Sunday, Sept. 30, 2018
Council considers merger for Community Action
In front of a packed audience Tuesday night, the WLafourche Parish Council voted unanimously to seek the state’s guidance over the Office of Community Action. Councilman Noonie Autin was absent. Months of debate have resulted in a standstill between the parish administration and the Community Action Advisory Board. In an effort to keep from losing thousands of dollars in federal and state money for local programs, Councilman Jerry Jones sponsored a resolution asking the Louisiana Workforce Commission, which oversees community action programs, whether and how the Lafourche office could merge with the St. Mary Parish agency. To improve Lafourche See Council Page 3-A
MEETINGS MONDAY, OCT. 1 TOWN OF GOLDEN MEADOW 7:00 p.m. 107 Jervis Drive Golden Meadow
SPECIAL MEETING LAF. PARISH COUNCIL 5:00 p.m. Mathews Govt. Complex 4876 Hwy. 1 - Mathews TUESDAY, OCT. 2
Calendar of Events.....2-A
V MATHEWS • GHEENS • LOCKPORT • VALENTINE • LAROSE At the September 25th Lafourche • GALLIANO • GOLDEN MEADOW • LEEVILLE • Parish GRAND ISLE Council public meeting, inde-
Remembering Cheniere
Submitted photo
Monday marks the 125th anniversary of the great storm By John Doucet
I remember Betsy. I remember Katrina. I remember each storm that passed over and through us in the 10th Ward. It seems that most, or at least the most severe, pass at night when homes and people and whole communities are most vulnerable. That was true in 1893, as the night of October 1st passed into the morning of October 2nd, when a suddenly intensified hurricane drove itself without much forewarning across the southeastern Gulf Coast of Louisiana. In its direct path was the coastal village of Cheniere Caminada, a village densely populated with our ancestors. In 1893, Cheniere Caminada was a thriving fishing village of nearly 1600. It was the largest supplier of fresh oysters and other seafood to the markets of New Orleans and the largest coastal village of its time in Louisiana — supporting a community of not just home-owning residents but also itinerant fishermen and boarders. The community was multinational, having attracted not only Acadian descendants who left their lands along upper Bayou Lafourche during the economic hardships of the middle 1800s but also fishermen from such distant countries as China, the Philippines, and Croatia. Though the nativity of the village was geographically diverse, a single culture
By Julia Arenstam Daily Comet Staff Writer
Louisiana economist Loren Scott says the Houma-Thibodaux area’s economy is on the rise and predicts job growth over the next two years. Scott delivered his annual Louisiana Economic Outlook presentation for 20192020 Wednesday at a luncheon hosted by the South Louisiana Economic Council. “There’s good news ahead,” Scott said. While the area is essentially reached a “trough” in 2018, the next two years look promising. Scott predicts the area will see 700 new jobs in 2019 and 2,100 in 2020. Oil
Lottery.........................2-A News In Brief..............3-A
Obituaries...................4-A Worship Directory.......6-A
Prices Good Thru Tues., Oct. 2
was prevalent: French-speaking, Roman Catholic, living and learning off-the-land, Cajun. There was a Catholic church to support the spiritual needs of that culture, and for it the villagers had arranged the forging of a church bell specially made from the metal silver. The church was well known to vacationers from New Orleans who spent time at the resorts on Grand Isle during summers. In fact, the main character in Kate Chopin’s famous novel, “The Awakening,” travels by boat from Grand Isle to Cheniere Caminada to attend mass. Geographically, Cheniere Caminada was built atop the common point of a collection of prehistorical shorelines, each successive shoreline forming farther into the Gulf waters. Those shorelines were long, linear, ridges made of silt from the Mississippi River and shells from the Gulf. Rising 2-6 feet above the Gulf, they were high enough to support the growth of oak trees, giving these spits of land not only distinct appearances to passing fishermen but also the French name, “cheniere.” According to legend and historical record, villagers cut down the majority of oak trees on Cheniere Caminada to afford enough room to build houses for their fastgrowing community.
prices are also expected to rise to $80 per barrel by 2020, but other economists would say that’s a conservative estimate. 2020 is really going to be the key growth year, he said. By then, offshore drilling will increase, as seen by lease sales already in progress. With the break-even price of oil now between $30 and $40 per barrel, he said there is room for growth. Rig counts in the Gulf have also leveled out, he said. Local companies such as Gulf Island, Edison Chouest, Thoma-Sea and Bollinger, plus Port Fourchon, are all finding ways to adapt to the oil downturn that began in 2014. The area is also seeing renewed activity on the Gulf of Mexico. According to La. 1 toll statistics, traffic is increasing down to Port Fourchon, which itself is working on several expansion projects. With the U.S. now the largest producer of crude oil in the world, supply is at a high, while demand continues to increase. In 2019, Scott predicts the world will produce 11.8 million barrels of oil a day — if the U.S. isn’t in a trade war. See Economist Page 3-A
USDA (trimmed)
Jumbo Pack! Sanderson Farms
Family Pack! Bone- In
2 Liter Bottles Selected
10 Pack Selected
Bradys to reign over 45th Anniversary of French Food Festival
The Bayou Civic Club is proud to announce that Mr. Toby James Brady and Miss Amber Lynn Brady have been selected to reign over this year’s 45th Anniversary French Food Festival. Along with being honored as this year’s festival queen, Amber is a senior accounting major at Nicholls State University and a previous graduate of Vandebilt High School. On campus, she is an active student and a member of the Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority, the all-girls cheer team and multiple honor societies. She is also employed by Alstarz 2 Cheer Academy. Amber is the daughter of Toby and Stacy Brady of Larose, current residents of Valentine. She has two brothers, Beau and Brett, and is engaged to Mr. Braden Billiot of Morgan City, Louisiana. See Bradys Page 5-A
¢ $ 39 $ 2 $5 89 99¢ 99 1 5 5
Boneless Sirloin Drumsticks Rump Roast Pork Chops or Thighs
$ 99
See Audit Page 3-A
See Cheniere Page 3-A
LSU economist says HoumaThibodaux area is on the rise
7114 Hwy. 1 - Lockport 13086 Hwy. 3235 - Larose 2113 S. Alex Plaisance Blvd. - G.M.
pendent auditor David Stagni of Stagni and Company, LLC presented the results of his firm’s review of Lafourche Parish’s 2017 finances. He gave an “unqualified” or “clean” opinion on the overall financial statement of parish finances, implying the level of transparency and thoroughness of its financial reporting. While the audit does not give an appraisal of the financial health of the parish, it does show how compliant the parish’s 2017 statement is when judged against accepted accounting practices and the requirements of state and federal law. The independent auditor’s report used Governmental Auditing Standards to review the financial statement of the parish and to ascertain any fraud or error in the financial statements. “In our opinion, the financial statements … present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, the aggregate discretely presented component units, each major
The frayed and channeled beach of Cheniere Caminada in 1893 following the great storm.
LAFOURCHE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD 7:00 p.m. 805 E. 7th St. - Thibodaux
By Buster Avera Contributing Writer
LADY OF THE SEA GENERAL HOSPITAL 12-noon The Learning Center 200 W. 134th Place
FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT #9 6:30 p.m. Gheens Community Ctr. 1783 LA 654
Parish receives “clean” audit report but also shows too much spending
By Julia Arenstam Daily Comet Staff Writer
5 Lb. Bag Mountain King
Russet Potatoes
Coke Products For
Capri Sun Drinks For
10 Oz. Selected
Zatarain’s Fry Mixes
5 Lb. Bag Shurfine Medium or Long Grain
$ 99
8-12 Rolls Simply Done Basic
Paper Towels or Bath Tissue
$ 99
Sunday, September 30, 2018 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE
calendar of events news to use
Monthly Pastor’s meeting set for Oct. 4
Pastor Morris Hunter would like to invite all pastors to Pastor’s Breakfast on October 4. Breakfast will be held at the Hope Center at 8 a.m. Please join us for a meal, fellowship and prayer. Please RSVP to 985-325-4673 by October 1. ___________________
Relay for Life Pizza Hut fundraiser
Relay for Life will have a fundraiser at Pizza Hut on Wednesday, October 3 all day. Mention Relay for Life and 20% will go to the organization.
Gheens Needy Family Organization dinner set for Sun.
The next quarterly dinner for the Gheens Needy Family Organization will be held on Sunday, Sept. 30 at the Gheens Community Center from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Menu will consist of spaghetti, petit pois, potato salad and bread for an $8 donation. Desserts and drinks will also be available to purchase. __________________
Lockport KC having monthly dinner
The Lockport KC’s are having a hamburger steak dinner on Sunday, September 30 from 10 a.m. till 1 p.m. at their home on Seventh Street. The menu will consist of hamburger steak, mash potatoes, sweet peas, salad and bread for an $8 donation. Drinks and desserts will also be available.
