Fitout April May 2013

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The latest

products & trends

in visual merchandising and decoratives



tips for managing in these changing times

Fitout projects from around Australia

WIN the ultimate Italian experience to go with your new Italian benchtop.

bring Guy Grossi to your place, then visit his favourite place. essastoneŽ adds true Italian style and sophistication to any space – and for a limited time you could win an Italian experience to complement your new, luxurious benchtop. First, renowned chef, Guy Grossi, will host an Italian dinner party for 8 at your place. Then, you and a friend will be jetting off to Italy for 15 nights. And there are more monthly Italian prizes to be won, so enter the competition today via our website. essastone surfaces come with an exceptional 15 year limited warranty. For entry details and full terms and conditions visit our website. Entries close 30 June 2013.


Interior Fitout is the official publication of the Australian Shop and Office Fitting Industry Association Limited. Published by The Intermedia Group Pty Ltd, 41 Bridge Road, Glebe, NSW 2037 Australia, Telephone 02 9660 2113, Fax 02 9660 4419, On behalf of The Australian Shop and Office Fitting Industry Association, PO Box 251, Woy Woy, NSW 2256 Telephone 02 4342 5505, Fax 02 4342 5579, Email, Web Publisher Mark Kuban Managing Director Simon Grover Editor Marion Gerritsen Sales Manager Kelly Wintle Production Catherine Murden Head Of Circulation Chris Blacklock Graphic Design Alyssa Coundouris Print Post Approved 100008115, ISSN 1328-5122. Subscriptions, one year’s subscription to Interior Fitout (SIX issues) is $40.00, postage paid within Australia. Additional copies may be obtained by contacting the publisher. Overseas subscription rates on application. Call 1800 651 422 to subscribe.

This publication is published by The Intermedia Group


Pty Ltd (the “Publisher”). Materials in this publication have

president’s notes

been created by a variety of different entities and, to the



extent permitted by law, the Publisher accepts no liability for materials created by others. All materials should be considered protected by Australian and international intellectual property laws. Unless you are authorised by law or the copyright owner to do so, you may not copy any of the materials. The mention of a product or service, person or


10 project reviews

company in this publication does not indicate the

D’Fine Creative,

Publisher’s endorsement. The views expressed in this

The Seatery,

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Kingman Visual,

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3fold Resources,

use of the information contained in this publication is at the sole risk of the person using that information. The user should make independent enquiries as to the accuracy of the information before relying on that information. All express or implied terms, conditions, warranties, statements, assurances and representations in relation to

Capri Equip

20 finance

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7 tips for managing

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in this difficult

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boost your sales

28 decorative finishes all the latest trends

31 events

Average Net Distribution Per Issue 4,267 CAB Publisher Statement Period ending 30 September 2012



president’s notes For those discerning or perhaps studious enough to note, you may have registered a change in the head filling the space at the top, or bottom of this dissertation. Well by way of explanation you read this preamble with a simmering wonder now a bubbling realisation and come to the conclusion that they have handed the metaphorical keys of the asylum to the inmate. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am indeed now ensconced in the chair at the head of the table. For those unfamiliar, my name is Darren Doggett. I am a Victorian based member and have been involved with our association in a state and national council capacity for some time now. Despite the levity of my intro I am genuinely proud and feel immensely privileged to be entrusted for this short time as custodian of this position. On behalf of our association I would like to convey our sincerest appreciation and thanks to our outgoing national president, Craig Watkinson. He has demonstrated throughout an unparalleled level of consideration and passion for our industry harnessed within a perceptive and thoughtful style. On behalf of the association we sincerely wish Craig and his family all the very best in the future and look forward to his ongoing involvement as a statesmen of our clan. Now to business. We’re a quarter of the way through the year, and many of us still share the same concerns about the strength of the industry. However, with interest rates at an all-time low, our economy is in a good position for future investment and there are emerging signs of a recovery in consumer confidence that invariably improves business confidence. So we, as an industry collective, need to remain positive and commit to what we do best and be ready to take advantage of this turnaround. Success is achieved with a leadership and management commitment and application to the fundamentals of sound business principals. It is also enriched by innovative thought and practice. We’re seeing it every day within our global economy. Without being brand centric, I point to Apple as an organisation that embraces these philosophies and is representative of the rationale and style of our world’s best organisations. As national president of ASOFIA, I know that our association is focused on delivering on this ambition. A group of dedicated representatives of your association meets twice a year with the sole aim of developing a better organisation for our members. However, as with any large organisation, the requirements of each individual member can vary dramatically and often. Soon we will be sending out a small survey asking all members to answer various questions about our industry and their current working environment. These responses will in turn help us as an organisation determine what you think we do well and what other areas we should be working on, to provide each member with all the tools, research and information necessary to get ahead. Further to this, please feel free to discuss any issues you may have with me, your local state committee or national representatives. We will only succeed as an association if we have the involvement of our members. I look forward to catching up with as many members as possible over the coming year, through the various functions that the association holds, including our national conference in October. Happy reading. Darren Doggett ASOFIA national president


Broadway Shopping Centre takes the number one spot Mirvac’s Broadway Shopping Centre has ranked number 1 in Shopping Centre News Big Guns Awards 2013 for annual turnover per square metre. Broadway took out the number 1 spot in the MAT/m2 category with $10,390/m2, an increase of 5.7 per cent on the back of a 4.25 per cent increase in MAT ($412.3 million), and one of only two Big Guns in Australia to beat the $10,000/m2 mark, the other being Westfield Bondi Junction with $10,016/m2. Since 2009, Broadway has been Australia’s second most productive shopping centre measured by MAT/m2 for a centre over 45,000square metres. The move to number one follows the successful

to as a soft retailing environment,” Susan

“We’re very proud to be able to

launch of the centre’s Be You Rebranding

MacDonald, general manager retail for

provide our customers with one of the

last October and the addition of brands

Mirvac Property Trust says. “Comparing

best retail destinations in the country,”

to their retail mix with stores including the

December 2012’s monthly performance

Adeline Chin, senior marketing

Apple Store, JB Hi-Fi, Nike, Peter Alexander,

versus December 2011, the centre sales

manager of Broadway says. “We

Politix, Oxford, Lorna Jane, Pandora and T2.

increased by over 13 per cent.”

consider our customers throughout every

Broadway expects its growth to be

“It is evident that the results of the

facet of delivery and ensure we provide

remixing, rebranding, and innovative

much stronger in 2013 if the December

an environment that appeals, engages

marketing initiatives Broadway has

sales are any guide. Total traffic

and fulfils their needs. Broadway

implemented have delivered consistently

continues to increase with two per cent

Shopping Centre will continue to evolve

strong results in what is constantly referred

growth to sit at 13.7 million annual visits.

along with its customers.”

