Olive oil the miracle skin remedy

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Olive Oil: The Miracle Skin Remedy? https://www.thefinchleyclinic.com

You've probably heard people exhorting the miracles of olive oil, but have you ever actually read into these claims? If not, then this article is for you. Here, you will learn about the many benefits of olive oil for the skin. In particular, we will be discussing ozonated olive oil, which is something of which many of you will not have heard. What is ozonated olive oil? This might sound like a new faddy buzzword to you, but it's actually been around more than a hundred years. Ozonated olive oil is simply olive oil that has been processed in a particular manner that adds ozone to the oil. This process increases the potency of the helpful elements of olive oil.


What are some of the benefits of olive oil? Before we start to look at ozonated olive oil in more depth, it's worth your while to understand a little bit more about the tried and tested benefits of olive oil. Here are few things that we know: 1. Olive oil rejuvenates the skin: it is something that skin likes a lot and it will absorb nutrients and minerals from the oil. These will help to boost collagen production, which help the skin look plum, and consequently, younger. In fact, did you know that Jeanne Calment, the oldest living person in recorded history (although she has since died) rubbed olive oil into her skin every day. At 122, she didn't look a day over 85! So, while it can't perform miracles, it can go a long way in helping us to look younger. 2. Olive oil increases the condition of the skin: it increases elasticity and strengthens the skin without giving it that 'tough' appearance. It keeps skin flexible and supple.


What are the benefits of ozonated olive oil? Well, this type of oil can do the same things as normal olive oil, but it can do more too. It has been used for more than a hundred years as a topical treatment for a number of different skin conditions. These conditions include: • • • •

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Fungal infections (e.g. athlete's foot and jock's itch) Yeast infections (e.g. candida, which causes thrush) Ringworm Verrucae and warts (here, you rub a little oil into the problem area, and then you seal it shut with a plaster. You starve the skin of oxygen through the plaster, and it kills the wart and verruca The olive oil simply speeds up the process as it enhances the suffocation) Provides relieve for insect bites and stings Helps to disinfect cuts and scratches


The great thing about olive oil is that it is natural. This means that it is free from artificial chemicals and ingredients It's also very gentle on the skin, so while it deals with infections and such like, it does so in a way that doesn't damage the skin. In the future, we expect it to be put to greater use as medical solutions, such as antibiotics, start to become obsolete. The only downside to using ozonated olive oil is that it is expensive It costs between ÂŁ15 and ÂŁ25 per pot. Fortunately, a little goes a long way!


Thanks https://www.thefinchleyclinic.com

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