Sunday, March 1, 2015 The Lafourche Gazette

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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Stiffer EPA regulations could impact local business, industry

Jindal budget seeks to avoid deep college cuts

Buster Avera Contributing Writer


BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Gov. Bobby Jindal proposed Friday to scale back spending on tax credits and offer lawmakers a package of fee hikes and money-generating ideas that could keep Louisiana’s colleges from facing deep, damaging cuts that had been forecast next year. “Our goal is to protect higher education and get down to no cuts,” said Jindal chief of staff Kyle Plotkin. The governor’s recommendations for closing a $1.6 billion gap in the fiscal year that begins July 1 was presented to the Legislature’s joint budget committee Friday. The Associated Press received a preview Thursday. The gap is mainly tied to the use of patchwork money from insurance settlements, property sales and other one-time sources of cash that aren’t expected to reappear next year. Nosediving oil prices worsened the problem. The hefty size of the shortfall leaves higher education and health care services, which are the least protected areas of the See Budget Page 3-A


TOWN OF GOLDEN MEADOW 7:00 p.m. Golden Meadow Town Hall TUESDAY, MAR. 3

LADY OF THE SEA HOSPITAL Board of Commissioners 12:00 noon The Learning Center (Behind the hospital)

WEDNESDAY, MAR. 4 LAFOURCHE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Regular Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. 805 E. 7th St. - Thibodaux


Arrests............................8-A Calendar of Events.........2-A



More stringent Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) air quality regulations, to be adopted nation-wide by June 2015, will add to the cost of doing business in Lafourche Parish, says Kevin Belanger, South Central Planning’s CEO. “We have to develop a strategy now to educate the public, the legislature, and the business sector. Doing nothing renders us at the mercy of the EPA,” he said during a presentation to the Lafourche Parish Council Tuesday in Mathews. To protect public health, especially for older adults and children with asthma and other lung diseases, the EPA is proposing a lower allowable ground level ozone standard for business and industry from the current 0.075 parts per million to a lower range of 0.065 to 0.070 ppm. Ground level ozone occurs as a result of chemical reactions between oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the presence of sunlight. Emissions from industrial facilities and electric utilities, motor vehicle exhaust, gasoline vapors, and chemical solvents are some of the major sources of NOx and VOC. The EPA says the majority of ozone comes from on-road and non-road mobile sources, industrial processes (including solvents), consumer and commercial products, and the electric power industry. As an example, Belanger listed the Discovery Producer Gas Processing Plant on Hwy. 24 in Larose as one local business that is monitored by EPA for its emissions. See EPA Page 5-A

Staff photos by Babs

Pictured above are Althea Martin and John Guidry serving up white oyster soup at the Larose Regional Park’s 18th Annual Wild Game Supper Thursday night. The event was another success as diners chowed down on King Cake Jambalaya, Pregnant Shrimp, Buffalo Ragu Patot, Smothered Nutria, and other delicacies. Pictured at left is Glen Brunet enjoying a dish of Redfish Court Bouillon.

Community meeting focuses on flood risks and increased community involvement Another meeting set for Wednesday at Terrebonne Parish Public Library Ulysses Gisclair Contributing Writer

Over the past seventy years, Louisiana has lost nearly 1,900 square miles of marsh, and is still losing 25 to 30 square miles each year, nearly a football field of beneficial wetlands every hour. In order to be proactive and to increase community involvement, Restore or Retreat and the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) hosted a “Community Conversation” event last Tuesday. The event was designed to inform the Lafourche residents and business owners of their flood risks, to show different precautionary measures that they could use to protect themselves from future storms and to give updates on ongoing projects designed to reduce risks related to coastal erosion. The CPRA did a live presentation on their new web-based, flood risk viewer, recently launched with the support of Shell. The viewer can be seen at The viewer allows you to see both the Louisiana coast as a whole and your own community, showing the coastal land loss and flood risks throughout the entire area from now to 50 years in the future. The viewer also provides information on potential economic damages that these floods could cause, the impact on communities, the various CPRA projects to reduce land loss and flood risk, and the resources that individuals and businesses can use to help reduce their flood risk.

Horoscopes....................7-A Lottery.............................2-A

Memorials........................7-A News In Brief..................3-A


Surfin’ the Net.................8-A Worship Directory...........4-A

7114 Hwy. 1 - Lockport 13086 Hwy. 3235 - Larose 2113 S. Alex Plaisance Blvd. - G.M.

Guidry’s Catfish Nuggets Lb.


$ 59

Family Pack, Bone In

Sirloin Pork Chops Lb.


$ 39

“Project information will be updated on a quarterly basis and 2017 flood depth data will also be added,” said Andrea Galinski, a coastal resources scientist for the CPRA. “This is a great first step, but we’re trying to build upon what we’ve done and further our understanding of flood risk.” Presenters advised attendees of resources available in order to prepare for future flood and hurricane related emergencies. Those in attendance were also given information on flood insurance maps, building in coastal areas and available funding sources for elevating homes. Informational booths manned by representatives from the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, UNO CHART (University of New Orleans Center for Hazards Assessment, Response and Technology) and the LSU Ag Center were available to show graphs, charts and resources while representatives answered questions. Representatives from Shell, the sponsor of the event, were also in attendance. Currently, there are numerous ongoing projects to help protect the coast from further erosion. Without coastal protection, flood risks for Lafourche and other coastal parishes will increase dramatically. “Over 30 years, you basically have a 26 percent chance of experiencing an event like Katrina,” Karim Belhadjali, deputy chief of strategic planning for the CPRA said. “To know that you have a 26 percent chance, that’s pretty high. You may think, ‘Oh, I have 1 percent a year. It’s not a big deal.’ But over time, that likelihood increases.” Restore or Retreat Executive Director Simone Maloz said the viewer provides helpful information. See Flood Page 5-A

Sanderson Farms

Boneless Beef

Rump Roast



$ 99

Drumsticks or Thighs



$ 19

1 Lb. Clamshell

Red, Ripe



One arrested, three others wanted in Lockport armed robbery

An arrest has been made in connection to an armed robbery that occurred in Lockport in early February. Jacky Manasco, 45, of Kenner J. Manasco was arrested on Tuesday, February 24, for his role in the robbery. Meanwhile, detectives have identified the three men caught on an in-car surveillance video. Tommy Manasco, 47, of Gulfport, Mississippi, and Troy Benner, 48, of Kenner, both Jacky Manasco’s brothers, were identified along with James Bailey Jr., 55, of Metairie. Shortly after 11:30 a.m. on Monday, February 2, Lockport Police and Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s deputies responded to a call of an armed robbery, which had just occurred outside a Lockport bar. Three men wearing masks held up another man at gunpoint and stole an undetermined amount of cash as See Wanted Page 5-A

14.5 - 15.2 oz Shurfine

Can Corn or Green Beans


Prices Good Through Tuesday, March 3rd 1/2 Gallon or 12 Pk. Cups

Blue Bell Ice Cream


$ 99

Seafood Plate Lunches Every Friday


Sunday, March 1, 2015 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE

Ms/Mrs. will begin 1:30 p.m. Forms can be picked up at South Lafourche Bank in Cut Off. For more information call 985-677-1713.


Yard sale benefit set for March 7

Lockport KCs to host garage sale March 7

The South Lafourche Baptist Church will have a youth fundraiser yard sale at 128 Joan Ann Drive, approximately 1 mile south of Sonic on Hwy. 3235. The yard sale will be held Saturday, March 7 and will begin at 8 a.m. For more information call 632-4119.

The Kaycee Ladies Auxiliary of Lockport will host an indoor garage sale on Saturday, March 7 at the K.C. home on Seventh St. Lots of items will be available from children’s clothes to housewares and more. Doors open at 7 a.m. Breakfast and lunch items will be served during the day.

Animal shelter to open Saturday, March 7

For the public’s convenience, the Lafourche Parish Animal Shelter will now open half a day on the first Saturday of each month. The Shelter will be open March 7 from 8 to 11 a.m. Save the life of a very deserving animal! Adopt a shelter animal. Call the Animal Shelter, located in Thibodaux, at (985) 446-3532 or e-mail

Relay for Life pageant set for March 1

South Lafourche Relay for Life will hold its Queen for Life pageant on March 1 at the St. Joseph Recreation Center in Galliano. The children’s groups, 0-13 years, will begin at 11 a.m. and the Teen, Miss,

FREE Brake Inspection with $39.99* Tire Rotation & Balance



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*Excludes extra parts and modified vehicles.

LRD3 to meet Tuesday

The next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Lafourche Recreation District #3 will be held at the Greater Lafourche Port Commission Building in Galliano on Tuesday, March 3 at 7 p.m. The public is invited.

Hunter Ed. course set for March 7

Eymard Shooting Academy will have a Hunter Education Field Day on Saturday, March 7. Class will be held at Eymard Guns, beginning at 8 a.m. The event is free to the public. To register go to hunter education field day. For more information call 985-6324000.

Farm volunteer day slated for March 8

A Farm Volunteer Day will be held at the Ro-Duz Ranch, located at the end of W. 190th St. in Galliano on Sunday, March 8 from 4 to 6 p.m. Much work goes into running the totally nonprofit farm. Every penny the farm makes goes directly back into the farm with the goal of one day being able to sustain the farm on its on revenues. Farm owners take about 90% of all farm cost out of their personal money and have and will continue to rescue animals for quite a few years. If you are 13 and older and would like to help out, please call (985) 475-7272 or (985) 637-7273 for any questions or to sign up.

5K early registration deadline is March 12

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State Farm, Blooming ton, IL

The Firefighters for Life 5K walk / run will be held on Saturday, March 28 at the Golden Meadow Oakridge Park. The event is open to the public and includes lunch, a cake bingo, children’s half-mile race (for youth 10 and younger) and a bounce house. Early adult registration is $35 and is due by Thursday, March 12. Early youth registration is $25. The cost for late registration is $40 for adults and $30 for youth. Those registered early will receive a t-shirt. All registered participants will receive lunch and bottled water at the end of the race. Race day registration will take place from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. with the children’s race starting at 10 a.m. with the 5K to follow immediately. Cake Bingo is $5 per card and will continue until all cakes run out. Cake donations will be accepted on race day. Anyone not wanting to participate in the 5K can still attend the festivities. All funds raised will be donated to Relay for Life benefitting the American Cancer Society. For more information call the Lafourche Parish Fire District 3 at 985-632-8068 or to register visit their headquarters at 17462 West Main Street in Galliano.