Viridian launches 2013 Architectural Glass Specifiers’ Guide Viridian has launched its 2013

Offering comprehensive glazing

Architectural Glass Specifiers’ Guide. This

solutions to building design professionals,

year’s version of the guide sees hundreds

the 2013 Architectural Glass Specifiers’

of updates to the 2012 edition, including

Guide provides a broad range of

information on the latest Viridian products.

information relating to glass types, sizes,

Recognised as a key reference point for designers, architects and specifiers the 2013 guide outlines information on essential

properties, behaviours and configurations in Viridian’s extensive product range. In addition to profiling the latest

glazing considerations. It also includes

innovative products, many of the key

updated BCA compliance information,

decisions that need to be considered in the

updated performance data and highlights

selection of glass in facades, interiors and

recent changes in industry codes,

glazing systems are also listed.

regulations and production capabilities.

“Viridian is pleased to be launching the 2013 Architectural

information on the latest Viridian products,

Glass Specifiers’ Guide,

including the recently launched ArtGlass,

providing architects,

ComfortHush and AssaultGuard Ultra.

designers and specifiers

“The guide is an invaluable resource

with essential information

for industry professionals who are working

on the latest in glass

to achieve BCA standards. There have

design,” explains

been significant developments in industry

Viridian’s general

regulations within the last year and the

manager of marketing

guide offers advice to industry professionals

Lachlan Austin.

on how to meet the newest industry codes,”

“The Architectural Glass Specifiers’ Guide

Lachlan adds. The 2013 edition of the Viridian

offers a comprehensive

Architectural Glass Specifiers’ Guide can

outline of the best options

be downloaded from the Viridian website

in glass design as well as




Entries now open for 2013 Intergrain Timber Vision Awards Entry to the 2013 Intergrain Timber Vision

Intergrain brand manager, Krystal

Awards is now open inviting architects,

Brabham, says the Intergrain Timber Vision

landscape architects, interior designers

Awards aim to highlight the great work

and other design professionals from across

of industry professionals in pushing the

the nation to showcase their visionary use

boundaries of timber design. “Each year the awards continue to build

of timber. Now in its fourth year, the Intergrain

with outstanding entries across all four

Timber Vision Awards are designed to

categories,” she says. “Last year was no

celebrate the innovative ways timber is used

exception, with entries showcasing striking

projects that move away from traditional

in residential and commercial projects. This

and unique timber applications. This year

timber applications, exuding creativity

year’s categories include exterior residential,

we’re expecting an even higher number of

and style, while demonstrating

interior residential, exterior commercial and

entries, which illustrate the extraordinary

the significant role timber plays in

interior commercial.

talent of Australian architects and designers.

architectural design,” she adds.

“We are particularly looking for

The entries will be evaluated by a judging panel including 2012 commercial exterior winner Hamish Lyon, principal and design director at NH Architecture (VIC); Virginia Kerridge, principal of Virginia Kerridge Architect (NSW); Cameron Bruhn, editorial director at Architecture Media (VIC) and Douglas Curr, Dulux specification and project services consultant. Winners will receive a $2,000 cash prize plus Intergrain product to the value of $5,000, while also gaining industry exposure with a feature in the November edition of Architecture Australia. Entries close on Friday 28 June. The winners will be announced in August at the Intergrain Timber Vision Awards Breakfast to be held in Melbourne. For more information, to enter the awards, and to view the terms and conditions, visit

New Laminex range for commercial interiors Greys and neutrals are two of the hottest

structure of subdued figuring yielding a

Brescia uses an interesting mix of

interior trends for 2013, and the updated

gentle woodgrain that blends well with

warm and cool greys that overall gives

Laminex Silk Finish range introduces four

other materials. The natural colour of

the impression of a dark beige. From a

new decors to create opulent interiors.

light walnut has been gently nudged

distance, the pattern is suggestive of a

in the grey beige direction to give a

blackened reconstituted veneer. Up close,

a rich, smooth melamine finish, with

contemporary twist on this perennially

it is revealed as a crisp pinstripe.

the latest introductions of Paper Bark,

popular wood.

The gloss decorated panels offer

Washboard is a classic beech grain

Avignon Walnut, Washboard and

that uses a heartwood-sapwood contrast

Brescia, extending the total offering of

to give character. It is deliberately

contemporary decors to 23.

colour styled to represent a washed

Laminex marketing manager, Joanna Baker, says the new Laminex Silk Finish decors inspire designers and specifiers to

wood that perfectly fits the greying of the warm palette. Paper Bark is a greyed beige that

combine the latest interior looks with the

pairs beautifully with grey-brown woods

elegant finish of gloss.

and patterns to create harmonious

“The new decors, along with the gloss finish of Laminex Silk Finish, are key trends

colour combinations. Suitable for vertical applications such

shaping the interior design landscape for

as doors, drawers and panels, all of the

2013 and deliver a striking, opulent style for

23 decors in the Laminex Silk Finish range

hotels, restaurants and retail fitouts,” she says.

come with matching gloss ABS edging for

Avignon Walnut is a traditional walnut



effortlessly stylish colour schemes.

Granite Transformations announces Ita Buttrose as brand ambassador Kitchen makeover specialist Granite

over existing benchtops and splashback

Transformations has appointed media icon,

surfaces, saving time and money.

author and 2013 Australian of the Year, Ita

Buttrose first partnered with Granite

Buttrose as its brand ambassador, who will be

Transformations in 2003 and says she is

the face of the company until next March 2014.

delighted to support the Australian brand

Her role will include appearing in

again in 2013. “My kitchen was one of the

advertising and marketing campaigns,

first installed by Granite Transformations,

contributing to public relations and media

and 10 years on they are nearing their

activity, and attending events. Ita Buttrose

one millionth kitchen benchtop,” she

will also announce the company’s ‘one

says. “I’m proud to be endorsing Granite

millionth benchtop’, a milestone that is

Transformations, the largest kitchen

anticipated to be celebrated later this year.

renovation company in the world.”

