Volume 40, Issue 5 - Sept. 13, 2017

Page 1

The Student Newspaper of MSU Denver



VOL. 40

NO. 5

SEPTEMBER 13, 2017


Saving heritage through art

Powwow preserves culture

Photo by Miriam Mimi Madrid | mayala3@msudenver.edu

Jeremiah Francis, a Diné/Southern Cheyenne/Shawnee/Pawnee powwow dancer, helps fan off a baby during a round of intertribals at the 28th Annual Friendship Powwow and American Indian Cultural Celebration on Sep. 9.

By Miriam Mimi Madrid

South Dakota. Spaces like the


Friendship Powwow are vital for

native residence program five

indigenous” and to see if he was

her family’s legacy of dancing to

years ago. To celebrate the

a real Indian with the right to

live on. “We have this part of the

benchmark, they invited three

speak on the issues impacting

from tots to elders, swayed

culture that we can hang on to.

alumni to co-create in the

native communities. Deal thinks


in their colorful regalia to the

This means a lot for us to actually

collaborative project called Action

that governmental funding

University’s strong stance on DACA.

thundering drum and the belting

participate and get to know the

X Community X Togetherness.

might have played a factor.

of native singers during the 28th

different people,” she said.

“They are incredibly important

Powwow dancers of all ages,

Annual Friendship Powwow

Tammy Poindexter has been

DAM officially started the

to verify if it was “appropriately

government more than a bunch of Indians with opinions?” Deal said.

attending the event for the past

art and indigenous voice to the

Celebration on Sept. 9 hosted

nine years and says the best part

arts in the Denver region and

by the Denver Art Museum.

| pg. 2

“I mean, what undermines the

here for our community bringing

and American Indian Cultural


Poindexter thinks indigenous


| pg. 5

Making Denver snob free and

is the environment of learning.

nationally,” said John Lukavic,

people need to share their

Hundreds gathered at the

“It’s good for non-Indians too.

associate curator at DAM.

opinions even louder to continue

Acoma Plaza, the space between

It gives them a chance to learn

the Denver Public Library and

about the original people of this

reciprocal. “This is one of the

DAM, to witness enduring

land like the Diné, Cheyenne, Utes,

museums that always thinks

indigenous cultural legacies of

Apache and Sioux,” she said.

about our community, gives

I want my sons to hang on to

back and does it in a beautiful

them and pass them to their


way,” said Melanie Yazzie.

kids for when they are ready

Volleyball competition brings in top

to dance,” Blacksmith said.


dance and participate in artmaking and community building. Santanna Blacksmith, of the

People filtered through the second and third floors of the museum to visit the American

The appreciation was

Gregg Deal worked for the

healthcare available for all.

the legacy of expression running


through their ancestral roots.

Red Bull Sound Select energizes

“All the moccasins I make,

Oglala Lakota nation, is a mother

Indian art collection which

Smithsonian Museum last summer

of four boys who all dance

included artwork from the artists

and said they were cautious of his

traditions of art and dance

and are growing between two

honored in the Powwow who

work from the start. At one point

be passed down to the next

worlds, the city of Denver and

participated in the Native Arts

they took his work to the National

generation in the same

the reservation at Pine Ridge,

Artists-in-Residence program.

Museum of the American Indian

ways she was taught.

She wants to see those

| pg. 8

Globe Hall. | pg. 9



SEPTEMBER 13, 2017

Rep. DeGette stands up for states’ rights By Ryan Longaker

and a high potential for abuse.


As far as the federal

substances would be legal and substance abuse not be criminal.

government is concerned,

It’d be treated as a health issue

There is a growing amount

marijuana and heroin are on the

and there would be more research

of conflict within government

same level. Bearing in mind how

into people who struggle with

regarding the legalization

marijuana is currently legal for

drug abuse,” Sutherland said.

of marijuana, putting states

recreational use in eight states,

This sentiment is not one shared

and the federal government

this is a huge problem from a

by the attorney general.

on opposing sides.

logistical standpoint alone.

On May 18, Rep. Diana

“So far I’ve gotten some

Sessions sent a letter to Congress in May blaming

DeGette introduced the Respect

bipartisan support for the bill,

marijuana for a national drug

States’ and Citizens’ Rights Act

but I’ve had difficulty getting

epidemic and a possible long-

of 2017 which will amend the

Paul Ryan and the leadership in

term boost in violent crime.

Controlled Substances Act.

Congress to a vote,” DeGette said.

“I introduced this bill and

The biggest threat to the bill

“Smoking marijuana, in addition, has significant negative

it goes in and amends the

and recreational marijuana is

preemption clause. So right

Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

now the Controlled Substances

DeGette is worried that Sessions’

Academies of Sciences,

Act said that this shall preempt

decision to not honor state’s’

Engineering and Medicine

state law, but my bill says except

choice regarding recreational

released a report in January

where a state has legalized

and medicinal marijuana will

about the health risks of smoking

marijuana is still legal for adult

or recreationally every election

marijuana,” DeGette said.

impact states ability to do

marijuana. According to the

use in eight states. MSU Denver

cycle, although the attorney

business with legal cannabis.

report, it is difficult to provide

student Kaylea Butler is inclined

general is currently promising

conclusive proof regarding

to agree with the states over

to take that away. Because of

the federal government.

the continual internal conflict,

Time Magazine stated that by 2020, 18 states are expected

Sessions’ decision also

health effects,” Sessions said. However, the National Photo by Ryan Longaker | rlongake@msudenver.edu

Luke Sutherland, an ex-marine, smokes marijuana medicinally to manage pain..

to have legalized marijuana for

impacts those who use cannabis

marijuana’s negative or positive

adult usage. However, cannabis

medicinally. MSU Denver student

effects because of its designation

is still classified as a Schedule

Luke Sutherland is one of those

as a Schedule I drug.

I drug, which is a huge problem

individuals. Sutherland is an

for the federal government.

honorably discharged veteran of

Sessions wrote that the Justice

say on medical or recreational

won’t have the option of ignoring

According to the Drug

marijuana,” Butler said.

this bill and the larger issue

“I’m a real fan of states

this problem is positioned to

rights, so no, I don’t think

According to the LA Times,

become incredibly exacerbated.

government should have a

Lawmakers say the House

the Marine Corps who sustained

Department “needs to have free

Enforcement Agency, Schedule

nerve damage during his training.

rein to use all laws available to

I drugs are defined as drugs,

He has a prescription to smoke

enforce the Controlled Substances

plans to do nothing with the bill.

make a final decision regarding

substances or chemicals with no

cannabis to cope with the pain.

Act.” Even if medical marijuana

Nonetheless, more states are

adult usage of cannabis.

remains unscathed, recreational

legalizing cannabis medicinally

currently accepted medical use

“If I could make the rules, all

Thus far, Speaker Paul Ryan

at hand and they will have to

Panel assures DACA students of their safety The university upheld that possessing

By Emily Moyer emoyer2@msudenver.edu

DACA status would not affect students’ ability to be admitted or their ability to apply for

Representatives of students and faculty

in-state tuition, so long as they have gone to a

from MSU Denver gathered in the Student

Colorado high school for the last three years,

Success Building on Sept. 11 to address the

and have applied for college within 12 months

issues surrounding the Trump administration’s

of graduating. Many of the panelists urged

decision to end the Deferred Action for

students to continue with their studies despite

Childhood Arrivals program in six months.

the stress and emotions they may be feeling.