Lotto Numbers for February 25, 2015 5-8-9 10 - 23 - 28

Next Drawing: $1,025,000* - 2/28/15

Powerball Numbers 17 - 19 - 21 - 32 - 39 -- 8 Next Drawing: $80,000,000* - 2/28/15 *Estimated Jackpots

Mega Millions Numbers for February 24, 2015

15 - 23 - 26 - 45 - 66 - 4

Next Drawing: $127,000,000* - 2/27/15

Fire Dept. event set for March 14

Lafourche Parish Fire District 3 will host a grand opening of its North Galliano Fire Station on Saturday, March 14. The free public event will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 17475 Hwy. 3235 in Galliano (two miles south of Wal-Mart). Attendees will be treated to free food, a fire chief and firefighter meet and greet and will be able to explore the newest fire truck and equipment.

Public invited to church anniversary

The Israelite Baptist Church, located in Valentine, will be celebrating their annual church anniversary on Sunday, March 15 at 2:25 p.m. They are asking for your presence and your support in this endeavor. Rev. Timothy G. Campbell will be the guest speaker. He is the pastor of the Greater Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church in Donaldsonville. The Greater Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church male chorus will be the guest choir.

Artistes urged to enter BTNEP rain barrel art contest The Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program (BTNEP) is hosting a rain barrel art contest and raffle drawing with proceeds going to BTNEP K-12 educational programs. Artists from around the area were invited to enter the contest by painting a rain barrel with an Estuary theme. The six rain barrels will be on display at various locations and BTNEP events leading up to the Louisiana Swamp Stomp at Nicholls State University on March 20-22. At Swamp Stomp, these works of art will be raffled off at $5/ticket. The raffle purchasers will choose which rain barrel they would like to win and will put their ticket in that barrel. A winning raffle ticket will then be selected from each barrel. The artist that receives the most raffle tickets in

Crafters sought for Leeville Festival

The 2nd Annual Leeville Arts and Heritage Festival will be held on Saturday, March 28 from 10 a.m. till 6 p.m. and will commemorate the Hurricane of 1915. All original artist and crafters and invited to participate. Limited space is available so reserve yours now. No booth fee. First come basis. For shrimp boulette cooking competition entries, please contact Janet Rhodus 225-413-4414 or via email janetrhodus@hot

Cruise voucher offered for Relay for Life raffle

The Lady of the Sea Relay for Life team is selling raffles to benefit the American Cancer Society. One lucky winner will win a $1000 gift voucher towards a Carnival Cruise of choice. The second winner will win a complete camping set and the third place winner will receive $100. All winners will be pulled at the Relay for Life event on April 11 at the Larose Civic Center. Raffle tickets are $5 each or five for $20. FMI, call Star at 985632-8275, ext. 275.

Local girl makes N.Y. college Dean’s List

The College of Saint Rose in Albany, New York, recently announced that Elie McRae of Cut Off is one of 814 students named to The College of Saint Rose Dean’s List for the fall 2014 semester. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, McRae had to complete a minimum of 12 credit hours and achieve a semester grade-point average of at least 3.5 with no grades of D, F, Incomplete or Pass/Fail.


Due to limited space, community events submitted for publication will be published under the Calendar of Events / News to Use column for free twice ONLY. Any organization or club wishing to have their event published more than twice will have to pay a $10 fee each time the event is published after the two-time limit.


P.O. Drawer 1450 • 12958 E. Main St. Larose, LA 70373

Phone: (985) 693-7229 Fax: (985) 693-8282 General e-mail:

To contact Laurie Laine Coleman: To contact Vicki Chaisson:

Published by Adrian “Boo� Legendre Circulation 14950 Published Bi-Weekly Wednesday and Sunday

their barrel will win a cash prize. Tickets can be purchased before Swamp Stomp online at or at the BTNEP Office. The purpose of this event is to demonstrate how rain barrels not only are useful but can add beauty to your yard. Rain barrels collect and store rain water which can then be used to water gardens and plants. They also provide a free alternative to treated tap water. “This is a great way to save money, have healthier plants and showcase a beautiful piece of art,� says Alma Robichaux, BTNEP Education Outreach Coordinator. For more information about the rain barrels or any other BTNEP event, contact the BTNEP office at 985-447-0868 or visit the website.

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4 Louisiana Native American tribes get HUD housing funds

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Four Native American tribes in Louisiana are getting a total of about $492,000 in federal funds to help tribe members get into more affordable housing. On Wednesday, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development said it was handing out the money to the Louisiana tribes. The Tunica-Biloxi Indian Tribe of Louisiana is getting the most money — $298,423. The Chitimacha Tribe is getting $73,000, the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana is getting $50,300 and the Jena Band of Choctaw Indians $70,000. The grants coming to Louisiana are part of $651 million going to 636 Native American tribes in 34 states. The funds can be used to build new housing, help Native American tribe members find housing and fight crime. ___

Former president backs David Vitter in La. governor’s race

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Republican U.S. Sen. David Vitter is getting fundraising help for his campaign to be


From 1-A

state’s budget, most at risk to the chopping block. College leaders have worried that their campuses could be devastated with widespread layoffs and program closures. To help close the shortfall, Jindal proposes to spend $526 million less on refundable tax credits, in which the state often pays out more than the taxes a person or business owes. The governor wants to rework 12 tax credits so the state doesn’t pay more than the tax liability. The savings would be split, with $154 million going to health care and the remaining $372 million going to higher education, according to Commissioner of Administration Kristy Nichols, the governor’s top budget adviser. Tax credits that would be capped include for wind and solar systems, research and development projects, musical and theatrical projects, sugarcane trailer conversions, milk producers, historic residential rehabilitations and vehicles conversions to alternative fuels. The priciest tax credit on the list for scale-back is the inventory tax credit, a more than $400 million tax break that refunds businesses for payments of certain property taxes assessed by parish governments. Attempts to curtail that spending could face pushback from businesses. “Whether or not we want to subsidize corporations who don’t have a tax liability versus prioritize higher education and health care, that’s the choices we have to make,� Nichols said. Even with the cap on those tax credits, the gover-

Louisiana’s next governor from former President George H.W. Bush. The Vitter campaign Thursday was sending an email to supporters to announce the Republican expresident’s endorsement of Vitter for governor. In the email, Bush says Vitter’s “friendly, upbeat demeanor was matched by his firm convictions.� He describes Vitter as an effective, conservative leader. And he urges people to contribute to the Vitter gubernatorial campaign. Vitter is the front-runner among the four candidates who have announced for the Oct. 24 election, and he has the most money in the bank. Other GOP contenders include Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne and Public Service Commissioner Scott Angelle. The only Democrat in the race so far is state Rep. John Bel Edwards. ___

New Lafourche jail expected to open in 2017

Lafourche Parish Sheriff Craig Webre said last week while addressing the Lafourche Chamber of Commerce that four to five sites have been identified as possible places for the new Lafourche Parish jail that may be completed by 2017. Webre said a jail coordinator has been hired and planning and external advisory committees have been meeting to work out details for the 600-bed, $30 million jail that will be paid for with a 0.2 percent sales tax passed last May.

nor’s budget proposal still contains $200 million in cuts to colleges. But Jindal will offer lawmakers a list of suggested ways they could close most of that gap, without a net increase in state taxes. The biggest ticket item on the list Nichols outlined involves millions in additional fee hikes on students. Parents would get a tax break to repay them for the spending, and the dollars to pay for that tax break would come from an increase in the state’s cigarette tax. Other money-generating ideas to be offered by the governor would include fee hikes across state agencies, the sale of surplus property and the redirection of unclaimed lottery winnings that otherwise would go toward boosting the payout of other lottery drawings. Spending on health care services, however, would drop by about $235 million next year, with a reduction in state money and the corresponding loss in federal Medicaid match money. Nichols didn’t describe where the cuts would fall, but said the administration worked to preserve services. She said spending wouldn’t be reduced on the LSU hospital privatization deals, the Bayou Health program that provides many of the state’s Medicaid services or the rates paid to hospitals, nursing homes and health care providers that take care of Medicaid patients. She also said no cuts would fall on people already receiving care from programs that provide homeand community-based care to the elderly and to developmentally disabled persons.


Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Lafourche Parish Hospital Service District #1, Parish of Lafourche, State of Louisiana (the “board�) plans to adopt a resolution levying the District’s ad valorem tax millage for 2015 at a meeting of the Board on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 12 p.m. at the Learning Center Conference Room, Lady of the Sea General Hospital, 200 West 134th Place, Cut Off, LA 70345.

About nine months of work on the architectural design will start this month, and a list of 24 design firms has been reduced to three, the sheriff said. ___

Graceland brings Elvis back to his Las Vegas home

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Graceland will always be home, but Las Vegas is set to be Elvis Presley’s home away from home yet again. Officials with Elvis Presley Enterprises Inc. and the Westgate Las Vegas casino-hotel revealed details Thursday of plans for “Graceland Presents Elvis: The Exhibition - The Show The Experience� expected to open April 23, 59 years to the day when Elvis first performed in Las Vegas. Some 28,000 squarefeet will house a rotating display of memorabilia and artifacts rarely seen outside Graceland’s Memphis, Tennessee, property. In addition, the very showroom where Presley performed several hundred sold-out shows when the casinohotel was first known as The International and later the Las Vegas Hilton will be revamped by the Graceland crew to look much like it did in Elvis’ day, complete with semi-circle booths. Plans include a revamped Elvis Presley sanctioned wedding chapel, too, inside the Westgate Las Vegas, with Graceland taking over its operations. Certainly Elvis-themed wedding chapels already dot Las Vegas and there has been no scarcity of exhibits and shows, including a short-lived tribute by Cirque du Soleil in 2012, but organizers say this is the real deal. Tickets go on sale Thursday. The exhibit is expected to cost $22 and tickets for performances start at $49. ___

returns for clients of Omega Tax Services that contained false business losses for companies that had not sustained any losses, and in some cases for companies that did not exist. Louisiana Department of Revenue investigators interviewed ten of Adams’ clients. Four of them were business owners who said she fabricated losses on their 2013 tax returns. And six of them said she listed business losses on their returns despite the fact that they did not own or operate businesses in 2013. Adams is accused also of falsifying her own tax return, citing losses for a florist shop she claimed she owned in 2013. There is no evidence that business ever existed. And Adams is charged with falsifying a mortgage interest statement to claim a tax deduction for a property in New Orleans. In that case, she received a fraudulent refund in the amount of $716. The entire series of fraud schemes amounted to $28,458. Adams was arrested on Wednesday, February 25 and booked into the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison on 11 counts of filing or maintaining false public records, 11 counts of computer fraud, two counts of forgery and one count of theft. She is the 41st person arrested under a joint antifraud initiative of the Department of Revenue and the state Attorney General’s office.


