myFXW PARENT PORTAL Dear FXW families, Before the year begins, we ask you to login and become familiar with the systems we use at FXW. In this guide, you will find important information about our myFXW parent portal, powered by Veracross; our Learning Management Systems, Canvas (Grades 3-8) and Seesaw (PreschoolGrade 2); and our electronic medical records system, Magnus Health. We have created this guide to assist you in the completion of the following steps which need to be completed before the school year begins: Update your profile information (check addresses, emails, phone numbers for accuracy). Set your directory visibility preferences. Set up your emergency and pick-up contacts. Check your AutoPay credit card or checking account for accuracy. Accept school permission slips and policies electronically before the first day of school: 1. Student and Family Handbook Acknowledgement Form 2. FXW Family Commitment to Health and Safety 3. Year-long Permission Form for Parks 4. Device Usage Agreement and Responsible Use Policy 5. Photo Permission Form 6. Leave on Own Form 7. Academic, Medical, and Faith Decision 8. Medication Acknowledgement 9. Public School System Acknowledgment 10. Mathodology Photo Permission (Grades Kindergarten - 5) Please take time to read this entire guide so that you are logged into our systems and ready to go. If you have additional questions, please contact our helpdesk at We look forward to another great year! FXW IT Team Madeleine Cieslak
Manager of Information Systems
David Mitchell
Systems Administrator
Alex Kuppler
Database & Applications Coordinator
Patricia Lomden
Technical Support Analyst
Shadell Jamison
Technical Support Analyst