Volume 36, Issue 21 - Feb. 13, 2014

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February 13, 2014

Volume 36, Issue 21



TheMetropolitan Common: Greatness is contagious MetroSpective By J.R. Johnson gjohns93@msudenver.edu Since the early ’90s, hip-hop legend Common has spread an uplifting message of solidarity and positivity through his music. The Grammy Award-winning musician visited Auraria with a similar message of motivation Feb. 5 in conjunction with Auraria’s recognition of Black History Month. Opening for Common’s talk at the Tivoli Turnhalle was artist and former MSU Denver student, DJ Cavem, who hyped up the crowd with his performance of original music and a quick display of his skills on the turntables. When Common took the stage, the crowd’s excitement was undeniable, as he was greeted with a warm welcome. Common’s presentation resembled one of his concerts, starting with a freestyle. But music wasn’t the only reason Common came to visit. “When I knew I was coming to Denver— which is a city that is very special to me because my father and brother live out here—I knew I was going to have the opportunity to speak to you all—your beautiful minds,” he said. “I knew I had to say something that you could walk away with that would mean something.” Eyes were locked on the rapper as he spoke. “The word that came to mind when I was coming to this (campus) was ‘greatness,’” he said. Cheers and gestures of agreement were peppered in after every other word as he revealed stories. Tales about his days in Chicago, joking around in math class or trying to keep up with the stars in his Biddy Basketball league, highlighted the virtue in youthful failure. He didn’t shy away from discussing recent disappointments, such as losing out on awards and missing out on acting roles. What kept him going has been the idea of being better than he thought he could be—that meant being great. “When you think about greatness, what really is greatness? Well, in the ‘Common Dictionary of Greatness,’ greatness is using your gifts to perform at the highest level, and by doing so you inspire others to reach their full potential,” he said. Common’s words stirred the crowd when he shared the certainty he had in each and everyone. Belief in oneself is key, he reminded the audience, noting his story about leaving college to pursue hip-hop. Everyone, thought it would be an uphill battle. Still, his career proves he refused to quit. “Only you know your path,” he concluded. “You know in your heart who you are and what you want to accomplish, what your gifts are, what your passion is. It’s up to you to find your purpose.” Artist and musician Common motivates the crowd with a smile on his face Feb. 5 at the Tivoli Turnhalle. Photo by Alyson McClaran • amcclara@msudenver.edu

2 February 13, 2014 MetNews TheMetropolitan

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The Metropolitan


Auraria pool to close, possibly removed Extensive repairs needed to fix water issues By Luke Faulkner lfaulkn4@msudenver.edu Auraria’s recreation pool is pulling its plug at the end of the Spring semester due to issues with the pool’s liner, gutter and fi ltration systems. Additionally, the chemicals in the pool’s water could be affecting the Platte River Basin and Denver Water. “The liner is not the primary problem, which is more of an expensive deal,” said Tony Price, director of recreation. “The actual gutter system in the pool is causing significant water loss, and that’s anywhere from $130,000 to $150,000 to replace.” If the gutter system were replaced, then a new fi ltration system that’s up to code would

also be considered. An additional $30,000 to $50,000 would be needed to replace the existing fi ltration system. If campus recreation were to update these systems, they would want to be sure that the liner wouldn’t fail within two or three years after spending $200,000. “The system is probably close to 30 years old and so it’s reached its shelf life,” Price said. With some recent repairs like liner patching, painting lane stripes and replacing drain boxes, the cost to keep up with the aging pool was $66,316. Where the water is going isn’t quite clear, but damage to the Emmanuel Gallery is the direct result of water leakage from the pool’s shell basin. To date, the cost

to repair the art gallery and patio wall is more than $100,000. “We’re not quite sure exactly where (the water is) going. There is concern it could be going into the Platte River Basin,” Price said. Price wants to make sure students are aware of what’s going on with the pool as well as with the recreation center. “We’re doing a feasibility study of this entire facility,” Price said. “We should have two or three, probably a minimum of three conceptual designs for this building.” Students and the community around MSU Denver benefit from the pool, just as athletes like MSU Denver junior Ryan Moseman who swam for the school when the swim team was still collegiate for

NCAA Division II. Now that he’s back for a second bachelor’s degree, Moseman represents the club sport. He is glad to know campus recreation is in the process of renovating the pool, if not putting a brand new one in altogether. Billy Klabunde, a lifeguard at the pool, has been informed about the pool’s upcoming changes. “We just know that the pool’s going to be closed over the summer, and it might be longer depending if they actually redo the whole thing,” Klabunde said. When asked what could be changed about the pool, Klabunde said, “It could probably use a couple more lanes.” A new pool could cost around $1.2 million.

February 13, 2014


Auraria events 2/13: Applied Learning Center Open House @ 11 - 2 p.m. 325 Admin Building 2/14: Faculty & Staff Pancake Breakfast @ 8 - 10 a.m. SSB 1st & 2nd Floor Lobbies 2/15: Alumni Recognition Celebration @ 10:30 - 1 p.m. Tivoli Turnhalle 2/18-2/20: Employer Visit Days @ 10 - 2 p.m. Tivoli Tavern 2/19: 31st Annual Black World Conference: Message from the Grassroots @ 9:30 - 5 p.m. Tivoli Turnhalle

News to know “Scores killed in Algerian military plane crash” (Al Jazeera) “Obama Signs Emergency Declaration for Georgia” (ABC) “Yellen: Federal Reserve stimulus cuts to continue” (BBC) “Gambino, Bonanno family members arrested in joint USItaly anti-mafia raids” (CNN) Stories streaming at time of print (2/11 - 7 p.m.)

Weather forecast 2/13: Partly cloudy 52°/38° 2/14: Mostly Sunny 57°/42° 2/15: Partly cloudy 60°/41° Photo by Philip B. Poston • pposton1@msudenver.edu

2/16: Partly cloudy 63°/33° 2/17: Sunny 52°/31°

Auraria supports students health By Melanie Moccia mmoccia@msudenver.edu Marijuana laws are still evident at Auraria, but the campus Health Center isn’t discouraging students who seek treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to shy away from their services because of marijuana use. Many physicians require students to get a standard drug test before being prescribed any other medication, but Dr. Melinda Motes at the Health Center doesn’t believe

marijuana counteracts with ADHD medicine, therefore making it unnecessary to drug test. “It depends on how different people practice,” Motes said. “There were a lot of people using marijuana before Jan. 1, so I don’t really see a difference.” Instead of drug testing students who need medications to help them concentrate in school, the doctors at the Health Center at Auraria consult with the student before prescribing them something. They ask them questions to find out what drugs they use, including marijuana. Motes said they are not there to get the student in trouble, but

rather help them to find out what they need. “If somebody says they’re using drugs, nothing in particular though, I do tell them we can drug test,” Motes said. “I don’t want the medications they are taking not to work.” Even though marijuana doesn’t cause any health risks among students who are prescribed ADHD and taking medication such as Adderall, there are many factors when in college that can affect their mental health state, such as too much stress and a heavy work load.

The Health Center’s goal is not to punish anyone with drug tests, but rather talk them through their options and make sure the right medications are being taken. “We wouldn’t use drug testing to make it punitive for anyone,” Motes said.