Boat insurance without a hitch. Ashley E. Barrios, Agent 192 Highway 3161 Cut Off, LA 70345 Bus: 985-632-0988 Toll Free: 888-223-0032
State Farm® boat insurance doesn’t cost much, but covers a lot – like your boat, motor and trailer. It also protects you and your passengers. As your local agent, I’m here to help life go right.® LET’S TALK TODAY.
Catholic Foundation announce inaugural dinner, Oct. 4
Bishop Shelton J. Fabre and the Catholic Foundation of South Louisiana announce the Catholic Foundation’s Inaugural Dinner will be held on October 4, at the Thibodaux Regional Wellness Center. For more information about the inaugural dinner please contact executive director, Amy Ponson at 985-850-3116 or __________________
12th annual GI Ladies Fishing Rodeo set for Oct. 5-6
The 12th Annual Grand Isle Ladies Fishing Rodeo will be held on October 5 and 6 at Bridge Side Marina in Grand Isle. Tickets are $20 each and include dinner, dance, cap or visor and door prizes. For more information, contact Helen at 985-677-4165. ___________________ Lotto Numbers for September 26, 2018 16 - 17 - 24 32 - 34 - 37
Next Drawing: $400,000* - 09/29/18
Powerball Numbers 01 - 02 - 07 - 30 - 50 -- 08 Next Drawing: $213,000,000* - 09/29/18 *Estimated Jackpots
Mega Millions Numbers for September 25, 2018
08 - 16 - 32 - 48 - 61 - 12 Next Drawing: $336,000,000* - 09/28/18
P.O. Drawer 1450 • 12958 E. Main St. Larose, LA 70373
Phone: (985) 693-7229 Fax: (985) 693-8282 General e-mail: To contact Brandi Leblanc:
To contact Vicki Chaisson:
State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL State Farm Florida Insurance Company, Winter Haven, FL 1708154
Published by Addy Legendre Circulation 15,700 Published Bi-Weekly Wednesday and Sunday
Gulf Coast Baptist Church hosting fundraiser
Gulf Coast Baptist Church in Golden Meadow will be having a fundraiser on October 5, from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. A grilled smoked sausage poboy, French fries, dessert, and drink will be available for an $8 donation at the church, located at 1606 South Bayou Drive, Golden Meadow (right next to State Bank). Delivery is available for orders of two or more. Call 985-772-9164 for more information. __________________
Bayou Travelers Chip Run to be held Oct. 6
The Bayou Travelers Motorcycle Club is having a Chip Run on October 6 with registration from 8 to 10 a.m. at VuDoo Lounge in Galliano. Registration will be $15 for driver and $10 for passenger and includes plate lunch. $8 donation for plate lunch if not registered. This is an all vehicles event. First bike will be out at 9:30 a.m. and back in by 3 p.m. making stops at VuDoo Lounge, Blue Moon, Beck’s, Outer Limits, Gators and ending at VuDoo Lounge. This event will benefit Veteran’s Charities Shriner’s Hospital for children. ___________________
Relay Rascals hosting fundraising car wash
The Relay Rascals are having a car wash fundraiser on Sunday, October 7 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at O’Reilly’s Auto Parts in Galliano. The cost will be $10 per car and $15 per truck or SUV. All proceeds to benefit Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society.
Council action from Sept. 25 public meeting
The following is a list of Lafourche Parish Council action of interest from the Tuesday, September 25th public meeting. Armand Autin was absent and James Bourgeois no longer serves on the Council. Votes were unanimous unless otherwise noted. — Heard a presentation by Mr. David Stagni of Stagni and Company, LLC, to discuss the 2017 audit; — Passed an ordinance amending the current personnel manual for the Lafourche Parish Government Head Start Program Policies and Procedures and Rules, specifically Chapter 30Public Welfare; - Moved to defer an ordinance amending Ordinance 5529 as it pertains to Location of Retail Liquor Businesses near Churches and Schools, until the October 9th public meeting; — Moved a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance 6110 for the purpose of hiring a Community Outreach Worker in the Community Action Department “due to demand of departmental needs”; — Moved a proposed ordinance providing for a Supplemental Appropriation within the 2018 Operations and Maintenance Budget to transfer excess funds from the Off-Duty Witness Fund into the Criminal Court Fund ($750,000) and the Lafourche Parish Government General Fund ($48,750); — Moved to defer a
resolution to fill the vacancy of Council District 5 as required by the Home Rule Charter, Article III, Section 11 C until the October 23rd public meeting; — Passed a resolution informing the Louisiana Workforce Commission of Lafourche Parish Government’s intent to ask St. Mary Parish Community Action Agency to manage, direct and oversee all aspects of the CSBG, LIHEAP and any other grant funded programs for the Lafourche Parish Office of Community Action with recommendations mandating the program guidelines as recommended by the Commission; — Passed a resolution reappointing Dallas Marlbrough to the Veterans Memorial District of Ward 10 Board; — Moved to defer a resolution approving the Parish President’s appointment of Brent Abadie for the position of Parish Administrator, until the October 23rd public meeting; — Passed a resolution approving an agreement between the Sheriff’s Office and the Lafourche Parish Government to provide for and maintain security at Parish Council meetings; — Passed a resolution approving the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) for 20182019 dollars offered by the State of Louisiana and administered through the Lafourche Parish Office of Community Services.
Cheniere From 1-A
A cold front had passed over Cheniere on Saturday, September 30th, 1893, making the sky cloudless and the weather cool. On the morning of the 1st, only a few breaking waves added a soundtrack to a church wedding held that day. Over the hours, however, darkness grew, turning to blinding rain and howling wind. And then, in the darkness of night, a wall of Gulf surged ashore with too few of the native oak trees remaining to resist its force. By sunrise on the 2nd, when the church bell finally stopped pealing, no boats and nearly no homes remained. Half of the village population had perished, nearly all women and children. Before exiting the continent in the Carolinas a few days later, an estimated 2000 persons had perished in the storm, mostly in communities along the Gulf Coast. The village of Cheniere Caminada was levelled and destroyed. It would not be rebuilt. Today, Cheniere is a small collection of carefully built homes and fishing camps nearby the fragile, historic cemetery that inters those villagers who perished in the storm and could be found. And only dead remnants remain of the historic oak groves that lined the Gulf trail to Grand Isle, themselves victims to many storms, coastal erosion, and saltwater intrusion. Survivors of the Great Cheniere Hurricane of 1893, like my great-great grandfathers John Rebstock and Pierre Curole, are our ancestors here in Gazette country. They redrew the settlement pattern of southeastern Louisiana forever, relocating northward to Leeville, Golden Meadow, Cote Blanche, and Cut Off, as well as Westwego, Morgan City, and elsewhere. The historic Curole House located up-thebayou from Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Cut Off is a home rebuilt from its abandoned location in 1893 Cheniere. Rebstock himself relocated to Leeville, where he is buried in a 1916 grave facing Bayou Lafourche, as was early custom in that village, across LA 1 from the north entrance of the new overpass. His large family gave rise to all the Rebstocks of southeastern Louisiana, and survivors like him kept alive many of the family names we know and read in the few telephone books remaining today. It’s amazing to think that 25 years have passed since the communities of the 10th Ward joined forces in 1993 to help us all remember the impact of the great storm. One hundred years after landfall, under the visionary leadership of Windell Curole, the Cheniere Hurricane Centennial produced an incredible historic festival that told the story of 1893 Cheniere to thousands of both locals and visitors from around the world. Generations later, many of the descendants of Cheniere survivors are
sending their children to college at Nicholls. So it’s appropriate that we commemorate the hurricane on its 125th anniversary at our up-the-bayou university, which is incidentally celebrating an anniversary of its own. Nicholls opened its doors 70 years ago in September 1948 to all folks up and down this and neighboring bayous. From October 11th through 14th, the Nicholls Players will perform an adaptation of the award-winning Cheniere Hurricane Play, “Tant que Durera la Terre” (“As Long as the Earth Lasts”) in the newly renovated Mary and Al Danos Theater at Talbot Hall. Before the Friday performance on October 12th, I will be deliver a lecture entitled “The Great Cheniere Hurricane of 1893.” All events are open to the public. For specific times and other information, please visit the Nicholls anniversary website at I hope to see you there. As night turns to morning on October 1st and 2nd, I invite you to join me and other descendants of 1893 in a moment of remembrance inside our respective homes to commemorate the villagers of 1893 Cheniere Caminada, to consider their losses, to envision the horrors they faced during that night, and, importantly to appreciate once again their tenacity to live on and build communities and churches and schools and newspapers that we, their descendants, still enjoy 125 years later.
