Galaxy News - December 2016

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Hindus prepare to celebrate Diwali the Festival of Lights

B lymphocyte, that has become cancerous. B best of what they have in life. Since exposure of the community to help them pay it forward lymphocytes normally make antibodies to help to this condition, Janelle’s intention is to “Pay with any ideas to raise funds. it forward” and help fellow patients through fight infections. This weekend a fundraising event will take the, Janelle Cancer Fund. place at the FBI Night Club to help further She now giggles at the frame in the hospital drive her dream. The night will be Janelle’s objective of the fund is to fulfil her and says, “Cancer messed with the wrong complimented by a host of Pietermaritzburg’s chick.”She radiates with positivity and bravery dream in creating a vehicle to help other patients as far as funding goes for the best In an unfortunate twist of fate, 22 year old day by day no matter the depth of her best DJ’s in a “Battle of the classics.” All ticket Janelle Kader was diagnosed with stage two exhaustion and circumstances. She has used medical treatments, therapies and facilities. proceeds will be donated to the Janelle Even though her medical aid funded majority Hodgkin's lymphoma. When illness heads this experience of hopelessness and has Cancer Fund. For further details of the event our way and begins to stagger our walk in life chosen growth as a catalyst to getting through of her treatment, a few specialised drugs and contact Rochelle Reddy, 082 705 8553. medical bills are not seen to and her family is we either beat it or we let it beat us. For the days. This is not an easy place to be but still experiencing some financial challenges Janelle, the past few months have altered her with faith anything is possible and in time For any further suggestions of fundraising or due to a few medical shortfalls. Any life tremendously but like her mother, Nettie everything will make a way to be. donations contact Nettie Kader on 072 102 donations, support and or assistance is Kader, wrote, “She remains positive, her faith 1798. always welcome. Her family urges members is strong and she is a generous, faithful child Her current studies in Law have been put on BY: KIRSTEN ASHLEY PILLAY of God to the extent that her resilient nature hold until she gets healthier and stronger. She has proven her courageous during this needs to reach a place of comfort with herself as well as the reality of life to get back to period.” where she was before continuing her studies. Janelle was admitted into hospital with “Cancer is just another adversity; yes an ugly flu-like symptoms. Shortly through a CT scan adversity but just another challenge in our there appeared to have detected a huge daily lives. With a profound faith in God, a tumour in her chest. She supportive family and a positive underwent two painful mind we can beat this. There operations within a seven day are days when the mind wants period. “As one can imagine this to do it and yet the body can’t news came as great shock to us move or all you want to do is and what followed wasn’t throw up. Force yourself, think something our family was about whom you may be prepared for. Janelle was inspiring right now or just perfectly healthy since birth and helping to press forward and she too suffered the bouts of the achieve better in life.” flu from time to time but never did we imagine she could face The beauty of Janelle’s something as intense as cancer.” situation is that she accepted this challenge and continues to The surgeon diagnosed Kader press forward without letting with stage 2 Hodgkins her life be shadowed by Lymphoma - a nodular sclerosis limitations. Janelle was type of cancer in five lymph node unfortunately unwell at the time areas on the area between her lungs of print to give Galaxy News anything further. (mediastinal). She then went for sessions of However, sister Teneale said, “Janelle is chemotherapy over an eight month period. basically my hero. She is the epitome of courage and an overcomer. Cancer to her is Since then, this has caused other as little as a molehill and it baffles me how Back row: from left, Vihan Dhanooklal, Kirtida Singh, complications to her thoracic nerve of which she's pulled through every setback in these Front row: From Left, Shrivalli Singh, Shirthi Singh were dressed by Bollywood can result in permanent damage to her vocal past few weeks. She sees life through the lens Instyle, 581 Chota Motala road. Management and staff of Bollywood Instyle would like to wish all cords. The battle doesn’t get any easier as it of faith and walks this journey with such Hindus a Happy Diwali. was also discovered that she has extra fluids endurance. It's amazing to see the one person around her heart resulting in fatigue and whom I still think is the strongest, face heart palpitations as her heart is not pumping something so challenging yet still walks with iwali or Deepavali, roots can be conquered the demon King Ravana. as it should. Yet still, this brave young soul her chin up. It's heartbreaking at times and I traced back to ancient India. What happened is far too well-known has persevered with positivity and faith. really did wish it was me who got the Referred to the triumph of good to recount. However the meaning over evil. In the north of india Diwali diagnosis but it makes me ever so grateful to of the episode provides hope for hucelebrates the return of Lord Rama, manity, that light will prevail irrespecHodgkins Lymphoma is a type of cancer that God to have allowed me to journey through the king of Ayodhya with his wife Sita tive how dark and gloomy it may and bother Lakshmana from a fourthis time with her. Her selfless attitude and begins in the emphatic system. Hodgkin seem. teen year exile and a war in which he brightest smile inspires my everyday to hold lymphomas have a particular appearance under the microscope, and they contain cells on tighter to the sisterhood we share.” called Reed Sternberg cells. Non-Hodgkin lymphomas look different under the Every year we hear of millions of lives claimed microscope and do not contain Reed by all forms of Cancer. Cancer attacks you Sternberg cells. Reed Sternberg cells are a internally but in order to move forward one type of white blood cell called a must press through to make the most of the Saluting Janelle Kader, formally from Pietermaritzburg as she conquers her fight against Cancer. This brave young lass has found every highlight in this very grey area of her life to take it on and embrace it in the most selfless ways.


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The Traditions Of Christmas THE celebration of Christmas has changed over the centuries, varying from a time of merriment and festivities to the total banning of any form of colourful display or decorations. In England, the puritans outlawed Christmas celebrations as heathen and it was only in the late Victorian period that the old customs of feasting and merrymaking regained their place in the English Christmas. New customs have been added over the years, with many of the old-time customs still surviving. Christian traditions don't always date back to the birth of Christ, but many are derived from pagan festivals.

The Christmas tree, covered with decorations and lights and crowned with a star, is one of the most popular and beloved symbols of the season. There are a couple of legends about the origins of the Christmas tree. The one is the story of a 7th century English monk, Saint Boniface, who went to Germany to spread the word of God. One version tells that Saint Boniface came upon a pagan festival centred around an oak tree in which a child was to be sacrificed. He felled the oak with his fist and in its place a fir tree grew - he then told the people it was the Tree of Life and that it represented the life of Christ. Another legend gives credit for the Christmas tree to Martin Luther, which tells of his wandering through a forest one evening and noticing the stars sparkling through the branches of an evergreen tree making it appear as though the tree was festooned with light. He was so inspired that he cut down a small fir tree and took it home where he decked it with tiny candles to share with his children. Either way, it appears to be fact that the Christmas tree originated in Germany.

