Official Handbook 1963/64. International Amateur Athletic Federation.

Page 1


LA.A.F. Handbook 1963/64 (English edition). (85. 6d. post free)

Price 85.

LA.A.F. Handbook 1963/64 (French edition). (85. 6d. post free)

Price 85.

LA.A.F. World, European and Olympic Record Book with supplem.ent. Price 75. (75. 6d. post free)

Supplement (if supplied separately).

Is. 6d. post free.

LA.A.F. Scoring Table for Men's Track and Field Events. Price 75. 6d. (85. 6d. post free) . LA.A.F. Scoring Table for Women's Track and Field Events. Price 35. 6d. (45. post free) NOTE.-DISCOUNTS ON ABOVE PUBLICATIONS:-

Orders for 6 copies and over of anyone publication-2t% Discount. Orders for 10 copies and over of any one publication-IO% Discount.

Orders for 100 copies and over of any one publication-IS % Discount. Orders for 200 copies and over of any one publicatioll-25 % Discount.

Metric Conversion Table compiled by H. M. Abrahams, published by "World Sports" Price Is. per copy. Designs for 400m. Track and Field Terrain (9 Designs) complete set-£iO 105. (inclnding postage) Copies of these publications can be obtained from the INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR ATHLETIC FEDERATION, WINDSOR HOUSE, 46 VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.I This Handbook is copyright and no part may be reproduced

without the permission of the Council of the International Amateur Athletic Federation.



2 INDEX Page

CommittecJ Competition Rules Cons ti tu/ion Council Foreword History ... M embers of Committees M embers of Council ... Mc'mbers of the I.A.A.F. Officers: Present Officials and their duties Records: Events for which World Records are recognised European Olympic Games World Rules: ConstitutionAlterations to rules Rule Championships-World, Area, European, etc. Composition Congress Meetings Council International CompetitionsDefinition Languages-official Membership Nominations SubMCommittees... Objects .. , Officers ... Qualifications of Competitors Sub-Committees... " Subscription fees Suspensions Title Vacancies on Council " Voting Powers " , Rules relating to eligibility 0/ A thletes to compete under I.A.A .F. Rules Rules-Organisation and Technical-joY bzternational Competitions SECTION I-Officials and their duticsAnnouncer

.. ..



50 34 9 32 5 10 9 16 9 51 151 161 167 154 12



44 34 36 38


4 6 9 3 7 4 2 5 9 11 7 (4) 8 1 6(5) 4 1-5


41 36 39 36 35 38 41 45 41 41 34 38 36 47-50


Clerks of the Course Assistants) Doctors Judges Jury of Appeal Lap Scorers Manager Marshal Officials Recorder Referees Secretary Starter Stewards Surveyor Technical Manager Timekeepers ... Umpires


II-C01npetition;Trials in matches Clothing Numbers Obstruction Lanes Running in Lanes Leaving track Time announcing Assistance Order of competing Competing in other events Competitor delaying trials... Use of adhesive substance on hands Change of place for events ... Doping... Entries... Measurements and Weights Official Athletic Implements Protests Rounds, Heats and Qualifying Trials Ties World Records SECTION Ill-Running Events:Cross Country Finish ... Hurdles Lanes ... Marathon Relay .... Start ...

Rule 11 1

7 5 12 2 14 1 13 6 3 10 I

16 4 9 8

Page 58 52 55 53 59 52 60 51 59 53 53 58 52 60 53 56 56


18(2) 18(3,4) 18(5) " 18(6) 18(7) 18(8) 18(9) 18(10) 18(11) ,,18(12,13) 18(13) 18(14) 18(15) 18(16) 20 17 21 25 23 19 22 24


" " "

33 27 28 26 30 31 27

62 62 63 63 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 67 61 68 76 70 65 68 71 93 82 85 76 89 90 82


4 Steeplechase ,'"

... ...



IV-Jumping Events:General

Rule 29 26 " 32 .,

Page 86 76 92

34 38 36 35 37

98 103 101 lOO 102

41 39 43 40 42 44

109 104 109 106 109 110

45 45

112 112

54 50 61 52 53 58 49 46 59 56 57 51 60 55 48 47 1-14 1-6 1-12

129 122 134 124 126 131 119 114 133 131 131 123 133 130 118 118 142 149 134 14 153 170


Hop, Step and Jump Pole Vault Runuing High Jump... Ruuuing Long Jump

V-Throwing Events:Discus ... General Hammer

" " " " "


Javelin Shot SECTION

" " "

VI-Walking Events

VII-Combined Events:Pentathlon Decathlon


VIII-Specifications for official Implements and Apparatus:Circles Discus .. , Finish Posts .. , Hammer Hammer and/or Discus Cage Hurdles Javelin Jumping and Vaulting Standards ... Relay Baton Sectors

" "


Sector Flag Shot Starting Blocks Stop Board Take-off Board Vaulting Pole Rules for European Championships ...

" " " " " " " "

" " " " " " "

Rules for European Records ...


Rules for Olympic Games Veterans of the I.A.A ,F. Walking Judges-International Panel


World Championships Results

HISTORY On 17th July, 1912, representatives from the athletic associations of Australasia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Norway, Russia and United States of America met in Stockholm to discuss the possibility of forming an International Amateur Athletic Federation, the need for which had become apparent owing to the development in international contests and the Olympic Games. A universal code of rules and regulations and a common amateur definition acceptable throughout the world had become essential. It was also desired to establish an authentic register of World and Olympic reco'rds, Under the patronage of H.R.H. The Crown Prince of Sweden a provisional committee was formed comprising Messrs, J. Sigfrid Edstrom (Sweden) as President, Kristian Hellstrom (Sweden) as Honorary Secretary, Carl Diem (Germany), P. L. Fisher (Gt. Britain), Pierre Roy (France), S, Stankovits (Hungary), and James E. Sullivan (United States of America), and following their deliberations the inaugural meeting of the LA.A,F. took place in the Preussiches Abgeordnetenhaus, Berlin, 20th-23rd August, 1913, when the following countries were represented: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and United States of America. The first officers and members of the Council to be elected were: President, Mr. J. Sigfrid Edstrom; Hon. Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. Kristian Hellstrom; Members of Council, Messrs. C. Diem (Germany), P, L. Fisher (United Kingdom), F. Reichel (France), S. Stankovits (Hungary), J. E. Sullivan (U.S.A,).

6 Since those early days much has been accomplished. The steady growth of the Federation in the two decades prior to 1939 accelerated during the post-war years and at the Twenty-first Congress in Stockholm in 1958 the countries in affiliation with the Federation numbered 101. In many of the countries recently affiliated the sport is still in its early stages of development and every effort is being made by the Federation to promote its growth. A notable development in international athletics has been the growth of continental and regional games in recent years, and these are of considerable value in the development of athletics in those countries where the sport is still young. The LA.A.F. has been able to give considerable assistance to the organisers of these games. Without question, the control exercised by the Federation during its fifty years of existence has been of much benefit to the sport and there is ample evidence of even greater advance in the future. With ever increasing activity throughout the world the need for decentralisation has become evident. A move towards this was made when the European Committee was formed, with a primary function of organising and carrying through the European Championships every four years. While the concern of the European Committee is the organising of championships confined to track and field athletics, in other continents a full programme of regional games is carried out and here the Federation is able to give considerable assistance and technical advice through its observers. The growth of women's athletics during the post-war years has been most marked and a great deal of study in those countries where it is practised, has been devoted to the physiological aspect of the sport as it concernS women athletes. In 1962 as the result of recommendations from a committee to study cross-country running from an

7 international point of view the competition rules of the LA.A.F. were enlarged to include regulations to govern this important side of athletics. In a live and expanding organisation considerations of finance invariably bear heavily on the executive. The International Olympic Committee decided to hand over half the revenue which it received from the live television rights at the Olympic Games to the International Federations which designate them as theIr World Championships. The Council plans to use some adequate of our payment in promoting a scheme to coaching arrangements to be made on an mternatlOnal basis for the benefit of countries newly entering into athletics and for others who for different reasons are unable to provide coaching facilities comparable with those of their more fortunate fellow members. The LA.A.F. in recent years and particularly in 1962 encountered the undesirable and indeed dangerous incursion of politics into the realm of sport. It has taken the lead in instituting firm measures to combat thIS evil and it is hoped that in partnership with the International Olympic Committee and the other international federations, the efforts to ensure that the benefits of sport may be enjoyed by all amateurs irrespective of colour, creed or politicial beliefs may be successful.



Postal Address: Windsor House, 46 Victoria Street, London, S.W.l, England. "Marathon," London, S.W.l Telegraphic Address: SULlivan 5531. Telephone Number: President: THE MOST HON. THE MARQUESS OF EXETER, KC.M.G. Honorary Life President: J. SIGFRID EDSTROM Honorary Life Vice-Presidents: BO EKELUND E. J. H. HOLT, C.M.G., C.B.E. P. MERICAMP Honorary Secretary-Treasurer: D. T. P. PAIN, M.B.E.

* *

Left to right top row-Ko Asano, J. C. da Costa, M. Danz. 2nd row-J. Lindahl, D. J. Ferris. L. Khomenkov. Centre-The Marquess of Exeter (President.) 4th row-Ko Knenicky, The fate l. Miettincn. Bottom row-A. Paulen, D. T. P. Pain, M,B.E.( Hon. Secretary-Treasurer), B. Zauli.



Council The Most Hon. The Marquess of Exeter, KC.M.G., President, Windsor House, 46 Victoria Street, London, S.W.l, England. D. T. P. Pain, Honorary Secretary-Treasu.rer, vVindsor House, 46 Victoria Street, London, S.W.l, England. K Asano-,- 576 Kichijoji Musashino, Tokyo, Japan. J. c. da Costa, Rua Miguel Couto 51, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. M. Danz, Ochsenallee 1/2, Kassel, West Germany. D. J. Fenis, Amateur Athletic Union of United States of America, A.A.U. House, 231 West 58th Street, New York 19, U.S.A. L. Khomenkov, Light Athletic Federation of the U.S.S.R., Skatertnyi pereulok 4, Moscow 69, U.S.S.R.

10 K. Knenicky, Czechoslovac Athletic Section at the Czechoslovac Association for Physical Culture, Na Poi'iCi 12, Praha I, Czechoslovakia. J. Lindahl, Svenska Fri-Idrottsf6rbundet, Humlegardsgatan 17, Stockholm 0, Sweden. A. Paulen, Akerstraat 7a, Treebeek (L) Netherlands. B. Zauli, Federazione Italiana di Atletica Leggera, Palazzo delle Federazioni, Viale Tiziano 70, Rome, Italy. COMMITTEES Technical Committee H. M. Abrahams, Chairman, Orchard Leigh, Hailey Lane, Hertford, England. D. T. P. Pain, Hon. Secretary, Windsor House, 46 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, England. K. Asano. 576 Kichijoji Musashino, Tokyo, Japan. H. Berliner, 10 Crown Terrace, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. E. Clemme, Ligue Royale Beige d'Athletisme, 61-63 rue du Marche-aux-Herbes, Brussels, Belgium. J. W. Davies, 3515 Minto Avenue,Montreal P.Q., Canada. C. Forys, Warsaw, u.l. Polna 3a, M. 30, Poland. A. Jorbeck, Svenska Fri-Idrottsf6rbundet, Humlegardsgatan 17, Stockholm 0, Sweden. V. Kanturek, Praha 6, Brevnov, Na Okraji 1. N. Ozolin, Light Athletic Federation of the U.S.S.R., Skatertnyi pereulok 4, Moscow 69, U.S.S.R. J. D. Pardivala, Cabinet Cottage, Tardeo, Bombay, India. A. Paulen, Akerstraat 7A, Treebeek, (L), Netherlands. R. Piirto, Oulunkylantie 29, Helsinki-Kapyla, Finland. W. Pollmans, Schwanenwall 19, Dortmund, West Germany. E. Savescu, Federatia Romina de Atletism, Str. Vasile Conta nr. 16, Bucarest, Roumania.


P. Tonelli, Federation Francaise d'Athletisme, 32 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris IXe, France. 1. Ungur, Magyar Athletikai Sz6vetseg, V. Rosenberghazaspar u.l. Budapest V. Hungary. European Committee B. Zauli, President, Foro Italico, Rome, Italy. L. Khomenkov, Vice-President, Light Athletic Federation of the U.S.S.R., Skatertnyi pereulok 4, Moscow 69, U.S.S.R. A. Takac, Hon. Secretary, Federation Yuogoslave d'Athletisme, Beograd, Str. Bana 73a, Box 475, Yugoslavia. E. Bosak Czechoslovac Athletic Section at the CzechoAssociation for Physical Culture, Na Porici 12, Praha 1, Czechoslovakia. J. C. G. Crump, 166 Stoneleigh Park Road, Ewell, Surrey, Great Britain & Northern Ireland. 1\1. Danz, Ochsenallee 1/2 Kassel, West Germany. C. Forys, Warsaw, u.l. Polna 3a, M. 30, Poland. E. Hermes, Ligue Royale Beige d'Athletisme, 61-63 rue du Marche-aux-Herbes, Brussels, Belgium. J. Lindahl, Svenska Fri-Idrottsforbundet, Humlegardsgatan 17, Stockholm O. Sweden. A. Mii!st, Eiksveien 65, Eiksmarka, Oslo, Norway. A. Paulen, Akerstraat 7a, Treebeek (L), Netherlands. R. Piirto, Oulunkylantie 29, Helsinki-Kapyla, Finland. E. Rose, Dansk Athletik Forbund, Staunings Plads 1, Copenhagen O. Denmark. J. Sir, Magyar Athletikai Szovetseg, V. Rosenberg Hazaspar u.l. Budapest V. Hungary. P. Tonelli, Federation Francaise d'Athletisme, 32 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris IXe, France. Modern Pentathlon Committee B. Lindman, Strandvagen 7a, Stockholm, Sweden.. O. G. W. White, Sundial Cottage, Coombe Blssett, Salisbury, Wilts., England.



Walking Commission G. Oberweger, President, Federazione Italiana di Atletica Leggera, Palazzo delle Federazioni, Viale Tiziano 70, Rome, Italy. D. T. P. Pain, Hon. Secretary, Windsor House, 46 Victoria Street, London, S.W.I, England. B. Fehervari, Magyar Athletikai Szovetseg, V Rosenberg hazaspar u.l., Budapest V. Hungary. F. Guilleux, Federation Francaise d'Athletisme, 32 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris IXe, France. A. M. Hagen, Kirkeveien 123 B, Oslo, N.V., Norway. 1. Ionescu, Federatia Romina de Atletism, Str. Vasile Conta nr. 16, Bucarest, Roumania. A. Libotte, Federation Suisse d'Athletisme Amateur, Gurtengasse 4, Berne, Switzerland. E. Linde, Sareksvagen 7, Bromma, Sweden. P. Stepanenko, Light Athletic Federation of the U.S.S.R., Skatertnyi pereulok 4, Moscow 69, U.S.S.R. H. Sulak, U. Rajske zahrady 6, Praha 3, Czechoslovakia. H. H. Whitlock, 126 Chinnor Crescent, Greenford, Middx., England. Women's Commission Mme. Z. Romanova, President, Light Athletic Federation of the U.S.S.R., Skatertnyi pereulok 4, Moscow 69, U.S.S.R. Mme. Z. Zarubina, Hon. Secretary, Light Athletic Federation of the U.S.S.R., Skatertnyi pereulok 4, Moscow 69, U.S.S.R. H. Birkemeyer, Berlin-Hohenschonhausen Ohrdrnfer Str. 46, Germany. N. Carlius, Halsingborg, Sweden. E. Dudzinski, Polski Zwiazek Lekkiej Atletyki, Warszawa 1, u.l. Foksal19, Poland. Miss M. Hartman, I Hetherington Road, Clapham, London, S.WA, England. Mrs. F. Kaszubski, 2323 Lakeside, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.

Mrs. D. 1. Magee, 26 French Street, Marouba, New South Wales, Australia. J. H. Moerman, Brinkstraat 53 bv. Amsterdam-O, Netherlands. . P. Schmoll, Federation Francaise d'Athletisme, 32 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris IXe, France. P. Stassano, Federazione Italiana di Atletica Leggera, Palazzo delle Federazioni, Viale Tiziano 70, Rome, Italy. Mme. D. Zatopkova, U pujcovny 8, Praha 3, Czechoslovakia. Cross-Country Commission E. Hermes, Chairman, Ligue Royale BeIge d'Athletisme, 61/63 rue du Marche-aux-Herbes, Brussels, Belgium. D. T. P. Pain, Hon. Secretary, Windsor House, 46 Victoria Street, London, S.W.l, England. *E. Clemme, Ligue Royale BeIge d'Athletisme, 61/63 rue du Marche-aux-Herbes, Brussels, Belgium. J. C. G. Crump, 166 Stoneleigh Park Road, Ewell, Surrey, England. G. Diamanti, Federazione Italiana di Atletica Leggera, Palazzo delle Federazioni, Viale Tiziano 70, Rome. D. El Aoufir, Federation Royale Marocaine d'Athletisme, 4 Rue Charles Tissot, Rabat, Morocco. H. Meley, Federation Franyaise d'Athletisme, 32 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris IXe, France. **c. Dumitru, Federatia Romina de Atletism, Str. Vasile, Conta nr 16, Bucarest, Roumania. *L. N. Richardson, "Norcross", Lynton Road, Ambergate, Derbyshire, England. *J. J. Gomez y Gomez-Sigler, Real Federacion Esp?,nola de Atletismo, Calle de Ferraz No. 16, Madnd 8, Spain. *Nominees of International Cross-Country Union. **Nominee of Balkan Cross-Country Committee.



VETERANS OF THE LA.A.F. H.M. The King of Sweden. The Most Hon. The Marquess of Exeter, K.C.M.G. (Gt. Britain and Northern Ireland). Harold M. Abrahams, C.B.E. (Gt. Britain and Northern Ireland). Kinichi Asano (Japan). Harold Berliner (U.S.A.). Avery Brundage (U .S.A.) . Emile Clemme (Belgium). Jack c. G. Crump, O.B.E., J.P. (Gt. Britain and Northern Ireland). J 6ao C. da Costa (Brazil). Max Danz (Germany). J. Sigfrid Edstrom (Sweden) . Bo Ekelund (Sweden) . Dan J. Ferris (U.S.A.). Giovanni Guabello (Italy). Edouard Hermes (Belgium). Ernest J. H. Holt, C.M.G., C.RE. (Gt. Britain and Northern Ireland) . Nicolai Kalinin (U.S.S.R.). U. Kekkonen (Finland). Karel Knenicky (Czechoslovakia). Stan Leeder (New Zealand). Bo Lindman (Sweden). Paul Mericamp (France). Dino Nai (Italy). Naili Moran (Turkey). Donald T. P. Pain, M.B.E. (Gt. Britain & Northern Ireland). J al Pardivala (India). Adrian Paulen (Netherlands). Lauri Pihkala (Finland). Kad Ritter von Halt (Germany). Mme. Z. Romanova (U.S.S.R.). Jean R. Seurin (France). Joseph Sir (Hungary).

G. D. Sondhi (India). Artur Takac (Yugoslavia). Olav Tendeland (Norway). Pierre Tonelli (France). Hugh Weir, C.B.E. (Australia). Bruno Zauli (Italy). Deceased Sir Harry J. Barclay (Gt. Britain & Northern Ireland). William M. Barnard (Gt. Britain & Northern Ireland). Friedrich Burger (Germany). J. E. Chryssafis (Greece). Charles J. Dieges (U.S.A.). Cad Diem (Germany). Leopold Englund (Sweden). Tage Ericson (Sweden). J. Genet (France). Kristian Hellstrom (Sweden). Murray Hulbert (U.S.A.). Evan A. Hunter (South Africa). G. J urgenson (France). Hilding Kjellman (Sweden). Gustavus T. Kirby (U.s.A.). S. Kishi (Japan). Joe B. MacCabe (U.S.A.). E. S. Marks (Australia). J. G. Merrick (Canada) . Justus W. Meyerhof (Germany). Lauri Miettinen (Finland) F. A. Moran (Eire). Mogens Oppegaard (Norway). Franz Reichel (France) . Oscar Rosenvinge-Kolderup (Norway). F. W. Rubien (U.S.A.). Johannes Runge (Germany). G. V. A. Schofield (Gt. Britain & Northern Ireland).

16 Szilard Stankovits (Hungary). Robert M. Thompson (U.S.A.). Hermann Wraschti1 (Austria).

LIST OF MEMBERS The letters in parenthesis denote the grouping of the member country (Rule 7) ADEN (D) Aden Sports Association, P.O. Box 4238, Aden. Founded 1936. AFGHANISTAN (C) National Olympic Federation, Kabul, Afghanistan. Cables: Olympic, Kabul. Founded 1930. ALBANIA (D) Komiteti I Keshillit Te Pergjitheshem Te BFSSH, Tirane, Albania. Cables: BFSSH, Tirana, Albania. Founded 1930. ARGENTINE (B) Confederacion Argentina de Atletismo, San Juan 532, Buenos Aires, Republic of Argentina. Cables: Cada, San Juan 532, Buenos Aires. Founded 1954. AUSTRALIA (A) Amateur Athletic Union of Anstralia, 41 Carlingford Road, Epping, N.S.W., Australia. Cables: Amathunion, Sydney. Founded 1897. (C) AUSTRIA Osterreichischer Leichtath1etik-Verband, Vienna Iy, Prinz Eugenstrasse 12, Cables: OLV Wien. Founded 1902. BAHAMAS (D) Bahamas Amateur Athletic Association, P.O. Box (MS) 5517, Nassau, N.P., Bahamas. Cables: Amathletic, Nassau. Founded 1952.


(B) BELGIUM Ligue Royale BeIge d'Athletisme, 61-63 rue du Marche-aux-Herbes, Brussels, Belgium. Cables: Belgathletic. Founded 1889. (D) BERMUDA Bermnda Amateur Athletic Association, P.O. Box 240, Hamilton, Bermnda. Founded 1946. (D) BOLIVIA Federacion Atletica de Bolivia, Casilla 754, La Paz, Bolivia. Founded 1929. Cables: Fedatletica, La Paz. BRAZIL (B) Brasileira de Desportos. Caixa Postal 1078, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Cables: Desportos, Rio de Janeiro. Founded 1914. BRITISH GUIANA (D) A.A.A. & C.U. of British Guiana, 172 Peter Rose Street, Queenstown, Georgetown, Demerara, British Guiana. Cables: Athlete, Demerara. Founded 1948. BRITISH HONDURAS (D) British Honduras Amateur Athletic Association, P.O. Box 103, Belize, British Honduras, C.A. Cables: "Three An Belize, British Honduras. Founded 1956. BRUNEI (DJ Brunei Amateur Athletic Association, clo Brunei Shell Petroleum Co. Ltd., Seria, State of Brunei. Cables: BAAA, clo Brunshell, Seria. Founded 1953. (B) BULGARIA Section Bulgare d'Athletisme, Tolboukhine 18, Sofia, Bulgarie. Founded 1949. Cables: Besefese. BURMA (DJ Burma National Amateur Athletic Federation, clo Burma Olympic Association, Aungsan Memorial Stadium, Rangoon, Burma. Founded 1947.



CAMBODIA (D) Federation Cambodgienne d'Athletisme, 26-28 Phlauv Prey Nokor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Cables: Fedathlefisme. Founded 1936. (D) CAMEROONS Federation Athletique du Cameroun, B.P. 1128, Yaounde, Camerouns. Founded 1959. CANADA (A) Amateur Athletic Union of Canada, . Box 71, Station "B", Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Cables: Amateur. Founded 1889. (C) CEYLON Ceylon Amateur Athletic Association, S. Thomas' College, c/o B. C. D'Silva. Founded 1922. Mount Lavinia, 6. Ceylon.

CHILE Federacion Atletica de Chile, Casilla No. 820, Santiago de Chile. Cables: Fedachi.

(B) Founded 1917.

COLOMBIA (C) Asociacion Colombiana de Atletismo, Apartado Aero No. 6024, Bogota 1, Colombia. Cables: Ascodatle, Bogota. Founded 1937. CONGO (D) Federation Congolaise d'Athletisme, B.P.2158, Brazzaville, Founded 1962. Republique du Congo. (D) COSTA RICA Federacion Nacional de Atletismo de Costa Rica, Direcci6n General de Deportes, San Jose, Costa Rica, C.A. Cables: Dgdeportes, Costa Rica. Founded 1960.

Union Atletica de Amateurs de Cuba, Edificio "Frank Pais", O'Reilly No. 412, Habana, Cuba. Cables: Fenaliso, Habana. Founded 1922. (A) CZECHOSLOVAlGA Czechoslovac Athletic Section at the Czechoslovac Association for Physical Culture, Na Poi'iCi 12, Praha 1, Czechoslovakia. Cables: Sportsvaz. Founded 1887. DAHOMEY (D) Federation d'Athletisme du Dahomey, B.P. 65, Porto-Novo, Dahomey. Cables: Dirsports Porto-Novo. Founded 1960. (B) . DENMARK Dansk Athletik Forbund, Staunings Plads 1, Copenhagen 0, Denmark. Cables: Dafathletik. Founded 1907. (D) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Federaci6n Dominicana de Atletismo, Estadio Trujillo, Ciudad Trujillo, Republica Dominicana. Cables: Olimpidom. Founded 1953. (D) ECUADOR Federacion Deportiva Nacional Del Ecuador, Palacio Municipal, Casilla Postal 3409, Guayaquil, Ecuador. Cables: Fedenador. Founded 1925. EIRE (B) Amateur Athletic Union, Eire, 13 Raglan Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin, Eire. Cables: Athletics, Dublin. Founded 1937.


20 ETHIOPIA (D) National Ethiopian Athletics Federation, p.a. Box 1080, Patriots Road, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 5. Cables: NEAF, Addis Ababa. Founded 1961. FIJI Fiji Amateur Athletic Association, clo Box 33, G.P.O. Suva, Fiji. FINLAND Suomen Urheiluliitto ry, Box 358, Helsinki, Finland. Cables: Urheiluliitto, Helsinki.

(D) Founded 1949. (A) Founded 1906.

