on the internet at www.lemmonlivestock.com or you may e-mail us at lemmonlivestock@SDplains.com You can also find us on the DTN under Auction Markets

If you have livestock to consign or would like us to stop at your ranch please call

Lemmon Livestock at 605-374-3877

or 1-800-822-8853, FAX 605-374-3215 Paul Huffman, Owner/Manager.................605-374-5675 ............................................................ Cell 605-645-2493 Chad Hetzel, Asst. Manager......................701-376-3748 ............................................................ Cell 605-848-0967 Clint Ehret, Baker Field Rep......................406-778-3282 ....................................................................406-772-5522 Vicki Fogerty, Office Manager....................605-374-5105 Jodi Johnson, Office...................................605-374-3684 You can watch & buy during the sale live every week by going to www.cattleusa.com, and register and apply to bid. If you have any problems with this process please call Lemmon Livestock.

***You can listen to our weekly radio report by going to www.kbjm.com and click on the Lemmon Livestock link***

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