Volume 1, Issue 1 - Feb. 21, 1979

Page 1










Iranian students: what next? pg

Vietnam: the ''old friend'' pg 6 ·Bonds devalued

pg 3

First look .pg 4

• Feb. 21, 1979

·Merger intrigues continue by Frank Mullen


State Senator Hugh Fowler (R-Littleton) said last week the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCIIE)'s directives for Auraria reorganization will fail to solve campus problems, and a change in governance-via _a merger of Auraria 's two largesl instutitions-is the • only workable alternative for the campus. Fowler, chairman of the Senate Education Committee, said he will introduce legislation into committee next week which would merge Metropolitan State College (MSC) and the University o{ Colorado at Denver (UCD), and set up locally-elected governing boards for all state colleges. On Jan. 5, the CCHE voted 6-3 to recommend "consolidation, elimination or joint operation" of 38 "duplicitive pro"' grams" offered at MSC and UCD. Dr. Lee Kerschner, CCHE executive director, asked the two institutions to submit recommen. elations on the future of the 38 programs and asked the Auraria Board of Directors to submit suggestions on centralizing academic support services under one or the other of tbe institutions. The CCHE's directive stopped short of recommending a full merger of MSC and UCD. A CCHE spokesman said Feb. 16 the commission wishes to "maintain the 4rlndividuality" of the two institutions but an eventual merger of MSC and UCD has not been ruled out.

"I wish the CCHE luck with their p]an," Fowler said, "But· I don't think it can he done. The (CCHE) plan leaves the basic defect in the system." Fowler said Lhe " basic defect" is the present system of governance in Colorado. Ile said an elected board for each institution would he more responsive to student need$. The problems at Auraria , he said, are made much more complex by the division of authority among the three institutions and the Auraria Board. Presently, the Auraria Board 1nanages the Student Center and Child Care Cen~e rs, Public Safety, Physical Plant, the warehouse and other "non-academic" facilities and services. The three institutions manage individual academic support services (financial aid, counseling, veterans' affairs and others) and offer their own vocational, undergraduate and graduate programs. UCD and MSC offer undergraduate programs in many of the same are'as. The CCHE Jan. 5 report cited 38 "duplica.ted programs" in the areas of business, management, arts and sciences, and the social sciences. Fowler said while other state agencies have increased their workloads, they have managed to hold down budgetary· increases. Higher education, he said, is experienc~ ing a decline in enro11ments,° yet they have had a great increase in costs. He said Auraria is a prime example of money wasted due to duplication of programs,


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services, and a m~nagement system too complex to be effective. "You have an i m pos.sihle situation down there (Auraria)," Fowler said. "The attitude (of the institutions) is 'leave us

alon'e and everything will be okay' We've (the legislature) left them alone for seven years, and the problems are still there ... it isn't because they haven't tried to solve t hem. " continued on page three

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