Volume 40, Issue 24 - March 7, 2018

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The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver


VOL. 40  NO. 24


MARCH 7, 2018


Roadrunners upend ThunderWolves to open conference play

Photo by Rich Allen | @msudenver.edu

MSU Denver senior Trent Maloney scores on a wild pitch by CSU-Pueblo pitcher Chris Douglas in the fourth inning of the Roadrunners’ 16-4 victory over the ThunderWolves at the Regency Athletic Complex on March 4.

Chicana author graces MSU Denver By Isaac Banks

Mexicana exhibition with a


powerful message of diversity

time friend of Castello’s, said,

Mixquiahuala Letters.” She

sexual themes and gay

and female empowerment.

“Throughout all of her work,

thought that the visual arts were

exploration. She said that those

all of these beautiful aspects of

her calling, but she stumbled

themes were included because

across writing and stuck to it.

she sometimes identifies as

Writers like Mark Twain, Ernest

Ana Castillo is a well-known

Clarissa Pinkola Estes, a long

Hemingway and J.K. Rowling have

Chicana poet and novelist. She is

her, she stands up with fire, and

written meaningful, mesmerizing

known for works such as “Women

sometimes the fire burns low and

books that left an imprint on

Are Not Roses,” “Watercolor

sometimes they conflagration.”

society. Ana Castillo is one such

Women, Opaque Men: A Novel in

author. On Thursday, March 1,

Verse” and “So Far from God.”

she stopped by the Emmanuel

American Book Award for “The

“I started writing almost as

Some of her books include

a bisexually queer woman,

soon as I started to read and

and that she advocates for

write. I’m not really sure how or

all human rights including

writing since the 1970’s, and has

why, it just came to me. I think

gender and sexuality rights.

Her works have a Chicana/o

won multiple awards, including

the first things that I wrote were

Art Gallery for a reading and

perspective and explore themes

the Carl Sandburg Literary Award

poems. I’m not sure because I

signing, closing out the Belleza

of sexuality, race and gender.

for “So Far From God” and the

was eight years old,” she said.





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Castillo has been consistently

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Symone Sanders bridges Black and

More than Amazon women relate to

Black woman astronaut promotes

Women’s basketball invited to

Women’s History Months

Wonder Woman


NCAA Tournament

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