Other Parish Council action—Feb. 24 Sunday, March 1, 2015 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE Buster Avera Contributing Writer

The Lafourche Parish Council met in Mathews Tuesday and took the following additional actions. All items were voted on unanimously, except where noted. John Arnold and Joe Fertitta were absent. — Received and discussed a proposal for services by South Central Planning on a regional effort to deal with new EPA Air Quality Standards for business and industry. — Went into Executive Session to discuss the job performance of the Council’s Legislative Internal Auditor. — Deferred an ordinance ratifying new by-laws for the Office of Community Action and giving it power to accept $250,000 of CSBG grant money from the state to operate its programs. — Rejected an ordinance calling for a Special Election in May 2015 for the purpose of renewing millages for the Lafourche Parish Public Library. The vote was 3-4 with Caillouet, Lorraine, and Delatte voting in favor. Jones, Lafont, Toups, and Gouaux voted nay. — Approved an ordinance setting the salaries of employees in the Head Start program. — Approved an ordinance adopting a new pay scale for pumpers. The vote was 6-1 with Lorraine dissenting. — Approved two resolutions asking the District

Attorney to rule on private groups’ use of parish recreation facilities. — Approved a resolution accepting the low quote of Sealevel Construction, Inc., for $27,100, to demolish an existing bulkhead at the Morvant Pumping Station. — Approved a resolution requesting the EPA to delay implementation of proposed Ambient Air Quality Standards. — Approved a resolution identifying various attorneys who have expressed willingness to provide legal services for parish government when needed. — Approved seven resolutions giving various businesses in Lafourche Parish the opportunity to participate in the Louisiana Enterprise Zone Program, thus giving those businesses certain tax breaks. — Approved a resolution amending the agreement between the parish and ES&H for emergency response and cleanup services, due to fluctuations in the Consumer Price Index. — Approved a resolution transferring $21,000 from the purchase of a truck to the purchase of an executive vehicle. — Approved a resolution to transfer ownership of $3,000,000 of newly constructed Affordable Rental Housing Units from parish government to Lafourche ARC for rental to the public.

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Tax preparer arrested on dozens of felony counts for tax fraud

BATON ROUGE – A Harvey woman faces dozens of felony charges for falsifying information on her own tax return and those of clients of her tax preparation business. Lisa Adams, of 1617 Carriage Lane in Harvey, allegedly submitted state tax




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What a Life columns now in book form

Sunday, March 1, 2015 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE

What a Life!

By: Rev. Wilmer L. Todd

Pope Francis’ visit to Congress in September will be interesting When House Speaker John Boehner announced that Pope Francis will visit the U.S. Capitol on September 24, 2015 and address a joint meeting of Congress, I wonder whether he realized what the Pope might tell our representatives. This the first time a pontiff has addressed Congress. In his announcement of the Pope’s visit, Boehner said, “The Holy Father’s message of compassion and human dignity has moved people of all faiths and backgrounds. His teachings, prayers, and example bring us back to the blessings of simple things and our obligations to one another. We look forward to warmly welcoming Pope Francis to our Capitol and hearing his address for the American people.” It should be interesting. The Pope will probably say something about the economy. This is his statement from January 11, 2015: “When money has replaced humans at the center of the economy, then money has become an idol, and men and women are reduced to simple instruments of a social system and an economy characterized, indeed dominated by deep imbalances.” He goes on to say, “Let’s not consider this state of things irreversible; let’s not resign ourselves to it. Let’s search to construct a society and an economy where humans and their welfare, and not money, are at the center.” Think about this: If only 20 people existed in the world and they all sat around and decided how they should live, it would probably go something like this: We need some people to hunt for meat, we need some people to grow crops, we need others to take care of the children, etc. If someone gets sick, we should help them get back on their feet. In other words, everyone would be helping each other out for the common good. People would not be saying, “I want to be rich and the rest will live in poverty.” When money became the center of the economy, we forgot that the main purpose of any economic system is to serve the well being of all people. Why should owners make millions of dollars while they pay workers less than a living wage? If employers cannot pay their workers a living wage, maybe we shouldn’t allow them to operate their businesses. The Pope will probably address the need to respond to the poor. He said, “Jesus affirms that you cannot serve two masters, God and wealth. Jesus tells us that this is the basis with which we will be judged. It is what we read in chapter 25 of Matthew: I had hunger, I had thirst, I was in prison, I was sick, I was naked and you helped me: dressed, visited, you took care of me.” The Holy Father goes on, “Every time that we do this to our brother or sister, we do this to Jesus. To care for our neighbor: who is poor, who suffers in the spirit, who is in need. This is the touchstone. Is it pauperism? No, it is the Gospel.” He also might say, “Private property does not constitute an unconditional and absolute right, and that no one is authorized to reserve for their exclusive use what he does not need,

when others lack necessities.” This surely goes against the thinking of some members of congress. Pope Francis also believes that humanity’s destruction of the planet is a sinful act, likening it to selfidolatry. “When we exploit Creation, we destroy the sign of God’s love for us. In destroying Creation we are saying to God: ‘I don’t like it! This is not good!’ ‘So what do you like?’ ‘I like myself!’ Here, this is sin!” The reactions of many members of congress should be interesting since many do not believe that humans are causing global warming. Stay tuned.

Rev. Wilmer L. Todd

When I wrote my first weekly column for the Daily Comet in December 1998, I stated my intentions for the articles: “What a Life? is a weekly religious column intended to make people think about issues that are important to people today. I hope to give my readers material that will deepen their lives and make them more aware of the God of Life. I invite readers’ responses and participation.” People have responded with encouragement as well as ideas and materials that I have used in my columns.

I now write for four newspapers in the southeastern Louisiana bayou area, the Times in Houma, the Lafourche Gazette, the Morgan City Daily Review and the Pierre Part Bayou Journal. At one time, I wrote for nine different newspapers. When I would see some of my readers, they would ask me, “When are you going to put your articles in a book form?” Well, it has finally happened! With suggestions from my readers, I have picked

This Worship Directory is made possible by these civic-minded businesses and individuals. Please remember to thank them for their support.


Charis Church

314 East 74th St. - Cut Off

Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Pastor Audie Crochet (504) 952-6603

Freedom Worship Center

17618 West Main - Galliano - 632-2109 Sunday Morning Service 10 a.m. Children’s Church 10:00 a.m. Mid-Week Service - 6:30 p.m. Pastor Roger Hunt


First Baptist Church

187 Oakridge Dr. - Golden Meadow Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayers 6:30 p.m. Dr. Bobby N. Duck - Pastor


Our Lady of Prompt Succor 723 North Bayou Drive Golden Meadow

Saturday Mass 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Reverend Henry Sebastian, Pastor

Our Lady of the Isle Grand Isle

Saturday Mass 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Mass at 8:00 a.m. Rev. Peter Taile, Pastor

Our Lady of the Rosary

12911 E. Main - Larose - 985-693-3433 Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. Sunday Masses 7:00, 10:00 and 5:30 Weekday Mass Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. Adoration Chapel open all day, everyday Rev. Ronilo Villamor, Pastor

Sunday Small Groups: 7:00 p.m. Sunday Worship: 11:15 a.m. Wednesday Kids Elevate: 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Youth Worship: 7:00 p.m. Pastor John Boss

First Baptist Church of Larose 105 W. 16th Street - Larose

Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Gary Hanberry, Pastor Res: 693-4891 - Church: 693-3258

Saturday Mass 4:00 p.m., Central Std. Time Saturday Mass 5:00 p.m., Daylight Savings Tm Sunday Mass 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Weekday Mass: W.-Th.-F., 8:30 a.m. Tuesdays: 6:00 p.m. Rev. Wilfredo “Freddie” Decal, Pastor

Holy Savior Church

612 Main Street - Lockport

Saturday Mass 4:00 p.m. Sunday Masses 7:00 and 10:00 a.m.

First Baptist Church

Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Evening Worship 6:30 p.m. Pastor Kevin Celestin

Greater New Fountain Baptist Church 1859 Fontinelle - Lockport

Sunday Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Lord’s Supper Service: 2nd Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Prayer Breakfast: 2nd Saturday, 8:00 a.m. Bible Class Thursday 7:00 p.m.

Isrealite Baptist Church Hwy. 308 - Valentine

Worship Service 7:00 a.m. Lord’s Supper, Second Sunday, 7:00 a.m. Reverend K.W. Jackson, Pastor

South Lafourche Baptist Church 17077 East Main - Galliano

Sunday Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Church 6:30 p.m. Church: 632-4119 Shane Terrebonne, Pastor

Trinity Baptist Church

195 Johnny Dufrene Drive - Mathews

Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Rod King, Pastor - 532-2936, Res.

Crosspoint Church

16640 West Main St., Cut Off (Near South Lafourche Bridge)

Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m. Thursday Kids & Adults: 6:00 p.m. Thursday Youth Worship: 7:00 p.m. Pastor John Boss and Pastor Noah Blackburn (985-772-7400)

St. Mathews Missionary Baptist Church Hwy. 308 - Mathews

Sunday Worship Service 7:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Services Prayer Service & Bible Study Thurs., 6-7 p.m. Speaking Meeting/Testimony 2nd Sun. 7:30 p.m. Lord’s Supper Every 3rd Sunday Reverend Roland J. Bradley, Sr.

Valentine Baptist Church 9334 Hwy. 308 - Valentine

Sunday Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Bible Study: 10:00 a.m. Bro. John Mooring

Bethel Baptist Church

122 Matherne St. - Grand Bois Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Pastor Jimmy Autin

New Sunlight Baptist Church 452 St. Patrick Street - Raceland

Sunday School 2 p.m., Sunday Worship 3 p.m. Prayer Service/Bible Class-Thurs., 6 p.m. Testimony/Prayer & Praise, 3rd Sunday, 3 p.m. Communion, 4th Sunday, 3 p.m. Reverend Charles Hawkins Sr., Pastor

Victory Life Church

333 Twin Oaks Drive - Raceland

St. Joseph Catholic Church 17980 West Main - Galliano

Saturday Mass 4:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 7:00 and 10:00 a.m. Weekday Mass: M. - W. - Th. - Fri. 7:00 a.m. Tuesday 6:00 p.m.


Larose Church of Christ 13379 East Main - Larose

Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Bible Class 11:00 a.m. Evening Services 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class 7:00 p.m.