FRANCE (A) Federation Fran9aise d'Athletisme, 32 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris IXe, France. Cables: Fedathleti. Founded 1920. GERMANY West Deutscher Leichtathletik-Verbar,d, Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 137, Kassel, West Germany. Cables: Leichtathletik, Kassel.


Founded 1898. Reformed 1949.

East Deutscher Verband fur Leichtathletik, Bruderstrasse 5-6, Berlin, C.2, East Germany. Cables: Leichtathletik, Berlin. Founded 1950.

GHANA (D) Central Organisation of Sport, "Athletic Division", Central Secretariat, Sports Stadium, p.a. Box 1272, Accra, Ghana, W. Africa. Cables: "C.O.S.", Accra. Founded 1944.

(D) GIBRALTAR Gibraltar Amateur Athletic Association, p.a. Box 1, Gibraltar. Founded 1954. GREAT BRITAIN & NORTHERN IRELAND (A) British Amateur Athletic Board, 54 Torrington Place, London, W.C.l, England. Cables: Athlete Westcent, London. Founded 1880. Formerly A.A.A. of England GREECE (B) Hellenic Amateur Athletic Association, 4/6 Kapsali Street, Athens, Greece. Founded 1897. Cables: Segas-Athens. GUATEMALA (D) Federacion Nacional de Atletismo, Palacio de Los Deportes, Guatemala City, Guatemala, C.A. Founded 1945. Cables: Cdag, Guatemala. GUINEA (D) Federation Guineenne D'AthJetisme Amateur, Ministere de l'Education Nationale de la Jeunesse et de la Culture, (Direction Service des Sports), B.P. 262, Conakry, .Republique de Guinee. Cables: J.R.D.A. Conakry RP. 262 Founded 1960. HAITI (D) Commission Nationale Haitienne d'Athletisme Amateur, College C10vis Bonhomme, 24 Rue du Dr. Audain, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, W.!. .Founded 1946. HONG KONG (D) Hong Kong Amateur Athletic Association, p.a. Box 280, Hong Kong. Founded 1951. HUNGARY (A) Magyar Athletikai Szovetseg, V. Rosenberg Hazaspar u.l., Budapest V, Hungary. Cables: Masz-Budapest. Founded 1897.


(C) ICELAND Icelandic Athletic Union, p.a. Box 1099, Reykjavik, Iceland. Cables: Idrottasamband. Founded 1912. INDIA (B) Amateur Athletic Federation of India, 99 Panchkuin Road, New Delhi I, India. Founded 1946. INDONESIA (D) Persatuan Atletik Seluruh Indonesia (PASI), Kesehatan 3 No. 6, Djakarta 1/12, Indonesia. Cables: PASI, Kesehatantiga Djakarta. Founded 1950. IRAN (C) Iranian Amateur Athletic Federation, Kakhe Varzesh, Teheran, Iran. Cables: Olympique, Teheran. Founded 1936. (D) IRAQ The Iraqi Amateur Athletic Federation, c/o Ministry of Education, Physical Education Dept., Founded 1948. Baghdad, Iraq. ISRAEL (C) Sports Federation of Israel, p.a. Box 4575, Tel Aviv, Israel. Cables: Sportisfed, Tel Aviv. Founded 1931. ITALY (A) Federazione Italiana di Atletica Leggera, Palazzo delle Federazioni, Viale Tiziano 70, Rome, Italy. . Cables: Fidal Roma. Founded 1906. IVORY COAST (D) Federation Ivoirienne d'Athletisme, Boulevard Lagunaire, B.P.2844. Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. Founded 1960.

23 JAMAICA (C) Jamaica Amateur Athletic Association, 84 Hanover Street, Kingston, jamaica, W. Indies. Founded 1932. Cables: jamathletic, ja. JAPAN (A) Nippon Rikujo-Kyogi Renmei, 4-6 Surugadai, Kanda, Tokyo, japan. Cables: Zennihon, Tokyo. Founded 1925. KENYA (D) Kenya Amateur Athletic Association, p.a. Box 6722, Nairobi, Kenya. Founded 1951. KOREA (e) South Korean Amateur Athletic .\ssociation, p.a. Box 106, K.W.M. Seoul, Korea. Cables: KOAAA, Seoul. Founded 1945. North Athletic Association of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Pyongyang, Korea. KUWAIT (D) Kuwait Federation of Athletic Games & Cycling, F ahed Al Salem Street, Houmood Al Khaled Building, Kuwait, Arabian Gulf. Founded 1957. (D) LAOS Federation d'Athletisme du Laos, c/o Direction Generale de la j eunesse et des Sports, B.P. 268 it Vientiane, Laos. Founded 1958. Cables: Fal Dirsports, Vientiane.


24 LEBANON (D) Federation Libanaise d'Athletisme et de Cyclisme, Imm. Esseyli, Place Assour, Beyrouth, Lebanon. Founded 1945. LIBERIA (D) Liberian Olympic Games Association, p.a. Box 502, Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa. Cables: Loga, Monrovia, Liberia. Founded 1955. LIBYA (D) Libyan General Amateur Athletic Federation, p.a. Box 879, Tripoli. Founded 1962. LIECHTENSTEIN (D) Landes-Sportverband fur das Furstentum Liechtenstein, Balzers, Furstentum, Liechtenstein. Cables: Landessportverband Schaan, F.L. Founded 1936. LUXEMBURG (C) Federation Luxembourgeoise d'Athletisme, Case Postale 175, Luxembourg. Cables: Athletic, Luxembourg. Founded 1928. (D) MADAGASCAR Federation Malgache d'Athletisme, B.P. 717, Tananarive, Madagascar. Founded 1962. MALAYA Federation of Malaya A.A. Union, Public Works Dept., Klang, Selangor, Malaya. Cables: Mathletics, Klang. MALI Federation Malienne d'Athletisme, B.P. No. 595, Bamako, Republique du Mali, Cables: Fedathletisme Bamako, Mali.


Founded 1906. (D)

Founded 1960.

MALTA (D) Malta Amateur Athletic Association, 151 Old Mint Street, Valetta, Malta, G.C. Cables: Athlete. Founded 1928. (D) MAURITIUS Mauritius Sports A?sociation, George Vth Stadium, Curepipe, Mauritius. Founded 1952. MEXICO (Bl Confederacion Deportiva Mexicana, Federacion Mexicana de Atletismo. Can'ilIo Puerto 73, Coyoacan, Mexico, 21 D.F. MeXICO. Cables: Depormex, Mexico. Founded 1933. (D) MONGOLIA The Athletic Federation of the Mongolian People's Republic, Mongolian Athletic Federation, 55 Baga Toirog, Ulan Bator, Mongolian People's Republic. Founded 1961. MOROCCO (D) Federation Royale iVIarocaine d'Athletisme, 4 Rue Charles Tissot, Rabat, Morocco. Cables: Federmat, Rabat. Founded 1957. NEPAL (D) Amateur Athletic Association of Nepal, Nara Dera, Jwala Khel, Kathmandu, Nepal. Cables: Nepamath. Founded 1951. NETHERLANDS (B) Koninklijke Nederlandsche Athletiek-Unie, B1ekerssingel 23, Gouda, N'etherlands. Founded 1901. N'ETHERLANDS ANTILLES (D) Nederlands Aritilliaanse Athletiek Unie, clo S. E. L. Maduro & Sons, Inc.,' WilIemstad, Curacao, N.A. Founded 1934. Reformed 1962.


26 NEW ZEALAl\'D (A) New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association, G.P.O. Box 741, 'Wellington, C.l, New Zealand. Cables: Amathletic. Founded 1887. (D) :"iIGER Federation Nigerienne d'Athletisme, B.P.215, Niamey, Niger. Founded 1961. NIGERIA (D) Amateur Athletic Association of Nigeria, P.O. Box 211, Lagos, Nigeria, W.A. Cables: Athletics. Founded 1944. (D) NORTH BORNEO Amateur Athletic Association of North Borneo, P.O. Box No. 35, Jesselton, North Borneo. Founded 1950. NORWAY Norges Fri-idrettsforbund, Torggata 2, Oslo, Norway. Cables: Fri-idrett.

(B) Founded 1896.

(B) PAKISTAN Pakistan Amateur Athletic Federation, District Controller of Purchase, P.W.R. Headquarters Office, Express Road, Lahore, Pakistan. Cables: ZafarjNorpurjLahore. Founded 1947.

(C) PANAMA Comision Nacional de Atletismo, Apartado 1835, Panama, Republic of Panama. Cables: Atletismo, Educfisca, Panama. Founded 1945.

PAPUA & NEW GUIl\'EA (D) Papna & New Gninea Amateur Athletic Association, P.O. Box 309, Port Moresby, Founded 1961. Papua. (D) PARAGUAY Federacion Paraguaya de Atletismo, Luis A. de Herrera 962, Asuncion, Founded 1947. Republica del Paraguay. PERU (C) Federacion Peruana de Atletismo, Apartado No. 2732, Lima, Peru. Cables: Atleperu. Founded 1927. PHILIPPINES (C) Philippine Amateur Track & Field Association, Rizel Memorial Field (Open Arena), Dakota. Manila, Philippines. Founded 1961. Cables: Paaf Manila. POLAND (A) Polski Zwiazek Lekkiej Atletyki, Warszawa 1, ul. Foksal 19. Cables: Pezla Warszawa. Founded 1919. (C) PORTUGAL Federa,ao Portuguesa de Atletismo, Pra,a da Alegria 6_3 0 EO Lisbon, 2. Portugal. Founded 1921. PUERTO RICO (C) Puerto Rico Athletic Federation, P.O. Box 3207, San Juan 15, Puerto Rico. Fonnded 1947. RHODESIA & NYASALA::\'D (D) Rhodesia & Nyasaland Amateur Athletic & Cycling Union, P.O. Box 86, Bulawayo, S. Rhodesia. Founded 1958. Cables: cjo Rhocem, Bnlawayo.

28 (B) ROUMANIA Federatia Romina de Atletism, Str. Vasile Conta nr. 16. Bucarest, Roumania. Cables: Comfizcult. Founded 1912. EL SALVADOR (D) National Athletic Federation of El Salvador, cjo National Olympic Committee of El Salvador, Edit. San CarIos, 3er. piso 301 San Salvador El Salvador, C.A. Founded 1943. SARAWAK (D) Sarawak Amateur Athletic Association, P.O. Box 14, Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo. Founded 1953. (D) SENEGAL Federation Senegalaise d'Athletisme, B.P. 1737, Dakar, Republic of Senegal. Founded 1960. SIERRE LEONE (D) Sierre Leone Amateur Athletic Association, cjo British Council, P.O. Box 124, Freetown, Sierre Leone. Cables: Athletics, British Council, Freetown. Founded 1951. SINGAPORE (D) Singapore Amateur Athletic Association, cjo 253 Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 10. Founded 1934.

(A) SOUTH AFRICA South African Amateur Athletic Union, P.O. Box 1261, Pretoria, South Africa. Cables: Atleet. Founded 1895. (B) SPAIN Real Federacion Espaiiola de Atletismo, Calle de Ferraz No. 16, Madrid 8, Spain. Cables: Federacion Atletismo Ferraz 16. Founded 1918.

29 SUDAN (D) Sudan Athletic Association, cjo Sudanese Olympic Committee, P.O. Box 437, Khartoum, Sudan. Cables: Athletic Association, Khartoum. Founded 1959. SURINAM (D) Surinaamse Athletiek Bond, cjo Dr. B. Oostburg, Zwartenhovenbrugstraat 7 bov, Paramaribo, Suriname. Founded 1955. SWEDEN (A) Svenska Fri-Idrottsf6rbundet, Humlegardsgatan 17, Stockholm b, Sweden. Cables: Friidrott. Founded 1895. (B) SWITZERLAND Federation Suisse d'Athletisme Amateur, Gurtengasse 4, Berne, Switzerland. Cables: Athletisme, Berne. Founded 1905. SYRIA Syrian Athletic Federation, Box 421, Damascus, Syria. Founded TAIWAN Taiwan A.A. Federation, P.O. Box 2051, Taipei, Taiwan. Founded TANGANYIKA Tanganyika Amateur Athletic Association, P.O. Box 1778, Dar Es Salaam,Tanganyika. Founded THAILAND Amateur Athletic Association of Thailand, The National Stadium, Bangkok, Thailand. Founded

(D) 1949. (D) 1914. (D) 1954. (D) 1948.


ao TO='fGA Tonga Amateur Athletic Association, Nuku'Alofa,



Cables: Athletic Association, Tonga. Founded 1962. TRINIDAD & TOBAGO (D) Amateur Athletic Association of Trinidad & Tobago, Pointe-a-Pierre, Trinidad, W. Indies. Cables: Athletics, Trinidad. Founded 1945. TUNISIA (D) Federation Tunisienne d'Athletisme, 53 Rue de Marseille, Tunis. Cables: Athletisme, Tunis. Founded 1957. TURKEY B.T.G.Md. Atletizm Federasyonu, Ankara, Turkey. Cables: Atletizm Spor Ankara.

(B) Founded 1922.

UGANDA (D) Uganda Amateur Athletic Association, P.O. Box 2163, Kampala, Uganda. Cables: Medmin, Entebbe. Founded 1925. UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS (A) Light Athletic Federation of the U.S.S.R., Skatertnyi pereulok 4, Moscow 69, U.S.S.R. Cables: Sojuzsport, Moscow. Founded 1924. UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC (C) United Arab Athletic Federation, 13 Sharia Rasr El Nil, Cairo, Egypt. Founded 1910. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (A) Amateur Athletic Union of United States of America, A.A.U. House, 231 West 58th Street, New York 19, U.s.A. Cables: Amathletic. Founded 1888.

UPPER VOLTA (D) Federation Voltaique d'Athletisme, B.P.354, Ouagadougou, Republic of Upper Volta. Founded 1961. URUGUAY (C) Federacion Atletica del Uruguay, Canelones 982,. Montevideo, Uruguay. Cables: "Atletica". - Founded 1918. (Dj VENEZUE!--A FederaclOn Venezolana de Atletismo, Velodromo Teo Capriles, La Vega:, Caracas, Venezuela. Cables: Colimpico. Founded 1948. VIET-NAM (D) Federation d'Athletisme du Viet-Nam clo Mr. Vo tri Ky, Van Dong Tru6ng Cong-Hoa Duong Nguyen-Kim, Cholon, Saigon, Viet-Nam. Cables: FAVN, Saigon. Founded 1951. YUGOSLAVIA (A) Federation Yougoslave d'Athletisme, Beograd, Str. Bana 73a, Box 475. Cables: ASAj. Founded 1921.



FOREWORD Once more it is my pleasant task to present to you the official Handbook of the International Amateur Athletic Federation for 1963/64. 1962 has been a year of further marked progress. There are now 115 affiliated member countries and an additional ten applications for affiliation are pending. Furthermore we had a most successful European Championships in Belgrade and our thanks go to the Yugoslav Athletic Federation for the efficient way in which they organised them and the kind hospitality which we received there. Our deep gratitude is due to M. Jean Seurin, who there concluded fourteen successful years as secretary of the European Commission. In these dedicated years of service he has played a large part in ensuring the success of that body and we owe him a deep debt of gratitude. I would, too, like to put on record a high tribute to the devoted service of Mr. D. T. P. Pain and his staff for the very hard work and long hours that they put in so cheerfully in ensuring the efficient working of the LA.A.F. on our behalf. During the past year we have lost through death four of our Veteran Members-Friedrich Burger (Germany), Cal'l Diem (Germany), Justus W. Meyerhof (Germany), and Mogens Oppegaard (Norway), and we send our sympathy to their families. A new milestone has been reached by the decision of the Council to hold its next meeting in Sao Paulo.

This is its first visit to South America and we are greatly looking forward to meeting our members from South America and renewing many friendships there. May I conclude by wishing all our members all success in the coming years. EXETER, 7th January, 1963.

46 Victoria Street, London, S.W.I.



34 CONSTITUTION of the INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR ATHLETIC FEDERATION NOTE :-Words in these rules and all other matter importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine and the words of the singular person shall include the plural. The undennentioned words or letters shall bear the meaning set opposite to them :Athletics: Track and field athletics, crosscountry running and walking. I.A.A .F. : International Amateur Athletic Federation. M ember of the Federation: National Governing Association or Federation. I.O.C. : International Olympic Committee. Amendments to Rules approved by Congress, 1962, are indicated by a vertical line in the margin. RULE I Title and Composition I.-The title shall be the International Amateur Athletic Federation. It shall comprise duly elected national governing associations or federations of countries, in control of amateur track and field athletics, cross-country running and walking, which agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the LA.A.F. Only one member for each country can be affiliated. 2.-The jurisdiction of members of the Federation shall be limited to the political boundaries of the country they represent.

RULE 2 Objects of the Federation The objects of the Federation shall be:I._To establish friendly and loyal co-operation between all members for the benefit of amateur athletics throughout the world. 2.-To strive to ensure that no racial, religious, political or other kind of discrimination be allowed in international athletics in relations between member countries or individuals and take all necessary measures to stop such actions. 3.-To strive to secure that there shall be no hindrance to the participation of any country or individual in international athletic competitions on racial, religious or political grounds. 4.-To compile rules and regulations governing international competitions for men and women in amateur athletics. 5.-To ensure that all contests between members of the Federation, including continental championships, regional championships and all other international competitions shall be held under the laws and the rules for competition of the Federation. 6.-To affiliate national governing associations and federations. 7.-To decide any dispute that may arise between members if called upon to do so. S.-To co-operate with the Organising Committees of the Olympic Games in carrying through the organisation of the athletic competitions and as delegated by the LO.C. to supervise and control all the technical arrangements. 9.-To frame regulations for the establishment of World, Olympic and Continental amateur records III athletics.

36 RULE 3 Official Languages At all Congress Meetings each member may speak in his own language, translations being made only into French and English as required. The Constitution and the Rules and Regulations, Minutes, Reports and other communications shall be in such languages as the Council shall decide. In all cases of any difference in the interpretation of the text the English version shall be accepted. RULE 4 Congresses l.-(a) The Congress of the LA.A.F. shall consist of the President, two Vice-Presidents elected for the meeting only, the Honorary Secretary, Members of the Council and not more than five representatives delegated by each affiliated Member. (b) Only representatives of affiliated members shall have power to vote. 2.-A member of the Federation shall be represented only by its delegates. Notice of the appointment of delegates; certified in writing by the Member they represent, must be lodged with the Honorary Secretary prior to the commencement of the Congress meeting. Delegates shall be citizens of the country they represent and shall not have coached or competed as a professional. In cases where a Member sends only one delegate he shall be entitled to use the full number of votes. A delegate shall represent only one Member of the Federation. 3.-The Members of the Federation included in group "A" shall be entitled to seven votes each; those in group "B" to five votes each; those in group "C" to three votes each, and those in group "D" to one vote each. (Also see Rule 7.)

37 4 .-The Congress shall be convened biennially and the venue shall be fixed at the preceding meeting. 5.-The President of the Federation shall preside at all Congress meetings. In his absence the meeting shall appoint one of the elected Vice-Presidents. 6.-The Congress only shall have power to approve or alter any constitutional rule. All additions, amendments or alterations to the Constitutional Rules must obtain two-thirds of the voting power of those present and such two-thirds must also represent at least 33!% of the total voting power of the LA.A.F. 7.-The Congress of the LA.A.F. shall elect the following committees and commissions: European Committee, Technical Committee, Women's Commission, Walking Commission and Modern Pentathlon Committee. Number of members, functions, powers and duties of these bodies shall be defined by the rules approved at Congress. If necessary other commissions can also be formed. All nominations for these committees or commissions shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary of the LA.A.F. not later than five calendar months prior to the date of Congress at which such elections will be made. (See Rule 11). 8.-A special Congress may be called, provided not less than fifteen Members of the Federation give notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary stating they desire such a meeting and the reasons relating thereto. Upon receipt of any such notice, the Honorary Secretary shall summon a meeting of the Congress within three months. 9.-In recognition of valued services given to the cause of international athletics, Congress shall be entitled to elect an Honorary Life President and not more than three Honorary Life Vice-Presidents, without voting power.


38 RULE 5 Officers The President and the Honorary Secretary shall be elected by the Congress, each for a term of four years. They shall reside in the same country. The officers shall be exofficio members of all committees and commissions. RULE 6 Council I.-The Council shall be elected by Congress, for a term of four years, with powers and duties as set out hereafter. The Council shall consist of the President and Honorary Secretary of the Federation and ten individuals elected for their knowledge of athletics who belong to different member countries other than that of the President and Honorary Secretary. 2.-The officers and members of the Council shall serve until their successors are appointed and take office. 3.-In the absence of the President, the Honorary Secretary shall preside. 4.-The President and the Honorary Secretary shall each have a vote. The President in the case of a tie in the voting, shall have a second or casting vote. 5.-When during the time between the Congress meetings any vacancy arises in the membership of the Council the vacant place shall be filled by the Council by temporarily accepting a nominee of the same country to which the Council member belonged. 6.-The Council shall meet at least once a year and its duties shall include:(a) The examination of all proposals to be placed before Congress and the submission of a report thereon.

(b) The administration of the affairs of the Federation. (c) The provisional affiliation of National Governing bodies for athletics. (Also see Rule 7.) (d) Notification to members of the imposition of any penalties by either Congress or the Council. . (e) The maintenance of a register of World, Olympic and Continental amateur records. (f) Deciding any dispute that may arise between members of the Federation which may be referred to it by either of the interested members. (g) Framing rules and regulations for, and controling and supervising the athletic technical organisation at the Olympic Games. (h) The submission to Congress of a report, an audited statement of accounts and balance sheet on the proceedings and finances of the Federation, together with a budget for the succeeding two years. (i) In cases of great importance requiring an immediate decision it shall have power to summon an Extraordinary Congress of the Federation. (j) To make decisions in urgent matters relating to all rules, with the exception of the Constitutional Rules, subject to ratification by Congress at its next meeting. RULE 7 Membership I.-The National Governing Body for amateur athletics in any country shall be eligible for membership of the Federation. for membership together with a copy 2 of the ConstitutIOn and rules shall be submitted to the Council; which shall have power to elect to membership provisionally, pending confirmation at the next Congress meeting. 3.-Membership shall be divided into four groups and any member admitted to the Federation after the 23rd

40 August 1950 shall be placed in such group as the Congress may decide. The followmg groupmg WIth effect from the 1st January 1963 was agreed at the Belgrade Congress in 1962 anc1shall remain as such until altered by a subsequent Congress;GROUP "A" Netherlands Australia Norway Canada Pakistan Czechoslovakia Finland Roumania France Spain Switzerland Germany Gt. Britain & Turkey & Northern Ireland GROUP "C" Hungary Afghanistan Italy Austria Japan Ceylon New Zealand Colombia Poland Cuba South Africa Iceland Sweden Iran U.S.A. Israel U.S.S.R. Jamaica Yugoslavia Korea GROUP "B" Luxemburg Argentine Panama Peru Belgium Brazil Philippines Portugal Bulgaria Puerto Rico Chile Denmark United Arab Republic Eire Uruguay Greece GROUP "D" India All Mexico the other Members.


4.-The annual fees from each member affiliated to the LA.A.F. shall be paid in advance on 1st January in accordance with the following groups:Each Member in Group "A" shall pay I, liB" " " " " " (( C " " " " " " " 11


£100 £60 £30 £10

Any member whose subscription is unpaid on the 31ST DECEMBER shall be liable to be struck off the list of members of the Federation or suspended at the discretion of the Council. No representative can be authorised to take part in any meeting of the Congress or Committees if the subscription of the member he represents is more than twelve months in arrears. (Also see Rule 4 para. 3.) RULE 8 Suspensions The Council of the Federation shall have the power to suspend any athlete from international competition until the next meeting of the Congress, and the Congress shall likewise have the power to suspend any athlete from international competition for so long as shall be stated in its decision. RULE 9 International Athletic Competitions and Qualifications of Competitors I.-An international athletic meeting is defined as follows:-


43 (a) A meeting arranged between two or more members of the Federation; or (b) A meeting organised by the Federation or a member of the Federation or by a club affiliated to and having the sanction of a member, provided other members of the Federation or their clubs take part in the meeting.

amateur and permitted to compete in the country concerned. An invitation to an athlete to compete in a meeting in a country other than his own shall not be extended directly or indirectly by an individual, a club, college, university or other athletic organisation, but only by the governing body of the inviting country through the governing body of the country such athlete represents.

2.-Neither a national championship open to all amateur athletes, nor a competition in which a touring team of athletes takes part as individuals shall be considered an international meeting.

All negotiations for the participation of an athlete in contests in another country shall be carried on by the governing body of the countries concerned.

3 .-At all international meetings the rules and regulations of the Federation shall apply. 4.-All international meetings must be sanctioned by the LA.A.F. or by a member of the Federation. National governing bodies in authorising international meetings under their jurisdiction shall insist that all prizes are of lasting value, are intended for the athlete himself and shall not exceed the value of ÂŁ20 sterling (or its equivalent in other currencies). Any promoter infringing this rule should not be given permission thereafter to promote an international meeting. Note: Where it is decided to honour an athlete for an outstanding performance the spirit of this rule should be observed and the intrinsic value of the award should not exceed the sum mentioned ift the rule. No important international meetings shall be arranged for the athletes entered for the Olympic Games during the period of fourteen days preceding the beginning of the track and field events in the Olympic Games. 5.-No athlete or club may take part in an athletic meeting in a foreign country without the written approval of his governing body, and no member of the Federation shall allow any foreign athlete to enter any competition without such permit certifying that he is an


The only exception to the foregoing shall be where a Federation shall authorise one of its member clubs to communicate with the club of another country concerning the participation of one or more of its athletes, and such authorisation shall be granted on the express condition that the Federations concerned are kept informed as to the context of the communications. 6.-Any athlete competing in any foreign country (other than in international meetings as above defined) shall, in respect to that competition, be subject to the athletic laws of that country. 7.-In international competitions, members of this Federation shall be represented only by native born or naturalised subjects of the country which the affiliated member represents, except in the case of citizens of a colony, when they shall be eligible to represent the mother country if such colony is not represented by membership of the I.A.A.F. Having once represented any member of the Federation in international competition, no contestant may thereafter represent any other member except in case of:(a) Incorporation of one country in another,


44 (b) Creation of a new country ratified by treaty, (c) Where membership of the I.A.A.F. is acquired by the governing body of any colony where such membership did not previously exist, or (d) Where in the case of a female athlete nationality is altered by marriage. RULE 10 Championships of the World and Area Championships I.-The LA.A.F. alone shall have the right to organise or sanction World's, European, Far East, Latin American and other area championships for track and field events. 2.-The Olympic Games shall be regarded as World Championships in track and field athletics. 3.-Sanction of the LA.A.F. is required for all area championships. A fee of ÂŁ25 sterling (or its equivalent in other currencies) which fee shall accompany the application for sanction, shall be paid to the LA.A.F. by the sponsoring body for such sanction, except for the Olympic Games and European Championships. All application forms must be completed in detail and lodged at the headquarters of the LA.A.F. by registered post NOT later than TWELVE MONTHS prior to the date of the opening day of the area games in question. Organising Committees must ensure that countries to whom invitations are sent are in membership of the LA.A.F. and countries desirous of participating must apply to the LA.A.F. for membership, which must have been granted prior to their entry being accepted. Such applications must be received by the LA.A.F. Office at least three months before the date of the opening of the promotion concerned.