Granite Transformations is the exclusive

Jessie Harvey, marketing, PR and

supplier of Trend Superior Surfaces, an

communications manager at Granite

engineered stone range combining the

Transformations says the company is thrilled

finest quality quartz, granite and recycled

to have Buttrose as its brand ambassador.

glass with a state-of-the-art polymer base,

“Ita’s attention to detail and passion

producing diamond polished surfaces

for aesthetics is a great fit for the Granite

that are non-porous, heat, scratch, stain

Transformations brand and we look forward

and impact resistant. By virtue of their

to collaborating with her over the coming

unique production process, Granite

months,” Harvey says.

Transformations’ slabs are just 6.5mm thick, which means they can be installed directly

GWA Group integrates its divisions GWA Group, supplier of fixtures and fittings to households and commercial premises,

Granite Transformations has more than 40 branches across the country.

Landlords invest in their retail tenants Shopping Centre management teams

quick rent relief, it’s about long term

are working more closely to improve

business ‘fitness’ for the retailer and

retailers in their centre.

increased tenancy for the centre. A win-

Retail Doctor Group has been

win in our view.” Harbour Town Adelaide is just one

has changed its divisional structures as part

teaming up with major Australian

of a strategic repositioning of the business to

shopping centres to help independent

of the centres that have jumped on

better service its markets.

retailers make their way through a

board and invested in a retailer support

challenging period for the industry.


Dux Hot Water has joined some of

“Great customer service is just one of

Australia’s biggest plumbing brands

They believe that sustainability is the

including Caroma, Fowler, Dorf, Clark,

key now and that shopping centres no

the many things that sets physical stores

Stylus, Irwell and Radiant under the business

longer have the luxury of demand for

apart from their online counterparts

division GWA Bathrooms & Kitchens.

physical space, rather they are facing

and we’re keen to ensure that Harbour

potential vacancies and high pressure

Town remains at the forefront of

to provide rental abatements.

providing exceptional customer

This new integrated structure forms a single plumbing products business able to provide improved front and back of wall

“It is a challenging time for many

experiences,” Harbour Town national marketing manager Angela Gore says.

products and solutions to its customers. The

retailers, some are battling with high

business will concentrate on servicing the

occupancy costs and increasing

new dwelling, renovation, replacement and

competition from larger retailers and

crucial to our success and while we

commercial building markets.

ecommerce players,” Retail Doctor

already offer big brand items at low

Group business fitness specialist,

prices, reinforcing our high levels of

Marguerite Bell says.

customer service provides with an

“We’re very excited about bringing these two businesses together,” says Simon Terry, general manager sales for GWA Bathrooms

“This is a great opportunity for

“Offering a competitive edge is

extra point of difference creating a compelling package for shoppers.”

and Kitchens. “We’ve now got some of the

centre management teams to engage

best known brands and people in the

with their retail tenants at a new level,

plumbing industry all under the one roof.

adopting them more as ‘customers’ than

its advice on how to improve retailer

This will allow us to develop more relevant

ever before. Proactive shopping centres

performance in a complimentary

positions in the markets in which we operate.

are really starting to see the value in

webinar for the shopping centre

upskilling and supporting their retailers

industry this May.

“Like any successful business, we need to

Retail Doctor Group will be sharing

To find out more visit www.

retain our focus on our customers. We want

with a variety of training, consulting

to be easy to deal with and we want to add

and mentoring programs. It’s more than

value to their business.”

just providing those struggling with a





25-28 OCTOBER 2013


to ensure you’re at the table of ASOFIA’S 18TH NATIONAL CONFERENCE


The conference will include a leading business speaker, networking opportunities and social activities.

Formica celebrates its 100th anniversary Formica is celebrating 100

world’s largest independent

years in the decorative surface

design consultancy, for

solutions industry. To mark

commercial interiors.

this milestone, a Formica

how far Formica laminates

laminates, featuring 12 new

have come and showcase the

patterns that reflect the brand

innovative printing technology

and its history, are being

used today. Unlike most patterns

launched globally, including

that repeat every 1.25 metres,

the Australian market.

the pattern repeat of Ellipse and

Formica marketing manager Chris Knight says that since 1947 the Formica brand has

Contact ASOFIA National Office for more information: 02 4369 0055 or



Endless only occur every 500 to 700 sheets. Dotscreen and Halftone pay

managed to make a mark

homage to the Formica brand’s

amongst Australian designers

influence on introducing bright

and specifiers and will continue

colours to interiors. Fine dot

to do so well into the future.

motifs provide a second scale of

“The Formica brand has a lot of history and is a household

interest within the bright colours. “Formica Group has

name in most countries,”

engaged influential furniture

he says. “The Anniversary

manufacturer Herman Miller to

Collection draws on the rich

manufacture a series of special

history associated with the

edition Eames tea tables as

brand and highlights the

corporate gifts, showcasing the

innovation of laminate products

Anniversary Collection laminates

in today’s commercial world.”

in their full glory. Architects,

The 12 new decors are made

Conference program available July 2013

Elilipse and Endless celebrate

Anniversary Collection of

designers and specifiers

up of four design groups Ellipse,

worldwide will also be keen to

Endless, Dotscreen and Halftone

utilise these unique designs in

and have been exclusively

such an enduring product as

created by Pentagram, the

laminate,” Knight says.

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Extreme makeover The new look and feel Body Shop is fresh, clean, exciting, homely and above all inviting.




ody Shop International

BSI. Quality inspections along

set a very high

with environmental audits also

standard for its new

added to the lengthy process.

and exciting redesign

of all its stores Australia-wide. Design elements, materials,

All well worthwhile and justified when you see the finished store. The Body Shop

manufacturing methods and

is one of the world’s most

finishes had to be tweaked to

enduring and successful retail

suit the Australian market, all

operations and strongly placed

of which had to be prototyped

to meet the challenges of

and subsequently approved by

retailing into the future.

D’Fine Creative currently runs two production shifts per day and are about to go to three shifts (24 hour operation). This allows us to meet tight leadtimes, and offer our clients more competitive pricing.

FAST FACTS Location: Australia wide Client: The Body Shop (Adidem Group) and Body Shop International Fitout & joinery: D’Fine Creative Design: D’Fine Creative in conjunction with Body Shop International

White laminated joinery wall

D’Fine Creative was asked to do

and window modules were

the nation-wide fitout, which has

installed with graphics above

not been without its challenges.

and storage below as well as

However, the company is very

merchandise units, promo tables,

pleased with the end result.

and a transaction

“At D’Fine Creative we are

and welcome cart.

very proud of the part we play

The new design

in rolling out the exciting new

also features faux

Body Shop design,” says business

brick panelling to

development manager

walls, and clever

Denis Manning.

and effective use

“D’Fine Creative currently

of pendant and

runs two production shifts per

lighting generally

day and are about to go to three

with its iconic

shifts (24 hour operation). This

logo, large format

allows us to meet tight lead-

graphics and core

times, and offer our clients

values wall.

more competitive pricing.”