Lighthouse Worship Center 18082 Hwy. 3235 - Galliano

Sunday Schedule: 9:59 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Christian Education: 7:00 p.m. Eno Dantin, Pastor Personas de habla hispana Bienvenidos

Mathews Full Gospel Temple Hwy. 1 - Mathews

Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m.

Open Door Revival Center

16164 W. Main St. - Cut Off. - 325-2456 Sunday Services 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Wednesday Night Service 7 p.m. Senior Pastor: Monty Duke Church Pastor: Darren Felarise Spanish Pastor: Marcos Ferriera


Community Bible Church 14757 East Main - Cut Off

Sunday Worship Service: 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. Senior Pastor Dr. Bill Jemison III Pasor of Discipleship Robert Durbin Youth Pastor Robert Schwertz Phone: (985) 632-3077

Christian Family Center 11819 East Main - Galliano

Sunday Services 9:45 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Pastor Morris Hunter, Jr.

Bethany Community Fellowship Hwy. 1 & St. Ann Street - Raceland

Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Children’s Church 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship When Scheduled Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m.

Community Fellowship

901 Barataria Street - Lockport Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Thursdays 7:00 p.m. Reverend Carlos Nieves (504) 532-2992

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1200 Crescent Avenue - Lockport

Services: Sun. 9:00 a.m. and Wed. 7:00 p.m. Children’s Ministry and Nursery Provided Youth Service: Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Senior Pastor Danny Knight - 532-6561

Iglesia Evanbelica Christiana Espiritual

13298 East Main - Larose

Tuesday Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Thursday Prayer Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday Morning Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 6:00 p.m.


Gheens Presbyterian Church Sunday Services 8:00 a.m. Wednesday bible Study 6:00 p.m. Doctor John Spaulding, Pastor


St. Hilary of Poitiers

Saturday Mass 4:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 7:00, 9:00 and11:00 a.m. Weekday Mass: Mon., Tues., Thurs., 5:00 p.m. Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Nursing Home Friday Mass 7:00 a.m. Rev. Benny Rebosura

5545 Hwy. 1 - Lockport

Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Children’s Ministry, Spanish Translation Available, and Nursery Provided Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Discipleship Classes, Youth Ministry, Royal Rangers and Missionettes Scott Cheramie, Senior Pastor - online sermons

Golden Meadow United Methodist Church

New Mt. Zion Baptist Church

Worship Service 7:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Prayer Service/Bible Class Wednesday 6:30 Lord’s Supper: First Sunday 7:00 a.m. Prayer Breakfast: Sat. before 1st Sun., 8 a.m. Speaking Meeting: Thurs. before 1st Sun. 7 a.m. Reverend Nolan Smith, Pastor

13581 East Main - Larose

St. Anthony Church

Sat. Mass 6:00 p.m. - Sun. Mass 9:00 a.m. Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Very Rev. Dean Danos, V.F.

13841 East Main - Larose

Christian Fellowship Church

Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses

333Twin Oaks Dr. - Raceland

because I included one for the Leap day, and four for the Solemn four days in Holy Week – Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. These can be found in the month of March. I have also tried to honor some Feast Days and Sacred times of the year. I will be in the Lafourche area at Sacred Heart Church in Cut Off on March 8 following the 11:00 a.m. Mass with the book which is titled “Daily Readings for a Holistic Spiritual Life”. Copies can also be obtained from the Galliano Religious Supply House at 18210 West Main, Suite 13, in Galliano.

If we have not included your church, or you would like to be a part of the Worship Directory, please call the Lafourche Gazette at 693-7229.

Call 693-7229 to reserve your spot on the Worship Directory.

Sacred Heart Catholic Church First Baptist Church of Grand Isle 15300 West Main - Cut Off 129 Cedar Ln. - Grand Isle - 985-787-3410

out 370 articles from the more than 800 I have written in the past 16 years. Though I am Catholic, I have tried to emphasize a spirituality that can be applied to people of any Christian faith. Some of my biggest fans have been ministers of other faiths. The advantage of having these columns in a book form is that you can use it as a meditation book and talk about it with others who have purchased the book. It also can be used for a discussion group. A pastor might use it in a parish after a weekday Mass and have people give their insights in the daily mediation. The reason I have 370 articles instead of 365 is



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108 East 90th Street - Galliano


18803 East Main - Golden Meadow Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Chris Thomas, Pastor

Memorial United Methodist

201 Central Lafourche Dr. - Mathews

Sunday School & Adult Bible Class, 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 8:30 a.m. Communion First Sunday at 8:30 a.m.

United Methodist Church of Grand Isle Oak Street - Grand Isle Sunday Service 8:30 a.m. Chris Thomas, Pastor


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13051 East Main Street - Larose Sunday Service 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m. Pastor Ronnie Melancon

First United Pentecostal

Central Lafourche Drive - Mathews Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Service 6:30 p.m. Thursday 7:30 p.m.


Lighthouse Christian Fellowship 115 E. Central Avenue - Grand Isle Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 985-787-3453

Bethel Christian Ministries 107 East 123rd Street - Galliano

LA Carriers • 632-5858 16849 East Main Street • Cut Off, LA 70345

THERIOT, DUET & THERIOT, INC. Serving Lafourche Since 1957

Insurance Agents

• Marine • Life • Auto • Fire • Casualty • Notary Public 144 N. 1st St. • Golden Meadow Phone: 475-5126 • FAX: 475-7276

Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Reverend Nathan Hayes

The Crossway Ministry, Lafourche

18219 West Main St., Suite 10 Galliano

Sunday Worship Service, 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Worship Service, 7:00 p.m.


Grace Lutheran Church 422 Valhi Blvd. - Houma

(Only Lutheran Church between Grand Isle and Kenner) Rev. Richard Rudnik Sunday Service 9:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 10:45 a.m. 879-1865 - FMI Call Rev. Rudnik 879-1865 or Joelle Gerken (from Larose) at 693-3222.


Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints East 57th St.

Bible Study: Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. English Elders: 985-360-7501 Spanish Elders: 985-791-6561

Voice Video



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Iglesia Adventista del 7MO Dia 504 Seventh St. - Lockport

Viernes - 7:30 p.m. Sabado - 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Pastor R. Prieto Phone: (504) 505-2642 or (985) 693-6946

Mision Bautista Hispana - Larose 105 W. 16th St. - Larose

Servicios Viernes - 7:30 p.m. Domingo Escuela Dominical - 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.m Servicio De Adoracion Pastor Juan Morales 504-468-1300


From 1-A

The marine vessel industry, particularly that part of it which is based in Port Fourchon, is included by EPA as a source of emissions which can affect ozone levels. Belanger said increased business costs as a result of EPA standards would be seen in things like educating employees on new regulations, and increased costs of vehicle inspections, permits, and modification of business processes to control emissions. Additionally, the EPA will require states such as Louisiana to develop and maintain an air quality management infrastructure that includes enforceable emission limitations, a permitting program, an ambient monitoring program, an enforcement program, air quality modeling capabilities, and adequate personnel, resources, and legal authority. Belanger’s presentation included a proposed plan by SCP to develop an environmental division to help Lafourche Parish comply with the new EPA regulations, set to be enforced beginning in June of 2016. SCP is asking the six parishes in the SCP region — Lafourche, St. Charles, Terrebonne, Assumption, St. James, and St. John the Baptist — to share the cost of forming the environmental division and paying for employees in that division. The proposal’s 3-year plan would cost the region $180,000 in the first year, half paid by government

and the other half shared by industry sources, says Belanger. Lafourche’s share would be $6030, according to a formula based on the percentage of emissions which the parish actually puts out. Lafourche dispenses about 6.7% of all emissions for the six-parish region, SCP says. Several councilmen agreed with SCP’s assessment of a need for action now to offset EPA changes. Mike Delatte warned of EPA regulations shutting down industry in the parish. “What if EPA shuts down Fourchon? We’ll all have to go flip burgers at McDonald’s. We need to voice our opinion. I think that’s what ya’ll (SCP) propose to do,” he said. Phillip Gouaux said Lafourche’s cost to join a coalition to express the parish’s concerns is a “drop in the bucket.” Jerry Lafont and Lindel Toups agreed with Gouaux who said it is money well spent. But Parish President Charlotte Randolph responded differently to the proposal. “It’s not just us. Counties all over the U.S. are fighting this. We need to address this through Congress, not locally,” she said. Randolph felt joining a smaller “group” such as SCP would be like giving in to the problem. But Belanger characterized the state’s stance as having already acquiesced to the new standards. “It is better to get on board now than for one business to have to pay a higher permit fee down the road to get started if we

don’t,” he stated. Randolph, still not satisfied with SCP’s approach, said her administration would analyze the proposal and come back to the Council in the near future with the parish’s own recommendation. The Council on Tuesday also passed a resolution requesting EPA to delay implementation of air quality standards and asking EPA to “create a program allowing regional consideration of non-attainment status.” A “non-attainment area” is an area considered to have worse air quality than the federal standard. These areas must have a plan to meet the standard or lose certain federal financial assistance, according to the Clean Air Act of 1970. South Central Planning and Development Commission was formed under state law to provide longrange planning services to meet the needs and challenges of its member governments. Lafourche Parish has a yearly agreement with SCP for such services at a cost of about $30,000 annually.


From 1-A

Though users can enter their address, she suggested also looking at the bigger picture. “The shoreline restoration project, such as the one in Camanada, is crucial,” said Maloz. “Barrier islands, marshes, and swamps throughout our coast reduce incoming storm surge, helping to re-

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duce flooding impacts. If we continue to lose these habitats, the vulnerability of communities and infrastructure will increase substantially.” Phase 1 of the Caminada Project is finished, with six miles of new dune and beach restoration totaling 303 acres just south of Port Fourchon. Final work, such as the planting of dune vegetation, should be completed early this year. According to Windell Curole, Director of the South Lafourche Levee District, the Caminada Project is an important barrier needed to protect Fourchon, Highway 1 to Grand Isle, the barrier basin and everyone who resides in and north of the levee protection system as well. “Whether or not we can stop this land loss will be determined by our economy and whether we keep moving forward,” he said. “You always need to talk to your local officials, especially when it comes to storms. Getting flood insurance is not a bad idea, even when you’re out of the flood zone. There’s a lot of flooding that takes place outside of the 100-year flood.” The LSU Ag Center offers additional information on flood insurance and building flood-resistant homes on their website They also provide vital flood zone, wind speed, and ground elevation information at “Everybody has an ‘it won’t happen to us’ attitude and that’s what I’m afraid of. We really need to know the flood risks,” said State Representative Jerry “Truck” Gisclair. Monica Farris, PhD and Director of Research was representing UNO CHART – an organization that conducts research on flood and storm risks in order to create programs to tackle these issues. One such program is the use of booklets on flood preparedness that read at a sixth grade level

Sunday, March 1, 2015 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE

in an attempt to simultaneously inform while aiding in adult literacy programs. “We are helping to inform people so they can make the right choices for disasters that are common in our area while aiding in adult literacy,” she said. Although the main subject of the event was flood risks, the wind risk of hurricanes was discussed. “One of the problems that we see is the risk of wind hazards in highly elevated homes,” said representative from the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, Shontae Davis. Davis informed community residents about the government website designed to help people prepare for emergency storms at On the website, people can use tools provided to form a family plan, business plan and more. An app is also available under the name of Get A Game Plan on iTunes for iPhones and iPads. People can also get updates via Twitter, Facebook and Youtube. Another free meeting is set for 5 p.m. Wednesday at the Terrebonne Parish Public Library, 151 Library Drive, Houma. To RSVP, call 985-492-8268.


