The natural colon cleanser

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The Natural Colon Cleanser The digestive tract is around thirty feet long and its basic function is to change food into energy. That may sound simple enough but of course, it’s also highly complicated. We tend to think little about what we eat and even less about all the processes involved after we swallow. The process of digestion begins when we anticipate the food. Our brain activates a rush of digestive enzymes into the mouth as soon as we sniff some delicious food aromas. Different enzymes at various points in the whole food journey are specifically programmed to act on fats, sugars and all other food types. The point at which the nutrients are absorbed into the blood stream occurs in the intestines.

More specifically, most of this occurs in the small intestine that is divided into three sections. Another agent helps the digestion here and that is the presence of trillions of microorganisms collectively called bacteria. Although it’s still unclear about the number of different categories of bacteria, most researches put the figure at up to one thousand. The point is that it should hardly be surprising that a healthy gut is essential to a healthy life. When there are any problems, beginning with contaminated food, the stomach is usually the first to tell us. But if contaminated food gets past this point then it’s in the intestines that other problems may occur.

Many people have discovered the helpfulness of oxygen delivered here. Whether through oxy capsules or any other oxygen delivering supplements of which there are plenty to choose from. The signs that you may need to try these products can be many and varied. From a simple bloated feeling to constipation or excess wind. It may even be unexplained fatigue, headaches or a general discomfort below the stomach.

It has been appreciated for a long time that oxygen plays a crucial role in the digestive system. Every cell in the human body relies upon a healthy supply of fresh oxygen and that’s not just including the air we breathe. Through our lungs we absorb about 550 litres of pure oxygen a day. This is calculated by looking at the number of breaths we take every minute and recognising that 20% of air is oxygen and that we only retain 5% of that as we exhale15%. It seems very obvious to state the fact that a healthy diet and plenty of exercise is all we should need for a healthy digestive system. But unfortunately, healthy eating is what most of us do not manage. Additives in heavily processed foods that includes excessive amounts of sugar and salts doesn’t help.

And polluted city air is another contributory factor to health problems. Perhaps most important of all is our ignorance of sufficient daily roughage intake. Roughage is the scouring pad for our intestines that help ensure no compacted waste gets stuck on the lining. When this occurs an oxygen boost in the form of Oxy capsules or similar product can help and you’ll know when it does as it acts like a mild natural laxative. Orderline: 0800 2800 486 Int'l: +44 (0)118 969 1402 Advice Line 0845 017 0755

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