Kissing under the mistletoe is something that many people look forward to! The ancient Druids worshipped mistletoe as a healer and fertility symbol. During the Middle Ages, it was believed to guard

against witchcraft and was said to bring good luck. A piece of mistletoe hanging from the door, welcomed visitors and a kiss beneath it was a pledge of enduring friendship. It was also believed that kissing under the mistletoe increased the possibility of marriage in the coming year.

For the many Christians throughout the world, Christmas Day celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ and is a day of devotion and celebrating the happy tidings with the singing of Christmas carols at church services. For children it is a time of magic and wonder. But for all, it is a time to enjoy and share with family and loved ones.

Holly was used in ancient times as a decoration, symbolising immortality. It was considered sacred in ancient Roman times and was used to honour Saturn, their god of agriculture. As the pagan and Christian customs became increasingly linked, holly leaves were seen by some to represent Christ's crown of thorns. Another legend says that as the shepherds visited the baby Jesus in the manger, a lamb was pricked by holly and its blood froze into the shape of red berries.

So, Merry Christmas to all!

Poinsettias are another plant associated with Christmas. After the Spanish conquest and the introduction of Christianity, poinsettias began to be used in Christian rituals, with Franciscan priests using the flower in their nativity processions. Christmas card and Christmas gifts are ways of letting people know you are thinking of them at this special time of the year. Christmas cards were unknown until the 1840s and have since become the universal way to send Christmas greetings to friends and family. Is this custom however dying out as social media becomes a more popular way of wishing family and friends well in the festive season? The giving of Christmas presents began with the forerunner of our Santa Claus - St. Nicholas - who, it is said, handed out presents to well-behaved children. This is also based on the gifts that the Three Wise Men, the Magi, brought to the baby Jesus - gold, frankincense and myrrh. Pulling crackers and looking for their contents provides fun for both adults and children. Wearing party hats from the Christmas crackers goes back to the Romans and their annual Saturnalia. Pointed hats were the badge of freed men, and were donned by slaves who were allowed to behave like their masters during the festival.

Q: What word is always spelled wrong in the Dictionary? A: Wrong. Q: Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself? A: It was two-tired! Q: Why did the barber win the race? A: Because he took a short cut. Q: When does Friday come before Thursday? A: In the dictionary Q: How many tickles does it take to make an Octopus laugh? A: Ten-tickles Q: What kind of bird sticks to sweaters? A: a Vel-Crow Q: What washes up on very small beaches? A: Microwaves Q: What kind of button won’t unbutton? A: A bellybutton! Q: Where do boats go when they get sick? A: The dock Q: What pet makes the loudest noise? A: A trum-pet! Q: What do you call a funny mountain? A: Hill-arious! Q: What's easy to get into but hard to get out of? A: Trouble

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With the festive season drawing nearer, it is important for us to be more careful and vigilant. The hustle and bustle of parties, shopping, and entertaining make the festive season a time more prone to hijackings, burglaries and accidents more than any other time of the year. The festive season usually means one thing for us – mayhem! Over the past two weeks, prominent stores in the PMB area have been burgled stealing thousands of rands worth of merchandise. Mayuris’ Jewellers staff of Liberty Midlands Mall were held at gunpoint whilst 4 men walked in and ransacked their store. The suspects fled the scene and parked off their vehicle at the Cascades Mall where they switched cars and to date have not been found. Earlier this week high-end bikes were stolen from the well known “Jowetts Cycles” on Victoria Road. Suspects rode away on Merida full suspension bicycles worth R138 000.

be careful whilst shopping as the cities rate of robberies are excruciatingly high. We have a few shopping safety tips for you this festive season. Do not get loaded with too many bags. Try to keep one hand free. The more bags you have, the higher risk you take at either misplacing them and getting robbed or pickpocketed. Keep wallets, bags and valuables close to you and try not to keep them all in one place. Avoid quiet bathrooms and stores. Teach your children “what to do” if they get lost or lose sight of you. Report any suspicious activities. See page 8 for home security safety tips during the holiday.

The problem in Pietermaritzburg is not the malls securities or the fancy displays of merchandise, the problem is the calibre of people that reside in our city. This festive season we urge citizens to

From the team at The Galaxy News we would like to wish all our readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Msunduzi Hospice sends its regards and so much love to Rudolph, your Happy Helpers and Mrs Clause. We hope you are all well. Though things sometimes get tough - we remain positive and steadfast in our delivery of free services which are provided by our Nurses, Social Workers and Caregivers to nearly 250 patients, each month (including Adults, Children and the Elderly on our records) who have been diagnosed with Terminal and Potentially Life Threatening Illnesses.

a priority – we really need money / monetary donations (any amount no matter how large or small please). Why money you are probably asking? Well the funds allow us to keep our Nurses and Social Workers out in the field where they deliver home care services. We respect that some folk prefer not to give monetary donations – and so, we would ask for consideration, a gift toward our Stationery needs including: A4 photocopy paper, A4 Lever Arch Files, Pens and/or Envelopes (all sizes), Glue and Highlighters.


We maintain a clean environment and so we request cleaning materials: Handy Andy, Dishwashing liquid, Toilet Cleaner, Toilet paper, Handwash and Disinfectant. Lastly we would ask And so time has passed and we find ourselves at for Teas, Coffees and Milk. that time of the year when we again prepare for the new year and plan the way forward so as to If you are able to help (be it - a ream of paper or a sustain the many interventions which are pen or a toilet roll – or (perhaps you know of a provided to patients and the their families as they company or have friend who can help) please, grapple to navigate the ups and downs – highs please pass on our letter. We will be very thankful and lows of sickness and those who adjust for any assistance you can give. having lost a loved one. If you wish to make a monetary donation, you Annually, we make provision for a few basic items can do so by EFT, Cash or by Cheque (made which are required by our Head Office, and, to payable to Msunduzi Hospice Association). this end we once again appeal for help Our banking details are : Nedbank - Msunduzi from all people. Hospice Association- Account Number 1340285053, Branch Code 134025, Main Our 2017 Wish List in this Branch, Hayfields, regard is very similar to that (Please use the Reference – Dear Santa). of last year. Once again - as If you would prefer in kind giving – you can drop off your gift at our Reception. We are located at 200 Zwartkop Road, Prestbury, Pietermaritzburg. Please if you have any questions, don’t hesitate. Contact us on 033 344 1560. Together we can continue to make a meaningful impact in the lives of the people we serve, and for this we thank you most sincerely, With love and care, we end this letter. Msunduzi Hospice Association.