The LA.A.F. shall not sanction any area games without first having obtained an unqualified undertaking that the necessary permission for visiting athletes to enter the country where the games are to be held will be forthcoming sufficiently far ahead to enable them to travel and compete at the games. 4.-The LA.A.F. shall designate a representative to attend each area games or championships at the expense of the organisers, to ensure that the rules and regulations of the LA.A.F. are complied with. The travelling and accommodation expenses of this representative shall be paid to him by the organisers not later than the final day of the championships or athletic section of the games. Such representative shall render his report to the LA.A.F. within thirty days thereafter. NOTE.-For the purpose of this rule, world, group or sectional games and championships are defined as area championships. RULE 11 Sub Committees (a) Technical Committee.-The Technical Committee appointed by Congress (see Rule 4) shall consist of individuals from various countries known as experts in the field of athletic competition and shall have power to make recommendations to the Council when acting according to Rule 6, paragraph 6 (j). (b) Women's Commission.-The Women's Commission .appointed by Congress (see Rule 4) shall consist of individuals from various countries known as experts in the field of Women's Athletic competition and will advise the Council in all matters relating to competitions for Women and not covered by terms of reference by the Technical Committee.



(c) Walking Commission.-The Walking Comm.ission appointed by Congress (see R:,le 4) shall consIst ?f individuals from various countnes known as experts In the field of Walking competition and will advise the Council in all matters concerning Walking competitions. (d) European Committee.-The European appointed by Congress (see Rule 4) shall deal WIth all matters relating to European affairs concerning track and field athletics in accordance with the terms of reference as laid down in the Rules for European Championships. RULE 12 Alterations to Rules

1.-Constitution Laws .-Proposals for alteration or additions to the constitution rules of the Federation shall bemade only by a member of the Federation and must reach the Honorary Secretary of the LA.A.F. at least six calendar months prior to the Congress at which they are to be considered. The proposals shall be communicated to affiliated countries at least four calendar months before such Congress. No proposals shall be considered by Congress without the notice specified herein. 2.-Proposals to amend the technical rules, rules for Women's competitions and rules for Walking competitions must be sent to the Honorary Secretary of the LA.A.F. who shall submit them to the appropriate sub committee or commission, defined in Rule 11, for advice and recommendation. The Council will act in accordance with Rule 6, paragraph 6 (j) and, if necessary prepare change of rule for presentation to Congress. 3 .-N 0 alterations or additions to the technical rules passed during the twelve months preceding any Olympic Games shall be effective until after the Games.

RULES RELATING TO ELIGIBILITY OF ATHLETES TO COMPETE UNDER INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR ATHLETIC FEDERATION RULES I.-An amateur is one who competes for the love of sport and as a means of recreation, without any motive of securing any material gain from such competition. 2.-Competition under International Amateur Athletic Federation rules is restricted to amateur athletes to compete under the rules as laid down who are by the International Amateur Athletic Federation. 3.-The following persons are ineligible to take part in competitions under International Amateur Athletic Federation rules. Any person who since reaching the age of 16:(i) has competed in any sport for any pecuniary reward;

(ii) has taken part in any track or field event in which any of the competitors were, to his knowledge, ineligible to compete under International Amateur Athletic Federation rules; (iii) has ever received any pecuniary consideration for teaching, training or coaching in any sport; NOTE.-Physical education teachers whose work is solely educational and who are not paid directly or indirectly for the coaching of athletes for competitions are eligible to compete as amateurs. (iv) has at any time been financially interested in any track or field event in which he was entered; (v) writes, lectures or broadcasts for payment upon any track or field event or competition without the prior permission of his national governing body. This permission must be given only in the case of a person who is genuinely making his main career in one or other of these activities.



transactions and in so far as any advance payment is necessary to enable an athlete to obtain refreshment en route, or expend money on travelling or accommodation which cannot be provided by supplying tickets or vouchers, this must be advanced to the athlete by his own governing body who will obtain reimbursement from the governing body where the competition takes place. The athlete's own national governing body may, however, in exceptional circumstances authorise the national governing body under whose jurisdiction he is for the time being competing, to refund to the athlete actual essential expenses for travelling, meals and lodging, and at the conclusion of the competition such national body shall forward to the LA.A.F. and to the athlete's national body a detailed statement of all such payments. The daily allowance for the out-of-pocket expenses to athletes during their stay in a foreign country must not exceed $2 (14 shillings and 6 pence sterling) or the equivalent value in other currencies. This sum should be allocated from the date of arrival in the host country until the date of departure, and paid through the team manager. (b) The period of time in anyone calendar year for which an athlete shall receive expense money is limited to 28 days exclusive of the time taken in travelling. Accumulation of these days in two consecutive years is not allowed. An extension may be given by the national association to which the athlete belongs, to cover competition in Olympic Games, Continental

(vi) sells or pawns any of his prizes; (vii) receives any compensation for using the goods or apparatus of any firm, manufacturer or agent, or allows his name or his static or moving picture to be used as a means of advertising or recommending the goods of any firm, manufacturer or agent; NOTE.-¡When and where it is proved that the name or the picture of the athlete was used for the purpose of this paragraph without his knowledge the indemnity to be collected from the person or persons responsible for the injury, privately agreed or stipulated by the Courts, will revert to the Federation to which the athlete belongs. (viii) while a member of any club or other body under the jurisdiction of a national body affiliated to the International Amateur Athletic Federation competes in any foreign country at any meeting not recognised by the governing body of such country; (ix) accepts directly or indirectly any money or other consideration for expenses or loss of earnings, other than what is permitted as follows:(a) The travelling and accommodation expenses of athletes competing in competitions under International Amateur Athletic Federation rules which are limited to the actual outlay for travelling, meals and lodging. In cases where an athlete is permitted to participate in competitions held in a country other than his own, such expenses must not in any circumstances whatever be paid direct to the athlete himself, nor to any person on his behalf, but must be paid through the national governing bodies of the countries concerned. National governing bodies must strictly control all financial



50 Championships, or when representing a country in genuine matches against other countries. The Council of the International Amateur Athletic Federation only is empowered to grant extensions in other cases. NOTE.-A genuine match is one where with the authority of the governing bodies concerned the competition is announced as between teams representing two C7 more countries. Each team should be selected by the governing body concerned. A "touring" team consisting oj a small number of athletes, is not recognised as an international team for the purposes of this definition. 4.-Any person who is, and for so long as he remains, ineligible to compete in competitions under the jurisdiction of his national governing body, is ineligible to compete under the rules of the International Amateur Athletic Federation. 5.-In any competition under International Amateur Athletic Federation rules the eligibility of any athlete competing shall be guaranteed by the governing body of the country to which the athlete belongs. If any objection is taken to the status of any athlete, such objection shall be referred to the jury or if no jury has been appointed to the referee. If the matter cannot be settled satisfactorily prior to the meeting the athlete shall be allowed to compete "under protest" and the matter be referred to the Council of the International Amateur Athletic Federation. ATHLETIC RULES for MEN'S AND WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIONS All international competitions shall be held under the rules of the International Amateur Athletic Federation

and this shall be stated in all announcements, advertisements, programmes and printed matter. The rules as laid down shall be applicable to men's and women's competitions. The standard of conversion from metres to yards feet and inches used in the technical rules is 1 metre= 1.093614 yards (3.280842 feet or 39.370 inches) and for weights 1 kilogramme=2.204622 Ibs. Amendments to rules approved by Congress 196211 are indicated by a vertical line in the margin. NOTE .-1 t is recommended that National Associations should adopt the nlles of the [.A.A.F. for the conduct of their own athletic meetings. SECTION 1 Officials of the Meeting RULE 1

The list laid down in this rule comprises those officials considered to be necessary for principal international meetings. The organisers are at liberty to vary this where local circumstances require. MANAGEMENT OFFICIALS

One Manager One Secretary One Technical Manager JURY OF ApPEAL COMPETITION OFFICIALS

One Referee for Track Events One (or more) Referees for Field Events One Referee for Walking Events Four (or more) Judges for Track Events Four (or more) Judges for Field Events


52 Four (or more) Judges for Walking Events Four (or more) Umpires for Track Events ' Three (or more) Timekeepers One (or more) Starters One (or more) Clerks of the Course (Starter's Assistants) One (or more) Lap Scorers One Recorder One Marshal ADDJTIONAL OFFICIALS

One (or more) Announcers One Official Surveyor One (or more) Doctors Stewards for Competitors, Officials and Press Where women's events are held there shall be appointed as many women officials as may be appropriate, including a woman doctor when possible. If deemed necessary, assistants may be appointed, but

care should be taken to keep the arena as free from officials as possible. For the duties of officials see following rules,

RULE 3 The Secretary The Secretary shall be responsible for the calling of the meetings of the executive and other committees, and shall prepare all Minutes relating thereto. He shall be in charge of all administrative arrangements, and shall receive and conduct all principal correspondence relating to the Meeting. RULE 4 The Technical Manager The Technical Manager shall act directly under the Manager of the Meeting and be responsible for seeing that the track, runways, circles, arcs, sectors and pits for field events are properly laid out, also that all equipment is according to specification and readily available for approval by the appointed Referee, and that scoring, results and time recording cards are prepared. (Also see rule 6 para. 2 page 53 and'rule 16 page 60.) RULE 5 Jury of Appeal A Jury of Appeal shall be appointed, to whom all protests under rule 23 (page 70) shall be referred. Their decision shall be final.



The Manager

Referees I.-Separate Referees may be appointed as required, or track, field and walking events. 2.-It shall be the responsibility of a Referee to see that the rules are observed (also see rule 4) and decide any technical points which arise during the Meeting, and for which provision has not been made in these rules.

The Manager shall have charge of the Meeting and be responsible for the proper carrying out of the programme, He shall see that all officials have reported for duty and when necessary shall appoint substitutes, and in cooperation with the appointed Marshal arrange that only authorised persons are allowed in the centre of the arena.


54 The Referee shall have jurisdiction to decide any placings in a race, only when the judges of the disputed place or places are unable to arrive at a unanimous or majority decision. (Also see rule 7 para. 2 page 55, and rule 22, para. 1 page 69.) 3 .-Referees shall allocate judges to particular events if this has not been previously arranged, specifying the duty each should carry out (e.g. circle, take-off board, etc.); announce to the judges and ensure that the competitors are informed of the 'number of trials to be allowed under the rules even if this has been printed in the programme; supervise the measurements of performances; check the final results and deal with any disputed points. (Also see rule 7 para. 1 page 55.) 4.-The appropriate Referee shall have the power to exclude any competitor for improper conduct and he shall decide on the ground, any protest or objection as to the conduct of a competitor. (Also see rule 8 page 56; rule 12 page 59 and rule 23 page 70.) 5 .-If in the opinion of the Referee circumstances arise at any Meeting so that justice demands that any event should be contested again, he shall have power to declare the event void and such event shall be held again, either on the same day or on some future occasion, as he shall in his absolute discretion decide. (Also see rule 18 para. 6 page 63.) 6.-The Referee shall have power to change the place of the competition in any field event, if in his opinion the conditions justify a change. Such a change shall be made only after a round is completed. 7.-Upon completion of each event the result card shall be immediately filled in, signed by the Referee and handed to the Recorder. (Also see rule 13 page 59.) NOTE .-Reference should be made when necessary to the special r1tles for the Olympic Games and European Championships, see pages 134 and 142 respectively.

RULE 7 Judges General I.-Subject to the rules laid down by the National Association and except in the case of the Olympic Games and European Championships, the organisers of the meeting shall appoint the judges for the various events. The Referee shall allocate the duties among the judges. (Also see rule 6 para. 3 page 54.) Racing Events 2.-The judges, who must all operate from the same side of the track and preferably from the inside, shall decide the order in which the competitors finish, and in any case where they cannot arrive at an unanimous or majority decision shall refer the matter to the Referee, who shall decide. (Also see rule 6 para. 2 page 53.) NOTE.-It is recommended that wherever practicable one Judge selects the first man to finish, one the first and second, one the second and third, and so on. The Judges should be placed at least five melt'es (or 16ft. 6in.) from and in line with the finish and in orde?' that they may have a good view of the finish line, an elevated stand should be provided. A Photo-finish apparatus should be available for use whenever possible as an aid to the Referee and Jt,dges. Field Events 3.-The judges shall judge, measure and record each valid trial of the competitors in all events in which the result is determined by height or distance. In the high jump and pole vault, precise measurements should be made when the bar is raised, particularly if records are being attempted. At least two judges should keep a record of all trials, checking their recordings at the end of each round.

56 Walking Events 4.-The Judges at the finish shall be responsible only for deciding the order in which the competitors finish. Other Judges must be appointed to determine the fairness of walking in accordance with the rules for Walking, and the conduct of any competitor during the competition. (Also see rule 44, page no.) RULE 8 Umpires (Track Events) I.-Umpires are assistants to the Referee, without power to give any decisions. 2 .-It shall be the duty of an Umpire to stand at such point as the Referee may determine to watch the competition closely, and in case of a foul or violation of the rules by a competitor or other person, to make an immediate report of the incident to the Referee. 3.-Umpires should also be appointed to undertake the duties of supervision in relay races at the take-o\'er points. RULE 9 Timekeepers I.-There should be three official Timekeepers (one of whom should be the Chief Timekeeper) and one or two alternate Timekeepers who should time every event. The times recorded by the alternate Timekeepers' watches shall not be considered unless one or more of the official Timekeepers' watches fails properly to record the time, in which case, the alternate Timekeepers shall be called upon, in such order as has been previously decided, so that in all races, three watches should have recorded the' official time. In the event of two of three official watches agreeing and the third disagreeing, the time shown by the two shall be the official time. If all three watches disagree, the time shown by the watch recording the middle time

57 shall be the official time. If the hand of the watch stops between the two lines indicating the time the nearest longer time shall be accepted. (Also see rule 45 page 112 for Pentathlon and Decathlon events.) is recommended that the Timekeepers should be placed at least jive metres (or 16 ft. 6 in.) from and in line ,vith the finish and in order that they may have a good view of the finish line an elevated stand should be provided wherever practicable. (See also General Rules for Olympic Events, Rule la, para. 7, page 141). 2 .-If for any reason only two watches record the time of an event, and they fail to agree, the longer time of the two shall be accepted as the official time. 3.-The time shall be taken from the flash of the pistol to the moment at which any part of the body of the competitor (i.e. torso as distingnished from the head, arms, legs or feet) reaches the nearest edge of the finish line. NOTE.-The torso includes the neck. 4.-For races up to and including one mile or its metric equivalent including relay races, the timing shall be to one-tenth second. For longer races the timing shall be to one-fifth second, but shall be recorded by conversion into tenths of a second (e.g., two-tenths, four-tenths, six-tenths, eight-tenths). 5 .-An electrical time keeping device approved by the National Association of the country where the competition is held, may be used. (See also General Rules for Olympic Events, Rule 9, para. 1, page 139). 6.-Upon completion of each event the time recording card shall be immediately filled in, signed by the Chief Timekeeper and handed to the Recorder. (Also see rule 13 page 59.) NOTE.-For World Records refer to Rule 24 page 7I and Rule 27 pages 82 to 85.


58 RULE 10 The Starter I.-All questions concerning the start shall be decided by the Starter. 2.-The Starter shall have entire control of the competitors on their marks, and shall be the sole judge of any fact connected with the start of the race. 3.-In races where the competitors are not placed behind the same starting line (e.g., 200-400 metres or 220-440 yards races on circular tracks), the Starter should use a microphone connected with amplifiers opposite the starting line in each lane. Where such a device is not used the Starter shall so place himself that the distance between him and each of the competitors is approximately the same. Where, however, the Starter cannot place himself in such a position, the pistol should be placed there and discharged by electric contact. (Also see Rule 27 for regulations relating to the start, page 82.) RULE 11 Clerks of the Course (Starter's Assistants) I.-The Clerks of the Course shall check that the competitors are competing in the correct heat or race and that their numbers are worn properly, one on the breast and one on the back. They shall assist the Starter in any draw for stations. Stations in events at all distances shall be numbered from left to right, facing the direction of running. 2.-They must place each competitor in his correct lane or station, assembling the competitors on the starting line or in races up to and including 1500 metres (or 1 mile) on an assembly line 3 metres (or 10 feet) behind the starting line (in the case of races started in echelon, similarly behind each starting line) and when

so placed they shall signal to the Starter that all is ready. When a fresh start is ordered the Clerks of the Course shall assemble the competitors again. 3.-The Clerks of the Course shall be responsible for the readiness of batons for the first runners in a relay race. 4.-When the Starter has ordered the competitors to their marks, the Clerks of the Course must see that no competitor places either fingers, hands or feet on the starting line or in front of it. If any difficulty arises they must signal immediately to the Starter. (Also see rule 27 page 82.) RULE 12 Lap Scorers 1.-A Lap Scorer shall keep a record of the laps covered by each competitor in races from 1500 metres to 3 miles. For races exceeding 3 miles a number of lap scorers under the direction of the Referee shall be appointed and provided with lap scoring cards on which they shall record the times over each lap (as announced to them by the Chief Timekeeper) of the competitors for which they are responsible. No Lap Scorer should record for more than four competitors. 2.-A special Lap Scorer 3hall be appointed to notify to each competitor the number of laps which he still has to complete. He shall notify the final lap by the ringing of a bell or otherwise. RULE 13 The Recorder The Recorder shall collect the result of each event, together with the times or heights or distances, which shall be furnished to him by the Referee and Chief Timekeeper. He shall as soon as possible communicate the information to the Announcer. and after recording


60 the plaeings, times, heights or distances, he shall hand the official result together with all cards to the Manager of the meeting. (Also see rule 6 para. 7 page 54; rule 9 para. 6 page 57 and rule 15 page 60.) RULE 14 The Marshal The Marshal shall have full charge of the arena and shall not allow any persons other than the officials, and competitors assembled to compete, to enter and remain therein. He shall control his assistants and assign to them their duties. He shall arrange for an enclosure to be provided for officials when not on duty. RULE 15 The Announcer The Announcer shall give out to the public, the names and numbers of the competitors taking part in each event and all relevant information such as the composition of the heats, lanes or stations drawn, and intermediate times. The result (placings, times, heights and distances) of each event should be announced at the earliest possible moment after receipt of the information from the Recorder. (Also see rule 13 page 59.) RULE 16 The Official Surveyor The Official Surveyor shall immediately prior to the Meeting, survey the track and runways, and measure all the distances which are to be contested, also the circles, arcs, sectors and other measurements relating to the field events. He shall furnish to the Technical Manager and the Referee, before the Meeting, certificates as to correctness. (Also see rule 21 para. 4 page 68.)


RULE 17 Entries I.-Competitions under LA.A.F. rules are restricted to amateurs in accordance with the I.A.A.F. rules relating to the eligibility of athletes to compete. (Refer to pages 47-50.) 2.-No competitor shall be allowed to compete outside his own country unless his amateur status is guaranteed in writing by the recognised governing Athletic Association of his country, and he has permission from such body to compete. In all international competitions such guarantee of the amateur status of an athlete shall be accepted as conclusive for the time being, of the athlete's eligibility to compete; any objection as to his status shall be referred to the LA.A.F. (Refer to Constitutional Rule 9 page 41.) 3.-All women's entries must be accompanied by a certificate as to sex, issued by a qualified medical doctor recognised by the National Association. Medical Certificate for Female Participants in Athletics (Rule 17 of the Regulations of the International Amateur Athletic Federation) "All women's entries must be accompanied by a certific.ate as to sex, issued by a qualified medical doctor, recognised by the National Association". I HEREBY CERTIFY that. . of . is qualified in accordance with the above-mentioned rule of the LA.A.F. to compete in women's events.


62 Signature of Medical Practitioner Address Date Signature of National Governing Body Address Date .

. . . . .

RULE 18 The Competition I.-No performance accomplished by an athlete will be valid unless it has been accomplished in good faith during an official competition using only equipment authorised by the rules of the LA.A.F. 2.-In matches arranged between members of the LA.A.F. the nUn;J.ber of trials in the jumping and throwing events may be reduced as desired; any such arrangement should be made previous to the meeting. (Also see rule 34 para. 13 page 100 and rule 39 para. 2 page 104.) 3.-In all events competitors must wear clothing which is clean and so designed and worn as not to be objectionable. The clothing must be made of a material which is non-transparent even if wet. 4.-Competitors may compete in bare feet or with footwear on one or both feet. The purpose of shoes for competition is to give protection and stability to the feet and a firm grip of the ground; such shoes, however, must not be constructed so as to give the competitor any additional assistance. Competitors are not permitted to wear shoes which incorporate any spring or device of any kind or of which the sole, including grooves or ridges has a total thickness exceeding 13 millimetres (,5 inch). The thickness of the heel must not exceed that of the sole by more than 6 millimetres ('25 inch) except in walking events where

shoes may be worn of which the thickness of the heel exceeds that of the sole by not more than 13 millimetres (,5 inch). The sole and the heel may have grooves, ridges and/or spikes. The number of spikes is limited to a maximum of 6 in the sole proper and two in the heel. The part of each spike which projects from the sole or the heel must not exceed 25 millimetres (1 inch) in length or 4 millimetres (-16 inch) in diameter. A shoe strap over the instep is permitted. Competitors may not use any appliance either inside or outside the shoe which will have the effect of increasing the thickness of the sole above the permitted maximum of 13 millimetres (,5 inch) or which can give the wearer any advantage which he would not obtain from the type of shoe described in the previous paragraph. 5.-Every competitor must be provided with two numbers to be worn visibly on the breast and back. The numbers must correspond with the number in the programme. If track suits are worn in the competition nnmbers must be worn on the track suit in a similar manner. In the pole vault the competitors may wear the number on the back only. No competitor shall be allowed to start without the appropriate number or numbers. 6.-Any competitor wilfully jostling, running across or obstructing another competitor so as to impede his progress, shall be disqualified. If in any race a competitor is disqualified for any of these reasons, the Referee shall have power to order the race to be re-run excluding the disqualified competitor or, in the case of a heat to permit any competitors affected by the act resulting in disqualification (other than the disqualified competitor) to compete in a subsequent round of the race. If for any reason a competitor is hampered in a trial in a field event, the Referee shall have power to award him a substitute trial. (Also see rule 6 para. 5 page 54.)


64 7.-In all races run in lanes each competitor should keep in his allotted lane from start to finish. This shall apply also to relay races as regards the first lap only or to any portion of any race run in lanes. (Also see rule 31 page 90). S.-If the referee is satisfied, on the report of a judge or umpire or otherwise that a competitor has deliberately run outside his lane, he shall disqualify him, but if the referee considers that¡ such action was unintentional, he may, at his discretion disqualify, if he is of the opinion that a material advantage was gained thereby. (See table below for theoretical advantages obtained by running from 1-10 strides from 2 in. to 1 ft. inside the inner border of a lane round the curves). Advantage Gained by Encroaching t Inches on Inside of Lane

Track 440 Yards Stride 7ft. 6ins. Number of Strides

1 2 3 4 5


7 8






0.3 I 0.4 i 0.6 ,0.7 I 0.9 1.0 I



1.3 1.4

0.6 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.3! I. 2.6 I 2.9


I 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.2 2.6 3.0 3.4 3.9 4.3


1.7 2.6 3.5 4.3 5.2 6.1 6.9 7.8 8.6

This table shows, mathematically, the theoretical advantage gained by taking from 1 to 10 strides inside the inner border of a lane. The distances are shown in inches and decimals of an inch. e.g. four strides 1 foot inside gives an advantage of 3.5 inches.

9.-A competitor after voluntarily leaving the track or course shall not be allowed to continue in the race.

10.-No official or any other person within the arena except an appointed official shall indicate any intermediate times to competitors. ll.-Except as provided in rules 30 and 44 (pages S9 and 110) during the progress of an event, no competitor shall receive any assistance whatsoever from any person. 12.-Subject to the provisions of paragraph 13, if a competitor misses his turn in a field event, he shall not be permitted to take the trial so missed. 13.-If a competitor is entered in both a track event and field event, or in more than one field event taking place simultaneously, the judges may allow the competitor to take his trials in an order different from that decided upon prior to the start of the 'competition, but the competitor cannot demand to take all his trials in succession or to take any trials of the rounds in which he has failed to appear. 14.-A competitor in a field event who unreasonably delays making a trial renders himself liable to disqualification. 15.-In order to obtain a better grip competitors in the pole vault and throwing events are permitted to use an adhesive substance such as resin or a similar substance on their hands only. 16.-The Referee shall have the power to change the place of the competition in any field event, if in his opinion the conditions justify it. Such a change shall be made only after a round has been completed. RULE 19 Rounds, Heats and Qualifying Trials Track Events I.-Preliminary rounds (heats) shall be held in track events in which the number of competitors is too large to allow the competition to be conducted satisfactorily in a single round (final).



