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Vol. 01 Issue 03 September 16, 2019
Oil prices peaked in United States. TL Bureau, Washington D.C.
vitality stocks, including (BP) and Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA), were Oil costs high rises on Monday among the best entertainers in after an overwhelming assault on London's FTSE 100 (UKX). Asian the core of Saudi Arabian oil genmarkets completed generally eration throughout the end of the lower, with Hong Kong's Hang week stunned markets and could Seng shutting down 0.8%. CNOOC, disturb the worldwide stockpile of China's greatest seaward oil unrefined for quite a while. maker, spiked 8.7% in Hong Kong, US oil fates bounced 14.7%, setmaking it the best entertainer on tling at $62.90 a barrel. It was the the Hang Seng. PetroChina, anothgreatest spike since January 2009. er Hang Seng (HSI) part and Asia's Fates of Brent unrefined, the Sunday night that he had Aramco oil offices were seriously biggest oil and gas maker, rose worldwide benchmark, settled up approved the utilization of oil from harmed in the strikes and reestab- 7.4%. Carriers stocks were 14.6% at $69.02 a barrel. the nation's crisis oil supply. lishing creation to their pre-assault smacked hard even with an Fuel fates, in the interim, were up Trump said oil from the Strategic levels "will take weeks, not days," approaching flood in fuel costs. over 13%, which isn't looking Petroleum Reserve, or SPR, would as indicated by two Saudi sources Germany's Lufthansa and Air good for American drivers. be utilized "to keep the business acquainted with the kingdom's oil France KLM both shut lower, as did Costs at first flooded as much as sectors well-provided." The US activities. "This is remarkable in American Airlines (AAL), United 18% however withdrew after US save is the biggest reinforcement scale, and effect," they said. (UAL), Delta (DAL) and Southwest President Donald Trump said on pool of oil. State-possessed Saudi European trades shut lower, while (LUV) in the United States.
TABLETOP EXERCISE AT EUROPOL ON TERRORIST CONTENT DISSEMINATION ONLINE TL Bureau, The Hague The EU Internet Referral Unit (EU IRU), EU Member States, third countries and online service providers (OSPs) are joining forces to strengthen global action in the fight against terrorism online. The EU Internet Referral Unit (EU IRU) organised a tabletop exercise with EU Member States’ law enforcement authorities, third countries and online service providers (OSPs) at Europol’s headquarters, in The Hague, under the umbrella of the European Commission-led EU Internet Forum. The aim of the exercise was to inform and work on the development of an EU-led voluntary mechanism to enable a coordinated response to a cross-border massive abuse of the internet in the context of terrorism or violent extremism.
For a torture-free world: Council reinforces EU policy towards third countries TL Bureau, Brussels The Council today adopted the following conclusions on the revised Guidelines on EU policy towards third countries on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment: "The Council welcomes the Guidelines on EU Policy Towards Third Countries on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and approves the revised guidelines. The Council remains seriously concerned by the widespread use of torture and other ill-treatment around the world.
Child Immigration Detention is Not Only Wrong, It Is Ineffective TL Bureau, New York Today, the United Nations Network on Migration strongly reiterates its position that child immigration detention must be ended in every region of the world. Detention of children for immigration purposes - whether they are traveling alone or with their families – has been recognized as a child rights violation and can be highly damaging to their physical and psychological health and wellbeing. Detention of children based on their migratory status is thus never in their best interests. Communitybased programmes, case management and other human rights-based alternatives have proven highly effective and all governments should work to replace immigration detention
for children and families with appropriate reception and care arrangements. Studies consistently show that detention and family separation are traumatic
experiences that have a profound negative impact on children’s health and long-term cognitive and physical development. This harm can occur even
when the detention is of short duration, regardless of the conditions in which children are held, and even when children are detained with their families.