It seems everyone is in a hurry trying to wrap up their shopping and enjoy festive celebrations. But as you’re dashing around town, it’s important to keep road safety top of mind, as the streets are busier and drivers are distracted by their holiday to do lists.

Watch for emergency vehicles. In an emergency, every second counts. When you hear a siren, be sure to pull off to the side of the road to allow the ambulance, police car or fire truck to pass.

Obey road rules Here are a few friendly tips to ensure your Festive Always obey the rules of the road. They are there season is a safe one: for a reason. Stay within the speed limits at all times. Don’t Drink and Drive! Drunk driving is a major contributory factor to Carry an Emergency Kit road crashes and road deaths in South Africa. If Always be prepared.The kit should include items you going to a Christmas party and plan to that would come in handy if you are stranded on indulge in a drink or two and get merry, don’t the side of the road or involved in a vehicle drive. Stay the night or plan a safe alternative to accident. get home such as a cab or designated driver. Pull Off the Road if You Feel Tired Slow down Please don’t try to drive when your eyes are In the rush to get to a Christmas party or do your shutting; you could kill yourself or others if you fall Christmas shopping before the malls close, you asleep. Have turns driving if there is another may be tempted to speed. But police presence is licensed person in the vehicle. Stop regularly to greater on the roads both day and night take breaks. throughout the season, and a speeding ticket and possible accidents are not likely on your Emergency Numbers to have on hand. holiday wish list. Police Flying Squad: 10111 Wear your seat belt Ambulance: 10177 Always buckle up. Wearing your seat belt can Crime Stop: 08600 10111 reduce your risk of dying in a crash by about half. Cellphone Emergency: Also, make sure young passengers are buckled 112 (MTN, Vodacom and Cell C) into appropriate safety seats. ER24: 084 124 Netcare: 082 911

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Beauty Trends

The beauty industry amplified this year with social media being the main driving force behind its popularity. Makeup artists and beauty aficionados took to using terms like on fleek , lit and on point to describe their makeup looks.

On Fleek Eyebrows

There were numerous products launched this year resulting in a few trends taking precedence. On Fleek Eyebrows: Over plucked brows is the thing of the past, and full on fleek brows was the most talked about trend this year. Since growing out your natural brows can be tedious beauty brands launched various products (powders and pencils) to fill in your brows to create an illusion of fullness.

Kendall Jenner - The reality show kid turned Supermodel. ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’ avid viewers know Kendall Jenner as one of Kim Kardashian’s younger sisters. The awkward tween is now gracing the runway for designer houses like Chanel and Marc Jacobs. This young model also landed an Estee Lauder campaign this year. Kendall’s style is trendy yet very casual and laid back. One of her go to looks is a t-shirt, skinny jeans (which she looks amazing in) and ankle boots. Fluttery Eyelashes

Fluttery Eyelashes: Who doesn’t covet long curly eyelashes? Beauty brands capitalized on this trend and created eyelashes in every length and style imaginable. Lit skin: The strobing makeup trend (highlighting the highest points on your face) resulted in the sales of illuminators sky rocketing. Highlighting products used to be limited to gold, silver and bronze tones but this year brands launched products in an array of shimmery tones. Matte Lipstick: Lipstick that lasts (almost) all day was the must have pout product this year. Kylie Jenner jumped on the bandwagon and created her own line of long lasting liquid matte lipsticks which sold out in minutes. Long lasting matte lipstick isn’t new but beauty brands have improved on textures so they don’t dry out the lips. Sheet Masks: Korean skincare products were the biggest hit this year with sheet masks an accompaniment to many a selfie. The thin sheet is infused with a liquid serum which hydrates the skin and there are different variants that help with different skin concerns. Sheet masks can be purchased from high end brands as well as budget friendly options from a drugstore. This skincare trend looks like its staying.

This year many a trend was born, some revived and fashion boundaries were pushed. Numerous fashionista’s have graced red carpets and the covers of fashion magazines this year because of their stylish ensembles. So which fashionable women made the cut on my ‘2016 Hottest Style Stars’ list?

Lit Skin

Matte Lipstick

Sheet Masks

Kendall Jenner

Gigi Hadid - The new favourite Victoria’s Secret Angel. When we think supermodel the name Gigi Hadid pops up instantly. This beauty has made her mark on the fashion industry over the last year. She was labelled “fat” (HAVE THEY EVEN SEEN HER) but that didn’t deter her. Apart from being one of the most sought after faces (and one of the most popular models for Victoria’s Secret) she also scored a clothing collaboration with Tommy Hilfiger. Her off-duty style is very natural and athletic and nobody pulls off athleisure quite like her. Victoria Beckham - The pop singer turned fashion royalty. Gigi Hadid Mrs Beckham aka VB grew up from her Spice Girls micro minis into being one of the most fashionable women of our times. She has now built her brand and fashion Amal Clooney label which embodies her style: classic chic. Victoria loves her tailored and structured garments with all black ensembles being one of her favoured looks.

Victoria Beckham

Amal Clooney - The lawyer married to Hollywood’s favourite George. Amal is the beauty with brains. She came into the spotlight while dating George Clooney and her elegant wedding gown was revered by fashion lovers. This classic beauty and her two-piece suits and shift dresses are always making best-dressed lists in fashion spreads. Olivia Palermo - The socialite influencer. The most stylish fashion influencer award goes to Olivia Palermo. Even on her wedding day a traditional wedding dress wasn’t enough for her, she wore sweater with a skirt. Her style is simple, classic and put together but she makes trends her own by adding bold accessories.

Olivia Palermo


The trickiest Sales are end of season sales. And the most attractive items are the items you lusted after but couldn’t afford during the season. How to tackle end of season sales: If something is trendy, put it back on the rack, as you are most likely not going to wear it. When seeing the above words sprawled across shop windows, we can all go a little crazy. As much as it’s difficult to resist a good bargain, it is wise to be selective about what you purchase.

Look for classic items that are not going to date. Buy items in neutral shades.

Spend wisely , it doesn’t mean if something was Mid-season sales are actually my favourite R600 and it’s now R300 that it is a bargain, as although you don’t really save that much, but you you might get something else for that price are able to purchase items that a currently on trend during the current season. at a cheaper price. The mid-season sale is actually the most enticing, as you tend to buy more When you are faced with the S word in the future, because you think you are saving. So create a shop wisely. budget for yourself and stick to it.

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palms to form rough balls resembling real

FOOD Christmas FruitCake

truffles. Place the balls on the plate of cocoa

1/8 cup chopped dried cherries

powder and roll them about so that they are well

1/8 cup chopped dried mango

coated. When you’ve made all the balls, place

1/4 cup dried cranberries

them in a sieve or colander and shake gently to

1/4 cup dried currants

remove any excess cocoa powder. Cover and

2 tablespoons chopped candied citron

place in the fridge for two hours, or until firm.