The great adventures of

captain Baxter A touch of the old St Kilda and a hint of glamour was all this old captain needed for a fresh start.




he new restaurant and bar upstairs at the St. Kilda Sea Baths is iconically named Captain Baxter’s after a colourful character who came from Ireland, roamed the world and settled in St. Kilda. A tight timeline to

finish the new establishment before Christmas 2012 made for a challenging project for The Seatery, who were commissioned by DH Designs to upholster the seating in the dining area, lounge area and entrance to the lounge. With only four weeks until the opening of the bar and restaurant and fine, detailed upholstery to be completed, The Seatery had their work cut out to deliver on time once again. “The timeline was challenging but it had to be met as they were opening in four weeks,” says Robert Horn of The Seatery. “We were proud to keep up our record of delivering on time.” Dana Hutchins of DH Designs’ vision for Captain Baxter’s was to create a nostalgic cool venue which combines the characteristics of the old St. Kilda with the glamour and fashionable elegance of today. Captain Baxter’s is a destination that is easy dining, relaxed and comfortable, where you could come and stay all day hopping between areas, sharing great food and having lots of drinks with friends while enjoying the exquisite views. “The Seatery successfully crafted our (client and designer) vision for seating which was cool, comfortable and intimate, with a range of detailed lounge banquettes, oversized booths and felted wall panelling,” explains Hutchins.

The fluted banquette seating in the lounge area is an unusual shape and eye catching in a soft caramel annaline leather ‘Colarado’ from Pelle Leathers. The fluted shape presented an interesting challenge for The Seatery. “ We overcame this particular challenge by taking time and care—each flute was individually cut, filled with a premium foam and sewn before being upholstered,” adds Horn. The finished product is a very comfortable seat that is impressive, upmarket and inviting. The sophisticated booth seating in the dining area forms a separate space from the lounge with the circular arrangement creating privacy for diners. The three tiered effect on the back of the seating and the lush black leather, ‘Portofino’ from Pelle Leathers, add some sophistication. Bench fireside seating will be much appreciated by patrons during the cooler months in Melbourne. This seating with circular bolstered back has a bohemian look with a multi-coloured stripe velvet fabric supplied by Kvardrat Maharam, alluring patrons to snuggle up with a warming drink before dinner.

FAST FACTS Client: Captain Baxter’s restaurant and bar Location: St. Kilda Sea Baths, St Kilda VIC Upholstery: The Seatery Design: DH Designs



PROJECT REVIEW proudly sponsored by

The terminal Construction was well underway before signage was installed at this international airport.


hen the new

enormous and the project lasted

Terminal 2

approximately six months.

was being built at Perth

International Airport, Kingman

finished in low sheen 2 pack

Visual was asked to tender on

with backlighting by LEDs.

what is always a difficult site.

Screens were supplied by

Building works, headed by

content management by Wise

underway by the time Kingman

controllers. All arrival and

was brought in. Signage

departure information control is

designs were completed

by Perth Airports. Kingman also completed

management was conducted

most of the tenancy signage

by Kingman.

as well as the digital and

Multiple trades on a highly

billboard OOH signage for

visible and safety conscious

APN. Perth Airport parking

site provided the normal

signage was also done during

challenges along with signage

the same fitout.

being the last of all components to be installed. The $1.5 million plus signage


NEC and Samsung and

Broad Constructions, were well

by Diadem but total project


Manufacture was predominantly aluminium

“As with all fitouts of this size, getting access for installation was always a trying exercise

brief covered every aspect of

but working with Broad

signage within the terminal

Constructions made the job

from window treatments, toilet

easier and was handed over

signs to entry pylons, all digital

on schedule and on budget,�

and LED information and

says Kingman Visual managing

wayfinders. The scope was

director Vernon Kingman.

FAST FACTS Location: Terminal 2 PERTH International Airport Signage design: Diadem Builder: Broad Constructions Signage: Kingman Visual

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Something old, something new This 160 year old retailer was ready for a new look and a new location.




hen Iconic South Australian retailer Harris Scarfe (HS) was looking to move into a new multimillion dollar location

at the Rundle Mall redevelopment Rundle Place, Adelaide, it was the perfect project for 3fold Resources which included new imagery, branding, style, and direction. The new flagship store, which was a huge commitment and investment into the South

Construction included a combination of

Australian retail market for the company, was to

metals, timber and acrylic to produce low cost

introduce the future look of HS with a longer term

fixtures but used in such a way as to deliver a

intention to test various core department design

high end, department store ambience. As the

concepts with a view to rolling these out into

project embraced many new concepts, there was

other stores in the fleet.

‘on the run’ design happening and the challenge

According to 3fold Resources, the project was challenging from a fitout time perspective with base building, trade works, fitout and

was to cope with change and yet commit to the fixed end date. HS has 50 stores across South Australia,

merchandising all working together to get the store

Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales, ACT &

ready for the opening date of 26 March this year.

Queensland and employs over 2,000 staff.

FAST FACTS Location: Rundall Mall Adelaide Client: Harris Scarfe Fitout: 3fold Resources Design: RED Design Joinery: Orchid Furniture (Part of 3fold Resources) Shopfittings: 3fold Resources



PROJECT REVIEW proudly sponsored by

The pursuit of sustainability With this fitout it was important to minimise the environmental footprint as much as practicable.


his is Pablo and Rusty’s third store, but it is the first store where they have worked in conjunction with a designer to develop a style and aesthetic that would reflect the brand and that would be carried into further stores.

“Pablo and Rusty’s next store will be located in Sydney’s CBD,”

says Brittany Rydstrand, project manager and designer at Capri Equip. “The new design follows a similar trend to the Lane Cove store, however, it is a larger tenancy at just under 125 square metres. The CBD store is due to open around 1 July and is no doubt going to be a popular destination for coffee lovers within the city.”