2/18: Partly cloudy 53°/30° 2/19: Partly cloudy 54°/26° Source: www.weather.com

The Metropolitan online /TheMetropolitan @themetonline metnews.org

4  February 13, 2014  MetNews  TheMetropolitan

MSU Denver brews up new idea By Keifer Johnson kjohn247@msudenver.edu A group of MSU Denver industrial design students is teaming up with local high school students for the first time to tackle a coffee brewing development project. Industrial design professor Michael Caston teaches a studio design class and is all about working on a design team for a real product. “This is a real world project where we’ve got a real client, and students need to wrap their mind around the industry that they’re designing for,” Caston said. This semester the design team is working for Smartco International, an international manufacturing and sales organization, on a new way to brew coffee. MSU Denver is working with a group of

Adams City High School students. “That was something that we’ve been wanting to do,” said Derek Berthold, the Industrial Design Society of America student chapter president. Berthold is one of the members of MSU Denver’s design team on this project. To Berthold, the project is a way to open students’ eyes to a career that not many see. “You’re talking to a 34 year old who didn’t know this (program) existed until three years ago,” Berthold said. The idea of bringing high school students in to help with a product design was not a new one. Brian Gross, vice president of Smartco, contacted Caston with his idea for a new product, and for high school students to potentially be involved. “Brian seemed really interested

and psyched up about working with our students,” Caston said. “So (the high school students) get some exposure to industrial design that they wouldn’t otherwise get in high school.” The high school students show a lot of effort when contributing. “Last week they came in to take part in brainstorm sessions,” Caston said, “This coming Monday we’ll do a sketch review with all (students’) concepts, maybe 50 different concepts. We’ll pin up the designs and then critique them. The high school students will be back again to observe, and I’ve asked them to also come up with some designs.” Most assignments are left to the college students, who guide the way for the high schoolers. “This is what we’re trying to do: we want a cold brew system, it

MSU Denver industrial design student, Abel Martinez, explains his idea for the next great coffee maker Feb. 3 in the Boulder Creek Building. Photo by Trevor L. Davis • tdavis84@msudenver.edu

needs to do this, this, this and this, and it needs to cost this much,” Burthold said about what Smartco brings to the table. “So (Gross) kind of outlines all of the information, and it’s our job to create the best possible design within those

parameters.” Production is aimed to start in fall 2014. “Most of what my students have said was they have really enjoyed the collaboration,” Caston said.

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The Metropolitan

February 13, 2014


Same-sex rights extension a milestone By Nikki Work nwork@msudenver.edu With all the things we as a country tend to get wrong — government shutdowns, enduring intolerance of an African-American president and a growing wealth disparity — it’s really, really nice to see us get things right. On Feb. 10, the U.S. federally expanded several important marriage benefits to same-sex couples. In an article on CNN, Evan Perez wrote, “The move impacts how millions of Americans interact with the federal government, including bankruptcy cases, prison visitation rights, survivor benefits for police officers and firefighters killed on the job, and the legal right to refuse to testify to incriminate a spouse.”

This means a couple married in a state that has made same-sex marriage legal can enjoy these rights even in states that haven’t. With the last legal bias still prevalent in the land of the free — where all men are created equal unless they love other men — this is a massive and beautiful step. It may not be complete equality, and it may not be everything that the GLBT movement needs, but it is progress. This news emerged the day after a promising pro football prospect and former University of Missouri defensive end Michael Sam came out as gay on ESPN, which has opened up the possibility that if Sam is drafted, he would be the first openly gay player in the NFL. Amidst questions of whether or not this would hurt his

professional options, John Elway, Denver Broncos executive vice president of football operations, made a statement about the effect this announcement would have on Sam’s draft prospects in Colorado — none. In an article published by The Denver Post, Mike Klis wrote, “His announcement will have no effect on how we see him as a football player. Having spent 16 years in the locker room (as a player), the bottom line is that it’s about treating others with respect and earning that respect. By all indications, it appears Michael has done just that throughout his football career.” Last May, Colorado legalized civil unions, and elsewhere in the U.S., 16 states and Washington D.C. have legalized same-sex marriage, six states have civil unions

laws and two have domestic partnership statutes. This means that in 24 states and the nation’s capital, the GLBT population has some of the same opportunities as everyone else — a staggering, saddening half of the U.S. Though the Justice Department’s extension of these marriage benefits nationwide is a very important and necessary step, we as a country just aren’t there yet. Though many people see the same-sex marriage issue as one of religion and morality, I never have been able to. It is a matter of human beings and happiness, of tolerance and kindness and of loving one another because we only get one life, and it’s just not worth it to live it filled with hatred or to fill others’ lives with malice.

No love = better cinema Potential bar hours a debate By Stephanie Alderton salderto@msudenver.edu The season of fluffy pink hearts has arrived, and with it comes the annual serving of fluffy romance at the movies. “Endless Love” and “A Winter’s Tale” are two of the date-night movies girls around the country will drag their boyfriends to during Valentine’s Day weekend. But what about those of us without dates? If you’re having a lonely evening, sometimes a romantic comedy just makes things worse. And what about those couples who prefer explosions to make-out sessions in their date night viewing? If you fall into one of these categories, here are a few viewing suggestions for you this weekend. I like to call them “anti-chick-flicks.” 1) “The Dark Knight.” The best and darkest of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, this movie doesn’t have any happy love stories. But it does have lots of intense action, a thought-provoking allegory on terrorism and an unforgettably disturbing villain. 2) “The Walking Dead.” New episodes of AMC’s excellent zombie show always air in February. Because there’s no better antidote to roses and chocolates than a few battles between flesh-eating corpses and the crossbow-and-swordwielding defenders of humanity.

3) “Zero Dark Thirty.” The young woman at the center of this movie (based on real events) is too busy hunting Osama bin Laden to flirt with boys. Even though everyone already knows how this story ends, it still manages to be a stomach-tightening, knucklewhitening thriller. 4) “The Avengers.” Okay, so there’s a little romance between Hawkeye and Black Widow, but it’s almost drowned out by all the Hulk-smashing, hammer-throwing, jaw-clenching and smacktalking. In fact, almost anything by Joss Whedon makes for a good anti-chick-flick. “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog,” anyone? 5) “Jurassic Park.” Most of the shallow romances that come out this year will be forgotten in another year. But giant man-eating lizards will always be cool. Diamonds are temporary. Dinosaurs are forever. If you are in the mood to go out on Feb. 14, you also have a few non-nauseating options at the cinema: “Lone Survivor;” “Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit;” and starting this week, “The Monuments Men” and “The LEGO Movie.” This is where I’ll be on Valentine’s Day — munching my heartshaped cookies and watching some explosions on TV. On a holiday dedicated to celebrating love, it’s only right to spend time with the things you love.