From 1-A

well as a 2013 Ford Taurus. Video of the suspects was obtained through a surveillance system inside the car. Through investigation, detectives identified the driver as Troy Benner and the front passenger as Tommy Manasco, and the rear passenger as James Bailey Jr. Detectives also discovered Jacky Manasco transported all three men to the bar and drove them away from the area after they abandoned the victim’s car. Following the investigation, detectives obtained arrest warrants on all four suspects. With the assistance of


the Kenner Police Department, Jacky Manasco was located and arrested on Tuesday, February 24. He was transported to Lafourche on Wednesday and booked into the Lafourche Parish Detention Center where he remains in lieu of $150,000 bond as set by Judge John E. LeBlanc. Detectives are asking for the public’s help to find the other three suspects initially caught on camera following the incident. Investigators believe they may have fled the state and should be considered armed and dangerous. Bailey’s criminal history includes 33 prior arrests dating back to 1978 for charges including attempted murder, armed robbery, aggravated rape, auto theft, aggravated battery, burglary, and illegal drugs and weapons. Benner’s criminal history includes 12 prior arrests dating back to 1986 for crimes such as aggravated assault, battery and theft. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Troy Benner, Tommy Manasco, or James Bailey Jr. is asked to contact Crime Stoppers Bayou Region at 1-800-743-7433 or by texting “GIVEATIP” plus your message to 274637. Tips can also be submitted using the TipSubmit Mobile application or online at Tipsters will remain anonymous and could be eligible for a reward up to $1,000 in cash if the information given leads to an arrest.


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Sunday, March 1, 2015 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE


House & Property For Sale: Includes 3 br, 1 ba, house fully renovated w/stainless steel appl. & granite countertops, 8 room office bldg. includes full bathroom & kitchen, 2 car garage/shop & 3 br, 1 ba, mobile home currently used as rental property. Too many amenities to name. A must see! Use the rental income, which is currently being rented to pay your mortgage. Serious inquiries only. Asking $198,000. Please call or text 985-258-3817 for a showing or more info. W. 147th St., Galliano. _________________ House For Sale in Cut Off, 3 br, 1.5 ba, approx. 1200 sq ft. Asking $85,000. Call 985-691-1367 & leave message. _________________ Homes For Sale: (2) mobile homes on one lot. Homes are 16x80 ea., 3 br, 2 ba ea. In great cond. Lot is 150x96. Also includes one shed & all furn. in both. Must sell together. Perfect for rental properties. Asking $90,000 OBO. Located at 179 W. 67th St., Cut Off. FMI call 985-665-3309. _________________ House For Sale, located in Golden Meadow, 2 br, 1 ba, with shed & attached carport. Asking $60,000 OBO. FMI call 985-696-1057. _________________ Coastal Realty


Building For Sale in Galliano on LA 1, next to W. 165th St., 2400 sq ft store w/lg. parking lot. $69,000. To view property call 985-278-0697. _________________


35 acres beautiful waterfront, rich cropland pasture, large cypress trees, wildlife, fishing, 1600 ft. road frontage, high quality property. Near Cut Off. $399,000. Call 620-388-0748. _________________ Lot For Sale: 100x159, 15850 sq ft, Lot #8, Old Safari Heights Subd., Asking $15,500. Call 985278-1480. _________________


House For Rent in Cut Off, 3 br, 1.5 ba approx. 1500 sq ft. $950/mth, $950/dep. Call 985-691-1367 & leave message. _________________ Campers For Rent in Cut Off, no inside pets. $600/mth, $400/dep. Call 985278-7040. _________________ Apt. For Rent in Lockport area, 1 br, wood floors, appliances, w/d. $550/mth, $550/dep. FMI call 985-798-7433. _________________ Larose Office Now Open! 13083 W. Main St., Larose


FOR SALE: • NEW Hwy. 1 Land: Bayouside Across from 20783 Hwy. 1 (4 lots) $385,000 • NEW Golden Meadow Hwy. 308 Land: 336’ x 40 arpents $367,000 • NEW 254 W. 24th St., Larose: 3BR / 1Ba. $198,000 • NEW 128 W. 74th St., Cut Off: 5BR / 2Ba. $192,000 • 22543 Hwy. 1, Golden Meadow - 2 boatlifts, 3BR / 2ba. $379,000 • Houseboat for Sale: 117’, 2BR / 2ba., sleeps 9, 1200sqft. $250,000 • 15369 E. Main, Cut Off: 2BR, 1ba. $125,000 • REDUCED 140 Rue Pouche Vide, Golden Meadow 3BR / 2ba. $115,000 • INVESTMENT Beachfront Campground & 2 Rental Beach Camps in Grand Isle $649,000 • SOLD 2.72 acre lot off Hwy. 3235 near W. 136th. St. $65,000 FOR RENT: • 2124 S. Alex Plaisance Dr., Golden Meadow: Apt. A: 1BR / 1Ba.; Apt B: 1BR / 1Ba. • 5BR in Cut Off 3064 B. Hwy 1 Grand Isle, LA • 985-787-3200 (office)

Call for Grand Isle rentals!

Each office is independently owned & operated. Beverly Curole, Broker.

House For Rent in Galliano, 3 br, partially furn., shed & carport. $875/mth. Call 985-475-7763 or 985637-7763. _________________ House For Rent in Golden Meadow: 3 br, 2 ba, partly furn., $1150 /mth, $1150 /dep. For application call 985-691-3780. _________________ House For Rent on Jefferson St. in Golden Meadow: 2 br, 1 ba, ac, w/d, no refrig., no smoking, no pets. $800/mth, $400/dep. Call 985258-9615. _________________ Mobile Home For Rent in Larose area: 3 br, 1 ba, $1000/mth with $600/dep., no smoking, no pets, includes utilities & appliances. Taking applications. Call 985632-4723. _________________ Trailer For Rent: 2 br, 2 ba, in Larose. Sits on lg. lot in quiet neighborhood. $850 /mth, $850/dep. Call 985-691-1367. Leave voice message. _________________ Peterson Living Rentals, LLC 985637-4133 18122 Hwy. 3235, Galliano, 3.3 miles south of Wal-Mart and 1/2 mile north of Days Inn Motel. Mobile Home & RV Park, New Laundromat & Convenience Store. Convenience store open Mon. - Sat. 8 am - 9 pm and laundry mat open 24/7. Try out new drop off laundry service and be one of our many satisfied customers. Lavanderia Nueva y Tienda Hispana. Se habla Espanol Camper Sales and Propane. Here from out of town and tired of paying high hotel prices and eating out all the time? Come be another satisfied customer. Starting at $150/wk with full kitchen and a yard so you can barbeque. Available Now: Campers, camper lots, bunk houses, 2BR cabins, 1 - 2 BR Mobile Homes. Day, week, month. _________________

Boo Legendre

American Realty USA


Commercial Property

MLS 116370: NEW LISTING Located on Alex Plaisance Blvd. in Golden Meadow, this property is 16,536 sqft. It was once used to store frozen seafood and as a warehouse and office. All equipment is included. Lot is 190’ x 578’. Great location! $1,250,000.

MLS 116383: NEW LISTING 21118 Hwy. 1 in Golden Meadow. Located just north of the flood gates. This property was once a church and is now converted into a bunk house that can house 40 people. It’s 4,188 sqft. and sits on a 266’ x 841’ lot. $500,000.

MLS 116384: NEW LISTING 139 Joe Brown Rd., Lockport. This property sits on 43 acres with warehouse and office space totaling 188,894 sqft. It has 300,000 sqft. of Limestone and 125,000 sqft. of concrete parking. It has 5,900 ft. of chain link fencing and includes a guest house. There is plenty of room for expansion or rental space. $3,200,000. MLS 116391: NEW LISTING 22801 Hwy. 1 in Golden Meadow. This property was the Louisiana Shrimp & Packing Co. This huge building is 36,613 sqft., it has work areas, cooler storage, freezer storage, shipping and receiving docks, fuel service dock, 120 ton ice plant, a 1200 ft. dock along Bayou Lafourche and much more! $3,000,000. MLS 115650: Located in Larose on the East side of Hwy. 3235, Approximately 1.7 acres with 273 ft. of road frontage, land is cleared with a dirt pad already in place, great location. $80,000.

