Green Melt Dinner 2012

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Rave to save the planet

Green Melt! Dinner

14 July 2012

Melt! Festival at Ferropolis

PROF. DR BIRGITTA WOLFF Minister of Science and Economics of Saxony-Anhalt

Mit dem erneut restlos ausverkauften Festival setzt Ferropolis an Sachsen-­ Anhalts wichtigster Eventspielstätte einen Höhepunkt im Veranstaltungskalender des Landes. Viele tausend Besucher werden auch in diesem Jahr zu einem der wichtigsten europäischen Festivals im Die Energiewende hat in Sachsen-­ ­Bereich der elektronischen und Indepen­ Anhalt längst begonnen. Unser Land hat dent-Musik pilgern. Als Wirtschafts­ schon sehr früh auf regenerative Energie­ ministerin weiß ich um die herausragende träger gesetzt. Und das mit Erfolg: Der Bedeutung dieses Großereignisses, das zu Anteil der erneuerbaren Energieträger an einem Aushängeschild für die Region und der Nettostromerzeugung in Sachsen-­ das gesamte Land geworden ist. Denn Anhalt ist in den vergangenen Jahren davon profitiert natürlich auch der Tourisstetig gewachsen: von 0,1 Prozent im mus. Zudem ist das "Green Melt Dinner" Jahre 1991 auf 36,2 Prozent im Jahre eine gute Gelegenheit, vor allem zahl2010. Damit nimmt Sachsen-Anhalt reichen jungen Menschen die vielen ­inzwischen bundesweit einen Spitzenplatz schönen Seiten unseres Bundeslandes ein. Zudem hat sich das Land auch als näher zu bringen. ausgezeichneter Produktionsstandort für Ein "grünes" Festival in einer tradiKomponenten zur Energieerzeugung ­einen Namen gemacht. Dafür steht zum tionellen Braunkohle-Region zu veranBeispiel das Unternehmen Enercon, das stalten, schlägt einen spannungsreichen als deutscher Marktführer mit mehreren Bogen von der Braunkohle zu den re­ tausend Beschäftigten in Magdeburg generativen Energieträgern und thematisiert damit gleichzeitig die ökologische ­Windräder produziert. Dimension einer der wichtigsten Zukunfts­fragen der Menschheit: die Frage nach der zukünftigen Energieversorgung. Ein solches Festival vor einer so einma­ ligen Kulisse wie die der "Stadt aus Eisen" findet sich kein zweites Mal in Deutschland. Ich gratuliere den Veranstaltern zu dieser tollen Idee, wünsche ­ihnen viel Erfolg und den Besucherinnen und Besuchern sehr viel Spaß. Wenn das "Green Melt Dinner" Mitte Juli in Ferropolis Station macht, ist es genau am richtigen Ort: im Land der erneuerbaren Energien.



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THIES SCHRÖDER Managing Director of Ferropolis

Ferropolis develop­ ing from a monument for mining to a centre of renewable energy

The five enormous excavators which form Ferropolis – the city of steel, are not only witnesses of almost 150 years of industrial heritage but nowadays also ­ ­provide a breathtaking setting for all kinds of activities, events, festivals and much, much more. Brown coal was mined here for 30 years, in all seasons, in all weathers, and in three shifts around the clock. ­Because energy is needed to make wheels go round and chimneys steam and it is needed for the economy on every level and in every political system. And this is the reason why, for over a century, the energy source for all walks of life was ­ here, and in many similar neighbouring open cast mines. The region of central Germany supplied power stations, chemical- and industrial plants, large ­ towns and rural areas, with coal and ­electricity. ­Today the region is kown for his history: Reformation, Enlightenment and Modernity.

alike. The energy that radiates from this place today is musical energy. With this creative energy Ferropolis will become a symbol of a changing region. In the last summer Ferropolis was glad about the installlation of a 3000 m2 solar panels on the festival area. This solar power plant generates about 170,000 kWh per year. However a large part of this electricity disappears in the local power grid because adequate ­ ­electricity storage technologies to run the festivals only using on-site generated solar energy are still lacking. Now its time to think about solutions. We try to find them in our workshop ­series called "Zukunftswerkstatt Ferropolis". Within this workshops innovative technologies for generating and storing power from renewable energies for major events are presented and discussed. ­Besides this Ferropolis wants to become a showcase of futuristic renewable energy systems, a "walkable Energiewende". A place where music fans and tourists can experience what renewable energy ­systems can be like in the future.

Conveyer 1022 Gemini, Conveyer 1025 Medusa, Bucket Chain Excavator 651 Mad Max, Excavator 1521 Big Wheel, and Bucket Chain Excavator 197 Mosquito create a unique backdrop which deeply impresses both visitors and artists

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Matthias Hörstmann Managing Director of Melt! Festival

As festival organisers, it is not only our goal to have a finger on the pulse in terms of music, but it is our aim to grasp the overall zeitgeist in regards to social concerns and issues as well. Since the 1980's a movement towards a more environmentally conscious society has slowly emerged. With issues like global warming, the controversy of nuclear power stations ­ worldwide or increasing waste generation, we couldn't continue our beloved festival as if we were immune to such critical ­concerns. It is our obligation, therefore, to keep continuing and improving our M!ECO campaign in co-operation with the Green Music Initiative. With the help of our festival visitors, we began tackling environmental issues in 2010 starting with our Melt! Hotel Train, numerous travel offers, discounts and our garbage deposit. We also provided our ­festival goers as well as our artists with a guide to increase awareness of their own influence on the global energy balance. In 2011, under the banner of regenerative energies, solar panels were installed on the roof tops of the festival site Ferropolis to reduce energy consumption in the long term.