By Melanie Moccia mmoccia@msudenver.edu Recently The Denver Post and other local news sources put out articles about the possibility of bars in Downtown Denver and the LoDo area staying open until 7 a.m. I can’t tell if this idea is genius, or awful. The proposed law is aimed to keep violence out of LoDo, because at 2 a.m. when all the bars let out, there are always a ton of drunken fights and a massive amount of people at one time attempting to get cabs and stumble home. So, the goal is to try to stagger people out of the bars, instead of all at one time. I don’t disagree with the proposition, but I also don’t agree with it either. With bars staying open later, won’t people just stay out later and get more drunk? I know my friends and I don’t like to leave at last call, so I can only imagine what the rest of Denver prefers. On the economic side, staying open later is a great way to give bartenders and servers more hours, also making it so many of them can work full time, offering them benefits. On the other hand, the hours they would put in would be all through the night, which might shy bartenders away from

that job path. In my opinion, I think staying out until 7 a.m. will just cause more, DUI’s more public intoxication tickets and more people in the hospital with alcohol poisoning. There also has been talk that it’s possible for a bar to stay open until 4 a.m., instead of seven, which I think is a much better idea. I am from the East Coast, and I know in places like New York City and Atlantic City, N.J., alcohol is served extremely late. Things seemed to be working out there, but for some reason, I feel that Denver is not meant to be a city that never sleeps. I’m not going to lie: when I first heard this proposal, I was extremely excited. After a long week of schoolwork, interning, doing a million interviews and working at The Metropolitan, I can’t deny I love going downtown and staying out all hours of the night. I don’t disagree the city should keep bars open later, by maybe two or three hours. But five? That’s a little extreme and I think it will cause the city to have many more problems, rather than crowded streets when the bars close. I also feel that this is going to cause a lot of debate and it could take years for this proposition to pass. I’m still debating with myself, I can’t imagine how the city of Denver will react.

MetStaff Editor-in-Chief Kayla Whitney: kwhitne2@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Nikki Work: nwork@msudenver.edu News Editor Melanie Moccia: mmoccia@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor Kelli Heitstuman-Tomko: ktomko@msudenver. edu MetroSpective Editor Tobias Krause: tkrause3@msudenver.edu Assistant MetroSpective Editors Steve Musal: smusal@msudenver.edu Stephanie Alderton: salderto@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Mario Sanelli: msanelli@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor Scott Corbridge: kcorbrid@msudenver.edu Photo Editors Philip Poston: pposton1@msudenver.edu Assistant Photo Editors Alyson McClaran: amcclara@msudenver.edu Charlie Hanson: chanso12@msudenver.edu Copy Editors Ian Gassman

Kate Rigot

Director of Student Media Steve Haigh: shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Student Media Jennifer Thomé: jthome1@msudenver.edu Administrative Assistant of Student Media Elizabeth Norberg: enorbert@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Student Media Kathleen Jewby: kjewby@ msudenver.edu Web Editor Brian T. McGinn: bmcginn3@msudenver.edu Distribution Coordinator Ian Gassman: igassman@msudenver.edu

What we do The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topicdriven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m.. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by e-mail to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Thursday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of MSU Denver or its advertisers.


6  February 13, 2014  MetroSpective  TheMetropolitan






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The Metropolitan


February 13, 2014


Art and Literary Magazine

An introduction: Metrosphere is an art and literary magazine that is published annually with student submitted works.The magazine is also The Metropolitan’s sister publication. While the magazine itself is only published once a year, a team of bloggers maintain metrosphere.org on a weekly basis. This page in The Metropolitan will serve as an addition to the magazine. It will contain a varity of art and literary-centered content; including reviews, poems, photography, artworks and so on. To start, we’d like to introduce you to the creative and talented staff that makes up Metrosphere.

Art events

Sal Christ A former fi lmmaker, Sal Christ is currently the senior editor of Metrosphere. She is also a senior writer with Colorado Music Buzz and originated the Soundcloud Gems column for 303 Magazine. She was previously a senior staff writer and section editor with UCD’s alternative weekly, The Advocate. She is the editor of “Evil is Good,” an allegorical novel by Florida fi lmmaker, Jon Schultz. Additionally, she has worked as a technical and ghostwriter in the music industry. Ms. Christ’s poetry and fiction was most-recently featured in Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art. She counts listening to John Coltrane records with a side of Jameson on the rocks as the perfect Sunday activity. Follow her on Twitter at @decriture.

1/9-2/15: One by One Photography Exhibition Colorado Photographic Arts Center FREE. Times vary 1/31-2/15: Mix Annual Show Niza Knoll Gallery FREE. Times vary 2/10-2/16: Loveland Snow Sculpture in the Dark Downtown Loveland FREE. Times vary


2/15: The Transit of Venus Redline Gallery Ticket price and times vary

Art and Literary Magazine2/13-2/15: Love + Light

David Alvarado David is assistant editor of Metrosphere and recent a alumnus of MSU Denver. He specializes in graphic design, as well as fine art, fusing the two practices to create new and interesting objects from his creativity. Originally a student of traditional art making—such as drawing, painting and photography—David expanded his skills to include new media such as graphic design and web design. Outside of his design pursuits, he also works for a boarding facility in the Highlands Ranch where he enjoys taking care of animals. Working for the boarding facility has allowed him to also acquire commissions for his freelance ‘pet portrait’ business, where he creates expressive and colorful images of all the furry friends he has helped. Through experimentation with media and further research into the world of art and design, David plans to have a wide skillset and vast knowledge of visual arts covering local art events and to research the latest innovations in both the community and around the world.

Jody Mier

The Loveland Feed & Grain $5 suggested donation @ 3 - 5 p.m. 2/13-2/16: Boulder Interna-

Born in a haunted naval hospital, Jody tional Film Festival has had a life of building character and being humbled. 2/15: Oil Painting DemonstraBack in her middle school days, Jody tion by Marlene Feinholz hungered like the wolf to “fit in.” She thirstArtists on Santa Fe Gallery ed to be a desirable creature at the goofy age FREE @ 1 p.m. of 13 and felt that faux leather pants would be the golden ticket. “Now I will be cool,” 2/17: Denver Botanic Gardens thought a young Jody. But the faux leather pants weren’t cool. They Free Day caused her to sweat, and that perspiration fermented upon her legs. After a full day of Middle School hell, Jody would come home and peel the faux leather off. It took some time. It was a sacrifice she was willing to endure just to get Shawn—the “cool” kid—to notice her. “If you hear a voice within you Now in remission, Jody has accepted her Quasimodo-Miseria and experiences occasional flare-ups. If you see her around campus say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by with spinach in her teeth, please be gentle. means paint, and that voice Artgeeking and Literary Magazineall Jody can be found in her basement, out to “The Walkwill be silenced.” ing Dead,” the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy and binge-watching other -Vincent Van Gogh shows. Currently, she is obsessed with HBO’s “True Detective.”


Kayla Whitney A journalist, photographer, geek, otaku and comedian at heart, Kayla has been in the writing game for as long as she can remember. She is currently the editorin-chief of MSU Denver’s weekly student-run newspaper, The Metropolitan. She also writes, designs pages, takes pretty pictures, designs newsletters, manages social media sites, as well as, blogs for Metrosphere. Her other hobbies include board games, alphabetizing and organizing her constantly growing library, cosplaying, convention going and nerding out with her friends late into the evening. When she’s not spending late nights in the newsroom and working her butt off, her nose is either in a comic book, manga, novel or something entertaining. If she’s not reading, she’s more than likely Netflixing (because that’s a verb now) and watching a wacky sci-fi show, anime, cartoon or anything else that tickles her fancy.