2.-The heats and qualifying conditions shall be arranged by the Committee conducting the meeting except in the Olympic Games when the Council of the LA.A.F. will act, and in the European Championships when the European Committee will act. The representatives of each nation shall be placed as far as possible in different heats, which shall be so arranged that not less than six competitors shall qualify for the final. N aTE .-1t is recommended when heats are being arranged, that the latest standarcJ, performances by the competitors be taken into consideration and the heats so arranged that normally the best performers should reach the final. 3.-In any track competition where there are more competitors than can be placed in the first row, the draw for stations shall be by nations, when one competitor from each nation shall be placed in the order of the draw. Additional starters from any nation shall then be placed behind, in the same order. 4.-A competitor shall not be allowed to compete in a heat other than the one in which his name appears, except in circumstances which in the opinion of the Referee justify an alteration. 5.-In all preliminary rounds, at least the first and second in each heat shall qualify for the next round. 6.-The following minimum times must be allowed when practicable, between the last heat of any round and the first heat of a subsequent round or final:Up to and including 220 yards 45 minutes Over 220 yards and up to and including 1000 metres 90 minutes Over 1000 metres 3 hours Field Events 7.-In any field event, a qualifying trial may be held if necessary, to decide who shall compete in the competition proper. The qualifying conditions shall be


arranged by the Committee conducting the meeting except in the Olympic Games when the Council of the LA.A.F. will act, and in the European Championships when the European Committee will act. The competitors shall compete in the order drawn by lot and where possible their names shall be placed in the programme in the order drawn. (Also see rules 34 para. I page 98 and 39 para. 1 page 104.) Combined Events- Pentathlon and Decathlon 8.-The order of competing shall be drawn before each separate event. 9.-Three trials only are allowed in the throwing, putting and jumping events. 10.-In 100 metres, 200 metres, 400 metres, 80 metres hurdles and HO metres hurdles events the competitors shall be drawn by lot in groups by the Referee, so that where possible three or four competitors start in each group, and in 1500 metres, five or six competitors. The Referee should so arrange the groups that never less than two competitors start in anyone test. He shall have the power to re-arrange the groups if in his opinion it is desirable. (Also see rule 45 page 112.) RULE 20 Doping I.-Doping is the employment of drugs with the intention of increasing athletic efficiency by their stimulating action upon muscles or nerves, or by paralysing the sense of fatigue. Their use is strongly deprecated not only on moral grounds but because of their danger to health. 2.-Any competitor who uses drugs as defined above shall be suspended from active participation in amateur athletics for such period as the Council of the LA.A.F. shall prescribe, and any person aiding or abetting in the use of drugs, shall be permanently excluded from any ground where the rules of the LA.A.F. are in force.


69 RULE 21 Measurements and Weights

I.-All measurements must be made with a certified steel tape or bar graduated in centimetres and/or quarter-inches, and all implements must be weighed on a governmentally approved balance. 2.-In measuring the distances of throwing, putting and jumping events, that part of the steel tape recording the distance achieved must be held by an official at the take-off point, the circle or scratch line. Distances if measured in metres, shall always be recorded to the nearest centimetre below the. distance covered, i.e., fractions less than one centimetre must be ignored. Distances if measured in feet, under 100 feet shall be recorded to the nearest quarter-inch and if over 100 feet shall be recorded to the nearest half-inch below the distance covered, i.e., fractions less than quarter-inch or half-inch respectively, must be ignored. In jumping for height, all measurements shall be made perpendicularly from the ground with a certified steel tape or bar to the lowest part of the upper side of the bar. Note: For meas,erements for World Records for all field events, see Rule 24 (4) (d) page 72. 3.-A scientific measuring apparatus, such as a datum line measurer, the accuracy of which is approved by the Governmental Weights and Measures department of the member where the events are held, may be used when approved by the LA.A.F. . 4.-Measurements for long distance events over roads must be carried out by a professional surveyor who shall furnish two certificates as to correctness: alternatively a wheel certified as to correctness may be used. (Also see rule 16 page 60.) RULE 22 Ties Ties shall be decided as follows :-_.

Track Events I.-In the event of a tie in any heat which affects the qualification of competitors to compete in the next round or final, where practicable, the tying competitors shall both qualify, failing which they shall compete again. In case of a tie for first place in any final, the Referee is empowered to decide whether it is practicable to arrange for the competitors so tying to compete again. If he decides it is not, the result shall stand. Ties in other placings shall remain. Field Events 2 .-In jumping or vaulting for height:(a) The competitor with the lowest number of jumps at the height at which the tie occurs shall be awarded the higher place. (b) If the tie still remains, the competitor with the lowest total of failures throughout the competition up to and including the height last cleared shall be awarded the higher place. (c) If the tie still remains, the competitor with the lowest total number of jumps (whether successful or not) throughout the competition up to and including the height last cleared shall be awarded the higher place.

ExampleHigh Jump

A, B, C and D all cleared 1.92 metres (6ft. 4in.) and failed at 1.94 metres (6ft. Sin.).

70 The rule regarding ties comes into operation, and as "D" cleared 1.92 metres (6ft. 4in.) at his second attempt, the others taking three, he is declared the winner. The other three will tie and the Judges add up the total number of failures, up to and including the height last cleared, i.e., 1.92 metres (6ft. 4in.) HC" has more failures than HA" or liB", and is therefore awarded fourth place. "An and "B" still tie and the Judges add up the total number of jumps up to and including the height last cleared, i.e., 1.92 metres (6ft. 4in.), "A" being awarded second place. (d) If the tie still remains:(i) If it concerns the first place, the competitors tying shall have one more jump at the height at which they failed, and if no decision is reached, the bar shall be lowered or raised to the heights which shall be announced before the commencement of the competition; with one jump at each height until the tie is decided. Competitors so tying must jump on each occasion when deciding the tie. (Also see rule 34 para. 9 page 99.) (ii) If it concerns any other place, the competitors shall be awarded the same place in the competition. 3.-In those field events where the 'result is determined by distance, the second best performance of the competitors tying shall decide the tie. If the tie still remains the third best and so on. (Also see rule 24 para. 5 page 75.) RULE 23 Protests I.-Protests concerning the status of an athlete to participate in a meeting must be made prior to the

71 commencement of such meeting, to the Jury of Appeal, who if unable to give a decision shall refer the protest to the LA.A.F. 2.-Protests relating to matters which develop during the carrying through of the programme should be made at once and not later than within thirty minutes after the result has been officially announced, or within fifteen minutes of the occurrence in a preliminary round. 3.-Any such protests must be made in writing by a responsible official to the Referee (who in case of necessity shall refer to the Jury of Appeal) accompanied by the deposit of one pound sterling or its equivalent before action is taken. The deposit will be forfeited if the protest is considered to be frivolous. (Also see rule 5 page 53.) (Reference should be made when necessary to the rules for Olympic Games and European Championships, see pages 134 and 142 respectively.) RULE 24 World Records I.-When a World Record is to be claimed, the LA.A.F. member in the country where the record performance was made shall proceed to establish the Record without delay. 2.-The official application form of the LA.A.F. shall be filled in and forwarded to the LA.A.F. office within six months. If the application concerns a foreign athlete a duplicate of the form shall be sent to the National Association of the athlete in question. 3.-A World Record shall be accepted if the application form is submitted by the member where the Record was made and is certified by the Referee, Judges and Recorder of the Meeting as to :0-place time of day state of weather

I i


condition of track or field force and direction of wind level or gradient of ground correctness as to the distance covered by the competitor in a race correctness of announced time, distance or height, weight, measurement and material of implement and that the athletic rules of the I.A.A.F. have been strictly followed. 4.-The following conditions shall apply to all World Records:(a) the Record has been approved by the National Association of the country where the Record was made. (b) The Record must be made out of doors. (c) Running and walking records may be made only on a track which is not banked, and timed by official Timekeepers, as provided in Rule 9 (accepted by the National Association as such), whose watches must have been exhibited to the Chief Timekeeper for confirmation of the time recorded. For walking records the track must be an oval from 350 metres (minimum) to 500 metres (maximum) with two curves and two straights from 80 metres (minimum) to 120 metres (maximum). The track shall be composed of a substance on which normal running spikes could be used. (d) Records in field events must be measured by three Field Judges with a certified steel tape, graduated in 'centimetres, or by a scientific apparatus approved by the Governmental Weights and Measures department of the member where the games are held, and approved by the LA.A.F. Measurements for world records for field events must be submitted in metres to the nearest centimetre below.

73 For the informahon of member countries these records will also be shown in feet and inches, the conversion beilig made to the nearest quarter inch. (e) The Record must be made in a bona fide scratch competition which has been duly fixed and advertised before the day and is included in the printed programme of the meeting together with the names of the entrants for the event. A race must be stated over one distance only. It is, therefore, not considered a bona fide scratch competition if any of the runners compete at a shorter distance than others in the same race. It is permissible for the same athlete to accomplish in the same race any number of records but it is not permissible for an athlete to be credited with a record at a shorter distance if he did not finish the race over the full distance for which the race had been fixed. In field events a handicap may be combined with the scratch competition. (f) The Organisers of the competition shall refrain from stating or including in any advertisement, programme or written matter of any kind, any suggestIOn that any event WIll be an attempt upon record. The record must be made in a bona fide competition included in the programme of the meeting at which it was held. In deciding whether the competition was a bona fide one the International Amateur Athletic Federation will consider whether the claimant was unfairly assisted towards the time accomplished by pacing from another competitor apparently designed to assist him to achieve a record. (g) For the 200 metres and 220 yards (including hurdles) there shall be two separate classes of records. Those made on a straight course, and those on a cOlirse with bends.


75 Records over these distances made on tracks of more than 440 yards perimeter, or not started on a perimeter, shall be classified as made on straight courses. No record at any distance over 220 yards shall be recognised if made on a track exceeding 440 yards in perimeter or carrying more than 8 lanes, or not started on some part of the perimeter. For all records up to 220 yards and for the long jump and hop, step and jump, information as to wind conditions must be available. If the component of the wind measured in the direction of the racing behind the competitor exceeds 2 m. (6 ft. 6 in.) per second the record will not be accepted. The periods for which the wind component shall be measured are as follows; from the report of the pistol: Seconds 80 m. hurdles .. 10 lOOm. . . 10 110 m. or 120 yds. hurdles 10 __ ymd¡s.

}straight and hurdles


In 200 metres or 220 yards (including hurdles) run on a curve, the component shall be measured for a period of 10 seconds, commencing as the runners . enter the straight. In jumping events it shall be measured for a period of 5 seconds. In each case the average wind speed during the prescribed period wiII be calculated. (h) The Record must be better than or equal the result in the latest World Record list, in the event in question. If a Record at a longer distance is

better than the existing Record for a shorter distance, a claim may be submitted for Records at both distances. (i) In a race run in lanes no record wiII be accepted where the runner has run on or inside the inner curved border of his lane. (j) In the case of women's Records all applications must be accompanied by a medical certificate as to sex, drawn up by a qualified medical doctor recognised by the National Association of the athlete claiming the Record. 5.-Records made in heats or qualifying trials, in deciding ties, and Pentathlon and Decathlon events wiII be accepted. 6.-The President and Honorary Secretary of the LA.A.F. together are authorised to recognise World Records. If in their opinion there is any doubt as to the information concerning any record, the application shall be referred to the Council for decision. The LA.A.F. will inform the member applying for a World Record of the acceptance of the Record or wiII state the reason why the record was not accepted. 7.-The LA.A.F. office shall keep lists of the World, Olympic and European Records. These lists shall be revised once a year and a copy forwarded to each member of the I .A.A.F. 8.-Members of the LA.A.F. shall keep a list of the National Records in their own countries. Copies of these lists shall be forwarded to the I.A.A.F. office in January each year. NOTE.-The official World Record plaques as designed by the I.A.A ,F. for presentation to World Rec01'd holders. will be sttpplied by the I.A.A.F. provided National Associations "emit the cost. Refer to appendix as to the events for which World Records are approved (page 151).


76 RULE 25 Official Athletic Implements I.-In all international competitions the implements used must comply with the specifications for official implements adopted by the LA.A.F. set out in Rules 46 to ,61 (pages 114 to 134). 2.--,1.11 such implements shall be provided by the organisers of the meeting. No competitor is allowed to use any other implements, with the exception of vaulting poles and starting blocks, in which case they may use their own, provided ·these comply with the conditions laid down in the rules. (Also see Rules 36 and 60, pages 101 and 133; see also Rule 39 para 9 page 105).


RULE 26 Track and Lanes (See diagram below) A


- r - "=


r'22/ol (4FT)

I /.'12", (4FT)






(50m1m ('2")



.. . . . . 50


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/ •





_L-.=========-== I.-The running track should be not less than 7.32 metres (24 feet) in width and be bordered on the inside with cement, wood or other suitable material, 5 centimetres (2 inches) in height, and not more than 5 centimetres (2 inches) in width.

2.-The measurement shall be taken 30 centimetres (1 foot) outward from the inner border of the track. 3(a).-In all races up to and including 440 yards, each competitor shall have a separate lane of at least 1.22 metres (four feet) in width, to be marked by lines of chalk or similar substance, 5 centimetres (two inches) in width. The inner lane shall be measured as stated in paragraph·2 above, but the remaining lanes shall be measured 20 centimetres (8 inches) from the outer edges of the chalk lines. NOTE.-Tlte chalk line on the right hand only of each lane, shall be included in the meast,rement of the width of each lane: (see diagram on page 82) ..

(b).-In the 4x400 metres, 4x440 yards, 4x200 metres and the 4 X220 yards Relay races where the first lap is run in lanes the takeover shall take place with the runners keeping their lanes throughout the next curve. The competitors are free to take over any position on the track at the entrance to the following straight which shall be marked with a flag set on a post at least 1·50 metres (5 feet) high on each side of the track and a line 5 centimetres (two inches) wide across the track. The . distance from start to finish shall be measured in such a way that the competing teams shall each run the same distance of 4 X 400 metres (4 X 440 yards) or 4 X 200 metres (4 X 220 yards). (See also Rule 31 para. 4, and Rule 18, para. 7). (For recommended method of setting out the starts see Page 81). (c).-In all Area Championships, European Championships and Olympic Games, the 800 Metres (880 yards) event shall be run with the first bend in lanes, the maximum number of available lanes being used. NOTE.-I1t I1tternational matches the use of lanes will be by agreement between the competing countries.


78 The starts shall be so staggered that the distance from start to finish shall be the same for each competitor.



(For recommended method of setting out the starts see Page 79). 4.-The direction of running shall be left hand inside. 5,-In international meetings the track should allow for at least six lanes. 6 ,-The maximum allowance for lateral inclination of tracks shall not exceed 1.: 100 and in the running direction 1 :1000 . NOTE .-(a) It is recommended that where possible the length of the track should be not less than 400 metres or 440 vards and the width should allow for seven-lanes, particularly in major events, such as the Olympic Games and Continental Championships. (b) Where it is not possible for the inner edge of the running track to have a raised border, the inner edge shall be marked with lines of chalk 5 centimetres (2 inches) in width; it shall also be flagged at intervals of 5 metres (or 5 yards). Flags must be so placed on the chalk line as to prevent any competitor running on the chalk line and they shall be placed at an angle of 60 degrees 'with the ground away from the track. Flags approximately 25 centimetres (10 inches) by 20 centimetres (8 inches) in size mou11ted on a staff 45 centimetres (18 inches) long are the most suitable for the purpose. World Records will be accepted under these conditions, subject to the further requinments contained in Rule 24 page 71. 11

! 1;



"8' .: B' • B" 11' we







As the runners are permitted to leave their respective lanes on entering the back straight the starting positions must care for two factors. Firstly the normal echelon allowance which would be applicable were the race to be of 200 metres starting at the same point on the track; and secondly an adjustment to the starting point in each lane to compensate for the runners in the outside lane having further to go to reach the inside position on the track at the end of the back straight than those in the inside lanes. The following method of arriving at the starting position in each lane is recommended. 1. Mark B"-in the inside lane at the point of entry into the back straight 30 centimetres (12 inches) from the inside kerb. 2. Fix point Y which is the point in the outer lane in prolongation of the line A B" 20 centimetres (8 inches) from the inner line of the lane,


80 3. Fix point C which is the point on the path of the runner namely 30 centimetres (12 inches) from the inside kerb at which the back straight ends and the next curve commences.


4. With radius C Bl describe an arc across the track Bl X. This line must be flagged at each end to indicate to the runners that they may leave their lanes at this stage.



For lanes 2 to 6 this point can be detennined by the intersection of Bl X and the path of the runner which is 20 centimetres (8 inches) from the line marking the inside of his lane.




5. The correct adjustment to the starting positions can now be determined. The normal starting position in each lane for a 200 metre race must be advanced by the distance the points of denouement from the lanes viz. B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 are in advance of the line Bl Y. An indication of the distance by which the normal starting position in each lane must be advanced can be seen from the following calculations where each lane is the standard width of 1.22 metres and the straight is 80 metres long:


Lane 1 --, 2+ " 3+ " 4..L , " 5+ " 6+ " 7 + " 8+ "


1 cm. 3.5 cm. 8.4 cm. 14.5 cm. 23.5 cm. 33.5 cm. 44.5 cm.



s' A 20hlfTRES



I.-Since the first runner in each team has to cover full lap in !anes and the second runner has to keep m lane untIl entry to the back straight the method descnbed to set out starts for 800 metres should be to determine the first ta1<e-over zones which will be wlthm two lines set out 10 metres either side of Al A2 A3 etc. 2.-Echelon starting positions for the first runner in each team must be set out as follows'Inside lane SI identical with AI . Lane 2 S2 =A 2 plus normal stagger for 400 metres. S3 Lane 3 -A 3 plus normal stagger for 400 metres. Lane 4 -A4 plus nonnal stagger for 400 metres. and so on.



3.-The take-over zones for the second and last takeovers will be the normal 10 metre lines either side of the start/finish line A.A. RULE 27 The Start and Finish l.-The start and finish of a race shall be denoted by a line marked in chalk 5 cm. (2 in.) in width at right angles to the inner edge of the track. The distance of the race shall be measured from the edge of the starting line further from the finish, to the edge of the finish line nearer to the start. Two white posts shall denote the extremities of the finish line, and shall be placed at least 30 centimetres (1 foot) from the edge of the track. (For apparatus see rule 61 page 134.) In all races not run in lanes the starting line shall be curved so that wherever it occurs on the track all the runners can cover the same distance in the race.

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2 .-All races shall be started by the actual report of a pistol or any similar apparatus fired upwards into the air,

but ttOt before all the competitors are quite still on their marks. 3.-At all international meetings the words of the Starter in his own mother tongue, shall be "On your marks", "Set", and when all competitors are "Set", the pistol shall be fired. 4 .-If for any reason the Starter has to speak to any competitor either before or after the word "Set", he shall order all competitors to stand up and the Clerks of the Course shall place them on the assembly line again. 5.-0n the command "set" all competitors shall at once and without delay assume their full and final set position. Failure to comply with this command after a reasonable time shall constitute a false start. 6.-If a competitor leaves his mark with hand or foot after the word "Set" but before the shot is fired, it shall be considered a false start. 7 .-Any competitor making a false start must be warned. If a competitor is responsible for two false starts he shall be disqualified. (Also see rule 45 para . 4(c) page 113 for Pentathlon and Decathlon.) 8.-If in the opinion of the Starter, the start was not fair, he must recall the competitors with a second shot. If the unfair start was due to one or more competitors "beating the pistol", it shall be considered a false start and the Starter must warn the offender or offenders, who shall be disqualified if they continue to offend after one such warning. NOTE .-In practice when one or more competitors "beat the pistol" others are inclined to follow and strictly speaking, any competitor who does so follow, has beaten the pistol. The Starter should warn only such competitor or competitors who in his opinion were responsible for beating the pistol. This may result


84 it! more that! one competitor being warned. If the unfair start is not due to any competitor no warning shall be gwen. 9.-Starting blocks or foot supports may be used. If starting blocks or foot supports are used both feet must be in contact with the track while starting. Competitors may nse their own starting blocks or foot supports. 10.-Unless in the opinion of the referee it is undesirable because of the direction and the velocity of the wind, worsted shall be stretched across the track between the finish posts 1.22 metres (4 feet) above the ground and fastened to the posts for the purpose of assisting the referee and judges in placing the competitors. It shall be immediately above the edge of the finish line which is nearer to the start. 11.-The competitors shall be placed in the order in which any part of their bodies (i.e. "torso" (inclnding neck) as distingnished from the head, arms, legs, hands or feet) reach the nearer edge of the finish line as defined above. 12.-In a race for one or two hours running or walking the Starter shall fire the pistol exactly one minute before the end of the race to warn the competitors and judges that the race is nearing its end. At exactly one hour or two hours after the start, whichever is appropriate, the Starter shall signal the end of the race by again firing the pistol. All the timekeepers will immediately stop their watches. The Starter shall be directed by the Chief Timekeeper. At the moment the pistol is fired to signal the expiration of the time the judges appointed for that purpose shall mark the exact spot where each competitor touched the track for the last time before or simultaneously with the firing of the pistol. The dis-

tance achieved shall be measured to the rear edge of the last footprint of the competitor. One judge at least must be assigned to each competitor before the start of the race for the purpose of marking the distance achieved.

NOTE.-A "PHOTO-FINISH" camera should be used whenever possible to assist the Referee and the Judges. Also refer to rules 10, 11 and 60, page 58 and 133.) RULE 28

Hurdle Races I.-The following are the standard distances;MEN WOMEN In yards 120, 220, 440 In yards 87t In metres 110, 200, 400 In metres 80 2 .-MEN.-There shall be ten flights of hurdles in each lane, set out in accordance with the following table:Distance of race

Metres 110 200 400 Yards 120 220 440

*Height of Hurdle

Distance from scratch line to first hurdle

Minimum Maximum Cm. Cm. 106.4 107.0 75.9 76.5 91.1 91.7 Ft. 3 2 2

In. Ft. 5.89 3 5.882 2 11.867 3

Metres 13.72 18.29 45.

Distance between hurdles

Distance from last hurdle to finish line

Metres 9.14 18.29 35.

Metres 14.02 17.10 40.

In. Yards Yards Yards 6.126 15 10 15 6.118 20 20 20 0.102 49.25 38.25 46.5

WOMEN .-There shall be eight flights of hurdles m each lane, set out as follows;-


86 Distance Distance of race

*Height of Hurdle


scratch line to first hurdle

Minimum Maximum Metres Cm. Cm. Metres 12 76.5 75.9 80 Yards 87t

Ft. In. Ft. In. Yards 2 5.882 2 6.118 13.125

Distance between hurdles

Metres 8 Yards 8.75

Distance from last hurdle to finish line

Metres 12 Yards 13.125

*Refer to Rule 58 (page 131) for construction and standard heights of hurdles. NOTE .-The tolerance allowance above and below the standard heights is to allow for variation in the manufacture of the hurdles.

3 .-All races shall be run in lanes and each competitor shall keep to his own lane throughout. 4.-A competitor who trails his foot or leg alongside any hurdle or jumps any hurdle not in his own lane or deliberately knocks down any hurdle by hand shall be disqualified. 5.-Except as provided in para. 4 of this rule the knocking down of hurdles shall not disqualify nor prevent a record being made. 6.-In establishing a World Record a complete set of hurdles of the international type must be used. (Refer to Rule 58, page 131). RULE 29 Steeplechase I.-The standard distances shall be:In metres-3000 (1 mile 1520 yards 2ft. 8in.). In miles-2 miles (3218.65 metres)

2 .-There shall be 28 hurdle jumps and 7 water jumps included in the 3000 metres event, and 32 hurdle jumps and 8 water jumps in the 2 miles event. 3.-The water jump shall be the fourth jump in each lap. If necessary the finish line shall be moved to another part of the track.

NOTE.-Owing. to the water jump having to be constructed on the arena inside or outside the track, thereby lessening or lengthening the normal distance of the laps, it is not possible to lay down any rule specifying the exact length of the laps or to state precisely the position of the water jump. It shou,ld be borne in mind that there must be enough distance from the starting line to the first hurdle to prevent the competitors from overcrowding, and there should be approximately 68 metres or 76 yards from the last hurdle to the finish line. EXAMPLE: The following measurements are given as a guide and any adjustments necessary should be made by lengthening or shortening the distance at the starting point of the race. It is assumed that a lap of 400 metres or 440 yards has been shortened by 10 metres or 10 yards by constructing the water jump inside the track. Distance from starting point to commencement of 1st lap, to be run without jumps ... Distance from commencement of 1st lap to 1st hurdle From lo5t to 2nd hurdle From 2nd to 3rd hurdle ... From Srd hurdle to water jump From water jump to 4th hurdle From 4th hurdle to finishing line

Lap 01390 metres

Lap of 430 yards

270 metres IOm . . 78 m. 78 m.

80 yds.

10 yds.

86 yds. 86 yds. 86 yds. 86 yds. 76 yds.'-::7 laps of 39001.=2730 m. of 130 yds.=3440 yds. 78 m. 78 m. 68 m.

3000 m.

3520 yds. =(2 miles)

4.-The distance from the starting point to the commencement of the first lap shall not include any jumps, the hurdles being removed until the competitors have entered the first lap.



5 .-The hurdles shall be not less than 91.1 centimetres (2ft. 11.867in.) nor more than '91.7 centimetres (3ft. 0.102in.) high and shall be at least 3.96 metres (13 feet) in width. The section of the top bar of the hurdles and the hurdle at the water jump, shall be 127 millimetres (5 inches) square.

'_ _-=::=::J/to,.

1------ ;)66,0

01\.1'" 12'7 sq.14Q.rQ.

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,>--hllldllJ I'\'5 "



le ",I

The weight of each hurdle shall be between 80 kg. (176t lb.) and 100 kg. (220t lb.). Each hurdle shall have on either side a base between 120 cm. (3 ft. 11.244 in.) and 140 cm. (4 ft. 7.118 in.). (See Diagram). fiud



366,0 wide with c.1l\1"rQl


. "' . . : .." '-.




3.6,. - - - - + I WATf.R


Dimensions in Centimetres

The hurdle shall be placed on the track so that 30 centimetres (1 foot) of the top bar, measured from the inside edge of the track, will be inside the field. 6.-The water jump shall be 3.66 metres (12 feet) in length and width. The water shall be 76 cm. (2 feet 6in.) in depth immediately in front of the hurdle and slope to the level of the ground at the further end. The hurdle at the water jump shall be firmly fixed in front of the water and be of the same height as the others in the competition.

