Sunday, March 6, 2016 The Lafourche Gazette

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Sunday, March 6, 2016

House backs cigarette tax, Senate offers cuts

Even as gas prices rise, drivers will still save at the pump DAVID KOENIG AP Business Writer

DALLAS (AP) — Gasoline prices have started their annual springtime migration higher, but motorists should still save money at the pump in 2016. The national average price for a gallon of regular has risen for eight straight days — the first time that has happened since last May, according to the auto club AAA — to about $1.79 on Wednesday. That’s still 54 cents cheaper than at this time last year. Forecasters say prices should rise at least 30 cents or more by June. Demand will rise as people drive more, and supplies See Drivers Page 3-A


LAF. PORT COMMISSION Committee Meeting 6:00 p.m. Galliano Office - Hwy. 308

TOWN OF GOLDEN MEADOW 7:00 p.m. Golden Meadow Town Hall S.L. BEACHFRONT DEV. 3:00 p.m. S.L. Library 16241 E. Main - Galliano TUESDAY, MAR. 8

LAF. PARISH COUNCIL 5:00 p.m. 4876 Hwy. 1 - Mathews LAFOURCHE LODGE 7:30 p.m. West Main - Cut Off

WEDNESDAY, MAR. 9 AMERICAN LEGION #315 7:00 p.m. - Galliano

LAF. PORT COMMISSION Board Meeting 10:30 a.m. Galliano Office - Hwy. 308 LAF. ANIMAL SHELTER 6:00 p.m. 4876 Hwy. 1 - Mathews


Arrests.............................8-A Calendar of Events.........2-A Classifieds................6-A/7-A



BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Gridlock in Louisiana’s special legislative session lifted slightly Thursday, as senators unveiled their plan to rebalance the state’s short-term budget gap and lawmakers in the House began advancing some tax measures needed to make the plan work. As of press time Friday morning, the two sides appeared to remain “We’ve still at odds, however, about the right got a long mix of taxes and way to go.” cuts to close a shortfall once estiSenate President mated to top $900 John Alario, R-Westwego million in the financial year that ends June 30 and to address a $2 billion gap in the fiscal year that begins July 1. “We’re beginning to get a little breathing room, but don’t think it’s all done. We’ve still got a long way to go,” Senate President John Alario, R-Westwego, said of the budget plan. The special session must end by Wednesday. Lawmakers can’t raise taxes in the regular legislative session that begins in mid-March. Republican leaders in the House had stalled action on taxes for several days, while waiting for the Senate to unveil its budget cut recommendations Thursday. House Republicans said they wanted to know what gap remained before deciding what tax increases to support. After the Senate Finance Committee reworked the budget cuts, the House started considering additional tax changes, agreeing to a cigarette tax increase that would help raise money for the treasury quickly.

Photo by Babs

Larose Knights of Columbus Council 8898 members Lorimer Comeaux and Carl Thibodaux stand next to Linton Hebert as he stirs in the huge pot of white beans. The Council offers a Lenten meal fundraiser every Friday during Lent for $7.00 each. Dine in or pick up from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the KC Home. Call ahead for your take out lunch order at 258-9916. The Holy Savior Fundraiser Committee in Lockport also serves Lenten meals starting at 6 p.m. on Fridays during Lent for a donation of $8. Orders are also taken in advance by calling the rectory at 532-3533.

Gather your junk as parish sets household hazardous materials collection days

In an effort to help keep Lafourche Parish clean, Parish Government will conduct Household Hazardous Materials Collection Days for parish residents on Saturday, March 12th and Sunday, March 13th. On March 12th, the collection will take place between 8:00 a.m. and noon in the Lafourche Parish Government Complex parking lot located at 4876 La. Hwy 1, Mathews, which is just south of Central Lafourche High School and Walmart. The following day, Sunday, March 13th, the collection will take place between 8:00 a.m. and noon in the Warren J. Harang Municipal Auditorium parking lot located at 310 N.

Canal Blvd. in Thibodaux. This event is a residential-only collection. Items generated by commercial businesses are strictly prohibited and will not be accepted. Residents will be required to show proof of residency in Lafourche Parish (current months water or electric bill is acceptable). Acceptable items include the following: Household Products: oven cleaners, corrosive cleaners, cleaning solvents, toilet and drain cleaners, bleach, degreasers, disinfectants, polishes, aerosol cans, cooking oil, glue, mothballs and pool chemicals; See Hazards Page 5-A

Registration is now open for the BaratariaTerrebonne National Estuary Program (BTNEP) 2016 Paddle Bayou Lafourche event. Residents and visitors from throughout the country are in-

vited to travel down the waters of Bayou Lafourche and learn about the culture and heritage that goes along with it. The 52-mile, four-day paddling trip down the bayou begins Thursday, March 31st, in Donaldsonville, and ends in Lockport on Sunday, April 3rd. Paddlers can participate from one day to all four days of the trip. They will be treated not only to scenic natural vistas, but also to a fascinating backyard view of the bayou from the water’s perspective while enjoying camaraderie, food, music, and fun. Paddlers will get a firsthand look at the restoration work being conducted along the bayou, along with a taste of local cuisine, and entertainment every night in a campsite setting.

See House Page 5-A

Parish government multiyear implementation plan accepted by Treasury

Lafourche Parish Government’s (LPG) Restore Act Multiyear Implementation Plan was recently accepted by the U.S. Treasury Department. This acceptance will allow the parish to apply for direct component funds to support activities in the plan. Among the projects to be considered for funding include the Barataria Marsh Creation and Ridge Restoration project, the Grand Bayou Freshwater Reintroduction project, the West Belle Pass Marsh Creation project, the Catfish Lake Marsh Creation project, and the Bayou L’Ourse to Leeville Marsh Creation project. According to documents, Lafourche will be allocated some $1.3 million and must now apply for the monies through a grant process. The Restore Act established the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund through which these monies will be available. See Parish Page 5-A

Organizers encourage participation in BTNEP’s 15th Annual Paddle Bayou Lafourche


Lottery.............................2-A Memorials........................7-A

News In Brief..................3-A


Surfin’ the Net.................7-A Worship Directory............4-A

7114 Hwy. 1 - Lockport 13086 Hwy. 3235 - Larose 2113 S. Alex Plaisance Blvd. - G.M. Prices Good Through Tuesday, March 9

See Paddle Page 5-A

Whole, 2 per bag Boston Butt

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Sunday, March 6, 2016 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE

Pastoral breakfast slated for March 10


Biblical scholar to speak at St. Joseph Sun.

Dr. Brant Pitre, a nationally acclaimed biblical scholar, will present The Day of Atonement, the Jewish Rights of the Sacrament of Confession at St. Joseph Catholic Church following 5 p.m. mass on Sunday, March 6. Dr. Pitre is the author of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, Jesus the Bridegroom and Jesus and the Last Supper.

CCC to hold clearance sale March 7 - 11

The Catholic Community Center is having a $2 per bag of clothing clearance sale March 7-11. The CCC is located at 9018 East Avenue A in Galliano next to the South Lafourche Tarpon Bridge [directly behind Renovations]. Â The money raised is used to purchase food items for its food pantry to help those who are in great need. Â The store is open on Mondays from 2 - 4 p.m., Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Fridays from 10 a.m. to noon. Â The CCC has a large assortment of clothing, shoes, purses, bags, books and many other items.

Anger management classes to begin Thurs.

The Bayou Council Behavioral Health Services is sponsoring its Fireworks Anger Management classes, (3 two-hour sessions for ages 18 and over), from 3 to 5 p.m. on Thursdays, March 10, 17 and 24. Limited space is available. To enroll report to the Bayou Council Behavioral Health Services, 504 St. Louis St., Thibodaux, with $150 enrollment fee (money order only). FMI call 985-446-0643.

Pastor Morris Hunter invites all pastors to the monthly pastors’ breakfast at the Hope Center on Thursday, March 10 at 8 a.m. Any pastors who would like to attend should RSVP by March 7 to 985-3254673.

Local church to sell seafood fondue Friday

Open Door Revival Center will sell a seafood fondue dinner on Friday, March 11 from 10 a.m. to noon. A donation of $7 will receive a small cap bread, a crab and shrimp fondue in a covered cup, fresh salad, whole kernel corn and a chocolate covered brownie. Call 325-2456 or 6377991 to make an order. Advance orders encouraged. The church is located at 16164 West Mains Street in Cut Off (next to old Pizza Hut).

Green Head banquet slated for March 12

The 2016 Green Head Club Banquet will be held at the Cut Off Youth Center on Saturday, March 12. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., supper starts at 6 p.m. Cost to attend for 18 years and over, $10; 17 years and under, $5. The menu will consist of roasted duck, white beans and seafood gumbo. Numerous auction items and door prizes will be available. For more info. call Donald Callais at 475-5583.

Lockport arts, craft show slated for Mar. 12

The Lockport Main Street Market Bayouside Arts and Craft Show will be held on Saturday, March 12 from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. Admission is free. On sale will be plants, clothing, jewelry, pottery, lawn ornaments, purses, wood crafts and more. A large food court will offer a generous menu of food and drinks. For more information call

532-5909 or email lockportmainstreetmarket@hotmail .com.

Volunteers sought for Bayou clean up event

Les Reflections Du Bayou and Baritaria Estuary needs volunteers for the bayou clean-up event to be held March 12 from 8:30 a.m. to noon. This is a great opportunity for families, students, cub scouts, girl scouts, church clubs or students who need service hours. Sign up at the South Lafourche Library. FMI call Peggy Bagala at 985-6326382, leave message. Participants will receive prizes and shirts.

Cake bingo to be held March 13 at LCC

The 12th Annual Relay For Life Cake Bingo will be held at the Larose Civic Center on Sunday, March 13. The event will feature great raffle prizes, concessions and a cake bingo. Gumbo will be served beginning at 10:30 a.m. Bingo begins at 1 p.m. Games will be held at a cost of 25¢ per game. All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society & Relay for Life. For more information contact the Larose Civic Center 985693-7355.

Plans ongoing for Leeville Arts Festival

Organizers are gearing up for the 3rd Annual Leeville Arts & Heritage Festival to be held Saturday, March 19, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Top Water Marina in Leeville. There will be a cracklin and shrimp boulette cooking competition, arts and crafts booths, food and live music. Contact Janet Rhodus for details, 225-413-4414. Â Tyler Dickerson of the VOICE competition will provide live entertainment from 1-3 p.m. David Bernard & Friends will be performing from 3-5 p.m. A portion of the event proceeds will benefit Hail Mary Animal Rescue and Vet A Go Go, mobile veterinarian services.