This year, we try to take it yet another step further. Together with various ­experts, the Green Music Initiative and the Ferropolis GmbH organises the "Zukunftswerkstatt Ferropolis" discussing issues like energy consumption, supply and storage to develop ideas and visions for future M!ECO projects. Our focus is no longer directed t­owards mere recycling but to ‘upcycling' instead whereby waste is used to generate a product of higher value. For instance, waste collected at the festival site will be recycled and transformed into renewable energy by waste separation. One of our stages, the bike disco, is now fully relying on regenerative energy and our festival goers' fitness. In order to listen to acoustic concerts and DJ sets at the campsite, our visitors have to start pedaling to produce energy with their very own feet. We are also proud to continue our cooperation with NGOs and organisations. Viva Con Agua will, once again, collect festival goers' cup deposit, which will be used to provide developing countries with drinking water. will ask visitors at the campsite for cup deposits and Wittenberg Tafel as well as plenty of regional vendors will also help to draw a better balance by reducing waste ­generation on location. With our M!ECO campaign celebrating its third anniversary this year, we hope to have taken yet another step towards an eco-friendlier festival.


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Melvin Benn

Managing Director of Festival Republic

Every human activity has an impact on the environment and so do ­ our festivals, but there are many ways to hugely reduce this impact and also to offset it. At ­Festival Republic we work on the active side of things and implement the solutions before, not after, creating the carbon emissions. For that to happen we need to engage with the audience, especially when it comes to travelling to the site and ­recycling. It is in engaging with them that we find a great challenge; this is not to say that there is no interest from festival goers in being green, but that there is so much entertainment on offer so the Green ­Initiatives are not in the forefront of the audiences' minds. What makes people having unforgettably good weekends in our festivals is that we give them the chance to experience, to share and to learn new things. Sustain­ ability has an important role to play in there too; therefore we try to make things really easy and fun for them to participate in our green initiatives: Bike rides, priority car parks for those who share their car journey, educational talks about energy and how to measure your carbon footprint, recycling workshops, incentive ­ schemes … the offer is amazing and the response is simply great.

Adults and children get to help the e­ nvironment whilst having a fantastic time which is what hopefully will encourage them to implement those little healthy habits into their daily routines once they are back at home after the festival. Energy efficiency is other of our challenges and to achieve the best results we are now exploring greener options; from increasing the usage of bio diesels to implementing micro generation (wind ­ generators). Working very closely with Julie's ­ icycle we have taken part in the creation B of the Green Festival Alliance, together with other festival organizers and power suppliers. It is only by getting together and sharing our knowledge that we will get into the right track to make the change happen.

About Festival Republic: Festival Republic is the UK's leading Festival and Event ­promoter. We are extremely proud to be the team behind the greatest rock shows on the planet; the Reading & Leeds Festival, the critically ­applauded Latitude, The Big Chill, Ireland's Electric Picnic, Hove in Norway and Berlin Festival.

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Jacob Bilabel

Founder of the Green Music Initiative

Europe is burning. The financial crisis seems to devastate our societies at a pace no one would have thought of some years ago. All over the world people are gathering to stop this system from destroying our countries and our solidarity. It's not easy talking about climate change these days. Nonetheless, I am sure, the changing climate is a sympton of the cause that lies at the very heart of the problem: The illusion that industrial growth is endless, that resources are limitless. And that we can carry on forever with ‚business as usual'. I started my career in the managment of the biggest major in the music industry. At the time, people could already foresee what digitisation would mean for the ­business. But most of us decided to believe in the fairytale I mentioned: nothing would be big enough to shake our world, we would not need to change our way of ­doing things. We can now see what effect this denial has had on today's music industry.


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I regularly meet people who don't ­ elieve in climate change at all. It's the b same kind of mentality I witnessed in the music business ten years ago. The more nihilists I meet, the less I care about changing their minds. Instead I ask them the following questions: How do you want to live in the future? How can we accelerate moving our societies towards this dream? The social change challenge is a c­ omplex one. It demands a thorough ­understanding of what's going on around us as well as cooperation between science, politics, consumers, business and civil society alike. It is therefore essential to ­ build a common language around the challenges we face, the options we have and the life we want to live as individuals and as a society. In this regard we should develop a new Low Carbon Culture. There is no time to lose, but so much to win for all of us.

FERROPOLIS FERRO SOLAR With 210 kWp output, the QSmart modules of the Q-Cells have been ­producing energy on the roofs of Ferropolis since 30 June 2011. The five enormous excavators which form the city of iron, are not only witnesses of almost 100 years of industrial heritage but nowadays also provide a breath-taking setting for all kinds of activities, events, festivals and much, much more.

Until 1991 brown coal was extracted around the peninsula. Then the open mines' giant equipment – monuments of the machine ageshould have been scrapped. But former mine workers and visionaries associated with the Bauhaus Dessau, saved the steel colossuses and grouped them into an impressive ensemble. Today, Ferropolis is a museum, an industrial monument, a steel sculpture, an event location and a theme park all at the same time. Towering over everything: the giant excavators that remain like dinosaurs from a past era. But the future has already begun. This is shown by the first settlements of smaller companies as well as numerous new projects: swimming baths for example, or currently a whole holiday village, supplied by the longest European ­ solar power station. In Ferropolis, as it ­ ­appears, the future is possible. And the present is celebrated: international festivals as well as big concerts from Herbert Grönemeyer to Metallica have ­ bestowed on Ferropolis a European-wide ­ reputation as an unparalleled setting for both artists and audience.

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At a series of workshops labelled "Zukunftswerkstatt Ferropolis", various experts developed a common vision how a site like Ferropolis can be used to make the Energiewende a tangible experience to its visitors.

Turning Ferropolis into a "walkable Energiewende" "Music meets solar in the "iron city"!" said Prof. Dr. Birgitta Wolf, Minister of Science and Economy for Saxony-Anhalt, last summer. She was referring to the installation of 3000 m² solar panels on the roofs of Ferropolis. This was the first step on the ­ way towards a renewable future of this ­festival site, which is mainly known for its impressive scenery of massive excavators; the remains from the site's original purpose as open cast coal mine. The equipment with PV panels also underlines the importance of the regional solar industry. The roofs now generate about 170,000 kWh per year, directly fed in the local power grid. The three-day long Melt! Festival consumes half of this energy. However adequate electricity storage technologies to run the ­ festival only using the on-site generated solar energy is lacking. Ferropolis and the ­ Green Music Initiative strive to proactively support this challenging process to find a ­solution by inviting different stakeholders to a 'Zukunftswerkstatt Ferropolis'.