From 1-A
fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Lafourche Parish Council as of December 31, 2017, and the respective changes in financial position and cash flows, where applicable, for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America,” says Stagni. He called the findings a “clear opinion with no modifications.” Highlights of the opinion were as follows: - Government assets exceeded its liabilities at the close of the year by $148,813,920. - Government’s total net position increased by $3,321,317 since 2016. - Total revenues decreased by $4.26 million and expenses increased by $4.68 million. - At the end of 2017 governmental funds reported combined ending fund balances of $64,058,421, a decrease of $7,193,984 in comparison with the prior year. - Approximately 2% of the total fund balance or $1,179,839 is available for spending and is considered unassigned. Specifically, Stagni found that there were no “significant deficiencies in internal control” in the financial statements, or in compliance with Government Auditing Standards, or in control over any major award programs. Stagni did note some of what he called “opportunities for strengthen-
ing internal controls and operating efficiency.” Many parish funds were found to be below the 5% variance threshold as required by state law, he said. According to R.S. 39:1311, “general and special revenue fund budgets should be amended, regardless of the amount of expenditures in the fund, when actual receipts plus projected revenue collections for the year fail to meet budgeted revenues by five percent or more; or when actual expenditures plus projected expenditures to year end exceed budgeted expenditures by five percent or more.” The parish’s General Fund total revenues for the year failed to meet budgeted revenues by 21%. Eleven other funds, including Drainage, RSTDA and RSTD2 failed to meet budget targets, he said. Stagni noted that periodic comparisons were not done and recommended that “monthly budget to actual comparisons be reviewed and total revenue and expenditure variances be amended accordingly.” Stagni also noted deficits at the end of 2017 in the Roads and Bridges Fund ($58,241) and the Capital Projects Fund ($39,932). Parish administration called the decrease “unavoidable due to decrease in revenues. Normally this is covered with royalties, however due to decline in royalties this was not able to be done in 2017.” Administration will make appropriate cuts to help absorb the decline in revenues, said the report. The complete audit can be viewed on the Lafourche Parish Government website: http://www.lafourchego
From 1-A
Community Action, it needs to be taken out of the hands of the council and administration and removed from political influence, Jones said. The Advisory Board has declined to call a meeting since the office was closed in June for the administration to conduct an investigation into allegations of misconduct. Council Chairwoman Luci Sposito said that although the council has some say in the agency’s activities, it does not have the authority to force the board to call a meeting. Richmond Boyd is president of the Advisory Board. He told the council that working with St. Mary would ensure money to allow the programs in Lafourche to continue. Some members of the council, including Councilman Michael Gros, criticized Boyd for not calling a meeting to discuss the problems. Boyd and board member Paul Chiquet said they did not want to be held responsible for the actions of the parish administration, referring to the hiring of two employees without advisory board approval. Some members of the public spoke out
against giving authority over the office to St. Mary Parish. Former agency employee Sylvester Spears said the office “doesn’t need a babysitter.” The parish’s weatherization program is already being handled by St. Mary, handling an average of about 12 homes a year. Lafourche Parish lost control of that program after the state found problems with the way it was being run. Councilman Daniel Lorraine said part of the problem was that an unlicensed contractor was hired to conduct the work. Spears called for officials in Lafourche to work together to solve the problem at home. “We can build it back up if we work together,” he said. St. Mary Parish Community Action Director Almetra J. Franklin said her office operates community action offices in 12 different parishes, a common occurrence throughout the state. She added that money allocated to one parish cannot be spent in another. If St. Mary took over the Lafourche operations, she would re-advertise for all positions in the department, she said, looking for “quality people.” The Lafourche office still has unspent money dating back two years, Franklin said. “That is offensive,” she said, adding that too many people in Lafourche are in need for the money to sit idle. The resolution that passed, after over an hour of debate, will ask the Louisiana Workforce Commission to provide guidance on whether the Lafourche office can merge with the St. Mary Parish Community Action Agency and how that process should be conducted. Depending on the
Sunday, September 30, 2018 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE
state’s response, the matter could come before the council again for it to take action.
— Daily Comet Staff Writer Julia Arenstam can be reached at 448-7636 or Follow her on Twitter at @JuliaArenstam.
Economist From 1-A
In the national arena, the country is experiencing it’s 11th straight month of economic growth, encroaching on a record from the ’90s. Scott said the Trump administration has shifted the focus from economic fairness, to economic growth by reducing taxes and deregulating. Both shift cost curves down, he said. Despite the recent growth, there are two threats to the forecast: tariffs and upcoming in-
ternational regulations on ship emissions. If escalated, a trade war would put a big hit on the country’s GDP, Scott said. The International Maritime Organization is also preparing for new regulations that will mandate all ships in international waters use low sulfur diesel by Jan. 1, 2020. The problem, Scott said, is that out of the 60,000 plus ships in operation, there’s not enough time or resources to convert them all. It will also drive up the price of fuel, and the sweet crude used to make it. Worst case scenario, the spike could drive up prices to $160 or $200 per barrel, he said.
— Daily Comet Staff Writer Julia Arenstam can be reached at 448-7636 or Follow her on Twitter at @JuliaArenstam.
Pictured are the Lockport Lower Elementary students perfect attendance prize winners for the month of August.
Pictured are the Lockport Lower Elementary School Busy Bees of the week for August 20-24. The topic was “Be kind in your classroom”.
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Sunday, September 30, 2018 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE
House for sale: 4 bedroom, 2 bath. Brick home with fenced in backyard with 16x8 shed and decking. Located at 201 West 13th St. Larose. Asking $116,000. Call 985-860-1249. _________________________
Land For Sale: 15 acres of wooded area in Ruth, MS. $34,000. Call 985-309-0345. ________________________
Warehouse/office for rent: 2000 sq. ft. warehouse with office located on HWY 308 near East 63rd St. in Cut Off. Bayou side is available if needed. Price is negotiable depending on how/what used for. Please call 985-691-3104. _________________________
House For Rent: 3 bedroom; 1.5 bath; Larose on Hwy 1; good neighborhood; $850 / month, $850 / deposit; Call Diane at 985-691-1367, leave voicemail. _________________________ Apartments for rent: 950 SF well-kept apartments for rent in Thibodaux. 2 br, 2 ba with appliances provided. Quality units at best rates in town. Call 985-4149071 or 985-859-5983 for pricing and availability. _________________________ Apartment For Rent in Cut Off: 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Stove, fridge, W/D hookup, water paid. $600/month, $500/deposit. NO PETS! Call 985-696-6454. _________________________ For rent: 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom 2 story house in Galliano area. $1200/dep and $1200/mo rent. Call 985-696-7373 for viewing. _________________________ For rent: Two bedroom, one bath apartment in Lockport area offering hardwood floors, appliances, washer and dryer. Water included. $625/mo and $625/dep. Six month lease required then month to month afterwards. FMI: Call 985-798-7433 or 985-637-6258. ___________________________
Are you here from out of town and need a nice, clean, comfortable and affordable place? Then don’t look any further! If you are single, family, worker, company, fisherman, or anyone else looking for short-term or long-term housing, we have what you need. All of our places are furnished with a full kitchen. We also have camper lots and a new fish cleaning station with a full bath. A fully stocked store in walking distance. The nicest laundry mat around. Pets are allowed. Come be another one our satisfied customers. Call Tommy at 985-6374133.
Apt for rent: 1 br/1ba. $500/dep and $500/mo rent. Background check required. No pets. 412 West 14th St. Call 985-258-9691. ___________________________ Trailer For Rent: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, covered carport; sitting on corner lot (100x110) with shed. W/D, partly furnished; central A/C and heat in Cut Off area. Quiet neighborhood, no pets, no smoking. Available Sept. 1. $900/month and $500/deposit. Call 985-691-8110. _________________________ House For Rent: Two bedroom, one bath in Cut Off. $675/month plus deposit. Fenced in yard, carport and yard maintenance. Call 985696-0438. _________________________ For Rent: Newly remodeled 2 bedroom, 2 bath brick house with large yard in Galliano. Offering new appliances, dishwasher, washer and dryer. Water included. $1000/mo and $1000/dep. Property to be available 10/1/18.. Six month lease required then month to month afterwards. FMI: Call 985-7987433 or 985-637-4542. _________________________ HOUSE FOR RENT: Newly remodeled house, unfurnished. Two bedroom, one bath, stove, central heat, A/C, quiet neighborhood. NO PETS, NO SMOKING. $600/month and $600/security deposit. Located in Gallino on West side. FMI call 985-696-0229. Must sign a 12 month lease. _________________________ For rent: Beautiful apartment in Cut Off. 2 bed, 1 bath. Completely remodeled, new central heat and cool, hardwood floors, quartz countertops, stainless steel appliances, large back yard shaded with trees, cemented parking, very quiet and secure Luxury apartments; must see to appreciate. For an appointment, please call 985-6378399. _________________________
House for Rent: 120 West 190th St., Galliano. Two bedroom, one bath house, partly furnished, W/D. $650/month and $500 deposit. Call 985-6377763 or 985-475-7763. _________________________ Furnished apartment for rent: 102 West 4th St., Apt#4. Two bedroom, one bath. $650/month and $600/deposit. No pets!! On site laundry. Call 985-691-3104 _________________________ Large 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath Apartment for Rent in Cut Off. $850/ month with a $750 deposit for an unfurnished apartment. Washer and dryer included. Pets welcomed. Call Billat 985-325-5626. Go to to see pictures. Furnished units available with long term lease. ________________________
For Rent: 305 Adams St in Mathews, Lockport School District. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, A/C and heat, W/D. No smoking. $925/month plus security deposit. Call 504-339-9006. _________________________
For Sale: 2006 Yamaha Big Bear 400 4-wheeler; 4WD winch, manual shift and more. $2000. Call 985-688-0584. _________________________
Hull and Trailer For Sale: 1999 16’ Express flat bottom boat; side console; Asking $3k. Call or text 985-258-9819. ________________________
Truck for sale: 2002 F-150 truck for sale. Triton V8. $1,000. Call 985-696-7081 FMI. If no answer, please leave message. _________________________
Used cars: I pay top dollar for used cars. Will pick up free of charge. Call 985-637-3536 FMI. _________________________
Multi-Family Garage Sale: Wednesday, October 3 and Thursday, October 4 from 7-3. Located at 13255 West Main St in Larose at The Crab Station next to Napa Auto Parts and Gobert’s. Clothes, men, women and children (sizes 0 to 3X), toys, tools, furniture. Too much to list. _________________________
2015 Red Hawk by Jayco Class C 31’, sleeps 10 2 slide outs Asking payoff price of $68,455.86
Call (985)696-1984
is currently accepting applications for
Full Time Mechanic Must be experienced, honest, organized, and dependable Able to work on Trucks with Diesel and Gas Engines.