“I genuinely don’t understand how

Students who are worried about their

people cannot be in support of this

expiring DACA status can attend a free DACA

generation of young people who are

renewal workshop on Sept. 16, at 10 a.m. in

here, through no fault of their own - but

Tivoli room 320. Other resources include free

here - trying to get an education, trying to

support through the Consultation Assessment

be productive members of society,” said

Referral Education Team at the Counseling

MSU Denver President Janine Davidson.

Center and MSU Denver Immigration

Some of the biggest concerns DACA

Services. Students and their families can also

students face include loss of legal status,

seek free legal advice the first Wednesday

financial aid and access to in-state tuition.

of each month at the Centro San Juan

Students also fear that application information

Diego, in Denver from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

will be used to locate and deport them

MSU Denver RISE officers Iliana Chavez Photo by Emily Moyer | emoyer2@msudenver.edu

as well as their families. Current DACA

and Saira Galindo-Vasquez voiced their

Dr. Ramon Del Castillo questions Davidson’s panel on how MSU Denver will help students and community members who are DACA recipients on Sept. 11.

concerns about the sensitivity of faculty

the counseling center and AHEC Chief of

university, and has been treated as such

the staff to make sure they know how to

Police Michael Phibbs spoke to address

by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

some of these concerns. Phibbs wanted to

Phibbs and Lee said ICE would likely not

and so we don’t plan to, and have not in

“A lot of us don’t know what’s going to happen

emphasize that MSU Denver is a sensitive

pursue recipients of DACA, and that they

the past worked with ICE to try to track

in six months and it’s really hard to deal with.”

area, similar to what some call a sanctuary

hope new legislation might offer more

down people on campus,” Lee said.

recipients discussed their options for reapplying as well as alternative options. Steven Lee, the assistant director of

toward DACA recipients at the university. “I think that we need an initiative to train

permanent solutions for these students. “We don’t do immigration enforcement,

handle the issue with sensitivity,” Chavez said.




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9/29– 9/30

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10/07– 10/14

Money Issues for Women


S, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

CPD 2370


11/04– 11/11

Acting Like a Teacher


S, 9 a.m.–2:30 p.m.

EDU 4300


9/25– 10/28

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S, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

EDU 1610


11/04– 11/11

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Acting Like a Teacher


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SEPTEMBER 13, 2017

MSU Denver steadfast on Title IX protections By James Bofenkamp

“This letter was more of a

its own volition. After receiving


direct message to colleges and

a report of sexual violence, the

universities that are not living up

report is sent to the Colorado

to the expectations of meeting

Attorney General’s office

Devos raised fears about Title

the foundations of Title IX and

where it is reviewed. Only after

IX protections against sexual

making sure that all students

the report is deemed strong

violence being weakened, after

regardless of race and protected

enough to warrant the school

she said that the guidelines

classes are able to participate

looking into it does the school

imposed by 2011’s dear colleague

in the educational activity.”

begin its investigation.

Secretary of Education Betsy

letter would be revised. Students are concerned that

The letter created controversy

The investigation is then

by lowering the need to provide

performed by a neutral agent

the revisions threaten to reduce

more evidence as the danger

who examines evidence from

sexual violence protections.

of sexual harassment grew.

both the accused and accuser

“The more severe the

as well as conducts interviews

Title IX is a federal law that ensures educational institutions

conduct, the less need there

with each party. Considering

that receive federal funding work

is to show a repetitive series

the school’s stance on these

toward removing sexual biases.

of incidents to prove a hostile

accusations and the process

The Dear Colleague letter, penned

environment,” the letter said.

it has established, Morehouse

by Assistant Secretary for Civil

However, DeVos’ move seems

does not expect any changes to

Rights Russlynn Ali, was issued

to have little effect when it

come to MSU Denver from the

in 2011 during former President

comes when addressing those

revisions to the law’s guidelines.

Barack Obama’s first term.

concerns at MSU Denver.

Morehouse also stressed that

Photo by James Bofenkamp | jbofenk1@msudenver.edu

Mike Rager, Title IX Investigator/Student Conduct Specialist, in his office. share information if both are

the rapid rate at which evidence

investigating an act of sex-

in such cases can deteriorate.

Sexual violence is defined as

“The college has always

the Title IX investigations were

biased crime or discrimination,

physical sexual acts perpetrated

allowed due process,” said

not the only course for redress.

the work of each party is

that MSU Denver holds itself

against a person’s will. The letter

Director of Equal Opportunity

Students who are victims of

independent of the other.

to, as well as the student code

attempted to address the high

and Assistant to the President

sexual violence may contact

numbers of reported assault

Dr. Percy A. Morehouse Jr. He

the police, the school or both.

against girls and women in school

argued that concerns about the

by encouraging schools to act

accused not having due process

more quickly to resolve disputes.

at MSU Denver are baseless.

Title IX Investigator at MSU Denver Mike Rager said,

Furthermore, the school does not pursue such accusations on

Phibbs encouraged students

Considering the standards

of conduct, the changes are

who are filing such complaints

unlikely to affect students greatly.

to start pressing charges

However, after the reversal

of the Auraria campus police,

and reserve the option to

of transgender protections,

reinforced that statement.

drop those charges later.

this is the second deleterious

Michael Phibbs, the chief

Although institutions and police departments may

“Let us at least gather evidence now,” Phibbs said, describing

change to Title IX guidelines that DeVos will have made.

offers free ads One free sixteenth-page ad in The Metropolitan to all MSU Denver student organization per semester. Contact Sales@MyMetMedia.com or 303-556-2507

SEPTEMBER 13, 2017



Give our kids their healthcare


n the midst of this partisan

at all financially crippling, $55,700.

mud-slinging in congress

My sister was just 14 years old

about whether or not to repeal

these families should pay for insurance is callous in the nicest

Obamacare, one crucial health

leiomyosarcoma, a soft tissue

of terms. The Congressional

insurance program is just weeks

cancer, in her right leg. Our family

Budget Office noted that state-

from expiring; the Children’s

wasn’t low-income, therefore

specific extensions of CHIP, such as

Health Insurance Program. This

rendering us ineligible to qualify

Colorado’s Health Plan Plus, have

is unacceptable and congress

for CHIP. Along the way, we met

resulted in a drop in coverage for

needs to act immediately

numerous other families of children

private insurers, “For every 100

to extend the program.

with cancer through a group called

children who enroll as a result of

Shining Stars. Behind the smiling

SCHIP, there is a corresponding

faces, I could tell, were scared

reduction in private coverage of

parents and terrified children in

between 25 and 50 children.”

The program, turning 20 years old, is set to expire on Sept. 30.

