3rd PCF World Summit 17-18 March 2010 Berlin
Sector Approaches to Product Carbon Footprinting Frontrunners in managing and reducing value chain GHG emissions
3rd PCF World Summit, Berlin, 17-18 March 2010 Background International standardisation in Product Carbon Footprinting is moving forward. Numerous companies are using the evolving metrics to manage and reduce GHG emissions in the value chain. Specific sector approaches are emerging through frontrunners and the elaboration of sector guidelines or product category rules.
• What key learnings have been made so far? • What future activities are planned? • How are sector requirements taken into account?
Contributions and discussions by frontrunners in their field on sector approaches to Product Carbon Footprinting The concept of Product Carbon Footprinting and in particular approaches to reducing GHG emissions in the value chain need to be adapted to the realities in different sectors. Leading companies and practitioners from different sectors such as food, media, logistics, and chemicals will present sector specific challenges and best practices and discuss these with participants. • How are the emerging global standards linked to sector realities? • What specific sector requirements need to be considered? • How do industry leaders approach the imperative of GHG reductions?
Stakeholder input Stakeholder perceptions are important in the formulation of robust climate strategies. Representatives from Greenpeace and Consumers International will share their observations on obstacles and best practices in climate-related consumer communication.
Networking with speakers and practitioners Use the opportunity to address your questions and projects in question rounds, open space discussions and individual conversations during lunch and coffee breaks and the exclusive low carbon network dinner.
PCF product exhibition For the first time a product exhibition will be part of the PCF World Summit highlighting examples of products with calculated carbon footprints and communicated results. If you are interested in displaying or know of interesting products, please contact Lucile Barras at barras@thema1.de, +49 30 779 0 779 14
Since the last PCF World Summit significant developments have taken place in certain countries. The 3rd PCF World Summit will highlight these and explore relations to sector activities.
Contributions and discussions on international initiatives in Product Carbon Footprinting
The 3rd PCF World Summit will discuss recent international development with special emphasis on sector approaches to Product Carbon Footprinting and link these to different country initiatives and relevant stakeholder perceptions.
3rd PCF World Summit, Berlin, 17-18 March 2010 PROGRAMME Wednesday, 17 March 2010 Chair: Jacob Bilabel Managing Director THEMA1, Germany
08:00 Registration, Coffee 09:00 Welcome & Keynotes
Cooperation and Competition in Product Carbon Footprinting: Business Viewpoints on Standardisation Matthew Bateson Managing Director Energy and Climate at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Carbon Footprinting in EU Environmental Policy Soledad Blanco Director Sustainable Consumption and Production, Industry and Air Quality, Directorate-General for Environment, EU Commission
10:00 PCF World Forum Overview
Product Carbon Footprinting: International Developments in Standardisation and Communication Rasmus Priess PCF World Forum
10:30 Coffee 11:00 Country Initiatives in Product Carbon Footprinting Part I
Carbon Footprint of Products in Japan: The PCR Approach Prof Atsushi Inaba Kogakuin University, Japan Experiences with Carbon Footprinting and Carbon Labelling in South Korea Kyu-Soo Joe Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute, South Korea
Environmental Labelling in France: Current Status and Outlook Sylvain Chevassus French Environmental Ministry, France
3rd PCF World Summit, Berlin, 17-18 March 2010 12:30 Conversation lunch 14:00 Panel / Plenary Discussion
Voluntary vs. Mandatory Frameworks: Who is Responsible for Climate-Related Consumer Communication
Rasmus Priess PCF World Forum
Matthew Bateson Managing Director Energy and Climate, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Pavel Misiga Head of Unit, Environment and Industry Directorate-General for Environment, EU Commission
Sylvain Chevassus French Environmental Ministry, France Luke Upchurch Consumers International, UK
15:30 Coffee Carbon Assessment and Reduction Challenges in the Chemical Industry Fokko Wientjes Corporate Sustainable Development, DSM, Netherlands