1/4 cup dark rum

These freeze very well and will also make ideal

1/2 cup butter

little gifts from the heart.

1/4 cup packed brown sugar

Jackie Cameron's Turkey Stuffing

1 egg

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TODAY, we don't have to spend hours steaming Christmas puds or baking and icing Christmas cakes months ahead as our grandmothers did, and in our busy lives and with the hot summer weather, it is often preferable to buy the goodies to delight our palates and fill our bellies. However home-made is still special and the following are some easy recipes which you might like to try.

Christmas Mince Pies

Tip the cocoa powder onto a plate. Dig out spoonfuls (each about the size of a large marble) of chocolate paste and roll quickly between your


1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/8 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt

Yields: just over 3 cups or about 1.120 kg

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon



1/4 cup unsulfured molasses

1 roll of ready-made short crust pastry,

160 g Onion

2 tablespoons milk

defrosted in the fridge

295 g Bacon

1/4 cup chopped pecans

About half a jar of fruit mince

500 g Pork Sausages

1 free-range egg, beaten

250 g cleaned Chicken Livers

35 g Pistachio Nuts ( or any other nut

Cooking method:

of choice.)

Roll out the pastry on a floured surface to

3 Eggs

make it about the thickness of a R5 coin. Cut

6 T Brandy

out circles using a mug or glass and then roll

Salt and Pepper

up the remainder of the pastry and roll out

½ t Nutmeg

again to cut more circles until it is all used up.

125 g Breadcrumbs

Fill half of the circles with a tablespoon of fruit

Method :

mince and use the remaining circles as lids,

Sauté chopped onion and bacon and set aside.

using a bit of water to seal the two together.

Bring a small pot of water to the boil. Lightly

Pinch the two circles together to seal firmly.

poach livers in water and set aside. Squeeze

Place the mince pies in a greased muffin pan

the pork mince out of the sausages. Roast and

and poke the top of each with a fork. Brush

roughly chop the pistachio nuts. Mix all the

over a bit of beaten egg on top of each mince

ingredients together. You are now ready to stuff

pie. Place in a 180C oven for about 15 to 20

the turkey – under the skin and inside the

minutes, or until the mince pies are golden.

turkey's cavity.

Roast Potatoes with Rum and Raisin Chocolate Truffles Biltong Makes about 35 truffles

Serves 4

1/2 cup (125 ml) raisins or currants


4 Tbsp (60 ml) dark rum

10 medium size potatoes

350 g dark chocolate (70 per cent cocoa solids)

150ml cooking oil

1/2 cup (125 ml) cream

100g butter

3/4 cup (180 ml) icing sugar

1 x 55g brown onion soup packet

1/4 cup (60 ml) cocoa powder, sifted, for

100g grated or powdered biltong

Method: Soak cherries, mango, cranberries, currants, and citron in 1/4 cup rum for at least 24 hours. Cover tightly, and store at room temperature.

Preheat oven to 165 degrees. Butter a round pan or loaf pan and line it with parchment paper. In a large bowl, cream together butter and brown sugar until fluffy. Beat in egg. Whisk together flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon; mix into butter and sugar in three batches, alternating with molasses and milk. Stir in soaked fruit and chopped nuts. Scrape batter into prepared pan. Bake in preheated oven for 40 to 45 minutes. Cool in the pan for 10 minutes, then sprinkle with 2 tablespoons rum. Cut out one piece parchment paper and one piece cheesecloth, each large enough to wrap around the cake. Moisten cheesecloth with 1 tablespoon rum. Arrange cheesecloth on top of parchment paper, and unmold cake onto it. Sprinkle top and sides of cake with remaining rum. Wrap the cheesecloth closely to the surface of the cake, then wrap with paper. Place in an airtight tin, and age for at least 10 weeks. If storing longer, douse with additional rum for every 10 weeks of storage.

Seafood & Grills

Shellfish Delight ϮϬϬŐ >ŽďƐƚĞƌ Θ ϲ YƵĞĞŶ WƌĂǁŶƐ ŐƌŝůůĞĚ ŝŶ Ă ƐĂƵĐĞ ŽĨ LJŽƵƌ ĐŚŽŝĐĞ ƐĞƌǀĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ ƌŝĐĞ ĂŶĚ ĐŚŝƉƐ

coating Preheat oven to 180C. Peel potatoes and par Method:

boil for 20 minutes, or until half cooked. While

Put the raisins in a bowl, pour over the rum and

they’re boiling, melt butter and mix with oil and

set aside to soak for at least an hour, preferably

brown onion soup powder. Mix in half the grated

two. Place the chocolate, broken into pieces, in

biltong, and set the other half aside. Grease

a glass bowl and melt in a microwave oven or

15×30 cm glass or Pyrex baking dish. Place

over a pan of simmering water. Stir until

par-boiled potatoes inside. Score whole

smooth, then beat in the cream, the soaked

par-boiled potato with a sharp blade to 2/3rds

raisins and any rum left in the bowl. Sift the

deep, 1cm apart. Baste generously with biltong

icing sugar into the chocolate and mix until

and oil mixture, and place in the oven for 1 hour,

smooth. Press a piece of cling film onto the

or until outsides are golden brown and crispy.

surface of the mixture and place it in the fridge

Take out half way through and re-baste, if

for about an hour, or until firm enough to

desired. Serve with remaining grated biltong


sprinkled over.

R 250 Pietermaritzburg /ŶǀĞƐĐŽ ĞŶƚƌĞ͕ Ŷƌ ƌŵŝƚĂŐĞ ŚĂƩ ĞƌƚŽŶ ZŽĂĚ Tel: 033 342 7991 / 9122 Cell: 082 786 3647 Ύ ůů ŝŵĂŐĞƐ ĂƌĞ ĨŽƌ ŝůůƵƐƚƌĂƟ ǀĞ ƉƵƌƉŽƐĞƐ ŽŶůLJ͘ :ŝŵŵLJ͛Ɛ <ŝůůĞƌ WƌĂǁŶƐ ƌĞƐĞƌǀĞƐ ƚŚĞ ƌŝŐŚƚ ƚŽ ĂŵĞŶĚ ƚŚĞ Žī ĞƌŝŶŐ Ăƚ ĂŶLJ ƐƚĂŐĞ ĚƵƌŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŽŵŽƟ ŽŶĂů ƉĞƌŝŽĚ ǁŝƚŚŽƵƚ ƉƌŝŽƌ ŶŽƟ Į ĐĂƟ ŽŶ͘ dĞƌŵƐ Θ ŽŶĚŝƟ ŽŶƐ ƉƉůLJ͘ ΘK


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Close and lock all windows and doors during the day. Outside lights that are and ensure all windows have burglar on during the day are signs that no one guards. is home. Fit suitable to all sliding %ACH Never open the door automatically %ACHlocks and bolts%ACH doors as means to prevent burglars when the bell rings or if someone from lifting the glass off its tracks the "& $ (1 $ knocks. Make completely sure the $ &# / most common $$ method for break-ins. $$ person wanting to enter is expected.