James Burky

It’s been providing child-to-teen low cost health care coverage for

have faced food, housing or energy

the midst of a battle with a horrible

children with various ailments,

insecurity. According to the same

disease. As long as there are

something that privatized health

study, 20 percent of families were

children with cancer and as long

insurance may not provide.

low-income at the time of their

as there are families who can’t

Some conditions develop over

child’s diagnosis. By six months

afford the costs of coverage, then

time, and when a low-income

into the diagnosis, 29 percent of

there must be CHIP to help these

family is blindsided by a serious

families reported that they faced

families. They aren’t freeloaders,

allergy, they look to CHIP for

food insecurity. Yet, the process of

they’re young kids fighting for their

assistance. Critics of the program

approving a short term extension

life and parents doing everything

worried about the profits of

argue that privatized insurance

to fix the dents in the program

they can to keep them alive. It’s a

private companies more than

can cover these conditions.

seems to be lethargic, we’re just

family’s worst nightmare to have

the access to affordable health

17 days from losing the program.

a child with cancer, and it’s the

care for children is disgusting.

government’s responsibility to

The moment we prioritize private

Except no low-income parents would even think of expecting

The most common cancer among

“They aren’t freeloaders, they’re young kids fighting for their life...” The fact that some are more

children is Leukemia, accounting for

help those low-income families

health insurance companies over

if their child is stricken with cancer.

1 in 3 diagnoses. Leukemia, believe

with children of cancer alive.

affordable health care for children,

it or not, isn’t the most wallet-

It may seem less important

Cancer Institute, almost one-third of

friendly disease. Its annual cost for

compared to more pressing

families with children with cancer

treatment sits at modest, and not

issues, but the expectation that

Editor-in-Chief Esteban Fernandez eferna14@msudenver.edu Managing Editor Montana Martin mmart427@msudenver.edu News Editor Madison Lauterbach mlauter1@msudenver.edu Assistant News Editor James Bofenkamp jbofenk1@msudenver.edu

affordable, private health insurance According to the Dana-Farber


these health costs through private

when she was diagnosed with

we’ve lost ourselves as a country.

Features Editor Maria Muller mmuller4@msudenver.edu Assistant Features Editor Miriam Mimi Madrid mayala3@msudenver.edu Sports Editor Richard Allen rallen57@msudenver.edu Assistant Sports Editor David Schaut dschaut@msudenver.edu Photo Editor Ali Watkins awatkin9@msudenver.edu Director of Met Media Steve Haigh shaigh@msudenver.edu Assistant Director of Met Media

Dear transplants...


Ronan O’Shea roshea3@msudenver.edu Production Manager of Met Media Kathleen Jewby kjewby@msudenver.edu

s “transplants” move in

tickets for riding our bikes on the

me to move my foot from the

to Denver, natives grow

sidewalk when we were kids and

brake to the gas, I will be flustered

more angry. Most are

there were no bike lanes. Anywhere.

and irrationally angry with you.

angry that they are taking jobs,

If you are too scared to ride in

raising costs and encouraging

the street, move to the suburbs or

the mass building of apartments

quit riding your bike altogether.

complexes in any open space left,

Second, please quit honking

Stop using your impatience to bully others on the road. Aggression, impatience and hostility are not appreciated here.

all while acting entitled and rude

so damn much. This is a state of

One of the great beauties of this

to the people being pushed out.

non-honkers and frankly, it scares

city is that people can receive a

the shit out of me. I am more prone

small town kindness in a big city.

to get in an accident or slam on

Isn’t that why people more here?

I admit that I am a little angry for the same reason. But honestly, those

Cassandra Ballard

are not the main reasons I hate many of the transplants coming in. I enjoy that the city offers better food than dirty diners and

the brakes when I hear a horn. so please quit pretending like you get it when you don’t. I decided to help these people

green chili. Even though green

a little and create a little guide to

chili should go on everything.

them how to pretend to fit in.

I also am happy there is more

First, stop riding your bike on the

street art and less angry

sidewalk. It is illegal and I hope the

conservatives passive-aggressively

cops give you an expensive ticket

holding back their racism.

for it. The city put a lot of money

What I can’t stand are tourists

your money, awesome education the same place you are falling in love with. Some, like me, have had that love affair for generations and we will fight to stay here as hard Can we all just agree to

into building bike lanes for a safe

when they are not paying

get along and be nice to each

moving in and acting like they

bike commute anywhere and there

attention and/or when they

other, while respecting the

know what’s up. It is OK to admit

is really no reason to not use them.

are about to hit you.

place we all love so much?

when you don’t know something,

Not to mention, enough of us got

If you honk in the time it takes

Have an article you’d like to contribute? Want to voice your thoughts on a current event or subject that has been covered in the paper? Send your pieces to themetonline@gmail.com or Managing Editor Montana Martin at mmart427@msudenver.edu

Corrections: Last week The Metropolitan misspelled the names of Laurence Washington and Trevor Maniscalo. The wrong spelling was used in a pullquote attributed to Michelle de Leon. The Metropolitan regrets the error.

Sales and Marketing sales@mymetmedia.com marketing@mymetmedia.com Preston Morse pmorse3@msudenver.edu Caitlin Monaghan cmonagh12@msudenver.edu

What We Do

or brag worthy job but we do love

as you have fought to be here. Horns are to warn someone

Elizabeth Norberg enorbert@msudenver.edu

Third, quit being snobs altogether. No, most of us don’t have

“It is OK to admit when you don’t know something, so please quit pretending like you get it when you don’t.”

Office Manager

The Metropolitan accepts submissions in the form of topic-driven columns and letters to the editor. Column article concepts must be submitted by 1 p.m. Thursdays and the deadline for columns is 9 p.m. Sundays. Columns range from 500 to 600 words. Letters to the editor must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays to be printed in that week’s edition. There is a 500-word limit for letters to the editor. The Metropolitan reserves the right to edit letters for formatting and style. All submissions should be sent by email to themetonline@gmail.com. The Metropolitan is produced by and for the students of Metropolitan State University of Denver and serves the Auraria Campus. The Metropolitan is supported by advertising revenue and student fees and is published every Wednesday during the academic year and monthly during the summer semester. Opinions expressed in The Metropolitan are not necessarily those of the university and/or members of the university, nor Met Media’s advertisers.



SEPTEMBER 13, 2017

Body acceptance out in public By Avery Anderson

acceptance, it is a therapeutic


process. Started by Eve Parker,

statement. The women’s

this five month experience

vulnerability and bravery is

helps women view themselves

heartwarming and motivational.

is an ongoing problem. Although

in a health conscious way. After

The hope is for everyone to

there is more rhetoric than ever

months of coaching and work

walk out feeling empowered

about loving and valuing oneself

the women write monologues

and more accepted.

in the last couple of years, men

about their acceptance issues

and women still struggle with

and their attitudes now.

The issue of body acceptance

the message that they are not pretty enough or skinny enough.

“The fact that your heart is beating, your eyes are blinking and your stomach is digesting the food you ate, and you don’t have ask it to, is amazing.” – Eve Parker

For now Parker plans on producing a “Body Logs” show

The show’s format is simple.

every year with new women,

Each person in the group has

and maybe men, and spread

written their own monologue

the word of body acceptance.

that speaks to the issues they

The show and concept is still in

have faced, the consequences

early stages of format and layout.

and where they are now.