House For Rent: 3 br, 1 ba, living rm, kitchen, dining rm, & spare rm, front porch, fenced in yard on W. 161st St. Taking applications. $975/mth, $975/dep. FMI call 985-258-7352. _________________ House For Rent: Fully furn., 3 br. 2 ba, executive home available for weekly or monthly rentals. Includes linens, kitchen equip., appliances, TV’s and all utilities, including internet & cable. Call 985-2781136 _________________


200 Plastic Pallets For Sale: $10 ea. or $8 ea. for 15 or more. Call 693-7229 FMI. _________________ 55 gallon drums for sale with lid. $20 each. Call 985-2919490 FMI. _________________ Hitachi NV45AB2 For Sale: 1 ¾” gal. nailer. $60. Works good. Call 985-2586558. _________________ Fruit trees for sale. Peach and Fig. $5 each. 985-691-9466 _________________ (2) Mausoleum Spaces For Sale: Top row, side by side, in Holy Rosary Cemetery in Larose. $9000. Call 985-688-2186. _________________


21 ft. Lombas built Aluminum Hull with 120 Force, $6000 and a 19 ft. aluminum Mud Boat with 4.3L Chevy Vortec V-6, with Velvet drive clutch, $6000. FMI call 985-691-1479. _________________


2009 Red Dodge Ram SLT Crew Cab 1500 For Sale: 5.7L Hemi tow package, 85,000 miles, cloth interior, cd player, great condition. Call 985438-1624. _________________


Pre-Spring Garage Sale at 219 Twin Oaks Dr., Wed. Mar. 4 & Thurs. Mar. 5, 7 am till 4 pm. Items galore! _________________


Night Auditor Needed Immediately. Must be able to work weekends & holidays. Computer exp. necessary. Apply in person at Days Inn in Galliano, 18434 Hwy. 3235, Galliano. No Phone Calls! _________________ Special Ed. Dist. #1 “The Center” is seeking a Full Time Direct Support staff for its facility in Cut Off. Successful candidates must be at least 18 yrs. old, possess a GED or high school diploma, possess a valid LA driver’s license, pass a criminal background check, physical drug test & agility/ability test. Int. parties should call Rose Grabert at 985632-5671 for an appt. Applications will be accepted from Feb. 19 thru March 11, between the hrs. of 8 am to 2 pm. _________________ Coastal Janitorial Services Now Hiring Positions. 5 days a week. Call 632-5791. _________________


The Old Kief Hardware LA Hwy. 1, Galliano



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17,940 sqft. plus cement parking lot and adjoining vacant land American Realty USA



Contact Boo Legendre For More Info. at 985-696-7377

Just 4 Him, Galliano location now hiring Exp. Licensed Cosmetologist/Barber. Must be avail. To work Sat.’s. Will train. FMI call 325-4MEN. _________________ Special Ed. Dist. #1 is seeking a Full Time Floater for its facility in Cut Off. Successful candidates must be at least 18 yrs. old, possess a GED or high school diploma, possess a valid LA driver’s license, pass a criminal background check, physical/drug test & agility/ability test. Int. parties should call Rose Grabert at 985-6325671 for an appt. Applications will be accepted from Feb. 19 thru March 11, between hrs. of 8 am to 2 pm. _________________ Hard Working People Needed to work for a local company. Hrs. to be flexible. Time will start at 5 pm & work till finished. For all int. parties please come by our office at 18076 Hwy. 3235, Galliano to fill out the application or call 985-325-4006. _________________ A local business is hiring a Personnel Manager. Competitive wage coupled with an excel. benefit package. Send resume to personnelmanager303@gmail.c om _________________ Dufrene Building Materials is accepting applications for Exp. Dozer /Excavator Operator. Offers hospitalization, 401K & pd. vacation. Must submit to drug screen. Apply at 14502 W. Main, Cut Off. _________________ Southern Guard Service, Inc. is now accepting applications for Security Guard positions. Apply at 109 W. 12th St., Larose. Call 985-6934316. _________________

Lafourche Arc is looking for energetic, compassionate individuals to work flexible hrs. & days w / individuals w / disabilities who live in the lower Lafourche area. Assistance with transportation, personal hygiene & household tasks is needed. Agency will train. High school diploma, GED or 5 yrs pd related exp. required. Scheduling flexibility required. FMI contact Meka Williams at 985447-6214 ext. 120 or Gina Gaudet at ext. 115. Applications may be completed at Lafourche Arc, 100 W. Main St., Thibodaux. EOE, M/F/V/H. _________________ Customer Service Rep. wanted for busy insurance agency, located in the South Lafourche area. Must be able to multi-task & possess adequate computer skills. Please mail resume to Help Wanted, P.O. Box 390, Larose, LA 70373. _________________ Joe’s Environmental Cont. has immediate openings for Class A CDL Drivers. X-Endorsement & Hazmat required offering $23.50/hr. Apply in person at 15344 Hwy. 3235, Cut Off, between the hrs. of 9 am – 2 pm. _________________ Holiday Inn Express & Suites is currently hiring Night Audit & Front Desk Agents. Please apply in person at hotel. Must be able to multitask, work at a fast pace environment, must be able to work flexible shifts & have reliable transportation. Highly customer service oriented exp. is require. No phone calls please! _________________

Classified Line Ads start at $5.50! Only $44 per month!

Office: 985-693-7229 Fax: 985-693-8282 Jan Serve Cleaning personnel needed in Lafourche Parish. Call to apply at 985-798-5800. Resume preferred but not required. Submit resume to P.O. Box 143 Cut Off, LA 70345 _________________


Evans Concrete Construction House Slabs, Driveways, Sidewalks, etc. No job too big or too small. Call Leonard Evans at 985-6772959. _________________ Kerry Chiasson Carpentry For all your carpentry needs. Call 985-6376279. _________________ In Home Ironing Service. Will pick up & deliver. Reasonable rates. Call 985-2585773. _________________ Hate To Paint? Call Color Creation! Indoor /Outdoor painting. New or old construction. Reasonable rates. Call 985-2589591. _________________ Top Notch Carpenter Isaiah Domangue Sheetrock, Flooring, Trim Work, Wooden Fences and Fence Repairs, Painting, U Call It, actually! 985-688-4053. When you want it done right!

Tim Harris Flooring Installation Services Carpet, vinyl, laminate, wood, ceramic, custom showers, painting, carpentry, sheet rock. Purchase floor anywhere, we will install. Manufactures warranty floors, not flooring stores. Free estimates. Call 985-677-0474 or 985677-2526. _________________ Earl’s Yard & Pressure Washing Service., Earl P. Duet, owner. Call 985-6917570. _________________

LaBove Plumbing LMP 7038 Gas • Water • Sewer 16844 West Main St. Cut Off, LA 70345 State Licensed & Insured We accept credit & debit cards.


Trey LaBove, owner. _________________

J & P’s Tree Service & Sawmill, LLC Land Clearing, Dozer & Excavator, Tree Removal, Trimming, Stump Grinding, Demolition, Lumber cut to order, For Sale: Firewood, Mulch and Dirt. State Arbor’s License & Insured. Call 985-632-2540 or 985696-5174. _________________ Can Do Brick, Block & Stone Work. Call for free estimates. Keith Thayer at 985-637-3569. _________________

K-Mar Supply Fourchon and Cut Off Locations

Floor Assistant

is now accepting applications for a Full Time

(Free transportation to and from work)

Apply in person at 654 A.O. Rappelet Rd., Fourchon (NAPA, Next Door to Truck Stop) See Brandi • No Phone Calls Please! Must Speak English! Must meet TWIC Card requirements.

Southern Guard


Service, Inc.

28 acres, Cabin, house trailer, R.V. Carport, Shed, 4 acre Lake, 40 acre lease adjoins property, R.V. Carport with Full Hook-ups. 4 acre deep water, stock lake & more.

Jasper County, Mississippi


is now accepting applications for part time and full time

Security Guard Positions

Apply at 109 West 12th St. in Larose


or via email at

200 Hwy. 3161, Suite 1, Cut Off • 325-7107

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Panky Christen - Broker / Owner

American Realty

200 Hwy. 3161, Suite 1, Cut Off • 325-7107

Call 985-637-1519 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated Panky Christen - Broker / Owner • owner / agent

Call 985-693-4316 for more info.


MLS 112971: Located down E. 90th St. in Galliano this 19 acre piece has 1200 ft. of frontage on E. 90th St. It is unrestricted, currently used as a hay pasture. $195,000.

MLS 108857: This property is located on Hwy. 308 near the new bridge in Larose. It has 3.3 acres and over a 1,000 ft. of road frontage, plenty of room for multiple businesses. This is one of the best locations available.

MLS 113721:  Old Rouse’s Shopping Center located at 516 Justin, St. in Lockport. 17,940 sqft. plus cement parking lot and adjoining vacant land included. $295,000. MLS 112683: Located in Golden Meadow on Hwy. 1 inside the Levee protection, 10 acres with 535’ road frontage. $325,000. REDUCED MLS 112503: This property is located on the east side of Hwy. 3235. 96’ road frontage. $100,000.

MLS 113943: This property is located off Hwy. 308 down Emile Dr. in Lockport. 400 x 104. Restricted. $65,000. MLS 114010: 170 ft. of Bayouside property located north of Intracoastal in Larose. New bulkhead, electricity, water, plenty of parking. $115,000.

MLS 114683: This metal building on a slab is located at 19291 Hwy. 308 in Golden Meadow. It is currently being used as storage. It has plenty of parking and a 40’ x 25’ covered parking area. It also includes a bayouside with a new dock for loading and unloading boats. It’s an unrestricted zone on an 86’ x 165’ lot and is great for a boat company. $125,000 MLS 108857: Over 3 acres of unrestricted property with a limestone base. Over 1,000 ft. of road frontage. Located by new lift bridge in Larose, south of Intracoastal. Prime location with quick access to Hwy. 3235. $1.2 million. Possible lease option available.

Residential Property

MLS 115025: NEW LISTING 116 W. 44th St., Cut Off. 1668 sqft. living with 3BR and 2ba, office, large closets, fenced yard and more. Great starter home. $126,000.

MLS 114693: Located at 201 E. 153rd Street in Galliano, this home has a total living area of 4,193 sqft. and sits on a 270’ x 83’ x 375’ x 95’ lot. It is a 1.5 story ranch home with 3 bedrooms and 3.5 baths including an in-ground pool, bath house, sun room and spa. $290,000 MLS 114636: This unrestricted property located at 168 West 115th St. in Cut Off is on a lot measuring 120’ x 636’ x 185’ x 767’. $55,000 200 Hwy. 3161, Suite 1, Cut Off • 325-7107 Panky Christen - Broker / Owner Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated

Located at 247 Walnut Street Grand Isle, LA Approx. 3 Acres of Fenced in Property 300’ Water Frontage Elevated 4’ with Limestone

5 Office Buildings on Property

For All Inquiries Call (985) 475-5402


Concrete Work Forming, pouring & finishing – houses, buildings, driveways, patios, walkways, etc. Call Glenn Hughes, Jr at 985-209-5552. _________________ F.U.N. Parties! To book a party call 985-633-2904. Ask how to win a free cruise. _________________

Scott’s Coastal Windows **SPECIAL** Buy 8 or more windows and get 1 free! Replacement Windows & Doors Repairs Free Estimates Owner: Nick Scott, Window & Door Installer, Licensed & Insured. Call us today! 985-278-0672 We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American Express. _________________

Cajun Roofing & Carpentry, LLC Best Prices on the Bayou, Sha! I Guarantee! Metal, shingle and patch jobs, vinyl siding, cement board siding, painting, pressure washing, remodeling, wood, ceramic & laminate floors, counter tops, showers, sheet rock, cabinets, windows, doors, porches, decks, patios, custom shutters, additions, new construction and more! Metal roof prices that can’t be beat. No job too big or too small. Licensed & insured, 20 yrs. exp. Free estimates. Call Curtis J. Orgeron, Jr., owner at 985-397-6254 or email curtisorgeron @gmail. com __________________ DRAIN PROBLEMS? Call LaBove Plumbing LMP 7038 16844 West Main St. Cut Off, LA 70345 State Licensed & Insured We accept credit & debit cards.