UHN announces Tribal Council Elections

UHN Main Office. For more information on qualifying or to get the form, call (985) 475-6640 or visit the main office at 20986 Hwy. 1 in Golden Meadow. The form and supporting documents must be received at the above address by 4 p.m on April 1. Qualifying forms cannot be faxed and incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered. Elections will be held within districts on Saturday, June 4. Additional voting details will be available following the certification of candidates after the April 1 deadline.

Lions Club to help provide hearing aids

The Golden Meadow Lions Club is sponsoring a program to provide financial assistance for the purchase of hearing aids for those individuals with limited financial resources. Applicants will be evaluated on financial need. Those interested may obtain more information and applications by contacting the following Lion’s Club members: Pat France at 985258-1544, Ray C. Bernard at 985-632-2312, Henry Lafont, Jr. at 985-693-3308, or any Golden Meadow Lions Club member.

GM Senior Center offers variety of events

Sixty or older and looking for something to do? Join the Golden Meadow Senior Citizens Center, located in the Oakridge Park in Golden Meadow, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. till 1 p.m. Join in their daily activities like light exercise, quilting, puzzles, crafts, painting, singing and dancing. Monday and Tuesday, stay for bingo. Lunch is served at 11 a.m. and must be ordered a day in advance. Transportation can be provided. Contact the manager, Darlene Guidry at 985-475-7701, between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m.

LPSO to host series of RAD courses for Women

A series of Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) courses will be held over the next three months. This self-defense course is designed exclusively for women and will take place over the course of three consecutive evenings. Dates of the local courses and the deadline to sign up for each: • Raceland – Mar. 21, 22, and 23, LPSO Range Facility, 3451 Hwy. 182. Registration deadline is Friday, Mar. 18 at 11 a.m. • Cut Off – Apr. 25, 26, and 27 at The Learning Center at Lady of the Sea Hospital, 200 West 134th Place. Registration deadline is Friday, Apr. 22 at 11

a.m. The cost of the course is $10 to cover the cost of course materials. Class size is limited, and advance registration is required. Register online at Send payment by mail, along with your name, address and phone number to: Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office, Attn: DeAnn Barrios, P.O. Box 5608, Thibodaux, LA 70302. Please make checks payable to the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office. For more information, contact DeAnn Barrios at (985) 449-4436 or email

Governor appoints Chiasson to Coastal Advisory Commission

Chett Chiasson, Executive Director of the Greater Lafourche Port Commission, has been appointed by Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards to the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Coastal Protection, Restoration and Conservation. Chiasson will serve as a representative of ports and related industries through February 2020. The Governor’s Advisory Commission advises and makes recommendations to the governor on coastal activities relative to the overall status and direction of the state’s coastal protection program and reviews matters, which affect coastal protection. Chiasson is one of several gubernatorial appointees and state legislators that make up the commission. According to the Coastal Protection and

Restoration Authority Advisory Committees webpage, the mission of the Coastal Advisory Commission on Coastal Protection, Restoration, and Conservation includes but is not limited to assisting the State of Louisiana in the development and implementation of a holistic plan to achieve a sustainable coastal ecosystem, encompassing the entirety of Louisiana’s fragile coast from the Pearl River to the Sabine River, all predicated upon uncompromising engineering, scientific and ecological principles.

(* &' ! (

The United Houma Nation Election Board gives notice that qualifying for the regular election to fill all Tribal Council District seats is currently being held. Interested applicants must qualify by April 1, 2016. To seek candidacy for any seat, those interested must complete a form, which is available at the


Due to limited space, community events submitted for publication will be published under the Calendar of Events / News to Use column for free twice ONLY. Any organization or club wishing to have their event published more than twice will have to pay a $10 fee each time the event is published after the two-time limit.

Changing jobs or retiring? Ashley Ashley E. E. Barrios, Barrios, Agent Agent 192 Highway Highway 3161 Cut Off, Of f, LA L A 70345 Bus Bus:: 985-632-0988 TToll oll FFree: ree: 888-223-0032 www

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Lotto Numbers for March 2, 2016 4 - 10 - 15 21 - 24 - 36

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Phone: (985) 693-7229 Fax: (985) 693-8282

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To contact Laurie Laine Coleman: To contact Vicki Chaisson:


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Published by Addy Legendre Circulation 14950 Published Bi-Weekly Wednesday and Sunday

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Music’s hottest acts to perform at 2016 Essence Festival



Snake fungal disease found in Louisiana for 1st time

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — The U.S. Geological Survey says a disease that causes high death rates in some kinds of snakes has been confirmed for the first time in Louisiana. Louisiana is the 16th state where snake fungal disease has been found, said ecologist Brad Glorioso of the USGS National Wetlands Research Center in Lafayette. He said Louisiana’s first case is one of the few documented in this country in a juvenile snake. That’s worrying, because deaths of many juveniles could devastate snake populations, Glorioso said in a news release. The snake was found in the Cypress Island Preserve near Lafayette. Before, it had been found in the Midwest, the Northeast, and on the Eastern Seaboard from Virginia to Florida and in Kentucky. “The disease will likely be found in more places as more scientists begin looking for it,” he continued. “We are just at the beginning of really trying to understand this disease and its implications for wild snake populations.”

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Five-time Grammy winning rapper Kendrick Lamar is returning to the Essence Festival in New Orleans along with first-timers Jeremih, Leon Bridges and Dej Loaf. Lamar made his festival debut in 2015, closing out the four-day event which this year is scheduled June 30 to July 3. Other scheduled performers include Mariah Carey, Ciara, Babyface, Charlie Wilson, Estelle, Lalah Hathaway, Maxwell, MC Lyte, Doug E. Fresh, Daley, Tink, New Edition, Tyrese, Robert Glasper Experience and Kelly Price. New Orleans-based performers include Cyril Neville, New Breed Brass Band and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band. Essence revealed the lineup Tuesday. Essence President Michelle Ebanks, in a news release, said the talent includes “the biggest names and best performers in entertainment — from global music icons to the industry’s rising stars.” Online:


Drivers get refunds after defunct red light camera program

GRETNA, La. (AP) — Jefferson Parish drivers who were ticketed due to a defunct red light camera program have started getting refund checks.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is most often caused by pressure on the median nerve just above the wrist. Pressure on the median nerve may occur due to injury or repetitive activities such as: typing, chopping, hammering or pushing. Some warning signs of CTS are pain, numbness, a tingling or burning sensation, weakness or loss of grip strength and any sleep due to discomfort. If you’re experiencing one or more of these symptoms, call us today at ...

Chiropractic wellness clinic Arcement-Matherne Chiropractic Clinic, LLC

Dr. Nick Arcement

5550 Hwy. 1 Lockport, LA



Dr. Heath Matherne

4777 Hwy. 1 Raceland, LA



Dr. Lance Baye

160 Hwy. 3161 Cut Off, LA



About 182,000 refund checks have been sent out since last Friday to the drivers who were part of a class-action lawsuit that sued over the $110 tickets, local news outlets reported. Anyone who received a red light ticket in Jefferson Parish between 2007 and 2010 was automatically included in the suit and will be sent checks, unless they opted out of the settlement. Checks amounting to $38.93 were mailed to about 5,000 drivers who were part of a group that contested the fines before paying them. Checks for $23.18 were mailed to about 177,000 drivers who didn’t contest the fines. The drivers who contested the fines received more to cover the court costs they were charged. In all, the ticketed drivers and their attorneys will receive a total of $7 million. Jefferson collected $21 million from the camera tickets. ___

Police: Mother, son laundered counterfeit cash at Walmarts

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A Mississippi woman and her son are accused in a scheme to launder counterfeit cash at two Walmarts in Louisiana by buying computer software and returning it, authorities said. The mother, son and a third unidentified suspect went to a Walmart on Jan. 23 and bought software worth $230, Kenner police Lt. Brian McGregor said. They paid with counterfeit $20 bills, he said. They drove to a second Walmart where the mother, Jamise Butler, 36, tried to return the purchased software for real money, McGregor said. Her son, 20-year-old Anthony Walker, and another man tried to buy more software with more phony bills. “Some store workers became suspicious when they realized the software had been purchased minutes earlier,” McGregor said. The group got away before police arrived at the store and authorities later located the mother and son in Jackson, Mississippi, where the mother is from. They were booked on charges of money laundering, attempted money laundering and 35 counts of monetary instrument abuse. Butler and Walker were being held Thursday at the Jefferson Parish Correctional Center. Bond for Butler was set at $97,500 while Walker’s bond was $185,000. ___

Louisiana-Lafayette vacates 22 games, including 2 bowls

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LAFAYETTE, La. (AP) — The Louisiana-Lafayette football program has determined it must vacate 22 victories between 2011 and 2014, including two bowl victories, in order to comply with a recent NCAA ruling regarding recruiting violations by a former assistant coach. The NCAA ruled in January that it largely accepted LouisianaLafayette’s self-imposed sanctions stemming from an investigation into exlinebackers coach David Saunders’ effort to arrange fraudulent college entrance exam scores for certain recruits. At the time of the ruling, ULL announced it would vacate all 2011 wins but still had to see which games between 2012 and 2014 involved ineligible players. The vacated games include New Orleans Bowl victories in 2011 and 2013. The Ragin’ Cajuns also have relinquished the 2013 Sun Belt Conference title. Eligible players’ statistics from vacated games still stand.


