nd 2 GO Group Workshop on festival and event sustainability Budapest, 23-24 April 2012
Still the transformation is accelerating. Public awareness towards sustainability has shifted significantly. And it’s time to run our operations greener and smarter – all over Europe and worldwide. GO stands for Green Operations. GO Group is an independent, pan European and cross industry think-‐tank to inspire people in the music festival and event industry to run their operations greener and smarter. GO Group meetings are open to stakeholders interested in actively pushing the Green Agenda. Bucks University, GreenEvents Europe Conference, Green Music Initiative (GMI) and Yourope (the european festival association) founded GO Group in early 2011 and started out with a successful first international workshop in Amsterdam (May 2011), major contributions to the 2nd GreenEvents Europe Conference (Nov 2011) and three packed panels at this year's Eurosonic/Noorderslag in Groningen. Now GO Group heads east for the 2nd international workshop in Budapest. The second 2-‐day GO Group workshop for Sustainable Festivals and Events will provide a wider view on sustainable event management, case studies from major european festivals and inside information on topics like international green standards (ISO 20121 et al.). Find the detailed programme on the next page. The GO Group discussions will be open and frank. Anyone can join, contribute and speak. There will be presentations to stimulate the discussions and we will run open space sessions to cater for individual needs. You are actively invited to share yours personal concerns, daily challenges and obstacles, valuable experiences, best and worst practices, green dreams and pioneering ideas. Best regards, Teresa Moore Jacob Bilabel Holger Jan Schmidt
Kindly co-‐hosted by
Program: The workshop will be chaired by: Teresa Moore, Bucks University, UK Jacob Bilabel, Green Music Initiative, DE and Holger Jan Schmidt, GreenEvents Europe Conference, DE & Yourope The two day program will include sessions on: Economic impact of major events by Teresa Moore, Buck's University Green catering solutions by Lucile Barras, Green Music Initiative Green international standards (ISO et. al.) by Jacob Bilabel, Green Music Initiative Green issues communication by Holger Jan Schmidt, Green Events Europe and case studies by Melt! Festival (M!Eco | DE) * by Julia Gudzent Roskilde Festival (Green Footsteps | DK) by Marie A. Rogvi Sziget Festival (HUN) ** by Fruzsina Szep RhEINKULTUR (GreenRocks | DE) by Holger Jan Schmidt More details and speakers to be added soon * **
(European Festival Awards Winner: Green'n'Clean-‐Festival of the year) (European Festival Awards Winner: Best Major Festival)
Practical information Kindly co-hosted by: Sziget Festival (Thank you very much!) Date: From: Mon 23 April 2012, 11:00 To: Tue 24 April 20121, 16:00
Venue: Sziget Festival Office, 1033 Budapest, Óbudai-‐sziget, Május 9 Park Train/Metro station: Filatorigát (Then walk to Obudai island over K-‐híd/K-‐Bridge)
EUR 200 (+VAT). Fee includes lunch on both days. Yourope members get EUR 50 discount for 1 participant.
Register here: Bucks University online store http://goo.gl/hQPQ8
Hotel: There is an offer for the Mercure Hotel/Budapest valid for 20 to 25 April single: 68€ (incl VAT, breakfast, WiFi), double: 78€ (incl VAT, breakfast, WiFi) Book here pls.: HBL Travel, Elica Winchester (code: “GO Group Sziget”) Tel: +36-‐1-‐299-‐0686 | E-‐mail: elica.winchester@hbl.t-‐online.hu Dinner: on 23 April will be at Restaurant “Vakvarju” (not included in workshop fee!) 5 Paulay Ede Str, Budapest, VI district | http://pest.vakvarju.com
Kindly co-‐hosted by
About GO Group GO stands for Green Operations. GO Group is an independent, pan European and cross industry think-‐tank to inspire people in the music festival and events industry to run their operations greener and smarter. GO Group will: 1) Identify international best practices in sustainable innovations for the music festival and event industry 2) Build a Sustainability Training Curriculum for festival and event promoters in collaboration with Bucks University 3) Aggregate, communicate and share the collective knowledge with interested stakeholders from all over Europe 4) Establish working relationships between different industry groups to enable practical and spontaneous exchange of personal experiences GO Group was initiated at the 1st International GreenEvents Conference in Bonn on 3/4 November 2010 by Bucks University, GreenEvents Conference, Green Music Initiative (GMI) and Yourope. It was founded after two preparatory meetings in February and March 2011. www.go-group.org
Kindly co-‐hosted by