Linking Product Carbon Footprinting to Consumer Feedback Systems: Results from the First Phase of the Climate Bonus Project Prof Adriaan Perrels Project Leader Climate Bonus Project, VATT and FMI, Finland
16:00 Sector and Industry Approaches to Product Carbon Footprinting Part I
Carbon footprinting guidelines for horticulture Anne Gaasbeek Dutch Horticulture Board, The Netherlands
Reduction Potentials in the Dairy Sector Thomas K端tzemeier mcongressconsult, Germany
Overview: Assessing and Reducing GHG Emission in Agriculture Heleen van Kernebeek Wageningen University, The Netherlands
3rd PCF World Summit, Berlin, 17-18 March 2010
Avoiding Greenwashing in Carbon Footprint Communication Jürgen Knirsch Greenpeace, Germany
17:40 Stakeholder Perception
18:00 Closing Day 1 20:00 Low carbon network dinner (premium registration required) Thursday, 18 March 2010 08:00 Registration, Coffee 09:00 Welcome, Keynote
Consumers, Business and Climate Change Stephen Heal Visiting Research Fellow, Sustainable Consumption Institute, UK
Consumer Engagement in GHG Reductions: Who is Responsible for Building „Carbon Consciousness“? Luke Upchurch Consumers International, UK
09:30 Stakeholder Perception
10:00 Country Initiatives in Product Carbon Footprinting Part II
The US Perspective on Product Category Rules Rita Schenck American Center for Life-Cycle Assessment, USA
Considerations on the Future of Product Carbon Footprinting Euan Murray Carbon Trust, UK
11:00 Coffee www.pcf-world-forum.org
Initiatives on Carbon Footprinting and Labelling in Thailand Prof Shabbir H. Gheewala The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, Thailand
3rd PCF World Summit, Berlin, 17-18 March 2010 11:30 Open Space Discussions The Open Space Discussions provide participants with the opportunity to raise and facilitate issues of interest. Facilitators of individual topics are identified in advance and spontaniously at the conference. Please get in touch if you would like to address a particular topic in the Open Space Discussions at the Summit.
Conversation lunch
14:15 Sector and Industry Approaches to Product Carbon Footprinting Part II Accounting and Reducing GHG Emissions in the Logistics Sector – Challenges and Approaches Björn Hannappel Deutsche Post DHL, Germany
How Guardian News & Media Engages with Readers and Advertisers on the Topic of Carbon Footprinting Carrina Gaffney Commercial Sustainability Manager, The Guardian, UK The Challenge of Involving the Consumer in GHG Reductions Cees-Jan Adema PepsiCo International and Chairman of the Environmental Committee, European Beverage Association Unesda, The Netherlands
15:15 Coffee 15:45 Panel / Plenary Discussion Input presentation: Carbon Footprinting in Practice: Simplicity vs. Complexity Adisa Azapagic University of Manchester, UK
Economy of Scale: Does Carbon Footprinting get Cheaper and Better over time?
• What do we learn from practitioners who have completed dozens of product carbon footprints? • Do we see improvements in data quality and robustness over time?
• What instruments could help to reduce costs and improve quality?
17:00 Closing Day 2 and Get-Together Programme is subject to change.
3rd PCF World Summit, Berlin, 17-18 March 2010 Summit Background The PCF World Forum is a joint platform set up to foster and facilitate dialogue between international initiatives on how to assess, reduce and communicate the impact of goods and services on the climate. The consumption of goods and services indirectly contributes to a large share of worldwide GHG emissions. Solutions are needed to help companies manage and communicate the impact of their products on the climate and environment in general. They are also needed to provide consumers with information on a product’s climate impact to help them make climate-conscious purchase decisions. A growing number of initiatives in different countries are addressing this issue by developing standards for assessing carbon footprints and the overall environmental performance of goods and services. Working towards a global standard has become a matter of urgency. The summit marks a unique opportunity to take account of recent developments and future prospects in international harmonisation. The PCF World Forum was initiated by the Berlin based think-do-tank THEMA1. The previous PCF World Summits attracted interest and commitment from more than 250 stakeholders from 30 countries and stimulated wide-ranging discussions. Both summits are fully documented. Complete DVDs and individual presentations are available for a nominal fee at www.pcf-world-forum.org For the last two years the PCF World Forum has brought together international stakeholders including senior executives from: ADEME Adidas Aeon Group AIST / JEMAI Japan AkzoNobel Alfred Ritter Alnatura BASF Barilla Beiersdorf BIO IS Bombardier Boots BP British Embassy British Telecommunications The Carbon Disclosure Project Carbon Trust The Center ClimatePartner climatop Coca-Cola Consumers International Coop COWI Danone defra delfortgroup Delhaize Deloitte Deutsche Post / DHL DIN / NAGUS Dole DSM Environ EUREF