When you strip away the theatrical

The monologues are woven

aspects of the show, and view it as

together with banter and group

a healing experience for women, Photo by Inspirational Eve | @msudenver.edu

observations. The topics include drug abuse, sexual abuse, weight issues and the effects of childbirth.

these women. It is their chance

been fascinated by the body. “The fact that your heart is

over the country and discovering that many faced body issues.

part healing performance that

to publicly state issues they have

beating, your eyes are blinking and

strives to help women overcome

faced and their feelings today.

your stomach is digesting the food

show be viewed as fully flushed

these issues and accept their

This completes the therapy

you ate, and you don’t have to ask

out and developed. But for the

bodies for what they are.

process and ends their journey.

it to, is amazing,” Parker said.

seven women involved, it’s a

Body Logs is more than a theatrical piece about body

it becomes a heartfelt night.

‘Body Logs’ is a new therapeutic show about body acceptance and loving oneself. Photo Credit: Inspirational Eve.

The performance aspect of the show is the “firewalk” for

“Body Logs” is a new two

There is power in public

Director and Life Coach, Eve Parker, said that she has always

Parker started this endeavour after interviewing women all

By no means should the

victory lap to publicly show that they accept who they are.

If you go: • When Now playing through Sept. 19. • Where The Clocktower Cabaret, 1601 Arapahoe St, Denver, CO, 80202, CO.

Colorado premiere of ‘Once’ meets high expectations By Avery Anderson

of soothing songs like “Gold” or


“Falling Slowly” to upbeat and ethnic songs like “Ej, Pada, Pada.”

Classical musicals such as

“Once” also requires extra work

“The Music Man,” “The Sound of

from its actors. The performers on

Music” or “Annie” follow a main

stage are also the orchestra. Each

character as they better themselves

character has an instrument that

and the situation around them.

they play on the edge of the stage.

Modern musicals tend to

This is can be a risky musical to

differ in formula. They are a more

produce. Its unique sound, mixed

raw and realistic look at human

with the slower and more emotional

stories, creating their own ideas

plot line and the fact that the actors

of what a happy ending should be.

are also the orchestra, are unusual

“Once” falls into that category.

aspects that can pose issues. If

“Once” is the complicated

not done correctly it can sound

love story of an Irish guy and

clunky and look uncoordinated.

Czechoslovakian girl. After Guy’s

But if a theater is able to pull it

girlfriend leaves him in Dublin to

off it can have a large reward

move to New York, he is left in a

in the quality of art created.

broken and depressed state. It is

Midtown Arts Center beautifully

not until Girl hears him playing

brings together this production,

music that his life begins to move

giving “Once” the introduction

along. She helps him pursue and

to Colorado it deserves.

follow his dreams. The show is

Barry DeBois and Elena Juliano

Photo courtesy of Midtown Arts Center

rounded by the loving and crazy

play Guy and Girl, perfectly

family and friends of Guy and Girl

portraying the lovers crossing-

who help them along their journey.

in-the-night story. They are both

soul leap with every note. Scenic

The state premiere of “Once”

stoic, broken and with the help of

design by Mickey Burdick were

production for Midtown Arts

at Midtown Arts Center has high

others, open their hearts only to

a treat for the eyes and helped

Center, setting the bar high for

If you go:

expectations after winning eight

realize that their relationship simply

create this encompassing world.

what a regional theater company

Tony Awards, including Best Musical

could not work. Their renditions of

and Best Book on Broadway. It’s

“Falling Slowly” awakes the soul

a small problem with a

Irish music mixed with Czech

and brings a tear to every eye.

performance that made the cast

When Through Nov. 11 Where Midtown Arts Center, 3750 S Mason St, Fort Collins, CO 80525.

music. A unique sound unlike other musicals, from a plethora

These stunning actors performed the music flawlessly, making your

The choreography presented

lookout of sync with each other, making it slightly distracting.

“Once” marks another beautiful

can do with this emotional, unique and challenging musical.


MONTH 09, 2017

Student Engagement and Wellness offers a variety of programs and services to MSU Denver students. Please review the list to see what we have to offer in support of your collegiate experience.

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You will find opportunities for all to relieve stress by participating in a group fitness class, shooting baskets in the gymnasium, lifting weights in the fitness center or scaling the rock wall. • Outdoor Pursuits • Intramural Sports • Group Fitness • Personal Training • Adaptive Fitness • Informal Recreation • Fitness Center • Certification & Prep Courses PE 108 • 303-556-3210 • www.msudenver.edu/campusrec/

We can help you find ways to manage difficult times and provide you with a comforting place to examine your life and learn more about yourself so you can realize your potential. Individual Counseling • Support Groups • Crisis Intervention • Quick Consult • Mental Health Resources • Academic and Personal Growth Workshops Tivoli 651 • 303-556-3132 • www.msudenver.edu/counsel/

We provide referrals for students in need and ensure that you have the resources to persist through graduation. • Food Bank • Navigate University Processes • Student Conflict Resolution • Student Code of Conduct • CARE Team Tivoli 311 • 303-556-3559 • www.msudenver.edu/ deanofstudents/

The Health Center at Auraria offers comprehensive medical care with physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, psychiatrists and gynecologists. • Primary Care • Urgent Care • Mental Health • Immunizations • Insurance • Health Education Plaza 150 • 303-556-2525 • www.healthcenter1.com

We provide a space to find your community, as well as education and resources for the campus on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. • Community Building • Advocacy & Support • Resources • Education Tivoli 213 • 303-556-6488 • www.lgbtq-auraria.org

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SEPTEMBER 13, 2017

Globe Hall gets its wings

Photos by Montana Martin | mmart427@msudenver.edu

The Hotelier plays a rare, full-band set as headliners for the Red Bull Sound Select. Lead vocalist Christian Holden utilized the help of fans to get them through the extended set. By Montana Martin

fanbase for local representation.

curator Consequence of Sound,


The beach bums of Boise, Idaho

provided branded tote bags

in Thick Business brought bouncy

in which to protect those wax

vibes, and what guitarist Frank

commodities. Overslept brought

a venue filled to capacity

Tillo called, “a little bit of anxiety.”

their own merch, which lead

overpowered the intoxicating

Headlining band The Hotelier, who

singer Elias Armaos hoped would

smell of smoked pork in

are at the forefront of the emo

fund their McDonald’s runs on

the adjoining saloon.

revival scene, brought an outlet

the band’s upcoming tour.

The sweat of 200 fans in

Patrons used guitar picks

for the emotionally charged fans.

Sound Select consistently

as currency at the bar, where

“I love seeing bands like

the Red Bull cooler stayed in

this all on the same bill,” said

on the people in the music

a constant state of restock. A

event curator Jason Sassi.

industry, rather than their genres.

weekday common room for

“It’s not quite a mixed bill,

However, Danny Kerr, bassist

live music, fueled by sad songs

but it makes the whole night

for Thick Business, noted how

and carbonated caffeine, made

a little less monotonous in a

a show like this would struggle

it seem dark and lonely. The

way that still makes sense.”

to succeed without a brand

neighborhood stage at Globe Hall

The first 50 people to come

provides a platform that focuses

like Red Bull to support it.