Apply in person at 15360 Hwy 3235 Cut Off, LA 70345 or submit Resume to 985-632.5592
Southern Guard Service, Inc. is now accepting applications for Security Guard positions. Apply at 109 W. 12th St., Larose. Call 985-693-4316. _________________________ Coastal Janitorial Services is now hiring! Cleaning ladies needed 5 days a week. Call 632-5791 after 9am on Monday. _________________________ Jan Serve Cleaning personnel needed in Lafourche Parish. Call to apply at 985-262-4084. Resume preferred but not required. Submit resume to P.O. Box 143 Cut Off, LA 70345 _________________________
Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada. CALL 1- 855-781-1565 Spectrum Triple Play! TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 MB per second speed. No contract or commitment. More Channels. Faster Internet. Unlimited Voice. Call 1-855-652-9304 Unable to work due to injury or illness? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc., Social Security Disability Attorneys! FREE Evaluation. Local Attorneys Nationwide 1-855-498-6323 [Mail: 2420 N St NW, Washington DC. Office: Broward Co. FL (TX/NM Bar.)] Sleep Apnea Patients - If you have Medicare coverage, call Verus Healthcare to qualify for CPAP supplies for little or no cost in minutes. Home Delivery, Healthy Sleep Guide and More - FREE! Our customer care agents await your call. 1-844545-9175 HughesNet Satellite Internet - 25mbps starting at $49.99/mo! Discover the world’s best FAST download walk-in bathtub from speeds. WiFi built in! FREE Standard Installation for lease 5 Reasons American Standard customers! Limited Walk-In Tubs are Your Best Choice Time, Call 1-800-610dd’s’s 1 Backed by American Standard’s 140 years of experience 4790 $ 2 Ultra low entry for easy 1,50 Earthlink High Speed entering and exiting SAVING0S Internet. As Low As 3 Patented Quick Drain® fast water removal system Includes FREE American StandardRight Height Toilet $14.95/month (for the Limited Time Offer! Call Today! tthh AND AND 4 Lifetime Warranty on the bath first 3 months.) Relikked ed ed installation, INCLUDING labor backed by American Standard able High Speed 5 44 Hydrotherapy jets for an Fiber Optic Technolinvigorating massage Receive a free American Standard Cadet toilet with full installation of a Liberation Walk-In Bath, Liberation Shower, or Deluxe Shower. Offer valid only while supplies last. Limit one per household. Must be first time purchaser. See www.walkintubs. ogy. Stream Videos, FREE IN-HOME for other restrictions and for licensing, warranty, and company information. CSLB B982796; Suffolk EVALUATION! NY:55431H; NYC:HIC#2022748-DCA. Safety Tubs Co. LLC does not sell in Nassau NY, Westchester NY, Putnam NY, Rockland NY. Music and More! Call Earthlink Today 1855-520-7938 Were you an INDUSTRIAL TRADESMAN Physicians Mutual Insurance Company (machinist/boilermaker/pipefitter etc) A less expensive way to help get the dental care you deserve and recently diagIf you’re over 50, you can get coverage for about No wait for preventive care and no deductibles – nosed with LUNG $1 a day* you could get a checkup tomorrow CANCER? You may Keep your own dentist! You can go to any dentist Coverage for over 350 procedures including you want cleanings, exams, fillings, crowns…even dentures be entitled to a SIGNO annual or lifetime cap on the cash benefits NIFICANT CASH you can receive AWARD. Risk free FREE Information Kit consultation! 877781-1769 1-877-308-2834 Stay in your home *Individual plan. Product not available in MN, MT, NH, NM, RI, VT, WA. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance nnsurance surance policy/certificate ppolicy/ olicyy//c /certificate errtificaate of of this this type. t pe. Contact ty Contact us us for for complete complete details ddeta eta longer with an Ameriabout this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not available in CO, NY; call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q); Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN) can Standard Walk-In
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Grand Isle School has an opening for a high school science teacher. The qualified candidate should possess a teacher certificate and/or master’s degree in science, the medical field, engeineering or a field related to the courses to be taught (environment science, biology and chemistry). Please apply at s/onlineapp/before Octobe 31, 2018. _________________________ Superior Shipyard is looking for Welders, Fitters, Blasters and Painters. Apply in person at 20987 Hwy 1 in Golden Meadow or call 985-205-3596 FMI. _________________________ Help Wanted: Lafourche Parish Fire District 3 Civil Service Board is currently accepting applications through October 19, 2018 at 4 p.m. for the competitive examination for Firefighter/Operator. Applications may be obtained and submitted to Jda Pitre at Fire Central, 17462 West Main Street, Galliano. For details, go to /Lafourche%20FPD%203/Descriptions/LF-FFOP-sp.pdf _________________________ Gulf Coast Employment Is accepting applications for LICENSED 100 Ton Offshore Captains and EXPERIENCED Offshore Deckhands (preferably with engine room experience). Basic safety certifications are required. Apply online at or call 985-693-7750 ________________________
Special Education District No. 1, The Center is seeking a Part-Time Direct Support Worker to work in the Raceland and Mathews area. Successful candidates must be at least 18 years old with a valid driver’s license and possess a GED or high school diploma. Applications can be filled out Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am-2:00pm at 5510 West Avenue D, West 55th Street in Cut Off. Applications will be accepted until Friday, October 12, 2018. _________________________ Special Education District No. 1, The Center is seeking a Part-Time Direct Support Worker for its facility in Cut Off. Successful candidates must be at least 18 years old with a valid Louisiana Driver’s License and possess a GED or high school diploma. Applications can be filled out Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am2:00pm at 5510 West Avenue D, West 55th Street in Cut Off. Applications will be accepted until Friday, October 12, 2018. _________________________
Dog Grooming at Pitre’s Feed & Seed. Call JoAnn Pitre at 696-2321. _________________________ Can Do Brick, Block & Stone Work. Call for free estimates. Keith Thayer at 985-637-3569. _________________________ J & P’s Tree Service & Sawmill, LLC Land Clearing, Dozer & Excavator, Tree Removal, Trimming, Stump Grinding, Demolition, Lumber cut to order, For Sale: Firewood, Mulch and Dirt. State Arbor’s License & Insured. Call 985-632-2540 or 985-696-5174. _________________________ We Do Redo Remodeling, Inc. Total Renovation & Add Ons! Kitchen & bathroom remodel, tile, vinyl siding, decking, etc, Call Marvin Thibodaux, Sr. at 985-291-0953. _________________________ Earl’s Yard & Pressure Washing Service., Earl P. Duet, owner. Call 985-691-7570. _________________________
is accepting applications for all Offshore Licensed Captains Offshore Licensed & Unlicensed Engineers Offshore AB’s and OS’s
Offshore Experienced Deckhands Call 985-693-7750 or apply online at: www.gulfcoast
Office: 985-693-7229 Fax: 985-693-8282
Cajun Roofing & Carpentry, LLC Best Prices on the Bayou. Sha! I Guarantee! Metal, shingle and patch jobs, vinyl siding, cement board siding, painting, pressure washing, remodeling, wood, ceramic & laminate floors, cabinets, windows, doors, porches, decks, patios, custom shutters, additions, new construction and more! Metal roof prices that can’t be beat. No job too big or too small. 20 yrs. exp. Free estimate. Call Curtis at 985397-6254 or email
LABOVE PLUMBING Professional Plumbing Service. Gas, water, sewer. Ask about our payment options. 16844 West Main St., Cut Off, LA 70345. LMP 7038. Call 985-991-1881. _________________________ Tony’s Carpentry: Friendly service. Honest trademan. 15 years experience. Need carpentry, painting, pressure washing, call 985-278-7188, ask for Tony. Blessings. _________________________ Kerry Chiasson Carpentry For all your carpentry needs. Call 985-637-6279. _________________________ Melancon’s Carpentry: 25 Plus years exp. Honest tradesman. Cabinetry; finish work; frame work; etc. Remodeling or new projects. Call 985-6964157. _________________________ Concrete Construction Patios. Driveways. Houses. Metal Buildings. Free Estimates. No job too large or too small. Call Glenn Hughes, Jr. at (985) 209-5552 or (985) 258-6047. _________________________ Tomb Cleaning: and painting. Call 985-278-2690. If no answer, leave message. I will return your call. Larose and Cut Off only. _________________________ Double J Roofing Construction Specializing in re-roofs, metal roofs, aluminum roofs, patio enclosures and repairs. Over 20 years experience of doing business in all parishes. Office: 985-722-3129 or cell: 985-7226129.
