5 Good Gut Bacteria

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5 GOOD GUT BACTERIA In the second half of the seventeenth century a man by the name of Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek was looking through his home made microscope and seeing things no other person in the world had seen before. Perhaps most famously he took some gunk wedged between the teeth of an old man in the local pub and setting it on a piece of glass looked through his microscope and spotted millions of wriggling little creatures we now know as bacteria.

From this beginning a whole new branch of science evolved and has led to ever more powerful microscopes and an ability to observe creatures that have been sharing our planet as long as or longer than humans have existed.

At some point in time microscopes were used forensically on samples of human parts and it quickly became obvious that a massive concentration of bacteria lives in the digestive tract of all of us.

Further research concluded that rather than becoming too alarmed about the many trillion we all give home to we should be grateful as many play an important role in digestion.

The delicate balance of good and not so good bacteria is normally naturally kept stable but any problem in this part of the anatomy can trigger an over growth of some and a loss of others.

Since we have identified the good ones and their purpose it’s possible to keep them topped up in times of illness with probiotic products. Unfortunately these are not so easily obtainable and also suffer the problem of passing through the stomach where acid destroys most.

Fivelac is a supplement that contains billions of the main essential bacterium in digestion and is conveyed to the small intestine undamaged whilst passing through the acidic stomach as each granule is protected by a time delayed release cover.

Threelac has and will always remain a popular supplement with many people particularly those suffering from bouts of candida and any common bowel problem such as bloating or constipation.

As the name implies one product contains three important bacteria and the other contains five and the only other difference is that with trial and error individuals find the one that best suits them.

Most problems in the gut are of our own making as we don’t follow the regularity of three meals a day of good wholesome home cooking generations before us enjoyed.

Instead it’s a hurried snack of mostly junk food laced with too much preservative in the form of salt or sugar.

Unfortunately the sugar lobby in the UK and many other countries is a powerful body and just like cigarette manufacturers are well aware of the connection between smoking and countless medical problems so too the sugar manufacturers are well aware of the obvious health issues.

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