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Publisher’s Letter, Welcome, Power Sisters!
We are so honored and excited that you have our premier issue of our magazine in your hands to read and hopefully share with all the women in your life.
With so much suffering in the world, our desire is to bring light, love, laughter, and inspiration to women worldwide in every issue because we believe that every woman is POWERFUL!
Published as a web-based and digital magazine, we are committed to introducing you to top feminine success experts and leaders in the area of spirituality, lifestyle, entrepreneurship, leadership, money, health and wellness and so much more.
Within each issue you will find inspiring articles, videos, and other resources intentionally selected to help you deeply connect to your divine feminine sovereignty as you masterfully become and allow more of your heart’s deepest desires to live your highest and best life.
In our desire to create and build a strong and engaging sisterhood with you our readers, we invite you to follow us on Instagram at @PowerHERSuccessMagazine and our website at www. powerhersuccessmagazine.com.
Oh! Stay connected with us!
We will be launching the Power HER Success Club launching in March 2023. You can join our waitlist at www.powerhersuccessclub.com. The Club will be our new online membership focused on spirituality, femininity, luxury, lifestyle, travel, sisterhood, personal and entrepreneurial success mastery and so much more!
The concept and heart of the Unlimited Woman brand, message, and business really started when I was confronted with the fact that I had missed out on truly living my life because I was convinced that someone else’s expectations and requirements for me were the “right and only” way to live.
It was in this revelation, at 45 years of old, that it was time for me to make a BIG change in my life. Of course, when you have been living your life a certain way for years, change is not that easy. With God’s infinite wisdom in knowing that the only way I would be healed, transformed, and able to fulfill my divine global destiny, my life and world needed to be dramatically interrupted – in fact, it needed to be turned upside down in order for me to learn and live in a completely new mindset, behavior, and way. Because of my world-
Our Global Intention
shaking upset – losing everything and so much more – a powerful intention and message for the Power HER Success brand, message, and business was birthed and it had everything to do with women worldwide becoming holistically FREE. Freedom for women has everything to do with giving ourselves permission to be, do, and have anything and everything we desire. Freedom meant and continues to mean that every woman no longer has to experience the pain of not feeling good enough, feel the pressure of having to be and do everything alone, settling for less because self-sacrificed seems to be unconsciously praised. Instead, freedom for today’s power woman means, living life and leading her lucrative sustainable business on her own terms with the support of real, authentic, and dependable sisterhood. This is the heartbeat and driving force behind being a Power Woman.
First, our primary intention and focus on the Power HER Success brand is to boldly declare that all women can live and be undeniably unlimited and successful in every area of her life and business. This is a mindset and a way of being that we believe every woman must hear repeatedly in order to embody this truth as her new identity and way of living.
Included, we hold fast to four core additional intentions and focus that empower women worldwide to experience more meaningful and impactful situations and opportunities to change our families, communities, and the world.
1. To remind every woman who she really is as a divine being with unlimited potential and possibilities available to her at all times.
2. To create and bring together an inclusive and diverse community of women for real relationships and sisterhood that becomes the example of what women can do when we are in partnership with one another.
3. To help more women discover their unique path to living life abundantly while also building a 6-figure sustainable business in any industry.
4. To provide intimate, ongoing, individual and community mentorship and guidance in personal and entrepreneurship success mastery that empowers women to lead and experience unlimited success in their life, goals, brand, message, and business.
• The Power HER Success Magazine–featuring top feminine success experts and leaders impersonal and entrepreneurial success mastery.
• Brand Alliances–businesses joining together in collaboration of certain projects in order to make a global impact.
• The Power HER Success Gathering Events offering virtual and live events to our community of women.
• Promotional and Visibility Advancement.
• Collaborate with us and share your business in Power Woman Marketplace.