Using The Lafourche Gazette’s dumpster located near the East Side Food Store building across from the office is not allowed! Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Also, do not dump seafood peelings or other items into the bayou behind The Lafourche Gazette’s property, 12958 East Main, Larose. _________________________ Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Melinda S. Boudreaux, please contact Aimee F. Hebert, Attorney at Law. 337-642-5424. _________________________
Star Cobb Hospital in Austell, GA. She also worked in real estate in the Atlanta area and for a while, and owned the Lake Rabun Hotel Bed & Breakfast in North Georgia. Her last position before retiring several years ago was as a nursing instructor at Columbus Tech, where she helped train dozens of nursing and medical assistants in both the classroom and clinical settings. Sandy is survived by her sister, Shereen Walls King, and her niece Erin Walls McFall, both of Atlanta. A service in her memory will be held at a later date. Georgia Cremation of Duluth is handling arrangements. In lieu of flowers Sandy designated Animal SOS Foundation, 2429 Norris Rd., Columbus, GA 31907, which helped her find new homes for her pets when she needed hospitalization. Donations also may be made to the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cancer Home, 760 Pollard Blvd., NE, Atlanta, GA 30315 and the Dominican Sisters who who lovingly cared for her in her last weeks of life. ___________________
Kenneth Michael “Mike” Baker, 68, a native of Bolivar Tenn. and resident of Larose, La. passed away on September 24, 2018. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Mike is survived by his wife of 37 years, Rosario L. Baker; children, Christopher (Candace) Baker, Jon Baker, Sheryl (Sean) Ryan; siblings, Mark Baker, Patricia (Dwight) Kennedy, Satha (Roy) Russell; grandchildren, Christopher Jr., Isiah, Vivian, Elijah, Sean Jr., Brinkley, Hunter and Fischer; and 1 great-grandchild, Piper. Mike was preceded in death by his parents, Kenneth R. and Ruth Sykes Baker of Bolivar, Tenn. Mike was a devoted father, grandfather and adored his wife. “A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies, It brings us together again & again.” Samart-Mothe is entrusted with arrangements. __________________
Sandra E. McConnell, a retired instructor in nursing at Columbus Technical College, died Sept. 24 at the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cancer Home in Atlanta. She was 68. Sandy was born in Hattiesburg, MS, but she spent much of her childhood in Lockport, LA. She spent decades as a nurse in both hospital service and home health, working in places such as Charity Hospital in New Orleans, where she received her nursing degree, and Well-
is currently accepting applications for the following positions:
- Crane Operator - Licensed 100 Ton Captain with towing endorsement - Deckhand - General Labor - Sandblaster/Painter Benefits include: Health Insurance and Company match 401K Must submit to drug screen and physical APPLY IN PERSON AT 21549 HWY. 1 GOLDEN MEADOW, LA.
Elsie Soudelier, 71 a native of Delta Farms and resident of Larose, La. passed away on September 23, 2018. Visitation was held on Thursday, September 27 from 9 a.m. until funeral time. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at 11 a.m. at Holy Rosary with burial in the Church Cemetery. Elsie is survived by her companion, Adam Billiot; children, Jonathan Dardar and Gwen (Kenny) Johnson; brothers, Irvin and Cleveland Soudelier; sister, Jennifer Blanketship; 8 grandchildren; 12 great grandchildren; and 2 great- greatgrandchildren. Elsie is preceded in death by her parents, Clarence J. and Irene Dubois Soudelier; daughter, Melissa Dardar; and grandson, Joey Carl. Elsie was a Parishioner of Holy Rosary Catholic Church. Elsie enjoyed painting, sewing, crafting, and cooking. Samart-Mothe entrusted with funeral arrangements. ___________________
The deadline for the Wednesday paper is Monday at noon.
The deadline for the Sunday paper is Thursday at noon.
Raceland woman arrested Public notice in fraud investigation
Sunday, September 30, 2018 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE
From 1-A
The Civic Center has always been a big part of Amber and her family’s life. She grew up in Larose and started playing Biddy Basketball as a three year old. Amber spent many weekends, over many years, playing basketball and hanging out with the kitchen staff for fun. Amber has also volunteered for festivals, Wild Game Supper and many other events throughout the year and she was privileged to serve as both Teen Miss French Food Festival and Miss Bayou Cajun Fest. Her favorite thing about the French Food Festival is all the great food and getting to try a new dish every day of the fair. Her favorite food is her “Paran” Trent Brady’s Seafood Stuffed Potato. Grand Marshal XLI Toby James Brady is a life-long resident of Bayou Lafourche and committed volunteer in his community. He is married to Stacy Brady and has three children, Beau, Amber and Brett. He is the son of Grand Marshal IV Mr. Pat Brady and the late Mrs. Kate Brady, both long time supporters of the park and civic center. Toby is a graduate of Nicholls State University with a Bachelor and Masters degree in business. He has also recently completed a Bachelors degree in Occupational Safety and is currently president of Louisiana Capital Group. In his spare time, he has enjoyed watching his kids grow up and learning about life
Arrest reports
The following information is based on reports from the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office. Those individuals have been booked with, not convicted of, the offenses shown. All accused should be presumed innocent until proven guilty. SEPTEMBER 23, 2018 Lafourche Sheriff’s Office Morgan Basulito, 46, Golden Meadow. Domestic abuse battery involving strangulation with child endangerent (Felony). SEPTEMBER 24, 2018 Lafourche Sheriff’s Office Christopher Miller, 40, Galliano. Contempt of court. Louisiana Department of Probation and Parole Chad Pellegrin, 41, Thibodaux. Violation of probation/parole. Contempt of court. Louisiana State Police Crystal Harmon, 33, Raceland. Theft (2 CTS) (Felony). Filing or maintaining false public records (Felony). Illegal transmission of monetary funds. Computer fraud (Felony). Greater Lafourche Port Commission Harbor Police Jimmy Reynolds, 32, Clayton. Fugitive. SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 Thibodaux Police Dept. Gregory Rounds, 52, Thibodaux. Contempt of court. Wilfred Walker II, 29, Thibodaux. Battery of a dating partner (Misd).
through the numerous sports and activities they have participated in and has instilled in them how important volunteerism and civic mindedness are. As a volunteer at the Larose Civic Center, Toby has been a coach, board member, past Treasurer and President of Larose Biddy. He also served three terms as a Bayou Civic Club board member where he held the positions of Treasurer and President. Some of his most memorable events have occurred at the French Food Festival where he chairs the event and also controls all banking activities for the event, which has been his volunteer “job” for the past dozen plus years. Toby has also been an active participant in the Wild Game Supper, Spring Fair and the finance committee of the civic club. Toby’s favorite festival memory is spending time with his family at the fair and all of the fun festival memories he shares with the staff and volunteers. Toby and Amber are both privileged to be chosen as the first ever father and daughter royalty twosome and proudly invite you to spend the weekend with them at the French Food Festival on October 26, 27 and 28, and enjoying great Cajun food, three days of live music, carnival games, an old fashioned midway and rides and a one of a kind live auction unique only to the French Food Festival. Visit for more information. Lafourche Sheriff’s Office Dontrell Bryant, 51, Raceland. Contempt of court. Jaquan Cooper, 20, Raceland. Contempt of court. Charlotte Folse, 49, Raceland. Contempt of court. Justin Guidry, 35, Galliano. Contempt of court. Dane Plaisance, 33, Golden Meadow. Headlamps for motor vehicles and motorcycles. Operating veh. with suspended license; other offenses. Samuel Williams, 36, Westwego. Fugitive. Golden Meadow Police Dept. Gordon Dufrene, 50, Larose. Contempt of court (2 CTS).
