Burke Livestock Auction Market Report - 10.24.16

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Burke, S.D. 605.775.2628 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22ND 2016

We sold 200 weigh up cattle with 6 packer and feeding cow buyers making a top dollar market for the area as the market was $2-5 dollars higher for the week. Middle cut of cows $57-61. Low yielding cows $53-57. Blemish cows $37-53. Middle cut of bulls $73-79. Low yielding injured bulls $64-73. Heiferettes good demand $75-95 depending on kind and size. Bulls: Consignment.........................blk drug free......1926................. 83.00 J. Solomen............................blk drug free......1636................. 82.50 J/S Livestock.........................blk drug free......1934................. 82.25 J. Solomen............................herf drug free....2020................. 82.00 Cows: D. Stukel................................blk...................... 1478................. 69.00 D. Deterding..........................blk......................1055................. 69.00 Tripp county consign............. blk.....................1250..................67.50 D. Deterding..........................blk........................960................. 66.00 S. Libolt.................................blk......................1595................. 64.00 D. Munk.................................blk......................1275................. 64.00 R. Mednansky.......................blkbf.................. 1135................. 63.00 N. Ammon.............................red.....................1343................. 62.50 J. Mednansky........................blk...................... 1135................. 62.00 V.Vanepps..............................blk......................1495..................61.50

SPECIAL CATTLE SALE OCTOBER 29TH 1700-2000 CATTLE OF ALL CLASSES WEIGH UP CATTLE 10:30 YEARLINGS 12:30 PM FOLLOWED BY CALVES This sale will consist of 1300 fancy rancher owned calves and 500 yearlings. Calves will be mostly all black hided weighing 350-700 lbs with preconditioning shot programs and high quality and genetics. Yearling cattle will weigh 600-900 lbs with in very green and growthy condition. Please check www.burkelivestock. com or North Central Sale Barn DTN for individual listings.

REGULAR CATTLE SALE NOVEMBER 5TH SPECIAL CALF SALE NOVEMBER 12TH BRED COW & HEIFER SALE NOVEMBER 19TH SPECIAL CALF SALE NOVEMBER 26TH REGULAR CATTLE SALE DECEMBER 3RD SPECIAL CALF SALE DECEMBER 10TH For more information call: Burke Livestock Aution 605-775-2628 • Fax 605-775-2573 Donivan Lambley - owner - c: 605-830-9990 h: 605-775-2869 Chisum Lambley - owner - c: 605-830-2286 h: 605-775-9160 Dillon Lambley - owner- c:605-830-2378 Herris Lambley c: 605-830-1630 h: 605-775-2241 LaNeal Schonebaum - office manager 605-830-2374

You can check sales results, upcoming sales and any other information that we have on:


Please check individual listing at www.burkelivestock.com or DTN North Central sale barn

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