7.-Each competitor must go over or through the water, and anyone who steps to the one side or the other of the jump or trails his foot or leg alongside any hurdle shall be disqualified. He may jump or vault over each hurdle, or place a foot on each hurdle and on the hurdle at the water jump. RULE 30 Marathon Race (42,195 metres-26 miles 385 yards). I.-The Marathon race shall be run on main roads; when traffic or similar circumstances make it unsuitable,



the course, duly marked, may be on a bicycle path or footpath alongside the road, but not on soft ground such as grass verges or the like. The start and finish may be within an athletic arena. The course should be so designed that as little as possible is traversed in more than one direction. NOTE .-it is recommended in meas1<ring the C01<l'se that it sho1<ld be meas1<l'ed one metre from the verge of the road and in the r1<nning direction.

2.-Each competitor must send with his entry a medical certificate from a qualified doctor certifying his fitness to take part in a race of this kind, and shall be required to take a physical examination before the race by a qualified doctor who shall be appointed by the organisers. If the doctor considers it dangerous or inadvisable, the competitor shall not be allowed to start or to continue with the race. 3.-A competitor must retire at once from the race if ordered to do so by a member of the medical staff, officially appointed. 4.-The distance in kilometres and miles on the route shall be displayed to all competitors. 5.-Refreshments shall be provided by the organisers of the race at 15 kilometres or 10 miles, and thereafter at every 5 kilometres or 3 miles. No refreshment may be carried or taken by a competitor other than that provided by the organisers, but the athlete may specify the type of refreshment desired. (Also see rule 18 para. 11 page 65.) RULE 31 Relay Races I.-Chalk lines shall be drawn across the track to mark the distances of the stages and to denote the scratch line.

2.-Chalk lines also shall be drawn 10 metres (11 yards) before and after the scratch line to denote the take-over zone within which lines the baton must be passed. These lines are to be included in the zonal measurements. In races up to 4 X 220 yards (4 X 200 metres) members of a team other than the first runner may commence running not more than 10 metres (11 yards) outside the take-over zone but the baton must be passed only when both athletes are in the take-over zone. A distinctive mark should be made in each lane to denote this extended limit. 3.-The position of the teams at the start of the race shall be drawn, and shall be retained at each take-over zone, except that waiting runners can move to the inside position on the track as incoming team-mates arrive, provided this can be done without fouling. 4.-In events where the first part of the race is run in lanes competitors, after completing this part, are free to take up any position on the track. 5 .-The baton must be carried in the hand throughout the race provided that if dropped, it must be recovered by the athlete who dropped it. The baton must be passed only within the take-over zone. 6.-Competitors after handing over the baton should remain in their lanes or zones until the course is clear, to avoid obstruction to other competitors. Should any competitor wilfully impede a member of another team by running out of position or lane at the finish of the stage he is liable to cause the disqualification of his own team. 7.-Assistance by pushing-off or by any other method will cause disqualification. 8.-0nce a team has competed in the preliminary rounds of an event the composition of the team must not be altered for any subsequent round or final, except in the case of injury or illness certified by the official medical officer appointed for the meeting to be such as to make it unwise for the competitor to run, when with



the approval of the referee it may be permitted. It is permissible for the order of running to be changed as between heats and succeeding rounds or final. No competitor may run two sections for a team. (Also see rule 18 pages 62 to 65.) RULE 32 Team Races I.-In team races the maximum number of starters comprising a team and the number of competitors whose positions are to count shall be stated in the programme. 2.-If necessary, preliminary rounds may be held. 3.-Stations shall be drawn and the members of each team shall be lined up behind each other at the start of the race. 4.-The composition of a team must not be changed after a heat has been run except in the case of injury or illness certified by the Official Medical Officer appointed for the Meetiug to be such as to make it unwise for the competitor to ruu, when with the approval of the referee it may be permitted. Only competitors finishing the full distance are eligible to compete in the Final. (See also Rule 31, para. 8.) 5.-The method of scoring shall be optional and may be anyone of the following:(a) By scoring the least number of points, according to the positions in which the scoring members of a team finish. The finishing positions of the non¡¡ scoring members of a team shall be scored in computing the scores of other teams, but when a team fails to finish the requisite number to score, it shall be eliminated; or

(b) By scoring the least number of points, according to the scoring positions in which the scoring members of a team finish. The positions of the non-scoring members of a team whether it finishes all its members or not shall be scored in computing the scores of other teams; or (c) By scoring the least number of points according to the positions in which the scoring members of a team finish. The finishing positions of the nonscoring members of a team and the members of a team which fails to finish the requisite number to score, shall be eliminated; or (d) By scoring the lowest aggregate of the times recorded by the scoring members. 6.-If two or more competitors tie for any place the p?ints for the places concerned shall be aggregated and dIVIded equally among the competitors so tying. 7.-In case of a tie on points, the team whose last sc?riI.Jg member finished nearest to first place shall be the wmnmg team. RULE 33 Cross-Country Races General Rules. <?wing to the extremely varying circumstances in whIch cross-country running' is practised throughout the world, especially in regard to different seasons cliInatic aJ?-d it is impossible lay down any rigId legIslatIOn for the world standardisation of this sport. Th;e however, are intended as a guide and to assIst new to develop crosscountry runnlllg both as a sport III itself and as a training adjunct to track and field events. Except where stated the rules should also apply to women's events. I.-Seaso1!.-The cross-country season should normally extend throughout the winter months after the close of the track and field season.


2.-The Course.-(For Championship and International Events). (a) The race shall be run over a course as far as possible, to open country, fields, heathland, commons and grassland. A limited amount of ploughed land may be included. If the course passes through woodland without any clearly defined path or track it must be clearly marked for the runners. The traversing of road of any description should be limited to the minimum. (b) The course for championship events must be clearly marked preferably. with red flflf?S on the white flags on the nght all of WhICh must be VISIble from a distance of 125 metres (140 yards). In all other respects the appropriate rules governing track competitions shall obtain. (c) When laying out the course very high obstacles should be avoided, so should deep ditches, dangerous ascents or descents, th!ck undergrowth .and, in general, any obstacle. WhICh would C?,:stitute a difficulty beyond the aIm of the competitIOn. It is preferable that artificial obstacles should not be used, but if the scope of the promotion renders them unavoidable they should be made to simulate natural ebstacles met with in open country. In cases where there is a large number hmdrances of competitors, narrow gaps or which would deny to the competitors an unhampered run must be avoided for the first 1500 metres (1640 yards). (d) The course must be measured and the distance declared prior to the closing of entries. (e) The responsibility for providing a proper course and its marking by flags, details of which should appear in the programme, rests with the promoting body who should appoint clerks of the course, umpires and pointsmen at intricate parts of the

95 course to direct competitors and see that they keep to the proper course. If, as the result of a number of competitors failing to follow the correct course or for any other reason, in the opinion of the referee circumstances arise so that justice demands that the race be contested again, he shall have power to declare the race void and order such ra ce to be held again on some future occasion. NOTE.-For events other than international comPetitions the joregoing regulations governing the course' may he modified according to local circumstances. 3.-Age Qualification.-It is recommended that competitors should be placed in age categories:(i) Senior-over 18 years of age on day of race. (ii) Junior-over 18 and under 21 years of age on day of race. (iii) Youths-over 16 and under 18 years of age on day of race.

(NoTE.-In arranging details jor a race it should be defined whether the age limits ruling are those on the day oj the race Or at the opening oj the cross-country season). 4.-Distances.

(a) The distance for seniors should not be less than 8 km. (approx. 5 miles), for juniors, not more than 10 km. (approx. 6 miles) and youths 5 km. (approx. 3 miles). (b) For National Championships it is recommended that the distances for seniors should be not less than 14t km. (9 miles), for juniors not more than 10 km. (approx. 6 miles) and for youths 5 km. (approx. 3 miles). (c) In international races the senior race should not be !ess than 12 km. (approx. 7t miles) and the JUnIor race 8 km. (approx. 5 miles).


96 (d) For women's events the distances should be normally .5, 1 or 2 km. but it is recommended that the distances should not exceed 3 km. (approx. 2 miles). 5.-Teams and Reserves. (a) For other than championships and international competitIOns m general each team should be allowed to enter and run twice the number entitled to score and, in addition, may enter reserves equal to the number to score. For example: In a race in which six a side have been nominated to score, each team may be allowed to enter 4and run twelve competitors with six nominated reserves. (b) For national championships it is recommended that in the senior race teams be entitled to enter fifteen, nine to run, six to score for points, and f?r the junior and youths' races twelve to enter, SIX to run, four to score for points. (c) For international senior races the governing body of member countries must enter a team of not less than six nor more than nine competitors and five reserves. Not more than nine nor less than six runners shall be allowed to start in the race. For international junior races the governing body of member countries shall enter a team of not less than three, nor more than five competitors and two reserves. Not more than five nor less than three runners from each country will be allowed to start in the race. (d) Except in international races it is recommended that entries from individuals should be accepted and members of depleted teams who on the day are unable to field the necessary scoring number may, if desired, be allowed to compete as individuals. (See para. S(b)).

6.-The Start. The race shall be started by the firing of a pistol. In races which include a large number of competitors it is recommended that a five-minute warning before the start of the races should also be given by the firing of a maroon. 7.-No competitor in cross-county events is allowed to receive assistance or refreshment from any person during the progress of the race. S.-Scoring. (a) At the conclusion of a race the judges shall decide the respective places of the scoring competitors of each competing team, add these together and the team having the lowest aggregate shall be declared the winners. (b) In assessing the aggregate the finishing positions of any individual runners may be eliminated and subsequent finishing positions adjusted accordingly, but with large fields this is not recommended. (c) In the event of a tie it shall be resolved in favour of the team whose last scoring member finishes nearer the first place. 9.-0fficials.-The following officials are considered to be necessary for principal international events but organisers are at liberty to vary these where local circumstances require. Referee Judge Judge's stewards Timekeeper Timekeeper's recorder Starter Funnel controller Chief Funnel Judge Funnel Judge and recorder Funnel stewards Disc distributors



99 Chief result recorder Result recorders Disc area stewards Press stewards Chief competitors' steward aud stewards Chief clerk of course Prize stewards


RULE 34 General Rules

General I.-The order In which the competitors take their trials shall be drawn by lot. (Also see rule 19 para. 7 page 66.) 2.-In all jumping events the length of the runway is unlimited. The minimum length provided for the runway in each case shall be as follows:Running High Jump 15 metres or 50 feet Running Long Jump ') Triple Jump 40 metres or 130 feet Pole Vault J NOTE: Where conditions permit the runways should not be shorter than the following;Running High Jump .. I8 metres (57 feet 3 inches). Running Long Jump } Triple Jump 45 metres (I47 feet Pole Vault. . 6 inches). 3.-In all jumping events each competitor shall be credited with the best of all his jumps subject to conditions relating to ties. (Also see rule 22, page 68.)

4.-The employment of weights or grips of any kind is forbidden. 5.-The take-off ground about the jump must be level. 6.-The maximum allowance for lateral inclination of the runways for jumping events shall not exceed 1 :100 and in the running direction 1 :1000. 7 .-A competitor may place marks to assist him in his run-up and take-off and a handkerchief on the cross-bar for sighting purposes. No marks shall be placed in any jumping pit but the Organising Committee may place marks outside.

}l,mpingfor Height and Pole Vaulting: 8.-The uprights or posts shall be not less than 3.66 metres (12 feet) and not more than 4.02 metres (13ft. 2lin.) apart. 9.-Before the commencement of competitions in jumping for height, the 'judges shall announce to the competitors the commencing height and the different heights to which the bar will be raised at the end of each round. The extent to which the bar will be raised or lowered in deciding a tie for the first place should also be announced. (Also see Rule 22, para. 2, sub-section d(I), Page 70.) 10.-A competitor may commence jumping at any height above the minimum height and may jump at his own discretion at any subsequent height. Three consecutive failures, regardless of the height at which any of such failures occur disqualify from further jumping. NOTE .-The effect of this rule is that a competitor may forego his second or third jumps or vaults at a particular height (after failing first time) and still jump at a subsequent height.



11.-Even after all the other competitors have failed, a competitor is entitled to continue jumping until he has forfeited his right to compete further'. 12 .-Any measurement of a new height should be made before competitors attempt such height. In all cases of records the judges must check the measurements after the height has been cleared. NOTE.-Judges should ensure, before commencing the competition that the underside and front of the cross-bar are distinguishable and that the bar is always replaced with the same surface 'tppermost and the same surface tothefront. (Also see rule 19, pages 65 to 67.)

Jumping for distance; 13.-Each competitor shall be allowed three trials and the six best and any athletes tying for the sixth place shall be allowed three additional trials. No competitor shall be allowed the additional trials unless one of his three trials was a fair jump. (Also refer to rule 18 para. 2 page 62.)

RULE 35 Running High Jump I.-The competitor must take-off from one foot. 2.-Knocking the bar off the supports or touching the ground beyond the plane of the uprights with any part of the body shall count as a failure. 3.-The uprights or posts shall not be moved during the competition unless the Referee considers the take-off or landing ground has become unsuitable. In such a case the change shall be made only after a round has been completed. (For apparatus refer to Rule 46 page 114.)

RULE 36 Pole Vault I.-Any competitor may have the uprights moved in either direction but they may not be moved more than 60 centimetres (two feet) from the prolongation of the inside edge of the top of the stopboard. If the uprights are moved, the Judges should make a re-measurement to ensure that there is no variation in the height. (Also refer to rule 21 page 68.) 2.-The take-off for the pole vault shall be from a wooden or metal box which shall be sunk level with the ground. 3.-In addition to the failures mentioned in rule 34 paragraph 10 (page 99) a competitor fails if he:(a) Knocks the bar off the supports; or (b) leaves the ground for the purpose of making a vault and fails to clear the bar; or (c) after leaving the ground places his lower hand above the upper one or moves the upper hand higher on the pole; or (d) touches with any part of his body or with the pole, the ground, including landing area, beyond the plane of the stopboard of the wooden box. (e) clears the bar but having relinquished his hold on the pole the latter passes underneath the bar. 4.-If in making an attempt the competitor's pole is broken it shall not be counted as a failure. 5.-No one shall be allowed to touch the pole unless it is falling away from the bar or uprights ; if it is so touched the vault shall be recorded as a failure. 6.-Competitors may use their own poles. No competitor shall be allowed to use any of the private poles except with the consent of the owner. (For apparatus see rules 46 and 47 pages 114 and 118.)


103 RULE 37 Running Long Jump

I.-The take-off shall be marked by a board sunk level with the runway and the surface of the landing area, the edge of which nearer to the landing area shall be called the take-off line. If a competitor takes off before reaching the board, it shall not for that reason be counted as a failure. Immediately beyond the take-off line there shall be placed a board of plasticine or similar substance for recording the athlete's footprint when he has footfaulted. If it is not possible to install the above apparatus the following method should be adopted: immediately in front of the take-off line and across all the length of it over a width of 10 centimetres (4 inches) the ground shall be sprinkled with soft earth or sand to make it 13 millimetres (.5 inch) higher than the take-off board. From the take-off board the earth shall be raised at an angle of 30' to the height of 13 millimetres (.5 inch). 2 .-If any competitor touches the ground beyond the take-off line, or take-off line extended, with any part of the body, whether running up without jumping or in the act of jumping, it shall be counted as a failure. 3.-All jumps should be measured from the nearest break in the landing area made by any part of the body or limbs to the take-off line and at right angles to such line. If in the course of landing the competitor touches the ground outside the landing area nearer to the takeoff than the nearest break in the landing area made by the jump, such jump shall not be measured but shall count as a failure. 4.-In order to ensure the correct measuring of any jump it is essential that the surface of the sand in the landing area should be accurately controlled so as to be level with the top of the take-off board. An approved apparatus for this purpose is described in Rule 38.

5.-The landing area shall have a minimum width of 2 metres 75 centimetres (9 feet). 6.-The distance between the take-off and the end of the landing area shall be at least 9 metres (29.5 feet). 7.-The take-off board shall be not less than one metre (3ft. 3in.) from the edge of the landing area. (Also see rule 34, pages 98 to 100.) (For apparatus refer to rule 48 page 118.) RULE 38 Triple Jump I.-The take-off shall be marked by a board sunk level with the runway and the surface of the landing area, and placed at least 11 metres (36 feet) from the landing area, the edge of which nearer to the landing area shall be called the take-off line. (For apparatus see Rule 48 page 118.) If a competitor takes off before reaching the board, it shall not for that reason be counted as a failure. 2.-The hop shall be made so that the competitor shall first land upon the same foot with which he shall have taken off, in the step he shall land on the other foot, from which consequently the jump is performed. 3.-If the competitor while jumping touches the ground with the "sleeping" leg it shall be considered as a failure. 4.-In all other respects the rules for the Running Long Jump shall apply. (Also see rule 37 pages 102 and 103.) CONTROL OF SAND LEVEL IN LONe AND TRIPLE JUMP METAl. FACE LANDING AREA







6.-Except in putting the shot, all throws from a circle, to be valid, must fall within the inner edges of lines marking a sector of 60 0 set out on the ground so that the radii lines cross at the centre of the circle.


RULE 39 General Rules I.-The order in which the competitors take their trials shall be drawn by lot. (Also see rule 19 para. 7 page 66.) 2.-Each competitor shall be allowed three trials and the six best and any athletes tying for sixth place shall be allowed three additional trials. No competitor shall be allowed the additional trials unless one of his three trials was a fair throw. Each competitor shall be credited with the best of all his throws. (Also see rule 18 para. 2 page 62.) 3.-In all throwing events from a circle a competitor must commence the throw from a stationary position. 4.-In all throwing events from a circle a competitor is allowed to touch the inside of the iron band or stop board. It shall be a foul throw and not allowed to count, if the competitor after he has stepped into the circle and commenced to make a throw, touches with any part of his body, the top of the stop-board or circle or the ground outside, or improperly releases the shot, discus or hammer in making any attempt. (Also see rule 54, page 129.) 5.-The competitor must not leave the circle until the implement has touched the ground, and he shall then from a standing position, leave the circle from the rear half, which shall be indicated by a chalk line drawn through the centre and extended outside the circle, not less than 75 centimetres (30 inches) on each side. In throwing the javelin, a foul throw or improperly releasing the implement in making an attempt shall be recorded as a throw, but shall not count.

In putting the shot, all puts, to be valid, must fall within the inner edges of lines marking a sector of approximately 65° set out on the ground so that the radii lines touch with their inner edges the extremities of the stop board and cross at the centre of the circle (refer to rule 55 page 130). The ends of the lines marking all sectors should be marked with sector flags (also refer to rule 56 page 131).


7.-The measurement of each throw shall be made from the nearest mark made by the fall of the discus, shot, or head of the hammer or javelin to the inside of the circumference of the circle along a line from the mark made by the implement to the centre of the circle. 8 .-A distinctive flag or disc shall be provided to mark the existing world record and when appropriate the existing national record in each throwing event. In the javelin, discus and hammer competitions a distinctive flag shall be provided also to mark the throws of each competitor. 9.-0nly throwing implements provided by the organisers of the meeting may be used. No competitor shall be permitted to take any implement into the arena. 1O.-No instrument or device of any kind which can be used as a support when making a throw shall be allowed. 11.-In all throwing events implements must be carried back to the starting line or circle and never thrown back.


lOG 12.-The maximum allowance for lateral inclination of the runways for throwing events shall be 1 :100 and in the running direction 1 :1000, and that of the throwing field 1 :1000. (Also refer to rule 18 pages 62 to G5.) RULE 40 Javelin Throwing I.-The length of the runway shall be not more than 36.5 metres (120 feet) but not less than 30 metres (98ft. 6in.) and shall be marked by two parallel lines 5 centimetres (2 inches) in width and 4 metres (13ft. 1.5 in.) apart. The throw shall be made from behind an arc of a circle drawn with a radius of 8 metres (26ft. 3in.); such arc shall consist of a strip made of wood or metal 7 centimetres (2.75 inches) in width, painted white and sunk flush with the ground. Lines shall be drawn from the extremities of the arc at right angles to the parallel lines marking the runway. These lines shall be 1.50 metres (5ft.) in length and 7 centimetres (2.75 inches) in width.

At no time after preparing to throw until the javelin has been discharged into the air, may the competitor turn completely round, so that his back is towards the throwing arc.

The javelin shall be thrown over the shoulder or upper part of the throwing arm and must not be slung or hurled. NOTE:

Non-orthodox styles are not permitted.

4.-All throws to be valid must fall within the inner edge of lines marking the sector set out on the ground by extending for a distance of 90 metres (295ft. 3in.) , the lines from the centre (A) of the circle, of which the arc is a part, through the points (E) and (C) at which the arc joins, the lines marking the runway. The ends of the radii lines should be marked with sector flags. (See Diagram on page 108.)

It is recommended that the runway should be not less than 33.5 metres (110 feet). NOTE:

2.-The javelin must be held at the grip. 3 .-N 0 throw shall be valid in which the point of the javelin does not strike the ground before any part of the shaft, or when the competitor touches with any part of his body or limbs, the strip or the lines drawn from the extremities thereof at right angles to the parallel lines or the ground beyond those lines or the strip. The competitor may cross either of the parallel lines.

5 .-If the javelin breaks, while in the air, it shall not count as a trial provided the throw was made in accordance with the rules.

6.-The measurement of each throw shall be made from the nearest point of the fall of the javelin to the inside edge of the arc along a line from the point of the fall to the centre of the circle, of which the arc is a part. (For implement refer to rule 49, page 119.)






Throwing the Discus I.-The discus shall be thrown from a circle 2.50 metres (8ft. 2.5in.) in diameter. (For implement and apparatus refer to rule 50 pages 122 and 123 and rule 53 pages 126 to 128.) RULE 42

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Putting the Shot

I.-The put shall be made from a circle 2.135 metres (7 feet) in diameter. At the middle of the circumference in the front half of the circle a stop board shall be placed firmly fastened to the ground. 2.-The shot shall be put from the shoulder with one hand only. At the time the competitor takes a stance in the ring to commence a put the shot shall touch or be in close proximity to the chin and the hand shall not be dropped below this position during the action of putting. The shot must not be brought behind the line of the shoulders. 3.-All measurements shall be made immediately after each throw. (For implement and apparatus refer to rule 51 page 123 and rules 54, 55, 56 and 57 pages 129 to 131.) RULE 43

Throwing the Hammer I.-All throws shall be made from a circle 2.135 metres (7 feet) in diameter. 2.-When throwing the hammer, ordinary gloves for the protection of the hands are permitted. 3.-The competitor in his starting position prior to the preliminary swings or turns is allowed to put the head of the hammer on the ground outside the circle.


110 4.-It shall not be considered a foul throw if the head of the hammer touches the ground when the competitor makes the preliminary swings or turns; but if, after having so touched the ground, he stops throwing so as to begin the throw again, this shall count as a trial throw. (For implement and apparatus refer to rules 52, 53, 54, 56 and 57, pages 124-131.) 5.-If the.hammer breaks during a throw or while in the air, it shall not count as a throw provided it was made in accordance with the rules. If the competitor thereby loses his equilibrium and commits a foul, it shall not count against him. SECTION VI RULE 44 Walking I.-Definition. Walking is progression by steps so taken that unbroken contact with the ground is maintained. 2.-Judging. Judges of walking must be careful to observe that the advancing foot of the walker makes contact with the ground before the rear foot leaves the ground, and in particular, that during the period of each step, in which a foot is on the ground, the leg shall be straightened (Le.; not bent at the knee) at least for one moment. 3.-Judging and Disqualifications. The appointed Judges of Walking shall elect a Chief Judge. All the Judges shall act in an individual capacity. When, in the opinion of:(a) two of the Judges, one being the Chief Judge or (b) three Judges other than the Chief Judge a competitor's mode of progression fails to comply with the definition during any part of the competition, he shall be disqualified and informed of his disqualification by the Chief Judge. In a competition either directly

controlle? by the LA.A.F: or taking place under permit no circumstances shall two Judges of the same nationality have the power to disqualify.


. 4.-Effect may be given to any such disqualification lI,nmedlately after the conclusion of the competition, if CIrcumstances render impracticable an earlier notice to the competitor of his disqualification. 5.-A competitor may be cautioned when by his mode he is in danger of ceasing to comply with of the defillltlOn of contact; but he is not entitled to a second caution. The decision to caution a competitor shall be made under the same procedure as for disqualification set out in para. 3. 6.-:-In track races a competitor who is disqualified must Immediately leave the track, and in road races the disqualified competitor must, immediately after his dlsquahficatlOn, remove the distinguishing number Or numbers which he is wearing. NOTE .-1t is recommended that a system of signallin<T "caution" by white flag and "disqualification" by red flag b.e used as far as possible during a walking race for the mformatwn of the officials, competitors and spectators.

7.-In all international races of 50 kilometres (or 30 miles), and over, refreshments shall be provided by the orgalllsers, and refreshment stations shall be arranged at 1 kilometres or. 6 miles, and thereafter at every 5 lnlometres or 3 miles. No refreshment may be carried or taken by any competitor other than that provided Or agreed by the organisers. A competitor may submit to them the type of refreshment desired and this must then be in to the Organisers at a time and place speCIfied by them. If approved it shall be available at the stations nominated.



The Organisers may, at their discretion and to prevent general distress to competitors, supply additional sponging points after 20 kilometres or 12 miles where water only shall be supplied. (Also see rule 18, page 62). In races longer than 20 kilometres or 12 miles, a competitor may take refreshment after he has covered 10 kilometres or 6 miles, the refreshment station being located away from the race control points. 8.-Each competitor must send with his entry for a race of 50 kilometres or 30 miles or over a medical certificate from a qualified doctor certifying his fitness to take part in the race. Each competitor shall be required to take a physical examination before the race by a qualified doctor who shall be appointed by the organisers. If the doctor considers it dangerous or inadvisable the competitor shall not be allowed to start or continue in the race. 9.-In the Olympic Games and in all major events the 50 kilometres walk shall be so arranged as to ensure that the first walker home finishes approximately at sunset in order that he may enjoy the best climatic conditions. 10.-For European Championships and Olympic Games the circuit for the 20 kilometre event should be a maximum of 3000 metres with a minimum of around 1500 metres.


RULE 45 Pentathlon and Decathlon MEN I.-The Pentathlon consists of five-events which shall be held in the following order: Long Jump; Throwing the Javelin; 200 metres; Throwing the Discus; and 1500 metres.