ACTION: Notice of Availability
Monday, Troopers with the Criminal Investigations Division Houma Field Office (CID-HFO) arrested 33year-old Crystal Harmon after warrants were obtained for fraud totaling nearly $70,000. On September 18, 2017, the CID-HFO and the Louisiana Department of Child and Family Services began a joint investigation into Harmon after receiving information that she had committed fraud involving the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which is managed by the state of Louisiana. During the course of the investigation, it was determined that fraud in the amount of $14,569 was committed by Harmon. An arrest warrant was obtained in Lafourche Parish for Felony Theft, Illegal Transmission of Monetary Funds, and Computer Fraud. As the investigation continued, Investigators
with the Office of Inspector General for the Social Security Crystal AdminisHarmon tration became involved. Troopers and investigators determined Harmon also committed fraud against the United States government totaling $55,017.04 while claiming assistance for a child through the Social Security office. Additional arrest warrants for Felony Theft and Maintaining False Public Records were also obtained. On Monday, September 24, 2018, Troopers and investigators located Harmon at her residence in Raceland and placed her under arrest for the active warrants. All charges are being handled through the state of Louisiana 17th Judicial District and she was booked into the Lafourche Parish Detention Center.
Man arrested for aggravated incest faces additional charges
Detectives A Cut Off uncovered addiman arrested for tional allegations Aggravated Inof sexual misconcest in July now duct and continfaces additional ued the charges. Wesley investigation into Todd, 62, was arTodd. They found rested again on Wesley Todd he committed adTuesday for additional charges uncov- ditional sexual crimes ered by the against relatives, and struck two teens in mulinvestigation. In late June, juve- tiple instances, including nile detectives opened using a wooden object to an investigation into strike one of them. Detectives obtained Todd after receiving allegations that he report- additional warrants for edly molested a child Todd’s arrest for First several years ago who is Degree Rape, Aggravated Crimes Against Nature, also a relative. After attempting to Cruelty to Juveniles, and run away from officers, Aggravated Battery with Todd was arrested and a Dangerous Weapon. On Tuesday, Sepbooked on the warrant for Aggravated Incest, tember 25, Todd turned in at the and he was additionally himself charged with Resisting Lafourche Parish Detenan Officer. He was re- tion Center on the aforeleased the same day mentioned warrants. His was set at after posting $100,100 bond $450,000. bond.
ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 Keep track of your week, Aries. Review your schedule frequently. You never know which learning experiences will come your way. Think about how they make you feel. TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, your mind is buzzing like a bee and it can be challenging to find some time to relax. Do not worry, your thoughts will soon put you on the path you need to take. GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, some hectic mornings may be on the horizon. Schedule meetings in the afternoon when you are ready and have full brain power in effect. CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 Things may seem tight and rigid this week, Cancer. That just means it is up to you to lighten things up. Consider a few jokes to put coworkers in a good mood. LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, you need to look at your emotions intellectually this week; otherwise, your feelings may be hard to discern. Think through actions before you put them in motion.
VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Prepare for some surprises this week, Virgo. Processes will be introduced either by you or someone close to you, with interesting results. This is your time to excel. LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 Life is going well for you in most respects, Libra. But there is always room for a little improvement. Now is a great time to take advantage of good fortune and push ahead. SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, this week you are likely working out something important in your mind that can help clarify your emotions. The answer you get may be different from what you expected. SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21 Be careful not to overdo things this week, Sagittarius. You may want to jump right in to a gym workout or financial project. It’s good to be exuberant, but exercise caution, too. CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 It is challenging to prevent your temper from getting the best of you sometimes, Capricorn. But hostility is not the way to handle a sticky situation.
AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, don’t be surprised if one day this week you wake up with inspiration that wasn’t there the night before. Keep an eye out for strokes of genius. PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 Sometimes you are prone to acting on impulse, Pisces. This week you need to align your head and heart on the same plane to forge ahead.
FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS: SEPTEMBER 30 Olivier Giroud, Athlete (32) OCTOBER 1 Matthew Daddario, Actor (31) OCTOBER 2 Sting, Singer (67) OCTOBER 3 Gwen Stefani, Singer (49) OCTOBER 4 Melissa Benoist, Actress (30) OCTOBER 5 Kate Winslet, Actress (43) OCTOBER 6 Elisabeth Shue, Actress (55)
Adoption PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call us first. Living expenses, housing, medical, and continued support afterwards. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. 1-855-7808359 (LA-SCAN)
Attorneys Unable to work due to injury or illness? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc., Social Security Disability Attorneys! FREE Evaluation. Local Attorneys Nationwide 1-844-883-2045 [Mail: 2420 N St NW, Washington DC. Office: Broward Co. FL (TX/NM Bar.)] (LA-SCAN)
Auction Public Online Real Estate and Office Furniture Auction, closes Oct. 8, 2018 beginning at 2pm, by order of the U. S. Bankruptcy Court. Both real estate and office fixtures owned by United Home Care, Inc. are to be sold separately by public online only internet auction for properties located in Rayville, Bastrop, and Epps, Louisiana. For photos, lists, terms, and to start bidding, click on Danny Lawler, Auctioneer, La. Lic. # 1201. (318) 9297003 (LA-SCAN)
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844-290-9978 now for a free debt evaluation. (LA-SCAN)
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SAVE YOUR HOME! Are you behind paying your MORTGAGE? Denied a Loan Modification? Is the bank threatening foreclosure? CALL Homeowner’s Relief Line now for Help! 1-866-4701641 (LA-SCAN)
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DIRECTV SELECT PACKAGE! Over 150 Channels, ONLY $35/month (for 12 months.) Order Now! Get a $100 AT&T Visa Rewards Gift Card (some restrictions apply) CALL 1- 866-734-0452 (LA-SCAN)
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pact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 1-855-636-1667 (LA-SCAN)
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Stay in your home longer with an American Standard Walk-In Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 1-855-7765828 (LA-SCAN)
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SUMMARY: Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Greater Lafourche Port Commission (the Non-Federal Interest [NFI]), announces the release of the draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) for the Tentatively Selected Plan (TSP) of the Port Fourchon Belle Pass Channel Deepening Project (Project), Lafourche Parish, LA. The DEIS documents the existing condition of environmental resources adjacent to and in the vicinity of the areas being considered for development, and the potential impacts to those resources resultant of Project implementation. DATES: The Greater Lafourche Port Commission will hold the public meeting for the DEIS on October 25th, 2018 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. The Greater Lafourche Port Commission will accept written public comments on the DEIS from September 24th, 2018 to November 7th, 2018. Comments on the DEIS must be postmarked by November 7th, 2018. ADDRESS: Location of the public meeting: Greater Lafourche Port Commission, 16829 East Main Street, Cut Off, LA 70345 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Questions and comments regarding the proposed DEIS should be addressed to: Port Fourchon Belle Pass Channel Deepening Section 203 Project, The Greater Lafourche Port Commission, 16829 East Main Street, Cut Off, LA 70345; questions and comments can also be sent electronically via e-mail to: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Authority: The study is authorized by Section 203 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, as amended by Section 1014 of the Water Resources and Reform Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014, to evaluate the feasibility and Federal interest of channel improvements to the existing Port Fourchon Federal project. Background: This DEIS was prepared as required by the NEPA to present an evaluation of potential impacts associated with the Project TSP. Under the authority of Section 203, the Greater Lafourche Port Commission is the NFI, as well as the principal preparer of this DEIS. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provided assistance with activities associated with environmental compliance, such as the National Environmental Policy Act and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act. The purpose of the proposed Project is to reduce transportation costs and increase operational efficiencies of maritime commerce movement through the Port. Recommended Plan: This DEIS presents the evaluation and analysis of impacts resulting from the proposed deepening of and improvements to an existing Federal navigation channel; and the impacts related to the beneficial use of dredged materials from the proposed Project for the restoration of coastal wetland habitat in the vicinity of the project. The DEIS identifies the TSP. The recommended improvements of the TSP would deepen the dredging depth requirement to Bayou Lafourche Federal channel (station [sta.] 0+00 to sta. 130+00) to -30 feet while maintaining its current width requirement of 300 feet. The TSP also recommends deepening downstream Belle Pass Federal channel, inclusive of a turning basin, (station 130+00 to 589+93) to -50 feet and widen this reach’s width requirement from the existing 300-foot to 475 feet, and extend the entrance channel approximately 5.2 miles into the Gulf. The following total dredging depth requirements of the Belle Pass Federal channel and turning basin include advanced maintenance and a 2-foot safety factor: -53 feet from sta. 130+00 to 220+00, -56.5 feet from sta. 220+00 to 330+00, and 54.5 feet from sta. 330+00 to 589+00. Other features, not part of the Federal channel, would also be deepened: Flotation Canal, Slips A, B, C, and D will be deepened to 30 feet while the Fourchon Island Slip would be deepened to -50 feet. A deep loading hole located directly in this Fourchon Island Slip would be
