Volume 1 Issue 3 - March 3, 1979

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A University of Colorado at Denver (UCD) student stood next to his car March 1 and watched his transmission fluid drain onto the asphalt of 12th Street. His car's transmission pan fell casualty to the uneven surface of an Auraria parking lot. Clarence Pate, who pays 50 cents.a day to park in the lot between Speer Blvd. and 12th Street, was leaving the campus when his car's bottom scraped one of the large bumps near the lot's driveway. One block later, all the transmission fluid drained from his car. "I've always had problems hitting and ~raping the bottom of my car in these lots," he said. "I really feel sorry for the people who drive in here in two-seaters. There is just n9 way to avoid the bumps

and holes in these two lots (lots P and Q). The obstacles are everywhere." Lots P and Q were called "a maintenance nightmare" by the head of campus Physical Plant. These lots, bordered by the Physical Education BuildinJ?. Speer Rlvd I arimer St. and Lawrence St. are plagued by huge pocholes and buckling asphalt. "P and Q are the older lots," said Larry Hodge, director of the Physical Plant. "We've filled up the potholes twice this year but the water and the freeze just pops the new surface right out." Hodge said P and Q were originally designed as grasS areas. He said if the areas are to remain parking lots they should be completely cleaned out and resurfaced. In the meantime, he said, Auraria will try and "stay on top" of maintenance.

• Vol. 1 Issue 3

March 7, 1979

One lot decreases

Auraria parking rates increase. by Emerson Schwartzkopf Changes in Auraria parking lot rate structures-approved last Thursday by the Auraria Board of Directors-could mean a possible doubling in costs to users this fall. By a unanimous vote of the four members present, the Board approved the implementation of an Auraria staff proposal recommending changes in parking lot rates ranging from a 50 percent reduction to two 100 percent inci:-eases effective Sept. l. The largest change in a lot rate is in Lot L (see map , p. 3), whern parking will be card access only for S20 per month. Dr.

J erome Wartgow, Auraria Higher Education Center (AHEC) Executive Director, said Thursday the lots would have electronic gates restricting general access. Holders of " blue specials "-permits al1owing special parking privileges on campus-would he given first priority on the new $20 lot, Wartgow said. He added any other spaces left in Lot L-currently a $10 per month parking lot-would be available "on a first-come, first-served basis." Lot N-currently the " blue special" lot in front of the St. Francis Interfaith Center-will be converted to a 20 cents per hour metered lot, .W artgow said. Wartgow also announced rate changes at five other Auraria parking lots included in the staff proposal. Lot G, directly adjacent to the Auraria Student Center, will be converted to an hourly lot staffed by an attendant, with a 25 cents per ho\]r rate- and a daily maxi· mum of $1. The rate change at Lot G- currently al 50 cents per day - would facilitate parking for shorl•term users at the Student Center and Learning Resource Center, Wartgow said. Lots P and Q. both directly northeast of the Physical Ed ucation and Recreation (PER) building, will go up from their cur· ren l 50 cents per day rate to 75 cents per day. Like Lot G, both lots P and Q will have an attendant present. Attendants at aU three lots will be on du· ty from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Lot B, directly south wrsl of the Auraria tennis courts, will change from 23 cents for four houn, lo 50 cents per day. Lot A, across 8th St. from Lot B, will go down

from 25 cents for four hourst to 25 cents per day. Lots J and K (see map) will reverse their designations, with LotJ becoming a monthly permit lot, and Lot K changing to a 50 cents per day rate. Under th ~ pr~posal, Wartgow said, monthly permits bought by the month will go from $10 to $14-but permits bought for an entire semester will run only $12 per month. Wartgow added all lots will be restriped and upgraded. Wartgow said Auraria will also give up responsibility for Block 243, a parking lot owned. by the City and County of Denver.

Block 243, bounded by Larimer St., Speer Blvd., and Cherry Creek, will no longer be patrolled and maintained by Auraria, Wartgow said. Auraria currently receives 25 cents of every parking permit bought in the lot for services rendered. All other lots will retain their current rate structure. Other Auraria par~ng changes include moving the parking office from 9th St. to the Auraria Public Safety office- under the Lawrence St. viaduct at 7th St.-and expanding the hours to 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Friday. Changes also include tne implementation continued on page three




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