Sunday, March 6, 2016 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE

From 1-A

will tighten when refiners slow down to perform maintenance and switch to more expensive summer fuel blends. The U.S. Energy Department predicts that the national average for a gallon of regular gasoline will peak at $2.08 from June through August. Tom Kloza, an energy analyst with the Oil Price Information Service, says the peak will be between $2.10 and $2.50 a gallon. Either forecast would leave prices well below recent years. From 2011 to 2014, the national average on June 1 topped $3.60 and some places saw gas over $4. Last year, gas prices peaked in June at $2.80 a gallon. Gas is cheaper because a glut of crude has caused oil prices to tumble. Even with a 30 percent rally since Jan. 20, benchmark U.S. crude closed Tuesday down 68 percent from its June 2014 peak. Motorists may enjoy the relative bargain for a while. The Energy Department expects crude prices to average about $38 a barrel this year and $50 next year. That forecast was made before Saudi Arabia’s oil minister forcefully rejected production cuts during a speech to a major oil-industry conference last week in Houston. Oil prices have been undercut by demand that turned out to be weaker than expected, especially in China and other developing countries. But for the most part, it’s a case of oversupply — more crude is gushing into world markets than consumers and industry need. Last month, commercial inventories of U.S. crude topped 500 million barrels for the first time; they are more than onethird above their five-year average. Iran is expected to produce more oil now that it is free from international sanctions. And producers

like Saudi Arabia, who could cut supply to prop up prices, are continuing to pump away instead. Lower oil prices have led to layoffs at drilling companies and contributed to weakness in the stock market, but cheaper gasoline and heating oil are putting more money in consumers’ pockets. The U.S. Energy Department estimates that the average household saved $660 because of cheaper gas in 2015 and will save another $320 this year. Chris Christopher, director of consumer economics at research firm IHS, said consumers will gradually spend more of their gas savings as they believe that cheaper pump prices will last a while. More consumer spending should boost the economy. “In West Texas, they are in a recession,” Christopher said, “but it’s a net positive for the United States and most developed economies that don’t depend too much on energy prices for their livelihood.” Last year, the JPMorgan Chase Institute looked at records from 26 million debit and credit card holders and concluded that gas savings varied greatly by income and region. The card holders spent about 80 percent of their savings, almost 20 percent of it at restaurants. They also increased spending at department stores and on entertainment, electronics and appliances. The institute’s CEO, Diana Farrell, said even though consumers are still saving money compared

with 2015 gas prices, they might not spend it if they don’t see the price at their gas station falling any lower. “They may no longer feel like they have that extra money in their pocket,” she said in an interview. Gasoline prices vary by region of the country. Californians usually pay among the highest gas prices, and on Tuesday the average for regular there was $2.41 a gallon — only Hawaiians paid more. Arizona had the cheapest average at $1.53 a gallon, according to AAA. A few stations even sold gas for under $1 last month, although they appeared to be marketing gimmicks, said AAA spokesman Michael Green. Several stations in Oklahoma City were under $1.10 in February, but that was before two refineries serving the central U.S. announced cutbacks in production because of low prices. On Tuesday, the best price in Oklahoma City was $1.45, according to “That flirtation with less-than-$1 gas is over,” said Kloza, the oil analyst.

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What a Life!

Sunday, March 6, 2016 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE

By: Rev. Wilmer L. Todd Our uncontrolled fears can lead us into deadly sins

Paul V. Esposito is a lawyer who lives with his wife Kathy and their six children in Illinois. The following edited article deals with fear and life. “We’ve all had great thoughts of accomplishment. But something stopped us. Often, fear got in the way. Yet fear is a good thing when it protects us from harm. It’s good to be afraid to pick up a rattlesnake. Fear can also be paralyzing. It can be the difference between achieving success and knowing failure or the difference between doing right and wrong. “Our uncontrolled fears can lead us into deadly sins. Pride, the root of all sin, is our fear of imperfection; we constantly try to elevate ourselves, even if it means walking all over others. In envy, we fear that we will never have what others possess. Anger is the fear that people who won’t listen to our thoughts or follow our example will take control over us. “Sloth is the fear of failure, a fear that keeps us from ever beginning. Greed is the fear of insufficiency that keeps us always wanting more; we are rarely satisfied. Gluttony is the fear of starvation that keeps us eating and drinking, even to great excess. Lust is the fear of losing control of power or control over a person, a fear that drives us to dominate. “Our fears find their way into the sin of abortion. Polls suggest that more than 80% of all abortions are obtained because of fear. When a woman learns that she is expecting an unwanted child, her world seemingly closes in on her. She is fearful of telling her partner or parents. She is frightened by the possible reactions of classmates or colleagues. Worst of all, she fears the loss of the life she has known for herself. She sees her hopes and dreams for herself fly out the window, maybe never to return. She is afraid of whether she is up to the task of motherhood, a task she had not planned. “The mother is faced with choosing among the least of three evils: keeping the baby, offering the baby for adoption, or aborting the baby. She dismisses the first. She does not want a baby. She dismisses the second because she imagines that the baby will be neglected. “She comes to the third, knowing that taking a life is wrong. But the fear turns her inward. In her fear, she cannot think beyond herself. She decides, willing to accept the consequences yet she has no idea if she can handle those consequences. “When most women walk into an abortion mill, what they present is their fear. Instead of helping them overcome their fears, the abortionists kill their babies – for a tidy profit. Killing does not relieve fear; it creates guilt. We cannot allow frightened women to believe that the greatest of all evils is the least of them. “How does a woman cope with a fear inside her? “She copes by turning from herself to the other. That is where love finds its fullest expression. Love drives out fear. In loving she will know the even greater love that God has for her. The Most High did not create life in her only to abandon her to her fears. Knowing she is loved, she can move for-

ward with great hopes for herself and her baby. “Impossible? A young virgin was told that she would conceive and bear a son. She embraced her pregnancy as God’s will for her. “She understood that God had given her a great gift, a gift that magnified his greatness. She proclaimed aloud that God was always there for her, a humble and lowly servant, just as the Almighty is there for anyone who is weak and needy. “She found support in a humble husband who knew that this was God’s own doing. “Mary overcame whatever fears she felt by embracing the angel’s words, ‘Nothing will be impossible for God.’ It is God’s assurance to every struggling mother.”

Pictured at left is Roy Gisclair who was named January’s Golden Meadow Senior of the Month. Gisclair was randomly chosen as the winner of a $50 gift card provided by the Golden Meadow Rotary Club and Wal-Mart.

This Worship Directory is made possible by these civic-minded businesses and individuals. Please remember to thank them for their support.


Charis Church

314 East 74th St. - Cut Off

Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Pastor Audie Crochet (504) 952-6603 Sunday Morning Service 10 a.m. Children’s Church 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Night Service - 6:30 p.m. Guest Speaker Dr. Mark Duplantis Pastor Roger Hunt


First Baptist Church

187 Oakridge Dr. - Golden Meadow Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayers 6:30 p.m. Kevin Bruce - Pastor

First Baptist Church of Grand Isle

129 Cedar Ln. - Grand Isle - 985-787-3410 Sunday Worship: 8:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 6:00 p.m. (All Ages) Pastor John Boss

First Baptist Church of Larose 105 W. 16th Street - Larose

Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Gary Hanberry, Pastor Res: 693-4891 - Church: 693-3258

New Mt. Zion Baptist Church 13841 East Main - Larose

Worship Service 7:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Prayer Service/Bible Class Wednesday 6:30 Lord’s Supper: First Sunday 7:00 a.m. Prayer Breakfast: Sat. before 1st Sun., 8 a.m. Speaking Meeting: Thurs. before 1st Sun. 7 a.m. Reverend Nolan Smith, Pastor

First Baptist Church 5545 Hwy. 1 - Lockport

Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Evening Worship 6:30 p.m. Pastor Kevin Celestin

Greater New Fountain Baptist Church 1859 Fontinelle - Lockport

Sunday Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Lord’s Supper Service: 2nd Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Prayer Breakfast: 2nd Saturday, 8:00 a.m. Bible Class Thursday 7:00 p.m.

Isrealite Baptist Church Hwy. 308 - Valentine

Worship Service 7:00 a.m. Lord’s Supper, Second Sunday, 7:00 a.m. Reverend K.W. Jackson, Pastor

South Lafourche Baptist Church 17077 East Main - Galliano

Sunday Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Church 6:30 p.m. Church: 632-4119 Shane Terrebonne, Pastor

Trinity Baptist Church

195 Johnny Dufrene Drive - Mathews

Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Rod King, Pastor - 532-2936, Res.

Crosspoint Church


Our Lady of Prompt Succor 723 North Bayou Drive Golden Meadow

Saturday Mass 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Reverend Henry Sebastian, Pastor

195 Ludwig Lane - Grand Isle

Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Monday thru Thursday, 8 a.m. Winter Schedule: Sun. 10 a.m. (Nov. - Feb.) Fr. Carlos Talavera, Pastor

Our Lady of the Rosary

12911 E. Main - Larose - 985-693-3433 Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. Sunday Masses 7:00, 10:00 and 5:30 Weekday Mass Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. Adoration Chapel open all day, everyday Rev. Ronilo Villamor, Pastor

Sacred Heart Catholic Church 15300 West Main - Cut Off

Saturday Mass 4:00 p.m., Central Std. Time Saturday Mass 5:00 p.m., Daylight Savings Tm Sunday Mass 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Weekday Mass: W.-Th.-F., 8:30 a.m. Tuesdays: 6:00 p.m. Rev. Wilfredo “Freddie” Decal, Pastor

Holy Savior Church

612 Main Street - Lockport

Saturday Mass 4:00 p.m. Sunday Masses 7:00 and 10:00 a.m.

St. Mathews Missionary Baptist Church Hwy. 308 - Mathews

Sunday Worship Service 7:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Services Prayer Service & Bible Study Thurs., 6-7 p.m. Speaking Meeting/Testimony 2nd Sun. 7:30 p.m. Lord’s Supper Every 3rd Sunday Reverend Roland J. Bradley, Sr.

Valentine Baptist Church 9334 Hwy. 308 - Valentine

Sunday Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Bible Study: 10:00 a.m. Bro. John Welch

Bethel Baptist Church

122 Matherne St. - Grand Bois Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Pastor Jimmy Autin

New Sunlight Baptist Church 452 St. Patrick Street - Raceland

Sunday School 2 p.m., Sunday Worship 3 p.m. Prayer Service/Bible Class-Thurs., 6 p.m. Testimony/Prayer & Praise, 3rd Sunday, 3 p.m. Communion, 4th Sunday, 3 p.m. Reverend Charles Hawkins Sr., Pastor

Christian Fellowship Church 13581 East Main - Larose

Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Children’s Ministry, Spanish Translation Available, and Nursery Provided Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Discipleship Classes, Youth Ministry, Royal Rangers and Missionettes Scott Cheramie, Senior Pastor - online sermons

Victory Life Church

Services: Sun. 9:00 a.m. and Wed. 7:00 p.m. Children’s Ministry and Nursery Provided Youth Service: Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Senior Pastor Danny Knight - 532-6561

Iglesia Evanbelica Christiana Espiritual

13298 East Main - Larose

Tuesday Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Thursday Prayer Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday Morning Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 6:00 p.m.


Gheens Presbyterian Church Sunday Services 8:00 a.m. Wednesday bible Study 6:00 p.m. Doctor John Spaulding, Pastor


St. Anthony Church

St. Hilary of Poitiers

Golden Meadow United Methodist Church

333Twin Oaks Dr. - Raceland

Sat. Mass 6:00 p.m. - Sun. Mass 9:00 a.m. Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Rev. P.J. Madden

333 Twin Oaks Drive - Raceland

Saturday Mass 4:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 7:00, 9:00 and11:00 a.m. Weekday Mass: Mon., Tues., Thurs., 5:00 p.m. Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Nursing Home Friday Mass 7:00 a.m. Rev. P.J. Madden

St. Joseph Catholic Church 17980 West Main - Galliano

Saturday Mass 4:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 7:00 and 10:00 a.m. Weekday Mass: M. - W. - Th. - Fri. 7:00 a.m. Tuesday 6:00 p.m.