On 19 June 2012, the first workshop was held on Ferropolis. Innovative technologies for generating and storing power from renewable energies for major events were the focus of intense discussions by a selected range of experts from various sectors. The meeting of technical knowhow of engineers and cultural communication expertise of professionals from the music and entertainment sector opened a window of highly creative exchange. They confirmed the ­ peninsula's unique potential to become a ­ showcase of futuristic renewable energy systems, a ‘walkable Energiewende'. On 20 July 2012, at the second workshop sustainable tourism experts will discuss how such a ‘walkable Energiewende' can be best delivered to visitors. Ferropolis attracts 40,000 day tourists per year in addition to the 100,000 festival visitors, which provides visibility and economic inflow to the region. Here as well, the potential for further development is obvious, but it requires creative steering. The results of the two workshops will be presented in Berlin during the Berlin Music Week on 6 September 2012. National and international representatives from politics ­ and the music industry will be introduced to this ambitious project at a reception in the Representation House of Saxony-Anhalt in Berlin. The transition to a truly sustainable future will only succeed by joining all societal forces including culture, creativity, ­ science, economy and policy.

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Melt! goes green Environmental and Climate Protection are key issues of our time. Festivals also have a responsibility to address these challenges and reduce their negative environmental impact. The promoters of the Melt! Festival are aware of this and launched the project M!eco in partnership with the Green Music Initiative. In several months of work, a comprehensive a 足 pproach was developed, making the Melt! Festival a green pioneer in the entertainment and cultural sector.



Environmental pollution is the number one topic of our times. The music and entertainment industry, however, is very much energy-intensive in every aspect (production, distribution, performance, application). The ­ UK music industry, for example, was responsible for 540,000 tons of CO2 emissions in 2007. This number equals the emissions of a small town with 54,000 inhabitants or 180,000 cars per year. (Source: UK Music Industry Greenhouse Gas Emissions for 2007, University of Oxford). As a whole, Germany's music and entertainment sector is even bigger than the British. Imperative measures in order to reduce emissions haven't been implemented on a broader ­basis, yet.

Of course, we are aware that a festival can never be totally eco-friendly. However, we want to make sure that our emissions remain as low as possible. No greenwashing on our part – we want to make it right.

Therefore we want to take on a responsibi­ lity in the future. In 2010, we already started our broad environmental offensive together with the Green Music Initiative and other ­extraordinary partners. In 2010, we focused on the festival issue number one: mobility – the festivalgoers' arrival and departure. This year, we are ­ about to expand our projects to the energy sector.

Melt! Festival's looking for new environmental issues, which directly concern us, every year. We deal with the consequences to the environment in order to come up with solutions together with our partners. We want to expand our environmental efforts and measures, year by year, step by step. Last year, we focused on our festival visitors' arrival and departure. This year, our focus lies on energy preservation. Further info will follow soon. We are looking forward to your feedback and suggestions! Garbage Deposit To keep Ferropolis as clean as possible ­during the festival, we decided to introduce a garbage deposit. We also made progress by optimising our waste disposal procedures. Our garbage deposit campaign is also part of this year's Melt! again. By handing in a filled bin-liner, festivalgoers get a EUR 5 refund or one of our exlusive and eco-friendly "You Melt My Heart" bags.

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Green Melt! Dinner After the successful green music dinners at the UN climate summit in Copenhagen, at the Echo Awards in Berlin, the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg and the c/o pop in Cologne, the Green Melt! Dinner takes ­ place at Melt! Festival for the second time this year. 80 selected international representatives from music, science, politics, environmental NGOs, industry and media ­ are invited to the vegetarian gourmet dinner to discuss how innovative approaches can help the music industry to achieve concrete results in reducing CO2 emissions. Input statements lead through the evening (­ including Jacob Bilabel, founder of the Green Music Initiative, Matthias Hörstmann, promoter of the Melt! Festival, Prof Dr. Harald Welzer, Director of the Futurzwei Foundation and Thies Schröder, Managing Director of Ferropolis). The discussions at the Green Music Dinners have already ­resulted in many concrete climate protection projects, e.g. the MorgenMelt! Rocks Tour.

We worked on practical approaches in order to reduce the three-day festival's environmental impact. Our emphasis lay on sustainable, innovative and alternative travel offers by which we tried to bridge the gap ­between interesting offers on the one side and our visitors' needs on the other. In past years, it was reasonable to use a car in order to travel to a festival: you had space for your valuables and belongings, a place to hide from the rain, and, of course, it was the cheapest option by far. Our task, therefore, was to come up with lucrative alternatives to travelling by car. Melt! Train One of our innovative mobility measures in 2010 was our hotel train, which is about ­become part of our planning process in the following years. This train, chartered ex­ clusively for the festival, equipped with couchette coach, made for a comfortable ­ journey directly to the festival site. The train served as accommodation, rain shelter and space for your valuables as well.

Mobility Music festivals have the carbon footprint of a small town. About 40 percent of all emissions stem from the visitors' arrival and ­departure. Since 2010, Melt! has tried to live up to its responsibilities, so we started a broad environmental offensive together with the Green Music Initiative.

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For EUR 59 only (return ticket plus overnight stays included), our train proved to be an economically decent alternative to a car. The train departed from Cologne with over ten stops on its way to Ferropolis. With 600 tickets sold, the train was fully booked in the first year already. A festival visitor choosing our hotel train instead of a car reduces his or her carbon footprint by half. CO2 emissions are reduced from 64 kg to 31 kg per person.