2.-The Decathlon consists of ten events which shall be held on two consecutive days in the following order: First day -100 Metres; Running Long Jump; Putting the Shot; Running High Jump; and 400 Metres. Second day-l 10 Metres Hurdles; Throwing the Discus; Pole Vault; Throwing the Javelin; and 1500 Metres. WOMEN. 3.-The Pentathlon for women consists of five events which shall be held on two consecutive days in the following order:First day -80 metres hurdles; Putting the Shot; High Jump. Second day-Long Jump; 200 metres. GENERAL 4.-The I.A.A.F. rules for each event constituting the competition will apply with the following exceptions:(a) In each of the jumping and throwing events, each competitor shall be allowed three trials only. (b) The time of each competitor shall be taken independently by at least two time-keepers, and if their times differ, the slower time shall be recorded. (c) In the running trials and the hurdles a competitor shall be disqualified in any event in which he has made three false starts. 5.-The scores separately and combined should be announced to the competitors after the completion of each event. (Refer to rule 19 paras. 8-10 page 67.)



114 6.-The winner shall be the competitor who has obtained the highest number of points in the five or ten events as the case may be, awarded on the basis of the LA.A.F. Scoring Table. 7.-In the event of a tie in the Pentathlon the winner shall be the competitor who has received the higher points in a majority of the events. In the event of a tie in the Decathlon, the winner shall be the competitor who has received the higher points in a majority of the events. If this does not resolve the tie, the winner shall be the competitor who has the highest number of points in anyone of the ten events.

The ends of the circular bar shall be constructed in such a way that a fiat surface of 30 X 150 millimetres (1.181 in. x 5.905 in.) is obtained for the purpose of placing the bar on the supports on the uprights. (Optionally the cross-bar may be split in the middle and joined with a metal clip about 300 mm. (1 foot) long.) 3.-The cross-bar shall be between 3.64 metres (11 feet 11.307 inches) and 4 metres (13 feet 1.48 inches) in length and the distance between the uprights shall not be less than 3.66 metres (12 feet) or more than 4.02 metres (13 feet 2.25 inches). The maximum weight of the cross-bar shall be 2 kilogrammes (4 lb. 6.5 oz.).

8.-Any athlete failing to start or make a trial in one of the 5 events of the Pentathlon or in one of the 10 events of the Decathlon shall not be allowed to take part in the following event but shall be considered to have abandoned the competition. He shall not therefore figure in the final classification.

4.-Supports for cross-bar in the High Jump.-The supports for the cross-bar shall be fiat and rectangular. 40 millimetres (1.575 inches) wide and 60 millimetres (2.36 inches) long. They shall each face the opposite upright and the ends of the cross-bar shall rest on them in such a manner that if it is touched by a competitor it will easily fall to the ground, either forwards or backwards.


5.-There shall be a space of at least 10 millimetres (.393 inch) between the ends of the cross-bar and the uprights.


RULE 46 Jumping and Vaulting Standards

I.-Uprights .-Any style or kind of uprights or posts may be used provided they are rigid. 2.-Cross-bar.-The Cross-bar shall be of wood, metal 11 or other suitable material, triangular or circular in section. U Each side of the triangular bar shall measure 30 millimetres (1.181 in.) and the diameter of the circular bar at least 25 millimetres (.984 in.) but not more than 30 millimetres (1.181 in.).

6.-The drawings on page 116 illustrate one way of constructing the uprights in accordance with the rule.

7 .-Supports/or the cross-bar in the Pole Vault.-Pegs shall be used to support the cross-bar and shall be without notches or indentations of any kind, of uniform thickness throughout and not more than 13 millimetres (,512 inch) diameter. They must not extend more than 75 millimetres (2.953 inches) from the uprights, and the cross-bar shall rest on them so that if it is touched by a competitor or his pole it will fall easily to the ground in the direction of the landing area.



8.-Box for the Pole V ault.-This shall be constructed either of wood or metal and shall measure 1 metre (3 feet 3.37 inches) in length, 60 centimetres (1 foot 11.622 inches) in width at the front end, and tapering to 15 centimetres (5.905 inches) in width at the stopboard, where it shall be 20 centimetres (7.874 inches) in depth. The box should be constructed in such a manner that the sides slope outwards at the end nearest to the landing area. If the box is constructed of wood the bottom shall be lined with 2.5 millimetres (,1 inch) sheet iron or metal for a distance of 800 millimetres (2ft. 7.496in.) from the front of the box.

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NOTE.-The la11ding area should measure not less than 5 metres (16ft. 4i11.) long by 4 metres (13ft. 1.5itl.) wide for the High Jump and for the Pole Vault 1Iot less than 5 X 5 metres (16ft. 4in.).


116 ..J

8.-Boxfor the Pole Vault.-This shall be constructed either of wood Or metal and shall measure 1 metre (3 feet 3.37 inches) in length, 60 centimetres (1 foot 11.622 inches) in width at the front end, and tapering to 15 centimetres (5.905 inches) in width at the stopboard, where it shall be 20 centimetres (7.874 inches) in depth. The box should be constructed in such a manner that the sides slope outwards at the end nearest to the landing area. If the box is constructed of wood the bottom shall be lined with 2.5 millimetres (¡1 inch) sheet iron or metal for a distance of 800 millimetres (2ft. 7.496in.) from the front of the box.






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Erratum-Handbook 1963/64 To be substituted for existing drawing on page 117 which erroneously shows external instead of internal measurements of box. E



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24" 600m/m


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14" 355 m/ml

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31" 800m/m




(Also see rule 37 para. 1 page 102.)

Vaulting Pole The pole, may be of any material and of any length or diameter, but the basic surface of the metal, where metal is used, must be smooth. The pole may have a binding only of not more than two layers of adhesive tape of uniform thickness.

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Take -off Board






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1 .-Collstructioll.-The take-off board shall be made of wood and shall measure 1.22 metres (4 feet .031 inches) long, 200 millimetres (7.874 inches) wide and 100 millimetres( 3.937 inches) deep. On the side nearer to the landing area should be fixed a horizontal shelf 1.22 metres (4 feet .031 inches) long; 100 millimetres (3.937 inches) wide; the top of which should be 25 millimetres (.984 inch) below the surface of the take-off board. This shelf should have a ledge, of the following approximate measurements, along the edge next to the landing area, 38 millimetres (1.5 inches) high and 25 millimetres (.984 inch) wide, thus forming a recess 38 millimetres (1.5 inches) deep, 1.22 metres (4 feet .031 inches) long, and 100 millimetres (3.937 inches) wide, immediately beyond the take-off board on which to place a board 25 millimetres (.984 inch) thick as required; with a layer of plasticine or similar substance 13 millimetres (.5 inch) thick, the edge of which next to the take-off board must be at an angle of 30' to the horizontal. The layer of plasticine can be smoothed off by means of a roller or suitably shaped scraper for the purpose of removing the footprints of the competitors.

2.-The take-off board shall be painted white. NOTE.-It will befoulId very helPful to have a spare plasticine board available, so that while the footprillt is beillg elimillated the competitors are not delayed. RULE 49

Javelin 1.-Co1tStructi01t.-The javelin shall consist of 3 parts: a metal head, a shaft, and a cord grip. The shaft may be constructed of either wood or metal and it shall have fixed to it a metal head terminating in a sharp point. 2.-It shall conform to the following specifications:-

Men Weight inclusive of cord grip: Minimum 800 grammes (1 lb. 12¡218ozs.)

Women 600 grammes (1 lb. 5¡163 ozs.)


120 Overall length : Minimum


260 centimetres (8ft. 6·362in.) 270 centimetres (8ft. 10·299in.)

220 centimetres (7ft. 2·614in.) 230 centimetres (7ft. 6·551in.)

Length of metal head: Minimum 25 centimetres (9·843in.) 33 centimetres Maximum (12·992in.)

25 centimetres (9·843in.) 33 centimetres (12·992in.)

Weight of metal head Minimum 80 grammes (2 ·822 ozs.)

80 grammes (2 ·822 ozs.)

Distance from tip of metal head to centre Minimum 90 centimetres (2ft. 11·433in.) 110 centimetres Maximum (3ft. 7 ·307in.)

of gravity: 80 centimetres (2ft. 7-496in.) 95 centimetres (3ft. 1·401in.)

Diameter on shaft at thickest point: Minimum 25 millimetres (·984in.) 30 millimetres Maximum (1·181in.)

20 millimetres (·787in.) 25 millimetres (·984in.)

Width of cord grip: Maximum 16 centimetres (6·299in.) 15 centimetres Minimum (5·905in.)

4.-The cross section shall be regularly circular throughout and the maximum diameter thereof shall be under the grip. From the grip the javelin shall taper gradually to the tip of the metal head and the rear tip. The line from the end of the grip to the tip of the metal head may be straight or slightly curved but the curve must be gradual and there must be no abrupt alteration in the diameter of the section throughout the length of the javelin. 5.-The javelin shall have no mobile parts or other apparatus which during the throw could change its centre of gravity or throwing characteristics. 6.-The tapering of the shaft from the maximum diameter to the tip of the metal head or to the rear tip shall be such that the diameter at the midpoint between the end of the cord grip and either tip shall not exceed 90% of the maximum diameter of the shaft and that at the point of 15 centimetres (5'905 in.) from either tip 80% of the maximum diameter. (See diagram). L, • 900 - 1100 mm.




15 centimetres (5·905in.) 14 centimetres (5·512in.)

3.-The cord shall be about the centre of gravity without thongs, notches or indentations of any kind on the shaft, and shall not exceed the circumference of the shaft by more than 25 millimetres (,984 in.). The binding shall be of uniform thickness.

!, ,

min 250


mox 330.

I t'

L, - - 1 - - - - Lz


L· 26 OOmm- 2 700mm. - - . - I

Note:-In reducing the large scale drawing to dimensions suitable for inclusion in the handbook it has been made to appear that the point at which the tapered shaft mltst not


122 exceed 80% of the maximum diameter coincides with the commencement of the metal head. This is not so as this diameter is the maximum permitted (150 mm.) from the point of the metal head and there is no relation to the actual length of the head. RULE 50 Discus l.-Construc#on.-The body of the discus shall be made of wood or other suitable material with metal plates set flush into the sides and shall have, in the exact centre of the circle framed by the metal rim, a means of securing the correct weight. 2.-It shall conform to the following specifications:Men Women Weight: Minimum 2 kilogrammes 1 kilogramme (4 lb. 6·547 ozs.) (2 lb. 3·2740zs.) Outer diameter of metal rim: 180 millimetres Minimum 219 millimetres (7·087in.) (8·622in.) Maximum 221 millimetres 182 millimetres (7·165in.) ,(8·7in.) Diameter of metal plates: 50 millimetres Minimum 50 millimetres (1·969in.) (1·969in.) Maximum 57 millimetres 57 millimetres (2.244in.) (2·244in.) Thickness at centre: Minimum 44 millimetres 37 millimetres (1·733in.) (1·457in.) Maximum 46 millimetres 39 millimetres (1·811in.) (1·535in.) Thickness of the rim at a distance of 6 millimetres (·236in.) from the edge: 12 millimetres 12 millimetres Minimum (·473in.) (·473in.) The edge of the metal rim shall be rounded in a true circle.

3 .-Each side of the discus shall be identical and shall be made without indentations, projecting or sharp edges. The sides shall taper in a straight line from the beginn ing of the curve of the rim to a circle a distance of 25 millimetres (.984 inch) from the centre of the discus. The thickness at 25 millimetres (·984 inch) from the centre of the discus shall be exactly the same as at the centre.



37· !>'j"'/'"







, 2" - 2:;n .../"" JJO- In ...""


RULE 51 Shot 1.-Construction.-The shot shall be of solid iron, brass or any metal not softer than brass, or a shell of such metal filled with lead or other material. It must be spherical in shape. 2.-It shall conform to the following specifications:Weight: Minimum Diameter: Minimum Maximum



7.257 kilogrammes (16 pounds)

4 kilogrammes (8 pounds 13 ozs.)

110 millimetres (4 ·3307in.) 130 millimetres (5·118in.)

95 millimetres (3·741in.) 11 0 millimetres (4 ·3307in.)



RULE 52 Hammer Construction: 1.-Head.-The head shall be of solid iron or other metal not softer than brass filled with lead or other material. It must be completely spherical in shape. If a filling is used this must be inserted in such a manner that it is immovable and that the centre of gravity shall be not more than 6 mm. (.25 in.) from the centre of the sphere.

2.-Handle.-The handle shall be of single unbroken and straight length of spring steel wire not less than 3 millimetres (.llS in.) or No. 1l Standard Wire Gauge 11 (.1l6 in.). in diameter, and shall be such that it cannot stretch appreciably while the hammer is being thrown. The handle may be looped at one or both ends as a means of attachment. For example of approved hammer handle--see page 126. 3 .-Grip .-The grip may be either of single or double loop construction, but must be rigid and without hingeing joints of any kind, and so made that it cannot stretch appreciably while being thrown. It must be attached to the handle in such a manner that it cannot be turned within the loop of the handle to increase the overall length of the hammer.

5.-The hammer shall conform to the following specifications :Weight of hammer complete as thrown: Minimum 7.257 kilogrammes (16 pounds) Length of hammer complete as thrown measured from the inside of the grip: ., .117.5 centimetres (3 ft. 10.255 in.). Minimum Maximum .. .121.5 centimetres (3 ft. 11.S35 in.). Diameter of head: Minimum 102 millimetres (4¡016in.) Maximum 120 millimetres (4¡724in.)

Centre of Gravity of Head: Not more than 6 mm. (.25 in.) from the centre of the sphere.

e.g.-It must be possible to balance the head, less handle and grip, on a horizontal sharp-edged circular orifice 12 mm. (.5 in.) in diameter. (See diagram below). SUGGESTED CONSTRUCTION OR ApPARATUS FOR TESTING CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF HAMMER



4.-Connection.-The handle shall be connected to the head by means of a swivel which may be either plain or ball bearing. The grip shall be connected to the handle by means of a loop. A swivel may not be used.



FramruJork .-A wire cable, or a series of metal struts, is suspended at a height of not less than 2.74 metres (9 feet) above the ground in the shape of a letter C. The radius of the C is 3.8 metres (12 feet 6 inches) with the open end 6 metres (20 feet) wide. The cable or series of struts, is supported in a horizontal plane by 8 metal supports made in the shape of gallows, so that the C shape is formed by 7 straight panels, each 2.74 metres (9 feet) wide.


RULE 53 Hammer and/or Discus Throwing Cage I.-It is strongly recommended that all hammer and/or discus throws be made from an enclosure or cage to ensure the safety of spectators, officials and competitors. 2.-The cage should be C-shaped in plan, the diameter being 7.6 metres (25 feet) with the opening through which the throw is made 6 metres (20 feet) wide. The height should not be less than 2.74 metres (9 feet). 3.-A cage made to the following specification is suggested.

Netting.-A net 19.2 metres (63 feet) long by 3.05 metres (10 feet) wide made of cord 12.5 millimetres ('5 in.) in circumference with 50 millimetre (2 inch) meshes, is suspended from the wire cable or series of metal struts. The lower edge of the net resting on the ground turns inwards towards the centre of the C, and to it are attached at regular intervals saudbags each weighing approximately 13.5 kilogrammes (30 pounds.)

Erection.-The 8 metal supports are set into the ground either with spikes or permanent sockets. The sockets should be sunk to a depth of approximately 30 centimetres (1 foot) and provided with covers for use when the supports are removed. The supports and suspended net are kept in position by wire ropes attached to ground spikes.



RULE 54 Circles

l.-Construction.-Circles shall be made of band iron or steel, the top of which shall be flush with the ground outside. The earth or clay in the circles shall be packed hard, firm aud level and 2 centimetres ('75 in.) (tolerauce Gmillimetres (¡25 in.) plus or minus) lower thau the outside of the circle. The interior of the circles for Shot Putting, Discus Throwing and Hammer Throwing may be constructed of concrete or a similar material. "0 \D

7Gm;m x Gm/m

For r'7icli/Y o Ilof1j4



rccommandcd thaf

&: {flke! of fM base



2.-Measurements.-The circle shall measure:Discus throwing 2.50 metres (8ft. 2.5in.) inside diameter. Hammer Throwing and Shot Putting .. 2.135 metres (7 feet) inside diameter.



130 The metal circle shall be 6 millimetres (.25in.) in thickness and 76 millimetres (3 inches) in height sunk flush with the ground outside. 3.-The circle shall be painted white. RULE 55 Stop Board (Putting the Shot)

1.-Construction.-The board shall be made of wood in the shape of an arc so that the inner edge coincides with the inner edge of the circle, also so made that it can be firmly fixed to the ground. 2 .-Measurements.-The board shall measure 1.22 :netres (4feet) long on inside, 114 millimetres (4'5 mches) Wide and 100 mlll1metres (4 inches) high.

3.-Finish.-The board shall be painted white.

RULE 56 Sectors for throws from circles and arcs The sector within which all throws must fall, shall be clearly marked on the ground with lines 5 centimetres (2 inches) wide, the inner edges of which shall form the sector lines, the radii lines crossing at the centre of the circles. The outer ends of the radii lines should be marked with sector flags. RULE 57 Sector Flag l.-Construction.-The Sector flag should be entirely of metal. 2 .-Measurements.-The flag should be rectangular in shape measuring about 20 X 40 centimetres (8 X 16 inches) with the standard 8 millimetres (¡313 inch) in diameter and not less than 60 centimetres (or 2 feet) in length, above the ground. RULE 58 Hurdles l.-Constrt.ction.-The hurdles shall be made of metal with the top bar of wood and shall consist of two bases and two uprights supporting a rectangular frame reinforced by one or more cross-bars, the uprights to be fixed at the extreme end of each base. The hurdles shall be of such a design that a force of at least 3.6 kilogrammes (8 lb.) applied to the centre of the top edge of the crossbar is required to overturn it. The hurdle may be adjustable in height for each event. The counterweights must be adjustable so that at each height a force of at least 3.6 kilogrammes (8 lb.) and not more than 4 kilogrammes (8 lb. 13 oz.) is required to overturn it.



l--_ _

135 ...,


2.-Measurements.-The standard heights of the hurdles shall be:-



Women 80 metres

87t yards 76.2 centimetres (2ft. 6in.).

Men 110 metres 120 yards 1.067 metres (3ft. 6in.). 200 metres 220 yards 76.2 centimetres (2ft. 6in.). 400 metres 440 yards 91.4 centimetres (3ft. Oin.). The extreme width shall be 1.20 metres (3ft. llin.). The extreme length of the base shall be 70 centimetres (2ft. 3路5in.). The total weight of the hurdles shall be not less than 10 kilogrammes (22Ibs. 路750zs.). NOTE.- In each case there shall be a tolerance allowance of 3 millimetres (路125in.) above and below the standard heights, to allow for variation in the manufacture. (Also see rule 28 pagcs 85 and 86.) 3.-The width of thc top bar shall be 70 millimetres (2路75in.).




(2F!' 3Y-2') .



4.-Finish.-The top bar should be striped in black and white in such manner that the white stripes appear at the end of each hurdle and that they shall be at least 225 mm. (9 inches) in width. The hurdle shall be so placed on the track that the feet of the hurdles shall be on the side of the approach by the competitor. 5 .-Testing .-To check the resisting force of hurdles a simple spring-balance should be used by the application of a pulling force to the centre of the cross-bar. Alternatively use a cord with a hook, applied to the centre of the cross-bar, take the cord along over a pulley fixed conveTIlently and load the other end of the cord with weights. RULE 59 Relay Baton Construction.-The baton shall be a smooth hollow wooden or metal .tube circular in section in one piece, the length of WhICh shall be not more than 30 centi(1 foot) .and not less than 28 centimetres (11 mches) . The CIrcumference shall be 120 millimetres (4'75 inches) and it shall not weigh less than 50 grammes (11 ounces). RULE 60 Starting Blocks I.-The purpose of starting blocks is to expedite the carrying through of programmes and to protect the tracks. 2.-They must be constructed entirely of rigid materials. 3.-They may be adjustable, but must be made without springs other devices whereby the athlete can obtam any arbficlal assistance. be so made as to be easily and quickly 4 placed mto posItIon and removed without damage to the track.



RULE 61 Finish Posts The finish posts shall be of rigid construction of abo';1t 1.37metres (4ft. 6in.) in height, 8 centimetres (3m.) m width and 2 centimetres (¡75in.) in thickness.







RULE 1 The Jury 1.-The Jury shall consist of from five to eight members appointed by the Council of the LA.A.F. and shall be the highest authority on the track. 2.-All financial and technical arrangements of the Olympic Games shall be in the hands of the National Olympic Committee organising the Games, but the Jury

mentioned above shall supervise the technical arrangements, appoint judges, etc., as stated hereafter. The organising Committee shall appoint one of its members as liaison officer to the Jury; such liaison officer shall take care of and be responsible for good communication between the Jury and the organising Committee.

RULE 2 Work of the Jury I.-The Jury shall be the highest authority on the track, and receive and decide any protests. (See rule 23 page 70 of the Athletic Rules for International Competitions.) 2.-The Jury shall not overrule the decisions of the Referees or Judges unless it shall find that a distinct mistake has been made. 3.-The Jury shall decide all questions relating to the actua.l conduct of the Meeting, the final settlement of which is not otherwise covered by the rules. 4.-(i) The Council of the LA.A.F. shall appoint two members of the Jury to carry out the following duties:(a) Consider the lay-out of the track and field and report final approval before the beginning of the Games. (b) Meet at the place where competitions are to be held not less than five days before the beginning of the events. They shall see that field and track are in good order, courses properly laid out and measured to conform to all the requirements as laid down by the Athletic Rules for International Competitions and that all implements and equipment necessary for satisfactory competition are provided. (c) Consider final entries, accept or reject such entries. arrange the series and heats, and return the result to the organising Committee, which shall publish


136 the entries with the competitors' numbers in sufficient time before the opening of the Games. (ii) The duties of the delegates as members of the Jury will last throughout the Games. In cases of differences of opinion they shall refer back to the full Jury who shall make a final decision. 5.-(i) The organising Committee shall have ready for inspection the track, field and all implements at least five days before the opening of the Games. Should the technical delegates not find the implements in accordance with specifications, new implements shall be obtained as directed by the delegates. (ii) The organising Committee shall publish the results of the arrangements of heats received from the technical delegates in sufficient time before the event is scheduled. 6.-In the event of the track and field upon which the Olympic Games are to be held not being available for practice, the organising Committee shall provide a suitable place for this purpose. RULE 3 The Athletic Ground I.-The length of each lap should be 400 metres. 2.-All tracks for running, jumping and throwing events must be of cinder or similar material. Grass is not permitted. 3.-0n the field there shall be arranged two platforms. One of these shall be near the tunnel through which the competitors enter the field, and from which the field and track events shall be managed, and which shall have telephone communication with the dressing rooms of the athletes, the Press Stand, the Band Stand, the loud speaker, the flag posts, etc., and from which bells may be operated in all dressing rooms, to call the competitors to the start.

4.-The other platform shall serve as an office for the Jury in charge of the track and field events. 5.-The loud speaker shall be governed by the Manager of the Games, and the speaker into the microphone placed near the Manager. RULE 4 Officials I.-Besides the Jury there shall be the following officials: One Manager, 3 or 4 Assistant Managers, One Keeper of the Implements, 2 or more Announcers. 2.-0ne Referee for track events, 3 Starters, 7 Judges at the finish, 6 or more Umpires, 9 Timekeepers. 3.-0ne Referee for throwing events, 6 or more Judges for throwing events. 4.-0ne Referee for jumping events, 6 or more Judges for jumping events. 5.-0nc or more Press Stewards, One Official Surveyor, One Marshal, One or more Doctors. 6.-Necessary number of Clerks and Scorers, including Lap-Scorers. Necessary number of Assistants.


7.-For the running events in Decathlon, as well as in the Marathon race and the 50,000 metres Walking Race the number of officials must be considerably increased. RULE 5 The Manager The Manager shall have charge of the field and track events and be responsible for the proper carrying out of the Games. Ten minutes before the time of an event, he shall sound the bells in the dressing rooms, and Announcers shall announce on the field, to the competitors, the judges and the public, the start of the event. The Manager of the Games shall not leave his stand during the time a competition is going on. After the finish of an event he shall, through his assistant receive the results from the scorer of such event. All announcements to the public, press, etc., shall be given by the Manager of the Games through the Announcers, Press Stewards, loud speakers, etc. RULE 6 The Assistant Manager I.-The Manager shall have three or four Assistant Managers, one for running events, one for jumping events and one for throwing events, etc. The Assistant Managers shall see that starts are carried out and shall follow the particular competitions. Fifteen minutes before the finish of any competition they shall notify the Manager thereof, in order that he may be prepared for the start of the next event. 2.-The Assistant Managers shall at the end of each event collect and hand to the Manager the results given by the scorers. RULE 7 The Keeper of the Implements This official shall keep all implements under lock and key and shall be responsible for the implements being at


hand in proper time for each event. The keeper of the implements acts directly under the Manager of the Games. RULE 8 The Referees I.-The Referees are responsible for the proper conduct of each event under their control and assign to the Judges their particular duties. In the case of a difference between the Judges, they shall decide and, if necessary, . refer to the Jury. 2.-IA/hen, in any but the final of a race, a claIm for a foul or interference is made, the Referee shall have the power to disqualify the competitor who was at fault, if he considers the foul intentional or due to culpable carelessness, and shall also have the power to allow the hindered competitor to start in the next round of heats, just as if he had been placed in his trial. . 3.-lVhen, in a final, a claim for a foul or mterference is made, he shall have the power to disqualify the competitor who was at fault, if he considers the foul intentional or due to culpable carelessness, and he shall also have the power to order a new race between such of the competitors as he thinks entitled thereto. RULE 9 Timekeeping I.-An approved Electrical Timekeeping Device shall be used for all track events. Human timekeeping will continue to be used as a ch:ck but the official time declared will be that of the electncal device. . 2.-An adjustment of .05 of a second shall be made in the timing apparatus so that the watch starts .05 sec. after the firing of the gun so as to coincide approximately to the moment after firing when the runners move.. 3.-As most electric apparatus times to 1/100 sec. the following conversion table shall be used for returning times required to the nearest 1/10 sec.;-


140 Electric timi ng: Sec. Sec. Sec. .0 .04 to be returned as .95 .1 .14 .05 " .2 .24 .15 .3 .34 .25 " .4 .44 .35 " .5 .54 .45 " .6 .64 .55 " .7 .74 .65 " .8 .84 .75 .9 .94 .85 " Where timing is required to 1/5 sec. the following conversion table shall be used;Sec. Sec. Sec. .04 to be returned as .0 .85 .2 .24 .05 " .4 .44 .25 " .6 .64 .45 " .8 .84 .65 "

RULE 10 Timekeepers I.-Timekeepers shall use only watches tested and certified at an astronomical or physical institute during the same year in which the Games take place, and the rules and conditions of the test shall be similar to those adopted by the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, England. 2.-The use of watches of the Splitsecond Type is strongly recommended, also that all watches to be used by the official timekeepers at the Games, shall be provided by the Organising Committee of the Games. 3 .-One of the timekeepers acts by appointment of the Jury as head timekeeper and regulates the daily division and work of the other timekeepers.