Mariah Taylor An aspiring artist and writer, Mariah’s creative work explores the vast grey areas of human nature, specifically in urban settings. An avid believer in American Realism, she finds most of her inspiration among her fellow working-class Americans and the ways in which they adapt to their circumstances. Her creative muses are the artists, musicians and fi lmmakers that make themselves the voices of the lower-class in society. Artists like Harmony Korine, Ab Soul and Lewis Hine drive her creative endeavors. Mariah currently lives in Denver and studies literature and painting at MSU Denver. She uses a variety of mediums in her art work, including pen and ink, print making and oil painting.

Artist quotes

“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” -Scott Adams “Art is the proper task of life.” -Friedrich Nietzsche

Metrosphere online /Metrosphere @MetrosphereMag metrosphere.org

8  February 13, 2014


The Metropolitan

Campus events 2/13: Love is a Drag/Day of Drag Tivoli Turnhalle @ 9:30 - 5 p.m. 2/15: Homecoming Mix & Mingle iPie at the Tivoli @ 3 - 5 p.m. 2/16: Visiting Artist: Colorado Wind Ensemble King Center Concert Hall @ 4 - 6 p.m.

Around Denver 2/13: Cult Following Denver Center for the Performing Arts: Jones Theatre $15 @ 8 p.m. 2/13-2/16: Boulder International Film Festival (showtimes and ticket prices vary) 2/14: Takin’ A Chance On Love Lannie’s Clock Tower Cabaret $50 @ 7 p.m.

Entertainment news “Shirley Temple Black, actress and diplomat, dies at 85.” (Washington Post) “Time Inc. appoints editor in chief for Entertainment Weekly.” - (The New York Times) “Woody Allen’s former girlfriend shares her story.” - (Huffington Post) “Julia Roberts’ family ‘devastated’ after half sister found dead.” - (LA Times) “TNT cancels Frank Darabont’s ‘Mob City.’” - (CNN) Stories streaming at time of print (2/11 - 7 p.m.)

Culture quotes “Universities exist to transmit knowledge and understanding of ideas and values to students not to provide entertainment for spectators or employment for athletes.” -Milton Friedman “It seems that entertainment is what most excites us and what we value above everything.” - Carroll O’Connor

Derek Regensburger, the latest graduate of the CREATE MSU Denver program, was the featured artist for February at the Center for Innovation. The gallery, which features Regensburger’s nature photography, had its opening reception Feb. 5 at the CFI in the Student Success Building. Photo by Nikki Work • nwork@msudenver.edu

Summertime arrives early with photo exhibit By Stephanie Alderton salderto@msudenver.edu On a frigid Wednesday afternoon at the Center for Innovation, one student graduated from an MSU Denver program. But this graduation didn’t involve long robes or big crowds — in fact, probably because of the zero-degree weather, only four or five spectators showed up at all. It did involve a wall hung with stunning nature photographs in the CFI gallery, brightly-colored pictures that brought a touch of summer into a very wintry room. Derek Regensburger is the latest artist to complete the CREATE MSU Denver program, which started last November, sponsored by the CFI. His exhibit, “Wildflowers and Waterfalls,” opened at the center Feb. 5. Although he also does sports photography and senior portraits, Regensburger’s primary art is taking pictures of mountains and other wild scenery. The colors in his framed photographs are so vivid they appear lit from behind.

This is due to an unusual development process in which the image is placed directly onto an aluminum sheet. Only one lab in the country — in San Francisco — develops photographs this way and the photos were sent all the way there to be developed. The works Regensburger chose to display in his graduation show were all pictures of wildflowers and waterfalls. He said he decided to use those photographs after conducting a Facebook poll that showed they were his most popular. He learned the skill of social media through the CREATE program, which started with the goal of helping artistic entrepreneurs improve the business side of their work. “Artists don’t always think about those things,” said Kathy Beekman, a CREATE advisor who works with Regensburger and other visual artists. “They know how to create artwork, but they don’t know how to do the rest of it, and so that’s where we come into play. We help them in a way that helps promote themselves as artists.” CREATE consists of 12 ses-

sions with an advisor, mostly conducted over Skype or FaceTime, as well as guidance on how to handle such business-oriented tasks as writing a resume, marketing and establishing contacts with galleries and patrons. At the end of the program, entrepreneurs are given an opportunity to display their work in the CFI gallery. Cindy Busch, the assistant director of CREATE, said the show is meant to bring together everything her students learn about marketing and working with a gallery. Seven people have now completed the course, which means the little gallery now holds a wide variety of artwork—from an assortment of dresses to miniature steampunk sculptures. Regensburger’s contribution is the result of his two biggest passions: photography and hiking. In order to get some of the striking landscape shots in this collection, he often had to hike through wilderness, whether it was in New Mexico — to get a shot of a cactus in a field of bright wildflowers — or in Glacier National Park — to snap a few waterfalls in motion. He said

he enjoys the challenge of finding new places to photograph. “One of my favorite places was an area in Rocky Mountain National Park that John Fielder had made famous, but he wouldn’t tell anyone where it was,” Regensburger said. “Based on the shape of the mountains and the area of the book that it was in, we kind of guessed at where it was, and it turned out we were right. And it’s the single hardest place you could ever hope to get to.” Nevertheless, he got there. He called the site “spectacular.” Despite his dedication to the art, Regensburger, like most photographers, still needs a day job to make a living. He’s a criminal justice professor at Colorado State University. But with the skills he has gained from CREATE, he said he hopes to expand his clientele and perhaps draw more attention to those brilliantly-lit wildflowers and waterfalls. Regensburger’s photography will be on display in the CFI gallery through April. The gallery is free and open to the public.

TheMetropolitan  MetroSpective  February 13, 2014

Throwback photo technique sheds modern light By Amanda Sutherland asuther6@msudenver.edu The Center for Visual Art welcomed photographer Will Wilson and his large format camera last week in conjunction with their most recent exhibit “Cross Currents.” The CVA held an artist talk and reception for Wilson Thursday, Feb. 6 and the following two days were dedicated to portrait sessions for his current project, “Critical Indigenous Photographic Exchange (CIPX).” In exchange to rights for the photographs, volunteers had their portraits taken and received a tintype copy as a token of Wilson’s appreciation. “I’m making my own emulsion and stepping the sitter through the process of making an image and sharing the relational aesthetics that is that exchange,” Wilson said. Known for using historical photographic processes, Wilson has made an impressive impact on contemporary Native American art. He shoots with a large format camera: a view camera first developed in the late 1800s comprised of a flexible, expandable lens, similar to what’s used on an enlarger in film developing. This creates a light-tight seal between the lens and the viewfinder, giving the photographer more control over depth of field. During the reception, Wilson spoke about his project, wet plate developing, and his plan to challenge Edward S. Curtis’ early

1900s documentation of indigenous people. Wilson began doing portraits for CIPX in 2012 using an older photographic technique seldom used today. The method, know as wet plate collodion, uses a mixture of ethyl ether, ethyl alcohol, nitrocellulose, iodine, and bromine. The mixture is poured onto a metal or glass plate, placed into a silver nitrate bath and exposed in a camera while still wet. After snacks and libations, the

tent he uses as a portable darkroom. He specifically develops his images as tintype photographs made by creating a direct positive image on a blackened sheet of metal. They are technically thin negatives that can be viewed as positives after collodion processing. Wilson went on to express his frustration with the 20-volume photograph collection taken by Edward S. Curtis from 1907 to 1930. Curtis spent those years documenting Native Americans and their culture, but made certain they kept the primitive look of the past. “One thing Curtis is really well known for is trying to push out any kind of signifier of the modern age, but these were people living in the modern age,” Wilson noted. After the talk, Wilson did a demonstration of the wet plate developing process and invited a few to join him in his tent darkroom. After zipping up the tent, leaving only a string of red lights overhead to see, Wilson delicately poured silver nitrate on the metal tintype Then came the rinse, developer and fixer. The visual change from a negative image to a positive one on the sheet of metal inspired “oohs” and “aahs” from the six people in the tent. Wilson continued to do portraits during select hours the following two days for the CIPX project in hopes of making his own collection larger than Curtis’.