With the environment in mind, recycled timber was used where possible including the specialty communal table with recycled timber supports and within the custom pendant lights—custom pendant lights were specially designed for the Pablo and Rusty’s brand and include recycled timber and vintage milk bottles. Specialty brass and zinc finishes were applied to fascia panels and benchtops—a specialised contractor hand crafted the aged patina finish to match the aesthetic the designer wanted to achieve. The ceiling is made of timber flooring tongue and groove panels and recycled timber beams that were sanded and stained to match floor panels. Existing brick walls were exposed at time of defit behind cement render. The client wanted them retained so they were cleaned and sealed only. The fitout took about eight weeks to finish as there was a lengthy delay with appropriately removing lead paint from the existing rendered walls and numerous levels of paint that had accumulated over the many years. In 2012, the Lane Cove store was awarded Business of the Year by the Lane Cove Council. All aspects of the store continue in Pablo and Rusty’s pursuit of sustainability including the menu, materials and packaging.

FAST FACTS Location: 13 Burns Bay Road,The Plaza, Lane Cove NSW Client: Pablo & Rusty’s Fitout: Capri Equip Design: Giant Design Size of project: 40 square metres Ceilings: Havwoods Europlank Stainless steel: Blueprint Stainless Roller door systems: Monarch Doors Special finishes: Contempo Furniture Pendant lights: Contempo Furniture Exterior paint finish: CCD Artisans


These iconic brands choose R&J Bridges Electrical because quality demands excellence in electrical data and lighting. See our work at or call us now to learn more on 08 9301 5992. EC5183




Growing pains

1. Know your break-even point

KPIs impacting sales are:

This is the amount of sales you need to make

• number of customer enquiries

each period to cover costs and overheads.

• cost per enquiry

So if your variable costs are 60 per cent and

• sales conversion rate i.e. if you get 100

your fixed monthly overheads are $50,000, your break-even sales figure is $125,000. Once you know the magic figure of

$125,000, you can break it down by week, To call what we’re division, salesperson, etc. Obviously breakexperiencing now ‘changing even isn’t the goal for most businesses, but times’, is an understatement, it’s a great start to avoiding losses. writes Sue Hirst. Here she shares seven tips for managing in this 2. Understand your costs Before you can work out a price for a product difficult environment.


leads and convert 30, that’s a 30 per cent conversion rate • average sale amount These are important KPIs, because if you know how many leads, sales conversion rate and average sale amount, this enables you to reasonably predict future sales and orders. Knowing the cost per enquiry provides a benchmark for comparing various marketing methods.

or service, it’s vital to know what it costs to

usiness owners and managers

produce. In a service business this includes

5. Have a budget and cash flow

have an incredible amount

labour and materials. Good productivity

Being in business without a budget and cash

of flux to deal with including

is key to keeping labour cost percentage

flow is like going on a long trip without a

regulatory environment such as

down, compared to sales price. Every dollar

GPS or roadmap. If you don’t have a plan for

staff issues, global economics, technology,

or percentage of costs saved goes straight

desired results, how will you know how you’re

demographics, government election,

onto your bottom line. Unlike extra sales,

going? It’s vital to compare monthly actual

currency, consumer and business confidence.

which can lead to a very small percentage

results against a budgeted target. It enables

Some of the above may not have

e.g. five per cent onto your bottom line. In a

corrective action quickly, rather than waiting

a direct or immediate impact on all

competitive environment this might be your

until the end of the year, or later, for your tax

businesses, but some of them will have an

only way to maintain profit.

accountant to report you made a loss. Cash

eventual impact on all. If you take a long-

flow is even more vital, because running out of cash in business is deadly. It’s like blood

business with capacity to grow, my top tips

3. Maximise variable costs and minimise fixed costs

are as follows:

To cope with flux and uncertainty you need

A simple cash flow forecast will help you to

term view and want to build a sustainable



flowing through the veins of the business.

to be able to quickly

plan for what’s ahead. It helps you to see

ramp up and down

seasonality and how to allow for it.

resources required product or service.

6. Break down profitability by product or service

If you’ve got a dead

Most businesses sell more than one type of

certainty in terms of

product or service. They combine to make

contracts and future

up overall profit or loss. In order to maximise

sales, fantastic, if

profit, you want to know which are the

not you need to

most and least proifitable items. It’s easy

guard against lean

to do this with a well set up bookkeeping

times. It’s tempting

and accounting system. Sales often get

when times are

lumped into one account, making it difficult

good, to take on

to analyse detailed profitability. Set up a

debt and more staff.

number of sales accounts and corresponding

It’s also valuable

cost accounts, so you will be able to

to be realistic and

measure gross profit of each. Where jobs are

consider what

concerned it’s vital to know if you made a

overheads you can

profit or loss, to enable future improvement.

to deliver your

sustain, if sales drop periodically.


Sydney Brisbane Melbourne Adelaide Perth

Retail specialist Jon Bird will reveal the latest trends in retail and what to do about them. Don’t miss this crucial seminar – BOOK NOW!

Early bird, group discounts and sponsorship opportunities available

BOOK TODAY VIA or 02 4369 0055 FITOUT


7. Run ‘what if’ scenarios When you do your budget, do more than

4. Closely manage KPIs (key performance indicators)

one. Do an optimistic one and a pessimistic

One of the most

plan how to deal with it.

important KPIs is

one as well the most likely scenario. That way you can monitor trends in your business to see how things are panning out and what situation you’re likely facing and For a FREE ebook ‘How to keep your

future orders and

business sustainable and good to grow’

sales. What drives


them is generally

For more information contact CFO

marketing and

On-Call on 1300 36 24 36 or visit

sales related. A few


The latest

products & trends

in visual merchandising and decoratives

Interior Fitout has been published for the Australian Shop and Office Fitting Industry Association since 1997. Its subscription list reaches architects, designers, store planners, retail managers and developers. See the freshest designs and products for retail and corporate projects. Interior Fitout is a must for anyone interested in interior design.



tips for managing in these changing times

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visual merchandising

Going all

head office based for the content delivery and creation and from here, all—or some—of the stores can be updated with the latest specials, sales and other offers by a press of a button.” The first digitally-integrated concept store was in Westfield Carindale, Queensland and 115 Solutions is about to install the system into a new store in Townsville—with the balance of properties coming on line thereafter. The system comprises six to nine flat panel LCD displays and a video wall at the rear of the store made up of another six screens. Store windows feature six to nine


large flat panel LCD displays showcasing s retailers are losing customers

the Wallace Bishop’s current jewellery

to online retailing, it is more

collections, campaigns and its TV and

important than ever to enhance

Facebook promotions.

store spaces to engage and

attract customers. Visual merchandising should make shopping easy—easy to

interactive web kiosk which customers

coordinate with other products and then

can use to browse the company website or

easy to buy it.

their online catalogue, check stock levels in other stores, etc.