4.-The timekeepers shall act independently from one another, enter their times without discussing times and without showing their watches to each other, on the printed form specially made for this purpose, and after signing the form, hand it to the head timekeeper who is entitled to control the reported times on the watches . 5.-The head timekeeper enters the reported time on a special blank schedule, fixes the official time results according to Rule 9 page 56 and provides for publication . 6.-The head timekeeper may entrust one of the timekeepers with taking intermediate times and may designate for taking the time of the winner a fourth (reserve) timekeeper, the time taken by whom shall only be taken into account in case and for whatever reason only two watches have been acting . 7.-The timekeepers should take their place by gradation in extension to the finish line on the other side of the track from the judges and at least five metres from the nearer finishing post. "S.-In all races np to 200'metres the times of at least the first three, and in all other running and walking races the times of at least the first six, shall be officially taken and published. 9.-0ut of the timekeepers 4 take the time of the first, second, 3 } 3" " third. One of the four designated for the first place acts as a reserve timekeeper (see under para. 6 above.) I




10.-In of 400 metres or more those timekeepers who take the time of the first place take also the time of the fourth place, those who take the time of the second place, take also the time of the fifth place, and those who take the time of the third place take also the time of the sixth place.

142 RULE 11 Other Officials Regarding other officials, duties in the Athletic Rules for InternatIOnal CompetItIons, WlllC.h apply for all other questions regarding the OlympIc Games. (Refer to pages 50 to 60.) RULE 12 Qualification Trials I.-Where in any of the throwing or events the number of entries exceeds 18, a quahfymg round shall be held prior to the competition proper. 2 -No athlete shall participate in the competition proper unless he has reached the prescribed standard the qualifying round; but. If .m any event less than L competitors reach the quahfymg standard, then the first 12 athletes and any athlete tying for the 12th place shall take part in the competition proper. 3.-In each qualifying round, each competitor shall be allowed three trials, but the performances plished shall not be considered part of the competItIOn proper. Once a competitor has reached. the quahfymg standard he shall not make any more tnals. RULES FOR THE EUROPEAN COMMITTEE AND EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS RULE 1 The International Amateur Athletic Federation has decided to promote EUROPEAN CHAMPION.SHIPS m every fourth year, two years after the OlympIC Games. RULE 2 The Council of the I.A.A.F. shall exercise the following powers:-

143 (a) It shall have supreme control of the Championships; (b) It shall decide upon all fundamental principles; (c) It shall appoint the appropriate European member of the LA.A.F. to organise the Championships, upon the recommendation of the European Committee; (d) It shall decide upon the venue for the Championship on the recommendation of the European Committee. RULE 3 The European Committee shall be appointed for a period of four years and shall consist of a President, Honorary Secretary and 13 other members all to be elected by Congress from different European countries in affiliation with the LA.A.F. together with the President and the Honorary Secretary of the LA.A.F. who shall be ex officio members of the Committee and be entitled to vote. The European Committee shall have the right to elect I1 a Vice-President from the thirteen members elected. Individual nominations for the European Committee should be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary of the LA.A.F. by member countries of the Federation for circulation with the agenda for the Congress Meeting taking place at the time of the European Championships where the committee will be elected. (See Constitutional rule 4, Para. (7)). The President and Honorary Secretary of the Committee shall each have a vote. The President of the Committee, in the case of a tie in the voting, shall have a second or casting vote. The Committee shall serve until a new Committee is appointed and inducted to office.



RULE 4 ittee shall have the following Comm The Europ ean powe rs:(a) it shall follow the directi ons given by the Council of the LA.A .F. and report to that body on Europ ean matte rs; (b) it shall consider applic ations to hold the Europ ean Championships and to make recommendations thereo n to the Council; (c) it shall determ ine, in co-ope ration with the Organising Member the venue and the date on which the Championships shall be held; (d) it shall have charge of the supervision, prepar ations and condu ct of the Championships and arrang e that they are carried throug h in conformity with the techni cal rules of the LA.A .F. (e) it shall furniSh to the Organising Member, the list of the countr ies to be invite d to compe te; (f) it shall appoin t a Jury of five persons and the principal officials. (NOTE.-For the duties of the technical delegates see General Rules for Olympic Events.) (g) it shall accept or reject entries, arrang e heats and qualif ying trials, as well as the progra mme and timeta ble of events ; (h) it shall arrang e annua lly a meetin g of repres entatives of Europ ean countr ies for the purpose only of co-ord inatin g Europ ean Fixtur es for the following year. RULE 5 The Championships shall comprise the following events : FOR MEN:

Runni ng: 100 Metres 200 " " 400 " 800

1, 500 Metres 5,000 " 10,000 " Marathon (42 km. 195 m.)

Hurdles: 1I0 Metres 400 Metres 5 teeplechase: 3,000 Metres Relays: 4 X 100 Metres 4 X 400 Metres Walking: 20,000 Metres (Road) 50,000 Metres (Road) Jumpi ng: High; Pole; Long; Triple Jump Throwing: Discu s; Javeli n; Hamm er Putting: Shot Decathlon FOR WOME N:

100 Metres " 200 Hurdles: 80 Metres Relay: 4 X 100 Metres Jumpi ng: High; Long Throwing: Discus ; Javeli n Puttin g: Shot Pentathlon

400 Metres 800 "

RULE 6 The m.aximum period for the Championships shall not exceed SIX days.



RULE 7 The order of the events and the complete daily programme shall be determined by the European Committee by the end of December previous to the Championships. RULE 8 Each LA.A.F. member in Europe has the right to enter one competitor, irrespective of his or her ability to attain the qualifying standard set up by the European Committee in each event. A second and a third competitor may be entered provided all reach the qualifying standard. Where second or third competitors are entered, the attainment of this standard by the first competitor is obligatory. Competitors must comply with the following qualifications:That:(a) they were born in the country they represent; or (b) they are citizens of the country they represent and have lived there continuously for a period of not less than five years; or (c) they have become naturalised in the country they represent and have permanent residence there; or (d) they are of European parents fulfilling the above conditions and have not become naturalised as subjects of a country outside Europe. Athletes born outside Europe cannot be qualified unless they meet the conditions stated in (b) or (d). RULE 9 The closing date for entries, which must be submitted' by the National associations or federations shall be not later than fourteen days prior to the first day of the Championships. A country may nominate not more than three competitors for each individual event who must comply with the provision of Rule 8 and eight competitors

in each relay event. The final nominations of the athletes (see Rule 8) to represent a country shall be lodged with the Organising Member not later than three full days prior to individual events and for relay events not later than 6 o'clock on the evening of the day preceding the event. RULE 10 In each event the winner shall be awarded a silver gilt medal, the second a silver medal, and the third a bronze medal. RULE 11 A commemorative medal shall be distributed to all officials and competitors. RULE 12 The Championships are allocated to a European Member of the I.A.A.F. who shall be wholly responsible for all the costs and expenses involved in the promotion of the Championships as well as for the following obligations imposed by the I.A.A.F. :(a) The Member will immediately appoint an Organising Committee; (b) First class travelling expenses or tourist aircraft (including meals en route) together with board and lodging for a maximum period of not more than 3 days longer than the championships, shall be paid to the seventeen members of the European Committee (rule 3); (c) First class travelling expenses or tourist aircraft (including meals en route) together with board and lodging of not more than two technical delegates (who should be Members of the European Committee) for a period of not more than five days prior to the Opening of the Championships. These expenses, except for travelling, are supplementary to those which may be claimed under para. (b);


(d) First class travelling expenses or tourist aircraft (including meals en route) .of not more than two delegates for the general supervision of the Championships, at such periods as may be thought appropriate, which shall be supplementary to (b) and (c). (e) First class rail travelling expenses (including meals en route) together with board and lodging for five walking judges appointed by the Walking Commission of the LA.A.F. for a period commencing one day before the first walking event and terminating one day after the last walking event. RULE 13 The Organising Committee shall pay to the LA.A.F. 4% of the total of the gate money (with a minimum payment of the equivalent of U.S.A. Dollars, three thousand) taken at the Championships. The minimum payment shall be paid not later than fourteen days after the Championships and the remainder within three months after the Championships. RULE 14 The Organising Committee shall pay the travelling and living expenses (first class return rail ticket, board and lodging) for a period of 3 days longer than the championships (including the time taken in travelling) for not less than 100 men and 50 women athletes of the various participating countries. These expenses shall be calculated from the capital city of the participating country. The 100 and 50 places respectively shall be distributed among the various countries in accordance with the general athletic results of the preceding year. The Organising Committee shall draw up a formula on these lines, from which the quota for each country can be calculated, to reach the Honorary Secretary of the European Committee not later than 15th January in the

149 year of the Championships, who shall submit the proposals to the European Committee for approval and allocation of the places not later than 15th March following. The places shall be so allotted that each participating country shall obtain at least one place each for men and women. The decision of the European Committee shall be final. Other expenses of athletes and of!icials participating in the Championships shall not be paId. As far as pOSSIble, however, the Organising shall endeavour to obtain reduced charges for travellmg and accommodation for athletes and officials. RULES FOR EUROPEAN RECORDS I.-European Records shall be established for the same events as those which are accepted for World Records. 2.-The eligibility of athletes European Records must conform with the followmg quallficatlOns, that:. (a) they are subj ects by birth of the country they represent; or (b) they are citizens of the :ountry they and have lived there contmuously for a penod of not less than five years; or (c) they have become naturalised in country they represent and have permanent reSIdence there; or (d) they are of European parents fulfilling above conditions and have not become naturallsed as subj ects of a country outside Europe. Athletes born outside Europe cannot be qualified unless they meet the conditions stated in (b) or (d).


150 non-European performances of athletes who are admitted according to the above rules as European athletes may be also recognised as European Records, if these performances are obtained at Olympic Games or they have been accepted by their respective national associations as national records. 4 the first registration of European Records all world's records recognised by the I.A.A.F. and complying with the above rules are entered in the list without control. Furthermore, all performances already recognised by the competent national association as national records will also be accepted as European Records without proofs if their essential data (name of athlete, performance, time, place, etc.) are certified and presented in writing by the respective national association.


100 yards 220 " 440 " 880 " 1 mile

Running 100 metres 2,000 metres 3,000 " 200" 5,000 " 400" 10,000 " 800" 20,000 " 1,000" 25,000 " 1,500 " 30,000 1 hour

Steeplechase 3,000 metres

all future performances the same rules and procedure will be in force as the world's records. Application for the registration of records must be submitted in writing, the application to be accompanied by the proofs prescribed in Rule 24 and sent to the Honorary Secretary, European Committee of the I.A.A.F., clo Federation Yougoslave d' Athletisme, Beograd, Str. Bana 73a, Box 475.

Hurdles 120 yards 110 metre. 220" 200" 440" 400" Relays 4 x 110 yards 4 X 100 metres 4X220" 4x 200 4X440" 4x 400 " 4x880" 4x 800 " 4x 1 mile 4x1500"

6 European Records shall be verified and sanctioned by the European Committee.

20 miles 30 ,.

High jump Long jump

Walking 20,000 metres 30,000 " 50,000 " Jumping Triple jump Pole vault

2 hours



Shot put Javelin throwing

Throwing Discus throwing Hammer throwing Decathlon WOMEN Running

100 yards 220 " 440 " 880 "

60 metres 100 200


" "


800 " Hurdles 80 metres (8 hurdles) 4x 110 yards 4x220 " 3x880

High jump

Relays 4 x 100 metres 4x200 " 3x800 " Jumping Long jump Throwing Javelin throwing Discus throwing Shot put Pentathlon

PANEL OF INTERNATIONAL WALKING JUDGES (Approved by Congress-Belgrade I962)

Australia J. A. Larkin P. S. McCavanagh F. McGuire M. J. Moroney V. B. Sharp

Gt. Britain & Roumania N. Ireland 1. Ionescu W. F. Amer F. T. Vasile H. S. Bassett Sweden W. Batson G. And6rsson D. E. Brown R. Carlson A. A. Cooper H. Ekenmyr N. W. Easlea F. Eriksson Czechoslovakia J. Hackwood G. Grandin O.Louda S. Pryor A. Kallenheim F. Mikes A. Scorer E. Linde H. Sulak E. Staker B. Oljren J.Svoboda H. H. Whitlock N. Sagrelius Z. Trefny A. Thurlson F. Vobovip C. Widen Hungary P. Bacsalmasi Switzerland Denmark B. Fehervari H. Ermatinger F. Simek P. Lassen W. Furrer A. Libotte . Italy F. Schwab Fmland A . B Olm 11' . " U.S.S.R. MWH . . yytJamen A. Callegari A. Fruktov G. Oberweger A. Issurin F. Porta N. Kalinin France P. Kozlovski H. Clermont N etherlallds A. Mikhailov F. Guilleux A. F. C. Toscani F. Rennel M. Royer A. Starikov Norway P. Stepanenko Germany M. Tomalin P. Baarnaas W. Bengtson W. Horlemann, U.5.A. K. Frodahl H. Stahl P. J achelski A. M Hagen M. Weber R. Rappaport T. Reinertsen J. B. Tigerman.








(Recognised by the I.A.A.F. as at the 31st December, 1962) Time


Height or








9.2 s

100 Yards

. F. Budd .......•.....•.......... U.S.A

220 Yards . 20.0 s. (Straight) 20.5 s. 220 Yards (Bend) 440 Yards ...... 45.7 s•.....•......... 1 m. 45.1 s. 880 3 m. 54.4 s . 1 mile 2 miles S m. 29.8 s . 13 m. 10s. 3 .. 27 m. 43.8 s. 6 .. 47 m. 47 s . 10 . 1 h. 14 m ..01 s 15 u 100 metres

10.0 s.

200 metres (Straight) 200 metres (Bend)

. 20.0 s.

Time Height or Distance


200 metres (bend) 400 metres... 44.9 s. ..

800 metres 1,000 metres 1,500 metres 2,000 metres 3,000 metres 5,000 metres 10,000 metres 20,000 metres

. . . . .

1 m. 44.3 s. 2 m. 16.7 s. 3 m. 35.6 s. 5 rn. 1.6 s. 7 m. 49.2 s.

F. Budd


P. Radford P. Drayton G. Davis P. G. SncII P. G. SneII ]. Beatty hI. Halberg S.Iharos B. Heatley E. Zatopek

. . . . . .. . . . .


V. I{uc P. Bolotnikov E. Zatopek

25,000 metres

1 h. 16 m. 36.4 s.

30,000 metres 1 hour

1 h. 34 m. 41.2 s. A. Vandendriessche 20,052 m. 40 cm. E. Zatopek (12 mls. 810 yds.) 8 m. 30.4 s . Z. Krzyszkowiak

3,000 metres Steeplechase .

4 X 11 0 yards (straightaway)




Zealand D.S.X ::: New Zealand Hungary ..

G.B. & N.!. ..


S. ]ohnson . R. Norton . L. Berruti . P. Drayton . . 0. Davis . . C. Kaufmann P. G. SneH . S. Valentin . H. Elliott . 1\'1. jazy . 1\'1. ]azy........................•..

. 13 m. 35 s. . 28 m. 18.8 s. . 59 m. 51.6 s.

G.B. & N.!.

Czechoslovakia . . Germany . . Canada . . D.S.A . .. G.B. & N:i:':::

A. Hary H. ]erome D. Sime F. Budd P. Radford

. 20.5 s.

.. .. . .

. Canada . t" . U.S.A

H. ]eromc H. Jerome D. Sime

E. Zatopek


New York City Vancouver . Toronto,Ont. . Sanger . Villanova, Fa. '" \'Volverhampton Walnut .. Berkeley . Christchurch . Wanganui . Los Angeles .. Stockholm . Budapest London Celakovice ......

6.60 7.60 6.56 5.62 5.60

Zurich . Saskatchewan .. Sanger . Villanova . Wolverhampton

21. 15. 9. 12. 28.



::::::::: ..

G;;many":::::: New Zealand Germany . Australia . France .

. D.S.S.R. . . "akia .

24. 6.61 25. 8.62 3. 9.62 9. 6.56 12. 5.62 28. 5.60 23. 6.62 14. 6.58 3. 2.62 27. 1.62 8. 6.62 25. 7.61 15. 7.56 15. 4.61 29.10.55


. Belgium ..... . Czechoslovalda Poland .

2. 7.60 2. 7.60 3. 9.60 23. 6.62 6. 9.60 6. 9.60 3. 2.62 19. 7.60 6. 9.60 14. 6.62 27. 6.62

13.10.57 15.10.60 29. 9.51 29.10.55 3.10.62 29. 9.51

10. 8.61

U.S.A. RC. Canada U.S.A.


N.'Z. U.S.A.

Sweden Hungary England Czechoslovakia Switzerland Canada U.S.A. D.S.A. England


Stanford ... ...... U.S.A. . Walnut Rome Potsdam Rome Paris St. lI:faur des Fosses Rome !{iev Stara Boleslav

.. U.S.A. . Italy : 14:Z. . Germany . Italy . France

. Italy . U.S.S.H. Czechoslovakia Celakovicc ...... Czechoslovakia \Varegcm . Belgium CzechosloStara Boleslav vakia Walcz . Poland

RELAYS 39.6 s. .


University of Texas (W. Wilson, E. Southern, H. Gainey, R. AIspaugh)...... U.S.A. 30. 5.59 Modesto U.S.A. (Subsequent rec ords ratified in accor dance with Rule 24-World Records-Para. 4 (g) as amen ded Congress Rom e 1960). University of Oregon (1\'1. 4 X 110 yards .•. 40.0 s. Renfro, M. Gaechter, ]. Tarr. H. ]erome) U.S.A. .. 26. 5.62 Modesto .

en en

Time Height or Distance







Abi1ene Christian College (W. Woodhouse. J. rest, G. Peterson, B. Morrow) ........................... V.S.A. ......... U.S.A. National Team (E. 4 X 440 yards ... 3 m. 5.6 s. Southern, E. Young, O. ......... Davis, J. Yerman) ......... 4 x 880 yards ... 7 m. 19.4 s. ......... U.S.A. National Team (W. Cunliffe, T. Murphy, J. ......... Siebert, J. Yerman) ......... 4xlmile ...... 16 m. 9 s............. University of Oregon (A. S. Romani, V. Reeve, K. .. ....... Forman, D. Butleson) U.S.A. National Team (H. 4xI00metres ... 39.1 s. Jones, F.Budd, C. Frazier, ......... P. Drayton) .................. 4 X 200 metres ... I m. 22.6 ,5. .. ....... Abilene Christian College &W. Woodhouse.]. Segrest, ......... . Peterson, B. Morrow) ... U.s.A. National Team (J. 4x400metres ... 3 m. 2.2 s . Yerman, E. Young, G. ......... Davis, O. Davis) ............ .... Belgian National Team (A. 4 X 800 metres ... 7 m. 15.8 s. Ballieux. A. Langenus, E. Leva, R. Moens) ............ Belgium ...... ...... French National Team (J. 4 X 1500 metres 15 m. 4.2 s. Clausse, R. Bogey, M. Jazy, M. Bemard) ............ France ......... 4 x 220 yards ... I rn. 22.6 s.




. .



. . ..

......... ..




31. 5.58


12. 8.60

Walnut ............

14. 9.60




12. 5.62




15. 7.61




31. 5.58


......... V.S.A.

S. 9.60


8. S.56


.. .......... .. .......


Italy Belgium

28. 6.61

Versailles ....... ,. France

7. 7.59 21. 8.60

Zurich Berne


HURDLES 120 yards



13.2 s.


M. Lauer ........................ Germany ...... L. Calhoun ..................... V.S.A..........

Time Height or Distance

220 yards ... 21.9 s. (straight) 440 yards ... 49.3 s. 110 metres 13.2 s. 200 .. ... 21.9 s. {straight} 22.55. 200 metres (bend) 400 metres 49.2 S.



D. Styron

............ ............


2. 4.60


Baton Rouge ... D.S.A. La. Bloemfontein . S.A. Zurich . Switzerland Berne . Baton Rouge, D.S.X. La. Zurich . Switzerland Berne . Budapest . Hungary Belgrade . Yugoslavia



M. Lauer

L. Calhoun D. Styron

. S. Africa . Germany . U.S.A ..

. .

16. 7. 21. 2.

4.60 7.59 8.60 4.60

Lauer G. Davis G. Davis S. Morale

.. Germany . . U.S.A . .. ::::::::: .

7. 20. 6. 14.

7.59 8.60 8.58 9.62

D.S.S.H.. .. Italy . . U.S.S.H. .. . . Hai;' :::::: . V.S.S.R•......

23. 8.58 19.11.61 23. 9.58 15. 7.59 19.11.61 15. 7.59

Moscow Rome Simferopol Leningrad ROlne Leningrad

29. 9.62


G. C. Potgieter



WALKING 20 miles 30 miles 20,000 metres 30,000 metres 50,000 metres 2 hours

.. 2 h. 31 Ill. 33 $ •••• 4 h. 4 Ill. 56.8 s.... . I h. 27 m. 55. .. 2 h. 17 m. 16.8 s. . 4 h. 14 m. 2.4 s. . 26,429 metres . (16 mls. 743 yds.)

A. A. V. A. A. A.

Vedjakov Pamich Golubnich.iy Egorov Pamich Egorov


D.S.S.R. Italy . V.S.S.H..


. Itat'y D.S.S.H..

JUMPING High Jump Long Jump Triple Jump Pole Vault

2.27 m (7 ft. 5i in.) 8.31 m. (27 ft. 31: in.) 17.03 m (55 ft. lOt in.) 4.94 m. (16 ft. 2! in.)

V. Brumel


1. Ter'Ovaneseyan ]. Schmidt


P. Nikula



10. 6.62


5. 8.60





22. 6.62


Time Height or Distance









20.07 m. (65 ft. 10! in.) 62.45. Discus ............ (204 it. lOt in). Javelin ......... 86.74 m. (284 ft. 7 ..·..·· Hammer ...... .. 70.67 m. (231 ft. 10 in.)


........................ U.S.A. ......... A. Oeder ..................... " ..... ....... Italy ............... C. Lievore ........ H. V. ConnoUy ......... ..... D.S.A. D. Long

18. 5.62 I. 7.62 I. 6.61 21. 7.62

Los Angeles ...... Chicago, Ill. Milan Stanford


.......... .. .......


" Italy D.S.A.




8683 points

......... R.


Time Height or Distance






8/9. 7.60 Eugene, Oregon




WOMEN RUNNING 100 yards 220

10.3 s. 23.2 s.

53.7 s 2 m. 2.0 s. 2 m. 2.0 s. 880 " 60 i\letres ...... 7.2 s... 440


100 200

11.2 s. 22.9 s.


53.4 s.


2 m. 1.2 s.

.. Australia

12. 9.59 14. 9.62 3. 3.62

Sydney ............ Hobart, ......... Tasmania Krasnodar ...... Perth Perth Sydney ............ Moscow ......... Stuttgart Corpus Christi ... Texas Krasnodar Belgrade ......... Perth

Germany Australia

24. 7.60 25. 8.62

Leipzig ........•... Genuany Kassel ............ Germany

26. 7.58

Cardiff ...... ......


26. 7.58



M. Mathews B. Cnthbert


.. 1\L Itldna D. Willis D. Willis B. Cuthbert I. Bochkareva \V. Rudolph W. Rudolph

. . . . .. .. ..

1\1. Itkina M. Itkina D. \Villis



20. 3.58 7. 3.60

U.S.S.R. Australia Australia

12. 3. 3. 27. 28. 19. 9.

D.S.S.R. D.S.A.

. D.S.S.H.

9.59 3.62 ::l.62 2.60 8.60 7.61 7.60



Australia W. Australia Australia V.S.S.R. Germany D.S.A. U.S.S.H. Yugoslavia. W. AustralIa

HURDLES 60 metres

10.5 s.

G. Birkemeyer B. Moore

RELAYS 4 x 110 yards

45.3 s. .


1 m. 365

. English National Team (H. Young, j. Paul, D. Hyman M. Weston) .. G.B. & N.I. ... . D. D. R. East German Team (H. Sadan, G. Birkemeyer, B. Mayer, C. Stubnick) .. Germany

Time Height or Distance


3 x 880 yards ... 6 m. 36.2 s. 4 x 100 metres

44.3 s


1 m.36s


Gm. 27.4 s




Hungarian National Team (A. Bacskai, A. Oros, A. I{azi) . . U.S.A. National Team (W. White, E. Pollard, V. Brown, W. Rudolph) ...... . D.D.R. East German Team (H. Sadau, G. Birl{emeyer, B. Mayer, C. Stucnick) ...... .. Ukranian National Team (L. Yanvareva, D. Kozlova, L. Lysenko-Shevtsova) .


21. 7.54

Tata ...



15. 7.61



Germany ......

26. 7.58




B. 9.58

Hungary V.S.A

Kiev... ......... U.S.S.R.


High Jump Long Jump

I. Balas


1.91 Ill. (6 ft. 3 in.) ... 6.53 m (21 ft. 5 in.)





10. 6.62

Leipzig ...... ...... Germany

T. Press


10. 6.62

Leipzig............ Germany

T. Press T. Press

,. ,.

12. 9.62 20. 9.61

Belgrade London

4. 6.60


. T. Schelkanova




THROWING 18.55 m. (60 ft. 101 in.)

Shot Discus Javelin

. 58.98 m. (193 ft. 6 in.) . 59.55 m (195 it 4! in.)