Larose Church of Christ 13379 East Main - Larose

Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Bible Class 11:00 a.m. Evening Services 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class 7:00 p.m.


Lighthouse Worship Center 18082 Hwy. 3235 - Galliano

Sunday Schedule: 9:59 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Christian Education: 7:00 p.m. Eno Dantin, Pastor Personas de habla hispana Bienvenidos

Mathews Full Gospel Temple Hwy. 1 - Mathews

Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m.

Open Door Revival Center

16164 W. Main St. - Cut Off. - 325-2456 Sunday Services 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Church Pastor: Darren Felarise Spanish Pastor: Marcos Ferriera


Community Bible Church 14757 East Main - Cut Off

Sunday Worship Service: 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. Senior Pastor Dr. Bill Jemison III Pasor of Discipleship Robert Durbin Youth Pastor Robert Schwertz Phone: (985) 632-3077

Christian Family Center 11819 East Main - Galliano

Sunday Services 9:45 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Pastor Morris Hunter, Jr.

Bethany Community Fellowship Hwy. 1 & St. Ann Street - Raceland

Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Children’s Church 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship When Scheduled Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m.

Community Fellowship

901 Barataria Street - Lockport Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Thursdays 7:00 p.m. Reverend Carlos Nieves (504) 532-2992

Golden Meadow • Cut Off • Larose • Mathews Member FDIC • All Full Service Bank • Equal Housing Lender

Crosby Boat Co., Inc. Keep Your Soul In Tow - Go To Church!


1200 Crescent Avenue - Lockport

Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Wednesday Night Service 7 p.m. 16640 West Main St., Cut Off (Near South Lafourche Bridge-LA Hwy. 1) Senior Pastor: Monty Duke Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Thursday Midweek: 6:00 p.m. (All Ages) Pastor John Boss (985-772-7400)

If we have not included your church, or you would like to be a part of the Worship Directory, please call the Lafourche Gazette at 693-7229.

Call 693-7229 to reserve your spot on the Worship Directory.

South Lafourche Assembly of God Our Lady of the Isle 17618 West Main - Galliano - 632-2109

Rose R. Cheramie is the February winner of the Golden Meadow Rotary Club’s monthly drawing. Seniors who are members and are present the day of the drawing at the Golden Meadow Senior Center are eligible to win.



We aid in the supply of a natural resource to our world - oil. The Church aids in the supply of a vital resource to our world - God. Attend the church of your choice this week!

B & J Martin, Inc. Utility Boats Martin Quarters (985) 632-2727

108 East 90th Street - Galliano


18803 East Main - Golden Meadow Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Chris Thomas, Pastor

Memorial United Methodist

201 Central Lafourche Dr. - Mathews

Sunday School & Adult Bible Class, 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 8:30 a.m. Communion First Sunday at 8:30 a.m.


New Beginning Pentecostal 13051 East Main Street - Larose Sunday Service 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m. Pastor Ronnie Melancon

Hwy. 1 • Lockport • 532-6015 1917 So. Bayou Dr. • Golden Meadow • 475-7131 13086 Hwy. 3235 • Larose • 693-7188

Falgout Funeral Homes, Inc. Caring You Can Count On! Four locations to better serve the Bayou Region! 3838 Hwy. 1, Raceland • 537-5261 600 Church St., Lockport • 532-2317 Hwy. 1, Galliano • 632-6112 211 Westside Blvd., Houma • 876-5442

First United Pentecostal

Central Lafourche Drive - Mathews Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Service 6:30 p.m. Thursday 7:30 p.m.


Lighthouse Christian Fellowship 115 E. Central Avenue - Grand Isle Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 985-787-3453

Bethel Christian Ministries 107 East 123rd Street - Galliano Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Reverend Nathan Hayes

The Crossway Ministry, Lafourche

LA Carriers • 632-5858 16849 East Main Street • Cut Off, LA 70345

THERIOT, DUET & THERIOT, INC. Serving Lafourche Since 1957

Insurance Agents

• Marine • Life • Auto • Fire • Casualty • Notary Public 144 N. 1st St. • Golden Meadow Phone: 475-5126 • FAX: 475-7276


18219 West Main St., Suite 10 Galliano

Sunday Worship Service, 10:00 a.m. Sunday Night Service, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Worship Service, 7:00 p.m.


Grace Lutheran Church 422 Valhi Blvd. - Houma

(Only Lutheran Church between Grand Isle and Kenner) Rev. Richard Rudnik Sunday Service 9:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 10:45 a.m. 879-1865 - FMI Call Rev. Rudnik 879-1865 or Joelle Gerken (from Larose) at 693-3222.





Hwy. 308 • E. 73rd St. Galliano • 632-6571

East 57th St.

Bible Study: Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. English Elders: 985-360-7501 Spanish Elders: 985-791-6561

Iglesia Adventista del 7MO Dia 504 Seventh St. - Lockport

Viernes - 7:30 p.m. Sabado - 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Pastor R. Prieto Phone: (504) 505-2642 or (985) 693-6946


Windshield Chips Repaired • Commercial • Marine • Residential

Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints



Mision Bautista Hispana - Larose 105 W. 16th St. - Larose

Servicios Viernes - 7:30 p.m. Domingo Escuela Dominical - 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.m Servicio De Adoracion Pastor Juan Morales 504-468-1300

Trojans ride huge home Parish crowd to victory over Ruston The funding is derived From 1-A

Gazette Sports Reports

About 75 minutes before tipoff, the Central Lafourche High School gym was already packed to a near-standing room only capacity. The fans were rewarded with all-out, nonstop effort from the home team, who with the win, as of press time Friday morning, advanced to take on East Ascension Friday night. (Check the Gazette’s website for game results). The No. 21 Trojans battled No. 5 Ruston from start to finish, a drag-out defensive struggle that was close for the first three quarters. But in the fourth, Central Lafourche’s toughness prevailed. The Trojans rode the home crowd and scored a 49-39 victory, which often had the sold out crowd on the edge of its seat. Trojans coach Mark Sanders said it was his team’s intensity on Wednesday that sealed the deal. “It’s outstanding for our basketball program,” Sanders said. “It was a battle. It was one of those nasty, tough and physical games. Our kids hung in there, then finished at the end, and I couldn’t be any more proud of them.” Wednesday night’s game was a slugfest – a loosely officiated game that saw both teams play with intense physicality. Despite a five-plushour bus trip and being on the road, Ruston responded well early, overcoming first quarter jitters to the second quarter tied at 10. The Bearcats did even better in the second quarter, using a late-quarter surge to earn a 22-20 halftime lead and an early third-quarter surge to go on top 28-23 – a run which forced Sanders to call a timeout.

The rest of the game was all Trojans after that Ruston surge. “We just never could sustain ourselves,” Ruston coach Bakari Beckwith said. “Offensively, we’ve been a pretty efficient team all season. We picked the wrong time to get tired, and the wrong time to have our worst scoring drought of the season.” With Ruston missing close shots or turning over the ball with regularity, the Trojans surged. Central Lafourche flipped the five-point deficit into a 34-31 lead at the end of the third quarter, thanks to eight points from senior Anfernee Poindexter. In the fourth, things stayed the same, as the Trojans penetrated the lane and either drew fouls or made layups, which allowed them to seal the deal. When Ruston had good opportunities to cut the lead, the Bearcats missed layups and free throws by the bundle. The Trojans had balanced scoring throughout the night with several players – both starters and reserves – keying in the victory. Senior Lionel Batiste led the Trojans with 16, but he had plenty of help. Sophomore David Robinson had 10 for the Trojans, tying senior Quindon Charles. Poindexter added eight. “I think our depth tonight was huge,” Sanders said. “We really had a lot of kids step up, and that was so important for us, because we needed every bit of offense that we got throughout the night. We want to keep winning. Our goal is to win the last game.”

from monetary penalties incurred from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and a portion are available for projects and activities that restore and protect the environment and economy of the Gulf Coast region.


From 1-A

Senators backed $69 million in fewer reductions than the House sought, and they propose to largely shield public colleges and health services from steep reductions. They reversed House-backed cuts that would nearly shutter the education department. “In an effort to make sure that we didn’t destroy agencies that needed to operate and that were important to what we do on a regular basis, we tried to minimize those cuts,” said Finance Chairman Eric LaFleur, D-Ville Platte. The budget cut package moves next to the full Senate for debate. Senators’ plan would use money from a state debt refinancing — and would require striking a deal with the House on additional taxes, needing lawmakers there to support about $67 million more in tax hikes than it has supported, including a cigarette tax backed Thursday. Lawmakers in the House voted 73-25 to boost the cigarette tax from 86 cents per pack to $1.08. It’s unclear if the House will agree to raise additional taxes, and the Senate is constrained because most tax measures must begin in the House. Meanwhile, the House’s budget committee chairman raised concerns about the debt refinancing senators propose to raise $80 million for this year’s budget. House Appropriations Chairman Cameron Henry said the maneuver would do nothing to help the state stabilize its long-term budget problems because the refinancing would generate a one-time, lump sum payment. “By reducing cuts and increasing one-time money, you’re just making the problem worse in the future. That’s how we got in this place to begin with,” said Henry, R-Metairie. He said he’d like to see higher cuts than what the

Finance Committee proposed. Senators said that without the patchwork financing — and the extra tax revenue they’re seeking from the House — colleges and health services would face deep slashing. Among the many grim scenarios outlined with such cuts, managers of Louisiana’s safety net hospitals have threatened to walk away from the deals, and leaders of the LSU medical schools say the cuts could crater their programs. While the House and Senate haven’t reached a deal that fully closes this year’s budget gap, Alario said they’re also far short of raising enough money to avoid damaging cuts next year. Follow Melinda Deslatte on Twitter at


From 1-A

Paints: oil-based and latex paints, stains and varnishes, paint thinners, turpentine, wood preservatives and arsenic; Automotive Products: automobile tires, (strictly limited to 5 per participant), used oil, antifreeze, brake fluid, diesel, and oil and fuel filters; Lawn and Garden Products: herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, fertilizer and bug sprays; Batteries: NiCad, lead acid, alkaline and rechargeable; Flammables: propane tanks and lighter fluid; Miscellaneous: acids, metallic mercury, fluorescent tubes and compact fluorescent bulbs. Items that will not be accepted include ammunition, explosives, fireworks, fire extinguishers, appliances, furniture, power tools, radioactive devices (smoke/fire detectors), large gas cylinders (such as helium, Freon or acetylene), Styrofoam, construction/demolition debris, school lab waste and liquids in containers larger than five gallons. For more information on the Collection Day, residents can call the Lafourche Parish Government Office of Solid Waste at (985) 573-7603 or tollfree at 1-800-794-3160.