“I’m making my own emulsion and stepping the sitter through the process of making an image and sharing the relational aesthetics that is that exchange.”

—Will Wilson crowd of attendees gathered to hear Wilson speak. He described the delicate art of wet plate collodion photography and his specific method for developing his photos. “The wet plate process actually requires you to have a darkroom with you. If the plate gets dry, you don’t have an image. I use a similar historic process to photograph contemporary Native American folks now,” Wilson explained. The CVA designated a portion of their space for Wilson to set up a portrait studio and an ice-fishing

Will Wilson adjusts his lighting setup at the Center for Visual Art on Thursday, Feb. 6. Wilson was in Denver doing tintype portraits for his “Critical Indigenous Photographic Exchange” project. Photo by Amanda Sutherland • asuther6@msudenver.edu

Student work showcased in professional atmosphere at Emmanuel By J.R. Johnson gjohns93@msudenver.edu

Stephen Edwards poses aside his sculpture titled “Revolution Cycle” made from pine, hemlock and steel at UCD’s annual juried student exhibition Feb.6 in the Emmanuel Gallery. Photo by Brian T. McGinn . bmcginn3@msudenver.edu

UCD’s annual student art show opened Feb. 6 at Auraria’s Emmanuel Gallery. The juried exhibition encouraged students from the university to participate and submit pieces of their creative visions. The result was an eclectic mixture of submissions. The gallery invited curator, Jacquelyn Connolly, the president of Creative Mind Consulting, Inc. and a UCD alumna, to critique the show. She said that it was one of the most diverse events that she has judged. “I was really impressed that there was fair representation from all the departments. There was quality work from sculpture, digital media and painting and drawing,” she said. “It was enjoyable. It was a good process and a

great venue.” The art show offered an opportunity for up-and-coming artists to have their work seen and to experience showcasing art in a gallery. Everything inside the Emmanuel Gallery seemed to catch the attention of onlookers. “I’m surprised, this was a great turnout,” said Jo Richardson, who was awarded honorable mention for her intricate ink drawings. Deeper into the evening, the growing audience was able to peruse the gallery and admire the range of art. One piece stood out to Connolly and took home the number one prize. Scott Burgess won “Best In Show” for his composition titled “Crescent Shaped Textures,” a piece composed of steel and wood. The structure only took a few days for the artist to put together. It was a part of an assignment last semester where students were given two random words and were

tasked with creating a sculpture. In Burgess’ case, “steel” and “wood” would be the two words that inspired his unique piece. But the award surprised him. “It was pretty nerve-racking, I didn’t expect it,” he said. “I was worried about bringing the piece in from the get-go because it was super fragile.” Along with the sculpture, he submitted five other pieces, each one presenting its own specific challenge and expressing a different type of creativity. “It’s pretty exciting to come out with something like that when you have so much pressure to create so much in a little amount of time,” Burgess added. The free, juried exhibition will conclude Feb. 20. Following its conclusion CCD and MSU Denver will each have their own student centered show.

10  February 13, 2014  Rants+Raves  TheMetropolitan


303-556-3210 Spring 2014 Schedule Monday Abs & Back PE 104W • Julie 11–11:45 a.m.

Tuesday Yoga for Stress Management Part 1: Yoga postures

Wednesday Abs & Back PE 104W • Julie 11–11:45 a.m.



Group Fit


Yoga for Relaxation Part 1: Gentle postures,

Monday–Thursday 7:30 a.m.–8:50 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m.–5:50 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.–3:50 p.m.

and breathing

breathing & relaxation

11 –11:50 a.m. Part 2: Meditation

11 –11:50 a.m. Part 2: Yoga psychology

or Yoga Nidra

& discussion

PE 103 • Svetlana 11:50 a.m.–12:05 p.m.

PE 103 • Svetlana 11:50 a.m. –12:05 p.m.

Total Fit PE 104W • Will 11:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.

Total Fit Hatha Yoga PE 104W • Will Location varies, 11:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m. check website • Derik noon–12:50 p.m.

Pilates PE 103 • Beth 12:30–1:25 p.m.

Pilates PE 103 • Beth 12:30–1:25 p.m.

Indoor Cycling PE 201 • Rowan noon–12:50 p.m.

Indoor Cycling PE 201 • Jody noon–12:50 p.m.

Indoor Cycling PE 201 • Rowan noon–12:50 p.m.

Indoor Cycling PE 201 • Jody noon–12:50 p.m.

Hydrobix PE 102 • Rachel 12:30–1:20 p.m.

Warrior Women PE Green Room • Maureen 12:30–1:20 p.m.

Hydrobix PE 102 • Rachel 12:30–1:20 p.m.

Warrior Women PE Green Room • Maureen 12:30–1:20 p.m.

Ripped in 30 PE Green Room • JD 1:30–2 p.m.

Ripped in 30 PE Green Room • Jeremy 1:30–2 p.m

Ripped in 30 PE Green Room • JD 1:30–2 p.m.

Ripped in 30 PE Green Room • Jeremy 1:30–2 p.m. Chigong PE 103 • Steven 1:30–2:10 p.m.

Flow Yoga PE 103 • Derik 3:30–4:20 p.m.

Vinyasa Yoga PE 103 • Annie 3:30–4:20 p.m.

Flow Yoga PE 103 • Derik 3:30–4:20 p.m.

Vinyasa Yoga PE 103 • Annie 3:30–4:20 p.m.

Belly Dancing PE 103 • Lia 4:30–5:20 p.m.

Zumba® PE 215 • Liat 3:45–4:35 p.m.

Belly Dancing PE 103 • Lia 4:30–5:20 p.m.

Zumba® PE 215 • Liat 3:45–4:35 p.m.

Zumba® PE 103 • Cathy 5:15–6:15 p.m. Hatha Yoga Tivoli 640 • Derik 5:30–6:30 p.m.

Zumba® PE 103 • Cathy 5:15–6:15 p.m. Hatha Yoga PE 103 • Derik 5:30–6:30 p.m.

Fitness Center Hours

Fitness Loft

Monday–Thursday 11 a.m.–2 p.m.

Pool Hours

Monday – Thursday 6:30–8 a.m. 12:15–2 p.m. 5–7 p.m. Friday 7–9 a.m. 11 a.m.–1 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m.–1 p.m.

Drop-In Basketball East Court Friday 9 a.m.–2 p.m. West Court – Half Monday/Wednesday 9–11 a.m. Tuesday/Thursday 9–11:30 a.m. West Court – Full Monday 3:45–5 p.m. Tuesday/Thursday 1:45–4 p.m. Wednesday 3:45–6 p.m. Friday 9 a.m.–5:45 p.m.