. E.Ozolina


Yugoslavia England ... Roumania


Pentathlon ...... 5137 points ......... !. Press






(Recognised by the I.A.A.F. as at 31st December. 1962) Event

Time Height or Distance





MEN RUNNING 100 yards 220 "

9.4 s. 20.5 s

A. Hary P. Radford

Germany G.B. & N.!.



20.8 s.

1\1. Germer



45.9 s 1 m. 47.8 s. 3 m. 56.5 s. 8 m. 33.4 s


(straight) 440 880

mile 2 miles 1

3 6


10 15

27 m. 43.8 s. . 47 m. 47 s 1 h. 14 m .. 01 s

100 metres ...... 10 s 20.5 s. 200 "

(bend) 200 metres ... 20.4 s. (straight)

. R. Brightwell B. Hewson S. Valentin .. S. Iharos J. Chromik B. Tulloh .. S. Iharos .. B. Heatley .. E. Zatopek

. . .. . .. .. . .. .



30. 5.59 28. 5.60


Germany England




G.B. & N.!. ...


14. 7.62 14. 6.58 28. 5.59



Hungary Poland

. . ..



P. Radford

Czechoslovakia . Germany . G.B. & N.!.



21. 6.60 28. 5.60

L. Berru ti :\'1. Germar A. Sera

Italy Germany France

.. .. .

3. 9.60 31. 7.57 16. 9.60

A. Hary

G.B. & N.!. G.B. & N.!.

. .

30. 5.55 3. 9.58 17. 8.61 15. 7.56 15. 4.61 29.10.55

Potsdam ......... London England Budapest ......... Hu;{gary London England Celakovice'" ... '" Czechoslovakia Zurich Switzerland Wolverhampton England Rome Cologne

.. ..........

Italy Germany


.... a>

Time Height or Distance



400 metres ... 44.9 s. ............... 800 ... 1 m. 45.7 s. .. ....... " ... 2m. 16.7 . • <....... 1,000 " 1,500 ... 3m. 38.1 .........

" " " " " " "

2,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 25,000


... ... ... ... ... ...

Sm. 1.6 s. 7 m. 49.2 s.

......... .........

C. Kaufmalln R. I\foens S. Valentin S. 1ungwirth },L


l'vL jazy

13 m. 35 s. ......... V. Ruc 28m. 18.8 s. ...... P. Bolotnikov 59 m. 51.6 s. ...... E. Zatopek

1 h. 16 m. 36.4 s.

E. Zatopek

1 h. 34 m. 41.2 s. 20,052 m. 40 cm. (12 m!. 810 yds) 3,000 metres .. 8 m. 30.4 s ..

30,000 " 1 hour ..... ...

Steeplechase .

A. Valldendricssche E. Zatopek

Z. Krzyszkowiak



Germany ...... Belgium ...... Germany ...... Czechoslovakia . France .. ....... .. .........

. . .. ..


.... ....

. U.S.S.R. .. . .. . vakia .. Czechoslovakia , Belgium ...... .. Czechoslovakia Poland ......

G. 3. 19. 12.

9.60 8.55 7.60 7.57

14. 6.62 27. 6.62 13.10.57 15.10.60 29. 9.51 29.10.55 3.10.62 29. 9.51

10. 8.61


Place Rome .. .......... Oslo .. ............. Potsdam Stara Boleslav

Italy Norway Germany Cl;echoslovakia Paris ............... France St. Maur des " Fosses Rome Italy ......... I{iev ............... U.S.S.R. Stara Boleslav Czechoslovakia Celakovice .... Czechoslovakia Waregem ......... Belgium CzechosloStara Boleslav vakia Walcz ............ Poland


RELAYS 4 x 110 yards

40.4 s.




... 7 m. 21.8 s

Time Height or Distance


...... 16 m. 24.85.

4 x 100 metres

39.4 s


1 m. 23.9 s.

4x400 4x800 4 x 1500

l\L Lauer, W. Mahlendorf, P. Camper) . Germany . G.B. & N.r. National Team (N. Futter, B. Jackson, R. Brightwell, A. Metcalfe) G.B. & N.r. ... . A.A. U. Eire Team (R. Delany, N. Carroll, D. McCleane, B. Clifford) ...... Eire

3 m. 7 s.


4xl mile

. D.L.V. Team {K. Naujoks,


3 m. 2.7 s.


7m. 15.8



15 m. 4.2 s.



English Northern Counties Team (5. Taylor, J. son, A. Simpson, B. Hall) ... .. U.S.S.R. National Team (E. Ozolin, L. Bartenev, ]. Konovalov, N. Politiko) ......... French National Team (P. Genevay, G. Lagorce, C. Piquemal, ]. Delecour) ...... ......... German National Team (M. Kinder, H. Reske, J. Kaiser, C. Kaufmann) ...... Belgian National Team (A. BaIlieux, A. Langenus, E. Lcya, R. l\Ioens) .. ......... French National Team (J. Clausse, R. Bogey, M. Jazy, M. Bernard) .


1. 8.59



22. 7.61

9. 8.61




G.B. & N.!. ...

17. 7.61

Santry, Dublin... Eire


IS. 7.61


17. 9.61

Viry-Chatillon ... France


.. .......














28. 6.61

............ .........

Italy Belgium

Versailles ......... France

HURDLES 120 yards 220"

Switzerland Germany

. 23.1 s.

I\!. Lauer M. Lauer

Germany "

.. ..

7. 7.59 2.10.57

Zurich Cologne

50.1 s. 13.2 s. 22.6 s.

S. Morale ?lL Lauer M. Lauer

Italy Germany

.. .

15.10.61 7. 7.59 1. 7.59

Rome Zurich Cologne

. Italy .. Switzerland .. Germany

1. 7.59


.. Switzerland

14. 9.62

I BeIgeade

. 13.2 s.

(straight) 440 yards . .. 110 metres JJ . 200 (straight) 200 metres ...... (bend) 400 metres ......

22.5 s.

M. Lauer

49.2 s.

S. Morale




.. .



.... (J)

Time Height or Distance








20 miles 30 20,000 metres ... 30,000 50,000 2 hours ".........

2 h. 31 Ill. 33 s. 4 h. ·i m. 56.8 s.


A. A. I h.27m.5s....... V. 2 h. 17 m. 16.8 s. A. A. 4 h. 14 m. 2.4 s. 26,429 m .. _.......... A. (16 O1ls. 743 yds.)

Vedjakov ..................... U.$.S.R. Pamich Italy ............ Golubnicl;i U.S.S.R. Egorov ........................ Italy Pamich Egorov ... ::::::::::::::::::::: U.S.S.R. ......


23. 9.58 15. 7.59 19.11.61 15. 7.59

......... U.S.S.R. Italy Rome Simferopol ...... U.S.S.R. Leningrad ...... Rome ............ Italy U.S.S.R. Leningrad

29. 9.62


10. 6.62

Erevan ............

23. 8.58 19.11.61


JUMPING 2.27 Ill•...•.•...•..••. V. Brumel ..................... U.S.S.R. (7 it. Si in.) 8.31 m ................ 1. Ter-Ovaneseyan ............ (27 ft. 31 in.) 17.03 m ............. J. Schmidt ..................... Poland (55 ft. 101 in.) 4.94 m ................ P. Nikula ........................ Finland (IG ft. 2! in.)

High Jump Long Jump Triple Jump Pole Vault


5. 8.60






7. 8. 61



4. 6.62



22. 6.62


19.55 m. (61 it. 2 Discus ............ 61.64 m. (202


86.74 (284 70.42 {231

Hammer .........


...... ,


A. Rowe

... ..................

V. Trusenev


G.B. & N.I. ...


.. ....


In............. C. Lievore ........................ . Italy ........... ft. 7 in.) m........ G. Zshrotsky ............... ··1I Hungary ..... it. O} in.) DECATHLON

8360 points


I. 6.61

23. 9.62


Y. Klltenko .................. ..1 U.S.S.R. ······1 5/6. 9.61








Time Height or Distance






WOMEN RUNNING 10.6 s 23.6 s 53.7 s 2 m. 6.1 s

100 yards 220 " 440 " 880 " GO metres tOO " 200 "

.. 7.2 s .. 11.3 s. .. .. 23.4 s


53.4 s.


2 m. 2.8 s.

SO metres

10.5 s

.. H. Young

.. 1\1. Itkina

.. 1\1. Itkina . J. Jordan . I Bochkareva . V. Krepkina . M. Itkina G. Birkemeyer 11. Itkina 1\1. Itkina G. I{raan

.. G.B. & N.I. .. U.S.S.R .. & ..

. .

G.B: Ni::::

22. 22. 12. 24.

7.58 7.56 9.59 9. 60

Cardiff .. Kiev Krasnodar We1wyn Garden City Moscow .. Kiev . Tashkent .. Erfurt . Krasnodar .. Belgrade ..

Wales U.S.S.R. England

. .. U.S.S.R .. .. . .. U.S.S.R. . .. Net'herlands':: :

28. 8.60 13. 9.58 14.10.56 7. 8.60 12. 9.59 14. 9.62 16. 9.62

Germany ......

24. 7.60


26. 7.58


26. 7.58

Leipzig ............ Germany

2I. 7.54




U.S.S.R. Yugoslavia


HURDLES G. Birkemeyer


RELAYS 4 X II 0 yards...

45.3 s. .





... 6 m. 36.2 s

. English National Team (H. Young, ]. Paul, D. Hyman, M. Weston) . G.B. & N.I.... .. D.D.R. East German Team (H. Sadau, G. Birkemeyer, B. Mayer, C. Stubnick) ...... Germany ..... . Hungarian National Team (A. Bacskai, A. Oros, A. I{azi) . Hungary

. ......

.. ..........




Time Height or Distance


4 x 100 metres




15. 7.61






16. 9.62






26. 7.58

Leipzig ............ Germany



9. 9.58

Kiev ............... U.S.S.R.

1.91 m ................ 1. Balas ........................ Roumania ...... (6 ft. 3 in.) 6.53 m ................ T. Schelkanova . U.S.S.R. (21 ft. 5 ins.)

16. 7.61


4x200 3xSOO

. .





U.S.S.R. National Team (V. Krepkina, V. vska, M. Itkina, T. kanova) ........................ 44.5 s. Polish National Team (T• Ciepla, M. Piatkowska, B. Sobota, E. Szyroka) ........ , Im.36s.............. D.D.R. East German Team (H. Sadau, G. Birkemeyer, B. Mayer, C. Stubnick) ... 6 m. 27.4 s. . Ukrainian National Team (L. Yanvareva, D. Kozlova, L. Lysenko·Shevtsova) ...... 44.5 s.






Long Jump







10. 6. 62 Leipzig ............ Germany

.. .. ..

.. .... .. .... ...... ......

10. 6.62

Leipzig ............ Germany

12. 9.62


20. 9.61







18.55 m. (60 ft. 18.55 ffi. {60 ft, Discus ............ 58.98 ffi. (193 ft. 6 Javelin ......... 59.55 m. .. .......... (195 ft. 4! in.)

T. Press

........................ ........................

T. Press


T. Press




4. 6.60

.. ....... .. ....... .. .......







PENTATHLON Pentathlon ....... 5137 points


1. Press










(Recognised by the I.A.A.F. as at the 31st December, 1960) Event

Time Height or Distance







100 metres... 10.2 s. .. 200 metres

20.5 s

400 metres

44.9 s

800 metres .. 1,500 metres .. 5,000 metres .. 10,000 metres . 1I0 m. Hurdles


1 m. 46.3 s 3 m. 35.6 s 13 m. 39.6 s. 28 m. 32.2 s. 13.5 s;

. .


Rary A. RaI)' D.Sime *L. Berruti.. L. Berruti O. Davis C. Kaufmann P. SneII H. EIIiott V. Ruc P. Bolotnikov L. Calhoun J. Davis G. Davis

.. .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .

Germany .. U.S'.'A. Italy t.i:S.A:·· .. · .. · Germany N. Zealand Australia U.S.S.R

. . .. . . . . .


400 m. Hurdles 49.3 s. 3,000 metres Steeplechase Srn. 34.2 s. ......... Z. Krzyszkowiak............... Poland 4 x 100 metres U.S.A. Relay .. 39.5 s. (I. Murchison, L. King, . W. Baker, B. Morrow) ...... U.S.A *Germany (B. Cullmann, A. Hary, W. Mablendorf, M. Lauer) Germany ...... Germany (B. Cullmann, A. Hary, W. lIahlendorf, M. Lauer) "'Preliminary rounds

1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1956 1960 1956 1956 1960 1960



. Rome Melbourne


Italy Australia










Height or Distance

4 x 400 metres Relay ......... 3 m. 2.2 s.

High Jump ...... Long Jump ......

... ......

Triple Jump Pole Vault

Shot ............... Discus ............ Hammer ......... Javelin







O"l 00



U.S.A. (J. Yerman. E. Young,) G. Davis, O. Davis) ......... U.S.A. 2.16 m•............... R. Shav Lakadze ............ U.S.S.R. ...... (7ft. lin.) V. Brumel 8.12 m ..........•..•.. R. Boston ... ::::::::::::::::::::: U.S:A. {26 ft. 7! in.} 16.81 m •............ ]. Schmidt ..................... Poland (55 ft. Ii- in.) 4.70 m ................ D. Bragg ........................ U.S.A. (15 ft. 5 in.) 19.68 m. W. Nieder........................ (64 ft. 6i in.) 59. IBm. A. Derter ........................ (194 ft. tl in.) 67.10 m. V. Rudenkov .................. U.S.S.R. ...... (220 ft. Il in.) 85.71 m . E. Danielsen .................. Norway ......... (281 ft. 2 in.) 8392 points ........ R. Johnson ..................... U.S.A. .......


1960 1960 1960

1960 1960

. . .

.. . . . .





1960 1960















Best performances in events where world records are not recognised:20,000 m. Road Walk... 1 h. 31 m. 27.4 s. (12 m. 752 yds.) 50,000 m. Road Walk... 4 h. 25 m. 30.0 s. (31 m. 121 yds.) Marathon 42,195 metres ... 2 h. 15 m. 16.2 s. (26 m. 385 yds.)

Time Height or Distance


L. Spirin


D. Thompson

G.B. & N.!. ...


.E. Abebe




. 11.3 s . 23.2 s . 2 m. 4.3 s. 10.6 s. ..

·W. RudoIPh *W. RUdolph L. Shevtsova I. Press




100 metres 200 metres 800 metres 80 m. Hurdles .4 X 100 metres Relay


l 1








*U.S.A. (M. Hudson, L. Williams, B. Jones, W. Rudolph) D.S.A 1.85 m ............••.. 1. Balas .......•................... Roumania High Jump (6 ft. Of in.) Long Jump ...... 6.37 m V. Krepkina..................... U.S.S.R. (20 ft. ID! in.) Shot T. Press . 17.32 m (56 ft. 91 in.) Discus 55.10 m. N. Ponomareva . (I80 ft. 9 in.) Javelin E. Ozolina '" 55.98 m. (183 ft. 7,. in.)

1960 1960 1960 1960

. 44.4 s. .

·Preliminary rounds

. .

1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960








held in conjunction with the Olympic Games. Rome, 1960

held in conjunction with the Olympic Games, Rome, 1960 (continued)

MEN 1. 2. 3.

L 2.



2. 3.

1. 2.


lOO METRES A. Hary, Germany, 10.2 s. D. Sime, U.S.A., 10.2 s. P. Radford. G.B. & N.r., 10.3 s. 200 METRES L. Berruti, Italy. 20.5 s. L. Carney, U.S.A., 20.6 s. A. Seye, France, 20.7 s. 400 METRES O. Davis, U.S.A., 44.9 s. C. Kaufmann, Germany, 44.9 s. M. Spence, S. Africa, 45.5 s. 800 METRES P. Snell, New Zealand, 1 m. 46.3 s. R. hloens, Belgium, 1 m. 46.5 s. G. Kcrr, West lndies, 1 m. 47.1 s.

1,500 METRES 1. H. Elliott, Australia, 3 m. 35.6 s. 2. M. J azy, France, 3 m. 38.4 s. 3. I. Rozsavolgyi, Hungary, S m. 39.2 s. 5,000 METRES 1. M. Halberg, New Zealand, 13 m. 43.45. 2. H. Grodotzki, Germany, 13 m. 44.6 s. 3. K Zimny, Poland, 13 m. 44.8 s. 10,000 METRES 1. P. Bolotnikov, U.S.S.R, 28 m. 32.2 s. 2. H. Grodotzki, Germany, 28 m. 37.0 s. 3. D. Power, Australia, 28 m. 38.2 s. 110 METRES HURDLES 1. L. Calhoun, U.S.A., 13.8 s. 2. W. May, U.S.A., 13.8 s. 3. H. Jones, U.S.A., 14.0 s. 400 METRES HURDLES 1. G. Davis, U.S.A., 49.3 s. 2. C. Cushman, U.S.A., 49.6 s. 3. R. Howard, U.S.A., 49.7 s. 3,000 METRES STEEPLECHASE 1. Z. Krzyszkowiak, Poland, 8 m. 34.2 s. 2. N. Sokolov, V.S.S.R, 8 m. 36.4 s. 3. S. Rzhischin, V.S.S.R, 8 m. 42.2 s. 20 KILOMETRE WALK 1. V. Golubnichiy, V.S.S.R.. 1 h. 34 m. 07.2 s. 2. N. Freeman, Australia, 1 h. 34 m. 16.4 s. 3. S. Vickers, G.B. & N.1., 1 h. 34 m. 56.4 s. 50 KILOMETRE WALK 1. D. Thompson, G.B. & N.!., 4 h. 25 m. 30.0 s. 2. J. Ljunggren. Sweden, 4 h. 25 m. 47.0 s. 3, A. Pamich, Italy, 4h, 27 m. 55.4 s,

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.


2. 3.


2. 3.



3. 1. 2. 3. 1.

2. 3.

4xlOO METRES RELAY Germany (B. Cullman, A. Hary, W. Mahlendorf, M. Lauer), 39.5 s. U,S.S.R (G. Kosanov, L. Bartenev, Y. Konovalov, E. Ozolin), 40.1 s. G.B. & N.!. (P. Radford, D. Jones, D. Segal. N. Whitehead), 40.2 s. 4x400 METRES RELAY U.S.A. (J. Yerman, E. Young, G. Davis, O. Davis), 3 m. 02.2 s. Germany, (M. mnder, H. Reske, J. Kaiser, C. Kaufmann), 3 m. 02.7 s. West Inelies (G. Kerr, J. Wedderburn, K. Gardner, M. Spence), 3 m. 04.0 s. MARATHON B. Abebe. Ethiopia. 2 h. 15 m. 16.2 s A. Rhadi, Morocco. 2 h. 15 m. 41.6 s B. Magee, New Zealand, 2 h. 17 m' 18.2 HIGH JUMP R. Shav Lakadze, U.S.S.R., 2.16 m: (7 ft. 1 in.) V. Brumel, U.S,S.R, 2.16 m. (7 ft. 1 in.) J. Thomas, U.S.A" 2.14 m. (7 It. 01 in.) LONG JUMP R Boston, U.S.A., 8.12 m. (26 ft. 7t in.) 1. Roberson, U.S.A., 8.11 m. (26 ft. 71 in,) 1. Ter Ovanesian. U.S.S.R., 8.04 m. (26 ft. 4t in.) TRIPLE JUMP ]. Schmidt, Poland, 16,81 m. (SS ft. It in.) V. Goriaev, U.S.S.R, 16.63 m. (54 ft. 6t in.) V. Kreer, V.S.S.R. 16.43 m. (53 ft. 1O! in.) POLE VAULT D. Bragg, U.S.A., 4.70 m. (15 ft. 5 in.) R. Morris. U.S.A., 4.60 m. (15 ft. 1 in.) E. Landstrom, Finland, 4.55 m. (14 ft. 1l in.) SHOT W. Nieder, U.S.A., 19.68 m. (64 ft. 61 in.) W. P. O'Brien, V.S.A., 19.11 m. (62 ft. 81 In.) D. Long, U.S.A., 19.01 m. (62 ft. 4i in.)


1. 2. 3. 1,


3. 1.

2. 3.

DISCUS A. Oerter, V.S.A., 59.18 m. (194 ft. It in.) R. Babka, V.S.A., 58.02, (190 ft. 4 in.) R. Cochran, V.S.A., 57.16 m. (187 ft. 6 in.) HAMMER V. Rudenkov. U.S.S.R., 67.10 m. (220 ft. It in.) G, Zsivotzky, Hungary, 65. 79 m. (215 ft. 10 in.) T. Rut, Poland, 65.64 m. (215 ft. 4 in.) JAVELIN V. Cybulenko, V.S.S.R., 84,64 m. (277 ft. 8 in.) W. Kruger. Germany, 79.36 m. . (260 ft. -4 m.) G. Kulcsar, Hungary, 78, 57 m. (257 ft. 9 in.)


DECATHLON 1. R. ]ohnson V.S.A. (10,9 s. 7.35 m., 15.82 m., 1.85 m., 48.3 5" 15.3 5., 48.49 m., 4.10 m" 69,76 m., 4 rn, 49.7 s.) 8,392 points. 2, Yang Chuan I{wang, Taiwan, (10.7 s.,

7,46 m" 13.33 m., 1.90 m., 48,1 s., 14,6 5" 39.83 m., 4,30 m., 68.22 m., -4 ffi. 48.5 s,), 8,334 points.

3. V. Kuznecov, V,S,S.R., (11.1 5" 6,96 m., 14,46 m.• 1.75 m" 50,2 s., 15 s" 50.52 m .• 3.90 m" 71.20 m., 4 m. 53.8 s.) 7,809 points.

WOMEN 100 METRES 1. W. Rudolph, V.S.A., 11.0 s. 2, D. Hyroan, G.B. & N,L, 11.3 s. 3, G. Leone, Italy, 11.3 s. 200 METRES 1. W. Rudolph. V.S.A., 24,0 s. 2. J. Heine, Germany, 24.4 s. 3. D. Byroan, G.B. & N,!', 24.7 s. W. Rudolph V.S.A., 23.2 s. (heat) 800 METRES 1. L. Shevtsova, V.S.S.R, 2 m. 04.3 s, 2. B. Jones, Australia. 2 m. 04.4 s. 3. V, Donath, Germany, 2 m. 05.6 s. 80 METRES HURDLES 1. 1. Press, V.S.S.R., 10,8 s. 2. C. Quintan, G,B, &, N.L, 10.9 s. 3. G. Birkemeyer, Germany, 11.0 s. 1. Press, U,S.S.R.. 10.6 s. (heat) 4 x 100 METRES RELAY 1. V.S.A. (M. Hudson, L. Williams, B. Jones, W. Rudolph), 44.5 s. 2. Germany, (M. Langbein, A. Biechl, B. Hendrix, J. Heine). 44.8 s. 3. Poland, (T. Wieczorek, B. zewska, C. Jesionowska, H. Richter). 45.0 s. V.S.A, team 44.4 s. (heat) HIGH JUMP I, 1. Balas, Roumania. 1.85 m. (6 ft. 01 In.) 2. J. JOZWiakOWSka{POland 1.71 m. (5 ft. 7i In.) D.Shirley G.B & N.!. 1.71 m. . (5 ft. 71. in.)

LONG JUMP I. V. Krepkina, V.S.S.R. t 6.37 m.

(20 ft.

2. E, Krzesinska, Poland, 6.27

lOt in,)


{20 ft. 6i in.} 3. H. Ciaus, Germany. 6,21 m. (20 ft. 41 in.)

DISCUS 1. N. Ponomareva. V.S.S,R., 55,10 m. (180 ft. 9 in.) 2. T. Press, V,S.S.R., 52.59 m. (172 ft. 6i in,) 3. L. Manoliu, Roumania, 52,36 m. (171 ft. 9 in,)

SHOT l. T. Press, V.S,S.R., 17.32 m.


(56 ft. 9t In.)

2. ]. Luttgc, Germany), 16.61 m. (54 ft. Si- in.)

3, E. Brown, U.S.A., 16.42 m. (53 ft. 10i in.) JAVELIN 1. E. Ozolina. V.S.S.R.. 55,98 m. (183 ft. 71 in.) 2. D. Zatopkova. Czechoslovakia, (53.73 m. (176 ft. 5 in.) 3, B. !{aledenc, V.S.S,R., 53.45 m. (175 ft. 4 in.)

DESIGN FOR 400 METRE TRACK & FIELD TERRAINS APPROVED BY LA.A.F. A complete set of drawings are now available upon application to the office of the LA.A.F. in London. The set includes:1. General Lay Out of Arena (size 46 in. by 29 in.). 2. Steeplechase Track (size 46 in. by 29 in.). 3. Longitudinal & Transversal Sections . (size 421; in. by 13 in.). 4. Borders (size 26 in. by 111 in.). (a) Specification (b) Concrete Edge (c) Wood Edge (d) Segment Marking

5. Javelin

Scale 1 :200



1:200 1:200

1:5 1:5

(size 361 in. by 111 in.). 1 :50 1 :50

6. " "

" " 8. Lamding and Triple J )lmps


The Holmesdale Press, Ltd., Redlsill. Surrey.

1:50 1 :10 1:10

194 Rule No. Tapes-steel 145: 148 Teamscross-country 168 track 167 Technical Committee 12 Technical Manager 114 Throwinggeneral 142: 143: 181: 185 specifications 204: 212 ties 146 trials 142: 143: 181 J1iescross-country 168 decathlon 195 pentathlon 195 teams 167 track/field 146 Time-interval-heat & final 143 Timekeepersdecathlon 195 duties 119 one/two hours races 162 pentathlon 195 records 148 Torso 119: 162 Tracks 161 Travel expenses ... 53 Triple jumpgeneral 175:171 take-off board ... 203 ties 146 trials 142: 143: 171 wind 148 Two-hours race 162

Rule No. Umpires

118: 168

Voting powers

Walkinggeneral rules judges 'Lugano' Trophy safety precautions shoes Walking Commission Watches Water jump Weights Wind-record Wooden surfaces World records Worsted ... WomenCommission competition rules cross-country discus ... hurdles javelin officials nationality medical certificate pentathlon shot


191 117:191 192 191 142 12 119 164 145 148 148 148:381 162 12 101 168 205 163 204 111 10 141: 148 195 206


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