1 $"/4 4

( # /

( # /


( / (1- !($ ,((%

Do not leave an out-of-town message on your answering machine, door or %ACH post box.

A watchdog is a good early warning system. Keep it visible as a deterrent // , %ACH but beyond the reach of strangers. The 1-!"(& unexplainable death of a watchdog is a $ (1 $ Ask someone to clear your post box "&warning sign of a possible burglary. If $$ $$ every few days while you are away or / & , your house alarm goes off, you hear 3"/ ! alternatively get 3"/ ! a house sitter. "$$(3strange noises, or the dogs bark

switch on the outside lights. deliveries for the

%ACH Cancel newspaper

%ACH %ACH %ACH %ACH %ACH approaching your house %ACH period you are away. When entrance by foot or by car ensure that it With the holidays fast approaching, 1 $"/4 ,% 1 $"/4 1 , &/ & , 4inside 2 ,of $( -is safe to enter and that you have not

, & " & "-! (/ Do not leave keys on the South ,% ,South Africans have been warned not The following tips from the doormats, /doors or hidden under in been followed. Be aware of persons African Police Service and Business to kick back when it comes to their flower pots, etc. loitering at the entrance. If you buy Against Crime are suggested to keep security. luxury goods, cut up the boxes and %ACH your home safe while you are away Never leave tools in your garden or an dispose of these in tied black bags - a Instead, extra security measures have unlocked garden shed that would help branded box is a telltale sign of what been advised to ensure homes are safe Check that your alarm system is intruders break into your home. thieves could find in your house. The working properly before you go on while people are holidaying and that If you are staying home this festive police have also urged holidaymakers every precaution is taken while on the holiday. season make provision for good not to drink and drive and adhere to the 1 $"/4 country’s roads. outside lighting, but switch the lights off rules of the road.





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%ACH $ % &/ (/ / ,

1 # /

1 $"/4 --(,/ ( 1 1 # / //$

Large 18’’ Crying


Doll //$ Wide

%ACH %ACH %ACH %ACH 60lt 100lt 30lt Large Range 99 each , - ( / 1 $"/4 each 00 00 Of Toys 1 $"/4 / % ,(& R115. each R135.00each R145.00each , each (1- !($ (*

Just Unpacked ,((% ,((% 0 5 3"/!


%ACH %ACH %ACH %ACH -/,(& 1 $"/4 / ,"& Quality Grass ! ", Soft Quality Mop / $ ,"* Scatter , - ( / Yard Household 350g with Standard 1 $"/4 / % ,(& strong , Cushions (1- !($ Broom Broom Pillow metal grip ,((%

Toy BB Guns





1/(% /" 1 //$

Continental "$$(3- %ACH Pillow 1/(% /" 1 //$

1 $"/4 1 # / &


99 R6. each 1 $"/4

Xmas Hats %ACH


/ , "-* &- ,

1 # / &


R20. %ACH 00 each

/ , "-* &- ,


1 $"/4 Xmas ,% /-


Many More Indoor 50%ACHeach Specials

1 $"/4%ACH

$(2 -

0ER PAIR 1 $"/4

,% /-

/ & , "$$(3-



1 $"/4 4 $ &# /


// , 1-!"(&



(&/" "$$(3-

Hot Plate // , 1 $"/4 1 , &/ & " & "-! (/ 1-!"(& ,% ,-

/ & , "$$(3-

00 R10. each From






Double %ACH



Budget Quality Hot Plate




Wall Plug

99 0ER PAIReach

%ACH "-! (/ 00 1 $"/4 R18. 1 , &/

, & " &



,% ,-

R19.99per pair


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Page 9

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Page 12



BLAZIN’ THRU’ THE BOONDOCKS: 2017 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER 2017 MERCEDES-BENZ C350E 2.8 LTZ 4X4 A/T A recent survey found that almost 24-percent of South Africans choose Toyota, across all models and styles, while scarcely considering other makes. Such brand loyalty is worth gold to the manufacturer concerned. But is it well considered or do we simply buy emotionally?

Like beer and French champagne, hybrid cars are an acquired taste. With the liquids, you persevere until you learn to like them. Hybrid cars, on the other hand, are usually favoured by those who like to be seen doing the right thing. I will probably own an electric car one day; when bugs have been eliminated, batteries give decent range and primary pollution concerns have been addressed. But hybrids? I’m not convinced. Not yet. Mercedes-Benz’s C350e plug-in hybrid is a step in the right direction, though. Take the top of range (excluding AMGs) C300, detune it slightly, then add a 60-kilowatt, 340-Newton-metre, electric motor with change-over gearbox and you have a luxurious car with excellent performance. It provides righteous bragging rights at cocktail parties too. Apart from recharging itself while coasting, braking and under engine power, it can also be plugged into your household mains for top-ups. These take two to four hours. Some competitors can too, but while most of them can’t go over 60 km/h on battery power alone, the C350e can hum along at 130. Claimed maximum range on a full charge is 31 kilometres but that depends on how heavily your foot weighs on the “haptic” (it provides feedback) accelerator pedal. Unless you’re out to prove a point, you’ll probably get much less than that before being reverted to petrol power. The water cooled battery pack, fitted below the floor, weighs 100 kg and steals 145 litres of boot space, leaving you with 335. Its 60:40-split rear seatbacks fold flat to provide more volume if needed. Mercedes-Benz evidently used the all-electric cruising range to advantage in establishing

about 100 mm longer but the Toyota boasts gear change paddles, keyless entry and push-button starting.