Sunday, March 6, 2016 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE

Allie LeBlanc Fournet was recently sworn in as an Assistant District Attorney for Lafourche Parish DA Camille A. Morvant. Fournet will prosecute both felony and misdemeanor cases in her new role. She was sworn in by Judge John E. LeBlanc in a simple ceremony at the District Attorney’s main office. Pictured, left to right, Camille A. Morvant, II, Brian LeBlanc, Allie LeBlanc Fournet, Troy Singleton, the Hon. John E. LeBlanc and Joseph Fournet.

Canoe rentals are available in a limited supply. The trip cost is $40 per day, or $150 for all four days without a canoe rental. The cost for paddlers renting a canoe is $60 per day, or $225 for all four days. Preregistration is required. Local residents not wanting to paddle can also join in the experience by supporting the event from the banks of Bayou Lafourche. Locals are invited to decorate their bayou side and provide signs of encouragement and welcome to our bayou visitors. In the past, visitors have been greeted with local music and cheers as the paddlers coasted down the bayou. BTNEP started Paddle Bayou Lafourche as an innovative approach to educate residents and visitors about the culture and ecology of Bayou Lafourche, as well as the coastal restoration needs of the area and potential solutions. Paddlers can register by completing the registration

form at, call 985-447-0868 or email Kristy Monier at for registration instructions. Visit the website for more information.

BTNEP is one of the 28 national estuary programs in the United States. All or parts of sixteen Louisiana parishes are located in the BaratariaTerrebonne Estuary system. For more information on BTNEP, visit our website page at or like us on Facebook.

Congrats Ms. Cheryl from Grand Isle on the purchase of your Ford Fusion … Marcie Dufrene

15101 Hwy. 3235 • Cut Off • 325-1000

SATURDAY, MARCH 12 Ponchatoula Park Rec Area

From 1-A

Participants will also receive a souvenir t-shirt, water, and healthy snacks throughout the day.


19030 Ponchatoula Park Rd

Showtime: 5:00pm (doors open at 4:00pm)

Phone: (740) 974-9885 or (985) 507-0974

Lafourche Early Childhood Network ENROLLMENT CAMPAIGN 2016 - 2017 Date: February 22 - 26, 2016 Time: 9:30am - 2:30pm

Lafourche Early Childhood Network Partners

EARLY LEARNING CENTERS (that accept CCAP funding)

• Open to 6 weeks to 4 year old children • 7 participating Early Learning Centers in Lafourche Parish • Early Childhood Network Partner • Tuition assistance offered depending upon household income


• Bright Ideas Learning Center • Creative Learning Preschool and Nursery • Generations Teaching Generations Preschool • Little Angels Developmental Center • Little Steps Academy • Mrs. Tut’s Circle of Learning Developmental Center • Stepping Stones Developmental Center


• Open to 3 and 4 year old children • Child must be 3 or 4 by September 30th • Located throughout Lafourche Parish • Family household income must be at or below federal poverty guidelines • No tuition cost to parents • Head Start serves children with disabilities

• Open to 4 year old children • Must be 4 by September 30th • Service provided at Elementary Schools throughout the Parish • No tuition cost to parents • Provides services to students with disabilities • Screening process is used to determine placement

Registration Locations HEAD START SITES

• Bayou Blue Head Start • Martin L. King Head Start • Marydale Joseph B. Jones • Myra G. Champagne • Raceland Head Start • South Lafourche Head Start •Thibodaux Head Start



• Bayou Blue Elementary • Bayou Boeuf Elementary • Chackbay Elementary • Cut Off Elementary • Galliano Elementary • GM Lower Elementary • North Larose Elementary • South Larose Elementary • Lockport Lower Elementary • Raceland Lower Elementary • St. Charles Elementary • South Thibodaux Elementary • Thibodaux Elementary • WS Lafargue Elementary

Required Registration Documents

EARLY LEARNING CENTERS • Child’s Immunization

HEAD START PROGRAM • Birth Certificate • Child’s Immunization • Child’s Social Security Card • Family Household Income


• Birth Certificate • Child’s Immunization • Child’s Social Security Card • Proof of Residence/Address (Electric Bill)

All Public Pre K programs and Head Start are state and/or federally funded; therefore, there are limited openings available at each site. Completing an application does not guarantee placement.



Sunday, March 6, 2016 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE


House For Sale in Cut Off. Nice 3 br, 1 ba. $58,000, $10,000 below appraisal. Call 985-691-1367, leave voice mail. _________________ House For Sale By Owner: 2 br, 1 ba, living rm, kitchen, utility rm, wooden fence, lg. backyard, ac/heating unit, great cond. in Cut Off area. Covered carport. $78,000. Call 632-1938. _________________ Trailer & Lots For Sale: 16x80, 3 br, 2 ba, lot 100x400, 3 driveway carports w/covered awning, great location in Larose area. FMI call 985-278-0709 or 985665-1411. Asking $85,000. _________________ Home For Sale: Larose- New Construction- Low Down Payment- Excellent Location- 2 bedroom, 1 bath- lot 80x80- Low Maintenance. (985) 264-6200 or (985) 396-3000. _________________

House For Sale

House For Sale or Rent: 108 W. 66th St., Cut Off. 2 br, 1 ba, $65,000 OBO or $650/mth rent. No rent to own. Call 985696-6016. _________________


Rural Property For Sale: 60+/acres for sale. Good hunting, deer, turkey & ducks. Property is between Union & Ouachita WMA’s. Running creek. 16x80 trailer with 3 br, 2 ba, good cond., with back porch. Property is fenced & cross fenced, 3 gas wells on property. $200,000 firm. Marion, LA. Union Parish. Call Larry Dufrene at 318608-1700. _________________


Restaurant Building For Lease: Great location/move in ready, 13025 Hwy. 1, Larose. Fully equipped/addt’l b-b-q room attached.

4BR, 2.5 ba., Large kitchen & dining area, 4000sqft. house w/ 2 car garage & lg. shed.

Asking $195,000 OBO Call 985-637-8797 or 985-693-8131

Lady of the Sea General Hospital is accepting offers on a commercial building and lot located on the corner of 176th Washington Street and Hwy. 3235 in Golden Meadow, LA.

Starting offers $210,000

For more information, please contact Stacy Martin, Materials Management Dept. at (985) 325-3500 or email

Since 1916


Addy Legendre, Realtor 200 Louisiana 3161 Suite #1, Cut Off | 985-325-7107


MLS 117739: Located on East Main St. in Cut Off, this commercial building was totally renovated in 2013 to include ceramic flooring, full kitchen and a bath and a half. It’s walk in ready. Exterior made of pre-engineered steel and is situated on a concrete slab. Includes all furniture and fixtures with full price offer. Owners will consider leasing property. $260,000. MLS 114683: Located on Hwy. 308 in Golden Meadow, this 3,925 sqft steel warehouse is situated on an 86’x165’ lot. Property includes bulkhead, inside storage, living space and a marine dock. The property has plenty of parking and a 40x25 covered parking area. It also has a bayouside with a new dock for loading and unloading boats. $105,000.

MLS 116370: A 16,186 sqft. pre-engineered steel building rated for 150mph winds includes a 5,000 sqft freezer used to store up to 1.5 million pounds of frozen seafood, a generator and all equipment in the building. There is also a loading dock, plenty parking and a huge warehouse. $1,250,000.

MLS 116383: This 4,093 sqft bunk house located on Hwy. 1 in Golden Meadow sits on a 266’X841’ tract of land. The property is located north of the flood gates and was originally constructed as a church then later converted into a bunk house. The interior was redesigned to create 10 bedrooms, a men’s bathroom and 3 showers, a woman’s bath, a dining hall, living room and kitchen, a laundry and storage room. Could easily be converted into an office building. $500,000. MLS 116384: This facility was originally used as a paper mill and is currently being used as storage. It has 188.894 sqft and 18 buildings. It also has 300,000 sqft of limestone stabalization, 125,000 sqft of concrete parking and 5900 ft of chain link fencing. There is a total of 42 acres, bayouside, road frontage on Hwy. 308, a gurest house, plenty room for expansion or rentals. Site can accommodate almost any typre of enterprise, whether light or heavy. $3,200,000.


MLS 112501: 5-10 acres of property located in Cut Off on Hwy. 3235. $100,000.


MLS 121017: This charming cottage in Galliano includes bayouside property and a totally renovated interior. It has blown-in insulation, new floors, new lighting fixtures, fresh paint, a new kitchen that offers a farm sink, stainless appliances, new cabinetry and new counter tops. A new adition includes a family room and office. The master bath features a soaking tub and separate shower. The home has an attic fan as well as a covered porch at 2 of the 3 entrances. The yard is fenced and shady and the list goes on! $139,800

MLS 120782: This 9400 sqft., 4BR, 4ba. home in Cut Off is immaculately styled and designed. Lots of gorgeous furniture and most appliances to stay. It includes a huge fenced yard, in-ground pool, landscaped lights, security lighting, a huge barn with several car spaces as well as a motor home space with an RV washing area, walk-in fridge, workshop and much more. $1,360,000

Approx. 3,000 sq ft., $3000/mth, $1000/ dep. Serious inquiries only. Call 985-6657375. _________________


House For Rent: 2 bd., 1.5 ba., laundry room, kitchen, storage. $750/rent; $750/dep. 224 East 54th St. Call 985-6910182. No smoking. _________________ Apt. For Rent: Partly furnished. 1 bd., 1 ba. $500/mth., $300/dep. Also camper Space For Rent: $340/mth. Golden Meadow. 985475-7696 or 985-3980172. _________________

House For Rent: 3 br, 2 ba, newly renovated, quiet neighborhood, no smoking, no pets, background checks, utilities and lawn care included. $1400/mth. Call 4757272 or 985-6377273. _________________ Home For Rent: 1 bd., 1 ba. in Larose. Large porch. All appliances. No smoking, no pets. $300/dep., $550/mth. Call 6324723. _________________ Brick Home For Rent: 4 br, 1.5 ba, Cut Off area. $1000/mth, $1000/dep. Call 985278-7375. _________________

3BR, 1.5ba. apartment for rent in Lockport. $850/mo plus deposit. 1 and 2 BR units available. No pets. 985-258-1285. _________________

Apts. For Rent: (2) 2 br. apts. for rent, E. 85th St., Cut Off. FMI call Dustin at 985258-7638. _________________ ***Move in special*** Ask about free rent! Large 2BR, 1ba. apartment for rent: Units have washer, dryer, range, fridge, microwave and dishwasher. Pets welcome. To see pics go to One unfurnished unit available for $850/mo, water included. $750 deposit. Call Bill at 985-325-5626. _________________

House For Rent: Two bedroom, two bath house in Cut Off area. Stove. Furnished. $650 a month; $650 damage deposit. Call (985) 632-6549 or (985) 665-0939. Leave a Clear Message and Number. _________________ Trailer Space for Rent: located off Hwy 3235. ½ mile from Larose watertower. Electric pole installed with power, waterline, and meter turned on, sewerage installed. Ready to connect. Water and sewerage free. Very quiet neighborhood. Furnished driveway and carport. Call 985-258-6533. _________________ For Rent In the town of Lockport: 2BR, 1ba., water paid, comes with refridgerator and stove. $700/mo and $500/deposit. 6770915 _________________

NOW HIRING 5&2 Service Tech Apply in person at

Tiger Offshore 190 N.J. Theriot Road,

Golden Meadow (Port Fourchon)

No Phone Calls! Great Pay & Benefits

CROSBY TUGS LLC Accepting Applications for

Certified Friction Crane Operator Full Time Position

Crosby Tugs is seeking a full time experienced Class A/B friction crane operator. Must be able to do lift work, drive pile, able to work away from home, and must have own transportation. Applicant must have a valid TWIC card.