Bishop Jewellers last year about converting

115 Solutions, 1300 661 888,

its merchandising to digital displays. The,

Brisbane based high end jeweller operates

57 stores—some are located in NSW but the majority are based in Queensland. “This client is forward thinking and a little analysis of their annual poster and merchandising spend showed that by having digital screens installed, they could recoup this spend within an 18 month period by going digital,” says Rolf Latzel of 115 Solutions. “Thereafter, the only cost for the network was to employ a content creator in-house— again saving by not outsourcing, printing, distribution and staff set-up. The system is


This new store is fitted with an

find the product, easy to see it, easy to

115 Solutions approached Wallace


Another six screens make up a large video wall behind the counter.


Fusing design, sculpture AND fashion


nspired by the form and colour of the AW13 cylk collection, Twocan has envisaged a unique installation that compellingly fuses design, sculpture

and fashion. Cylk’s flagship store on Chapel Street has been filled with cascading origami modules, that, with a gradient of coloured paper arcing through the space, conveys a natural sense of movement. The use of origami as a production method, along with PEFC Australian made paper, pays tribute to the craftsmanship of cylk garments, whilst also aligning to the brand’s commitment to raw elements and natural fibres. Crystal and rock formations (reflecting the range’s digitally printed fabrics), and stalactite shards of folded paper also inhabit the space, combining to create a majestic cave in which the cylk customer is encouraged to explore.

Studio Twocan,,




visual merchandising

Functional and appealing displays profiles and colour options to offer design flexibility and coordination for the ultimate in product requirements. Quick and easy to erect, Foga 21 has a complete 360 degrees range of movement allowing for

Bridge the gap between online and bricks and mortar

Foga Systems displays are both

panels to be placed at

functional and appealing

any angle. Foga 21 can be

which are two of the major

individually customised in size

requirements for retail and mall

and colour, and coordinated

displays alike. They are suitable

with literature holders, shelf

The online purchase experience is dynamic and informative,

for pop up shops, mall displays,

displays and lighting.

so why not retail? Mediaplay provides digital media solutions

retail displays, trade displays,

The unit comes complete

and technology that enable bricks and mortar retailers achieve

promotional displays, poster

with little or no instructions.

their strategic initiatives. Developed to address the real needs

and product displays and

Again when you’re finished or

and challenges of retailers and marketers, RAMP introduces

portable road show displays.

you need to move the office or

a unique, simple and seamless platform for the production,

Whether there is a need

unit to somewhere else, then

distribution and optimisation of in-store digital media

for open plan systems and

this can be accomplished in

campaigns, maximising campaign impact and reducing time-

furniture for your office, or full

minutes with little down time.

to-market. With RAMP, marketing campaigns can be created,

shopfitting solutions for retail

Using unique patented

customised and distributed in real-time. Promotions can be

interior, Foga allows for easy

couplings all you need to

customised to the store level, or personalised to a specific

change of both interior layout

assemble or upgrade graphics

customer based on a shopper profile. Real time analytics help

and design.

or pictures is an Allen key.

you influence customer decisions and boost impulse purchases at the point of sale. The campaign’s impact can be continuously

From design and concept to unique displays that

Foga Systems, 0407 746 339,

measured allowing for optimisation in real-time.

flatpac, Foga utilises its,

wide range of aluminium


Interactive and cosmetic makeovers

More than just a fancy window display In the age of online stores,

Effective signage

smart phones and mobile

and lighting together is

marketing, creating an

also an important focus.

attractive, high impact and

Backlit signage that is

easy to use physical retail

bright and easy to read

Being innovative and mindful of what visual merchandising

environment that stands out

for a shop front or kiosk

can do to enhance the presentation of food is most important

from the crowd is imperative.

helps attract customers in

when planning and designing for these areas. Small food

Visual merchandising involves

a busy shopping centre

stores to major food chains are consistently updating and

the entire retail environment

environment. It can be used

looking for new ways to merchandise specific food areas

including atmosphere, music,

to build brand awareness

within their stores, often with a natural bent. A recent install

product display, colours,

and influence the overall

at Bondi Wholefoods shows a tangible food dispenser set-up

lighting, signage, verbal

appearance of a business.

where customers are able to select and dispense their chosen

communication, and your

product of organic nuts, grains and spices. The set-up not

shop front.

only reduces packaging but gives the customer choice when

It’s important when

The Mobile Repair Central kiosks and shopfits by Showcase and Display are

creating any retail display

a good example of effective

to create a clean and clear

visual merchandising. Modern

towards timber being the predominate feature of fresh produce

shopping environment.

designs with clean lines and

displays. Along with the bulk food dispensers mentioned above,

Customers need to be able

products clearly displayed

these items give a ‘market’ feel where customers can purchase

to differentiate between

using lighting to showcase

groceries packaging-free. This gives the impression, real or

products, see them clearly

them. Backlit signage outside

otherwise, that the distance and time between the consumer

and access them easily

and in-store creates visual

and farm gate has been reduced, along with the risk of

to make their choice and

impact and communicates

contamination from unnatural ingredients and processes (be

purchase as easy as possible.

clearly to customers.

selecting their products in an interactive way. Further to the ‘natural look’ theme, there is a movement back

they additives, packaging or freezing).

Showcase and Display Systems, 02 9971 5900,

Mills Styrox, 03 9794 1000,



NEED TO TELL OTHERS ABOUT YOUR GREAT WORK? Get the acknowledgement you and your team deserve. Enter the national 2012 / 2013 The Laminex Group / ASOFIA Interior Fitout Awards, and go on to win one of Australia’s top awards for the shop and office fitting industry. • Extensive PR and marketing campaign to promote finalists and winners • Great opportunity to promote your business to clients, industry and prospects

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visual merchandising

Using shelves for visual effect It’s not often you receive a brief that would test your capabilities. Mills Display was recently asked to produce a custom shelf out of various mediums of sheet acrylic which were required to be routed in certain areas for visual effect and to house LED lighting. The shelf was created using two sheets of arctic ice acrylic, sandwiched together with a 2mm thick sheet of white acrylic in between. The bottom sheet of arctic ice had an angled edge and incorporated grooves centrally routed out to allow for lighting. The white acrylic in the middle keeps the light shining on the shoes below without making the shelves ‘glow’. The shelves have an extension at the back so that they slide into a cavity in the wall which gives the impression that the shelves are floating. As well as the custom acrylic shelves, the company was asked to produce some card holders and logo blocks. The card holders were made from two sheets of 10mm thick clear acrylic, which are held together using two small magnets in opposite corners. The logo blocks had the brand logo screen printed on the back in reverse creating a 3D effect. There are three brands displayed in the store, Vince Camuto, BCGB and Jessica Simpson.