Premium Programs

American Red Cross CPR/First Aid/AED • $60 Obtain Red Cross CPR, AED and First Aid certifications at an affordable price. Stop by Room PE 108 to sign up for the Feb. 7 or March 7 certification. Strengthened @ Auraria • $100 This eight-week weight-management program includes group exercise training (advanced and intermediate) and nutrition coaching. Pre-assessment begins the week of Feb. 10. To register, stop by PE 108 to complete a registration packet.

There are no Healthy Pursuits classes over Spring Break (March 24–28) or Finals Week (May 12–16).

The Metropolitan

February 13, 2014


The Monuments Men C



By Nikki Work

1. Real Hair EP by Speedy Ortiz Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia 2. The Monuments Men Photo Courtesy of uschamber.com 3. One More Thing by B.J. Novak Photo Courtesy of luc.edu

nwork@msudenver.edu “The Monuments Men” is a hodgepodge of rousing patriotism, artistic appreciation and, unfortunately, cinematic disappointment. Starring and directed by George Clooney, the fi lm follows The Monuments Men — art historians, curators and architects — through WWII Europe. As the Nazis collect historic works of art to put into Hitler’s imagined Führer Museum, the company races to recover and return every piece. A “proud-to-be-an-American” emotion permeates the fi lm, along with a sentimental love for culture and the works of creativity that embody humanity. But with the good comes the bad. The fi lm sorely lacks character development. The best-spun character is a second-tier plot-member and the only woman in the fi lm, a mysterious French rebel played by Cate Blanchett. Scattered attempts to develop other characters, such as a recovered alcoholic played by Hugh Bonneville, just seem unfinished and far from effective. “The Monuments Men” also battles strange pacing. At times it drags, at times it soars — and there seems to be no strategy to either placement. And worst of all, the scripting fails the starstudded cast. John Goodman and Bill Murray’s characters barely elicit giggles. George Clooney goes into philosophical speech mode way too many times. Matt Damon smiles and charms his way through Paris — but haven’t we seen that movie before? For me, though, something changed my perspective on the fi lm. I saw the movie with a WWII veteran. The excitement, the understanding and the recollections that my grandpa shared with me both before the lights dimmed and after the credits rolled gave me a new perspective. “The Monuments Men” tells a story — based on historical context and truth — that has been mostly passed over, but is still important and remembered by some of the bravest men in history. The tale, and its importance, are there, even if the rest isn’t. If you’re expecting the emotional impact or gritty realism of “Saving Private Ryan,” stay home. If you want to get a little perspective on a different side of the chaos and debasement of war, get to the theater right now.


Denver shows 2/13: Moonspell Bluebird Theater $18-$23 @ 7 p.m. 2/13: Bring Me The Horizon Ogden Theatre $25-$28 @ 6 p.m. 2/14: Dark Tranquility Bluebird Theater $23-$26 @ 8 p.m. 2/15: Cornmeal Bluebird Theater $20-$24 @ 8 p.m. 2/18: Manowar Ogden Theatre $75-$100 @ 7 p.m.


2/18: Symphony at the Movies: Casablanca Boettcher Concert Hall Tickets vary @ 7:30 p.m.

Coming soon Movies opening 2/14

Real Hair EP Speedy Ortiz


By Tobias Krause tkrause3@msudenver.edu Every year around the end of July, hundreds of bands invade Denver’s Baker neighborhood for The Denver Post’s Underground Music Showcase. The hardest part of the four-day fiasco is picking what bands to see and taking a gamble on whom to discover. This past Showcase was full of surprises for me.

“One More Thing” A B.J. Novak By Nikki Work nwork@msudenver.edu Between school, work and life, it can be hard to crack open a book (that you aren’t required to read) and just kick back and enjoy. “One More Thing: Stories and Other Stories” is the solution to that exact dilemma. This compilation of short stories, some as brief as several sentences, is perfect for a hectic schedule. Though I love the adven-

One highlight was discovering the Massachusetts rockers Speedy Ortiz. The band really made a name for themselves after the success of touring behind their second full-length album, Major Arcana. Real Hair, the band’s second EP, dropped Feb. 11, on Carpark Records. The four-track release

highlights the band’s growth over the years and hard-hitting desire to produce a truly authentic sound. The band originally started in 2011 as lead-guitarist/founder Sadie Dupuis’ solo project as she put the finishing touches on her MFA at the University of Massachusetts

ture of losing myself in a book, it is time-consuming, and the act of complete literary absorption can be stressful. With “One More Thing,” a reader can take it a page or two at a time without the pressure of having to keep reading while the world and its demands continue. “One More Thing” is the debut book of B.J. Novak, known for his role on the beloved sitcom “The Office,” and his dry wit and sharp delivery from his acting carries into his writing. In addition to the brevity and the differences in story lengths, the content is varied and thoughtful. Some chapters are heartwarming and beautiful, while

Amherst. The band later developed into a full on four-piece band that rarely fails to impress with their extravagant live shows full of fastpaced energy. “Everything’s Bigger,” the album’s third track features the harmonically sound vocals layered over one another showcasing the band’s patent noise-pop sound. Real Hair is a technically proficient yet totally distorted postpunk anthem that unfolds in just over 13 minutes. It identifies the alternative sound that the group is able to convey in a way that would be perfect while preparing for a night out on South Broadway. some are edgy and satirical. Standout tales are “The Beautiful Girl in the Bookstore,” “A Good Question to Have,” “The Rematch” and “The Man Who Posted Pictures of Everything He Ate.” The yarns Novak spins are moderately simple, yet emotionally intricate. As a whole, “One More Thing: Stories and Other Stories” is a 288 page portrayal of a daydreamer and the human imagination. Download it on your tablet or phone, and read it in between snippets of real life. It will make you smile, think and feel in manageable doses, and each story is completely worth the (short) time it takes to read it.

“RoboCop” “Winter’s Tale” “About Last Night” “Endless Love”

Music releasing 2/17 Cynic — Kindly Bent to Free Us Phantogram — Voices Loftland — I Don’t Want To Dance

Chart toppers Open Air’s Top 5

(Feb. 4-10)

1. Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks— Wig Out at Jagbags 2. Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings—Give the People What They Want 3. Pixies—EP-2 4. Broken Bells—After the Disco 5. Phantogram—Phantogram [EP] Source: www.cpr.org/openair

Box office chart 1: “The Lego Movie” 2: “The Monuments Men” 3: “Ride Along” 4. “Frozen” Source: www.rottentomatoes.com

12 February 13, 2014

Metro sports Women’s basketball 2/15: vs. Regis University Auraria Event Center @ 5 p.m.

Men’s basketball 2/15: vs. Regis University Auraria Event Center @ 7 p.m.