Crosby Tugs, LLC offers a competitive benefits package that includes: Excellent Pay, 401K, Bonuses, Health, Life, Dental, Disability & Cancer Insurances

Apply in person at: 17771 Hwy. 3235 Galliano, LA 70354 (985) 632-7575 Equal Opportunity Employer

9400sqft Home For Sale in Cut Off

This 4BR, 4ba. home is immaculately styled and designed. Lots of gorgeous furniture and most appliances stay. It includes a huge fenced in yard, in-ground pool, landscaped lights, security lighting, a huge barn with several car spaces as well as a motor home space with an RV washing area, walk-in fridge, workshop and much more.


Call Addy Legendre or Lisa Plaisance for a showing!

985-691-3873 985-691-4947 Since 1916

200 Louisiana 3161 Suite #1, Cut Off 985-325-7107

Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.

Bed Bug Killers/KIT. Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, Miscellaneous: Lower Your TV, Internet & Phone Bill!!! Get Fast Internet from $15/mo qualifying service. Limited Time Offer. Plus, get a FREE $300 Gift Card. Call 855-4070796

FOR RENT Mobile Homes, Cabins, Campers and Lots - with Laundromat & Store. Campers for Sale - lease purchase or cash.

De Renta: Trailas solares y campers con Lavenderia y tienda Hispana para servirles mejor. 108 Peterson Lane, Galliano 985-637-4133 _________________



Daily Comet

Room For Rent: Cut Off area. $100/wk, electric/water included, cable hook up w/Wi-Fi, w/d included, preferable a non smoker but smoking allowed on front or back deck. No alcohol or drug use. Race / gender / sexual preference is not an issue. Call Brian at 985-2556971 or Deborah at 985-278-0898. _________________ Mobile Home For Rent: 3 br, 1 ba, $1000/mth, (utilities not included), $500/damage dep. Partially furn. (w/d, fridge, stove, & table w/chairs. Pets are welcome (non-refundable damage dep. for pets living inside the home). Located in Cut Off. Call Penny at 985-278-0122. _________________ Apt. For Rent: 1 person apt., newly built, no pets, no smoking, quiet neighborhood, background check, utilities included, lawn care included. $550/mth, Call 985475-7272 or 985-6377273. _________________

House For Rent: Quiet area, 2 br, E. 73rd Place, Cut Off. All appl., all utilities pd. $750/mth, plus $350/dep. Non-refundable deposit. Call 985-856-8005. _________________ House For Rent: 2 br, 1 ba, in Golden Meadow. $650/mth, $650/dep. Call 985278-7375. _________________ 1 & 2 bd., Apt/House. Starting at $400/ mth., plus utilites. FMI call (985) 537-9259. Central Lafourche area. _________________

House For Rent: 1 br, 1 ba, partially furn, utilities pd. Larose area, $750/mth, $750/damage dep. Please leave CLEAR MESSAGE & NUMBER. Call 985-6326549 or (cell) 985-665-0936. _________________ Brick House For Rent: 176 East 39th St. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. All appliances, double garage, carport, covered patio, storage barn (garage). $1300 mth., $500/ dep. (985) 6328462, leave message. _________________ For Rent: 3 bd., 2 ba. open kitchen and living room, covered carport. No smoking, no pets. $950/mth., $800/dep. 140 West 165th, Galliano. 985870-4194. _________________ Efficiency Apt. For Rent: All bills pd. including Direct TV, located in Galliano. FMI call Carol at 727-3249323 or Roger at 727330-0891. $650/mth, $300/dep. _________________ Doublewide Mobile Home for Rent: 245 East 40th St., Lot 1. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. Fully furnished. $1000/ mth., $500/ dep. (985) 632-8462, leave message. _________________


CROSBY TUGS LLC Accepting Applications for

Certified Rigger Full Time Position

Crosby Tugs is seeking a full time experienced rigger. Must be experienced in working with pile and basic rigging, able to work away from home, must have own transportation. Applicant must have a valid TWIC card. Crosby Tugs, LLC offers a competitive benefits package that includes: Excellent Pay, 401K, Bonuses, Health, Life, Dental, Disability & Cancer Insurances

Apply in person at: 17771 Hwy. 3235 Galliano, LA 70354 (985) 632-7575 Equal Opportunity Employer Room For Rent: $350/mth., $200/ dep. No couples, no pets, no bills. Cut Off area. 850-723-8231. _________________ For Rent: 2 bd., 1 ba. home. Open kitchen/ dining area. Updated and ready to move in. Ideal location- Larose location. $850/ mth.; $600/ dep. Call 985693-6510 FMI. _________________ For Rent: 4 bd., 2 ba. home. Ready to move in. Spacious and updated. Large yardCut Off area off Hwy 1. $1,100/ mth.; $850 deposit. Call 985-6936510 FMI. _________________


Moving Sale: Chest Freezer, $125; Rainbow vaccum, $1200; Singer Sewing Machine, $30; Desk, $5; Desk, $15. Call 985228-0915. _________________ Trees For Sale: Peach, Fig, Japanese Plum. $5 each. Call 985-691-9466. _________________

ATTENTION! HUNTERS, OFFSHORE PERSONNEL, OUTDOORS MEN Military Items For Sale: Lg. mosquito netting$10 ea/$5-3 or more, ruck sacks-$50, sleeping bags w/liners-$30, A-bags (lg. enough for hunting gear, clothing etc, other misc. items)$15. ALL MUST GO. Call 850-226-3389. _________________ Lawnmowers For Sale: Snapper zero turn 50� cut lawn mower, asking $1000; Troy Built 42� cut lawn mower, asking $300. Call 985-360-8243 if interested. _________________ Generator For Sale: 20 kw, ONAN, 4 cyl., Cummins diesel, radiator cool, very quiet, low hours, with manuals. In great condition. $5,900. OBO. Call 985-637-7029. _________________ Power Wheelchair For Sale, needs battery. Asking $2000, originally pd. $6400. Call 985-632-6619. NEGOTIABLE. _________________

Free Pick Up For Old / Junk Cars

Cash Paid for Junk Cars Dead or Alive!

985-637-0164 Call Brad Watson

K-Mar Supply of Fourchon

Full Time Clerk is now accepting applications for a

Job duties include: (but not limited to)  Answering phones, taking care of light paperwork, and data entry. Computer experience preferred. Candidate must be a fast learner, multi-tasked and be self-motivated.

The Daily Comet has openings in Lafourche Parish for newspaper route carriers!!! Routes are a good second income for stay at home moms / dads, retirees or anyone else with a few hours of extra time daily. Reliable transportation and a pleasant attitude for dealing with the public.

Call Linda or Penny for details:

Fax: 985-693-8282

Apply in person at 654 A.O. Rappelet Rd., Fourchon (NAPA, Next Door to Kajun Truck Stop)

No Phone Calls Please! Must Speak English!



200 Ton or greater w/Towing Endorsement All applicants must have valid TWIC, Passport (or must be able to acquire), MMC Competitive pay & benefits



Mail: Servicio Marina Superior 106 Canal Blvd. Thibodaux, LA 70301


CROSBY TUGS LLC Accepting Applications for

CDL DRIVER Full Time Position

Applicants must be reliable and have a clean driving record. This position is required to have a Class A CDL license. Will be required to transport personnel, visitors, supplies, equipment and/or groceries to various locations. Will also be required to make overnight drives and extended trips requiring irregular hours. Other duties will be assigned as needed. Crosby Tugs, LLC offers a competitive benefits package that includes: Excellent Pay, 401K, Bonuses, Health, Life, Dental, Disability & Cancer Insurances

Apply in person at: 17771 Hwy. 3235 Galliano, LA 70354 (985) 632-7575 Equal Opportunity Employer



ADOPTION: PREGNANT? - Adoption is a loving choice for Unplanned Pregnancy. Call Andrea 866-236-7638 (24/7) for adoption information/profile; view loving couples at . Financial Assistance Available. Misc. For Sale: KILL BED BUGS! Buy Harris

Apts. For Rent in Larose: 2 br, 1 ba, $750/mth, $750/security dep., no pets, no smoking (no exceptions). FMI call 985537-3567. _________________ House For Rent: 3 br, 1.5 ba, Cut Off. Good neighborhood. $850/mth, $850/dep. Call 985-691-1367, leave message. _________________ Multiple Properties For Rent in Lockport. (1) br, half bath, (2) 2 br,1 ba, (1) twothirds br, & 1 ba, (1) 3br, 2 ba trailer. FMI call 985-665-9538. _________________ House For Rent: Single occupancy or married couple, appl. furnished, grass cut. $600/mth, $500/dep. Call 985-696-0818. _________________ New Luxury Condos For Rent in Thibodaux, 2 br, 2 ba, with all appl. provided. Quality units at best rates in town. Call 985-859-5983 for pricing and availability. _________________ For Rent: 3 bd., 2 ba. home in Galliano. All appliances. No smoking, no pets. $400/dep., $850/ mth. Call 632-4723. _________________

Office: 985-693-7229

Today! AVIATION Grads work with JetBlue, Boeing, Delta and othersstart here with hands on training for FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-453-6204 Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE.

Call NOW: 1-888-9099905 18+. Wanted to Buy: Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 CASH PAID- up to $25/Box for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. 1-DAYPAYMENT.1-800-371-1136.

Get FAA approved maintenance training at campuses coast to coast. Job placement assistance. Financial Aid for qualifying students. Military friendly. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance


Home For Sale in Lake Eddins Community in Pachuta, MS.

