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Wedding Vows

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Sa Dako Paroon

Sa Dako Paroon

Ni: Gwenn Leynes

“As I reminisce our old years together, I can’t help but shed in tears knowing that this day, finally in my life, we will be totally one, bounded by God’s grace. Look my love, see how our beloved God brought us today after a long journey of long shots, from student to becoming an employee and from a dreamer into conqueror.


We live our years together helping each one to grow, never depriving for the possible things one may encounter. And I still remember those days that we both don’t have enough sleep due to subjects in school. When we were both in our lowest points and still understood each one shortcoming. We cried so hard and yelled to our thesis defending success. We tossed our togas together and wave our diplomas to our parents on our graduation.

The furious we were for the board exam results and the happiness we were as we shouted our names with prefix ‘engr’ finally. And I can still remember the nervous you have when you got your first interview for the company you have applied in and the same went for me. In here, I won’t tell the rest is history but rather memories, from that point to today and today onwards. And look now, where we are, with God as the center of our stand. And I will tell you today so listen carefully, you completed me, Hon. I am thankful every day to God for your life, for you choosing to spent the rest of yours

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Alliza Keith Dela Cruz

with me.

Today, as I take you as my lawfully wedded husband, with my family and yours who are both watching us with love and support, values that we both inherited from them. For them, we still have these plans for our parents, to take them to whatever or wherever they want to go. To bring them happiness as we let them see how in love we are and yet still successful in life.

Maybe it is true, that somehow in my old life, I lived so kindly that God had given me a man like you. You are one of the purest persons I ever met. You are not just a knight in shining armor for me but a savior of faith. So, thank you, for letting me run the years with you and bringing me today wearing this promise you gave me. And from this day onwards, I swear to God that I will be the best wife that I can be. I will hand you home and shelter you with love and comfort every time you arrive from work.

I promise to wear this ring for the rest of my life and never run away for problems we may encounter. I will be your best friend, buddy, lover and wife at all times. And I promise to love you in every aspect of life, as we go through this journey of being a married couple. You’re my first and my last. I love you.”

I wrote this letter 5 years ago for my wedding bows to you, unfortunately you left me a night before our wedding when we just celebrated it early. Too sad we didn’t believe in superstition.

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