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Liggy Love Letters
A Haiku for a Scotch Boy: Loves the Loverboy, Play Gimme Gimme Gimme, Stop with the smoking. GP - Are you Lightning? Cos I wanna make you McQueen xx
Hey Christiana, What’s up? I definitely don’t have a gun to my head, looking at you, writing this love letter at this very second. Try guessing who wrote this! Love you, stay you, live laugh law love.
anthony, i confess my love for thee, we know you’re the don, watch you get your LLB (hon), Been dreaming of you for so long, please oh please show your “massive schlong” little bitch - you have my heart on resulting trust xxx
Dear the whitest of white boys,
Rachel, I Neef you in my life. You’re the hot goss of ligertwood! I see you in the virtual admin tutes hoping our zoom squares will align next to each other, please allow me to win this competition
<3 <3 <3 Get rid of the ciggy and meet me in liggy
I’m also just a first year, standing in front of a Matthew Stubbs, asking him to love me
My dearest Kirsty, for you I am so thirsty. Please don’t be socially distant, come over to my house this instant.