dredged to a depth of -85 feet. The existing pair of Federal jetties would not be altered and would be maintained as needed. The TSP would require the relocation of 12 pipelines, all of which would be performed by contractors prior to the initiation of channel dredging contracts. The quantity of retention dikes estimated for marsh creation dredge placement is approximately 75,150 linear feet for construction and 9,800 for maintenance. Project construction would occur over an estimated period of 4 years. Maintenance dredging would begin after the fourth year of construction, and assumes 50 years of Project maintenance thereafter. Channel reaches would be dredged on cycles necessary to maintain the authorized depths and widths. New work and maintenance dredged material would be fully utilized as beneficial use sediments, with dredged material placed in nearshore areas as shoreline nourishment in active feeder berms and in the proposed marsh creation areas. It is the intention of the NFI to use all dredged material beneficially to counter coastal land loss resulting from storm surge, continued subsidence and sea level rise, while providing incidental storm surge risk reduction to the Port facilities, infrastructure and critical habit surrounding it. Project Impacts and Environmental Compliance: The DEIS was prepared in compliance with the respective State and Federal laws, regulations, regulatory statutes, and executive orders. Specifically, the Project impacts were addressed in the Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP), which was prepared in accordance with the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) promulgated by U.S. Code Title 33 Section 1401 (33 USC 1401 et seq); and also in the Monitoring Plan with Adaptive Management. These plans were developed in coordination with the USACE, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF), and National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Division (NMFS) to utilize all dredged material beneficially; and to fully integrate the recommendations of the Coordination Act Report provided by the agencies. The TSP would require the following allocation of dredged material quantities for placement areas: 49.9 million cubic yards (MCY) for marsh creation and 36.4 MCY for shoreline nourishment. The DMMP requires the authorization of four new marsh creation areas and the extension of the existing shoreline nourishment areas along the west Belle Pass and Caminada headlands. The pipeline corridors were designed to maximize avoidance of adverse wetland impact; which resulted in all but one pipeline segment of the corridors (estimated to impact 3.0 acres of wetland habitat) designed for construction to float atop the water surface within existing waterways and the proposed placement areas. The USFWS conducted the Wetland Value Assessment (WVA) which determined that there would be positive net benefits to wetland resources (including piping plover critical habitat) in the Project area, with the creation of emergent wetlands and nourishment to the barrier headland habitats. The Project would result in approximately 2,361 net acres of saline marsh habitat over the 50 year project life under the intermediate sea level rise rate scenario (3.3 feet by year 2100). In addition, this Project will have unrealized benefits from continued nourishment of barrier shorelines through maintenance dredging over the project life. Solicitation of Comments: The Greater Lafourche Port Commission is soliciting comments from the public, Federal, state, local agencies and officials, Indian tribes, and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Comments will be considered and included in the scoping appendix of the final EIS. Document Availability: DVDs are available upon request and are available for viewing at the following libraries: Library 1 – Lafourche Parish Public Library – South Lafourche Branch: 16241 East Main Street, Cut Off, LA 70345 Library 2 – Lafourche Parish Public Library – Thibodaux Branch: 3154, 705 West 5th Street, Thibodaux, LA 70301 9/26/18 9/30/18 10/3/18
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Sunday, September 30, 2018 THE LAFOURCHE GAZETTE
What a Life!
By: Rev. Wilmer L. Todd Many people today are lost; share God’s good news so they can find peace
A large wooden crate with a big dog inside rested on a railroad station platform. The dog was very sad. It wasn’t that he was ugly or abused. He just looked forsaken. A young woman noticed the dog and asked about him. The railroad employee replied, “You would be sad, too, if you were in his place. He’s chewed the tag off the crate and doesn’t know where he’s going.” That sounds like many people in our world today, doesn’t it? They have untold modern resources. They’re skilled, well educated, and talented. They’re in good health. They have almost everything they could want. Yet they’ve chewed the tag off their spiritual crate. They are bogged down and they are lost. They do not know how to educate their children to be responsible moral Christians. They have no idea how to find the path for a divorce-proof marriage. As our Lord said about the crowds of his day, “They are like sheep without a shepherd.” Milton Cunningham, a missionary, tells us about a time when he failed to share the Good News. He had just settled in for his flight from Atlanta to Dallas. He sat next to a young girl with Downs Syndrome. She turned to Milton and, in all her innocence, asked, “Mister, did you brush your teeth this morning?” Awkwardly Milton answered, “Well, yes, I brushed my teeth this morning.” “Good,” the girl responded, “’cause that’s what you’re supposed to do.” Her next question was, “Mister, do you smoke?” When he said no, the little girl answered, “Good, ‘cause smoking will make you die.” The third question was even easier to answer. The young girl asked, “Mister, do you love Jesus?” Milton answered with confidence, “Well, yes, I do love Jesus.” “Good, ‘cause we’re all supposed to love Jesus,” she replied. Just then, another man settled into the seat beside Milton. The girl urged Milton to ask the new passenger if he had brushed his teeth that morning. Milton didn’t want to disturb the stranger, but the girl persisted. He gave in and said, “Mister, sorry to bother you, but my friend here wants me to ask you if you brushed your teeth this morning.” When the man noticed the girl, he realized
that her question was innocent, and he answered that yes, he had brushed his teeth. With a sinking feeling, Milton realized where this was going. The girl urged him to ask the stranger if he smoked. Milton and the man went through the second question. The girl wanted Milton to ask the third question – did he love Jesus? Milton said that question was too personal. Remember, Milton was a missionary. Yet, something made him uncomfortable about sharing the Good News with this passenger. The young girl persisted, so Milton said, “Now she wants to know if you love Jesus.” The man’s face darkened. He began to talk about his desire to know God. He was in fact searching for God, for meaning and purpose in
life. He didn’t know where to turn. So Milton explained to him how to have a relationship with God and salvation through Jesus Christ. We may at times be as hesitant to share the Good News as Milton was. Yet, the world we live in today is the same world to which Christ sent his disciples. It’s a world that is lost and is turning to drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, food, pornography, instead of a relationship with God. It is a world of people who are hungry and thirsty for the Good News that we have to share. If you had good news about how to cure cancer, would you be embarrassed to share it with others? Why are we embarrassed to share the Good News of God’s plan to cure the ills of our lives? Share your gifts!
Catholic Community Center now stocking winter clothing
The Catholic Community Center (CCC) will be closed on Mon., Oct. 1st to fill the store with winter clothing. The center will reopen on Wed., Oct. 3rd with all new merchandise stocked. The store has extended its Monday hours to a new and permanent time from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday hours, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Friday hours, 10 a.m. to noon, remain the same.
If we have not included your church, or you would like to be a part of the Worship Directory, please call the Lafourche Gazette at 693-7229.
Charis Church
314 East 74th St. - Cut Off
Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Pastor Audie Crochet (504) 952-6603
South Lafourche Assembly of God 17618 West Main - Galliano - 632-2109 Sunday Morning Service 10 a.m. Children’s Church 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Night Service - 6:30 p.m. Guest Speaker Dr. Mark Duplantis Pastor Roger Hunt
First Assembly of God of Raceland Hwy. 1 & St. Ann Street - Raceland
Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Children’s Church 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship Service 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m.
First Baptist Church
187 Oakridge Dr. - Golden Meadow Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayers 6:30 p.m. Pastor Matthew W. Chouest, Sr.
First Baptist Church of Grand Isle
129 Cedar Ln. - Grand Isle - 985-787-3410 Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 6:00 p.m. (All Ages) Pastor Nathan Stanford
First Baptist Church of Larose 105 W. 16th Street - Larose
Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Gary Hanberry, Pastor Res: 693-4891 - Church: 693-3258
New Mt. Zion Baptist Church 13841 East Main - Larose
Worship Service 7:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Prayer Service/Bible Class Wednesday 6:30 Lord’s Supper: First Sunday 7:00 a.m. Prayer Breakfast: Sat. before 1st Sun., 8 a.m. Speaking Meeting: Thurs. before 1st Sun. 7 a.m. Reverend Nolan Smith, Pastor
First Baptist Church 5545 Hwy. 1 - Lockport
Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Evening Worship 6:30 p.m. Pastor Toby Brogden
Greater New Fountain Baptist Church
233 E. 12th St. - Lockport
Sunday Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Lord’s Supper Service: 2nd Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Prayer Breakfast: 2nd Saturday, 8:00 a.m. Bible Class Thursday 7:00 p.m.
Isrealite Baptist Church Hwy. 308 - Valentine
Worship Service 7:30 a.m. Lord’s Supper, Second Sunday, 7:30 a.m. Rev. Ronnie Williams, Sr.
South Lafourche Baptist Church 17077 East Main - Cut Off
Sunday Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Church 6:30 p.m. Pastor John Marks, Church: 632-4119
Trinity Baptist Church
195 Johnny Dufrene Drive - Mathews Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Service 6:30 p.m. Michael Davis, Pastor - 985-278-9852
Crosspoint Church
16640 West Main St., Cut Off (Near South Lafourche Bridge-LA Hwy. 1) Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Thursday Midweek: 6:00 p.m. (All Ages) Pastor Chad Mack (985-632-0810)
St. Mathews Missionary Baptist Church Hwy. 308 - Mathews
Sunday Worship Service 7:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Services Prayer Service & Bible Study Thurs., 6-7 p.m. Speaking Meeting/Testimony 2nd Sun. 7:30 p.m. Lord’s Supper Every 3rd Sunday Reverend Roland J. Bradley, Sr.