CO2online – Electricity Checkers and ­Climate Clicker To raise Melt! Visitors' awareness of their impact on climate change, the campaign "Climate Clicker" is held on site. In the M!eco area, the festival visitors will receive energy saving advices explaining how individuals can contribute to a climate-friendly festival. The program is also available online at

Energy – Cooperation with Q-Cells Last year, solar panels have been installed on the roofs of Ferropolis thanks to a co­ operation with Q-Cells. 2901 square metres are now equipped with QSmart modules, photo-voltaic cells with very high efficiency. Thereby an annual amount of 170,000 kWh is generated. Energy for about 50 homes could be provided for one year. Melt! Festival consumes about 73,000 kWh during the festival weekend.

Catering & "Greener" Partner Regional Involvement – Donating for Tafel Regarding the festival's catering sector, we focused on regional vendors more prominently. Besides more eco-friendly and ­vegetarian dishes on offer, waste prevention requirements for all vendors were issued. ­ The catering sector will be improved ­together with our partner Gastrobüro. As one of the festival's 2012 innovations, all green food stalls will be labeled as such this year. Stalls that are particularly eco-friendly and environmentally conscious receive a "Greener Partner" sticker in advance. At this year's M!ECO press conference, food stalls making a great effort will be rewarded.


With the Wittenberger Tafel e. V.‘s presence as well as the introduction of a garbage deposit, waste was drastically reduced. ­ Thanks to all festival­goers as well as Tafel, about a ton of left over, yet edible groceries were donated in 2010. We hope that this considerable achievement will be repeated in 2012. Bike disco When festivalgoers start to pedal at the bike disco, acoustic concerts and DJ sets from artists such as Charlie Barnes, MC Fitti, Crash Captains, Freedom Or Death, Deep Sea Diver, Fiebertanzparty, Stiff Little ­Spinners Special (Rampue, Krink, Mendoza, Gimmix) will be set in motion. It’s only going to happen when someone gets on a bike and starts producing energy with his or her very own feet. The Bike Disco with its E-Bikes from Kreidler can also be used to recharge cell phones of the festivalgoers on site.

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M!ECO-Artist checklist What you can do to make MELT! a little more environmentally friendly. Check your way of travelling: Going from e.g. Cologne to Berlin by plane emits about 150 kg CO2 – in a coach it takes about 1/3th of it, by van 1/10th. Imagine how great it would be for the environment if you would take the train... Also, did you know that a white coach is more environmentally friendly than a black one? If the sun burns down on your bus, the driver will have to turn up the air-con much more if the bus is black. Check your rider: Do you really need your PG Tips and Walker crisps while in Germany or would a local brand do? Please check your catering rider thoroughly and switch to local and seasonal products wherever possible. LED does not only look good, it also saves power. Check with your production manager if you could make your production more environmentally friendly with some easy ­ changes. Check your hunger: Did you know that the biggest climate killer is the meat production industry? Check if you really need meat on your plate every day and try to switch to vegetarian options at least once a week.

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Did you know that Melt! Festival... • has a bike stage, where the power for acoustic concerts and DJ-sets is provided by people riding bikes? • has it's very own solar power panels? • and its partners Ferropolis and Green ­Music Initiatives are hosting a futurelab to find new technologies to store solar ­energy with the goal to host a sunplugged stage at Melt! one day? • is trying to work with mostly organic, regional, seasonal caterers for our food ­ court on the festival site? • 's merchandise is mostly made of "organic cotton"? • has a Hotel train where people can not only travel with but also store their belongings safely and sleep during the ­ festival? • is encouraging its visitors to travel to the festival by train, bus or car pool? • is sorting all its garbage with a sorting ­machine after the festival? • 's artist shuttle drivers took a course in sustainable driving? Check out all our measures at and feel free to ask us questions. We would also appreciate if you gave us a short interview on your thoughts about GREEN EVENTS AND TOURING. Please check at the Artist Info Point on site for more info or write to

Go Group Europe GO stands for Green Operations. GO Group Europe is an independent, pan-European and crossindustry think-tank to inspire people in the music festival and events industry to run their operations greener and smarter.­

The mission of the GO Group is to: 1. Identify international best practice in sustainable innovation for the music festival and event industry 2. Aggregate, communicate and share the collective knowledge with interested stakeholders from all over Europe 3. Establish working relationships between different industry groups to enable practical and spontaneous exchange of ­ personal experiences 4. Build a Sustainability Training Curriculum for festival and event promoters in ­collaboration with Bucks University The first GO Group workshop on ‘Energy and Communication' took place in Amsterdam in May 2011. Practical solutions on how music festivals and events can become more energy efficient were elaborated upon and adequate communication tools to ­actively involve the audience in the efforts towards a greener future were discussed. For its second workshop, the GO Group went east to Budapest in April 2012. Representatives from both festivals and science discussed major issues such as international green standards, communication of green ­issues, waste and mobility management.

The GO Group Europe was initia­ted by the Green Music Initiative, Bucks University, GreenEvents Conference and the European ­ festival association Yourope at the first Green­ Events Conference in 2010 in Bonn.

GO Group meetings are open to stakeholders interested in actively pushing the Green Agenda. Therefore, we would like to invite you (or your sustainability manager) to take part in the discussions …

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Thema 1 Projects

THEMA1 The Green Music Initiative is a project of THEMA1, an independent Berlin-based think-do-tank specialized in accelerating the transition to a low-carbon society. With the aim of driving social change, THEMA1 develops, initiates and operates complex inter­ national multi-stakeholder processes.

Carbon Film Quote Carbon Film Quote is the world's first TV commercial budget estimator with an integrated carbon calculator. It helps BBDO proximity's production partners identify and evaluate low-emission and environmentally friendly production options when looking at initial cost estimates. Launch partners: BBDO Proximity, CMC. EU, Neue Sentimental Film, Markenfilm, Das Werk, Cobblestone, Twin Film, Vogelsänger Film, Schönheitsfarm, Studio Funk, Chamaeleon, Adstream

Green Music Initiative The Green Music Initiative acts as a platform coordinating the music and entertainment industry's effort to minimise their climate impact. Partners: British Council, Bucks New University, Club Commission, Goethe Institute, Julie's Bicycle, Melt! Festival, MTV Networks, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Rheinkultur Festival, Berlin Music Week, Yourope

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Grid Master Class

PCF World Forum

The Grid Master Class is an educative programme contributing to better mutual ­ ­understanding between the different stakeholders dealing with the expansion of the European electricity grid, needed for integrating ­ ­ renew­ able energies. The Grid ­Master Class ­of­fers them a neutral platform for learning basics and secrets of electricity grids and their public perception.