Trey LaBove, owner.

We Do Redo Remodeling, Inc. Total Renovation & Add Ons! Kitchen & bathroom remodel, tile, vinyl siding, decking, etc, plumbing & electric wiring. Call Marvin Thibodaux, Sr. at 985-291-0953. _________________



GLORIA FOLSE Gloria Peters Folse, 83, a native and resident of Lockport, passed away on February 25, 2015. No services are scheduled. She is survived by her daughter, Mitzi Detillier; sister, Linda Glaspell; 5 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Audrey L. Folse; parents, Andrew and Lovinia P. Peters; brothers, Norris, Andy, Kirman Peters and sisters, Rosalie Hebert, Irma Hohensee and Ione Plaisance. Falgout Funeral Homes in charge of arrangements. ____________________________

GOT LEAKS? Call LaBove Plumbing LMP 7038 16844 West Main St. Cut Off, LA 70345 State Licensed & Insured We accept credit & debit cards.

Trey LaBove, owner.


Found mixed Chihuahua near GoBears in Larose, about 6 wks. old. Call to claim 985-677-4726. _________________



OFFICE / PAYROLL CLERK Must have strong communication, customer service, leadership and organizational skills

In Loving Memory Of LORI GRAMMER

Sunrise: Nov. 15 1981 Sunset: Mar. 3, 2014

The Broken Chain

We little knew the day God was going to call your name. In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, but you didn’t go alone. For part of us went with you the day God called you home. You left peaceful memories. Your love is still our guide, and though we cannot see you, you are always at our side. Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same, but as God calls us one by one the chain will link again. Love & Miss You Mom, Lisa & Rian ____________

401K, Uniforms, No Weekends, Up to 3 weeks vacation plus holidays

Accepting applications on Fridays 15101 Hwy. 3235, Cut Off No Phone Calls E.O.E.



Daily Comet

The Daily Comet has openings in Lafourche Parish for newspaper route carriers!!! Routes are a good second income for stay at home moms / dads, retirees or anyone else with a few hours of extra time daily. Reliable transportation and a pleasant attitude for dealing with the public.

Call Linda or Penny for details:


Cash Paid for Junk Cars Dead or Alive!

985-637-0164 Call Brad Watson

Maintenance Position Available

WANTED OLD JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI-- Z1-900(1972-75), KZ900, KZ1000(1976-1982), Z1R, KZ1000MK2(1979,80), W1-650, H1-500(1969-72), H2-750(1972-1975), S1-250, S2-350, S3-400, KH250, KH400, SUZUKI--GS400, GT380, HONDA--CB750K(1969-1976), CBX1000(1979,80)

Benefits include: Vehicle Allowance, Fuel Card, 401K, Health Ins., Paid Holidays, Paid Time Off, Paid Vacations

Apply at 13559 West Main St., Larose, LA 70373 across from West 32nd St.

$$ CASH $$ 1-800-772-1142 1-310-721-0726


Local libraries to offer a variety of events throughout March The Lafourche Parish Public Library system offers a variety of events for every age throughout the month of March. The public is invited and encouraged to take advantage of the many opportunities offered through the parish pubic libraries. Every March, libraries across the country celebrate all things Dr. Seuss. Join the Parish Library in celebrating Dr. Seuss and Read Across America with Seuss-inspired story hours, crafts, and other activities. All programs are free and open to the public. Children 12 years of age and younger can pick up a Dr. Seuss craft, while supplies last, to create at home on March 2 at the Larose Branch, 305 E. Fifth Street. Enjoy Dr. Seuss skits, book readings, and more at Seuss-apalooza at 4 p.m. on March 2 at the Lockport Branch, 720 Crescent Avenue. The South Lafourche Library, 16241 E. Main Street in Galliano, will host a Dr. Seuss story hour for children, complete with stories, a craft, and more, at 10:30 a.m. on March 3. Preschool-aged children can receive a free Dr. Seuss book, while supplies last, at the storytime, thanks to a grant from Entergy. Enjoy a Dr. Seuss storytime and craft at 4 p.m. on March 5 at the Raceland Library, 177 Recreation Drive. The Lockport Library, will host a Dr. Seuss storytime at 10:30 a.m. on March 5 featuring stories, songs, activities and a craft. Children can also pick up a Dr. Seuss take-home craft on March 19, while supplies last. Bring the family by the following libraries for free photos with the Easter Bunny. Don’t forget your camera or smartphone: Larose Branch: March 26, 11 a.m.; Golden Meadow Branch: March 31, 5 – 6 p.m. Children and their families can hunt for Easter eggs this holiday season at several branches of the Parish Public Library. All programs are free and open to the public: Larose

Branch, March 26, 11 a.m.; South Lafourche Branch, March 31, 10:30 a.m. Learn to arm knit (knitting without needles) to make beautiful yarn creations at 10:30 a.m. on March 3 and March 17 at the Lockport Library. Call 532-3158 for more information. Share your culture, food, and language with area French teachers during the Lockport Library’s French Cultural Exchange at 5:30 p.m. on March 4. Children and teens can learn how temperature affects leaves and their colors throughout the seasons with hands-on experiments at 3:30 p.m. on March 9 at the South Lafourche Branch. Registration is required, so sign up at the library. Teens can create 3D art with the Lafourche Parish Library’s new 3D Doodle pen. Three library branches will be offering 3D pen art programs in March. These programs require registration, so sign up at the library: South Lafourche Branch, March 10, 3:30 p.m.; Raceland Branch, March 12, 4 p.m. Learn basic crochet techniques during a free class at 10:30 a.m. on March 11 and 25 at the Lockport Library. Crocheters of all levels are welcome to attend. Teens can create their own RPG (role-playing game) video game during the Lockport Library’s teen Game Design Camp, thanks to a grant from the Young Adult Library Services Association and Best Buy. This program will take place at 4 p.m. on March 11, 18 and 25 and at 2 p.m. on March 14 and 28. Registration is required, so sign up at the library. The Larose Branch Library is hosting a celebration honoring a local women’s group Lafourche Volunteers for Family and Community for their work in “weaving the stories of women’s lives.” This program will take place at 1:30 p.m. on March 12. It is free and open to the public. Learn line dances new and

old at a free line dancing session at 2 p.m. on March 12 at the South Lafourche Branch. This program is free and open to the public. Children can get a free copy of one of the books read at the Golden Meadow Library’s Storytime and bilingual Storytime at 4 p.m. on March 11 and 5 p.m. on March 17, respectively. Children must be registered to receive a free book, and there is a limit of one book per household, while supplies last. Register at the library. This program is made possible by a grant from Target. Converse with others in Cajun French when La Table Francaise meets at 4 p.m. on March 17 at the South Lafourche Library. This program is free and open to the public. Children can create with Play-Doh and meet new friends at 11 a.m. on March 21 at the South Lafourche Branch’s PlayDoh Day. Play-Doh is provided. The Lockport and Thibodaux branch libraries are hosting Worlds Collide, a Scholastic event that will bring together fans and author of Scholastic’s The 39 Clues, Infinity Ring, Spirit Animals and TombQuest series. Join the Lockport Library, for a celebration of several middle-school Scholastic book series, including The 39 Clues, with crafts, games, and more at 5 p.m. on March 26. Call the library at 532-3158 for more information. Stop by the Raceland Branch at 4 p.m. on March 24 for Pac Man – with a twist, followed by a craft for all ages. A representative of Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center will discuss women’s health issues and preventative steps toward a healthy lifestyle during a free presentation at 10:30 a.m. on March 25 at the Raceland Branch. This program is free and open to the public. The Lockport Library is seeking families to create meaningful art throughout the day on March 31 to display in the library. Art supplies will be available.

Under: 1st - Patton Legendre, Non-Professional: 1st - Anse Barbier Category: Portraits - Youth 11-15: 1st - Hanna Barbier, Non-Professional: 1st Nelson Tumlinson, 2nd - Marlene Williams, Professional: 1st - Tammy Bollinger Category: 3-D - Non-Professional: 1st - Lou Anna Guidry, 2nd Lou Anna Guidry, Professional: 1st - Cassey Guidry, 2nd Tammy Bollinger Category: Decorative - Non-Professional (NP) & Professional (P) Judged Together: 1st - (P) Ophelia Lefort, 2nd - (NP)

Henri Savoie, 3rd - (P) Mildred Gisclair, HM - (NP) Henri Savoie, HM - (NP) Allenia Nacio Category: Workshop - Professional: 1st - Mildred Gisclair, Category: Photography Not Enhanced - Non-Professional (NP) & Professional (P) Judged Together: 1st - (NP) Lea M. Callais, 2nd - (NP) Lea M. Callais, 3rd (NP) Pat Vizier, HM - (NP) Lea M. Callais, HM - (NP) Pat Vizier Category: Photography Enhanced Non-Professional (NP) & Professional (P) Judged Together: 1st - (NP) Lea M. Callais, 2nd - (NP) Lea M. Callais, 3rd - (NP) Lea M. Callais, HM - (NP) Lea M. Callais, HM (NP) Lea M. Callais

Winners of the French Food Festival Les Artistes du Bayou Art Contest & Exhibit announced Winners of the Le Artistes du Bayou art show and contest that was held in October during the Larose Civic Center’s French Food Festival were announced recently. Winners are as follows:

Free Pick Up For Old / Junk Cars

365 Enterprises is seeking an individual with a strong work ethic and positive attitude to fill a position as a full time maintenance person in a smoke free work environment. 365 Enterprises operates 57 stores in Louisiana and Mississippi.