Thick Business gets the crowd bouncing during the Red Bull Sound Select.

kept Denver awake during the Red

through the door had the option

Bull Sound Select on Sept. 6.

to rifle through two crates of

happen and it would totally bomb.

vinyl and bring home a title

This would generally be not a

of their choosing. The show

good lineup,” Kerr said. “But when

Tillo said. “And it’s cool because

multi-faceted music scene going

there’s this many people involved,

you meet those people who are

on right now. And it doesn’t

the energy is all there. As long

really proactive, and want to grow

feel quite as segmented as say,

as the bands are cool, people are

something in an art scene.”

New York City, where you play

The Denver natives of Overslept brought their dedicated

“This kind of lineup might

into the scene no matter what.” Initially the members of

“It gives bands an experience,”

Sarah Pincock, vocalist for

“Denver has a really cool,

in one genre and one sphere,”

Thick Business, mentioned

Sassi said. “It definitely feels a

Thick Business were uncertain

that Red Bull also has a knack

lot more tight knit. Everyone just

whether it would be worth it to

for picking cities that provide

kind of knows each other here.”

get involved with such a bold

“built-in crowds.” The adaptive

presence like Red Bull. They also

music community of Denver

how to become a more scene-

weren’t sure if they were ready

makes the city a place where

conscious citizen and help

to deal with the looming feeling

Sound Select’s eclectic formula

support the growth of music

of “Red Bull everywhere.” But,

of lineup-building can thrive.

communities like these.

playing their fourth Sound Select

Referencing his experience

Tillo had some advice on

“Quit living in your dumbass

show, the band spoke to their

with New York City’s music

houses. Quit having kids,

appreciation for Red Bull’s hands-

scene, Sassi said that Denver

go to more shows,” Tillo

off approach to these events.

sets itself apart for that reason.

laughed. “How about that?”

SEPTEMBER 13, 2017



Elite competition convenes at Auraria Event Center Volleyball hosts Colorado Premier Challenge

By Matthew Stefanski

You never face a bad team here.


It challenged us, we got to work

where it would just be a walk.” The tournament is well

through a bunch of different

received by players and coaches

lineups, and see who’s going

alike, who view it as a great way to

Challenge was held Sept.

to be aggressive in pressure

see where they stand early in the

8 – 9, bringing some of the

situations,” Glenn said.

season. “It’s great competition,

The 21st Colorado Premier

best volleyball teams in

Southwest Minnesota State

it’s so much fun to play here.

University took the tournament

I really enjoy it,” said Nicole

championship over Concordia

Mattson, a junior outside hitter

eight of the top 25 ranked teams to

University St. Paul. The final

from Florida Southern College.

compete against MSU Denver and

score was 3-1. Lewis University

Regis University. The impressive

beat Ferris State University 3-0

MSU Denver representative

list of ranked schools included

for the silver bracket, and Regis

named to the All-Tournament

No. 1 Concordia University St.

University beat Florida Southern

Team. Concordia University St.

Division II to MSU Denver. The tournament brought in

Paul had the most recognition,

Paul, No. 2 Southwest Minnesota State University, No. 3 Lewis University and No. 6 Angelo State University. Only four unranked schools were in attendance, University of West Florida, Regis University, Florida Southern College and MSU Denver. “This tournament is always

“It is a brutal weekend in a lot of ways, but it’s so great for us. We can’t ask for better competition on our home floor.” – Jenny Glenn

is to bring in top 25 teams and I

with five players honored. Moving forward, MSU Denver volleyball begins its Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference schedule on Sept. 15 at Regis University. Going into conference play, the team looks to improve on its 3-5 start and regain the top-25 ranking it held at the

tough,” said MSU Denver head coach Jenny Glenn. “Our goal

Vasati Fiatoa was the lone

3-1 for the bronze bracket. The Colorado Premier

beginning of the season. “We’ve got to fix some

think most teams are receiving

Challenge has been held since

things before we head into

votes if they’re not in the top

1996, and has been co-hosted

conference next weekend,”

25. It is a brutal weekend in a

by both MSU Denver and Regis

Glenn said. “I think we have

lot of ways, but it’s so great

University during that time. The

some young athletes on the

for us. We can’t ask for better

tournament has had 14 unique

team that are really challenging

competition on our home floor.”

champions and has had co-

our upperclassmen and we’re

champions twice; in 1996, the

just looking for the mixture that

the 12 teams divided up into four

title was shared by BYU-Hawaii

gives us the most success.”

pools, with the top team from each

and Central Missouri, and in

going into the gold bracket, the

2014, there was a four-way tie

conference matches until the

middle team going to the silver

between Concordia University St.

RMAC tournament on Nov. 14.

bracket and the bottom team

Paul, Southwest Minnesota State

going into the bronze bracket. The

University, Tampa University and

Roadrunners lost to Angelo State

University of Minnesota Duluth.

Day one of the tournament saw

University 3-0 in afternoon play,

The Roadrunners will play

Photos by Kaileigh Lyons | klyons9@msudenver.edu

Vasati Fiatoa preparing to spike the ball against Lewis University at the Colorado Premier Challenge tournament on Sept. 9.

MSU Denver has won the

but regained their composure and

tournament once, in 2003.

put together a hard-fought 3-2

Regis, respectively, has also

victory against Florida Southern.

won once in 1997. In-state and in-conference rivals Colorado

“It’s the best tournament there is in D-II. They bring in good talent and they take care of us really well.” – George Padjen

School of Mines and Colorado Mesa University have both attended the tournament, but have not won. Neither school was in attendance this year. Top seed and 2016 national champion Concordia University St. Paul views it as

On day two, the teams played in their respective brackets, with MSU Denver competing

one of the top tournaments in Division II volleyball. “We’ve been here for 13

in the silver bracket, and Regis

years in a row and we love it,”

University in the bronze. The

said George Padjen, assistant

Roadrunners dropped their first

coach and acting head coach

match against Lewis University

for Concordia University St.

3-0 and fell in their second

Paul. “It’s the best tournament

match against University of

there is in D-II. They bring in

Central Missouri 3-1, which

good talent and they take care

gave them a fourth-place

of us really well. We’d rather

finish in the silver bracket.

come here and take a loss or

“It’s a tough tournament.

two than go somewhere else

Tayor Duryea, Kayla White and Vasati Fiatoa preparing for a set against Angelo State Univeristy in the Colorado Premier Challenge tournament on Sept. 8.

