Why You Should Take Pro Life Probiotics Fivelac is a dietary supplement that introduces probiotics to our daily diet. What are probiotics and why should we take them? Probiotics are bacteria or yeasts that have a beneficial influence on our intestinal health. It is generally believed that when an imbalance of our intestinal flora occurs our health will suffer. This often happens when we have been ill or have had to take antibiotic to clear up an infection. Antibiotics destroy beneficial as well as harmful bacteria and for a balanced flora to be reestablished beneficial bacteria need to be encouraged to start their work again. This can either be done by introducing extra oxygen to our intestinal area or by introducing probiotics which will do pretty much the same thing.
This dietary product will also strengthen the immune system. Funnily enough, in our society where we are very mindful about excellent hygiene, there seems to be a prevalence of auto immune problems and scientists believe that our immune system is not being tested enough to fight pathogens. A balance between good and bad bacteria will maintain good health and prevents ailments such as candida, which is an overgrowth of yeast bacteria. This condition can create havoc if it is allowed to go on and can even travel to your major organs and become chronic over time. Of course, you can prevent an imbalance in many ways. As already mentioned above the overuse of antibiotics is a big culprit, but so is our fast food diet. Starches and other refined foods such as sugars are not easily digested by our stomach and they are prone to get impacted against the intestinal lining.
You can imagine that this will get in the way of proper digestion and the taking up of vitamins and minerals of the food consumed. Probiotics can help with many other ailments too such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohns Disease to mention but two. Apart from the easy to take dietary supplement you will find them in a host of foods too. A fermented drink called Kefir is said to help and this is available from some health food outlets. However, it is rather difficult to get in Europe. Failing that, sauerkraut and pickles are a good source too if you find it difficult to take lactosecontaining products. You need to realise that with conditions such as IBS and Crohn’s you may find that probiotics alleviate the condition but it may not cure it. Since prevention is better than a cure, there is no reason why perfectly healthy people should not take a supplement of this kind. As we get older immune systems become less robust and effective and strengthen it this way will obviate the need for antibiotics hopefully. At least you will shorten your winter sniffles considerably if you look after your body well. I have a friend who is nearly 92 who has been prescribed probiotics whilst she is healthy so that her old body does not have to be subjected to winter ailments and antibiotics. If you are interested in probiotics such as Fivelac please visit our website at http://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/shop/fivelac-p-55.html