Trailblazer, on the other hand, can be started remotely; should you want to pre-chill the interior or defog the rear screen. Further Chevrolet Trailblazer sells in the 30s and 40s bragging points include full, rather than partial, each month in South Africa, while Fortuner leather upholstery; a more sophisticated moves into new homes at a rate of 1300 to 1400. infotainment system with connectivity for Apple In other words, there’s no contest. CarPlay and Android Auto; electronic power Without trying to wean anybody off their steering with Active Pull (making it easier to stay favourite security blankets, let’s compare two on course) and Smooth Road Shake closely priced rivals; the latest top-spec’ Compensation that alleviates vibration caused Trailblazer LTZ 2.8 diesel 4x4 with six-speed by out-of-balance wheels; built-in satnav; automatic and the new Fortuner 2.8 GD-6 4x4 reversing camera and front parking assistance. a/t. Other safety kit includes panic braking Today’s price difference is only R1600. Both assistance, hydraulic brake fade assist, lane have 2.8-litre turbodiesel engines, seat seven if keeping aid, forward collision- and blind spot needed and offer high levels of equipment. alerts, rear cross traffic warning and tyre Consider seven airbags, automatic locking, pressure monitoring. C350e’s official average fuel consumption of 2.1 one-touch operation for every window, cruise l/100 km and carbon dioxide output of 65 grams control, ISOFix anchors, child-proof locks, Gradient braking, a neat feature of Trailblazer’s per kilometre. This exempts it from CO2 tax. sophisticated suspension at both ends, disc automatic ‘box, helps drivers maintain safe brakes front and rear with ABS, BA, EBD, VSC, speeds on difficult downhills – useful when As expected, standard equipment is impressive. hill hold, traction control, trailer anti-sway and towing. When running against compression a Four distinct transmission modes (Eco, Comfort, even downhill crawl for off-road use. dab on the brakes gears the ‘box down Sport and Sport+) and an Individual menu, allow automatically to increase engine braking. tailoring of drive system, chassis dynamics, Trailblazer offers more power and torque, 144 Accelerating, when you reach level ground steering response, eco assistance and climate kW and 500 Nm vs. 130 kW and 450 Nm. Both again, defaults the gears back upward. control. Then there are the operating profiles; perform similarly from zero to 100 km/h and are Hybrid (balanced), E (purely electric), E Save that governed to 180. Overall fuel consumption is It’s a comfortable and easy drive, if not conserves battery power as much as possible much the same. Both have selectable 4x4 with lightning-quick, and the autobox works well; and Charge that does just what it says. the usual 2h, 4h, 4l switch. Both default to changing and kicking down easily. The engine is rear-wheel drive in 2high. Fortuner has a locking not particularly quiet but it doesn’t claim to be Standard trim level is Avantgarde, with Exclusive rear differential as standard while the Chevrolet’s the last word in luxury. Like any good solid 4x4, or AMG Lines available optionally. Suspension is automatic limited slip aids handling and helps on Trailblazer is calm, steady and competent. And Airmatic for maximum comfort, self-levelling and slippery surfaces. that’s what it’s about. optimum road holding. A 7G-Tronic Plus automatic ‘box incorporates the electric motor Fortuner offers off-road advantage thanks to Finally, Trailblazer has the nicer third row of and an additional clutch between it and the greater ground clearance (279 mm vs. 221) seats. They don’t steal load space when packed combustion engine. When driving in all-electric although both vehicles’ approach and departure away and look tidier. And that R1600 price mode, it decouples the petrol motor from the angles are essentially the same. It also boasts difference? The prize goes to Trailblazer – again drive train. marginally more towing capacity – 3000 kg vs. – so there’s truly no contest. 2965. Trailblazer’s body and wheelbase are both M-B says the best strategy for efficient operation is anticipation. Provided relevant destination data is entered into the navigation system, controlled charge and discharge of the Lithium-Ion battery ensures optimal energy use along the way. One should, if possible, arrive at urban areas with a fully charged battery to allow most efficient driving in stop-and-go traffic. Standard safety kit offers seven (optionally nine) airbags, Attention Assist, Collision Prevention Assist Plus, comfort direct steering, rain sensing wipers, cruise control with speed limiter, tyre pressure monitoring, agility control suspension and run-flat tyres. This is a top-of-line Mercedes-Benz with all that implies in terms of comfort, safety, performance, class and almost limitless options. But I am still rather sceptical; the C300 performs as well, has a bigger boot and fuel tank, is 100kg lighter in the tail, gets much the same real life fuel economy and sells for almost R200 000 less. I’ll take the money, thanks, and just avoid bragfests.


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Page 13


We know we shouldn’t but many of us do so anyway. It’s dangerous, unnecessary and could kill us – or worse, somebody else. It’s called texting while driving and is not only illegal, but it causes road rage in those around us. Nobody said that human beings are bright all the time, so if you choose to claim a Darwin award this festive season, that’s your decision. Just, please, don’t hurt others with your foolishness.

Here are ten documented facts for you to consider: Your eyes are off the road for five seconds, on average, while texting. When travelling at 75 km/h, that's time enough to cover the playing length of a rugby field. (2009, *VTTI) Visual-manual subtasks - reaching for it, dialling and texting - associated with the use of hand-held phones and other portable devices, increase your likelihood of crashing three-fold. (2009, VTTI) Eleven percent of drivers under the age of 20, involved in fatal crashes, were reportedly distracted at the time. This age group has the largest proportion of distracted drivers. (2012, *NHTSA)

Forty-two percent of young adult drivers are very, or somewhat, confident that they can safely text while driving. (2012, Ad Council) Eighty percent of teens and young adults indicated concern about the issue of texting while driving. (2012, Ad Council) Forty-four percent of adults say they have been passengers while drivers used cell phones in ways that put themselves, or others, in danger. (2010, Pew Research Center)

Thirty-six percent of teens say they have been involved in near-crashes because of their own or someone else's distracted driving. (2010, Pew Research Center)

White continues to be the top choice of car buyers around the world. An annual report published by PPG, a leading global manufacturer of automobile coatings, found that up to 38 percent of vehicles manufactured worldwide in 2016 were white. That’s three points up from 35 percent in 2015. White is generally preferred because it’s available in all models and is neutral, according to Jane Harrington, colour styling manager for PPG’s automotive original equipment coatings division. She said that people, who might otherwise take risks when it comes to other purchases, usually play safe when choosing vehicle colour because it’s such a big-ticket item.

Reasons given in South Africa, where white claims 32 percent, include not showing dirt and scratches as badly as dark colours do, and relative coolness in summer. We also feel that white is an easier re-seller. Our second favourite is silver (25 percent), followed by grey and blue with nine percent each. Passionate reds and vampire black fill places five and six; followed by beige, gold, brown and green to fill the top ten.

PPG has a team of over 20 experts who analyse colour trends in cars and other consumer products, to help the company devise shades and palettes catering to customer preferences. Blues White has consistently topped the charts are currently emerging as Colours of as car buyers’ colour of choice since 2010, Choice, with demand rising by three when it nudged silver into second place. percent among luxury, midsize and Other top shades for 2016 are black, with a compact car buyers. According to Ms. market share of 16 percent, silver at 12Harrington, one reason could be blue’s and grey claiming 10 percent. many facets - ranging from bright sapphire and deep navy, for luxury models, to This preference is not uniform across the chromatic blue for sports cars.