Sunday, March 1, 2015 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE

Purple or Large Rosettes: Best of Show - Adults - Irene Brady Award: Dolores Legendre, Best of Show Teens/Youth - Louise Orgeron Award: Toni Eymard, Best of Show - Children - Leslie Waites Award: Patton Legendre, Best Original - Peggy Lee Tacket Award: Lea M. Callais, People’s Choice - Myrna Waters Award: Cassey Guidry Theme: Crawfish - Children - 17 Judged Together: 1st - Teens 16-17 - Toni Eymard, 2nd - Teens 16-17 - Brennyn Galliano, 3rd - Children 10 & Under - Addie Guidry, HM - Children 10 & Under - Camille Najar, Non-Professional (NP) & Professional (P) Judged Together: 1st - (NP) LouAnna Guidry, 2nd - (NP) Lea M. Callais, 3rd - (P) Evelyn McKittrick, HM - (P) Otis Dobson, HM - (P) Tammy Bollinger Category: Animals - Children 10 & Under: 1st- Emily Danos, Youth 11-15: 1st - Zoe Legendre, Teens 16-17: 1st - Toni Eymard, 2nd - Toni Eymard Non-Professional: 1st - Allena Nacio, 2nd Carolyn Ougel, 3rd - Allena Nacio, HM Cathy Smith, HM - Betty LeBlanc, Professional: 1st - Evelyn McKittrick Category: Landscapes & Seascapes: Youth 11-15: 1st - Taylor Marcombe, 2nd Zoe Legendre, 3rd - Grant Rebstock, HM Zoe Legendre, HM - Cameron Ricard, NonProfessional: 1st - Allena Nacio, 2nd - Doris Guidry, 3rd - Doris Guidry, HM - Carolyn Ougel, HM - Polly Danos, Professional: 1st - Dolores Legendre, 2nd - Dolores Legendre, 3rd - Dolores Legendre, HM - Dolores Legendre, HM - Dolores Legendre Category: Still Life & Florals - Children 10 & Under: 1st - Hanna Benoit, Youth 11-15: 1st - Maggie Robichaux, Non-Professional: 1st - Allena Nacio, 2nd - Carolyn Ougel, Professional: 1st - Mildred Gisclair Category: Black & White - Teens 1617: 1st - Brennyn Galliano Category: Abstract: Children 10 &

FOR SALE • FOR SALE • FOR SALE • FOR SALE • FOR SALE • FOR SALE 2012 Dodge Commercial 4500 Ram Chassis / Crew Cab / 4WD

6.7L Cummins Turbo Diesel - 12 foot flatbed, Loaded Runs great - Excellent maintenance - 174,000 miles

$35,00 0

2014 Circle M / Tow Max 40 ft Goose Neck Trailer NEVER USED! Not a scratch!

th W ill Sell Bo

for $45,000

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 You impress everyone with your creativity this week, Aries. Allow this creativity to be the inspiration behind projects you have been putting off of late. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Keep your goals relatively simple for the next few days, Taurus. You can benefit from the positive reinforcement of completing tasks and getting things done. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you have been immersed in work and are starting to show the ill effects of keeping long hours. Now is a great time to take a few days off or enjoy a mini-vacation. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you have a lot to get done, but resist the urge to micromanage every detail, as this could be a surefire path to burnout. You need to take a few breaths. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Avoid the temptation to get started on another new project. You already have plenty of other things on your plate. Finish those tasks before moving on to something new.



Call 504-400-2678

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 It is sometimes easy to miss the forest for the trees, Virgo. Try taking a step back so you can look at a puzzling project from a new perspective. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, you may be searching for a new adventure, but try to appreciate the here and now as well. It’s easy to get swept up in fantasies, but don’t let them carry you too far away. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you suspect that someone is hiding something, and that very well may be the case. Perhaps a welcome surprise is coming your way. Resist the urge to dig too deep. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 You can probably talk your way out of trouble, Sagittarius, but this time it’s better to let things play out. Keep conversations light and free from controversy. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, find balance between your personal ambitions and things you have to accomplish at work and at home. Finding a middle ground is the best approach.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, you need a few extra people to contribute to a special task, but you do not know who to ask. If you think hard enough, you will know who you can depend on. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Your demeanor makes it easy for others to enjoy your company, and that will come in handy as your social schedule fills up in the days ahead.


MARCH 1 Ron Howard, Director (61) MARCH 2 Daniel Craig, Actor (47) MARCH 3 Jessica Biel, Actress (33) MARCH 4 Whitney Port, Actress (30) MARCH 5 Joel Osteen, Religious Leader (52) MARCH 6 Tim Howard, Athlete (36) MARCH 7 Bryan Cranston, Actor (59)


Convicted felon found in possession of illegal drugs and firearms Sunday, March 1, 2015 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE

Lockport Chief of Police Warren Vedros announced the arrest of a convicted felon found in illegal possession of drugs and firearms. Brent Michael Tye, 31, of 314 Barrilleaux Street in Lockport was arrested during a routine probation check.

Just before 8 p.m. on Monday, February 23, Lockport Police officers were called to the Tye’s Lockport residence as agents with Louisiana Probation and Parole were conducting a routine check. Upon their arrival, agents discovered Tye exit-

ing a vehicle in which they found two loaded handguns. Agents also found a third firearm, which had been altered so that the serial numbers were no longer visible, and Tye admitted to officers that the firearms belonged to him. Tye was also found to

Holy Rosary Catholic School to hold registration, open house

Catholic School adheres to a non-discriminatory policy as established by the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux.

New families registration for 2015- 2016 will be held Thursday, March 5 for PreK-3 students from 9:30 – 2:30 and for PreK-4 through eighth grades on March 9 through 12. Open house will take place on Thursday, March 5 for PreK-3 students and on Monday, March 9, for all other new students in PreK4 through eighth grade. Open house will begin at 9:30 and end at 2:30 P.M. As a parent, you’re the most important influence on your child’s future. At HRCS your child will receive an outstanding academic foundation from people who share your values. Holy Rosary Catholic School can continue to offer your child a challenging academic curriculum en-

riched with morality, values, and Catholic traditions in a safe, nurturing environment on a daily basis. In our changing world, make Holy Rosary Catholic School the choice for your child’s education. HRCS has limited openings in all grades from three-years-old through eighth grades. HRCS offers: Dedicated, nurturing, certified staff, SACS CASI Accreditation, after care, bus service, tuition assistance to qualified families and a family discount plan. New students must bring birth & baptismal certificates, social security cards and updated immunization records. For more information call Donna at 985-693-3342. Holy Rosary

Surfin’ the is comprised of cute, funny and at times heartwarming stories and photos that are found circulating the internet. Oftentimes there are no known authors of the material. The Lafourche Gazette does not take credit for the writings in this column. We’re publishing it to simply put a smile on our readers’ faces. Anyone wanting to submit something for the column can email it to or drop it off at the office during business hours.

Crying on a Bench

An old man of ninety was sitting on a park bench crying. A policeman noticed this and asked him why he was crying. “Well,” says the old fellow, “I just got married to a twenty-five year old woman. Every morning she makes me a wonderful breakfast, and we have then have fun together laughing and relaxing. In the afternoon she makes

me a wonderful lunch and then we make fun together laughing and relaxing again. At dinner time she makes me a wonderful supper and then we relax more and enjoy ourselves.” The policeman looks at the old man and says, “You shouldn’t be crying! You should be the happiest man in the world!” “I know!” says the old man, “I’m crying because I don’t remember where I live!”


The public is invited to celebrate the Grand Opening of the

North Galliano Fire Sta on Saturday, March 14 10am - 2pm

17475 Highway 3235, Galliano (2 miles south of Wal-Mart)

Free Food

Station & Fire Truck Tours

Meet & Greet with Fire Chief, Fire Fighters & More!

be in possession of two bags containing several suspected klonopin pills, as well as small amounts of suspected methamphetamine and marijuana. Tye was arrested and transported to the Lafourche Parish Detention Center in Thibodaux where he was booked with pos-

session with intent to distribute klonopin (clonazepam), possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, possession of a firearm with an obliterated number, possession of methamphetamine, and possession of marijuana. His bond had not yet been set at the time of this release, but he is also being held for Louisiana Probation and Parole.

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Arrest reports

The following information is based on reports from the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office. Those individuals have been booked with, not convicted of, the offenses shown. All accused should be presumed innocent until proved guilty. FEBRUARY 23, 2015 Thibodaux Police Department Kimberly Benoit, 35, Thibodaux. Probation violation. Jeffrey L. Trahan, Jr., 23, Thibodaux. Domestic abuse battery – pregnant victim. Denise D. Harris, 47, Thibodaux. Fugitive from justice (2 cts). Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office Steven Duncan, 31, Schriever. Parole violation. Jonathan Williams, 28, Thibodaux. Contempt of court, probation violation. Dillion Damond, 21, Lafayette. Illegal poss. of stolen things. Michael Mitchell, 53, Thibodaux. Fugitive fro justice (2 cts). Nieves Saucedo, 33, Larose. Domestic abuse battery. Dannielle Wilson, 26, Larose. Theft, scdp, enter/remain after being forbidden. Brittany Adams, 24, Thibodaux. Contempt of court. Lockport Police Department Brent Tye, 31, Lockport. Possession with intent to dist. klonopin, poss. of marijuana (1st offense), poss. of/dealing in firearms w/obliterated number/mark, poss. of meth., poss. of firearm by convicted felon (3 cts), poss. of drug para. FEBRUARY 24, 2015 Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office Gerald St. Germain, 25, Raceland. Contempt of court, simple burglary of inhabited dwelling. Chad Dufrene, 44, Raceland. Contempt of court (2 cts). Georgeanna Robertson, 28, Thibodaux. Contempt of court. Lonny Lerille, 43, Golden Meadow. Theft (2 cts, felony). Addie Cheramie, 31, Larose. DAB. Golden Meadow Police Department Shane Rogers, 44, Golden Meadow. Violation of protective order. Probation/Parole Wendy Carlos, 47, Houma. Parole violation. Thibodaux Police Department Lionel Adams, Jr., 46, Raceland. Contempt of court, poss. of marijuana (1st offense). FEBRUARY 25, 2015 Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office Rashied Green, 31, Labadieville. Contempt of court. Perry Shelby, 47, Raceland. Contempt of court. Willie Williams, 22, Thibodaux. Illegal poss. of stolen things, offroad vehicle permits for use of shoulders of highway. Jacky Manasco, 45, Kenner. Armed robbery. Robert Ford, 55, Gray. DWI 1st offense, poss. of alcoholic beverage in motor vehicle, driver must be licensed. Kyle Dupre, 25, Houma. Contempt of court. Golden Meadow Police Department Kelly Ordoyne, 19, Golden Meadow. Contempt of court. Louisiana State Police Lane Cressionie, 54, Houma. DWI 2nd offense, careless operation, hit and run. Thibodaux Police Department Lyndel Adams, 43, Thibodaux. Theft of goods.

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Brent Tye

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