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SEPTEMBER 13, 2017



Mack takes reins of cross-country New coach wants to capitalize on chemistry

By Brennen Sampson bsampso2@msudenver.edu


Mack paints a picture of very tight-knit teams

Tennis hires head coach

at his past universities, Veteran coach Trent Mack became the newest addition to the MSU Denver cross-country

something he no doubt looks Mack is more than simply

family on July 7 when he was

a coach and a runner. He is a

introduced as the head coach

father of three children who

of the cross-country team.

have already taken an interest in

Family is perhaps the most

running and may one day grow

crucial element of a team. With the

up to be runners themselves. He

physical and mental strains that

also enjoys being outdoors and

come with running for hours every

tries to go fishing and hiking in

day and 5,000 to 10,000 meters

the vast wilderness of Colorado.

every competition, it can be

Other than running, his other

difficult to maintain good spirits.

passion is family, he said. These

The support runners need comes

two things directly intertwine

from teammates and coaches

with how he runs his team. His

who become like family over time.

personality and experience make

Mack is an experienced instructor,

him a valuable asset, something

having coached at four collegiate

his former staff is well aware of.

programs prior to taking the helm of the Roadrunners this fall. In his career as an athlete,

The MSU Denver men’s and women’s tennis teams finally have a coach. The athletics department announced on Sept. 11 that Barrett Elkins had been hired to replace former tennis coach Daniel Hangstefer. Elkins comes to MSU Denver just in time for both teams’ first competition. Both teams will take part in the CSU-Pueblo Duals on Sept. 14 at the Regency Athletic Complex. Elkins comes to the Roadrunners from Young Harris College in Young Harris, Georgia, where he spent five years as head coach, leading three straight teams to national rankings and their first NCAA tournament in the 2015 season. Young Harris College has been a Division II NCAA school since 2014.

to carry into this season.

“It’s a great opportunity for Trent. It’s tough losing him. He’s been a real asset to our

Mack was a four-time All-

program, both as an athlete

American cross-country runner

and a coach,” Black Hills

at Black Hills State University.

State track and crosscountry

Long distance wasn’t his original

coach Scott Walkinshaw told

goal, starting out primarily

The Rapid City Journal.

Photo by Mark Stahl | mstahl5@msudenver.edu

New MSU Denver cross country head coach Trent Mack poses for a portrait in the MSU Athletic Department offices on Sept. 6, 2017.

Mack’s biggest goal is

those outside of running. Mack

team of dedicated runners. One

until he began to training with

helping players reach the

emphasized the biggest assets

athlete even said Mack conducts

the long distance runners. Over

personal goals they set in their

outside of practice: a good

drills he’s never seen or heard of

time, his concentration shifted

first meeting, whether it be a

diet, a good sleep schedule and

before, and this no doubt stems

to the 800-meter relay and then

new personal record or making

eliminating the ups and downs of

from picking up a few tricks

to the 1,500-meter, gradually

it to nationals. Senior runner

situations the athletes have control

along his coaching journey.

changing his physique for the

Brandon Krage revealed the

over, such as personal lives.

new challenges. As he began

goal he set for himself, which is

Mack built a close relationship

together as a family strengthening

to reach the new objectives

to set the new school record by

with the team right off the bat.

their work ethic and bond. As

he set for himself, he joined

the time the Chile Pepper Cross

“My first impression is he’s

important as running is, Mack

the cross-country team.

Country Festival rolled around

very dedicated and driven.

stressed the need to not let

at the end of September.

He’s one of us,” Krage said.

it consume his runners’ lives

running the 400-meter hurdles,

Soon after finishing his athletic career, Mack returned

It is clear that the biggest

This season looks promising for

to Black Hills State University as

team-goal this year is simply

the Roadrunners, as the veteran

an assistant coach. His coaching

improvement by doing the things

experience of Mack looks to build

career then took him to Dakota

necessary for winning, including

a stronger and vastly improved

This team looks to be coming

uttering a motto that will no doubt be instrumental in the locker room. “Don’t make running life, make it a lifestyle.”

State University, Ashland University and most recently the

Golf competes in RMAC fall preview The Roadrunners’ women’s golf team finished their second competition of the season on Sept. 12. They finished the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference Fall Preview at Fox Hollow Golf Course in fifth place out of a total of 14 teams. Leading the Runners was senior Lindsey Gullikson, who shot a two-day total of 152, good enough to tie for the fifth-best score in the competition. Behind her was junior Tori Glenn, who finished tied for 10th place with a two-day total of 155. The Roadrunners, who are still without a head coach, next compete at the West Region Preview Sept. 18-19 in Durango. Soccer update Men’s and women’s soccer finished a challenging and ultimately disappointing portion of their schedules over the weekend. Both teams played Seattle Pacific University and Western Washington University at home, and both teams lost both games. The men, who are now 0-4, lost their first game 2-1, and their second 1-0. The women started the weekend with a 2-1 loss to Seattle Pacific, then played a great game against Western Washington, the No. 1 team in the nation, and only lost due to a goal in the 45th minute. The loss dropped the women to 1-3 on the season. Both teams start their Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference schedules on Sept. 15. The men travel to Colorado Christian University, while the women host No. 18 Colorado School of Mines.

University of Northern Colorado. While at Ashland, he led his team to a top-10 ranking. While at the regional meet, the men finished second and qualified for finals with five athletes finishing in the top nine slots. Both men and women made it to the NCAA’s state tournament that year. A few years later in 2014, Mack received the NCAA Division II assistant coach of the year honors. Mack didn’t focus on himself when asked about these accomplishments. He instead credited his athletes for their amazing work ethic rather than soaking up the limelight for these boundless feats. “I obviously can’t sit and take the credit,” Mack said. “I had a lot of good leadership and they were patient with the process.” Photo courtesy of MSU Denver Athletics

Senior Brandon Krage, who figures to be a key player for cross country this season, is excited for the rapid bond he developed with new coach Trent Mack.



SEPTEMBER 13, 2017

Denver professional sports update NATIONAL NEWS Hurricane Irma disrupts college and professional play Several football games were cancelled Sept. 9 and 10 in anticipation of Hurricane Irma making landfall. Most prominently, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers game in Miami against the Miami Dolphins was rescheduled for week 11, forcing both teams to take a week-one bye and play 16 weeks in a row. Other prominent games cancelled included the Miami Hurricanes vs. the Arkansas State Red Wolves, the Florida Gators vs. Northern Colorado Bears and the South Florida Bulls vs the UConn Huskies. Several games are already affected for the weekend of Sept. 16, most prominently including the Miami Hurricanes visiting the Florida State Seminoles.

Broncos start season on right foot By Giacomo DiFranco gdifranc@msudenver.edu The Denver Broncos kicked off their season and Vance Joseph made his head coaching debut in Monday night’s victory over the Los Angeles Chargers. The Broncos finished with a record of 9-7 last season and failed to make the playoffs one year after winning the Super Bowl. As a franchise historically known for success, the Broncos will look to rebound from their ago. However, there are still

Rafael Nadal and Sloane Stephens were named the singles champions at the U.S. Open in New York on Sept. 9 and 10, respectively. Nadal defeated Kevin Anderson 6-3, 6-3, 6-4 to secure the men’s title and Stephens defeated Madison Keys 6-3, 6-0 to win the women’s title. This championship was Nadal’s third U.S. Open title and 16th Grand Slam title. This was Stephens’ first U.S. Open title and Grand Slam title.