Mills Display, 03 9794 1000,

The evolution of Scanstrip Visit for entry forms and more information

Over recent years the technology and improvements to the quality and design of Scanstrip have been quite significant. Now made in a range of profiles specifically designed for fridges, wire shelving, racks and flipper hooks, Scanstrip can be manufactured for specific display requirements in relatively short runs. The solution to the new unit price legislation is the new combo strip which has an extra row of Scanstrip attached by a flexible join which allows the bottom row to flip up out of the way as goods are removed from the shelf underneath. Combo strip


also eliminates the need for angled Scanstrip on lower shelves as it naturally sits at a slight angle. Instead of Scanstrip clips to hold specials or promotional tickets to shelving, the new iRail Scanstrip saves both time and effort and is much more user friendly. iRail Scanstrip has an extra clear layer over top of the regular Scanstrip. The second layer opens at the bottom to allow a special ticket to slide in quickly and easily, without disturbing the regular price ticket underneath. Once the promotion is over a whole row of tickets can be removed in a few seconds. POSM, 1800 045 001,,



v Combine different products for

sales boost

Whether you need to create freestanding aisles, end bays or wall displays, SI Retail’s new Versa gondolas are infinitely customisable and fit a wide range of accessories and hooks. They are perfect for supermarkets, convenience stores, hardware stores, auto shops or even pharmacies. The gondolas are available double sided to create freestanding aisles as well as single sided for end bays or wall displays. They also come in different widths, lengths and heights to fit your available floor space. You can assemble your gondolas according to your needs. You might select a pegboard wall at the top to display product on hooks and a set of shelves at the bottom to store bulkier items. These gondolas give you the ability to combine different products around a theme to encourage additional sales. The Versa gondolas are also available in heavy-duty with bigger, stronger uprights and legs perfect for hardware and auto stores to display heavy products.

SI Retail, 07 3801 0000,


Elegant and stylish to compliment any decor and print Sign and Display Systems

franchises. This frame can be

Australia has a range of

complimented with a range

custom snap frames to suit

of different colours or natural

every requirement. Mini snap

anodised with injection

frame is perfect for compact

moulded corners. Prestige

applications, available

slimline snap frame will

in 2.5m lengths, with high

impress the most discerning

grade economical ABS plastic

customer, with its heavy duty

snap frame profile corners

impressive zinc alloy corners

which can be moulded in

that can be powder-coated

a vast range of colours to

in standard colours (or

compliment the aluminium.

minimum custom colours) to

Classic snap frame is the

suit the aluminium extrusion.

company’s flagship product,

All springs are made from

being used for internal and

high grade 301 stainless steel,

external signage by several

making them highly durable.

Sign and Display Systems Australia, 03 9532 1666,,



Sydney Brisbane Melbourne Adelaide Perth

Retail specialist Jon Bird will reveal the latest trends in retail and what to do about them. Don’t miss this crucial seminar – BOOK NOW!

Early bird, group discounts and sponsorship opportunities available

BOOK TODAY VIA or 02 4369 0055 027



Colours & style

for any application


I-MACS acrylic

the way we create. Ideal

solid surface

for countertops and other

is long lasting,

surface applications, HI-

hygienic, durable

MACS is joined using a

and elegant in a range of

special adhesive to produce

colours and styles suitable

a seamless look. This enables

for every application. Good

the creation of large island

ideas need a material like

units and long work surfaces

HI-MACS to transform them

that appear to have been

into reality. HI-MACS acrylic

made from a single piece

solid surface allows the fusion

of HI-MACS. HI-MACS can be

of art and architecture with

crafted into crisp angles or

a product that brings new

soft curves to suit classic or

possibilities to revolutionise

contemporary design styles.

HI-MACS is an advanced

HI-MACS most recent

non-porous, highly versatile

project, Elite Nail Bar in

decorative surface material

Perth has just opened. In this

suitable for high wear areas

fitout HI-MACS Perna White

such as kitchens, laboratories

was used for the benchtops

and hotels. It is available in

and Sapphire Lucent for the

a wide range of colours and

cupboard fronts with back

patterns. Durable, functional

lighting for effects. Also,

and hardworking, HI-MACS is

inFORM brushed aluminium

able to withstand the demands

was used for the kick rails.

of high traffic, high demand

Designed by Patrick Hubble

environments, without any

Architects and fabricated by

compromise on creativity.

Carl Gagglia from Sagittarius.

Gunnersen, 03 9647 9914,




solid surfaces into

dynamic theatres


nvented by DuPont in 1967, Corian is a solid, seamless, non-porous homogenous surfacing material made from natural minerals and acrylic resin. It is well-versed in the Australian

marketplace as many companies have chosen Corian for its new or renovation projects from franchise set-ups, medical centres to large retail outlets. In an age where green building is increasingly popular, consumers and professionals alike are looking to use materials which are certified to reduce their footprint. Corian is Global Greentag certified and may contribute credit point contribution for a building to achieve its greenstar rating. Corian solid surfaces are non-porous and can be seamlessly joined, making this product suitable for many applications, including bench top surfaces with integrated Corian bowls and sinks, interior and exterior wall cladding, partition systems, windowsills, backlit effects and a range of other decorative surface applications. It can also be used for outdoor kitchen benchtops and door finishes, indoor and outdoor seating, or as signage. In the arena of commercial application, set design is a key part of the message. Designers, architects, developers and shopfitters are transforming solid surfaces into dynamic theatres of design installations with limitless options. CASF, 1300 267 426,




Colour on trend for

commercial applications With over 25 contemporary colours available the HanStone Quartz

Exceptional colour depth and gamut

range reflects today’s interior design trends. The colours are divided up into three ranges—Classic, Baroque and Ruscello. Ruscello is a unique

ImagInk has been popular

areas, shower screens and

range with subtle veining patterns

with patterns for splashbacks,

water features.

delivering the essence of natural

predominantly 2 colour patterns

The ImagFilm is a brand

stone, whilst providing a much more

printed using ImagInk, where

new product and is aimed at

cost effective option to natural stone.

the design is printed in one

artists, photographers and

HanStone Quartz is also a very low

colour and the client then opts

clients who are chasing the

maintenance product requiring

to have the glass backed with

very best colour accuracy and

no sealing and only soapy water to maintain the surface. There

a paint that matches the rest of

resolution when using printed

are three new HanStone colours including Royal Blanc, Obsidian

their fitout. This allows a huge

glass. It has outstanding

Black and Specchio White. HanStone Quartz is certified by the

amount of flexibility for the client

detail and colour depth, and

National Sanitation for Food safety and Food Contact under the

to achieve exactly what they are

any colour can be matched

NSF 51 Certification ensuring its surfaces are safe for use in food

after and is still cost efficient.

using this process. Suited for

environments. Furthermore it is certified by the GreenGuard

reproducing full colour fine

Environmental institution for indoor air emission quality.