Evonik Degussa European Commission European Climate Forum Germany Environmental Ministry Federal Ministry for Environment Austria First Climate Group FRoSTA Grantham Research Institute Green Music Initiative Groupe Casino GTZ GUTcert Hartmann Heineken Heinrich Bauer Produktions Henkel Hilti IBM Intertek Johnson & Johnson Kellogg Europe Kimberly-Clark Korea Eco-Products Institute Lidl MAN McDonalds memo Metro Group MGM International Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry NZ Migros Motorola myclimate MySpace Nature & More / Soil & More Nestlé
Otto Group ORSAY PA-Europe PE International PepsiCo Philips Lighting Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research RECARBON REWE GROUP Roland Berger SAP Scottish Development International SERI SGS State Agency for Environment (NRW) Sustainable Business Institute Svenskt Sigill Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Swedish Seal Tchibo Tengelmann Energie Tesco Tetra Pak Tropicana TUNAP Group TÜV UK Trade & Investment US Department of Agriculture US Department of Commerce University of Manchester UPM-Kymmene WestLB World Bank WRI / WBCSD WWF
3rd PCF World Summit, Berlin, 17-18 March 2010 Date 17-18 March 2010
Umspannwerk Kreuzberg Ohlauer Str. 43 10999 Berlin Near metro U8 station Schรถnleinstraร e www.umspannwerk-kreuzberg.de
Organiser THEMA1, Berlin, Germany
Information Lucile Barras barras@thema1.de +49 (0) 30 779 0 779 14
Registration Please choose one of the following ways to register quickly and easily: Online: Register at www.pcf-world-forum.org Fax: Send the registration form to +49 (0) 30 779 0 779 99
3rd PCF World Summit, Berlin, 17-18 March 2010 REGISTRATION FORM − FAX to +49 30 779 0 779 99
Your Choice of Registration Package
Corporate Premium Pass
€ 1790 +VAT
Corporate Standard Pass
€ 1590 +VAT
Corporate Single Pass
€ 890 +VAT
(includes two-day pass, network dinner and conference DVD) (includes two-day pass and presentations)
(includes one-day pass and presentations)
Extra Savings for Non-Profit-Organisations*!
NPO* Premium Pass
€ 745 +VAT
NPO* Standard Pass
€ 545 +VAT
NPO* Single Pass
€ 345 +VAT
(includes two-day pass, network dinner and conference DVD) (includes two-day pass and presentations)
(includes one-day pass and presentations)
17th 18th
17th 18th
* Evidence for non-profit status must be provided with registration! We are seeking to win sponsors to reduce participation costs for delegates from developing countries.
Delegate Details (Please photocopy this form for multiple registrations)
First name:
Invoice address:
Last name:
Date, Signature
3rd PCF World Summit, Berlin, 17-18 March 2010 Additional Information Prices Include conference drinks and lunch buffet. Payment Invoice. Full payment must be received before the event. The organisers reserve the right to limit the number of conference participants. Group discounts Buy 2 passes for one organisation and get the 3rd free! Please note that this offer is not in conjunction with any other offer. For more information on this please contact THEMA1 on +49 (0)30 779 0 779 0 or pcf@thema1.de Cancellation Policy Places are transferable without any charge. But once you register at the event your pass is strictly for your own use and you are not permitted to reassign, transfer or lend it to any other person whether or not they are employed by the same company. Cancellations after the 5th of February 2010 will incur an administrative charge of 25%. If you cancel your registration after 19th of February 2010 we will be obliged to charge the full fee. Please note - you must notify THEMA1 of a cancellation in writing (pcf@thema1.de) or we will be obliged to charge the full fee. The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the programme without notice. Audio/Video Recording For documentation purposes the 3rd PCF World Summit will be audio and video recorded. By attending the PCF World Forum you consent to being filmed and recorded for documentation and promotion purposes. You release THEMA1 GmbH of any liabilities connected with these recordings and waive all rights to any claims for payment or royalties with regard to the resulting material.