NFL regular season kicks off The NFL regular season kicked off on Sept. 7 between the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots and the Kansas City Chiefs. The Chiefs beat the Patriots 42-27. Week one action wrapped up with a doubleheader on Monday Night Football featuring the New Orleans Saints visiting the Minnesota Vikings and the Los Angeles Chargers visiting the Denver Broncos. The Vikings beat the Saints 29-19 and the Broncos beat the Chargers 24-21.

Sports Authority Field at Mile High is the home of the Denver Broncos.

questions surrounding the team. Do they have a quarterback

center. Denver’s reconstructed

dominant defense. Led by star

be the determining factor on

that is capable of bringing

line will need to give Siemian time

linebacker Von Miller and the

whether the Broncos make the

another Lombardi Trophy to

to go through his progressions

“No-Fly Zone” secondary, the

playoffs, or are spectators for

the Mile High City? That still

and find his wide receivers.

defense aims to make life difficult

a second consecutive year.

remains to be seen, but one

Nadal, Stephens crowned U.S. Open champions

Photo from Flickr

disappointing season a year

Establishing a running game

for opposing quarterbacks

will also be key to the success of

all season long, despite the

get back to the playoffs for a

will need steady production

the team. In the offseason, the

losses of Shane Ray to injury

sixth time in seven seasons this

out of second-year quarterback

Broncos signed longtime Kansas

and T.J. Ward to roster cuts.

year. After securing the victory

Trevor Siemian in order to have

City Chief Jamaal Charles to

success in the upcoming season.

Denver ranked first in pass

Monday night, they will host

complement starting running back

defense last season and allowed

the Dallas Cowboys in week

C.J. Anderson in the hopes that

their opponents slightly more

two before heading out on the

staggering 40 sacks and 100

he can return to form and give the

than 185 receiving yards per

road to face the Buffalo Bills.

quarterback hits during the 2016

offense a much needed boost.

game. They also ranked fourth

The O-line allowed a

season, as the Broncos lacked the

The undoubted strength of

ability to protect their man under

the team will once again be its

in total team defense.

Major League Baseball has released the 2018 regular season schedule. The schedule features the earliest start to the MLB season, March 29. Every team will play on opening day, as well. Changes to interleague play structure were announced as well. There was also a free game announced between the Oakland Athletics and the Chicago White Sox on April 17.

Visit mymetmedia.com to read James Burky’s recap

Ultimately, the offense will

of the Broncos first game.

Rockies fighting for life in wild card race By Richard Allen

themselves breathing room in the


standings, at least temporarily. At 80-65, the Rockies would

The Colorado Rockies face

lead the NL Central, who has

a steep climb for the rest of

three teams within two games of

the season as they vie for a

each other in the standings. The

spot in the postseason.

Milwaukee Brewers, St. Louis

After clinching a winning

Cardinals and Chicago Cubs

record on the most important

represent a division winner and the

road trip of the season, a pair of

two biggest threats to a Rockies

four-game series against the Los

playoff berth. The Cardinals are

Angeles Dodgers and Arizona

currently the closest in the Wild

Diamondbacks, the Rockies have

Card standings, at 3.5 games from

momentum on their side as they

Colorado, with the Brewers only

enter the final 17 games of their

a half a game behind them.

regular season schedule.

MLB releases 2018 schedule

The Broncos will attempt to

thing is certain. The Broncos

The Diamondbacks series

After an unprecedented sweep of

concludes on Sept. 14, after which Photo from Flickr

the Dodgers to begin a six-game win streak, they are only three games

Nolan Arenado has led the charge for the Rockies all season long.

back from the first Wild Card spot

the club returns home for a threegame series against the San Diego Padres. They hit the road again

and a shot to bring the one-game

of the series. He allowed three

allowed only three doubles in 36

for two games against the San

playoff to Coors Field, where a

runs before recording an out, and

games. Sure, the Dodgers are in a

Francisco Giants and four more

decade ago Rocktober began.

wouldn’t see the fourth inning in

skid, but the Rockies punished some

against the Padres. This stretch

one of the worst starts of his career.

of the best the game has to offer.

against two of the worst teams

Over the course of the win streak, the Rockies have beaten

Yu Darvish followed Kershaw,

They began the series in Arizona

in baseball gives the Rockies an

some of the best talent in the game.

and so did Alex Wood and Rich

by spoiling a good start from Zack

opportunity to capitalize on lesser

The Dodgers, who are still favorites

Hill, all top-tier talent. They walked

Greinke, capped by a three-run

competition before the final two

to walk away with the best record

away with nothing. The Rockies

home run from Nolan Arenado.

series against the Miami Marlins

in the regular season despite their

beat up the virtually untouchable

Jon Gray outdueled Taijuan

and, finally, the Dodgers again.

recent struggles, trotted out Clayton

closer Kenley Jansen, tagging him

Walker in game two, striking out

On Oct. 4, three days later, the

Kershaw, arguably the best pitcher

for two doubles in game three. In

10. After an already successful

Rockies hope to fill the stands once

in the game today, in the first game

the first half of the season, Jansen

road trip, the Rockies have given

again in the Wild Card game.

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Location Ogden Theater Location Multicultural Lounge:

SEPTEMBER 13, 2017



Women’s Tennis

Men’s Tennis

Location Larimer Lounge

Price $35

Price $20

Time 8 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Tivoli Student Union Price Free

9.14 vs. Fort Hays Location Pueblo

9.15 vs. Permian Basin Location Pueblo

Price Free

Price Free

Time 9 a.m.

Time 2:30 p.m.

Time 12:30 p.m. 9.15

Jason Aldean

Location Pepsi Center 9.15

Mexican Consulate Independence Celebration

Location King Center Price Free Time 6:30 p.m.



Location Fox Theater

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Time 7:30 p.m.

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Volleyball 9.15 vs. Regis University Location Denver


Brendan Lukens

Location Moon Room

9.18 Muse

Women’s Soccer 9.17 vs. CCU Location Lakewood

Price Free

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Time 7 p.m.

Time 1 p.m.

Location Red Rocks

Price $12

Price Varies

Time 7 p.m.

Time 6 p.m.


DACA Renewal Workshop


A Lot Like Birds

Location Moon Room Location Tivoli Unition Station 320 ABC


Ben Folds



Location Ogden Theater

Price $12

Price $33

Time 7 p.m.

Time 8 p.m.

9.14 vs. Diamondbacks Location Away

9.15 vs. Padres Location Home

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Time 10 a.m.

Time 1:40 p.m.

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9.19 Cigarettes After Sex Location Bluebird Theater 9.14

Artist talk with Anna McKee & Jim White



Location Hi-Dive

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Time 8 p.m.

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Rapids 9.16 vs. NYC FC Location Home

Location 965 Santa Fe Dr. Price Free Time 6 p.m.


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Price $16

Time 8 p.m.

Time 8:30 p.m.

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 7 p.m.

Time 1:10 p.m.

Broncos 9.17 vs. Cowboys Politically Direct, MSU Denver’s only show dedicated to politics, airs Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Catch Devyn Deeter


Location Marquis Theater

9.17 vs. Padres Location Home

Location Bluebird Theater

Price $30





Location Bellco Theater

Price $10

Price Varies

Time 6 p.m.

Time 7 p.m.