You're three times as likely to crash if you text while driving. (VTTI) How can you stop texting and driving? Out of sight, out of mind - when you're in the car, put your phone where you can't get at it; a place where you won't even be tempted to look for it. No phone. No texting.

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Silence is golden. Turn notifications off. The less you hear your phone, the less tempted you'll be to respond while driving.

Designate a texter. Borrow thumbs from a Forty-nine percent of drivers under the age friend, or lend yours to someone else. of 35, with cell phones, send or read text Passengers get the privilege of texting while in messages while driving. (2011, Harris Poll) motion. Sixty percent of drivers talk on cell phones while driving. (2011, Harris Poll)

world. Although 47 percent of buyers in the Asia Pacific region preferred white, this was the case for only 25 percent of customers in North America, 33 per hundred in Europe and 37 percent in South America. One reason given by Asian customers for choosing white was that they felt the colour made smaller vehicles appear bigger and more striking.

Merry Christmas to all my loyal clients and thank you for your supportthroughout 2016!!

*Key: VTTI – Virginia Tech Transportation Institute NHTSA – National Highway Transport and Safety Association

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Page 16

Teams such as Northern Ireland also next month or so. made it to the knock-out rounds. The THEthough, 2016 OLYMPIC GAMES S fairy-tale of the entire tournament CRICKET r finishing as runners up. This had serious was always going to be the highlight of the belonged to a nation with a population of announced the list of no Super Rugby Hotting Up/- implications on the knock-out rounds as yearasand the mainannual draw card of 2016. Team ev 330 000 and a part time dentist a sports awards Farwell Euro 2016/Go Team they would have played the Sharks did the nation say proud by finishing inside co-coach – Iceland. The teamSA downed Itheir was not impressed the top 30 by meeting ten medal target. SA! instead of the mighty, seven-time champi- the over-rated English and did a ‘Leicesperformed pathetically Star performers included the record breakingo ons the Crusaders. The other three ter City’ on them. England manager RoyNiekerk and nobody really dese Wayde van (400m), Caster Semenya games see our very own Sharks taking on Hodgson, a professional who(800m) earns $5 a non T20 specialist suc and of course Chad le Clos We are already into the the Hurricanes at the “Cake Tin” in (swimming). stars who also shone for T million per annum and has almost 50 OtherAmla is nominated second half of the sporting Wellington (I fear for Gary Gold and the as and UsainTemba Bolt andBavum years of experience, was out included done byicons a such year Phelps, who wereyear competing in their boys, I really do), the Stormers will host team that captured the heartsMichael of everyof the (for basically year and things are just final ever games. Elaine Thompson and Mo h the slick Chiefs in Cape Town and the one, and resigned immediately thereafter. innings), it proves just about to get even hotter Farah also left lasting legacies. The first ever Brumbies (the sole Australian team) will There is an old quote that goes: “Be held on are at American the moment. I sin Olympics South soil was with no signs of any slow- entertain the defending champions the careful how you treat those who you Kagiso Rabada and Imr deemed a relative success, even after all the Highlanders. ing down. The month of perceive to be below you. Thebad Universe they are th publicity that everything preceded theas event. covered themselves in a July saw some truly incredi- If one had to ask any rugby pundit for his has a way of favouring the underdog”. WORLD FOOTBALL the most past twelve, months. ble action around the globe predictions, he would be brave not to pick r popular of them all, was again a major force NOW that the international seen a transitional period for thethe semi-filong may this purple patch continue. in sports. Both internationally and in DON THE 2016 SPORTING the as four kiwi teams to make with special mentions for was r the roundWELL stuff is out of the way, all football lovers squad.nals. NewThey faces are suchsimply as Temba Bavuma domestic leagues, ball and it’s on another level at Williams and Andy Murr will immediately their attention to left fans is done CALENDAR Super Rugby andand the Euroand Stephen Cook were tasked in steering SPRINGBOK rugby fans turn on the other super stars mesmerized, theinto moment and play such Wimbledon; club football and of pre-season transfer a new direction butwith it was too a high hand, endured a true nightmare a season heart-broken, joyful and a whole Henrik lot more,Sten in dusted.Championship Well just about . .2016. . as the team pean tempo pace. rumours, coaches and the fast, too soon and as fans smeltSouth blood.Africa’s The teambest with a disastrous 4 winsnew out of 13 thelike. year So that was golf’s 2016. third major ‘The O true sporting fans know, sport managed hope to be and the take Lions home to seems pull it together theand ODI a (Barbarians match included). The writing wasconfirm is that beating England at Lord far, what Galaxy News can r SUPER RUGBY resumed seriesfinal with aatcome-from-behind victory, onGood the wall from the outsetUnited with a first ever Ellis Park is still 3-2 a possibility. The story of the year was no doubt Manchester is currently after Arthur) and to Lewis Ha never stops and after the June internationals were done with Chris himself intoa those loss on homestar soil, Paul in coach AllisterIf rumours underdogsare Leicester Cityinwinning the English luckMorris to ourannouncing boys (especially into Ireland back the current F1 s Juventus Pogba. December still odd and dusted with all has majorthe teams and huge way on the big stage. Coetzee’s first ever game in charge. The Premiership in a true fairy-tale for the ages. black and white). forget to catch the Tour correct, they are willing to fork out a team narrowly avoided a series defeat but Spain’s Real Madrid won the most coveted favourites up where a they left off. fixture orpicking two (across massive £100 million for the French The men and green and gold experienced what was to follow was far worse. prize of the Uefa Champions League and Yes there are still big problems with the r EURO 2016 concluded this international . . . to kick a ballPortugal r their first IF aroundcaptured all think Ju couple of codes) to still keep more trouble in the World T20 where they everyou European tournament in its current state (format, month, with unfancied Portugal claiming day! Forgive me but that is seriously are in for the ride of you couldn’t even get out of the group stage and The Boks imploded in this year’s Rugby Championship under the inspiring leadership certain fans interested. television audiences, stadium The attendanctheir first majordumped footballout title. I was Championship truly were unceremoniously of the with a poor of 4 losses is of Cristiano Ronaldo, win world andwho it allshould revolves aroun ridiculous andreturn no sportsman worth that es) butbegan when one on the rugby tournament. year asfocuses a hangover outmen of 6, including first ever to Argentina happy for Cristiano Ronaldo and his player of the year.Rio 2016 Olympic Gam muchawhen people are starving around itself, it’s easy to see just why this is the (away) and athe record lossIn to other ‘former’ rival, the who showed true grit and determination demands ten medals an world. news, Leicester City frommost the technical, previoustoughest calendar, best, and most They then had somewhat of an international All Blacks in Durban rollercoaster ride that is football to outplay hosts France. This was proven has confirmed that one of theThe with them. Expect great stars of (IPL and other events) when before their turning which included continues and never takes a break. Expect respected provincialboth rugbyrugby tournament break on beyond any doubt captain and their campaign last season will be leaving likesaction of Chad le Clos, around against New Zealand at home No problem, the worst was yet to come. more blood-pumping over the next W the andplanet. cricket World Cups and things talisman was stretchered off in the final Caster Semenya, Bridgi for Chelsea. The ‘Blues’ have snapped up in August and then astonishingly Coetzee and his charges went winless on couple of weeks and throughout the New due toarch a ‘Messi’ knee injury. N’Golowith Kante and what I would Sunette Viljoen, our rug demolishing rivals Australia in a 5-0However, ODI their end of midfielder year tour to Europe, all true Year. in general, the highlight was The prolonged group faze of the cup seriesthey never Was gavethis upa and continued the including whitewash. sign of things to fans, wanting gone! likemyself to ask him ishim why would anyone leave rowing teams. Good luc always going to weekend be Rio 2016. concluded this past and the top come?tournament’s It most definitely was as theme ofthe theboys underdog us proud! the current champions after such an IN OTHER SPORTING eight were finally their third test series The team in true crisis Withteams this being the decided final to secured coming outconsecutive on top. There were plenty of are amazing featand lastsomething term? Chelsea is not HEADLINES Britain’s Andy Murray contest the quarter-finals. The Lions win against same opposition, drastic needs to be done in earnest if we otherthe such scenarios in under whichnew David TOtheCONCL r be) ended even participating in the from Champions column of the year, I feel it (annoying as he may year as and exciting skipper Francois du Plessis. wish to save the endangered Springbok messed up their chances of topping the indeed slayed Goliath during the event. sadder note, rest League! Then again we all know the tennis’ number one ranked player within pea complete extinction. The South African fitting to end off with a review overall standings by sending a Germany’s Angelique taking the trueKerber motorsport icon. answer – money, money, money. I fear for The team’s next assignment is against Rugby Union (Saru) need to get their second-string to take on the of all major team highlights Wales made it all in the way to the last four inthe future of the sport. Expect more inofthe thewomen’s rankings. Another perennial under-achievers test cricket structures place and most importantly, get honour Jaguares and ended up losing and thus(especially afteraway defeating hot favourites from home) – Sri Lanka,Belgium. rid of Coetzee and from his fellow coaching staff. same other players and German, teams inNico theRosberg was the king of (including the Olympic