The PCF World Forum is a joint platform to foster and facilitate dialogue between international initiatives on how to assess, reduce and communicate the impact of goods and services on the climate. Over 450 represen­ tatives of business, retail, government, research, NGOs from over 30 countries ­ ­attended the PCF World Summits.

PCF Project / Platform for Climate Compatible Consumption, Germany The PCF (Product Carbon Footprint) Project provides a platform to promote sustainable consumption based on product carbon footprints. Launch partners: Öko-Institut, Potsdam-Institute for Climate Impact Re­ search, WWF, BASF, dm drogeriemarkt, DSM, FRoSTA, Henkel, Krombacher, Rewe, ­Tchibo, Telekom, Tengelmann, Tetra Pak.

Renewables-Grid-Initiative The Renewables-Grid-Initiative promotes the expansion of distributed and bulk renewable energy generation and transmission ­capacity in Europe. Members: WWF, RSPB, Natuur en Milieu, Germanwatch, 50Hertz Transmission, Elia, National Grid, RTE, Swissgrid, and TenneT.

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Selected list of previous Green Music Dinners

Agima Samson Alec Empire Aleksandra aka BONNIE Alex John Alexander Maurus Alexander Schulz Alexandra Kinne Alexandra Wandel Alice Marchi Aline Renet Allan McGowan AMY SAUNDERS Andrea Goetzke ANDREA MANO Andrea Rothaug Andrea Steiner ANDREAS GEBHARD ANDREAS KLASSEN Andreas Severin ANDRO STEINBORN ANDY SMITH ANITA TILLMANN Anja Kaps Antje Hartung ANTONELLA BATTAGLINI Axel Missner Barbara Bilabel Ben Costantini Benedikt Lökes Benjamin Budde Bettina Brammer Bjoern Hansen BOB SHAHRESTANI Brick Medak Brigitta Moll BRIGITTE WERNEBURG Carl-Ernst Mueller Carl-Otto Gensch CAROLINE VARRALL Carsten Bartholl CATHERINE BOTTRILL Catherine Langabeer Cathy Boom Charlotta Sundin Christel Lück Christian Tjaben CHRISTIAN HOCHFELD Christian Kroll Christian Rost Christian Tjaben CHRISTIAN TJABEN Christoph Becker CHRISTOPH BORKOWSKY Claudia Dietze

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Marketing Director of Berlin Music Week Alec Empire Skwarc In Love With Radar Media GmbH Wanderlust Entertainment Reeperbahn Festival Sound of Cologne World Future Council Foundation Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Verkehr des Landes Schleswig-Holstein PRODISS ILMC/IQ Magazine - VIP News SPECIAL PROJECTS MANAGER AT EDINBURGH FESTIVALS all2gethernow e.V. / newthinking GmbH DESK OFFICER AT THE GERMAN FEDERAL FOREIGN OFFICE RockCity Hamburg Founder/ CEO OF Goldstü FOUNDER AND CEO OF NEWTHINKING COMMUNICATIONS DESK OFFICER AT THE GERMAN FEDERAL FOREIGN OFFICE Founder/ Managing Partner at crossrelations GmbH MANAGING DIRECTOR OF NEU! FILMPRODUKTION FIRST SECRETARY ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY, BRITISH EMBASSY BERLIN CO-FOUNDER AND CO-OWNER OF THE PREMIUM EXHIBITIONS GMBH loft concerts Kommunikatives Design SENIOR SCIENTIST, POTSDAM INSTITUTE FOR CLIMATE IMPACT RESEARCH Hotel Atlantic Kempinski Hamburg founder Gruppe Babylon Midem Warner Music Group Central Europe Budde Music Germany head of product and channel marketing Q-Cells Morgenwelt Project FOUNDER OF PARTYSAN AND MD OF THAIBREAK LichtBlick Deutsche Welle ARTS EDITOR OF TAZ CE Müller Nachhaltigkeits­management Öko Institut PROJECT MANAGER AT THE MARSATAC FESTIVAL IN MARSEILLE Head coordinator Taylor Wessing Germany OXFORD UNIVERSITYʼS ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE INSTITUTE Julie‘s Bicycle founder and editor in chief style and the Family Tunes Popaganda Festival Ortsbürgermeisterin Gräfenhainichen ByteFM MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE ÖKO-INSTITUT BERLIN Ecosia Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes Conference Planner at Reeperbahn Festival Campus CONSULTANT AND JOURNALIST AT THE REEPERBAHN FESTIVAL Managing director Constantin Music PRESIDENT OF THE PIRANHA GROUP technologies

Guests CLAUDIA JERICHO Claudia Wedell Cornelia Much DANIEL BARKOWSKI DANIEL BOESE Daniel Fiedler Daniel Hires Daniel Standke Daniel Winkel Dannie Quilitzsch Dennis Smith DETLEF SCHWARTE DETLEF THELEN DIRK DREYER DORIS PAPENBROOCK Dr. Andrea Zell Dr. Benedikt von Walter DR. BODO SCHWIEGER Dr. Britta Kastens DR. CHRISTINE KOLMAR DR. DIRK NOTZ DR. ELKE RITT Dr. Guido Kuchelmeister DR. HERMANN OTT DR. LUTZ NITSCHE Dr. Nina Schneider

