Good Digestion for Good Health

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Good Digestion for Good Health If the digestive system is not working properly then it can lead to any number of health problems. Back through time most societies believed that the root of all disease could be attributed to the gut. There is obviously a lot of truth in this as we need food to convert into energy and without any food we quickly die. Essential vitamins and minerals are absorbed in the intestines and without just one of those we can catch the curse of the old seafarer; scurvy. It’s a wonder we don’t get more problems than we do with digestion because there is so much going on from the moment food enters the mouth. The first problem is not eating regularly and not eating well. Junk food and heavily processed foods that we claim are necessary through a busy lifestyle, are often the beginning of the problem. There is debate at the moment about bringing in a sugar tax to make people and in particular, children drink less sugar laden fizzy drinks. Will power seems to be an unheard of word these days.

The digestive tract in an adult is up to thirty feet in length and through it all many processes take place. This is the world’s most sophisticated food processor.

It chews, introduces enzymes and acids and creates very little waste at the end having absorbed in microscopic particles all the useful parts. It’s therefore no surprise when we get occasional stomach aches or grumbling gut, bloating, diarrhoea or constipation now and again. A really healthy gut makes us feel a better person and sometimes a little extra is needed to clean the system of any impacted waste. It’s a bit like a chimney sweep getting rid of any unwanted or unmoving bits. Oxy powder is a natural supplement that for many people works well doing this for us. The important ingredient includes magnesium oxide, Germanium and citric acid and it is formulated to release oxygen molecules in the intestine. Oxygen is life and that also applies to another part of the digestive process and that’s the action of the bacteria in the gut. Bacteria especially in the small intestine are essential for the whole process to work healthily. This product will usually have the slight side effect of loosening the bowels a little more frequently but don’t worry about this as it’s a good sign that the bowel is being cleansed. When taking this product it’s obviously a good moment to reflect on your dietary habits and look for ways it can be improved upon. Many people do exactly this when they realise they have got to this stage where help is needed in digestion. It’s very often excess sugars that are at fault as too much of this product can interfere with the natural digestive juices. Summary: Doc Sharing on Oxy Powder a supplement that helps loosen and clean the intestines that has been around for a good number of years with many positive endorsements.

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