Baseball 2/14-2/15: @ St. Mary’s San Antonio, Texas

Softball 2/14: @ Texas A&M Kingsville @ West Texas A&M Canyon, Texas 2/15: @ Tarleton State @ Eastern New Mexico Canyon, Texas 2/16: @ Angelo State Canyon, Texas

Winter Olympics U.S. medal winners: GOLD: Snowboard Slopestyle (Sage Kotsenburg & Jamie Anderson) SILVER: Freestyle Skiing Ladies’ Moguls (Hannah Kearney) BRONZE: Alpine Skiing Ladies’ Super Combined (Julia Mancuso), Freestyle Skiing Ladies’ Moguls (Hannah Kearney), Luge Women’s Singles (Erin Hamlin) and Figure Skating Team Results posted at time of print (2/11 7 p.m.) via google.com

Medal events 2/13 Biathlon, Cross-Country, Freestyle Skiing, Luge, Short Track and Speed Skating

For more Olympics coverage, follow us @TheMet_Sports

Sports quotes “I love the Olympic Games. The Olympics are an event that few can fathom but all can enjoy, and that’s why athletes work our whole lives to put on the greatest show on Earth.” -Johnny Weir


The Metropolitan

Roadrunner weekend wrap-ups By Mario Sanelli, Scott Corbridge and Evan Batten msanelli@msudenver.edu, kcorbrid@msudenver.edu, ebatten@msudenver.edu

Men’s basketball Feb. 7 — Senior guard Brandon Jefferson made a 3-pointer with 36 seconds left to lift Metro men’s basketball over No. 11 Colorado School of Mines 57-54 on the road. The win improved the Roadrunners to 19-1 overall and a still-perfect 16-0 in Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference play. Junior forward Nicholas Kay scored 20 points and grabbed six rebounds in a game-high 39 minutes. Leading 29-26 at halftime, Metro outscored CSM 31-25 in the second half.

Women’s basketball Feb. 7 — The Roadrunners defeated Colorado School of Mines 46-44 on the road. Senior guard Kya DeGarmo led Metro with 10 points, and recorded five assists and five rebounds to accompany three steals in a game-high 39 minutes.

Feb. 8 — No. 1 Metro’s 10-2 run in the final two minutes of regulation pushed men’s basketball past Colorado Christian University 66-61. The victory extended the Runners’ win streak to 17 games, 20-1 overall.

Feb. 8 — Metro senior guard Kya DeGarmo scored a career-high 22 points (5-6 3pt) in an 81-68 win over Colorado Christian University. Fellow senior guard Cassie Lambrecht recorded 19 points. Tied 37-37 at halftime, the Lady Runners outscored CCU 44-31 in the final frame to improve to 11-10 overall. Metro has won five consecutive games since losing to No. 4 Colorado Mesa University 66-63 in overtime Jan. 24.

Men’s tennis/track & field

Softball schedule

Feb. 8 — Men’s tennis lost 6-1 at Air Force in its first spring match. Freshman Josh Graetz, No. 2 singles, secured Metro’s only win with a 6-5 (7-1), 6-4 match victory. Next match is at Dallas Baptist Feb. 20.

West Texas A&M Invitational Feb. 14 - 16 Feb. 14 — vs. Texas A&M Kingsville Feb. 14 — vs. West Texas A&M Feb. 15 — vs. Tarleton State Feb. 15 — vs. Eastern New Mexico Feb. 16 — vs. Angelo State

Feb. 7 — Metro track had three provisional times and two records on day one of the New Mexico Classic. Provisional times were for distance runner Chris Davis in the 3,000 meters, sophomore distance runner Janelle Lincks in the women’s 3K, and junior distance runner Amy Johnston in the same event. Personal records for Lincks, and Belle Kiper.

Regular Season Feb. 22 — @ Colorado Mesa University Feb. 23 — @ Colorado Mesa University March 1 — vs. Chadron State College March 2 — vs. Chadron State College March 8 — @ Colorado Christian University March 8 — @ Univ. of New Mexico Highlands March 9 — @ Univ. of New Mexico Highlands March 9 — @ Colorado Christian University March 15 — vs. Regis University March 15 — vs. Western New Mexico University March 16 — vs. Western New Mexico University March 16 — vs. Regis University March 22 — @ Black Hills State University March 23 — @ Black Hills State University

Feb. 8 — Sophomore distance runner Breanna Hemming ran an automatic qualifying mile time for the NCAA Championships in 4:52.58, breaking her own school record by six seconds. Senior distance runner Kirk Harvey and Lincks also ran provisionals in the mile.

Visit metnews.org/sports for full schedule

TheMetropolitan MetSports

February 13, 2014




Campus Recreation at Auraria Spring 2014 Outdoor Adventure Outdoor Rock Climbing Skills

Basics of Climbing Saturday 4/12 • 8 a.m.– 3 p.m. Basics of Anchor Building Sunday 4/13 • 8 a.m. –3 p.m. Basics of Anchor Building II Saturday 4/19 • 8 a.m.–3 p.m. Basics of Lead Climbing Saturday 4/26 • 8 a.m.–3 p.m.



Print & Web Authorization

Belay Skills Training

Wednesday 3/15 • 12:30–2 p.m.

All Ads Appear in Thursday 3/16 • 12:30–2 p.m. Print AND onWednesday the Web!4/2 • 12:30–2 WE WILL p.m. POST YOUR Thursday 4/3 • 12:30–2 p.m. JOB FOR YOU

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Cost: $5 Meet At: Climbing Wall in the PE Building FREE



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Kayak Pool Series • 3 Pool Sessions RIÀ FH I RU P



Tuesday 3/4 Thursday 3/6 Johnson Tuesday 3/11 To: Jeff Company: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: Email: Web:






Thursday 4/3 Tuesday 4/8 Thursday 4/10

JJAll Advertising DSN Denver of Nursing Classes: 7–9 p.m.School • Cost: $40

Meet at: Pool in PE Building

1401 19th Street

For more information regarding these programs, please contact

Denver Dave at 303-352-4944 or dlamothe@msudenver.edu

or Bryan at 303-556-8363 or fergusob@msudenver.edu CO


Intramural 303-292-0015




Intramural Basketball

Monday Nights 6:30–10 p.m. In the PE Building on the East and West courts Register your team by Friday 2/14 or until each league is full. All teams must register on imleagues.com or they

1 Job will Specifi cs to play not be eligible Job Title: Category:

2 Ad Price/Issue: # Issues: Discount: Ad Size: Run Dates:

Student BSN andTeams ADN $250*

Non-Student Teams $300

Career *StudentEducation teams can have no more than 2 non-students Payment is due IN FULL to PE 108 by the mandatory Captain’s meeting on Friday 2/1 League starts Monday 2/24 Price

$255.00 2Dance

Swing & Rhumba 4.875 x 6.625 6–7 p.m.

Salsa 1/6, 1/20

7:15–8:15 p.m. Both classes Thursdays 3/6–4/17 Dance Studio PE 215 January PO #: Jeff Cost: $40 students, faculty, and staff $50 for guests


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Take both classes and save $10. Cost includes 6 lessons. No partner necessary. Payment Method

more information, please Credit Card For Pre-Paid aid x Direct Billcontact ACH

Tony Price 303-556-5379 or pricean@msudenver.edu

Accepted Cards

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14 February 13, 2014

The Metropolitan

StudyBreak -February 5th, 2014Where’s Shaun? He knows he’ll automatically fail if he misses a critique, right?

I think he went outside on a smoke break. Didn’t even bring his coat. Hmmm... What, did he lose a bet, or something?

I regret nothing.

A: Why can’t the Tyrannosaurus Rex clap? B: How many letters are in the alphabet? C: What goes up when the rain goes down? D: What always eats but is always hungry?


Overheard on campus

E: What’s made of wood but can’t be sawed? F: What has one foot but not a single leg? G: What’s black and white and red all over? Answers: A: They are extinct B: There are 11 letters in ‘the alphabet’ C: An umbrella D: Fire E: Sawdust F: A snail G: A newspaper Source: goodriddlesnow.com/short-riddles


December 22 -January 19

“The Walking Dead” is back and just like “Lost,” you’ve gotta fi nish what you started.