PROJECT MANAGER AT C/O POP COLOGNE Gloria Midem HEAD OF POPKOMM AND YOU EDITOR OF ZITTY MAGAZINE ZDF Kultur Sustainability and communications consultant Artist & Repertoire at EMI Music GSA Bureau Export Consultant for Sustainability and Communication Travolta MANAGING DIRECTOR OF REEPERBAHN FESTIVAL HAMBURG MEDIA & EVALUATION MANAGER FOR GERMANY AT THE BRITISH COUNCIL MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE DESIGN HOTEL LUX11 IN BERLIN MITTE STRATEGIC ADVISER FOR PUBLIC RELATIONS AD PRESS Goethe-Institut MTV Networks MANAGING DIRECTOR, TEAM RED MOBILITY MANAGMENT CONSULTANTS Hamburg - European Green Capital 2011 EXECUTIVE BOARD-MEMBER AT WWF GERMANY MAX-PLANCK- INSTITUTE FOR METEOROLOGY HEAD OF CREATIVE EUROPE PROGRAMMES, BRITISH COUNCIL GERMANY Founder/ CEO of Green Music World MEMBER OF THE PARLIAMENT BÜNDNIS 90/ GRÜNE ADVISOR TO THE EXECUTIVE BOARD OF THE KULTURSTIFTUNG DES BUNDES Music and Creative Industries Studies Degree Administrator at Popakademie Baden-Württemberg Dr. Olaf Meinking Beutler Meinking Rechtsanwälte DR. OTMAR LELL POLICY OFFICER OF VERBRAUCHERZENTRALE BUNDESVERBAND DR. PATRICK HART DIRECTOR OF THE BRITISH COUNCIL GERMANY Dr. Peter Urban Norddeutscher Rundfunk Dr. Pit Hosak Ministry of Culture, Sports and Media, Hamburg DR. SERAFINE LINDEMANN DIRECTOR OF THE FORUM ARTCIRCOLO / OVERTURES DR. ULF JAECKEL HEAD OF DIVISION, GERMAN FEDERAL MINISTRY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT EC ZANDER HEAD OF MUSIC RADIO FRITZ Egbert Ruehl Hamburg Kreativgesellschaft Fabian Brandt managing director fischerAppelt Fabian Töpel CEO of crazewire Falk Walter Arena FINJA GÖTZ PROJECT MANAGER OF MELT! AND M!-ECO Folkert Koopmans FKP Scorpio Konzertproduktionen Frank Heinrich Müller Topogrammetrie Frank Otto Ferryhouse Productions Frank Schlieder RTL Creation Frank Schweikert Aldebaran Frank Zumbruch delegate fort he creative economy at Stadt Heidelberg FRANZ JOSEF SCHAFHAUSEN DEPUTY DIRECTOR, GERMAN FEDERAL MINISTRY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Freddy Paul Grunert ZKM Centre for Art and Media Karlsruhe/ FREELANCE ARTIST Fritz Reusswig Potsdam institut für klimafolgenforschung Gabriel Riquelme Club Bahnhof Ehrenfeld Georg E. Moeller Triple5 Gregor Straube Freelancer GUIDO AXMANN MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THEMA1 Guido Koerfer Unit Manger at Euro RSCG Guido Rossmann ajr Green Energy HAGEN LIEBING MUSIC EDITOR OF TIP MAGAZIN IN BERLIN Hamed Shahi SSC Group Hannah Heberlein Graduate Environmental Scientist Hannah Klose Sounds for Nature Foundation e.V. Harald Kegler Bauhaus Universität Dessau Harry Rauch S.G.N. Projekt

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Heiko Jahnke Heiko Ruehl HEIKO ZWIRNER Heiner Schiemann Helen Schneider Helge Haas Hendryk Martin holger jan Schmidt INANNA FRONIUS INGA KÖNIGSTADT J Henry Fair Jacob Bilabel Jacob Bogh JAHN HARRISON Jan Andresen Jan Hendrik Becker JAN SEIFERT Jan Volkenstein Jana Hoppe Janine Scharf Jean Rehders JEAN YVES DELATTRE Jean-A. Ntivyihabwa Jennifer Wesche JENNY LUDWIG JO DOBER Joachim Frielingsdorf JOACHIM GANSE Joachim Helbig Jobst Buescher JOCHEN SANDIG JOEL BERGER Johannes Everke John Whitehead Jonathan Imme Jörg Laumann Jörn Sturm Julia Gudzent JULIA RAWLINS

Karsten Jahnke Konzertdirektion director of Gewölbe EDITOR IN CHIEF OF TIP MAGAZIN IN BERLIN Production manager at I-Motion GmbH - Events & Entertainment B2B Coordination at Berlin Music Week Radio Bremen Vier and 3 nach 9 Head of Sponsoring at Melt! Festival co-owner of Greenevents europe/ go group BRITISH COUNCIL GERMANY PERFOMANCE ARTIST/BELLA BERLIN Photographer founder green Music Initiative / managing director THEMA1 Liquido HEAD OF RADIO AT UNIVERSAL MUSIC CEO Veeseo presenter and producer NDR TV and Poplitics Produktion ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISER AT THE HEINRICH BÖLL FOUNDATION IN BERLIN Greener Maifeld Derby Hamburg - European Green Capital 2011 Ferropolis Kopf & Steine // MS DOCKVILLE FESTIVAL DIRECTOR OF DOCK DES SUDS IN MARSEILLE Signed Media Production Hamburg - European Green Capital 2011 CO-FOUNDER OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVE GOTH FOR EARTH Owner/ Director of CONSCIENCE EnergieAgentur.NRW MANAGING DIRECTOR OF DELOITTE CERT Goethe-Institut managing director Columbus Challenge ARTISTIC DIRECTOR AND MANAGER OF RADIALSYSTEM V MANAGING DIRECTOR OF MYSPACE GERMANY director marketing sales Hamburg Marketing British Council Germany Co-Founder OF ignore gravity GmbH Journalist at Musikmarkt Kampnagel Internationale Kulturfabrik Melt! festival HEAD OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND TRANSATLANTIC RELATIONS AT THE BRITISH COUNCIL GERMANY Julia Rotenberger Kölner Stadtanzeiger Julian Butz Kollektiv / Greener Maifeld Derby JULIANE PROCHNOW PROJECT MANAGER OF THE YELLOW LOUNGE. Jürgen Grethler owner of Grethler Rechtsanwälte Jutta Unger c/o pop Kai Britt Greenpeace Kai Rüsberg Medienhaus Bochum KALLE LAAR THE TEMPORARY SOUND MUSEUM Karsten Jahnke Karsten Jahnke Konzertdirektion Katharina Wagner tip Berlin Katie Griggs 10:10 Global/ Germany Katrin Erichsen Musique Couture KENNY ANDERSON FENCE RECORDS Kerstin Schnatz Deutsche Welle Klaus de Buhr project director Hamburg - European Green Capital 2011 KLAUS-D. STOFFERS FOUNDING DIRECTOR OF MARKT- & MEDIEN- KOMMUNIKATION KNUT SCHLINGER EDITOR OF MUSIK WOCHE Kolbrun Halldorsdottir Federation of Icelandic Artists Konrad von Löhneysen Embassy of Music KRISTIN REISSIG CLIMATE POLICY AND ENVIRONMENT OFFICER, BRITISH EMBASSY BERLIN Kurt Reinken steg Hamburg