2688 sqft. living area, 3BR, 3ba. Includes 160’x5’ pier with covered area and running water. Closed garage and boat house, Most appliances and furniture stay with house. Underground storm shelter, 125’ wide lot.



$395,000 Call 985-691-1626 For More Information. ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 Without your knowledge, you have made it to the top of a very influential person’s list. This can only mean good things for your future, Aries. Be proud of yourself. TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 Friends and family who seem meddlesome may have more noble motives, Taurus. Give these loved ones the benefit of the doubt and be glad they care so much. GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, a big project means you will be working with others in the week ahead. Put your best foot forward and be receptive of others’ ideas and suggestions. CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 You are full of energy this week, but for whatever reason you are still holding back. Don’t be afraid to unleash that energy and get to work. Others will be impressed. LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 Mull an invitation before responding this week. You can find both pros and cons to accepting the invite and taking the time to consider it will ensure you make the right call.

VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, a healthy sense of ambition will move a project along much more quickly than you or others had imagined. Once the work is done, you’ll have plenty of time to relax. LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 A person from your past may come into your life, Libra. He or she stirs up old emotions, and you may need to take a step back in a current relationship. Think things over carefully. SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, your ambition is growing, but you are already beginning to feel overwhelmed. You may need to put the brakes on any new endeavors for a little while. SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21 Any business transactions you make this week can have a lasting effect on your financial status, Sagittarius. This means carefully considering every purchase. CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, expenses are piling up, and soon your stress levels may be rising as a result. You can use a dose of good news, and it’s coming this week.

AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Someone is rubbing you the wrong way, Aquarius. Just walk away and don’t let this person get under your skin. Taking the high road will serve you best in the long run. PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, the week ahead is full of promise. Your energy levels are soaring, and you are poised to meet new people and make things happen.


MARCH 6 Shaquille O’Neal, Athlete (44) MARCH 7 Bryan Cranston, Actor (60) MARCH 8 Kat Von D, Tattoo Artist (34) MARCH 9 Bow Wow, Rapper (29) MARCH 10 Chuck Norris, Actor (76) MARCH 11 Terrence Howard, Actor (47) MARCH 12 Liza Minnelli, Singer (70)



Camper For Sale: 2002 Trail Lite Bantam Camper, 19 ft. trailer, sleeps 4, great for camping/ hunting camp. $4000 OBO. Call Celeste at 985665-6483. _________________


Southern Guard Service, Inc. is now accepting applications for Security Guard positions. Apply at 109 W. 12th St., Larose. Call 985-6934316. _________________ Lafourche Arc is looking for energetic, compassionate individuals to work flexible hrs. & days w / individuals w / disabilities who live in the lower Lafourche area. Assistance with transportation, personal hygiene & household tasks is needed. Agency will train. High school diploma, GED or 5 yrs pd related exp. required. Scheduling flexibility required. FMI contact Meka Williams at 985447-6214 ext. 120 or Gina Gaudet at ext. 115. Applications may be completed at Lafourche Arc, 100 W. Main St., Thibodaux. EOE, M/F/V/H. _________________ Coastal Janitorial Services Now Hiring Positions. 5 days a week. Call 632-5791. _________________ Jan Serve Cleaning personnel needed in Lafourche Parish. Call to apply at 985-798-5800. Resume preferred but not required. Submit resume to P.O. Box 143 Cut Off, LA 70345 _________________ Tower Loan of Cut Off: Positions available – Manager Trainees. Call 985632-7300 for appt. or fax resume to 985632-7305. _________________ Joe’s Environmental Contractors has immediate openings for Class A CDL drivers with X-Endorsement. Starting pay is $22/ hour. Health, Dental, Vision, and Retirement benefits and paid vacation included. Come join a growing team! Apply in person at 15344 Highway 3235 Cut Off, LA 70345 or call 985-258-8785. _________________ Clerical/Sales Person needed for an insurance agency in the South/ Central area. Send resume to Help Wanted at P.O. Box 190, Larose, LA 70373. _________________ Sales Clerk needed. Apply within at B&B Hardware in Larose. _________________ Chabert Electrical Services, LLC in need of an Exp. Electrician. Must provide own trans. & hand tools. Please call 985-291-0876 FMI. _________________

SBL Construction, LLC has an opening for a heavy equipment operator that also holds a Class B CDL with air brakes with clean driving record. Must be able to pass a physical and drug screening. FMI call 985-665-1220. _________________ Lafourche Parish Fire Dist. #3 is accepting applications for the following career positions: Fire Records Clerk. LPFD3 offers competitive salaries, IRA Plan, Health, Vision and Dental Insurance. Pd. vacation & pd. holiday. Must possess a valid driver’s license & high school diploma or GED. Please apply in person at Fire Central, 17462 W. Main, Cut Off. Need more information contact Codi Collins at 985-6328068. _________________ Blanchard Contractors, Inc is hiring for CDL Drivers with Hazmat. Apply in person or submit resume to Minimum requirements: TWIC, 2-5 years experience in the position you are applying for, must submit to and pass pre-employment drug and alcohol testing and physical. Clean driving record, and able to load and unload heavy equipment preferred. _________________ Help wanted at Meat Market: experience a plus. Must have dependable transportation. Paid depending on experience. Golden Meadow, LA area. Call John at 337-534-6896. _________________


Cajun Roofing & Carpentry, LLC Best Prices on the Bayou. Sha! I Guarantee! Metal, shingle and patch jobs, vinyl siding, cement board siding, painting, pressure washing, remodeling, wood, ceramic & laminate floors, cabinets, windows, doors, porches, decks, patios, custom shutters, additions, new construction and more! Metal roof prices that can’t be beat. No job too big or too small. 20 yrs. exp. Free estimate. Call Curtis at 985-397-6254 or email _________________ J & P’s Tree Service & Sawmill, LLC Land Clearing, Dozer & Excavator, Tree Removal, Trimming, Stump Grinding, Demolition, Lumber cut to order, For Sale: Firewood, Mulch and Dirt. State Arbor’s License & Insured. Call 985-632-2540 or 985696-5174. _________________ Kerry Chiasson Carpentry For all your carpentry needs. Call 985-6376279. _________________

Tony’s Carpentry Friendly service, honest tradesmen, 15 yrs. exp. Need carpentry, plumbing, painting, pressure washing Call 985-278-7188, ask for Tony. Blessings! _________________ Evans Concrete Construction House slabs, driveways, sidewalks, etc. No job too big or too small. Call Leonard Evans at 985-677-2959. _________________ Quality Roofing By Kernny Comardelle Metal roofing, small jobs & repairs. Call 986-696-7912. Leave message. _________________ Sr. Transportation /Housekeeping in Lafourche and Terrebonne Parishes areas on Fridays from 10 am till 2 pm. Safe driver, exp. homemaker. Call 985-6325257. $10/hr. _________________ CHEAP CHEAP DIRT FOR SALE: 20 loads or more, bulldozer free. Call 985-2586533. Fine dirt, yard dirt or fill dirt. Limestone. _________________ We Do Redo Remodeling, Inc. Total Renovation & Add Ons! Kitchen & bathroom remodel, tile, vinyl siding, decking, etc, plumbing & electric wiring. Call Marvin Thibodaux, Sr. at 985-291-0953. _________________ Baby Sitter: Opening for 2 children, age’s infant to school age. Call 985-696-1984, ask for Lee. _________________ Tim Harris Flooring Installation Services Carpet, vinyl, laminate, wood, ceramic, custom showers, painting, carpentry, sheet rock. Purchase floor anywhere, we will install. Manufactures warranty floors, not flooring stores. Free estimates. Call 985-677-0474 or 985677-2526. _________________ Curry’s Tree Service Tree cutting and trimming. Any size. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. Licensed. Call 985-258-0465. _________________ Earl’s Yard & Pressure Washing Service., Earl P. Duet, owner. Call 985-6917570. _________________ Dog Grooming at Pitre’s Feed & Seed. Call JoAnn Pitre at 696-2321. _________________ Concrete Work Forming, pouring & finishing – houses, buildings, driveways, patios, walkways, etc. Call Glenn Hughes, Jr at 985-209-5552. _________________ Can Do Brick, Block & Stone Work. Call for free estimates. Keith Thayer at 985-637-3569. _________________ Doug’s Pressure Washing & Painting 985-637-8633 _________________


Sunday, March 6, 2016 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE

Office: 985-693-7229 Fax: 985-693-8282

Using The Lafourche Gazette’s dumpster located near the East Side Food Store building across from the office is not allowed! Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Also, do not dump seafood peelings or other items into the bayou behind The Lafourche Gazette’s property, 12958 East Main, Larose. _________________

I am applying to the Office of Alcohol Beverage Control of the State of Louisiana for a permit to sell beverages of high and low alcohol content at retail in the Parish of Lafourche at the following address: 16816 Hwy. 3235, Suite A, Cut Off, LA 70345. Business Name: Spahr’s Seafood Co., LLC, DBA as Spahr’s At The Station. Owners: Donald Spahr & Brent Roger. _________________


MICHAEL CRAIN Michael J. Crain, 44, a native and resident of Lockport, passed away on February 13. Visitation will be on Saturday, March 5 at 1:00 p.m. with Mass starting at 1:30 p.m. at Holy Savior Catholic Church. Burial to follow in Holy Savior Cemetery. He is survived by his sister, Cassandra Breaux and her three children; and uncles, James and Jack Crain. He was preceded in death by his mother, Lela Breaux; father, John Crain; and grandparents, Inez and James Crain. His smiling face will be missed by everyone who knew him. Falgout Funeral Home is entrusted with arrangements.

Surfin’ the is comprised of cute, funny and at times heartwarming stories and photos that are found circulating the internet. Oftentimes there are no known authors of the material. The Lafourche Gazette does not take credit for the writings in this column. We’re publishing it to simply put a smile on our readers’ faces.

Shirley and Marcy

A mom was concerned about her kindergarten son walking to school. He didn’t want his mother to walk with him. She wanted to give him the feeling that he had some independence but yet know that he was safe. So she had an idea of how to handle it. She asked a neighbor if she would please follow him to school in the mornings, staying at a distance, so he probably wouldn’t notice her. She said that since she was up early with her toddler anyway, it would be a good way for them to get some exercise as well, so she agreed. The next school day, the neighbor and her little girl set out following behind Timmy as he walked to school with another neighbor girl he knew. She did this for the whole week. As the two walked and chatted, kicking stones and twigs, Timmy’s little friend noticed the same lady was following them as she seemed to do every day all week. Finally she said to Timmy, “Have you noticed

that lady following us to school all week? Do you know her?� Timmy nonchalantly replied, “Yeah, I know who she is.� The little girl said, “Well, who is she?� “That’s just Shirley Goodnest,� Timmy replied, “and her daughter Marcy.� “Shirley Goodnest? Who the heck is she and why is she following us?� “Well,� Timmy explained, “every night my Mom makes me say the 23rd Psalm with my prayers, ‘cuz she worries about me so much. And in the Psalm, it says, ‘Shirley Goodnest and Marcy shall follow me all the days of my life’, so I guess that’s what they’re doing!�


Jimmy’s Service Station 13019 Hwy. 1, Larose

Has “No Ethanol� Gasoline

Perfect for small engines, outboards, lawn mowers, weedeaters, ATVs, etc. Improves engine performance!