As the weather gets better this weekend, try revisiting all those free AOL discs you accumulated in the ‘90s as a Frisbee with your dog, just make sure they dont’ eat it.

Take the “Real World’s” advice to stop being polite and start being real this Friday by throwing your roommates clothes out of your apartment window.

Sorry dudes, we’ve got nothing for you this week.


March 21 -April 19

Those five new followers you got on Twitter over the last few days entitle you to walk around with the utmost amount of swag possible.


April 20 -May 20 Listening to The Eagles this week will somehow land you in a random dentist’s office. Don`t say we didn’t warn you.

Difficulty: EASY


May 21 -June 20 While waiting in line at Voodoo Doughnuts tonight, your brain will explode from pure excitement, joy, confusion, empathy and satisfaction all at once. Worst part, you’ll never even get to eat the doughnuts.

Brain Teasers Difficulty: HARD

Just so you know, Bill Nye really is that cool. And yes, it is the bow tie.

July 23 -August 22




June 21 -July 22

January 20 -February 18

February 19 -March 20

Last issue’s answers (reading from right): all dressed up and no place to go, split two ways, high chair, flat tire, wake up—little Suzie, standing Ovation, tally ho

Comic created by Robert Shea • rshea5@msudenver.edu



August 23 -September 22 Stop listening to Will Smith’s daughter. No one whips their hair back and forth anymore.


September 23 -October 22 You’ll casually realize that you just might not EVER figure out what your destiny is and that’s just fi ne and dandy with us.


October 23 -November 21 Don’t worry, Bob Costas’ eyes creeped us out just as much as you. Cut him some slack, would you drink the water in Sochi?


November 22 -December 21 Breaking news: Fritos on a McDonalds’ burger is always a good idea.

“Common would be so proud of you!” “Heavy is the head that wears the crown.” “I couldn’t afford to fly, so I took the soultrain instead.” “It was just your standard run-of-the-mill meth house explosion.” “I really don’t remember last night. I think I overdosed on Frito sandwiches from Subway.” “You want me to say something stupid?” “I’m just ‘bout that action, boss.” “We got a 35 prime.” Hear something that makes you laugh? Shake your head? Roll your eyes? Tweet it to @nikki_ themet with the hashtag #overheardoncampus and you may see it in next week’s paper.


TheMetropolitan StudyBreak February 13, 2014

1385 Santa Fe Drive

Walking distance from the campus!



Extended Campus Late Start Classes

MSU Denver South I-25 & Orchard 303-721-1313

5660 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Greenwood Village. Near Orchard Road and I-25 located in the Triad North Bldg. Directly across from the Orchard Train Station.

DEPT # ACC 2020 CJC 3430

Student Meal! Two beef tacos and a small fountain drink for $5.50 plus tax or Small smothered fries and a small fountain drink for $5.50 plus tax Student Meal Deals (with ID)

50% off One item

One coupon per customer per visit

Must present coupon!

Expires February 20, 2014

COURSE TITLE/CREDITS Principles of Accounting II (3) Drugs and the Criminal Justice System (3) COM 366Q Multimedia ELearning Tutorials w/ Adobe Captivate (2) COM 366R Online Knowledge Bases w/ Adobe RoboHelp (2) CPD 2300 Time Management (1) CPD 2320 Self Esteem (1) CPD 2360 Multi-Level Wellness (1) EDU 4300 Acting Like a Teacher (2) HPL 100M Yoga for Weight Management (2) HTE 1030 Intro to Hospitality, Tourism & Events (3) PHI 1030 Introduction to Ethics (3) PSY 2210 Psychology Human Development (3) SPE 1010 Public Speaking (3) SPE 4300 Acting Like A Teacher (2) THE 3200 Performance of Literature I: Solo (3) THE 4300 Acting Like A Teacher (2)

CRN 33389 35030

DAYS/TIME DATES S, 8:30 a.m.–3:15 p.m. 03/22–05/17 W, 6–8:45 p.m. 03/17–05/17


FS, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.



FS, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.


34867 34876 34897 33018 35032 34795 32498 34822 32698 33019 32945 33020

S, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. S, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. S, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. S, 8:30 a.m.–3:15 p.m. W, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. M, 2–5:30 p.m. S, 8:30 a.m.–3:15 p.m. M, 6–8:45 p.m. S, 8:30–3:15 p.m. S, 8:30–3:15 p.m. S, 8:30–3:15 p.m. S, 8:30–3:15 p.m.

04/19–04/26 05/03–05/10 04/05–04/12 02/22–03/15 03/10–05/17 03/17–05/17 03/22–05/17 03/17–05/17 03/22–05/17 02/22–03/15 03/22–05/17 02/22–03/15

MSU Denver North I-25 & 120th 303-450-5111

11990 Grant Street, Northglenn. Near I-25 and 120th located in the City Wide Bank Building.

Special happy hour menu items from 4 –7 p.m. Watch for our ads/coupons in upcoming publications. We invite students to input their cell phone numbers into our database at the restaurant in order to get all of our discounts/specials for the week.

DEPT # CPD 2330 CPD 2370 FIN 2370 PSC 3140 PSY 3250 THE 2210

COURSE TITLE/CREDITS Assertiveness (1) Money Issues for Women (1) Money Issues for Women (1) American Congress & Legislative Process (3) Child Psychology (3) Introduction to Theatre (3)

CRN 34878 34901 35044 33273

DAYS/TIME S, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. S, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. S, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. S, 8:30 a.m.–3:15 p.m.

DATES 02/22–03/01 03/08–03/15 03/08–03/15 03/22–05/17

34834 W, 6–8:45 p.m. 03/22–05/17 32499 S, 8:30 a.m.–3:15 p.m. 03/22–05/17


through Feb. 8

Cross Currents

Critical Indigenous Photographic Exchange February 6-8

Photographer Will Wilson is setting up a tintype portrait studio and darkroom at the CVA. Learn about Will’s artwork and wet plate collodion photography. Thursday, Feb. 6 12-3pm Portrait Studio 4-5pm ABC Young Artist 5:30-7pm Artist Talk and Reception

Friday, Feb. 7 1-7pm Portrait Studio

Saturday, Feb. 8 11-4 Portrait Studio

Call to register for a portrait sitting : 303.294.5207 x114

Center for Visual Art | 965 Santa Fe Drive | 303.294.5207 | msudenver.edu/cva


Plaza Suite 150 303-556-2525

HIV and STI testing The Health Center encourages all individuals to know their HIV and STD status. Free confidential HIV testing is available for all Auraria Campus students. STD testing is available for a fee.

Events National Condom Day February 12 • 11 a.m.–2 p.m. Tivoli Multicultural Lounge Safe Spring Break March 18/19 • 11 a.m.–2 p.m. Tivoli Commons

24/7 Auraria Campus Emergency Phone Numbers Protocol to Contact the Auraria Police Department From any campus phone, CALL 911 From off-campus phones or cell phone, CALL 303-556-5000 After-hours mental health crisis and victim assistance CALL 303-352-4455

Spring into Wellness April 8 • 11 a.m.–2 p.m. Tivoli Commons

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