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Guests Lasse Kroll Laura Heinrichs Leif Nueske Lena Buck Lena Goliasch Leyla Piedayesh Linnéa Svensson Lizzy Newton Long Long Lothar Schneider Loukianos Zavolas Lovis Willenberg LUCILE BARRAS LUTZ GRIMM MANFRED TARI Manuel Kreutz MARCO VOIGT MAREN BALKOW MARIA ENDRICH Marie Voigt Marko Hegner Markus Meissner Markus Schäfer MARKUS VON WOLLANK Marta Schulz Martha Bissmann MARTIN BREM Martin Brueck Martin Elbourn Martin Smith MATTHEW BEAVERS MATTHEW HAWTIN Matthias Elwardt MATTHIAS GEBAUER Matthias Hörstmann MATTHIAS KIND Matthias Rischau MATTHIAS VON HARTZ MATTHIAS WILLENBACHER Max Paproth Menglou Li Michael Biwer MICHAEL FRITZ Michael Greif Michael GroSS Michael Kotzulla Michael Müller Michael Müller Michael Poliza MICHAEL SCHIEWACK Michael Siemer Michael Spiegel Michael Spielmann Michael Zscharnak MICHI BECK MILENA FESSMANN Mirko Whitfeld Nancy Chen NILGÜN ÖZ Nobert Oberhaus

Lunatic Festival Popakademie Mojo Club Green Music Initiative / THEMA1 3Sat and ARTE Lala Berlin Oya Festival SXSW Beijing The One Club EnergieAgentur.NRW Smart Energy for Europe Platform Heldenmarkt / Forum Futura PROJECT MANAGER OF THE GREEN MUSIC INITIATIVE MANAGING DIRECTOR OF TPA COMMUNI- CATIONS DESIGN FOUNDER OF POP 100/ Musikmarkt Managing Partner at Solarmaps MANAGING DIRECTOR OF CLEAN TECH WORLD AND FOUNDER OF THE CLEAN TECH MEDIA AWARD JOURNALIST AT THE DEUTSCHE WELLE RADIO MUSIC CURATOR OF THE SOMMERTHEATER FESTIVAL HAMBURG DB Mobility Logistics, DB Dienstleistungen Melt! festival Managing Director at Heliopolitronics GmbH die organisation - Projektagentur für Content, Marken & Medien AUTHOR AND COLUMNIST OF 030 BERLIN AND BERLINER ZEITUNG Hamburg University of Applied Sciences EU project manager wIP / coordinator Energy Union MANAGING DIRECTOR OF BRAND ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS bauhaus dessau foundation founder of Great Escape Festival Columbus Challenge PROJECT COORDINATOR AT THE BRITISH COUNCIL GERMANY VISUAL ARTIST managing director Cinema Abaton CHIEF CORRESPONDENT FOR SPIEGEL MAGAZIN Hörstmann Unternehmensgruppe MANAGING DIRECTOR OF KOBALT MUSIC PUBLISHING GERMANY The Green Path DIRECTOR OF IMPULSE THEATER FESTIVAL & SOMMER-THEATER, HH CEO OF JUWI HOLDING, FOUNDER "100% ERNEUERBAR" Budde Music UK Rabbit Musik prolight + sound FOUNDING MEMBER OF VIVA CON AGUA DE SANKT PAULI Ecomove International Avatours Umweltbundesamt EnergieAgentur.NRW Samsung Photographer PROGRAMME DIRECTOR OF JUMP, A MDR RADIO CHANNEL director of Gewölbe WiSL PE International Gloria ARTIST FROM "DIE FANTASTISCHEN VIER" AND "TURNTABLEROCKER" DJ AND MUSIC SHOW PRESENTER RADIO 1 AND FOUNDER OF CINESONG South by Southwest Festivals advisory board member MAMA Sustainable Incubation CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS AT UNIVERSAL MUSIC AND OZ BERLIN c/o pop

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Norbert Loew NORBERT TILLMANN Oke Goettlich Olaff Furniss OLE TILLMANN Oliver Koch Oliver Isaacs Oliver Ihrens OLIVER JANIK PATRICK JACOBSHAGEN Patrick Schuenemann Patrik Mertens Patty Schünemann Paul Baranowski PETER ESSER Peter Radomski PETRA HUSEMANN-RENNER Philipp Haaser Philipp Künstle Phillipe Cornu PIA EHLERS Prof. Dr. Fritz Reusswig PROF. DR. HARALD WELZER

