The detailed study of infertility, the improvement of the knowledge on the subject, the diagnostic examinations and the development of the techniques of assisted reproduction have as a result the treatment of the problem in a percentage of 35%-45%.
What causes poor fertility? According to the statistics, more than 90 million couples face fertility hurdles , with 85% of them never seeking help to their problems.
Infertility refers to the inability of a couple to have a child and can affect both men and women. The causes of occurrence in each sex are different.
In women: Several underlying diseases may be responsible. The most common reasons why you may have difficulty conceiving are: unexplained infertility, some thyroid disease, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, fallopian tubes, endometriosis, uterine abnormalities, premature ovarian failure, medication.
In men: Many issues can cause infertility and the causes are not always obvious. For example: hypogonadism (insufficient testosterone is produced), testicular problems, erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory disorders such as recurrent ejaculation, etc., varicose veins, environmental effects: elevated testicular temperature, toxicity, exposure to toxins and drug use, medication, frequency of sexual intercourse, stress.
Technical details of infertility Infertility can be diagnosed through hormonal diagnostic tests, as well as by a gynecologist and urologist-andrologist. A couple is judged to be infertile if they have not been pregnant after regular contact for 1 year. The cause for the 40% of the cases lies on the man, another 40% to the woman, while there is a 20% percentage of unexplained infertility (when despite the detailed control no obvious cause is found). Routine examinations for both spouses include a sperm count and hysterosalpingography. Depending on the course of treatment, more specialized tests, such as karyotype, thrombophilia test, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy, may be needed.
Therapies and treatment
Different methods are used to treat this malfunction, depending on the incident. There are three main categories of fertility treatments: • drugs that aid in fertility • surgical procedures • assisted reproduction • The most common are in vitro fertilization, microfertilization and intrauterine insemination.
90 million couples have fertility problem worldwide, 85% of these couples (77 million) never seek help for the problems they face. 13 millions of these couples seeking medical help, less than 42% will eventually begin treatment. 6% have the medical help they need!