Introduction and Aims • 06
COVID-19 Firstly, a word of acknowledgement. The COVID-19 crisis has impacted on the great majority of us is some way. Many people have lost their lives, and others’ livelihoods or organizations are under threat. We all feel this, to varying extents, but the poor and vulnerable suffer most. This Guide is offered as a means of support for museums. It aims to strengthen their ability to address the potential impact of disasters on museums, society and nature, through planning and partnerships.
Introduction and Aims Disasters – crises, emergencies, damaging situations – come in many shapes and sizes. Reducing their occurrence and their impact is a key part of good management, and securing a future that is better than the present. Disaster Risk Reduction is not just about surviving disasters, but working to reduce the likelihood of disasters happening in the first place, being prepared for them when they hit, recovering from them as best you can, and coming out the other side stronger. Everyone can benefit from Disaster Risk Reduction approaches, and everyone can use them, in their own lives and in their work.
I hope you find it useful. Henry McGhie, Curating Tomorrow
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