Location Home

Rockies 9.19 vs. Giants Location Away

Price Varies

Price Varies

Time 2:25 p.m.

Time 8:15 p.m.

discuss the week’s news with a guest. mymetmedia.com

TRENDING NEWS To boldly go back to a galaxy far, far away… JJ Abrams is now slated to

Like, comment, apologize International YouTube celebrity

iPhone eXtra The new series of iPhones has

Cassini spacecraft takes the plunge

For the first time in its history,

Felix Kjellberg, better known as

been announced, and it includes a

direct the 2019 film, “Star Wars:

PewDiePie, issued an apology

next-gen “handset” called iPhone

and almost 30 total years of

doors for two days in preparation

Episode IX.” Abrams will be taking

on his channel regarding his use

X. The battery is slated to last two

service, the Cassini spacecraft

for Hurricane Irma. Although

the place of Colin Trevorrow,

of the n-word during one of his

hours longer than iPhone 7, and

will disintegrate in Saturn’s

Disney World has now reopened,

after he stepped down following

gaming livestreams. Although the

will be charged by an inductive

atmosphere. The spacecraft’s

initially with limited and modified

creative differences with the

use of generally strong language

pad. The iPhone X has removed

work with Saturn has surpassed

hours, some attractions remain

Lucasfilm team. Abrams, a

on his channel is a standard,

the home button, transforming the

the expectations of the team

closed until further notice. At its

seasoned sci-fi director, kicked off

Kjellberg said in his statement that

phone into a large glass screen.

behind the craft. Unlike the

peak, the category 5 hurricane

the next chapter of the saga with

the word in question was chosen

The front-facing camera remains,

sudden and dramatic end to

also caused the surrounding

2015’s “The Force Awakens,” and

“in the heat of the moment.”

but the main function of it is now

most spacecraft in orbit, the

Florida theme parks to close

will close the sequel trilogy with

This is not the first time that

for the way in which the phone

conclusion to Cassini’s work has

to remove the temptation to

“Episode IX.” The internet has

Kjellberg has been under fire for

is unlocked. By framing the face

been set for months. We will lose

stick around for the potentially

flared up with mixed reactions to

insensitive content. He has been

directly in the camera, facial

communication with Cassini on

devastating path of Irma. The list

the news of the acclaimed director

called out previously for his jokes

recognition and identification

Sept. 15, and the Earth will await

included Universal Studios Resort,

taking back the rule of the galaxy.

involving racially insensitive

will open the home screen. The

its final radio transmission.

which claimed minor damage

statements and anti-Semitism.

sale of the $999 phone will begin on Oct. 27, and ship on Nov. 3.

After 13 years of exploration

A big storm for a small world Walt Disney World closed its

following the tropical storm.


SEPTEMBER 13, 2017


Overheard this week



December 22 - January

You will be spending most of your time near large bodies of water this week. It’ll be a blast as long as Aries doesn’t drown you.



July 23 - August 22

January 20 - February 18 Aquarius, you’re known for intellectual conversations. But this week your paitence will be tested so don’t let your temperment get the best of you!

“Is it socks on dicks weird?”

You’re usually pretty lazy, Leo. But this week plenty of good things come out in theater so get out there and people can treat you like the royalty you think you are!

August 23 - September 22

February 19 - March 20

Your workload will be light this week, so you’ll have plenty of time to catch up on your favorite pastime: sleep!

“What? Oh, no one said my name.“

I know your roommate’s mess bothers you to no end, Virgo. But this week you’ll stand up for yourself and stuff their dirty socks down their throat!


Mars will align with the tides this weekend, so if any floodings occur we know who to blame!

“There’s not enough room on this

September 23 - October 22

You’re probably regreting the tattoo of your ex’s face on your back by now, Libra. Just here to remind you of it.



page for all the bullshit that you

October 23 - November 21

April 20 - May 20

guys spew.”

You are incredibly stubborn, Taurus. But this week that’ll work to your advantage in all of your adventures!

“Have you made your X-COM yet?” — Ali Watkins “When you realize that you’re not a white American female.” — Cassie Ballard “You’re all fired.” — Jim Bofenkamp “Take the plane with you.” —Montana Martin


November 22 - December 21

May 21 - June 20

Hear or see something that makes you laugh? Shake your head? Roll your eyes or say WTF? Tweet it to @themetonline with the hashtag #overheardoncampus

— Madison Lauterbach

You are a pretty selfish person, Scorpio. But at least you were considerate enough to not hit that cat you drove by the other day.


You’re misunderstood, Gemini, and this will be obvious during your court date this week. Don’t worry though, your curious mind will have plenty to observe in jail.

“Don’t get too comfortable.”


March 21 -April 19

“It’s good to see you coming!“

Something you would put on an Esteban meme



“Is this clanky or danky?“

Met Picks:

June 21 - July 22

Keep your eyes and heart open for love. You will be targeted by cupid’s arrow this week so be prepared!

“I wasn’t bragging... this time.”


You’ve been contemplating quiting your job recently. Do it. Stealing copper pipes isn’t a real job. It never has been and it never will be.


Difficulty: Hard


63. Composure


8. GTE competitor

1. Kitten’s response

64. More than a splint

1. May honorees

9. Theater request

5. Highway behemoths

65. Brought about

2. Lamb’s pen name

10. ‘’Air Music’’ composer Ned

10. It leads to the grandstand

66. Rate of movement

3. Ransom of automobiles?

11. ___ vera

14. Stewpot

67. Time periods

4. Longfellow’s middle name

12. Lake impounded by Hoover Dam

15. Abolitionist Sojourner

5. Cowboy charges

13. Groups of whales

16. Butter substitute

6. Cupid, in Greece

18. Facilitate communication

17. Neither liberal nor conservative

7. Civilian clothes worn by a soldier

19. Distinctive flair

20. Most impudent

24. City on the Penobscot

21. Major industrial center near

25. Certain MIT grad.


26. Man with a ladder?

22. It may have a general assembly?

27. Iris layers

23. Floor support

28. Al ___ (pasta order)

26. Participant in a defensive sport

29. All-American Lancaster role

30. Massachusetts cape

31. Superb

31. Kind of patch

32. Devoured

34. States

33. Vast chasm

35. Put the shirt in the closet

36. Back at sea?

37. Mideast’s ___ League

37. Evasion

38. Every object has one

39. Plant anchor

41. Hippocratic pronouncement

40. Launch an assault

42. ‘’... ___ take arms against’’

45. It’s followed by ‘’Who goes



43. Some scholarly works

47. Worshipped

44. Teacher’s deg.

48. Preserved, in a way

45. Job or table ending

49. Al Capp’s Hawkins

46. Foot soldier’s shares

51. Melville’s doomed Captain

48. Phoebe, who played Princess

52. Tear’s partner


53. What one needs to ride the tram

50. June honoree

55. Urn

51. Worse than bad

56. Letter starter

54. Alligator pears

57. Northern Greece peak

59. 1994 Malkovich film

58. Former JFK Mach busters

62. Swiss river to the Rhine

60. Mother of Jupiter Source: http://www.onlinecrosswords.net

Difficulty: Hard





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