Bench CO-FOUNDER AND CO-OWNER OF THE PREMIUM EXHIBITIONS GMBH finetunes Music Week MEMBER OF STÖRUNGSMELDER, ACTOR, COACH QTom this is music Managing Director of Radar Media GmbH MANAGING DIRECTOR OF JUNIPER GROUP MANAGING DIRECTOR OF FILMRECHT FILM Truegrass Organisation A.S.S. Concert & Promotion Clubmob Berlin Event Manager at Stadt Dortmund/ Stadtgrün FOUNDER OF THE SILENT CLIMATE PARADE Red Smurf Media GmbH MANAGING DIRECTOR OF MOTOR MUSIC DJ Narip founder and co-owner Appalooza Productions HEAD OF MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS, BRITISH COUNCIL GERMANY PIK Potsdam DIRECTOR OF THE CENTRE FOR INTER- DISCIPLINARY MEMORY RESEARCH IN ESSEN PROF. DR. M. JEISMANN HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION OF THE GOETHE INSTITUT IN BERLIN Prof. Hubert Wandjo Director of Music Business of Popakademie Baden-Württemberg Prof. Niels-Peter Rudolph Director of Theatre and Opera Productions Prof. Norbert Aust CEO SeeLive Tivoli and Consulting Rainer Grigutsch Managing Director of ClubCommission / ClubConsult RAINER SCHMIDT EDITOR IN CHIEF OF ROLLING STONE, MUSIKEXPRESS, SOUNDS RAINER TRAUBE HEAD OF ARTS AND CULTURE AT GERMANYʼS INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTER DEUTSCHE WELLE Ralf Christoph c/o pop Ralf Grauel Business Journalist and Consultant Ralph H. Christoph cologne on pop RASMUS PRIESS PROJECT LEADER OF PRODUCT CARBON FOOTPRINTING PROJEKT AND WORLD FORUM Rebecca Stuffer Marketing/ Communication, I-Motion GmbH Reiner Andreä Projectfinanz RICHARD HAWTIN FOUNDER BEATPORT Robert Tucovic Ernst & Young ROLAND LEESKER MANAGING DIRECTOR AT THE MUSIC MARKETING AGENCY ROCKIT Roman Dashuber Green Music Initiative/ Green club index Ruth Rockenschaub Filmfest Hamburg SABINE FUNK GENERAL MANAGER OF THE RHEINKULTUR FESTIVAL IN BONN SANDRA DELASAUCE HEAD OF CONTENT FOR ZAOZA AND VIVENDIME Sandrine Mittelstädt PCH Berlin-Los Angeles Sara Lossius Hafslund Sarah Dickel Freelance TV-Journalist and Producer sascha lafeld first climate Sebastian Dresel Delegate for Cultural And Creative Economy at Wirtschaftsförderung Mannheim Sebastian Fleiter The Electric Hotel Sebastian Keil WBN:DIGITAL SEBASTIAN KÖRBER HEAD OF THE MEDIA DEPARTMENT, INSTITUT FÜR AUSLANDSBEZIEHUNGEN Seymour Stein Vice-president Warner Bros Records / co-founder syre records Sheila-Michelle Rieke WANTED PICTURES SIR MICHAEL ARTHUR BRITISH AMBASSADOR TO GERMANY Stefan Bohne Arttheater / Klubkomm Stefan Dierks senior manager corporate responsability Tchibo

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Guests STEFAN KIWIT Stefan Langkammer stefan läufer Stefan Lehmkuhl Stefan Leuchten Stefan Liehr Stefan Puriss Stefan Zarges Stefanie Franke Steffi Saueracker Stephan Benn Stephanie Schropp Stephanie Weigel STEVE REDMOND Sven Hasenjaeger Sylvie Kleindienst Teresa Moore Theresa Kessler Thies Schröder Thomas Franken Thomas Scheppler Thore Debor Thorsten Habermann TILMAN SANTARIUS

MANAGING DIRECTOR OF EXIT MEDIA BRAND ENTERTAINMENT QTom q-cells Melt! festival EnergieAgentur.NRW Kreutz & Partner Musikmarkt CEO Assistant at Juicy Beats Festival/Popmodern GmbH/Upop e.V. co2 online lawyer at Klubkomm co2 online Tollwood BPI 380grad Freelance Editor Bucks University selph2 Ferropolis Q-cells UmweltBank ceo Zuendwerke Telefónica Germany HEAD OF INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE AND ENERGY POLICY AT THE HEINRICH BÖLL FOUNDATION Tim Nebel WBN: Büro für Kommunikation TIM RENNER MANAGING DIRECTOR OF MOTOR MUSIC Timotheus Wiesmann Hamburg Music Business Assoc. IHM Tina Funk Owner & Managing Director of Creative Lobby GmbH Tina Heine ELBJAZZ Tina Koppelin Universal Music TINA Krüger Booking Agent at Karsten Jahnke Konzertdirektion GmbH Tina Sikorski Head of Project Factory & Corporate Communication Popakademie Baden-Württemberg Tobias Froehlich co-founder QTom Tobias Thomas program manager at c/o pop Tommy Nick Berlin Music Week Tony Martin Green Music Initiative / THEMA1 Torge Dräger Club Bahnhof Ehrenfeld Torsten Gericke Q-Cells Torsten Lange Frontline Uli Hellweg Internationale Bauaustellung IBA Uli Tanas 2bild TV.Events & Media ULRIKE BECK ARTIST AT ENCORE Uriz von Oertzen Hi-Life Uwe Werner Coca-Cola Verena Müller EnergieAgentur.NRW VERENA VEHLING MANAGING DIRECTOR OF EXIT MEDIA BRAND ENTERTAINMENT WALTER LINDNER COMMISSIONER FOR CRISIS MANAGEMENT AT THE GERMAN FEDERAL FOREIGN OFFICE Winfried Owtscharenko Q-Cells Wolfgang Bergmann ZDF Theaterkanal Yoko Anna Rückerl 1LIVE WDR

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We would like to thank the partners for their generous support


Imprint Green Music Initiative c/o THEMA1 GmbH, Torstraße 154, 10115 Berlin, Germany Contact: Roman Dashuber, +49 30 779 0 779 12,

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green melt ! dinner 2012








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