Suited for reproducing black and white photos, patterns

art and photography with

and textures, the ink is scratch,

no loss in detail or colour, it

applications because of its beauty, durability, aesthetics, design

solvent, and water resistant. Can

is designed for use indoors,

flexibility and colour choices. The range is made up of eight new

be used indoors or outdoors,

perfect for splash backs and

colours including Aftersnow, Oslo White and six new colours in the

perfect for splashbacks, alfresco

glass feature walls.

Bellasimo range.

Cooling Brothers Glass, 08 6104 1777,

Hanex solid surface is an ideal material for commercial

XFLO, 1300 795 708,

Making an impact in the retail environment Hot Metal laminate is a modern product with a distinct appearance. It was developed to offer the design, visual merchandise, and signage industries a versatile, functional and durable metal laminate suitable for various applications. It is important that merchandising and signage presents a

The office of the future... is here The vibrant café and retail

The triple-frontage Danks and

strong visual statement that impacts the customer. Hot Metal does

Bourke has 4,000 square metres

precinct on the ground floor

this by causing heads to turn, giving a clear visual message to

(sqm) of strata office space on

is an extension of the working

customers instantly. In the retail environment it creates customer

two levels, an arcade running

environment. The offices share

attention and focus. It can be used for point of display and price

north-south, a 1,500sqm Aldi

common facilities including

point systems, decorations, signage, way-finding and exhibition.

supermarket on the ground

lounges, meeting rooms and

floor, five specialty stores along

amenities so it is perfect for

When viewed from different angles, Hot Metal offers exciting

Bourke Street, and cafes on

smaller businesses which don’t

dimensional effects that respond to light. It is a metal laminate

Danks and Phillip Streets. On

need to invest in full facilities.

that changes its appearance as the viewer moves. It offers

the two upper levels are strata

Inside Danks and Bourke a

movement, texture and dimension and comes in a range of

suites which are more like

glass central void naturally

trend colours and expressive patterns. Such effects can create

modular pods than offices.

illuminates the funky lounges,

Hot Metal displays product with impact and appeal.

These versatile spaces

avant-garde sculptures, space

inspirited and purchase. Hot

have glass walls at the front

age metallic surfaces, frosted

Metal is cost-effective, easy

and rear, polished concrete

glass walkways and twin

to work and lightweight. It

floors and private furnished

tangerine glass conference

is a handcrafted Australian

balconies. Because the walls

room boxes. The futuristic

made product which is

are non-load bearing the

patterning of the facades is

environment friendly.

pods can be amalgamated to

repeated in the orange glass

Stew, 02 9905 1371,

provide column-free space in a

graphics that form the walls to,

variety of sizes and shapes.

all tenancies in the lobby.

Tony Owen Partners, 02 9698 2900

interest and entice customers in the retail environment to be




shopfitting systems

O.M.A. Shopfitting Systems Pty. Ltd.

16 Kearney Street Bayswater Victoria 3153 T: (03) 9720 2488 | F: (03) 9720 2499 Web:

EVENTS CALENDAR Below is a list of forthcoming events. Please check with the event organisers or embassies before confirming travel plans as details can change.

AUSTRALIA Designbuild Melbourne: 8-10 May 2013, Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre. Contact Diversified Exhibitions Australia, P: (03) 9261 4541, E:, W: DesignEX: 30 May-1 June 2013, Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre. Contact Diversified Exhibitions Australia, P: (03) 9261 4541, E:, W: Furnitex: 18-21 July 2013, Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre. Contact Australian Exhibitions and Conferences, P: (03) 8672 1200, E:, W: Decoration + Design: 18-21 July 2013, Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre. Contact Australian Exhibitions and Conferences, P: (03) 8672 1200, E:, W: Lightsource: 18-21 July 2013, Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre. Contact Australian Exhibitions and Conferences, P: (03) 8672 1200, E:, W:

overseas About Design: 10-12 May 2013, Gdansk International Fair grounds. Contact Gdansk International Fair Co, P: +48 (58) 554 92 12, E:, W: Index Dubai: 20-23 May 2013, Dubai World Trade Centre. Contact dmg :: events Middle East, P: +971 4 4380355, E:, W: Retail Asia Expo: 4-6 June 2013, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre. Contact Diversified Exhibitions Australia, P: (03) 9261 4541, E:, W: Archidex: 19-22 June 2013, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Contact C.I.S Network, P: +603-7982 4668, E:, W: Design Tokyo: 26-28 2013, Tokyo Big Sight. Contact Reed Exhibitions Companies, P: +44 20 8271 2134, E:, W: Light+Building 2014: 3-4 April 2014, Exhibition Centre Frankfurt. Contact Messe Frankfurt, P: +49 69 7575-0, E:, W:



Phone: 03 9720 2488

*Standard & Custom Gondola Systems *Outrigger & Bulk Storage Systems *Retail & Storeroom Solutions *Custom Made or Ex-stock Range * Large shelving accessories range *150+ : Heights, Width & Depths Sizes *70+ Colours & finishes *Australian Made & Direct Import Options

B.D.S Shelving Systems Pty Ltd

“Standard & Custom Retail, Commercial & Industrial Shelving Solutions”

*Wall Stripping & Brackets *Punched Tube Systems *Display Arms & Bars *Aluminium Concealed Stripping *Metal & Timber Display Gondola’s *Wire Stands & Baskets *Hooks & P.O.S Products *Slatwall Panels *Sales & Trade Counters *Timber Shelves *Glass Displays & Shelves *Custom Laser Cut Products *Clothing Display Stands *Wire Slatgrid Systems *Store Display Mannequins *All Forms of Metal Engineering *Powder Coat , Chrome & Zinc Finishes

B.D.S Shopfittings Pty Ltd

“Metal Wire & Timber Shopfitting Products, ”

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