2016 – Sporting year in review

Games) that occurred in the whirlwind sporting year that was 2016. THE PROTEAS began their year in

unsuccessful fashion with a rare home test series loss to arch nemesis England in what

later this month. I expect the guys to pull of series wins in all three formats and confirm their resurgence and status in the echelons of test match cricket.

A talismanic coach with proper pedigree, will go a long way to solving the Boks woes and turn them into feared beasts once again. The murky waters of transformation lurk ominously in the shadows and this is another Amazingly, even with the loss of players to aspect that also needs to be addressed. injury such as Dale Steyn and AB de Villiers, Political interference has no place in sport off-field dramas and quota issues, the team and the sooner that government see this, the are doing exceptionally well currently and better it will be for all our sports codes.

Formula 1 with a maiden title and Jason Day is the current ruler of the golfing world.

GALAXY NEWS (as well as myself of course) would like to wish all readers a very happy Christmas period and a fabulous new year. We hope that 2017 is a winning one, for both you and your beloved sports teams. Thanks for reading and God bless!

De Villiers' captaincy era ends before it begins AB de Villiers’ tenure as South Africa’s test captain ended before it really began on Monday‚ when he quit the job for the good of a team who have learnt to win without his leadership and his dazzling batsmanship.


He has also been forced out of South Africa’s test series against Sri Lanka‚ which starts on December 26‚ by a lingering elbow problem.

But De Villiers wasn’t formally appointed until after that rubber‚ and an elbow injury has prevented him from playing in the test series against New Zealand and Australia.

“I have known Faf for almost 20 years‚ ever since we played in the same school side at Afrikaans Hoer Seunskool‚ and he will have my unequivocal support if he is asked to continue leading this exciting Proteas test team.”


That means De Villiers has quit without captaining South Africa in a single test since his appointment.

would‚ in future‚ remove the illegality from what Du Plessis did‚ whether he would consider doing just that.


But there’s a catch.

Given Monday’s events it is surely time to consider that option seriously.

South Africa should beat Sri Lanka even if they are Instead‚ Faf du Plessis has guided them to nine wins South Africa’s series against Sri Lanka follows a week denied Du Plessis’ captaincy along with De Villiers’ DOUBLE BEEFafter Du Plessis’ appeal hearing against his ball-tam- batting. in the 11 tests and one-day internationals they have pering conviction in Australia last month. “The interests of the team must always outweigh the played in De Villiers’ enforced BURGER, absence. CHIPS But it would be reckless to squander the momentum interests of any individual‚ including me‚” De Villiers COO-EE was quoted as saying in a Cricket South (CSA) Along the way Du Plessis has& earned test series wins Should Du Plessis lose he could be docked a fourth and solidity the team have built under Du Plessis in the wake of their disappointing performance last demerit point‚ which would see him banned for the release. over New Zealand and Australia and a 5-0 ODI season‚ when they lost five of their eight tests and first test against the Lankans. triumph against the Aussies. won only one. “AB has always carried himself as a true team player Alternatively‚ Du Plessis - who has protested his and his decision to step down confirms his attitude to Deservedly‚ then‚ Du Plessis was swiftly named as innocence fervently - could abandon his appeal and‚ De Villiers will have plenty of time to see how his friend put the team first‚” CSA chief executive Haroon De Villiers’ replacement as captain. for 24 months‚ live with the threat of the suspension gets on‚ what with his elbow still an issue despite Lorgat was quoted as saying. De Villiers was adamant that Du Plessis was the man that another demerit point would mean. having been surgically repaired early in October. De Villiers took the reins for two tests in the wake of for the job‚ according to the release: “Following the CSA declined to comment when they were asked on De Villiers‚ who last swung a bat in anger in July in the Hashim Amla’s shock resignation in January that squad’s outstanding performances in Australia it is came even as South Africa were shambling to defeat clearly in the greater interests of the team that Faf du Wednesday‚ after the Marylebone Cricket Club’s Caribbean Premier League‚ will now look to return in world cricket committee decided against recomin their home series against England. Plessis should be confirmed as the permanent test the ODI series against Sri Lanka‚ which starts on mending a change to the ball-tampering law that captain. January 28



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