Gulf Coast Baptist Church
1606 S. Bayou Drive - Golden Meadow
Sunday Worship Service 11:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Worship 6:30 p.m. Pastor Shane Terrebonne (985) 258-0988
Bethel Baptist Church
122 Matherne St. - Grand Bois Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Pastor Jimmy Autin
New Sunlight Baptist Church 452 St. Patrick Street - Raceland
Sunday School 2 p.m., Sunday Worship 3 p.m. Prayer Service/Bible Class-Thurs., 6 p.m. Testimony/Prayer & Praise, 3rd Sunday, 3 p.m. Communion, 4th Sunday, 3 p.m. Reverend Charles Hawkins Sr., Pastor
Our Lady of Prompt Succor 723 North Bayou Drive Golden Meadow
Saturday Mass 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Reverend Henry Sebastian, Pastor
Our Lady of the Isle
195 Ludwig Lane - Grand Isle
Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Monday thru Thursday, 8 a.m. Winter Schedule: Sun. 10 a.m. (Nov. - Feb.) Fr. Carlos Talavera, Pastor
Our Lady of the Rosary
12911 E. Main - Larose - 985-693-3433 Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. Sunday Masses 7:00, 10:00 and 5:30 Weekday Mass Monday thru Friday, 7:30 a.m. Adoration Chapel open all day, everyday Rev. Duc Bui, Pastor
Sacred Heart Catholic Church 15300 West Main - Cut Off
Saturday Mass 4:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Weekday Mass: W.-Th.-F., 8:30 a.m. Tuesdays: 6:00 p.m. Fr. Gregory Fratt
Holy Savior Church
612 Main Street - Lockport
Saturday Mass 4:00 p.m. Sunday Masses 7:00 and 10:00 a.m.
St. Anthony Church (Gheens) 333 Twin Oaks Dr. - Raceland
Sat. Mass 6:00 p.m. - Sun. Mass 9:00 a.m. Wednesday Mass 5:15 p.m. Rev. P.J. Madden
St. Hilary of Poitiers
333 Twin Oaks Drive - Raceland
Saturday Mass 4:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 7:00, 9:00 and11:00 a.m. Weekday Mass: Mon., Tues., Thurs., 5:15 p.m. Friday Mass 7:00 a.m. Rev. P.J. Madden
St. Joseph Catholic Church 17980 West Main - Galliano
Saturday Mass 4:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 7:00 and 10:00 a.m. Weekday Mass: M. - W. - Th. - Fri. 7:00 a.m. Tuesday 6:00 p.m.
Larose Church of Christ 13379 East Main - Larose
Sunday Worship Service 9:30 a.m. Bible Class 10:30 a.m. Evening Services 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class 6:00 p.m.
Lighthouse Worship Center 18082 Hwy. 3235 - Galliano
Sunday Schedule: 9:59 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Christian Education: 7:00 p.m. Eno Dantin, Pastor
CCC is located at 9018 East Avenue A in Galliano next to the South Lafourche Tarpon Bridge [directly behind Renovations]. Shoppers are encouraged to come by and check out the large assortment of winter clothing and many different non-clothing items. The money raised is used to purchase food for their pantry to help those who are in great need.
This Worship Directory is made possible by these civic-minded businesses and individuals. Please remember to thank them for their support. Christian Fellowship Church 13581 East Main - Larose
Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Children’s Ministry, Spanish Translation Available, and Nursery Provided Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Discipleship Classes, Youth Ministry, Royal Rangers and Missionettes Scott Cheramie, Senior Pastor - online sermons
Victory Life Church
1200 Crescent Avenue - Lockport
Services: Sun. 10:00 a.m. and Wed. 7:00 p.m. Children’s Ministry and Nursery Provided Youth Service: Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Senior Pastor Danny Knight - 532-6561
Iglesia Evanbelica Christiana Espiritual
13298 East Main - Larose
Tuesday Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Thursday Prayer Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday Morning Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 6:00 p.m.
Gheens Presbyterian Church Sunday Services 8:00 a.m. Wednesday bible Study 6:00 p.m. Doctor John Spaulding, Pastor
INTER-DENOMINATIONAL Community Bible Church 14757 East Main - Cut Off
Sunday Worship Service: 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. Senior Pastor Dr. Bill Jemison III Pastor of Discipleship Robert Durbin Youth Pastor Robert Schwertz Jordy Rousse, Pastor of Worship & Young Adult Ministry Phone: (985) 632-3077
Christian Family Center 11819 East Main - Galliano
Sunday Services 10:45 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Sunday Spanish Service 3:00 p.m. Pastor Morris Hunter, Jr.
Community Fellowship
901 Barataria Street - Lockport Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Thursdays 7:00 p.m. Reverend Carlos Nieves (504) 532-2992
We aid in the supply of a natural resource to our world - oil. The Church aids in the supply of a vital resource to our world - God. Attend the church of your choice this week!
B & J Martin, Inc. Utility Boats Martin Quarters (985) 632-2727
Golden Meadow United Methodist Church
18803 East Main - Golden Meadow Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Chris Thomas, Pastor
Memorial United Methodist
201 Central Lafourche Dr. - Mathews
Sunday School & Adult Bible Class, 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 8:30 a.m. Communion First Sunday at 8:30 a.m.
Hwy. 1 • Lockport • 532-6015 1917 So. Bayou Dr. • Golden Meadow • 475-7131 13086 Hwy. 3235 • Larose • 693-7188
New Beginning Pentecostal 13051 East Main Street - Larose
Sunday Service 5:30 p.m. Ladies Prayer: Tuesdays, 11 a.m., All Welcome Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m. Pastor Ronnie Melancon
First United Pentecostal
Central Lafourche Drive - Mathews Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Service 6:30 p.m. Thursday 7:30 p.m.
Lighthouse Christian Fellowship 115 E. Central Avenue - Grand Isle Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 504-915-5019
Bethel Christian Ministries 107 East 123rd Street - Galliano Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Reverend Nathan Hayes
LA Carriers • 632-5858 752 Industrial Park Rd. • Larose, LA 70373
THERIOT, DUET & THERIOT, INC. Serving Lafourche Since 1957
Insurance Agents
• Marine • Life • Auto • Fire • Casualty • Notary Public 144 N. 1st St. • Golden Meadow Phone: 475-5126 • FAX: 475-7276
The Crossway Ministry, Lafourche 9334 Hwy. 308 - Lockport
15392 Hwy. 3235 - Cut Off (Across from Golden Motors)
Sunday Services 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Thursday Night Service 7 p.m. Senior Pastor: Monty Duke Church Pastor: Darren Felarise Spanish Pastor: Marcos Ferriera
108 East 90th Street - Galliano
Open Door Revival Center
16164 W. Main St. - Cut Off. - 325-2456
Crosby Boat Co., Inc. Keep Your Soul In Tow - Go To Church!
Hwy. 1, 124 Walter Ln., Golden Meadow Sunday Evening Service: 6:30 p.m. Thursday Evening Service: 7 p.m.
Call 693-7229 to reserve your spot on the Worship Directory.
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Sunday Worship Service, 10:00 a.m. Sunday Night Service, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Worship Service, 7:00 p.m.
Full Gospel Temple #2
Anyone applying for food and clothing assistance must bring in all income and expenses for everyone within the household in order to qualify. All adults must sign the application. The Center uses a United Way food bank program. Applicants must live from the Valentine Bridge southward to qualify. Volunteers are always welcomed and appreciated.
House of Prayer
Bible-based Sermons Friday Night Sermon: 6:30 p.m. (Free meal to all attending Friday nights) Bible Study Thursdays 6:30 p.m. 985-278-0122 (All religions welcome)
Grace Lutheran Church 422 Valhi Blvd. - Houma
(Only Lutheran Church between Grand Isle and Kenner) Rev. Richard Rudnik Sunday Service 9:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 10:45 a.m. Saturday Worship, Thibodaux, 5 p.m. - in the sanctuary at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 718 Jackson St. FMI Call Rev. Rudnik 879-1865
Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints East 57th St.
Bible Study: Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. English Elders: 985-360-7501 Spanish Elders: 985-791-6561
985.693.0123 985.693.0123
Voice Voice Video Video Internet Internet Security Security
Windshield Chips Repaired • Commercial • Marine • Residential
Hwy. 308 • E. 73rd St. Galliano • 632-6571
Iglesia Adventista del 7MO Dia:
504 Seventh St. - Lockport
Ptr. Raul Rivero - Phone: (757) 894-5873 Cultos miercoles y viernes 7 p.m. Sabado 9:30 a.m. Sociedad de Jovenes Sabado de Tarde
Mision Bautista Hispana Larose 105 W. 16th St. - Larose
Servicios Viernes - 7:30 p.m. Domingo Escuela Dominical - 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.m Servicio De Adoracion Pastor Juan Morales - 504-468-1300