Eight in 10 Americans say that travel makes them feel more alive. Find out for yourself and explore Louisiana. Š2016 Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism

Arrest reports 8-A

Sunday, March 6, 2016 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE

The following information is based on reports from the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office. Those individuals have been booked with, not convicted of, the offenses shown. All accused should be presumed innocent until proved guilty. FEBRUARY 29, 2016

Thibodaux Police Department Trayon Boatner, 22, Labadieville. Possession of hydrocodone, turning movement required signal, resisting an officer (4 cts), driver must be licensed, aggravated flight from an officer, hit and run driving (no injury), unauthorized use of a movable, fugitive Assumption Parish (3 cts), fugitive of Ascension Parish, contempt of court (3 cts). Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office Charles Allen, Jr., 20, Thibodaux. Contempt of court. Umeki Jamison, 36, Napoleonville. Contempt of court. Kathleen Burnett, 46, Houma. Theft. Jonas Ausbrooks, 34, Paincourtville. Contempt of court (3 cts). Samuel Grabert, 20, Houma. Violation of probation/parole. Devin Falgout, 22, Raceland. Possession of marijuana 1st offense, turning movements and required signals, poss. of suboxone, poss. or dist. of drug para. Toni Barrilleaux, 32, Thibodaux. Contempt of court. Jody Legendre, 33, Thibodaux. Contempt of court (2 cts). MARCH 1, 2016

Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office Shanderay Aitkens, 44, Houma. Contempt of court. Christopher Harrod, 35, Lockport. Contempt of court (5 cts), resisting an officer. Stariskie Devold, 39, Thibodaux. Contempt of court. Bart Howes, 32, Raceland. Simple assault, flight from an officer, reckless operation w/accident, resisting an officer, traffic control signals (3 cts). Josie Alvarado Campos, 46, Lockport. Contempt of court. Kristen Barfield, 34, Larose. Violation of probation/parole. Frank Clark, 32, Thibodaux. Fugitive from Terrebonne Parish. April Beasley, 24, Houma. Simple burglary-immovable structure (2 cts). Kevin Brickley, 45, Raceland. Fugitive from Terrebonne Parish, contempt of court. Bianca Holmes, 28, Raceland. Contempt of court. Eric Savoie, 42, Raceland. Simple criminal damage to property, domestic abuse battery. Dion Harris, 19, Golden Meadow. Contempt of court. Jarrett Leon, 47, Raceland. Disturbing the peace. Lillian Brown, 44, Raceland. Fugitive from Terrebonne Parish.

Sherry Brown, 49, Raceland. Violation of probation/parole, monetary instrument abuse, resisting an officer. Chad Thibodaux, 38, Thibodaux. Contempt of court. Seth Matherne, 24, Lockport. Possession of marijuana 1st offense, contempt of court (3 cts), operating a vehicle w/suspended license, other offense, poss. of valium, poss/dist. of drug para. Michael Romanski, 49, Lockport. Domestic abuse battery involving strangulation w/child endangerment. MARCH 2, 2016

Thibodaux Police Dept. Tyrone Brown Williams, Jr., Thibodaux. Poss./dist. of drug para, poss. of cocaine, tail lamps required. Coty Joseph Harris, 34, Thibodaux. Contempt of court. Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office Gary James Kiger, 45, Cut Off. Fugitive from justice, (2 cts). Christopher Dee Harrod, 35, Lockport. Violation probation/parole. Datrice D. Davis, 38, Lockport. Contempt of court (3 cts). Tyler Paul Ponville, 20, Thibodaux. Violation of probation/parole, contempt of court (2 cts). Carleton Dean Santiny, 46, Grand Isle. Contempt of court (3 cts). Kacy Lynn Dufrene, 36, Raceland. Contempt of court (2 cts). Sandy Nicole Bergeron, 28, Houma. Stop lamps and turn signals required, poss. of meth, poss/dist. of drug para. Darlene A. Cheramie, 53, Golden Meadow. Contempt of court (3 cts). Bradley Ellis Delancey, 36, Bourg. Illegal poss. of stolen things. MARCH 3, 2016

Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office Jennifer Lamar Harrod, 36, Lockport. Contempt of court (6 cts). Brent Gerrard Meads, 26, Thibodaux. Contempt of court. Shannon Reyal Howard, 45, Thibodaux. Contempt of court (5 cts). Derrick Anthony Usey, 30, Thibodaux. Fugitive from justice. Jordan Lee Thibodeaux, 24, Thibodaux. Fugitive from justice. Seth James Matherne, 24, Lockport. Distribution of meth. (felony). Megan Brooke Long, 23, Chackbay. Operating vehicle with suspended license, offenses, and carless operation, operating a vehicle while intoxicated, poss. of marijuana 1st offense. James Joseph Butler, 45, Thibodaux. Contempt of court (2 cts), fugitive from justice. Thibodaux Police Department Charles Christopher, 45, Thibodaux. Criminal mischief. Jacob Michael Chouest, 21, Lockport. Aggravated assault, monetary instrument, poss. of dealing in f/a with obliterated number/mark, poss/dist. of drug para. Quentin Quendel Joseph, 28, Labadieville Reckless operation w/o accident, resisting an officer.

Pictured are the North Larose Elementary Bucket Fillers for the month of October: Melissa Fanguy, Shelly Guidroz, Marsha Gaspard, Sara Guidry, Angelle Lorraine, Casey Cheramie, Madalyn Danos, Nikki Zak, Amber Guidry, Claudette LeBlanc, Sandi Orgeron, Courtney Vedros, Lynell “Tina” Parfait, Jenny Orgeron, Wendy Pierce, Yamilet Juarez, Bella Bychurch, Mia Guidry, Jaydon Savoie, Katie Flores, Miley Cheramie, Madelyn O’Quin, Cameron Etheridge, Zoey Istre, Jude LeBoeuf, Max Vedros, Ryleigh Terrebonne, Gemi Detillier, Nick Falgout, Peyton Brantley, Devlyn Cheramie, Madden Ledet, Kullen Theriot, Alison Sanchez, Kale Guidry, Sophie Punch, Braxton Lasseigne, Zoey Folse, Ava Hendrix, Gracie Cheramie, Kimberly Zamora, Julian Bourg, Chance Chiasson, and Jaycee Hunter.

Second suspect arrested in equipment theft at Port Fourchon rental company The second suspect wanted in an equipment theft from a Port Fourchon rental company has been arrested. Anthony Harris, Jr., 37, of Lafayette turned himself over to authorities on Wednesday. A warrant was issued for Harris’ arrest last month following an investigation into the theft of rental equipment from Tiger Offshore Rentals in 2015. Travis Cormier, 38, an employee of the company, was arrested in February in connection to the case. In October 2015, detectives opened an investigation after personnel at Tiger Offshore Rentals discovered approximately 100 “cuttings boxes” were missing, as well as baskets and slings used in oil production. These cuttings boxes are rented primarily to contain and transport drilling waste. An investigation revealed Cormier helped orchestrate the theft of the

Anthony Harris

Pictured are the North Larose Elementary School Bucket Fillers for the month of November: Melissa Fanguy, Shelly Guidroz, Marsha Gaspard, Sara Guidry, Angelle Lorraine, Casey Cheramie, Madalyn Danos, Nikki Zak, Amber Guidry, Claudette LeBlanc, Sandi Orgeron, Courtney Vedros, Lynell “Tina” Parfait, Jenny Orgeron, Jake Helmer, Logan Landry, Aribella Morrison, Rylun Guidry, Aliska Guidry, Savannah Skinner, Braylee Naquin, Lily Dufrene, Isabel Alario, Shelby Bourg, Logan Cheramie, Aubrey LeBlanc, Mallory Pierce, Samantha Fillinich, Hector Garcia-Aguilar, Brandt Rousse, Beau Adams, Rome Hebert, Hailey Orgeron, Colston Billiot, Jolbie Matherne, Gavyn Kiger, Edison Tolentino, Cullen St. Amant, Isabella Billiot, Matthew Pierce, Lucca Galjour, and Halley Vazquez. These students displayed good character traits and were selected by their teachers. They were given a small bucket with bucket filling items such as a dog tag, bookmark, pencil, and bracelet as well as a concession coupon. The students also had a sign placed in their yard with their name on it.

Travis Cormier

equipment and loaded the boxes onto Harris’ truck. They also learned Harris sold the boxes for cash which he shared with Cormier. Detectives obtained warrants for each man on 17 counts of Felony Theft. Port Fourchon Harbor Police took Cormier into custody on February 4, 2016. He was booked into the Lafourche Parish Detention Center where he remains in lieu of $250,000 bond. Harris made contact with detectives and turned himself over to authorities on Wednesday, March 2. He was booked into the Detention Center, and his bond is set at $100,000.

Pictured are North Larose Elementary School Bucket Fillers for the month of December: Melissa Fanguy, Shelly Guidroz, Marsha Gaspard, Sara Guidry, Angelle Lorraine, Casey Cheramie, Madalyn Danos, Nikki Zak, Amber Guidry, Claudette LeBlanc, Sandi Orgeron, Courtney Vedros, Lynell “Tina” Parfait, Jenny Orgeron, Brooklyn Naquin, Angel Matherne, Olivia LeBlanc, Dane Danos, Dominick McVey, Edil Lagos-Salinas, Brena LeBlanc, Hallie Cantrelle, Cole Wallace, Trenity Billiot, Elena Bradt, Destiney Hammond, Damen Griffin, Karah Anselmi, Kayden Hebert, Giana Galjour, Drake Lee, Maritza Gonzalez, Faith Shultz, Kru Cheramie, Brittney Zamora, Mason Matherne, Cade Plaisance, Mason McVey, Faith Plaisance, Mikaela Valenzuela, Kasey Gilbert, and Luke Sanamo. These students displayed good character traits and were selected by their teachers. They were given a small bucket with bucket filling items such as a dog tag, bookmark, pencil, and bracelet as well as a concession coupon. The students also had a sign placed in their yard with their name on it.

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